Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1923, p. 3

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uTs 35c DIVL Il_D I a Mrs. Wm. Allan had the [misfortune to `fall and break one arm last week. Under the care of Dr. West she is progressing! favorably. ' A I Min (1 f` "I`.-nH- lurnn la:-4 Inna`) nnllnrl On: Jan. 9.--Mf. Jas. Campbell is on the sick list. - | Il __ IXY__ All..- L__I LL- __:_f__L..__ A._ l VUlUlJn Mtg, G. C. Trot; was last. V Aurora on account of the mother. . Il:__ 1'.`I-__2_ T\-l__. _,,_, "returned after the holidays and resumed his WCCE Ell lllln IXCILY g KXIUUUCH Ila Mr. Noon-an. our school teacher. has duties. 3 `IlZ__ T-__2_ 'II..IL _II__ _I .__A___.__ _ J A , L _ 4 I IIJULIJUIE ` Miss Flossie Daley was a visitor week at Mr. Kelly's. Glencairn. ll. \1 ....._.._ _ __ --L__! 4-__I__., Jessie Mulholland returned to her` _home in Collingzwood after spending the holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.nCampbell. u:... n......:.. r1........-.a ........ .....:..._. .._. .._,.... I &ILln CUE . WGIIIPIJCIII Miss Bessie Gossard went under an on-en ation last week in Creemore. At time of writing she is progressing favorably was M Angina :a .0`-ux nuns} A: `unu- wuuug sun: In pxuguzaexu Auvulw.u_`y' I Miss M. McNerna is -the zuest of her |sister, Mrs. D. M. McBride. T` nnv-nnm A` 04-; `;nnnn:n` -nun-unnnnn n` DIDUUI, Al-IID. Ll: xu. UlUJJllllU- . ' If some of the financial promoters. of Sunnidale and Tossoronio would get 1.0- gether -and form a comnanv for the opera- tion of a.skatiug' rink on the townline be- `tween the `two townships just south of Brentwood, the scheme should prove quite a success. Just at present ti-ne the centre of the road is a solid H1856 of ice. In the future. should it thaw. to rc4flood would] ,cost- nothing as a stream of water {lowing out of Camp Borden down the centre` of the road insures a good supplv of` wa:er !up till he first of April. Am] besides it lmight save the County Council paving Ifor some horses which are liable to get ibroken legs. : Jan. 8.-E. Brown of Hamilton spent New Yeafs with his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. _J. W. BTOWI}. ' ,.___,_ _.._-__-L`l_ L2__-- .._-- __-_L I.-. -lJ IoulL-ts for ton is cheap and mixed is excellent e onlyhave left. If you --The Sar- 2c It]. '1. IJIUWUI ' A very enjoyable time was spent by old and young at the Christmas tree and con- .cert in the basement "of the church on`! , Thursday. Dec.- 28. , up urn` My-L W Tran`! A` :t'kIInnf unnnlr Ll.lulbHl$_Yu LlCU.' 10. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tracy of Midhurst spent i New Year s with. Mr. and Mrs., John Tracy. 1 ME: M Nnlunn `no: known nnnf;nnr` On `Inn Lxnuy. Miss M. Nelson has been confined to the I 1 `house with a severe attack of quin_s,v. I I `III-.. A...I-II 1IY..L...._ L..- ....L..__....I L- L..- ]lUUU V\l'Ll.I G BCVCIC QWLGUA UL \.[lLIAI_D_Yo I i Miss Ardell Watson has returned to her ischool at Gravenhurst. Il _ ___) ll..- I17 `l'\_L__I_..__ pl `lJ.._.2_i l } Jan. 9.---The W.I. met. at the home ofl [Mrs. E. Richardson last Thursday. It was ithe first meeting in the New Year and {was enjoyed by all. After the usual open- iing routine roll call, Mrs. W. Knapp read la paper on ways to help children form ha- ibits of neatness, health, obedience. courtesy, ietc. Then there was music by Mrs. E. =Richa!'dson. {after which? a delectable lunch was served by the hostess. ' I'll In is ,.I I u I- BUHUUI 21!: KIIUVUUIIUIBL. ' u_ Mr. and Mns. W. Debenham of Barrie visited with A. Debenham last week. UIKCII DLIKIW l1L||l DUIIIC 115]: E. Richardson had the misfortune toi have one of his big horses break a leg last week. Ill-.. `I'I..L__ n_LA--,_ __ 2- _, AL. ..!