Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1923, p. 12

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3-4p ' I|"v ! 39'? GUTHRIE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE (The monthly.` meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. Ansdell on Friday, Jan. 12, with seventeen ladies present. The meeting. opened _with . the President in the chair. ` After the usual routine of business Miss `Jessie Ansdell favored the meeting with an instrumental solo. Mrs, Alex. Campbell gave an excel- lent address on The Social Side of Farm Life". Mrs. Camp-bell wondered how many [of us would like to change with our sisters `in the city. We have the comforts of liv- ling. while the modern city life for the `comfortably situated is too luxurious to be ..good for the body, the mind or the morals. !Mgs. Campbell thought the social side of farm life very far reaching. She said we could make the church the centre of `strength for our social life. She believed that fewer organizations would be better. ?Pure thoughts -and high ideals are to be idesired before numbers, but no matter how {small the. number there could still be lsociability. ' \ 2 The members regretted the absence. of 2 Mrs. Wm, Jermey, who had a paper,pre- pared on `."I'he Beauties of Friendshin. no nrnn nnnnnnldnrd A hay I1.-.-.'o.. 'vc1y uuuuq xuuuut ` Mrs. Alex. Camwbell kindly invited the- ;Institutc for the February meeting." Mrs. !J. M. Gilchrist and Mrs, V. Luck ar'ex- pootod to prepare papers for it. llnlll UH , L116 JJUILUUIUB UI I`1'|CIlllulU. 9 1Roll call was responded to by Don'ts `for Sick Room". . 1 ml __--z.:.._ _:-___n '__:n_ AL- __.:___1 nu D!Ul\ l.\.UUl.u . .A ' The meeting closed_with the national anthem after which Mrs. Ansdell served a `very dainty lunch; E I wt... Al... rv........1...u 1.:...u.. :....:o..A A... A IIIIIF Ullcl IIIUIIIC UCLI The officers of the Sunday School `Association of St. Andrew's Presby- iterian Church were re-elected at the ,annual` meeting of the Association. lheld last Thursday. An excellent fnancial condition was shown by the 'tre'asurer s report. The officers are: Pres., Rev. G.VA. Brown; Secy., E. Longman; Treas., Miss N. Goodall; ;Rec.` Secy., Miss I. E. Pae. ; Your feet will want to dance in time with the rapid comedy pace of Rupert Hughes new Goldwyn photo~ `comedy, Come On Over, which ;comes to-New Dreamland, Friday iand Saturday. It's Irish and it's American and it s funny and it has .-a dancing nish that will go straight jto the hear.t---as well as the feet- ;of anybody who sees it. Charming ' _Colleen Moore has her best role as ` the Irish lass left behind by her `sweetheart when he started for { America to make his fortune. uuu uwu VIBILUIB WCIU prcacul. Miss Frances Priest read a paper entitled Home Life" and Mrs. Alex. Gilchrist one on Planning -a Life". Both were excel- lent and every one enjoyed them. A committee was appointed to meet a committee from the U.F.O. Club to arrange ~for an entertainment of some sort in the incur future. After the `business was fin- ished and the meeting closed, Mrs. Rupert served `a daimy tea. b . ..._ -........._- _-.