Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1923, p. 2

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,|llI1_VlIl. I ` I (`m:uc.".lMudjmmwd to meet in Thornton on 'l`Iw.'~.1fa_\'. .I"e':\. 6. at 10 21.111, ._... .,..`..,...u.. nu uu-` h\ll.llICUIalIlll.> I Replying to enquiry lrom Uou_ncillor Ar- ' nold as towhy the township should pay for I rubber boots for men employed by the municipality, Deputy-Reeve Allan said that i `in certain places men had to stand in` deep water much of the time and it was; almost impossible to get_gnen to undertake g such work if this equipment was not pro~ vided. Councillor Leslie suggested that such equipment, when not in use, should he kept__at the Clerk's office. . l"L...2_._, , _ V I` A ` ` ouvuuaulp. 1|: _wus ugreea [0 pay [-118 amount asked. $27.00~(being at the rate of $1.00 per rod), upon Mr, Rogers signing the agree- ment reiieving the township from any ` further expense in this connection. I D.._.|__:_;_ ., - -- --3 At the inaugural meeting of Innisfil Council held at Stroud on January 8 all the members were present. After the declar- ationseof office had been taken, Reeve Cole- man made a short address in which he emphasized the need of strict economy. ' owing to the high tax rate. This. condition of atfairs, he said. was not peculiar to Innisfil but obtained in other townships througbout the county as well as in the towns and villages. He thought that if the road expenditure did not exceed the amount iof the ordinary statute labor that the re- ,duction in the tax rate might be possible. ?He was hopeful that the county would be able to reduce its expenditure this year. Mr, Coleman expressed his great regret that illness had compelled the treasurer, Mr. Black. to resign. He hoped that ere long Mr. Black might recover his health. Other members of the council also made a few remarks. ` `I? `l'!._,,, 1 1 f IUllIdll\o I W. Rogers personally asked the couucill for some awistance in meeting t-he expenses ' of cleaning out the ditch running through his property at lot. 6, con. 6, pointing out-. that the work was in direct benefit to the township". It _was agreed to the amount asked. 827,_llwina M H... .-..o.. at C1 nn ...-_ -.__.__.:_..._._.__... ,. Axgyone appearing in Harrison, manna than nmnlin Al 51.- 12.. 1.n_,_ s-ulcu as nuuuws: vvunann r at 35325; W. B. Sloan. ; at 3275; Thomas Sawyer, a. Board of H'nnIH\- I m - , umuuls oawyer. of Health; J. W; n qnrlion-Ln . M--L . . . . . . . l 1.05 . . . . . . 360,395.81 . . . . . . . 4.70991 . . . . . .3 180.16 meet at_ Allandale 1. at 11 .a.m. . up}-unuucu I scur- per year, Other follows: William 5, u_7 1) QI....__ "appointed treas- A. um... l\L|--- [1 `U IVIl\|\-II B- By-laws were mlssecl confirm1_ng appoint- ment. of l0wn.~;h1p officials. '11.... 4:... P..- H... ....lI....o.... on ....o...-.. to the Sick J., u. H. is; No 'y inspec- ~ appoint- THURSDAY. JAN_UARY' 18, 1923. b F. A._ MCLEAN. S.Deput`y Minister of H_ighwa_vs. T?ep:\rt1x1e11f of Public Hfghxvays. Ontario. !'I`9r`onto, Jan. 10, 1923. 3c -..-.