--You "can get a ton of one-third pea and two-thirds nut at Sarjeant s {um $16.50 per ton, or half pea and int! -nut for $16.00 per ton. 2c Were You Ready for The Snow Storm ? Choice Breakfast Bacon 1" rs Snidefwatsup, large bottles 1 T Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Daily Phone 145 - Goods delivered Prompgly - Elizabeth St. -T glass Shortening . . . 2 lbs. 35 Cood Five-String Brooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 each Laundry Soap . . V j Pure Strawberry Jam . . 4-rb t 4-Tb tin Pure Raspberry Jam . . . 4-Tb t in Pure Orange Marmalade Fine Canadian Chegsgt` Pure ` Maple I_3utfer. VntvII\l""_\!uIIIl.Vl.I:lIJl: U1-Ital! IAVIIIU, UV"| or}; modern convenience. ~ ' . I $2400--~5 rooms, water, lights . and: cnHA - HINDS BROS. 13 1bs.Choic Yellbw Onions fof . . . `f'!E.HuB BOOT snow? PURE FOOD GROCERY; :WE RE READY ! -Lehigh Anthracite Boulets for _vour furnace at $14.50 ton is cheap iand satisfactory fuel, and mixed `with half large pea coal is excellent !for range or feeder. We only have :about 30 tons of boulets left. If you awant any, don t delay.---The Sar- jeant Co., Ltd. 2c I I .UU U \.lv\.no i The Fire and Police Committee, upon the recommendation" of Aid. 'Byrne and "Deputy Robertson, `will (the old fire engine and replacing it jthe old "gre `engine and replacing` it` [with a small motor with chemical ex- Etinguishers for use at small res. g, Upon the suggestion of Reeve `Fisher and/-Ald. Gracey, .the Finance gCommittee was asked to consider the gadvisability of changing the hour of `committee `meetings from 8.00 to . 7.30 o'clock. V-\II A _Mayor Little said that it was to zbe regretted that any name should ibe_left off, but to err is human. {He pointed out that the list is posted iup as soon _as printed and the elect- lor`s are called upon to check up the ilists for errors or omissions. If the 'people do not avail themselvesgof this opportunity, they really are_`to blame if their names are omitted. He was sure there were no more in- jaccuracieson the Barrie list than in iother municipalities. I 'n.. .......L:-... .1: AI) a1..v:......_. .....| H. A. HENRY ESTATE MAN I vvnown nnnu-nnvnyullutco `On motion of Alci. McKinnon and Deputy Patterson, the election ac- `counts were ordered paid. .,, - .. 3 Toronto _Star: `h`Whho7 are these : people who are shopping in the last `hour of the last day befor Christ- Z........on- ....1-...l `L- ..;__- _. .... -__ `nnvvu; Va lulu -la-DU uni! IIGLVLG I.lll.llDb' mas?"` asked the store manager. Oh,?,f whispered the fainting clerk, those are the eeditorsxwho advised r everybody to shop early. !made; in one or two cases mention- led,` the list showed that the names ,were really on. It was suggested by `the Cler_k that the assessor be re- lquired to complete each ward as he igoes along, which would give ample ltime for preparation of the list. Tl-ll_JRsl;A'Y, JANUARY 1:, _1923. L- !\_ Ien s _All New Hllowi Dates Fancy Jam-.'l2?1Tm I `--:2` lbs. 35 I ulA\pJ \J\.alA\Ivn xau--v --2 lbs. 35 Gingersnaps .. 2 lbs. 35c Fancy School cZk'e" OIL 'I'3a1rc1'y and 'Sales:l{o-;; =(`..m'. Elizabeth and Small-Sts. One On The Editor 15 bars for $1.66 J. F. Mimi -W. A. Lowe stock of mattresse Dahd. Call and raw 79 Bayeld St. Memorial Ta Stones, Marker Marble M %BarrieMa1 THURSDAY, J PHONE 7c. BROWN Send or lezw ` samp Red CIOYCTA Do not sell but` prices.` We kn very ' highest to value of ym will be no obli part by leavin with us. We factory price-s Others and on}; to quote cm ya optional with _w We are in the and Buckwheat Oppoitv Br_\'.