--..... I 1 Early Wednesday morning the Trernonti `House, Collingwood, was damaged by fire `to the extent of several thousand dollars. |Thc blaze appears to have originated in the basement and spread to the upper stor- ` ies, giving the firemen a stubborn fight. .Thc building was erected in 1889 by J. J.` McCormick. It is a solid -brick structure. I. owned by James Henry and George Honing- gworth. There is insurance of 310000 on the building and $3,000 on the contents. * ._._........___ ..._...--- Citizens who subscribed, and many who did not, it is said, to a certain Toronto wo1nan s magazine, are receiving letter%` from a collecting agency in which they are ,threatened with legal action unless they remit $2.00 subscription to the magazine. The agency and the nizxguzint: must have a peculiar conception of an obligation if they imagine that they can make collec- tion for `a magazine that was paid for at the time of ordering and cancelled at its cxpiration- or never ordered or received at all. HALL TO RENT for entertainment, com- pletely furnished. including piano, chairs tad kitchen ulensils. Apply to B.. D._ 0`Neill. - 49:fc _. W T I I I The Institute meeting of this branch was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Rupert. Despite the very cold day twenty members and two visitors were present. Mia: Ifrunnna Du-in;-t ran:-I u nnnnun nnC>:`-Int` llitill H1 {/5 I56 Kill`-IL `JD. Jno. Penton; Elizabeth St., reports that his thermometer registered 34 =below zero at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, 117th. - This is considerably lower than the official gures, but there is `always liable to be variation of 't.em-- gperature registered according to the :location of the thermometer. I n\I__ .AA_'__,,,,' ,1- n, n nu - Lava, aaunsau `two Barrie men were engaged on Dunlop St. on Jan. 6 was heard` in Police" Court Wednesday morning, iwhen Magistrate Jeffs ned Charles-; ,:Astridge and `Lorne Whiting $5.00; -' and costs for acting in a disorderly` Emanner. '70 ' cyan u . __ The sequel to a scrap in which j ---Hear Viggo Kihl, great Danish! exponent of piano. and Leo Smith.| "cellist, Trinity Parish Hall, Jan. 23.] * Tickets sold at Patterson s and Monk- man s Drug Stores. ' `I ..- `I).....L.... ' Y3I:_..L_LL UL __-_____A_, II In cvwxy IFVCIIILIE G0 0 you]. The death occurred ii: New York Vthis`week of Evin Wardman, editor of the New `York Herald. Deceased was married in 1910 to Miss Violet Boyer, daughter of J. R. Boyer, Peel 'St., Barrie. "I`L_ _;......I L. _ __-__A_. 3 J 2,! LI`! \l1| lllllp V Uyl JIIICDO "; The `Salvation Army is holding a salvation campaign commencing Sun- day, Jan. 24, and continuing right `through the week, with special ser- vices every evening at 8 plm. . Thu lion`-F: nnnnn 1n`In;\l` 3;` KY4`..- `fnnipl : cujuv In _ f'-' ' -L! bk Ads. In thus column, 3c. per word it . &&&&&&&& &&&&&'&&& L : " ` I My Ifish,Rose by Trinity Dram- atic Club will be presented in the Parish _Hall, Feb. 8 and `9. 3c_ --Come to the Moccasin Dance in Mammoth rink, Monday, Jan. 22. `Good music. Admission, 50c. 3c A d...-..L .9-.. 1------ -3 ...--_-.. ......... .......... ..............,.., W... .. --A treat.for lovers of :music- Recital by Viggo Kihl, pianist, and Leo Smith, `cellist, Trinity Parish Hal}, Tuesday, Jan. 23. 