-- --.e-..v~v- , an 1 av , \lu\'. A marked cheque for $500.00 payable to the Minister of Public Works and High- Iways, Ontario, or a Guaranty Company's bid bond for a similar amount must be [attached to each tender. A Guaranty - Compan_v s Contract Bond for 50 per cent. of the amount of the tender will be furnish. ed by contractors when contract is signed. All bonds must be made out on Depart- mental forms, \ -"FL- l_-__-_- luzcutnl 1U|Ll1B_ ' 1 `The lowest or any tender not necessarily `accepted. ggw . u-up-u.-- - .- .....vu . Plans, specications, information to bid- ders, tender forms, and tender envel may be obtained on and after Wednesday, January 17th, 1923, at the office of the Iundemigned, or from H, E. Macpherson. `Resident Engineer, Barrie, Ont-. Sealed tenders marked Tender for Con- tract No. 806" will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon on Mon- day, Feb}-uary 12th. 1923, for grading from the South Limit of Innisl Town- ship northerly 4.0 miles. Notice to Contracfors IIUIIPQV . -V: - ~ a - n - u u n o n R. F. Lowrio, prr.-.paring_ financial` statement Rng_ Arnold. two lambs killed. lot. on .......Q uuu n il{Ir>l.1:l" in` McCmxk1-3'. lull? lulu: fnurt(*_1-nth ' Innisfil in" t two humircw ()n tlmj 1' foot by six! Six`); urn 0n(- lmmlrv Then-. i.~ running th wholl_\' out-1 united for 3 I"_.,, , , `Sut ' Under III: the late .1. be Offered urday. nnz.` I I Of Valuabi ship Of I E\lIIC(I I\II Terms. t and the hul sale will In and in thy x ence Sriglv x1nrh_rsi;_-m--i .`1\r|A\ Ll! Trwit co .-\<-L aguixnst [hr of the villa Simcnv (1001 I qn.-I I I`) |"(>lI` I JV undomgm Fvbrunrv JA`l.lL\,. I ' whibh t}1`(: "THURSD1 u-----:-- :7 :-w>--_ The first meeting of Essa Council took place on Monday, Jan. 8, at Thornton. The following accounts were. on motion of Jennelit and Coxworth. passed for payment: Nort.hern_ Adviuice. financial state- ment . . . . . . . . . . . M . . . . . . ....$ 25.17 Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto 10.00 Wm; McClain. school attendance 0 officer ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05.00 III". I\__,,__ n,_,. _ II... .. L`IuILlIl'. 10tlh dz: Nonc m'ri;;i> ` $."(m(`1-; 'lNSL'.- T'ICK..: Buckw PIIOHC Mo `WRAP! 1 -'%N[N_"i':1.!i..1|=!=._C!.):, Am. Ann BUS EXE Qluipn `..II Phne.:~ ?'Gsic1d9.-Ra.'642 uid 390 um} 1 v V .. 3555. C.`"`i- I Two- Largest Shoe Retailer: in Canada COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 27, AND CON'I'lNUING'TlLL gas. 10, 1NcLuIyI;, ---2l1 .2... LI_. _.__ _n~n_,__!_ -._ Ac1juALLy 10% To 75 %% REDUCTIONS. WWWIII, UK`-II`)! Aoudnncn'nfficers~~$1uml Sections 1. 2 and 11, .)o.~.'. Fife; S(*c)ns 3. 4 und 14. Wm. McClain-; Section 5. Wm. Copolumh! Sections (3 mud 15. Jus. A. Ieunox: Sec-. tions 7 and 8; Fred Arnold; Sections 9 and} 10, Wm. Pearce: Section 13. W'm. Mor- rir<<.~n. ` J I_\__.__ IVf.__.,,.,_, \',,,1_l,_ , I'L',,f,!,,, I`! Look for the big adv}. hi 1ie`) is of this paper. ` ` R. NEILL, Ltcl.{ -y-----vuuv u--j-:ju QC Qninn-nvj we will give the people. of`BarrieV and sur- rounding country the biggest values iri' Foot- wear ever heard of.` - - ' - ' Ev". ii. 'i5n~}{v6c'$i3'xf. cm. Footwear Specials Coming % EVERYTHING IN If your old heme needs remedeling, or if you are planning to build be sure to give us a ca{l. We will estimate on the job and it won t cost` you a, cent. Let us know when you want us. e We give exceptional repair service. Our past experience qualies us f6x such work" Yqu will nd that we can supply all of your needs and ,that our suggestions will save quite a. bit of expense and annoyance .for`you Your_home is worth more to you now than ever before. nDon t let it get {in a. run-down condition. Ibis much easier to make minoz repairs than it is arbig` job. Don t de?1a._v too long in having repair work done. Consult Us About % { { Your Building 120 Dunlap St. V % 0PPosm.