_I_ I2_L Tltxe Binnie Bnothers are busy loading] their straw and some hay. ! 14" 'l)l..k.-....J...... 1.-.! 4.1.- ....:..t'....4...... 4.. WCCRO Miss Ru-by Patt-enden is on the sick list-. AW. Pratt is busy in the bush again this iwinter. Warnings against effoits of propagandistsi `in behalf of Soviet Russia were issued by `American Defense Society, . g leather strong er sole 4.25 mg-:NTwooD .... 0 MI... Y..- (`..........k..ll 1.. Mmssinc STATION DALSTONI . week called :9; illness `of her last (Too Late For Last_ Week) l l Jan. 2.-~-The annual school meetiniz of N0, 15 was held last week. The retiring trustee. Geo. Healey. was re-elected. The` school has been much improved during the , past year with hardwood floor. paint and! some new furniture. J. Shaughneesy. the secret-ary-treasurer. gave a detailed statement of all moneysvspent during thel year. J. N. Willing was appointed trustee` auditor and Alex. McKay general auditor. l u 1 .._L;_`_l auuuun nuu 4;|u_n. any--_y pp...-..._ __..,---. Dr, J. T. and Mrs. Thomas and daughter Mary of Caledon were visitors at J. N. Willing's durinz the holiday season. Miss Gallagher, who has been visiting her I sister, Mrs. Wm. Bligh. has returned to her ` I home in Toronto. _ Mrs. T. Holmes and little son are visitinz in Toronto. . I Will McKay of Yellow Grass. Sask., is! ' 1 visiting -at -his home here. R. Addison has gone, north to the shanties for the winter. V II . .....I ll... non Ilnnnnia nf.vDSnfRi [tor me winter. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mccuaisz ofVesm'aI [visited here recently. I -II.. ___l I`... DI..."-R l\` I-Tnnnfnn v:n;f.-! [Visited nere recently. "Mr. and Mrs. Blouzh of Hamilton visit-1 `ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sl_esser during the holiday season, 11:... `nnnnff II` IRS 51 Viitr Kt leather her heel ght -for non n-In John Madden of Barriespent a few days Mrs. tuex. mcnay s max. ween. here recently. - U18 nouuuy season , Miss Jennett of Orillia was a visitor at! Mrs. Alex. McKay's last week. | 1-1.- n..,l.l.... A4 Ron-ionnnno 51 four 4-lava` nere recen-uy. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Stephenson and daughter have gone to Delia, Alta. ' MN 12 Wool`: Inna annn tn Nnrfh BBV 'uaugnter nave gone W ueuu. nun. Miss B. Healy has gone to North Bay `to attend Normal School. Eagle Brand Milk, tin 23c Klim, I-TB tin 42c Reineleer Coffee, large 28: Reindeer Cocoa, 19c Lemons, doz. . . . . . . 27c DOMINION STGRES, Limited %% CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS _ L Onions, 10 lbs. . . . . 22c Easirstshortening, lb. 1 8c Back Bacon, ib" . . . . 47c Sliced Bacon, ib . . . . 37c Cooking Eggs, dozen 42 White Satin Flou} _. BREAD -. 15c LOAF PURE CANE SUGAR V -10 lbs. 88 lbs. 89c Roman Meal, pkg. . . Quaker Oats, pkg. . . 27: Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. 25 Tapioca, lb . . . . . . . 10 Fresh Currants, 15 . . 23c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs; 35 FreshDates,2lbs. ..25c Evap. Peaches, lb . . 22 CastileSoap .. 