Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1923, p. 6

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u:-puns nu wrm DUJEGIIIES. A little care given each year to fire pro- "ectzion, pr per thinnimz and utilizing-nf the timber wo d nearly double the yield from (;he 3`-31-grub, wnndinf Tnahm.-I .J -l-J-!~~ \l|-JUNE. ` . ' Forest areas conserve moisture for springs and wells. act as w'rndbreaks. make the landscape more attractive and u*ilize land unfit. for cultivation. Every farm should have at least enough home! grown timber ` to supply fuel, fence posts and hzmber for_ ` repairs to farm buildings. A littln om-n nriunm gunk -....._ 4- !3--- : man in` me unneu mates. I Except in the more thickly settled sec-- tions of the country lucrative employment! is found for farm labour and teams during the winter "months cutting -and hauling logs`. ties, pulpwood. pit timber and cord- ~ wood. Even in the thicklv nopulated por- tionsiof the Eastern Townships of Quebec where -the farms have been cultivated for well over one hundred Years. it is`ouitei common for` farmers to handle from 100 to 200 cords of firewood in a season. This . year, stove and furnace wood is selling for. from $10.00 to $14.50 -per cord. This will give an idea. of the important part the farm wood lot plays in helping farmerel through periods of depression or financial difficulty. ` ' ' f_ _____,, , I u -I uuull-_Y. In many segtions considerable revenue is denived from the isle of maple` sugar pro- ducts. ` A --:-~ g uauua Hy going `(It em] Do you think `0!!- Amos. uld ; No danger. sai t'th' what the Bushwha crook. It-was over made that threat. on the Gdlonel now his Smytbe was walki u . uucau pruuucts produced` on the farmsigmw 3` the T3 of the~United Stakes East of the Greatfper Ye-`V 3 Td Plains was close to s2oo.oo0.ooo. In 1918. I board feet of raw over 100.000,000 cords of wood were burned f _3gem9t~ 1 0k.Vo on American farms or sold off the farms to I If "We_d_t" gm` town and city dwellers. Throughout East- ` made '0 Weld 3 V ern`C'anada the value of foresfproductsi sold on the average farm isnrobably greater 7 7 h I than in the United States. pvnnnf :n `LA ..--..- ALL" 'uu~' UUCKEI ann mild It up. When you re ready to swear that you `-never heard Smythe here suggest anything. and that vou will go where we want you to; 'go~~'it's vours m ,,7 ,. ,. .. 1 nu. rnnm VVUUU LUI ' v(Exp`erimental Farms Note) a According to the 1910 census the value! of forest products produced` the farms? fof Stakes Great} Plains was nlnm: fn stonn nnn nnn 1.. nnn : ,- vvzusml IOOK 8- 1'01] 0! bis nocket and hgld it When vnn`rn I'lIut`Ir 4.. V Sopiie and Mary str - Innuhuturelvb of `Sash. Doors, Frunel, ooring Ceiling. Moulding, Water Trough! Tunis, etc. '~ ' We tarry iu.stock a large assortment oi Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. 0; Shingles md I-`reputed Roofing. . Wood `Turning and ` Kiln -Drying a Specialty; Dressing done mmptly. Consult us with war building ning`... __.___......_ , .,.,.-.-...u-. umlu mgerm-.r_. !e` us nopv, glfhaf a Higher Power will guide hls foot-I ,'stens aright. even though his action inl ,|visitiug those people is suicidal to 9. rle-f green" um. `Smyfhe continued to pace up and `lmvn, his lips moving as t"-holigh in prayer. Bmadc-rook sat. huddled up in his chair. his szrear hands gripnimz each other. - c I nu,-far an ken`; L.-....... ---L slur. Watson made Glllllllo ' Of course." he explained, his face! smiling and his eyes` on the floor. Mr; Watson and I both know that the Busn= whackers threatened to kill Colonel Halliyz hut. But." lifting his head and clasmingl `his claw-like hands together, le` hopvf {hat Higher Power will Irnirln H; rm; 4 ___..-...-. ..... 9..., van man: on ms way] ;over. and that he is taking his life in his! !hands by going at all. i I he`ll get shot?" pskeu - `T danger." said Watson. You know Bushwhackers are like. Broad- It was three months ago thev I Thev will ne"er fire now." walking to and fro. his hand= I in his_,.pncl slippered feet padding the floor with a soft tread like that of an animal. 