=: BARRIE sr cs.z`i=; Juan, J". n_ n. t. 1' cm, Lu.\r.u.. Lean, ` nu-mlvor of Board; W. woudy, Sony. A Mn-.al...m.. '.\l'i.um.- Q..!..\.-.I Q.` I} . LVlU' 31'. Din- 100.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 .37 l uvvu -uv- vvvvnuulvvliullnhl --- l Orillia Packet~-A meeting of the County! of Simcoe Life Underwriters Association was ' held at the Y.M.G.A. on Tuesday at 1.30 o'clock. A fair reprwentation of the Life `Insurance men was present, and the fol- lowing officers were elected for the year 1923: W, R. Devins, President; John McL.e Cooke. Vice-President; F. W. I-Iewitson. Secretary; Wm. Boyle, Treasurer; W. N. Lowes, M. Teefy Mulcahy and R. G. Col- line were elected to fill executive positions. It was decided that the next monthly meet- .ing be held at Barrie. A membership cam- paign is to be soon started with an ob- jective of one hundred members for the [County of Simcoe, l _._ Alliston Herald---'I`-hievery is `rife down in the Thom-psonville district `this wiuter.- It started with some heavy thefts of chickens in the, fall when several farmers lost heav- } ily from thiscause. One night last week another raid was made on the barns down there and though there was snow on the :ground _which carried the trail of the thieves it was not possible to track them to their lair.` At Wm. Wright s barn five and a half bagsof red clover seed. three bags of beans, about forty new bags and a new. robe were taken and carried across in field to tcn`eide-road where a cutter was backed into the ditch to receive the booty. From here -the thieves seem to have gone to Milton Murphy s barn where they did not touch about bfilfty bags of alsike seed piled up on the floor. buttook a--lot of threshing machine tools and wrenches. At Russell Kirby's they took a bag'and a half of red clover seed `and left the sweet clover seed standing beside it. Maguire Robson lost. `a robe. This happened Wed- nesday night and on Thursday and Friday some search warrants were executed re- venling nothing. Some time before these thefts Den, Lynch, south of _town, lost. five bags of _alsike.' In the Thompsonville 94 {raid there must hnve been three men aul g two walked side by side across Mr. Wright's ll Ifield to the cutter`and tracks around it seemed to indicate that three men werei; implicated in the robbery. g . ! That a young girl to whom he became! `attached about .a vent 320. shortlv after; i his 16th birthdav. started him on the road :\vh oh has made him the youngest dope` fiend" zind gambler in the annals of De-i trait. was the story unfolded in court byi g 17-yam`-old Kenne'h McKay. MUCH THIEVING some on- m TECUMSETH TOWNSHIP SIMCOE LIFE UMSERWRITERS n..:ll!_. I').. - _,A |IV\.'|l. Fonve Viewor.~'- ~No1'thern Division. Gem] Davis. Jnu.'Dn1~son and David McCunn: Southern l`|i.