< Phone Store ' ";;;;.,.:;:,:.;` Elizabeth St.` We have op; Elmvale. 0pp( Bank. and mu risks in :1 nu companies. 4 fore f)1acin_{: FEED BREW PIES, CAKES A_Ni)PASTRY. SEEDS Life - Fire A share gIa(1n<-ss on not, you zato what has in stun- your. spine perfect cm nerve-.< an-Kr your body. an anzxlysis. INSUI Nth I )1. Bryson s CQNFECTIONERY (ood Pho`n| Hot Scotch Twins Mmonds, vBr;i;s, V; :;lr;t_1;:;r.-;:nd Filbert Nuts blended together` in tay at 50 per 15 A mixture containihg `Choco- Pates. Caramels, Creams, etc., `at 25: per lb V ` is the 'name oh: new Ice Cram. Sundae w are `o"ering' `this week. :3 vv 1 -rolll ` V Electrical Dealer and Contractor Phone 285. : P. O. Box 633, Barrie me ?B7.n2}"ci.cia?eI:acea Ice Cream Confection _ Phone 125, Barrie Store Phone 770. Allandale Store %Our Counter FOR THE BEST IN BAKER S BREAD HOMEMADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD .3-. Ev-[B1sI.+9P H. A, HENRY REAL ESTATE MAN Two an-nu:-out anus: nJ|\n4l`II: a_nd a full line of - v I suveroigrl Irons, reg. $6.00 for $5.501 Ithmpoint Irons, reg. $7.00 for $6.50 'lI'oaster Stoves, reg`. $2.00 for $1.75 Reversil)le- Toaster, reg. $6.75, $6.00! Curling Irons, reg`. $5.25 for. $4.50 No. 1508 2-burner Hot Plate, nickel-= plated nish, reg. $24.80, $22.50! No. 1 Majestic `Heater, one heating ` element, re[:.'$10.00 for .. $9.50 Km. -8 Majestic Heater, t_wo heating elemex1ts','-reg. `$15.00 for. . $14.25 No. 7614-2475 -:1,-rod Semi-Indirect Iiuit, gold nish, made of besti quality Monax_glass, tinted brown` with et_ched__ de_sign,,around top sec- tion, reg. $g4,2, for . $19.40!; B`.-'.. _ 10533. _ '1.`hree-Light, Shower, in ? l _ bronze and `gold nish, fancy em-:1 _ bpssed body with canopy to match, I, 1.4-in. spread, drop` 3-5. in., rich,,= golden .irrides_cent' `glass shades, reg. $21.50 for . . . . .. $18.25 , B-mldoir Lamps. old.ivory nish, reg. 1 $8.00 for ,..-.-... . . . . $6.90 1 little" Ben Cadillac Vacuum Cleaners 1 with standard `set of attachments, ` reg. $69.50 for .._ . . . . . . . $63.75 5 No. 13043 three-light-shower, brush" brass` nish, 4%:-in.`-canopy, 12-in. i spread, drop 32 in., with pressed ' L-r,vst`al glass shades, reg. $8, $6.75 `No. "0076, length 16 in.. spread 12 1 in., four lights, old gold nish with 1 ishades, reg. $28.25 for .. $21.90 ( Also big reduction in Delco Lightlg `Waiters. Free demonstration will be given in your home with vacu- 1 um cleaner or washer. T 1 Fixtures and Table Lamps delivered subject to your approval. 5 Telephone orders received between a 12.30 and 1.30 noon and between` 6.30 and 7.45 p.m. LUNCH SERVED `F OR SALE OFFERS To follow Chief King's suggestion and place signs at the, main entrances to the town warning motorists to re- duce speed to twelve iniles wouid be simply waste of money, forthe pro- vinial law gives them the right to travel twenty miles in urban munic- ioalities. Close watch upon motor- ists in town, with prompt prosecu- tion of those who are guilty of rec!-,:-. !ess driving (which `does not neces-; I The Central Canadian of Cavleton lPlace.-Ont., had the rmsfortune to lose its entire plant by re on Mon- day. thetotal loss neing estimated [at $18,000. Mr. Davis. the proprie- Jvtor, has brought the C.C. into "the front rank of Ontario weekly news- papers and his many friends are condent that his paper will soon arise from the" ashes stronger` than ever. - ' A matter that might engage the attention of the-Town Council early this year is .the disposal of the gravel pit lot on Clapperton St. All the gravel of any value has been taken out of the pit and the lot is an eye- sore. If it were sold. a residence ,might replace the unsightly san_d pit and bring returns to the municipality in the way of increased` assessment.