1 Mn; , sn _ , ,,__ .. ....,r. nun _auv`uUu\ CUUUII `follow. Those dogs are `swift and they] would have.you in two days if` you tried: that way." ` "When d ,ve think`Hallibut ll be goin' over? asked Amos. standing up. Then liquor had steadied his nerves and he spoke j in his old voice. . l Smythe shrugged his shoulders. _ ' A `man from St. Thomas was in to..* night," he said slowlyl He says the trail]! was pretty-`well blocked yesterday. We; know that Hallibut will 20 as soon as it] is possible for him to do so. and we knowi th.-' rain mean: 91 nlnnr +....:| 4.. ..4-_---, mun-wunuug man. If I start awav to-nizht I kin zetl ,across the border afore he kin let th ltlogs out." he said eagerly. V ` Watson shook his head. I You couldn't make'it in four days.l not in this weather. he asserted. Besides. you'd leave a track ?hat _anvb0dv could` follow. "swift they] tried; Hunt nruu ` JUUIC wuxsxey Ell 1 U. be all l"l,`lht." Watson poured\odt more of the spirits, and Amos drank greedily. Watson's eyes sought Smythe s. l They: will be hunting you s_oon. Amos." ` he said. Colonel Hallibut has sworn to, run you down. He says he `will put his: dogs on your `track.", A l 601" ! H _L___3J____J .4, , . - - - - - wuquu c mce t (`.0 more net 1 fer some 0 them Bushwhackers -r It s.; ca\'1s,e`I m `scared Hallibut ll I that I'm shaky, and` besides,` old ghost has been ha'ntin me again.` 4 more whiskey an I'll be all right." Watson nnm-ml mu mm... ..c .1... Meziis !?.'e.9i-2.597" um auuuuler 1n 3 ntnerly wav. ' I Amos, he decided, you must be a man. You must. bear up, my poor fel- low. Aye, truly but `conscience doth make cowards of us all. You mf strive` to\ bear up under the burden. Au3os._ ` . I Rrnndnrnnb nnllnnl `LL. ` near under the burden. Auios. _Broadcrook {oiled his eyes abgut the room. ` " ` 5 , I ain't sayin as I'm sorry fer any-I thiu , he growled, an' I ain t sayin' as I woudn t like I" do I have! them -neither, s,caus,e`I zet me Noah s - ghost ha`ntin again. Gimme whiskev an Fl! an on ..:..1.. '7 something .in~ ax; undertone. ` Broaden-ook. ' drank the, whiskey which Smythe brought him and sank upon a_stool. T `Wu... ...... -.-.. _--_v n" --- uuu auu SIDK a stool._ `When are you min` t let me go?" he asked eagerly. It's rainin now, and the snow ll_~ be gone by mornin . Oh. mg n. let me go t -night, he- begged cringing y. Mr. Smythe raised him gently and patted his shoulder in therly I Amos. hp Am-.-lmi m... ........a L- - THE FARM W00_D-LOT (FYl\hF;n\nnfnl E`........... \Y_ A _ \ ulau ITO Be Continued) 57% , . . I a wry face and reht. his} y I nun; yuu IUIUW. nee! roll of greenbacks from Ir` if un * rom ---- v-\-V vvuln uu|ur-.v~_ ! Secmld gl'0Wth usuallv springs up where th an_vthing_ heavy timber has bm - T 6 mt to; f their rapid zr0wt`i1enthIoeIe`:1;:)r`u(::(ie.sI. gfscazauxfs {P091813 often supplant the original hard I W00d forests. Ful[v_ stocked with trees an , note of soft woods wxll grow up at the rate . o ` . - I ) pmtgzlemtobltlxllvo co(rid net; vear. WI sunplv E as I ._ PW00 m.1am 25 years and, value ll 3' 088 In 20 to 40 years. Hardwoods t e reat; . cor emz equal to about 500 1913_ ! lumber. By proper m,m_ re burned` agement~ rocky. Wff! and euyonmnn I......l uuc uuuuwu acres mnbered with soft wood. There is a, never failing stream of water ' running through the lands. This farm is wholly enclosed by fences and is eminently suited for pzisture purposes. ` conveyance can he made and the purchaser let into possession. ` There will be_ a reserved bid. sale _will be made known`. at time of sale. ' and in the rneantimeion application to Clar- `nee Srigley. . landale. P.O., or to the undersigned Vendors'_ Sol`citor. ALEXANDER GOWAN. \ A Vendors` Solicitor, . _ . Barrie. Ont. DATED this 316a`! January, 1923. Rio G- 9- 3m"h[&. ch- 5500 U] Hlliy ICCEVWWD l98n'tO. -' I Six'y acres cleared, and in grass and about one hundred acres timbered a never fnni... ..o.....