\"u-lion. Goo. Cunnimzh:m1. Wm, Mcain and Wm. ~McMaster: Western Div- ision, S. A. \Vhitoside. Harvey Cmupboll and Jun. Alden-son. I'l_.._J I`f--__-__ KY I "L',, ! ,, I'\,,'I At the hockey match held in the Crystal rink Friday night the Elmvale hockey ` team defeated a team from Barrie Collegiate in a game that was full of excitement. 'The Barrie boys came up on the night 1 train which prevented the game from being started until after 9 o c_lock; nevertheless a t fair-sized crowd witnexed the g-Arne . .-The ice was in first-class shape and excellent seating capacity was provided for all; even as many more could have been seated. Eight penalties for"m`nor offences were handed out by referee H. Carson cf Bar:-ie_ n the first period the play "was pretty well first goalsbut`in a very few minutes-Barrie scored their firstand only one on A. Bea*ds- all, who played an excellent game in the net, though this was his first game. Before the .bell sounded Cooper. aga n found the netsand the period ended, Elmvale 2,,Bar- evened up. Cooper for Elrnvale scoring the ~ - theoserviceat the house was conducted by` SIJIVIVC. The funerzglc which 'was`h,e!d on Wednes- day afternoon, was- largely attend'd and` Rev`. R. M. Hanna, pastor of Knox Pres-' byterian Church. of which the deceased was a faithful member. ~ ,_ \-.._,., ......F_,...... Besides the bereaved husband, she leaves to mourn her untimely death, one daughter. Mrs, Chas. Kidd, and three sons, Joseph of ' Victoria, B.C., William of Lang, Sask.. and John of Stayner. One sister, Miss` Turnbull of Baxter, and two brothers, An- drew of Alliston and Jbseph of Baxter, still survive. r "BL- l`.__-__I -,,l' 1 ' .I nu cu m uuuulu ()1 un: Hl_l.Ill`b'. ' The deceased was born in Scotland nearly ; eighty years ago, being the daughter of Mr. J and Mrs. `Andrew Turnbull. Upon her mar-3 riage to Mr. Hood they moved to Sunnidale ; where they lived until about thirteen years I ago. then coming to spend the remainder of their days with their only daughter. "D..,.:.I_- ;L- L`-._._--__,I L,,,I I uu: w:1:z\_ That the house was not set on fire ` a miracle as glass and coal oil were covered from the thrd top step to bottom of the stairs. 'I"L- .I ____ -__I ._L__ 1.__,, :,, a,,u, 1 uauguun, Lvua. uuua, Luuu. . ~ I On the Sunday evening prior to her death Mr. and Mrs. Kidd and family and Mr. and I. Mrs. Hood were sitting around the fire} when the decensetl` arose, took a lamp and; went upstairs for her spectacles. When she was returning down the stairs with the. lamp and spectacles in her hands she fell. Ouhearing the noise the femily rushed in and found her. lying unconscious at the{ foot of the stairs. Medical aid was summon- ' ed at once and everything possible was donevbut the deceased became partly con- scious only a very few times throughoutl the week, a I V'l`L..4 LL- L_..,._ ___,, , -4 A N 1" W11: `the aeoond__aoction, Elmvale boys came I ._.v 3.---.. ~----7. ..`...`..,r .4. .--- -...v 5--.-..- ` I The election of officers res ted as fol-3 lows: Board of Managers, W. K. Ritchie.f A. M. Drysdale, Thos. Cooper, Rutlandg Elrick; Financial Secretary, W. H. Ritchie; 5 Treasurer. H, Carnahan; auditor. John Mc- Auley; Cemetery Committee, Robt. Green-9 law. W. A. Malcolm, W. Andrew. Geo.E Ritchie. W. D. Cotton. W. K. Ritchie D. Currie, D_ Graham, W. J. McGuire. A ' E After lying unconscious for nearly six! _days from the effects of a fall, `Mrs. Max:-i garet Hood, beloved wife of James Hood.