` It should: not take long for the: [Council to decide what should be! `done with reference 'to the request ifor another poolroom license. Barrie ;is already 'over-supplied with accom- -modation for this form of amuse- Ement. Reduction rather than in- lcrease of poolroomsv is to be desired. Arrangements have been complet- ed for the inauguration of a Victor- zian Order nursing service in Sud- bury. It is hoped that the same maybe said of Barrie during the `current year. - .a.vn-L. 1 This refund will take care of fully fty per cent of the extensive 1m-` iprovements -to be undertaken this `year in the way of putting: the line: I in the business section under ground. .u5. V Although no offiz-ial notification ihas yet come to the local commission, Barrie will benet greatly from this depreciation reba_te---the_ estimate be- jinz about $12000 up to the end of l1921. ' . - HYDRO DEPRIECIATION RATE : In announcing a reduction in the -`Hydro depreciation charge from 2-? to 1 1-3 per cent, which `gives Alliston a refund of over $3600, the Herald _ criticizes the engineers for not know- j ing what percentage should have ' been allowed for depreciation in the first place. Such: criticism is not fair. -On a new transmission line] the rate of depreciation can only _be' gestimated. The engineers made what they considered a safe estimate and now that the line has been in opera- ;tion long enough to determine what the annual depreciation is, new rates have been announced and the .muni- icipalities areibeing refunded the dif- - ference from the time they joined ;up with the Severn System. It is ` much better for the Hydro to be in a position to give a rebate than to have to ask the municipalities for` ,more money because of underestima- iting. ' A1LL...-..L _-- .ms 3,: A'l MIUIIIIKOLJ UL AILUD IIUDGBDIUICDI The man who turned his face to the city in 1914, at the beginning of a period of abnormal wadres, mev have acted wisely. The man `who leaves the land for the city today is; ikely. when too late, to have reason ltd regret his choice. I STAY WITH THE FARM H (The Farmers Sun) , _ . Farmers are just now get- I ting the short endof it, but in- side of five years the farmer will . | - be in a better position than any- : one else in the community. I Theprophecy quoted was made by annual meeting of thei Dominion Grange. The `probabilities are all in favor of the prediction being veried to theletter. -At present, _because i farmproducts are down to practi- I I John Pritchard, M.P., at the recenti cally pre-war levels, while the pro_- cess of deation has hardly begun in iother commodities, agriculture is the most poorly rewarded industry in thecountry. But, when another period of depression comes, condi- tions will be reversed; and all his- tory show-s.that activity and depres- sion follow each other just as cer- jtainly as day and night alternate. !A change _was beginning in 1.914 but was temporarily turned aside by the fictitious prosperity created by the spending on war `industries of [something like a couple of billion dollars secured in return for a na- ltional mortgage of like amount. The inevitable change has been further` postponed