7for25c 4- __. rel. Napth; Soap, 1o/75 Perfection Fl jAYLMl':`.R PEAS }PRUNES,` 2 `-35- 29C We have some genuine Licorice Sticks, imported from England. . A big four-ounce I stick for 25 cents Reading mg advta. is time well speqt. Braund s Drug Store Recommended for coughs -L and bronchial catarrh. Get it at :23 lbs. $1.05 PHONE 998 Page VE A Now, THINK HOES. E, $2.50 Committee, wt Al.) is; 73c as mention- the names ggested by `sor be i'e- ward as he give "ample the list. HOT 305:; V :me 415 H THURSDAY-,~ JANUARY 41,, 1923.: %BarrieMarbleWorks\ it was to ame should is human. `st is` posted d the elect- ns. If the list than in I Life - Fire - Sick - Accident We have opened an office in Elmvale, opposite _the Standard Bank, and are prepared to take risks in a number of the best companies. Call or phone be- fore placing your insurance. , Phone No. 95 Memorial `Tablets, Cdrner Stones, Mairkers, Granite and Marble Monuments J. F. MURPHY, PROP. 79 -.Bayeld St. Telephone 734 --W. A. Lowe & Son have this! stock of mattresses and springs on Hand. Call and sec {hum .- ' 35t'._c INSURANCE c. E. DUTCHER :$$*&i$*$$&i$*&*&****&*%: : NEWS NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS : $&%%*$*&&%&%%%&%%%&$*&$**% 5TRD ! { { 5T. i`.E`_` Jan. 8.-Mr.' nd Mrs. C. J. Allison of Maple spent the weekend with Mrs. R." Webb.= T 11-- nn___,.;_,~ -1 rrL..._'4..._ -..IL...l ...'.`> ITICIIUS In ulc Vlll5U ULLIB ween. _ ' The curlers are busy making use of the} excellent ice to practise for Tankard :andf also to meet the Scotchmen in Toronto. The friendly games -between the President and Vice-President rinks are in full swing- 11.. _.__.I 11.. 1 11? `nI....`I- ......l-llh... Thompson of Thornton called. 01'1"} `friends in the village this week. Tkn An-In-us nun `nun: ma`r;na nan A` lhnn V ;;"":;:a: rtson, "will replacing it replacing` it` chemical ex- mall res. 3110 VICE-! | 88l(18l.l(a 111153 are In Iuu swung.- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Black and ` Miss Marjorie have retuxjned home after an enjoy- able two weeks visit.in Detroit_with Rev. and Mrs. E. Beynon. ` 11..- n |1-_.:__ :_ :II -4. `I... I........ -4` L...` anu Mrs. 13. neynun. ` Mrs. G. Martin is ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. Young. ' T ` Methodists Take First The firstdhockey match of the series within the Church League took place on Friday evening between the Anglican and Methodist teams. After a, snappy game -the Methodist team carried the honours with a score of 5-4. The score. by Delfiods. was as follows: 2-2 at the end of the first. 4-3 at the second. and a final of 5-4. V Line-ups were as follows: Methodis't--Goal. J. `Black: defence. I Webb, Reid; centre,N. VanNorman; wings, `B. Wright, Marquis; sub., W. Black. Av\nnunA -nul D Rrauiafnt" defence. I `D. W1"! Ill/. U. Jlllif U1: :5uu., Iv. uxnunu . VI 1 . Anglican-- -Goal. R. Brewster; defence, N. Neely, J. Johnson; centre. G. E. Send- amore; wings, C. Arnold. C. Cousins; subs.. Dr. Rogers. A. Webb. ' Referee, TI. Robert-son, -, Hockey Schedule ' The future schedule for the! hockey games is a~' follows: Jun. 12. nzlican vs. Presbyterian; Jan. 19. Presb terian vs.` .3/lethodist; Jan. 26, Anglican vs. Metho-i dist; Feb. 2, Anglican vs. Presbyterian; Feb. 9. Presbyterian vs, Methodist. . ' Minerva Lodge Officers ` The following officers for Minerva Lodge` A.F. & AM. were installed on St. John's` } night: , - w M W Wnllnnn ljntinmrt I.P.M..' N.I mgm: W.M.. W. Wallace Latimer: I.P.M..' N_.g H-. Wdce; S.W.,. Chas". Wice; J.