` {passed over to the.Great Beyond on Sat-L urday. Jan. 13, 1923, at the home of her; daughter, Mrs. Chas, Kidd. I nu Qnnrluur n1vn1\:nn nu-:t\r On Lam rhunlvk ! The annual meeting of the Elmvale Pres- byterian Church was held on Thursday; e\'eniug. The past year was one of the; lmost successful financially in the church's; history. Reports from the various organiza- 3 tions were presented and adopted. each: showing advances over the previous year; and carrying forward substantial balances.` During the year there was an extra ex- pense-for roofing material for the church: and sheds. That this was provided for; lwithout going into debt was due to the! lhandsome donation from the Ladies Aid. I EMU I'lI\Ic XIIIICIFUIIU Pound Ker-.pcrs--No. I Division. David Dunn; No. 2, Thos, Flatt; No. 3. W. C. Banting; No. V 4. Wm. Pearce; No.` 5. Wm. Flynn; No. 6." Jas. A. Lennox; No. 7. Jun. Twulkom. ' ! CL--- 1_l..-L,_, IV 1 r\',' ' I Perhaps the most important businees was! the adoption by the congregation of a plan` to beautify the cemetery and provide for. the pernmnent upkeep of a`:l the graves.l an, .I.,.:._ -3 ,1;-9.," ,,, ,1. 1 an I H;.nna Ritchie Pearson Simpson A1-'nold Foster Dutcher Currie Bishop Tyrer Anders'on McI{oull - ,!:=1-.!~!VAI-E "EVE T . VBIIPQQAII O mmf. `slump, R.e;r;s-e-n;a;ti:e- . If &&%&m&a$m&&m& e -h&;v's.`I.`I.ui`' :>`x:'`;s: of Saskatoon," Sz`1sk{, is the guest of `friends in Eluivale. inn pkiI;nn nf 'l`nv-nnfn 3: v;e:f$na 111:-u I/IIU 5\IUIu UI IIICIILIB Ill . ` . Miss Philips of Toronto 13 vxsmng wxth her sister, Mr}. (Rev.) St-ubbs. W.|wm'uI Tannnxr nf (`.1-nil: Sadr in visit. LICK BIUIEI, H119: \l.\IUVcI L`H.'|.l|.IlEo Elwood Lennox of Craik, Sask., is visit- ing his mother, Mrs. Jane Lennox. Inc. `B Kxnlu A; I21-hrt\'I-A `n v=c;f;n|r Ill IIIB IIIUIIIIUL, nun. IIGIJC JJCUIIVJL. I 5 . Miss E. Neilly ofiBr'adfo'rd is visiting. with her sister, Mrs, Walter Dewar. T 11...... l\l\ Gab`:-u'uIAn1y tnnnnu-Iv `Q 10`)? On Mccarthy Gun Games l Great interest is -l.e`ng shown th s yearl in the schedule games for the McCarthy; cup among the local members. Two games are played each night commencing at 7.30 o'clock. V Following is the Wstanding of 1 the rinks up to and including Tuesday of? lhisoweckz 4- T 117, `I __L TI`. I'\I,.__ I I9 dIJUo VVVIIIISUUI. Sheep .Valun.tor.`~'~-No, 1 Division. Jos. Flatt; No. 2, Wm. `McClain: No. 3. F. A.] Arnold; No. -1. Jos. McMaster: No. 5. `Chas. Bluckstnck; No. 6. Jas. A. Leunox:! No. 7. Jno. Elliott I `un`:.nl;~,, `II. II 1.I'..u.... ......l Q...-.....I `J, Wilson spent the week-end at his hgme in Milton. ' 1 n..__ -: An:_4.-._ -..'__L u_- _._-1_ ___l WIUII MCI D|5IrVI _y UIID. 7' DIIUL I.IU\VIu Born, on Saturday, January 13, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Oacax-.Archer_. a daughter. .":nnnn Mn-Inn. hut` 154....-.ol.u.- nu" II` I'll. uuu Ullo KEVCI-4'Il\JllUI_g II GU MICK: -Misses, Marjory and AD9rothy; Bell of ` Gilford are visiting `with their sister, Mrs. R. P. Burton. i n n_____L-_ :_ :_ vE.-L-_.. u_:_ _.--1-! I\vo Kc IIUIVIUII. , ` H. Carnahan is in Kitchener this week} attending the Furniture Exhibition which` is being held there. i unnbnxv mninh Minocina uc Wmudln in! I5 uclug US$111 vuulc. I Hockey match, Minesing vs. Elmvale, in; Crystal rink, Friday, January -19, at Si o'clock. Come and cheer for the boys. Thu nnnunl iv\nA`:I\lI II` 9": An AlII':n!Il-I gi&&%$*&&&m&&%i] l)l;nxr.