3c 0 During 1922, 650 people whose ad- dress is "Barrie P. O. secured motor ,l_icenses; The number issued in the lcpunty was about 6000. ml....... '....- .._._- 1nno .:.._1-_.L._..-_ :_ NR SALE--7l'ea.m of good work horses.` Roy Hickling, phone 606r13. 51-4p cyuuuy W33 8001.113 OUUU- I There are now 1303 telephones in Barrie, Connected on the Barrie ex- change are also 45 on the Angus line, -1195: on Crown Hill lines and 176 on the Vespra lines. ,.. I rm... -a..1...`.:.... 1-..... .-.. 1_..u:.... .. i&&%&gi$$i$&m (SUB: Ill lalll IJUIIIIIJLI 0|}. PEI WUKLI EoENvALEWoMN's INSTITUTE OBJECTIONABLE METHODS FIRE DAMAGES BUILDING THE _B_ARRI EXAElER - - - - - - - - ~ V - - -v--~ -; D`-n Mike Farrell was only lmlf Irish, but you would never guess than he was only part Irish if you were to judge by the way be tackled the biggest problem man ever far-crl. as is shown in The Pride of Palom- ar, Peter B. Kyne s great drama of California. Screened by` Cosmopolitan _ Productions for Paramount under the` direction of Frank Borzage, it will be shown here for the first time on Friday and Satu_rrla_v `at the New Dreamlmnl theatre. D-1!! Mike just tore into all who oppc.-'-e-.1 his , '-rms. and in the end when the enemy were ex;-e(~.ing a final attack along Ihe same? lines. he cleverly changed his tactics and; threw a great score into them by staging` a big bluff. The Pride of Palomar-" is - being greeted everywhere as one _ of - the greatest picture successes of the jrear. Forrest Stanley has the role of Don Mike" and MarjorieDaw that of Kay Parker. `Tuesday, January 23,-the Executors of the l laie Robt. Walker, north half of lot 5,| con. 5. Innisfil. farm stock and imple- ments. 10 months credit. Sale at 1 p.m. L. M. Rutledge. Auctioneer. 3c 1 Wed., Jan. 24--Archie. Debenham. lot 27, ments. Sale at] p.m. W. A, McConkey. Auctioneer. Thursday, Jimuary 25, W. J..Smith at lot 1, con. 5, Innisl. will hold a credit sale offarm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m., W. A. Mconkey, Auctioneer. Monday, Jan. 29, Joe. Ney at lot 10, con. . 5, Fssa, will hold a credit sale of farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 pm.` W. A. McConlcey. Auctioneer. - I Wednesday. January 31, J. B. Gollinger, lot 23, con. 9, Ease, farm stock and imple- ' ments. Sale at 1'p.m. W, A. McConkey, l Auctioneer. - l Wednesday, Jan. 31--c. Hyde and B. Wil-l son, executors of the estate of the late Hiram Conn, farmestock and implements at east half lot 9, con'. 5. Essa, at which time the above-mentioned proper- . . tymontaining 100 acres more or less. will be sold. Sale at 1 p.m. 4 H. A. Grose, Auctioneer. I con. 1. Vespra. farm stock and imple- IRISH BLOOD TELLS ixnm (Z)W FOR SALE. due _to fresh the! in tar and of January. Apply W. S, Ken- ' nedy. Allnndale. Phone 8r14. 3;)` " Frank Carpenter, Barrie). I _________;"_, urea. nuurew - vvuson, (I1 . _._..-.... . nvu nnu HUN" A perusal of the February issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, the well-known Cana- dian outdoors magazine, reveals a liberal supply of entertaining. and instructive Vreading. One thing that has always feat- Eured this "national 'sportsmen s journal. is Fthe diversity of subjects it covers and like ithe preceding numbers, the February num- !ber. has something of interest and of value for sportsmen, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. There is a feature article: `Hunt- ing Wild Horses in Southern Saskatch- wan," by Harry M. Moore that is well i In entering the marriage of Kelly---Thur- I low in The Examiner of Dec. 28 an error was made in Miss Thurlow :-s address, her home being in Fergusonvale instead of Mid- land, . ` REID--Tn Hamiltoniflaxn. 