-- .r -- - , V. - - L1 ' `ure farm being lot number one in the fourteenth cohcwsion of the Township of ;Innisfil in_ the countv of Simcpe containina two hundred and forty acres more or less. . Oh this f;m there is a frame barn forty feet by sixty feet with lean-to. Six'v acres: Magma .....x :. __M - - McConkey, `Auctioneer. th _ at valuable pas: `ure farm bgxnz fourteenth concwsion in the f Of Valuable Farm Pronatv In The Town- sh`p Of lpnisfil In The County Of Sim-' V_ coe, Near Ailandale. , Under instguctions from `the executors of the late John Srizlev Esquire. there wilil be offered for sale hv nlrhlin .......:-_ - Iacuxcul. rocxy, W881 ! if n'lowed to grow up `yield worth ` 1 usual mzu(es me best shingles and is also "used for telephope and telegraph poles, cross-ties and fence posts. Tamarack. al- I though not a common wodd. is very durable and is valuable for fence posts. ties, mine and crib work timl1nr=. l `ITYI ' lias possible because once a grass sod is formed the growth of the trees is checked. i Tops should be lapped to ensure more rapid I ,decay and to le$en the danger from fire. . !The main idea is to keep a blanket ofl 3 leaves and wood on the forest floor to hold g moisture and encourage the growth of the { young trees] I It is bad practice to allow sheep or cattle to pasture in the woodlot. because they `destroy the young grow h which should? i come on as soon as the heavier timber is` g removed. , i (`Lt .L_I I - o o u - o n u a - o - . ` Spring ch`ckens . . . . I Year-old chickens . . ;Ducks . . . . . . .. j Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Carrors . . . . Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . Tunnips _ . . . . . . . . . . . . Cabbages . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . St. Lawrence applmn I Wealthy apples . . .. i Snow apples . . . . . . .. Butter I I I vr\llll'\IIP'\Y mnrH\t.l I Despite the cold there was a good zit- ,tendance on the local market Satux-da.v.l ?Butter was plentiful and in good demandl I at 40 cems a. pound. Eggs `were selling at { 66 to 70 cents a. dozen. There was a good ;offering of fowl. Chickens were selling` at 128 cents a pound,while ducks were bring- ; ng 30 cents :1 pound. I 3 The prices :---- l T)_.;. The Double Track Route betwegn - T '5` F SATURDAY MARKET n....~:._ A- - - %% %%$$%%%%$%%%%$ 1 Exacuions? ,, _,.V.._y, vvuBlC G1lu,EWHIn`Dy [and ed under forest may be uvydeld while "income. HORS_E A11_.M_ie:N'rs 4v4I||I\AAIAI- nus cu uluy u_y DOUGLAS & C0.. NAPANEE. Ont. STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. PREVENTS FLOOD POISONING. CURES TH RUSH. FISTULA. SPRAINS AND ' .BRUISES. The ht SI" nhnllrnl Tjnirnnnf far fin: stable as W911 as for , KEEP IT HANDY. Bl'_lAlN5 AND uulslszs. The best all around Liniment for the stable well for household use. Klan Pl` nuunv u - -`Ina. g\\I\JIJI\hJ Phonos:-- Office J63, Ruidonco 353' ,,, THE MARKETS .` A1. all Dealers and Druggists. Manufactured only by "III!!! An 9. (In \1' A n A `van A. ' ":7..;ST{aaIas_' quickly remedied with -............ uy propel` waste and. swampy land W un nnrlnr in.-....o .....-- L- Di)uc_LAs' . . . . .. 40c lb. 20-25c `basket , . . . 40c basket I 5c bunch . .. 2. for 5c . 5-15c each On- .._ L u'LUL cauu 20c neck ' 30c basket 25c basket 30c basket AVAIDD IV}. `VIC! .FURS REMODELLED A Over Hurlburt s Shoe 1.13.] W, S. Hulbig. Manager Cost and _.___.___...____ EA Business ' _~_QAREERA l-..,..... pxcpurl 101` Toronto Cons of Music examinations Ieadinz and including the A.T.C.M. dese Studio--King Block. Ph: -- _ MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Voca! [Pupils prepared for Toronto Consvervafor I o f Y exammatnons Ieadinz un m { EDMUND HARDY, Mus.Bac., `Teacher of Piano. Organ. Vocal. Theory. Organist. and Chnirn St, Andrew s Presbvterizm ( Gold medalist of Tnronto_Cnns MlI(`:n .-......I _t A`, 7` ' `mm mcuzmsr 01 Music and of t] II3 Worsley St. .._____.-:_-.__. u.....c nuu nesmence--Uomer Elizab Bradford Sts.. Barrie. Phone Office hours--9~l0 a.m.. 1-3 p.m., 7 | I Office 4 ' `I'll Phone 710. .-. PIANZO AND VIOLIN TUITION Special BOYD SYLVESTER Bandmaster Barrie Ci`izens' Band. 120 Bayeld St. attention to yotznzer children. '}*:uEoREss V Suits. Tvmcoats-. Dresses. Etc.. Etc 2 Adelaide Street. Auandane. ' 9 `_______......____._. ' on. M0h."MER LYON` 122 Bloor St. West. Toronto. "1! ?:r- at 91 Owen Sf.. Barrie. every S::mrr`uy. Diseases of Eve, Ear. Nose ard Throat. Consultation vhounH---11 ;a.m. tn 5 n.m. Barrie, phone 2, Toronto. North 3326. _______________________________., on. unnu H. HU (Formerly of Drs. Rms & R Late Surgeon Specialist ` ' Imperial Armv 4 . _' [General Surgery and Obstetr I 0Ffice-~-l5 Owen S lphnnn 710 t.. . DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE" Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Ont. Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave.` lO"nce hours:- 1_to 3 p.m.. .7 to 9 p.m.. or by appoinfment. Phone 213. A. T. Little. M.D. W. C. Lime HUB. I I "`2H(l"" DR. R. E. IVES Graduate of Toronto University Phone Til , O'ice--58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30~8 p.m. _.._______.___.___..._._._______ I I . . DR. H. T. ARNALL 'A=socinte Coroner County of Simcoe Office and Residence--Corner Toronto a Elizabeth Sts.. opp. Central Church. Telephone 167 , $0. W, Plaxton. I j i . B.4':ii1~131~'31z`: 2 'MONEY TO LOAN - 0. W. REID Funeral Director and Embnlmer- 47 Elizabeth St., Barrie ~ Phpne, day or `night, 218, -1--v-uq--+nv uuu uuu lllli 01' UUI"WU' Ciel : not to have their eubeorip `hm-interrupted in one they jail `remit u expiration. While eubecripti in will set he catiied in arrears over In utundod pried. yet, unless we are notified to cancel. we euume the subscriber wishes the service- amuinamd; Rnmiiennnu .I.....u I... ....g_ u.'_ 'W. A. Boys. K.C.. M..P. I). C. Murchison. ww-c wt IIu&lIlI|VYI` V l ' Barristers. Solicitors.`Not.ary Public Conveyancers. Etc. Money to loan a? lowest rates of interest. OFfice--13' Owen St., in Masonic Temple Buildiny. Barrie; Branch O.*Yice--ElmvaIe. . ._._r....`w-.nu vvIIr\l1 Barrister. Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicifor. Notary. Conveynncer. etc. Office---Hinds` Blocl.<, 8 Dunlop St., Barrie. , ' MONEY T0 LOAN RADENHURST 6. HAMMON D BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS.` ETC Masonic Temple Building. Barrie MONEY TO `LOAN L. J. smwsou, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON fice arid Residence--Collier St.. corn Clapperton St.. Barrie. `Phone 27! THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1923. ,, \ , ,, , _ __ mas. 'w.lAo w. R. mcmxnosou Graduates and members of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. Office: Over Bank of Toronto.-Barrio. ' Entrance on Owen SI. Phones: Office 241. Res. 314, P.(). Box 133 W. Richardson, L.D.S.. I).D.S. W. Randall Richardson. l..l).S.. l').D.S. ..-j:- -j lJl'\\lu IJIJUIIVU 15 QIJITNQ 78 Dunlop Street Over Reeve's Jewelry Store. NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISORDERS _._...... V Aoovn-I v..nw 2- aunuvnoaicagtsl PHONEVWG or call at oice for information ' - on any disease. l I`: U. E37733? f &3""I"$ ; I8 Toronto St.. Toronto. R. J. Edwards. G. R. Edwards, B.A.So. _... wv. rv. LI.IVl\`l Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoe ....nn:l_._ wv -mum we auuscnner Insnes me SONIC!- Romitunm should be made by `mutated "letter, money order, or cheque` psychic at our in Barrie. I A 11..-: -_-- :u':L-- PLAXTOPi BARRISTERS. E Offices : 707-5 oo~ALo ROSS. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Masonic Temple Building. Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN v.,~......m. zzuu L-nmrmaster of \ Andrew's Church. xedalist Toronto Conservatory of : the Univemity of 'I'nron*n. nrsley "- """ .. vrxnvhl I , H- TEACHER OF `PIANO Telephone 151. Barrie P. 0. Box 88 R. J. EDWARDS &. EDWARDS no T---_a- Q5 'P---..A- DR. E. G. TURNBULL , ,; u.r::n -n - - DUNCAN F. McCUAlG, B.A. Sun:-aaenr on I`.-m-....:..l... 1. 15.1: IIIJUVVHI` I . Successor to I should be based on the right founda- tion- thorough training. Since 1392 Six.-'..- r-iczhoolsv have griven personal in.<-::m~.u`.ion by skilln`. teachers in Shoruuumcl. Typewritinrz. Filing. and Iiu.-=5.'-t.'.:~' Fubjects. Eleven schools: Jmall xrroups: intensive training-- Sturt at any time. w.:o- 4-..- u_--- u ,`.`..'.:'.'u'- .-Eu. .% lpn.l_lalIhyconduloI "9 "!`n&"'*.:..'i...;'s';.?'.`.-'-" . $v`.'u."':.'.!%.?3.';.s":.`;.i"""" ,4 V c * MlSS`E. cosm-:v 7; 1: /`vs-V... D Mus.Bac., F.T.C.l;_ and .\Ius?o-:1 Chnirmaster of ndrew PrPs`hvl*n1-un rm.---L DR. FiRED A. ROSS .. Al'I\ DR$._' BURPIJS &. BURNS 04..-; CHIROPRACTIC ... uaw uses. `U! .1. big. Production Engineer. and Efficiency Department. _______._..__._____._ - ALEXANDER YCOWAN *`*%.