~W.. Roy} Allenj Chaplain, S. H`. Smith; Treas., Chas. Chantler; Secy.. G. W. Hewson; S.D., J. W. `Black; J.l)..T R. T. Webb; D, of C.. R; J. Gamble; I.G.. Geo. A. Martin; Tyler. Will A, Watnica: Organist. 0. R. Black. I`l\l_- ,,u-:..-... ......- :..-.... nklu inatollnrl luv` The officers wereverv ablv installed bv 1W. Bro. Green. Thenew Master. W. W. Latixner. is the _i/ounzest son of Wm. Lat- imer also a P.M.'of Minerva Lodge. The newly installed -Master being about 30 years of age is -probably the youngest Master Minerva Lodge has had. i (From Another Correspondent) Jan. 9.-~-Innisfil Townshio Council held the first meeting of -the vear in Stroud on Monday. with H. Qoleman. Reeve: G. C. Allen, Deputy Reeve; George Leslie, George Arnold and H. Reynolds, Councillors. W. J. Simpson unloaded a car of salt last week. - I A. B. Stevenson. M.A.. returned to his ` position in Hamilton Collegiate, where he. teachm mathematics. II- .._.I ll ... A......m 117:--`nal n'nl-Av-fninnt` W111 A, .Warn1ca: vnzanisr. u. n. L_)luUlL-I 8 number 01 xneuus luau 1`I`luu.y uvcnuug. Mr. and Mrs} RQE. Whitewood and son returned to their home in _Toronto after | a pleasant visit here . nu I-Tnnrv . Rm-rv conducted th S81 - teaches mamemaucs. . _ I . .Mr. and Mrs. Amzus Warmca ent_e1-tamed number of 'friend.s last Friday evening. \1_ ....-I II...` `D '15` 7`\:fnu1At\I` ant` nnn plesnt Vlsltg DEN}. _ Rev. Henry Berry conducted the ser- vices in -Methodist Church last Sunday evening. sun I evemng. V Mrs. Quibell is visiting her daughter. Mrs. McDonald, Toronto. - ` 'l"L--. ....... n `nhli affnnrionnn -at f.}'IP Mrs. Mcuonaiu, Loronw. There was a large attendance at the League last Wednesday evening. the trus- teee of the church providing -the program.- Splendid papers._ readings and music were givem. A very important matter was brought "before the meeting by Miss Belle Neelnnds. that of "Improving the Ceme- tery". Ways and methods were freely dis- cussed, and it was decided to have another meeting on Jan. 31 of all who are.inter- ested in the improvement of the cemetery. when it is hoped. some definite plans can be. decided upon.- 'l\L.. Yunnan-up nnnnfina nf tin! Mpt.hndi.4:t be aeclaea upon.- The January meeting of the Methodist Ladies Aid was held in the basement. A _ pleasing feature in .-the programme was a presentation. to Mrs. J. W. Thompson (formerly Mrs. R. J. Black). The foll lowing address was readhy Mrs. ~W. J. Reid and the presentation -made by Mrs. John Hoover of ebeautiful electric reading lamp: T ` 11.... Mm "I`hnmnann- W4: .thp_ mp_ynber_.- lamp: Dear Mrs. Thompson: We. the members of Stroud Ladies Aid. take this opportunity to convey our kindly greetings, and to ex- press our appreciation of your service. Your presence in our society for so long. your regular attendance. your willingnex to do, andyour integrity have merited our esteem, and we assure you we will miss you as a true friend. We feel that the qualities which have appealed to us will appeal equal- ly to others; so that you will always be blessed with manv friends. Although you are leaving our community we are glad that your new home will not. be so far distant as to prevent you renewing your friendship with us. In order to show you other than by _mere words our esteem