<;Evu:\`lliston spnt the week-end at R. P. Bu:-ton s ' n__ \ n-__--; -: Q....l-..L...... .a.-...1.` :_ `--(Advt.) . U ClUUl\o UUHIU llllu ULICUI. JUL I/LIU lllljo Thg annual meeting of the Flos Agricull t-ural Society will be held in the Won-kmen's I hall on Saturday, January 20, at 2 o'clock. 1.... n n-.....:..'.. 1....: n.. ..o..m..`...1.:..I. 1 ""\ltlVl:.) . Jas. E, Beards'all had the stable,/Which! "he purchased from F. -Grigg,` moved to the lot in the rear of his butcher shbp where he will use it as an ice house and garuge.. Y l\ Ql...n tnlhn. :v\ 4}... Goa.-In-A nan`: . UU Wlll USU II US I111 ICC HULRM ll guI.u5\':.- ` J. O'Shea, teller in the Standard Bank has been moved to Caunington. J". Cook] has been promoted to-fi1l the vacancy here. -' S. E. Martin of Wcst Hi?! is in charge of I the ledger. ` ' ' g IL... Quin nu 'l`nv\t'lnI-_.'|"n)\!`AI'c hill nu. J. ouu. vacuum. I Auditons---W. H. Hut-ton and Sumut-1' n _.,-:| .,1:,_L,,, ,3 . . ' nil but nuugrr. . i ` For S_ le By Tender---Tenders will be} received by the undersigned up to February 5 1st for sixteen acres -of standing timber on? lot nineteen, con. six, Flos. Highest or any other tender not necessarily, accepted. David Mrtin, R.R. 1. 'Elmvale.--(Advt.i.ej Presbyterian ' Successful Year 1' .I val ,, I Won Barrie I, Elrhvale 5 The Late Mrs. Hood `nu:-: nuuzuz EXAMINER To Play t.1;e IllI >lII- Ill III IIg`\|Il" Uuuzluln. ~ 'I`h0 tinmv for the collwmr to return his ml! was x-xtendod to Feb. 6. ~ 'I`ho'fullowin}: are the appou1r.men~w: A.~:~1=.x~=or. George D. Banting. Board of ]{9alI.h--Goorm- L`. Davis. chair man; 1). s, I`). T. VVc.~'t,. M.0.H; w. J. Me.` I .. A6` I) ..._..l . ll 3.! I12- 1...... n...... . .. v-- an .--cw-ncuuw Fire destroyed a buines block at. Mid- land Monday afternoon, entailing a loss-of gfifteen or sixteen thousand dollars on the, isbocks; of the three occupants--Ben Fra- leigh, `Jos. Simpkin, and Garber 6: Son. The former two carried men-%"and' boys` clothing and furnishings. Gerber & Son were dealers in boots and shoes. The first two carried some insurance, but Gerber 6; Son had none. The building was 3 one-if story, cement block structure. and was built by Arthur Osbome of Simcoe about 15 years 1.... g e 3 Elmvale--Goal, A. -Beardsall; left defense. F. Ritchie; right defense, Dr. Tyrer; cent-re, J. Wilson; left forward. R. Cooper; right .forward. H, Lawson; subs.. `L. Robinson, I L. Simpson. Y\A` 7: n l- Livingston of the visitors was watched iclosely and -was-unable to get away and gshow any of his speed. Clark played a good game in goal as he was called upon to `stop some hot ones after the locals had penetrated the Barrie defense. H. Lawson ,made a good appearance _in this, his first lganie; he showed 1 good pluck and wasea lhard worker throughout the game. Tyrer and Ritchie on the defense put up a strong [game and prevented the visitors from get- |ting a close-in shot on the nets, Cooper [played a hard game `and kept t-he goal itender on his alert while Wilson at centre ;played his usual strong game displaying some fast skating and good stick-handling. The line-up was as follows: En - nn 1'\ 1-... .. .. _.