- WELCH & 0 rtered ' Annnnn 6;A-.'od.P8ELL DR. A. LEWIS `sovs & NZ|iURCH|S0N UII.v7:"\IZlU|lI your In advance (11: -82.50); Unitbd utu. 82.50 pfr your in advan . Both old i new addresses should-be nven Ilium ARCHITECTS MUSIC MEDICAL XTON &. PLAXTON ERS, SOI.ICI'I'0RS. 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. (v n-_.n,, no DENTAL uucl \/ULIH /-.....v.v ce--Collie1: corner of 275. / uwvv R70 Rom. Barrio.) Qnpni-:13.-o ....`aL .1. _ mvvunlu. DJ! >.Creswicke & Bell. SOIJCITOR, ETC. ' Ross Block. Ba X1`;-D RFIPAIRED e Store. Bare. ._________.___ vv nu: wr rrospucn P. MclNTOSH. Chief .,,. .. nnuwn. .uaIlll'.I eci:n]i with the v. 4-`. wars. Obstetrics especially. m Sta. Barrie. D f` 1-; `A..- p vus. G. Gordon Plaxton. vn.. l)(ll I R`. P. 0. Box 1075. F)` A.'r.c.nT. \vr\ UUXICK7. Phone 4'24. \;u., 1'4 Aw. I Barrie. H|Xl'U Phohe 6'53 until VII and e 105. 7-8 p.m. and - - nu. -:a.uu\n\||4 &_(\rllVIllvVI-4I\ ` ` .Pdvlidnd every Thuudoy nfternon atn lat Omen Squuo, Bun-in. Suliscrlptioa Peo--Canada and Great __Britain 82400.90: suit in -82.50); an; 2.50 nap van: ;. -.a..-..... n..n. -u i new wureuu_ snoula -be given whcn ofgddren nnquastod. CANCEL- I.A.T OHS--We nd that most of out cub rings 'n-Afar mu 5.. l....- Al..:. _..I....:_ Large and well assorted stock to choo_s_ from- We are now getting good. shipments ' of imported granites at `greatly reduc- ed prices. oven DAV AND mom THE BARR1E_Ex_4%M1NE I3_% n.L|:.L-.| --..__ nth, a. w.J. EASTMAN. PROP. T pm... 217 I. G. MANUEL, MGR. Fllono 721 ' MON`ti2i-i'ALO TORONTO \ m-meow 994* 9.h!1C>\.G0_ Full information frorn any Grand hunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- Sng, District, Passenger Agt., Toronto. J. E. BILLINGSLEY. -\-,,,n A___. 3 ` 20 Owen St, Bafrie T"9.: ' v up any ume. Write for Prospectus to Ila-'KV'I"l'III r`L:_p is n V /Established`: um yausmsssscuools TORQNTQ :I .'T.u.LiacLsren, w (9 mm. 11...... us mu 0 Principal. ,uuI:u:_. wuutsu spun ne 1130 caugnt nd` held. To-night the sh'ado`w was there. and the * dream was not of `the water. m`iu~sh. or , woodland. nor of the wild things. nor of Davie. But the girl was there-`she was aIway`s there, growing up out of the dead used-fo-be in spite nf bitter thoughts and gnaying pain. And Boy saw her face `to- vszrh.. :zlorious_ly glad and [strong and beizuful. ` -.. V _F..._ J.His 1ov,wa,.a bond n'n';oner._ananon1v UIIIIU ll\U 11113: . He `stood in the,open doorway until he ' saw Paisley. Declute, and" Peeler `overtake Broaderoo far down the snowpacked path. T en he; turned into the house. blew `out the candle`. and sat down before the _ fi-re; By -andhy drearnseame to him: ' they always came to him when the night Sweet and restful dreams they were. too. at times, when they were of the wide wood its'forest aisles with Gloss. and they were just -boy and girl," and the world was theirs. But there "were other dreams-'- dreams that brought a shadow to his eyes as unreadable and ununderstandable as- the To-night Hm RH'lIt"nh1 nun : than-A as-{.1 LI-A was late and he was alone bv the dying fire. I Dlayzround of used`-to -be; and he roamed * shadow that sometimes diooed across the 1 `ridge, whose spirit he hadgcaught and-`held. 1_ rum `nub nun In D80. V - Yes. make him stuywith _vou. Bill. `said -Boy. ` "I guess there's _sori1ethin in what he said about flesh bein' flesh at a time like this." - ' H8 in the (man dnnrumv ;n\Hl kn IWIJ -7'`r..:.`% a";."' Kl "a'.'.;':.:r.:% uI)U|(S. l He mus n t strike the back trail fagged like `he is." he said. Come on. Jim and _Ander; we ll coax him over to my place and nut him in bed." V... .....I.. u_:_, _. -.- ----- -- uuu , nu wuttu I. guess we (1l(ln't zleserve ' it. It's like "you to wanter help us now, but you can't_(lo nut-hin'. Boy; you can t I do nuthin' any more than I kin. But I've gntter keep huntin', hunt.in'. It's hell t be like this, but blood s blond. ran Amos- ie out ("that somewheres-~~" ' I II. -L....I. ~..u 1)..) I I - - ' -c uuv mar auumwue1`es---.- He shook `off Bo_v s hand and passed out. Paisley snafched, his coat and rif from; the books. 