we ask -you to acceptthis reading lamp as 9:" -slight token of remembrance. trusting as _i you use it from day to;,day. you will look back with pleasant memories upon the many years spent -in-this soeietyl My-sy God s richest -blessing 20 with vou to vo'ur new home in Thornton whi`ch."We- trust. you may be long spared to enjoy- Signed on behalf of the Ladies Aid; Mrs."Joseoh Booth; Mrs. Wm. Reid: Mrs._J. Hoover. Mrs. Thompson replied with `much feel- ing, extending a hearty invitation to, all the ladies to visit her in.Thornton. The meet- ing was closed by singing and prayer. after which dainty refreshments were enjoyed WUJUII ` by all. Mrs. W. 1'. Urcnuru av norm nay. William Smy, Jr., arrived home last week, having spent the summer months sailing on--the Great Lakes` on.boa.rd the freighter Haga.rty." ` . - Mr, and Mrs. Howard Priest returned home last week after visiting relatives in Windsor. . r . ~ _ John Johnston is on the sick list. i Mr. and Mrs. D. M.eRichardeon of Aurora ` visited the latter's sister. Mrs. R. Plow~ right, over Sunday. - Jan. 9.-Mr. A. Rc;r;aid. sch `Douglas and daughter Grace are visiting, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Orchard at North Bay. 1-11:11:-.. G..." `I- n-.:u.A Hmmn Inst Chicago-doctors say there is too mucli sex instfi1c tion in the. schools. - A _..:......... :...5L.. '1\n l|uf\l\P* `nil , {nil only toois vwq spoons and 3 Dl'u_luun:. -; South Bend," Ind., man shot his adopted daughter, 15,` to save .`=r soul" after a. quarrel because of her "" " with boys. mstructxon xn me. scnools. A prisoner in't,he Logalnsport. Ind.. jail dug his way to fxeedoni. using as his only tools t}-wo and n neuknife. - . South Bend. Ind.. shot adopted! o are these -in the last fore Christ- e manager. inting clerk, who advised {MINI-:s1Nc _ IIQBTS ` are 883. IOLLQWB fmechodisi; Pxesffnev. Thos. Laidlaviry ; V508-Pl`88.7`-"GeA0.1""'. Ciemence: ` Secv.-Gor- {don Hawron; 'l`reas.--D. J. Jones; Mana- fger--Frd Roberts; Captain--R. Cain; Re- presentatives in. VL_eagu&--Rev. Thos. Laid- iaw and Fred R0 rts. II.___L_-L-_!-._ `l').. D-.. If Il'..Y ...n.. . IHW H-UH I`l{U\ l.UUUI5lll|- . Presbyterian. Pres.-Rev. K. MLea.; H AVice-Pr`es.---Johx'1- ' Campbell; Secretary-- Gordon Lightfoot; Treas.-John Mathers; Manager-~E. J. Lambert; Capt.--Frank Watson; Representatives in League--H. McCndish and Mr. Buchanan. n_-.. n.. n u'.....L'.. . g The diffrnt bhurches have organized men's clubs for athletic Dumoses. The of. _p_ers,are as..f,o1lqws: ` u.n....a;. +.` Ii.-'.. .'_m.u Than 1.n;dlu}s. UlL'\JlnuISlI auu LVIIR .I3UUL|i`l.I|l1llo Aglican. Pres.--Dr. A. E. Murphy; Vice-Pres.--R. Holt; Sec.-Treas.-~Mr. Har- rington; Execwive Committee-Rev. E. S`emin. O. Bernhardt: H. Clarke and J.. S. Porter. ,___ .!_-:.l-.! A.-- .._;.._ .. L....I-.... a-...... Do I Ul'lCl'u ' It was decided to enter a hockey team in the proposed Interchurch League. "\ ,,, ,,,n I!L;I, ,,-, TIAL u 'v|c\ rll\I`I\I\r\.u -.........._---- _-..=.._. Jan. 9.--Arthur Doner and little son B__ob_ left for their hon1e..in. Simnson. Sask.. on , Monday after spending a few weeks with hisnpzirents, Mr.ahdMrs. S. Doner. l`1,,,1_ T.`_II,, `II'-_.A. I ..-.. r...v....., -.-....--u -.--. ..,.--_ ` Robt. Strong of Gr;a:;vt'-173115.. Mont. 5 arrived home on Morydav. * i , A___,_ '__.J _.1_...2L-. --....... ..L....I...J A... of Reeve the Finance consider the the hour of om 8.00 to ' girlhood days at Sunniclale Corners. After l.