since the war by increas-I ing our municipal, provincial and na-] tional borrowings in order to provide J for more spending. That sort of ifolly cannot go on forever, however. land thelonger it does proceed, the greater will be the crash at the end. -'When the inevitable does occur, the whole country will suffer, just as the whole country suffered in the dark days of` the nineties, but the pinch 'will be most severely felt in the cit- lies. The farm table can always be Inrovided from the product of the }farm; but -in the city. when the job ;is gone, past accumulations speedily melt away and nothing is left where- with to provide even the `host ele- mentary of life s necessities. H... ........ ".1... L..........1 L:.. 3...... L- :%$$%%%&%%$&&&&%$&&&$%%%*:} : EDl'l'0R1AL%C,0MMl:`.NT -x~ }%w*%*&&%*&$*&&$$%w%&$*%&$* EDITORIAL NOTES --Bndv hiirdwood. hartiwod s1abs.! tarviaraok .=m4`t wood and kiizdling `in, I :5 'nv|t-~- Au III!` I-n ---`L 1.93 G. I Ku UV nuuvv WIOCLG uuc EUUING uzuucu. - From this if/would anpear that; there was a surplus `of socks on hand when the war ended and that the Red Cross is ndw making uee of them in "the wavT above indicated. I Vllillg wvyv. El. &\l-I-L : J ~ The note said: I along with about ; 100 other returned men received a` parcel from the Red Cross at Christ- mas. In each was -a pair of socks. One of mine contained your note, and I thought you might be interest- ed to know where the socks landed. ; 1:s_...;. u.:_ 3; ._-__1; , , . ` Sluvervigrl `reg. I1-o'ns,v f or.. 11 rla+nA Gudob. ....... 1-0,4 on Q , An energetic Red Cross worker in town this week received from a pa- tient in the Laurentian Sanitarium, Ste. Agathe Des Monts. Que.. a let- ter enclosing a note she had enclosed in 'a pair -of socks sent through the Barrie `Branch of the Red Cross So-i cietv. Sept. 27, 1918. ml..- ....L.. ....:.l. at ..I........ ...:4.L ..L..-..:. . I-Itl!"l!I1\t -""U VVIIVVI CIIIU I\l'i\lIIl.l III 44,- 'm.~.rr+_`- ~19 cu` 5`-'9. 2+. Sn:- . u 7 - r uien. MORE SOLDIERS GET SOCKS Apparently quite `a A number of part/zels forwarded to soldiers during the` war have lately reached returned A__ ,-._ , :0, I\ 1 /1 , 1 Assist iMunicipal Men_ , M Midland Argus: Men occupying. public positions, particularly those[ !pertaining to municipal work, where: ino remuneration is looked for, `should be given `every assistance to` do. for the people the very best ztheyl-_ can, and in the main that is the de- sire of every honest man, Mistakes will be made_,~ as.~they are in every `other walk of life, -but_ to some ex ntent we must be generous-enough to overlook some of. these and ati-the same time ` vcong-ratulate, .ourselves that they are not more seriousthan they are. ` `Smoking at Hockey Matches Oshawa Reformer: From the standpoint of health, efficiency and consideration for the comfort and convenience of others, smoking` should be tabooed at all hockey- amnke in the open as much as they like, but in a hockey rink an hour's l matches. People are at liberty to abstinence will do nobody any harm. The Valuable Wood Lot Wh'itby Gazette.