7 - uyy, V 9 1. . -. .. . '- ., A ' uul quuu aycutly 'wm'n ne snm: . ' You `and Big Mac and all have been mighty good to usxall clean through every- thin', am when I guess didn't deserve VOU' tn wanfnr `1n`n nu nnnv ; tur wU|\'!3`-7--- ' He broke `off with 21 shudder and. spring- ing up. reached for his furs. You re not gain out again to-night." - insist`ed[Boy. -See here. Hank. you mus - 1 n't. Stay with me, like a good feller. and I I'll hnln vnn Innlv fmo Anunu M an nnnnn .- "` -- u 1.. may wun me, mm good teller. : I'll he!_n you look for Amos tomorrow. 'RrnnHnrdnl- fuimnnr` nun! I...\L-J L I ! ; u um_U you mm: xor Amos to-morrow." ` 'Broadcr0ok turned and looked at Boy.` His face was twitching and '-his vmce was not quite stead_v when he said: vnlv `nu :-J D:n II... ...._l .11 I, I I z mu u I-mu . uxe mls. ` ` Oh. he s likely all safe and ;~'ound some- wheres." encouraged eclute. Old Amos .' lgnows the weather too well to he caught in Q l a blizzard." .- The brother shook hi shead. V `fAmos was gettin whiskey,s_omewher(s, ' he skid. It s likely the sleep come on; him~--he s out that. I tell. you, pointing- `out at the cold moon-kissed wood. unless H the \w'ol\'=3-e-" ` I-Tn lm.-.1... `nu ...:4L .. _L_.,1J, I n ycunnl , ! He's made even the Iniuns hate.-him.` I he murmured. No. he s not there." . i]_ He arose. threw off h-'s furs. and sa . 1 down to the bread and cold meat Bov ha: I placedon the `table. After he had eaten he sat back, lit his pipe, and, gazed int: the fire. . ' .`D__k ya . .. u - u. --- um `um. ' "Boys." he said. cle'nching'his hands. lflesh is flesh an blood is blood when it comcg: to--to 21 time like this. Amos has slam been a lot 0' trouble to us. an I--I`ve `quarrelerl with him and fouizht with him an` t-hort _I hated him; but. `boys. I guess I wash wrong.~ I m huntin' for him now. Dad an"th other boys is huntin' for him too. > Whv? I'll tell you wh_v~itv s cuuse flesh is flesh an` blood is blood when it comes to a time like this." l sen}, LA`- I:I_-L, u 4- - - ------ u u-- to C`- Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping can on Night Train: and Wrlor Cars on principal Day Traim. vul/u Mu: uuulw, naux. ~Hank turned his heavy eyes speaker. ```n'..`.. ....;...I.. ..-..._ AL 7.72,. I uuu .I. guess nes none 15." Maybe ~he on the Point." suggested, Declute hopefully. ,.Maybe he s winterin" with the Injuns, Hank." ' - nnnmb fun-nnrl Lin L . . . . . . - - - -- L I` Broadcrook tookithe must of whiskev Boy handed him -and gulped` it down. } Amos, he answered, is be here?" i nu, mm wrung at home. I The friends exchanged glances. ' I see -he isn t. groaned the man, How long has he been 1_nissin'?" ques- tioned Paisley. ` " Two days afore this awful winter sot-. in he left hum." replied the brother. null none of us has seen himsince. He's allure been a lot 0 worry to us. It's like him| to -hole up and freeze like a silly rabbit: and I guess he s done it. Monika Jan ; A. Jr`... D-..L W Vun - I In . Why: it's Han'k Broadcroo1 t._ cried De- ` 312:;-red-Qet the Juz. -Boy. he s Just about I ' " j `*1 -.- L_,A 9 - 1 . I. I I ouumncu. ' . . . . , ``I ve been smce mornu1' beatxn my way over, _' panted the man. I've tried tdget} here afore, but"couldn t." ._ IL]_`_n.1n_ `_]__ ____`,___u99 1 | n u I uvui mute, UIJVCOUICIII T. What s` the mat.ter`. asked Peeler. nyth-in wrong {at home." Rrnnnrnnb I-nnb L- ........ -1-' --L3-`-~ ..._,,v vnanvula nu .uua bunt: U1 lllllfw. W]!!! I open the door, Boy?" Boy glanced at the rie leaning against the wall, and nodded. Paisley threw open I ,the door and ' a tall figure, muffled in| ' furs from tip to toe, staggered in and sank I on a stool 7 5 . . uyv__ _,-.4, . - . -- (Continued from Last Week) Hick ry and hemlock. whispered Pais- I ley,avisitors at this time of nig-ht. Will! Rnv olnnnml 130 H... ..::I.. I......:.__. __-,-W. A-0 lull IIVTFIJIEI I Tlepot Argent ! `Fianna 6!) Barrio H II 50001. Fm nigh playd out," gasped the visit- '1`. Cleaner, Presser. and . Dyer 109 DUNLQP PP- 3='"' 1"" PHONE 229 ATTEND fro REPAIRS ON. ALI. CLOTHES Goods ca}led for and delivered. PRICES REASONABLE "1 AM A PRACTl'C'AL'['I'AILOR'AND READY 170 R -,1: , ` W \ T? I _have_ the only dry-`cleaning plant withinyour reach A . ' --lcymtsiqe the city. LOVE} Of The Wild w. FIRTH , By Archie `P. McKishnieA' SUITS $%i.75 Morgue and Chgpel .. IN CONNECTION _. IARRIE. ONT. D-A - P|Iono_8_2 (Coinyright by 4 Thds. Allen) uwvvvan the"! wouldn't come amis; would it?" Wh3ske_v." whispered the wretched man: be Iigoin t.