Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1923, p. 8

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Miscellaneous Succeuof to HAPPY I Chimney res gave the re de-i partment two runs on Friday. An! overheated chimney caused the roof; to ignite ove1Frank`Haight s jewel- [ry store, Dunlop street, at noon. At 6.15 pm. the department responded} gtn 11 (`all from 45 Innisl street_.j +where slight damage was caused to} _fhe residence of Frank Gill by an! overheated stovepipe. x I | III` .1 I cu J.'u1u.- ` ~. - _A box of owera shipped from C898 Town, South Africa; to W. C. Keizhley. the architect, of Pembroke. arrived in Pem- brgke in bloom. - ....:.._.:_ b-L:____ p h __._.. _-- nnl- ununu HI UIOULII. Benjamin Robinson, of `Dartmoor. 039- brnted his 70th birthday: rnr,-entlv b.V Wm"- ing ten miles in anhour and 56 min`-mg The three Longford men who were! injured in the motor car accident on E 11)ec. 16, when their car was struck! by a freight train, are all in the Sol-[ .diers' Memorial Hospital. Ashman went home last week. but had to re- turn, as his wound was giving him; trouble. Howell and Smith. V who; were more seriously injured, are now! considered outof danger and are getting along nicely.--Orillia Packet. UIIC [INCL] l.l1C21|4l Uo""'I.UI'(H"AU` IEIUKI Zuni . Miss Jepson is well known in Barne being an ex-student of the B.C.I. She spends many week-ends. and holidays among - her relatives' and friends here. Miss Jenson is 3 niece of Mrs. _W.'Shephard. Brock St.. and of Mm. McWaters of Holly. wai`1`1'<"i`S' sellihg at :2 a hundred-weight in Froxvenac, and butter_ fat around 400 a pound. Q:-..:..I..... ...:gl. 1._.._; .1! _____ -_ I... .......-n- n A meeting of the Barrie Liberal- Conservative Association will be held} in theiSons of England Hall, Both-j `well Block, Wednesday, Jan. 10, at* {8 p.m. Election of officers and gen- eral `business. Musical p1'ogran1. Ad~; idrsses by prominent men. Cordial} !invitation extended to friends from! isurrounding district. Meeting at 8} lp.m. sharp. ' lei PUII HUD! \'l'lCtI\f""`l\42`lIlKB, C03! 03' W000: tablns and chairs: hall tree. and floor kunp. Ayply "at Powell 6: Co. store or phone l83.~ ~ In POPULAR DAN:-'oinrHl mm. Miss Laura Jepson was presented with a $50 diamond ring. by Ald. R. Luxmn, at Alleifs Danforth Theatre, last night for having obtained the most. votes 2;: 'l`i.e Most Popular Girl in the Danforth Dis- trict,'_ contest, `conducted by a rlifrict paper recently. The ring was donutcd by the Allen 'I`heatre.--Tormito- Telegram. man Tnrxnnuru .. .....II I-.. .....- .. `luv-I-in Renfrew Poultry Association has decided to supply fresh eggs to needy patients in the town. lltll- :_ __II:___ ,.' An 1 , 1 ,,I_,._:_LL 2- yvuuu. _St1-icken with heart -disease as he swung a! Dlclivaxttei, Nicholas Archie, 32, dropped dead at or .- . . A L--. -2` n__,,-_ u- ,1 1-____ IV--- Children who intend entering-+3.13: says in thecompetition arranged by" `the Barrie Poultry Association should have their essays in the hands of A. C. Brickcr or.J. H. Wilson by Sat- lurday night, Jan. 6. This competi-. tion is open to any child who has not `passed the `High School Entrance. ! u-- ' Paul VHart, son of Dr. V. A. and! Mrs". Hart, 99 Bayeld St., was the `winner of the doll valued at $15 in uthe` guessing contest "recently con- ducted by W.. Crossland s drug sto1'e.l Therewere 5379 beans in the jar, and Paul Hart's guess was 5373. Thei `guesses ranged from 200 to 25,000.E Most of the stores arevbusy t ki V" stock this week. a ng nu , rn._'I.I.._._).. 06...... `IJ ...