--The farm wood lot is coming into its own again with ' the coal'shortag'e. Happy the farm-? er who-has his own bush. andtwice lucky if he can sell some to his shiv- , raring neighbors in town. Plant trees" is a good motto for farmers to adopt. ` I D i Well Off for Prophets ` Simcoe Reformer: Prophetically speaking, rural Ontario's farmer or- ganizations are well equipped for the year of 1923, with Mr. W. A. I Amos of Palmerston, the newly-eIect- ' ed president of the-U.F.O., and Mrs. I J. S. Amos, of Woodstock, directress of the U.F.W.O. - [ Appyropriatevfor Hogtown A ~ Newmarket Express-Herald: Did it not strike you as singglea1'ly ap- propriate that the municipal ght_in' "Toronto was waged, on something? [that the newspapers called a grab?. is the best way. for the police to se- , ' lcure `safe driving. within the town` THE PREMIER OF CANADA lln",lts_ . - In` starting a_ series of brief bio- ` V - e . graphical sketches under the title ot There's never an election, mu.n- Of C`.`adm _W`h,S_ hv It 15 lelpel to, parliamentary where some ltting that the First Minister of Can- elector nds that his name is not on ad S}-`1d 315 have the Premier -the list. After Jall, the voter has place by 1'e_as _f_bemg at the same himself to blame when a voters time the First Citizen and the tenth list is published, notice is given the P950 t llthat imvmant P_S1t,in public and .lf_-_a.~m~gm will not take the I since . Confederation. l-Ion. William trouble to look and see if his name.;LY" Maekefme K_``}8' 15 e_ f `Eben is on the list, he llasllo great cause lyouthful Prime Ministers, being like to feel sore if his name is. missing his immediate P"edeee5s1'v H- when he goes to vote. ` Arthur Meighen, only in the` forties ` - . ` - as yet, and therefore in his early In its last issue the Central Can: Prime-_ It i"l"es "9 Pme31 P`.`_1't` adian of Carleton Place, Ont., hadzanehlp `"3 533 that the Pnme M_"" an editorial regarding subscription5te" _had 1g Years Of Pre-Pa"3t1l rates that is applicable, to Weekly for-his task, as avstudent',.a member newspapers pretty generally and will f the DP_-"mo" CW Se"`eev 35" bear repeating; Here it lS:_wl~llere Deputy Minister of Labor. and later are Still a few C_ C_ reeadersewho asklas Minister of Labor in the Laurier when the subscription price is to belG"e`met- After the defeat 0* .lowered. An answer to this may be jthat GVe1'"`e"tv Ml Kmg Spent 3- found in the Ottawa city dailies of l ed _f -"`~ e1'5 Wlth Fhe Re!efene" last Friday and Saturday, when an[F0l1!l(`l8._i`.lOn in `studying social and announcement was made that tlle;econoinic conditions under its leader-l city and subuis` subscription price=Sh1P- _1"5mg 0? 0f the Pe1"dl of these two papers would raise on 015 eetlvltfzv M1 Kmg W1'te '3 b],`i Jan. 1st to $9.00 a `year delivered.lent_1t1ed Labor and .De1n0C1`acY. l [The reason given was an advancerin gwhleh has b_een_ accepted 9S_ 31 the cost of white paper at the `mills Vahlallle "Tltbt` to the Sllbwctl and a further advance in the postag~g_ finrlicnted. The Pi'emiei' has `entered 5 These same advances affect the Cen-fl fm_ 3 `heavy a_"`_1 ex-tm_g task.-it tral Canadian in like degree and ut- 2`1mh_w_r the .dest_1mes of this sr0w1_"si terly preclude any possibility of a re- Df"`_'_" 1".`f h`_h me Of 3`-1 P3111953 duction in the subscription price of`W1 J0"! In '1Sl_!mg h1m_ 3 degree 05! $2_()() a year; Most country week1ies_ succeres that will contribute to the including the (;_e C have made (la- `l)eStll'!i'.el'eStS of our common country. cidedimprovements in their papers since `the higher subscription rate came into effect. and few readersg. would favor a curtailment of quality in their home newspaper even for the sake of a lowerjsubscription rate. r The C. C. hes endeavored to keep I If l 1'Cnllel"`D1`lll'y S promise tol make a redistribution in Ontario.