` 29.` whiskey? I need 3t now if I ever d`d. What n"?se be the ?" `is asked; gripping Wataons.-- arm with fw-mbng hand ' V Wa ts_o n`: jhok off the hind gmd said` up I mem. men. he ,V0l!'.'-" 3 Amns." spoke Smyt.he'.. nlaying ground-hog for over three months. has used you up; I guess a glass of whiskey wouldn't amim; it?" urs.:.1..... " ...L...._-_-.1 4, . - - . uul gucal up 10 me .counc1n-chamber." Watson bent and lifted a heavy trap- door in the oor. . Come up, Satan," he commanded. In another instant a man's head and shoulders were thrust through the. opening and Amos Brogudcrook swumz himself no info the room. He `stood souintinz his good eye at the candlelight and rolling .'-'. cmid of tobacco from one side of his ca- daverous mouth to the other. The man s cheeks were` sunken V and. his whole latti- turle was one of abiect fear. I. They : ain t comin . -be they?" be asked with a shudder. `\`You a`n t zivin` me` not them. men. he .vnu`?. I uA"`~5 H _____`__ g_____`1__. ' u u o tu as war war snoox the solid s`ructure. " `My friend." he- smiIed. kindly im-'ite\ our guest up to the .counciL-chamber." Wntcnn Hon! our` l:ts...! .. L-_-~- I : wmcu ms lace on ms nand. `I wish there was some way to prevent his goimz." he returned. "--if only for a day or two. We ve got to get out of here --that's all." _ ` -_ Smythe crept lover to the window and pulled clown the blind. The rain was fall- ing -heavily,now and the wind had risen to a roar that shook the. solid ' `Mv fflnnrl " lm: mydl...-l 1.:..-..n-_ :-,,n, auuusn. auuuue 101' -mm I9 at I Watson ' glanced at t} lwined his face on his hand. I `T `Hung -------Q -----A 3% YOUR i 9 READING NEEDS 3 I..- III- .G--.._I2_'.l _. BISIU ' 'i`he dear Colonel` is taking; a bin: chance in visiting Bushwhackers Place now. 1"r s almost suicide for him to attempt it. l Watsnn nlnnnml no ` AL. ------I--- - ` '5lll VCI Sinythe came over and sat on `the edge lof the table. He picked up a fork and [toyed with it thoughtfully. At length. his light eyes shifting about the room. and his voice softened almost: to a whisper. he said: - lll V 1. said: ` `rm HUVV But there's nothing to s`on him now." broke in Watson. The~trail s'clear. aw you know. and winter is about spent. Cursed one it has been. too." he added with a shiver. ' Q.L._-LL. , ` ugc uau. la uwur. - l He will likely go as soon as he can.- said Snnythe in a -low vo`ce. If the weath- jer hadnzt, stopped -him` from going before nnw~---- . - A `in, . .1 1 [:1 mm 1 veaoeenp And I." murinured Smythe; I, too.E -7 V " ' ` `Thomas. ~ Watson made a iesture of disgust. ;`Yes. you, too. Well. what arewe @0- ing to do about it? Of course. the Colonel ; willago over to Bushwhackers' Place. now` the trail is clear." 5 511.. _._:II 111,, I .---u ,,__ _____ __, . ..._...... .,....uuucu m pace up and `town, ; `""`' smoothed his hair with a thin hand. prayerq of "39 h`dwd "995 the h`"d."i"`E`" I will admit it looks as though we had ' ma.p] "3 the most luab.le' Besldes .S"r."i been a lit-tleindiscreet." he returned. That !?I'< -Hf 5 plymg Sap for Sugar makmg the wood '5 last move of ours was fo0"sh___veW foo h: A I Mm, 20 back home jes. for acme; valuable _ for fuel. the lnianufacture of ; but. Thomas. we had to protect ourselve things` I lft: as I Should have." he rail; g"lt`,] ""ple"`,,t5.~ f""t" : hard` l und'-.-ahem! we had to do what Simpsouticraftily. He ashed a look from one to} .wd ommg "ml d`"d lfll'5' Ot'h""- iwished. Otherwise---~~" the other of the men. then his gaze fell. "aluable h mlwd"' are` blrchv beech- "Do you` think I would have. let that I d sorter like company on account o lbrw" and white ash ml lm' B3`'d . cur lay a f'nger on that little girl? cried the wolves. I ainqt Saviny as 1-rd m along`; and poplar grow more quickly than other Watson. Lookhere. Smythe. I may be a with H;-ill`but. `cause 'I- know too much I d.e du"5 E95 and 3" "semi for "f" 5l3`l -cgeatvand a villain. but I tell you I m not fer that. a But I cmdd fouer him like -811? tion. Among the conifers sprucevis the bad. Simpson s threat that he would `keep close an he'd be commm, fer