4} 1923, George! Reid. formerly of B ` 7, 11; V , 1 bert Reid. mm. 1.,.::n.f. er f H" n xuuu. umucny or narrle, rather of Her- Reid. Little Lake Road, WILSON--In Regina, on Saturday, Jan.`l3, 1923. Andrew .Wilson, (father of Mrs: J Fl'8I1k C8l'Dl~'I.nfl-Ir Rnrr:n\ iBAKER'---In Hamilton, on January 11. | 1923, to.Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Baker, I 70 Chestnut Ave.. 8 daughter. 1~ GRA_VES--On Friday, Jan. 5, 1923. to Mr_ J i and Mrs. Robert Graves, Bradford St.,' a daughter (stillborn). . : MADILL-IIi Toronto, Tuesday, Jan. 9,` 1923. a son` to Mr. -and Mrs. H. W.:j Madill (nee Sadie Alpin) _ _ ; TRAVERS-In Barrie, Jan, 11, 1923. to? -Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Travers. Victoria St.., 1 a son (James Stewart). *' ` I LONGHURST---SQUIRES,--On Tuesday,` Jan. 20, at Collier St. Methodist parson- age, Barrie, Miss Lulu_ A. V. Squires of Barrie to Mr. Archibald T. Longhurgt of Barrie by Rev. H, E. Wellwood. ` r:3nuAnv"aoo AND dun" uuuuu an] In: `L. ELL- u A conacrlon . vuc.1 wunuenut New Y ldaughter. - Lulu, who long time. V sni `YOUNG BROOD sows for sa1e.f "Inn-Lain`:-ta our` Tn-nnuvnutkno ....'...l_.. ._ NO I'lCE is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Barrie Union Cemeterv will be held in the Police Court Chambers. Collier St.. Barrie. 0nt._. on Monday, Jan. 22, 1923, for the purpose of receiving the annual re- ports, for the election of directors and such other business as mav come before the meeting, including revision of the by-lawe. All owners of lots are shareholders. 2-30 A nDI\TI'7'LVYi'IY` - -- at 8 p.m... `'3' T'_ A P*',`1'5d8. Shanty E thank her neuzhbors of this ` :l`?. ...'; .i .""`3 .. .`. :`: _Y:~`' Irma '30` iCHAPIN---In loving meniory "of Belle ' Stewart, Wife of H. C. Chapin, who died on Jan. 15, 1917. $1 often sit and think of her when`I am alone `For memory is the only friend that grief nun null :4... ----- E1 For can call its own. Like ivy on the withered oak When other things decay, 0ur love for her will still I Keep green and never fade away, In,"\ -` I `LOWE---In sad and Charles William Low January 13, 1920. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1923. BARRIE UNION CEMETERY \ I V --- I I 2 cents per word; minimum 50 cents : IIIIIIII I IIIIIIII v~r A v\"v ; ::2 FARM FOR SALE-~Lot 1. con. 5, Vespra, 250.601-es in No. 1 condition. Apply W. D. Scythes, Phelps-ton P.O. Phone 119 r 2. Barrie. 50-3p IN MEMORIAM E cents per word: minimum an .....o.. - Gone but not forgotten. ~-Father. loving memory of Lowe, who passed away 20. ' -..-J . vvnoblc his this section for Year presents to her ohasbeenillfor`: ___--uvnj e, Bay. wishes '8 Of 'I;n annnn 3-- , Mother` and Brothers- --Wife and Family - FARM FOR SALE---100 acres, lot 15. con.