` based on the 1921 census. is carried` 1 abreast of the mes In them lm out iliiring the coming session, ones pmvements` therefore the `adoption of the counties that will have to re- page `me f the Shea `$230 av ceivc consideration is Simcoe, says. year and worth it`. If this Slog? the Orillia Packet. East Simcoe hasi Should be changed we would be m" a population of 31 890 while South; clined to accept the suggestion of Simcoe hag mm, 10 968 West Simq the Gananoque Reporter and make me and Centre %inieoe'come nearer? . Ir L I it read: `$2'00 an year and` womb the average the `former having 18-` , I n `i ' ` i i"``e' l846 and the latter 22.384. Varimig i&w&&$&&mi%&i gi AMONG EXCHANGES g la&&am&a%amw&maa& ' FOR RENT . Comfortable - apartments , with all` mnveniences; also -three gopd houses [sarily mean twenty miles an hour),` [is the best for the cu_re town limits. There s election, icipalor parliamentary, some' thathis list. all, notice the` to see name; has no cause] is missing | `rm: BARRJE is mm-zu I ---.We have all sizes of coal in: 1 ystock and we solicit (orders, but "please provide for use of a small pro ' portion of coke. pea. buckwheat or .,soft coal, and do not order beyond 1 your immediate requirr-2ment-s. so -.that the standard size-.= will hold out 4 Q ! '--""n. 9..rfe."."?. Co., Ltd. =`* 3 -. I 3 vii`;-1'Ving the evidence, `His! Honor recommended a settlement ong ;the basis of $200 without eosts. This; `was agreed to by the parties. ; vy.LvvVu . I The plaintiff claimed that the late! Fred Parr had induced him to come; to Barrie by promisinghim a share, of the business with a guarantee of , $1000 a year above his wages. These; "arrangements were verbal. Subse- ouently an agreement was drawn up? ;by a lawyer. This was not satisfac- lvtory to Richards and the papers were ! not signed when Mr. Parr suddenly: met his tragic death. ` 4 I A34- .-._ L......:..... .|.L..- .._'.I.____ I7! SETTLED FOR $200 _ , In the Surrogate Court on Mbnd'ay His Honor Judge Vance heard a` claim of W. J. Richards, plumbetx; against the Fred Parr Estate for` `$1000. J a rm._ ..1_:__L_-An _1_:___,,: .u,,. .. . . I .Adjala . . . Beeton ..._ .. . Bradford . . .. We-`st c;w.i.1`1imbuz~_5 Innisl _. .. . - Tecumseth . Tottenham- . my u nu \. "I Premier` rDrury "make Aout onei ) 2 have 1 -- Simcoe, Orillia population 31.890, only 10,968. Centre Simcoe come nearer} 1 average, `former 18,-` 1846 latter 22,384. Various .` suggestions will doubtless be made i for `eaualizing the ridings. One is I that Barrie and Vespra should be! , transferred from Centre to South; I Simcoe, which would raise the pop-' lulatiun of the latter to 20,185. Mid-I t'land could then be transferred to} l Centre Simcoe, which would leave the population of that riding at 21,-. P167` and would bring East Simcoe; fdown to 24,884. This would also` Wmean that each of the ridings would! have-"in it one of the four big towns. i` E I -But there will be many plans. and [_we give herewith the 1921 gures ` `for the four ridings, with which lo-1` weal politicians can amuse themselves" bydoing their own juggling. ' . East Simcoe i. 2 n._:n:_ ' A --- \.IVAlIaA( Vespra Barrie . . Flos . .. .. .. ` Peneta'ng'uishene isunnidale .. lTiny .. `c-n..%4....T%1i}.'.-..Z'v:i..;:.". "iii.'.;... aw} Creemore Essa .. . . Nottawvasaga Stayner . }Tossorontio 'Alliston . . I Collingwood lV...........