me; most important wood. suoplyinz the bulk tell Hallibut everything didn`t frighten me. without knowin' it." - i l 0f the umber `%d rough lumber rm building I But, drunken fool I wa8__and V0 \,{el_e He sewed lower in his Chair. and Wat_ purposes. Besides. it is useful for pulpwood` too--to th-ihk that those Bushwhack ere son snake. I and pit. timber. Pine is not often found could be forced into yielding up their rights You will "wk? tracks 3-S fast as God. 3 in farm woodlots, hut is useful for manu- uthrough fear for the safety of the girl. let you out of this countrygand if you get 5 faclured lamb? .IF"' and hemlock "re used `Bah! it makes me sick to think of what away safe it's.` more than you deserve. `Ai mamly far budding mmb." and pull?wd' fa fool I've.been." ipretty pickle you've put us in! Now. then. ' Cedar makes the best shmgles and '5 315 _I." murmured `+1, too. ;'svvea1` you ll get for the States and never 8 d f P9 amt! tellfgraph _1: :`i'v 5Thomas." show your face in these parts again. or` th " ence pos 5.` . af "` ` ` down there in that hole you stay until! oug wood` '3 Yes. you, go- you can t tell anything you know. See?" is. "aluablgfor ties mi *5 - crab tlmlmrs, Colonel; Watson took rolliof from H _ BuShwhacl(ers' Plano I\I\lI1c`1;n ..,...i.-: .._J Lu e-I . I used telepho x-.u1uul~uL'u ms mm with mm hand. admit we foolish: but, Thomas, ourselves. und-.--ahem! we Simpson 0f.hel'wien-.-.--" 4nu:nm_: uc 5].)UR\C. I ` I `told you we wex`-e playing :1 losing gax_n_e. _ he vgrowzled, and here we are :I$t`8A1"kig`}1"P3|Th0f tirapped fox for the - a . m .y s rew pair we've been,` g0 be sure. This douple game don't go.| '11)1.V'f-};]e. Ive played It all _my life--and IV; :I]:,h:;1\;`<: E got by It? Nothmg---a-bsolut`e- Mp Q..t:;.oL.. ..__.:|-_u _ .- - . .. . J llUlIlIIH- ` Mr. Smyt-he smiled a.fuiut smile and his T will nrlmh Io ln..l... .... u.-.._L I I ; Are Well/SI1`.|)plieJ .u-; i ______.__- 1.1.0 wile U116 01 U00 SITOHKVIDCH. Then the dream became of the marsh . and water. and there was not a single ticloud in the world of the Wild, and in the deep quiet of his peace Boy slept before i the whitening eoals. i 4 When he awoke the gray dawn was peer 3 ing into the room and he was alone beside; the dying ember. But he saw her face in the coals, and it was his nature to be con- tent with little. After all. there would always be something left of which no earth- ly power could deprive him. _ CHAPTER XXVI`! L While The Rain Fell c 4 ? Watson, his feet on the table and pipe alight, glanced across`at Smythe, who 3 ,was `standing before the window, It was 7 9 evening, and the falling rain made soothing, : 'swishing music against the pane and upon, | the low roof of the Bridgetown store. Wat- 5 son watched the storekeener speculativelv. l At last he spoke. V` Y fnlll Ivflll nu. -----A ~~`- --' V ' ` ' ' -..., .....;..u.--nu um vvuuu. iluu H16 R11 ! 8. `VI/HID, lits sanctity. 'He did not realize what he `was holding bound ; he realized only that he was but a. thing of the Wild, whose heart hadcuught aflame at a low word; |whose soul had surged at the touch of a. 'w`arm breath. He did not know t-hatAGlos-x ,loved him. He did ngt realize. his power. He was one of God s stronzmen. 'T'l'mn flu: A.-an... l............. .1 .L, I the spirit of worship. sublime and beauti- ful, enshrined his world. and't.he ;zirl s. with line smnntitv U. .-HA mu -....I:.... ...L-L L-- I|Il*l7lll[) bl. the speaker and A u-: 1_aAnn`1 EXAMINER _ W-.. ..s 5-uuauuse mr mm to do and know' d. theith".-' rain means 3 clear trail to-morrow. Aslept I ~\'sr~. he added sinisterly. we know that iliallihut will surely call here on his way] W11 D681 fever. taking `r beside "1 hands v inl nn um. n.:...1. L-`II --A v ~~~- - ~ __ ......_..,. "uuuu ucau_v UUUUIC [D8 _Vll(1 '0! By a\'era're woodlot. Instead of slashing half grown trees of the useful marketahln ad varieties for hnme reqzrements-. if the less rd valuable varieties. windfalls, and trees show: " ing signs of insect`-damage and rat were ;h used. the remaining trees would make more mnid growth. 3 . id` ' Open spaces should be avoided as much - UIHIL M L-I U'P.D {-`.RTAKERS

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