` 4, On), 30 acres under permanent pasture. ` lots of shade and water: balance under` cuitiviltionz Q mile from school; good ! buildings. Axrpiy N. D. McCuaig, Shanty` 1333'. R. R. No. 1. 3-40, _',\`1:r tire.-.~' ;guaraI1t`oe(1 : '.501d. `Tin-.- -olive. oil:-' z. -. liollier St. L`!-.00 21;In. 3. M, Bench 3.00 pm. 7.00 p.m)-- `IUarton s` '1';-.\' great bunk 111 I,_, _1 Auto ICCUIIQ. `cu-u_ 3:9 moth will live. After'shoom\e' Innis Wmkins. 9 Toy remori-0 at 992 3bounnd up her eh Meeding :9.rter_v, $4`. -.95 Hun T0 CAR OV AND SURRC `van('e is` expc ;prn:ectT your: vances. m-`dor -.1;uirenwnt.< fr -!)nco;- frn_m G. -95-.1 vulc:mi'/.in -cf Torumo. T ,... iiiabs. mus Iuuuu Dl_\UUU ouvva I0! 88l..l Yorkshire and Tamworths: coming in in March. Apply to W. B.. Quantz, Allandale RR. 1, Phone Stroud 4:14, 2-3;: up; unb- _Hoping to 'bu.~;'ine_ss for \ Look ovop_ need repahx know, at unc sanng Dropos -you and you awe you g; 'i.as't i.<. were goinxr In advance hzxs we believe thz will take plzu your 0rd w yourself; Jn: on which wv spnnp: dvlivs-z V price both '\:sg `11.00 :I.:n. fzr.HuRsnA{ '-`tn Jan 181 Tor V Estim: GOOQ1 wo HOT WI Phone 5 `FARM FOR SALE-l00 acres an provin~ em! lu'ghwr;v 2?: miles from Hawkestonc, S0 acrts cinder cu!="rut-ion. good clav luam. clue to school. gr-I-d building;-: Apply to David Reid, R. R. No. 2. Hawkestone. 2-4p MCKEE MR. cl SPEC! Hus bu In its p if you Cll.\`tm CHOH Masonic BR! Me: MCCI-:1 WORK HORSE Cheap, no reasonable offer rnflicnl` nu nrunn :5: urn-no-aul In Dn..-L..__ Success{ COIN FIRE 52 ANI LITTLE PIGS for sale, 6 weeks old. A:p I ply Cecil Chuppel, Cmlwu Hill, Ont., R.R. 1. Barrie. 3c g I TLYING I-IOMERS pigons for sale.` will. exchange for chickens. Apply Wm. Thomp- snn, 9 James St. . 3p FOR ' SALE--Bay driving m-ar'e.' weight | RHIHI". Thh ;n a ran` !":IvnD Want .1; un. m."\ul.'1--'1Ju_Y UFIVIIIK Ill'Bl'E. WBIKDI ' vllhuut 1050. This is a real driver. Pncel reasonable. Phone Stroud 6r21. 2-5p] F61? SALE on RFNT---100 notes. all clear. Bot 6, con. 9. Tu. Essa. Bank barn; frame house; 50 rods from school and church. Apply Mrs. J. R. Hubbert. 159 Ma\ Sh. Barrie. ` 2-7n. 'Z`DCZ HELP WANTED--~An established Security! House has splendid opening for a represen- tative in this District to handle Security of the highest standing. _Dlvl(len(ls.paid the past two` years equivalent to 42%, 21% in cash. 21% in. Scrip Dividends payable quanterly . Liberal commission paid to repn-scntative. In replying enclose referen- ces, Box. G, Examiner. . 2-3c 4 OR 5 MEN WANTED for cutting wood] and logs. Board themselves, house and equipment supplied; also parties drawing sawdust from lot 19, con. 13. Innisfil, wi'h- out permission oi W. B. Quantz will be pro- secuted. ` 3c WANTED--First-class experienced White Pine graders. who understand grading under Northern Pine grading rules, to grade Spruce. Parmunent oosition if .sa'isfuctor_v.I Write if interestjl. B. C. Soruce Mills Ltd, Lumberton. B. C. 2-3c A WOMAN WANTED to do plain sewing by the day- Apply at 64 Blake St. Phone 930.1. ~ - 3p MAID WANTED for general housework." Qpply to Mrs. A, G. Macbellun, 28 Theresa I 1 9.. One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum charge, 25c); six insertions for the price of` four. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extra when replies are directed fto Examiner Oice. HOUSE FOR RENT-40n Elizabeth, Fem-bi rloln cuun `unnknunn ` nnpna nal nlnem WANTED TO RENT by young couple, a small, comforvable house, in Barrie; a year's lease preferred. Reply, stating price,_by letter to Box M" Examiner Office. a 3 anus. 1!! . Ihone 322. "son, Sec. 8. S. No. 1. WOOD WANTED---Eizht cords four-foot sound body wood to be delivered, piled and measured at Cundles school. H. A. Pear- Vespra. RR. 3. Bar. tie. 2otfc wAN'rED-Good demapd for live poultry. Highest prices paid, phone 384 or write H. Levit, Barrie. 3-8p HORSE WANTED--General purpose, good to drive and work single. Must be `sound and quiet. ' Reply to Examiner Office. 3-4p LIVE POULTRY WANTED-~Highea't pric- es paid. Phone calls paid from local party nes. M. Alexander, 142 Bradford St. ,1-Inna 299 2.9a WAN'I'ED-Position as cook-general or house-keeper. where child of seven would not be objected to. Mrs. Macdonald. Box 219, Midland Ont. -2-3p ADLET COL/UMN ;;| g$$mm&&%&$&&&&$ 5g&m&w&%$$g&g| - grad Vancouver Sta. ' Phone 725W. 3p LL\lKl|`lI.'l 1'\.I1I. IUIEJLI l."`UlI Luuuuuuuu, .l`Ul'1l-> I dale. . sbwble, henhouse,` 5 acres, rst-class garden land. Apply J. F. Nelles, Blake; Page fwelve Lwe Stcck Igor Sale 1 Property F15!` Sal T Property To Let #F'a/Iftris For Sale Help Wanted IIIII I I DU- 3-8p I U213 a . o o u o - - . . - u i Buckwheat . . . . . . . iPotatoes per bag .. Butter.` per pound `Eggs, per dozen .. }Chickens, spring I 1." ._ . . . . . . . . SIX-ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent. _38! grn a.` Q} Ann`-y nlv QR `In-n Qt l3........-....._ uruuu ruuuu '.. [Horse hrdes .; `Horse hair No: 5 H1; What T(`I;;v'v)_ I nu... I LVU. 6 1'1 ()ahs Barley. V Ilye .. Peas .. D._ _I__.,I_ |.u1uaAJ II UUIJ L`uUUl\C| 11:11.1}, an IC alterations and repairs done. J. icarpenter, 84 Mary St. Phone 944. ` Opp. Wellington Hotel `Healthiest place in town. Absolufely best ventilation. Choicest food. Best cooking. Comejand try it. 5'1-26p HARDWOOD moons LAID, all kinds of nltnrntinnc anti v-nnnira (`Ann I Qnnh-I. ; E NO'I`ICE--22 `Mlster St. knitting outfit moving to 52 Macdonald St. opposite Good- 2 I fellow s stm"e.-Contract work `nearly finished. ; Ready to fill orders promptly. nice line of sweater. stocking. e'c.. yarns in stock. Phone 981. . 1-6'0 E "1 i Phone 384 . ......._-u-. I PARTIES REMOVING pair of horse blank- ets out` of cutter in Geo. Shannon's yard. `Jan. 17, leave at Mr. Shannon'sAand save . further proceedings. 3p 2 - ' I XYZ~--Telephone `the fector of St. Anne's. New York. . 3c 7 cu-L-xuruux IIUUUEJ lur mm: 01' Tellt. 66` Small Sf. Apply at 36 Mary St. Possession Jan. 15. 2-3p . KNITTING DONE REASONABLY.` Annlv i TI`,`\ruvu:nn- {\C`:nn lit` 1. L I-lLV\J IJLILV L Examiner Office. PAPERHANGING--First.-ohms work i rates that appeal." Phohe 811. HAIR nmassxwcl: done bv Mrs.` D. 0. Howard. Bringyour combings and have a good swi-tch made. 138 Peel St. or 24; Mulcuster St.` H ltfol PRIVATE SALE of household goods, in-? cluding Acme gas V range and gas: plate, E washing machine (water motor), davenport. bed-room suite (white enamel), child s cot, baby carriage. rugs, blinds and other things. In mornings between Jan. 18 `and 25, at. 96 Mary St. 3c IQUANTITY` FURNITURE. china. cabinet. [buffeta music cabinet, grafonola, _writing- desk. sofa, dresser, dining room table and chairs. large rug, Pandora range. gas stove. lawn mower and numerous other articles. lApply` Robt. Jack, 50 John St, 3c .