`H'I'_IVC(l HUHIU UH L\'lUlIUV. ' The town and \'ic nitv were shocked onl Jan. 5, on learning: of the death of Mrs.l Will Smith (nee Alice Jones) of Hazen-' more. Sask. After a brief illness and an-l oneration which followed for appendicitis `I death resulted in a few days. The remainsl were taken from the Moose Jaw Hospital on Saturday and arrived in Stayner on, Tuesday. -the 9th, on the noon train. The3 funeral service was conductedin the after- lnoon in the Presbyterian Church. the ser- - jmon being preached by Rev. K. McLean.. |'I'he deceased was very popular and being of V 3 very cheerful disposition made for her-`; self a host of friends. She was`40 years: of age and before her marriage spent her: her marriage she movedwith her husband Ito Dunt-roon where he had a tailor shop] land where they lived until three years ago! `when they moved We-`t-. She. leaves to; mourn. besides her husband. one sister. Mrs, Green. of ,T0rontn: her father. and three brothers: Humphrev of Alaska. How- l ard of Idaho. and father and brother Rich- ' and of Saskatchewan. `* `rs .1 . .-__. _I-.__....; ._.____.L2_._. 4-..`! all--- -1. 51- UI KTHBRKINUIJCVVIIII. :_ I _ A very pleasant reception took place atf the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. McEachren5 when they celebrated the twenty-fifth` anniversary of their marriage on Jan, 5.3 The house, with its Christmas I decorations an_d artistic arrangement of! flowers and ferns. was attractive. x Mrs. `McEachren received from fourto six and Mr. and Mrs. McEachreu in the evening. In the dining-room Mrs. James Johnston poured tea and `Mm. John Johnston of; Collingwood served ices and cake. Mrs. Mcachren was -presented with a beauti- ful diamond ring by her husband. Jan. 8.--;Chas. Mbrrison from Wigninz is visiting friends here. . All. Y nu-n" (`Ru-Iun Rum anna tn nurni`-! 13 VUHIIIIUK ILICIIUB uclc. Miss Laura Christie has zone _to Hamil- ton to attend business collelre. James Readman and son, Douglas. who have -been sailim: on the lakes all last year, _-are home for the winter. A Mr. Melville and Miss Mary White from Winnipeg are spending'.a month with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wlrite. Mina M on- Flactnn frnm pm-f. Wlirnn. i 1 pulhlll, U11`. uuu Lula. V1. vvuuc. ' Miss Mary Easton from Port Huron. Mich.. is yisitimz at her home. n xv n..-L.._..._ L..- _..;..-.....J 5.. !\..o-.-do llclh. I5 _\'lSHrlllK at ucl` uuuw. T D. N, Buchanan has returned to` Detroit after spending the holidays `-at the home lof R. Turner. Ul Ls. .AuIu-45 School has reopened with Miss Reid from Campbellville as senior teacher and Miss Neilson from Manitowaninz as iunior teachl ` Miss Jean Gaston has returned to the` city after spending a week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Caston. IKL... AI... D;n`\nrI`nn 01!!` M:cn WAl>.hm- Turner have `returned to resume their dutips` ems, nu`. -ana N113. U. U. uualuu. Miss Alma Richardson and Miss Esther at Sudbury. ' ` ":35 11-nnn r`."|r;ef;n `Hun annn tn Flam.- at aunoury. ' Miss Irene Christie `has gone to Hamil- ton -to continue her studies there. \ I12-.. `Il:....:- n`"11Vv\I'I\ hon nnvu: On TAP.