- ,..`. ....-U ....~ J'*WI'3z1_1're--Goal, left defense,` R. Flaherty; right defense. M. Livington; centre. L. Wiles; left forward. C. French; right forward. H. Smith; subs.. J. Ross. W. ` Copeland. ` ' nn 1 . w\ . . . . _. `......_..., ......-._.y 14 ...-..-u V- With the Ehnvale defence playing a close. tight game the Barrie boys were; unable to get any close-in shots at the" locals` net, although Bsardsall was called upon to stop some hot ones in the last .period. The play was more exciting in thisi iperiod as the visitors seemed determinedf 3 t0-score. Wilson, Richie and Simpson made ;sQme beautiful individual rushes but were gunable to`locate the nets and the bell gsounded with no scoring, Eluivale thus iwinning 5 to 1. i i `I 3 , l I l 3 I I 1-.` _. -r----V-V.-. Referee. H. Carson. Life -Fire - Sick - Accident We have opened an office in Elmvale, opposite the Standard Bank, and are prepared to take risks in a number of the best `companies. Call or phone be- fore placing your insurance. Phone No. 95 C. E. DUTCHER INSURANCE FIRE AT MIDLAND IV llli IVIIJLIIKIIII. $31-IUUI KIDICIIUGIIUU Wm. Pearce, tax collector on ac- count Hon. G. S. Henry. fee to Good Roads Asziociuttion ... . . . . . . . . . Municipal World, nomination forms W. M. Dimvoodv. nomination ex- v: sm - I W. B. Sloan; tax collector, presenteda statement showing: A Total on roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..86|.85l.03 Percentage. etc. . . . . . . . . 74.53 Paid to banks . . . . . . . . . Defaplters list ..; . . . . . .. Credit bal. to collector . ..$ (`.......:I ...l:...._._ _ J A - Anyone appe ' ' ' wearing the regll-ila:1g>f?he `1{a\rxnKl?1'x will be arrested and rim-.n . ....:... .... uncuu Iuu. IU UIIIIUCEOT .. Council adjourned to meet on I'hursday. February um ucuuu. _, W. Lennox Black was appointed urer at a salary of $300 year, officials were named as V Latimer. assessor `collector of taxes S :3 member of the Board [Black and `Walter Reive. auditors; Grose and William Smyth. sanitary `1 tors. By-laws. confirming the above 3; ments. were passed. A HI-on} n` (In nn -_-.- --r- ` - ` v.:uI-utcll a xxuapual, -.l0l'0!|?0. A number of accounts were paid including 842.00 to_ W. D, McCabe for she-:-p killed! by dogs. I 12 Q1)... 5.... --vL - _ unuscula. uuuu. Afol. I It was `moved by Councillor` Leslie, sec- :onded,by' Deputy-Reeve Allan, that the resignation_of James Blacl-:, t.re:1surer. be accepted mth regret and that the council `go on record as agpreciating his services- in the past and hoping that he" may regain his health. `I7 I` fun a xucnu: VVC}C puascu, 1} zI'8I`lt of $10.00 was made Chdren s Hospital, .Tog-ongo_ A nnmknr nf mu-nu-.o.. ....._. _-: V ._..l,.. _.... um vu.,nn.. unuL'C.. Clxairuieii for the several commit-fees` were appointed as follows: Roads and Bridges. Deputy-Reeve Allan; Finance,` Coun. Leslie; Education, Conn. Reynolds; I '_Indigents. Coun. Arnold. to ....... '.........n 1... n4 --- - -- J\r.,;_ rlllllllil. IJVU UIIIIUF :\I||l`|I. lUl I 20.con.8 . . . . . . . .. 15.00 Samuel Milligzm, refund dog tax .. _ 2.00 Reeve Dnvis was anoointed delegate to Good Roads Convention in Toronto. Feb. 28 to March 2. ..-.l --__tZ__..2.._. .__._...!..L

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