|FOR SALE--Two sets of new sloop sleighs 25 inch steel shoeing, oak "runners, 'bob1 bunks and clavis. all hand made. T. S.' Webb, blacksmith, Cookstowu. Phone 13`, r 3. . - _ . 3-4c GAS RANGE, cabinet style, "four burners. I upper and lower oven. warming shelf. white = enamel splash. used for one year. in perfect I condition. Cheap for quick sale. Phone} 568, or apply at 9 Albert St. ' 1-713% FOR SALE--;Fumed oak living room suite, I combination bookcase and" writing desk, morris chair. electric heater and Quebec. heater. Apply 80 Wellington St., East. Phone 989W. 3-5p I WOOD AND SLABS FOR SALE--- Cut to order and delivered. Price on application. [Apply to W. B`. Quantz. Allandale, R. R. g `No. 1, Phone Stroud. 41-14. 2-31) I FOR SALE~--Bred-to-lay white Wyandotteal and white Rook cockerel direct from R. I Fiahel Hope, Indianna, $3.00. Full sisters to ` .chese birds have been laying since Oct. 27, 1922. Apply W. H. Tooth, 58 Henry St.. Barrie. Phone 795W. 1-7p wnms Room To LET, oentnl, with use of telephone. Phone 8491!. 49-549 T0 RENT--Suit of rooms oven the office of the Union Bank of Canada. Aonly to the manager. Y ' 3tfc FOR SALE-A quantity of `Swede tur-nips~; I also mangels. Apply Harry Ottaway, phone 60516. '3-8p FOR SALE--Garage equipment, small stock accessories, acetylene welding outfit. Ap- ply Chas. Klly, Barrie. Phone 58lJ. 3p FOR SALE--Dry Wpod 4-ft`. long; mixed. hard and soft `gt 88.00~per cord, delivered. Apply to J. W. Gossling, Barrie R. R. No. 2, phone 611:6; 2-3:) ROOMS T0'REN'l`--Two suites of rooms, fnyn vnnrnn dill` fan}: nnnnnn onnianflu nan-`an- l\r\I\.IlIIL7 `KI I-I135` I`-jLWU uIU? U5 IUUIIID, two rooms and four moms, recently redec- orated, over Sterling Bank of Oanada. Apply at'Sterling Bank of Canada. 3p WOOD FOR SALE--IDr_v hardwood. slabs. _.__-_ L.._.I_-..-.l . . . L _ _ _- I__..;I. .I__2.....I i$3`.i"h&':23o Z3`f"3In?"fi;`$L'i`."aeZi'F$"dI E. v. Wilson. 930.1. ,. ~ 3: DRY HA-RDWOOD---4'ft or foot length, for sale. Apply to James Coutts. Phone 601 r 21 at noon or after 6 pm. ` 52-5p vv qlux ll\I1\.Dl!l Ulltznp, IIU RSBSUIIHDIC One!" refused as room 18 wanted. 40 Penetang' St. ' A 3p I FOR RENT--Cosy steam-heated apartment and oice space. Most central location. Apply to H. E. Jory,vKing Block, Bartie. I i---- - C- THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRi7`E5 N. M.MYERS Raw Furs Hides ,.!%.1.$.l3I!u1!!!%!<|I_ FURS AND moss .._..WANIEP_--- J05. MARRIN HIGHEST PRICEAPAID Phone or write MARKET SQUARE : [BUILDING LOTS FOR SALFr--For infor- m..:;.... u.~...I.. ..; `l"7l\` t.\I;_..L...L L`; n R5m"-33-N` H: "ii-ir{r`, 5:23;. :4 _ 99 I`. 0. K. CAFE Miscellaneous Successor to For Sale VCFTIB 33 Collier St. .s1.1o.1.1a I 4o-45c . . . . .50-60c . . . . . . 75c $1.25.: .40 I If I t 0' ,. 40-50c ... 35-3sc . . . 40.50:: .. . 20 22c .... $11.25` ... 50-85c 32.00-3.00 An; LIHUD UI g Smith, 50-55p .lJ\.' [Ill '11` \.l Il\/ LI) 1' \.II.\- k7L1IJl.`4""'1` maaion apply at 1701 Elizabeth St. .-.~._..

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