` }l, 1923. ODDO wnere SIIB 1185 uuuuruu 21. pvauuuu. I Mrs. C. Coward 18 vlsitzmg her daughter. in Toronto. ll__ 1l7.J,`L E..n..... Qua"-nu-u ;u n;a~'nf;n0 ner sis:-er. Mrs. auu. run. Wilfred and MISS Anna Turner have gone to Toronto after spending the holidays at their home. - __ E It 1 ,1, ',,:;_.! L1- nrotner, nnocn nugcm, nut 11 Acw uaya. Arthur Jary, Jr., has returned after spending a few days with friends in Omemee. Miss Sophia Jennett. who has been spend- ing a- few days with old friends. returned to Orillia. -- -1 IV 1 run ,._, ,__, ` E01110 couuuue ucr auuuzm uucnv. Mxss Mlnme Ellsmere has gone to Tor- onto where she has secured a position. II'__ n l'\.........l :. ..:..:4:.... Ln rlounlstmn In .I.0l'UllL(). Mrs. Walsh from Sudbury is visiting ` her sister. Mrs. Jno. Parr. 1 1`lT:H.'......l .....I III... Anna Tuunnnr I-`nun annn: Wm. Rogers from M_us1{oka' visited his brother, Enoch Rogers, for a few days. A..4-tum Ian: Jr has returned after VU \Illll1I~- Mr. arid Mrs. E. Gonzales of Toronto are spending a few weeks at A. Jar}/'9. _Ja9.,,_ 1Q.;3-fA`- telqkrajnb was received; last ., week by Mrs. W. Ra.Ie,tou. stating. that her } .sister,. Miss Annie `jS`z`1wfve1`.-.~ had died in Cali;fbrn-i,a.; Funexal notice.later. `LI ..- .-.-.n+F.m- Mm .M'ilu-nu .I-suing. mm-}1' Ual1,I0rn'1Aa.-\ `r um;n_u nuuuumwr. - 1 Her mother. Mrs. .-Milroy. -being much ` improved in health.. Mrs.. James King left I las1:._we,ek for_ her home at Newmarket. Her daughter-in-l_aw.: Mrs. Jack King, is expected back from England any day. `M . nnzl Mm Jnhn Allan and Ann of Umgvuur, Damn, are vuxbxxngncluuxvvn Luna.` An organ has been purchased for the public school with the proceeds of the Christmas entertainment. - " Ilj-_ II'_L.. D ____ ......... 'l`........4.. :..-..:..:L 1 Kinnon and election ac- xrom tut: OLD) . Mrs. Tenant and son of Fort William spent last week with her aunt. Mrs. R. J. ` Stewar-t,`and are now visiting other relatives in the vicinity. A ' ' _ . ` A car of coal` each for the two dealers. . "J. G, Dahuse and A. Kirkpatrick, wns re.- ceived~'the same day last week. More is. hoped.for... ` ' "' T` Misa'EwiWhan and4Mise Rita Clement .;......:.. n ...... .:n.. 1...; ......l. c... H... maul- uurluuxxua Ulll/Cl uuuxucuv. I Miss Meta Bannerman. Toronto. isvisit-1 ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood. .M'.- and Mm F1-pal Jump: nf. Tnrnntn expecueu Duck u`uu1 mugxuuu any uuy. Mr. and Mrs. John Allan and son of! 1 Caxgtuar, Sag-xk., are visiting. relzitives here.` A.. Antoni` Log knnn nu:-nknunr` `AF fkn . 5|; uuc uuum U1 Lul. auu Luna. 1'. uuvu ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred James of- Toronto` spent" the week-end with his narents. Mr. and Mrs. George James. _ - Miss Agnes Hood and Thos. Hood of Alliston `are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. 1`....1- ' J&OK. ' A son was born last week to Mr. [and Mrs. Jack Blackmore. ` A 1r:_I_..;_:-1- _...:..........I L........ .. 'l`......-l.... JBCK .DlllCKlll0l'Co A. Kirkpatrick returned home on Tuesday from the city. `I... Tnnnnb our` inn A` wnrf W;l`:IVI nupeu A101`. . . Miss `Evy : Whan `v5vere in Queensville last week for the wed- I ding, on Wednesday, of Miss Hazel Morton to` Stewart Stickwood of Sharon. which took place quietly at, the home of her parental Mr. and Mrs.` I. Morton. The ceremony was . perforxned by her uncle. Rev. Richard; Morton of `Elmvale assisted bv her Dstor. : Rev. Mr. Dunlop, ` i CRAIGHURST LEFROY . THE`. 35:31; EXAMINER

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