-... Orillia '. . .. . . Midland .. . .. . [Goldwater .. .. .. . {Victoria Harbor .. . Port McNicoll . Township of Orillia -. Medonte .. . .. . Oro .. .. .. .. Tay .. .. .. .. .. . Matchedash .. Centre Simcoe South Simcoe A Wzast Simcoe 5:24;: ; 18.845; 31,890. $28().0i--~6-room`brick house, all con- vehienees. " ' - V $33G(_}--'-.9"'rooms, all conveniences, 2 good` cellars, large veranda, half acre ground, orchard. '$3600-.-_`~?-room brick, all conven- iences, 1 V4 acres ground. $380(l---~Ver,v large home. hardwoo oors. beautiful grounds. V l $41()0-~New b'ri-ck house, 7 rooms,i auaanolnh ' 995 2.942! `\J\Jd ; 4 " 653; 2,910- 4,110; 000 ' 658 5 1.46? .; 1,074.] 3.418! 2,723 ' 3,098 , 3,159 i [AH '56%',I Deputy Patterson enquired as to` `the reason for certain names having; ubeen left off the voters list. ' 2 l The Clerk stated that every eo1-t_ was made to have the list correct,: ';yet as the list had to be prepared in lvvnvll unbnsv V1 lI\alL nuns`: |lKblJl\-Oo Alsuch `a short time some inaccuracies-: ihad apparently crept in. In some of , gthe cases complained of on Jan. 1st,} sexamination showed that the parties? `were not assessed for a sufficient' iamount to entitle them to be on the! ?list; in other cases, the name was on: iin another ward, and quite properly 5 !so, at the time the assessment was ! - |uv\.|I Ausv VIA VIIC VVVULO tha to f !such 1' :had 1 . ;.-............L.'..... r...I.A-.....I LL`; "Board of Health---R. A. Stephens, nyvnnnvvuo `J; D. Wisdom and Ald. Partridge. l i Poolroom License Wanted 1. Trevelyan Bros, of Tordnto. hav- iing heard that there were only twoi billiard rooms, in Barrie, wrote ask-; ing the Council if it would issue a: !license for an up-to-date poolroom `with eight or ten large tables. ' T'\.u.nJ-u. 1).-.5` A _ . A _ _ _ ~ . .5...) .1 . J... .5 i I own nvvu-v-av LU; u\--use-uav ytvayvvvo l i In conclusion. Mr. Little expressed; fhis thanks for the honor shown him; iin being thrice elected mayor. 0p-} .portunities for similar honors werei `open to `any member of the Council! !and he hoped that those who aspired; ito higher places in the "gift of their` [fellow ratepayers might in due icourse have their desires realized. Appointments Made ` `g- Upon the recommendation of the: Mayor, as is customary, appoint-' ments to public bodies were made as follows:--- vuoco 1 I` 1 v\ w -u. $6100-'---Brick house, oak oors, mod-5 em . vllvnu I Parks Commission--A. H. Goodall; }and A. E. Stapletpn, both ~re-ap-. ipointed. ` 1 .13---.) `B I`f.._ILL `I5 I (VA.,...l.._.__ (Continued from Page 1) i E Ecommittee should be constantly on: I ! I the look-out for desirable prospects. I ... .........1....2.... II YILLI- ....... ......l Public Library Board---D. .1. Re-! burn. re-appointed for` three ,vear<.: 1A. R. Girdwood, for one year to ll) font the term of the late R; J. Flet-9 icher. I II . . I cw pa n .. `LOWER TAX RATE MAY BE ExPECTEDi Men's Overshoe Rubber; with storm front, ne jer- sey top. _ --$l.85 Men's Cit` Oversljnoes-- Exfra fine. jersey cloth, waterproof -top, 1-buckle. an on Next_to' Cross1and s Drug Store Men's Overshoe 1, and 4-buckle height, with heavy `waterproof tops, wool lined throughout,- best quality bottoms. 4-buckle height, $4.40 2-buckle height, -$3.40 1~buck1e -height, $2.65 YOU LL GET GOOD SERVICEOUT or WHO:SAID WE WEREN T OOINO TO HAVE A REGULAR WINTER? LOOKS LIKE IT NOW, DOESN T IT? SORT OF MAKES YOU THINK YOU HAD BETTER GET THOSE OVERSHOES. At $1300---5-room cottage, with nice. grounds and garden. $11500`--Several good houses to ` choose from. | I s2oo a-~.Comomb1e brick home, ev- A-nv in-unplnps-u l|l\i\iv1\D\II\r|r|r\