-__ , ... . l"" " V" ""` '"""'""'" "V' ' ` John Henderson of Roila, North! Dakota, has purchased the ve-acre! timber lot of C. W. Plaxton s, ad- joining the golf links, Sunnidale Rd. iThe purchasenproposes building on `his new property. Partridge & Gil"- lroy put through the sale. SUUCIX lnlll \V CVnu The Children's Story Hour win be resumed at the Public _Libr'ary next Saturday. I` `D IKnDoa I-snuf A T 1-3 I During the `month of December! `there were 23`births, 9 deaths and 6 marriamas in Barrie, according to thel ivital statistics issued` by A. W.` ismith, Town Clerk. ...| Bible Class on Sunday afternoon, a most appreciative and thankful let- ter was read from one of the ne- stricken Northern families to which lthe Class sent Christmas boxes. ""X'"t:{ ;;;.;emgof St. Andrew's, I'J111VAl`DUlJ!\I\. I\1l\JIllIllV IUHIVUEJ 10!` Sale, finished in whhe enamel and in good con- dition. Alsovthree burner gas stove. Call or wrih 33,0wen st. 52-lp Low NEWS huruay. _ C. R. McRae, who beat A. J. Sullivan-for mayor in Stayner by 3 votes, is a son-in-law of M. Shanacy Barrie. ' _I 'fY--._.1.. as can: -....___,o" 1351116: David Hurrie, a new councillor elected in Midland, was formerly an .employee of V the "Barrie Electric Light Dept. - | "Fi... (`H-1r {Tofu rnnvn int- :4... uceu nu pt`-11.1115. I The annual meeting of the Barrie Horticultural Society will be held in the Police Court Chamber, Friday,` Jan. 13. at 8 pm. A good attend- 'ance is requested. ` i 1171.21,. ..:..::..-... 1.... .1onn~l-.4-on nL +1.. i -Viggo Kihl, pianist, and Leo] Smith. cellist. will give a concert in the Parish Hall, Barrie, Tuesday, Jan. 23. This is sure to be- a very great musical treat. 1c? The prize for the closest guess of! the weight of a baby beef in M. J. Brennan s store was won by M1's.`J. !McDou{.>:all, Jane St. Mrs. McDoug-- Ii all guessed 350 pounds, the exact lweight of the beef. ' ' . 1- run . 1 iulguu ucyo. The City Cafe moved into its Ihandsome new restaurant today, oc- cupyipg the premises vacated by the` `Antomette Hat Shop. ~ I w... L... ......a. =_ .. I J'I.llII\IlIICIIUC LLIQV mlllvllo I A change has been made in the Barrie-Midland hockey dates. Barrie? plays in Midland on Jan. 11, with thei return game on-Jan. 17. '1'. .. ..'I~\-unvn-av noun A; I .31-min`-`...\-...& IVUDUIII gaunt: Auu vuxu as I n The alimony case of Lighthearti vs. Lightheart, which was scheduled? to come before the County Court last Monday, was settled out of. "` `H I`!-~--....I.-.. -3 L1... 'l\:..L..._L___, Crayston, of the Dictaphone; Co., Toronto, will address the Bar- .rie Kiwanis Club at this week's lun`-. cheon. His subject is The Square-i iDeal in Selling. [ n u_, ' _--_ -_. -1 .-......4:..... -4-` 4.1.4.. D.._.-.:_4 *zu1ce 15 Ltqucaucu. . While visiting her daughter at the S00". Mrs. Wm. Freek slipped and fell llast Fridambroaking a `thigh bone._ ishe will be in the hospital for prob-; `ably three months. 1 n I (0 `IN I 1 --. AS RANGE, cabinet style. four burners, upper" and lower oven. warming shelf. white V enamel splash. used for one year. in perfect *'\di'on. Ohezm for quick sale. Phone 49 an -o.-I.. ll AIL.._L GA 1 - Adsiih this column, 4 oez-1t:word :-|:-|:-I:- I: -ll:-ll:-12-1- us. In Ema cmunn, -2 ounce w A El!-iI.`.EI!I E Iil ~ ' THE_BARR1%E% EXAMlNER Collier l?d;thodi_st Church} - Ann cw.-cu jaw av-vua--w w---- v__ ...... __- Januarv 7. 1923 1st Sunday of the New Year _ 10.00 a.m.--~New Year Fellowshin meet- ing in the S.S. room. 11 nn in u... "I"Lp. nnah-nu 11:"! 0:11;: o Inna- mg 11: me DMD. rvum. _ _ 11.00 8.m.--The nastorwxll zxvg 21 mes- sage on the clock to the boys and girls. `Inn nu... Mn... vnnu vnuaautns n` Now 31158 on M18 CLOCK W Lne U0) : uuu gum. 7.00 p.m.-New Year message of New Hope and Opportunity from the pastor. Welcome! ` .-\RDA(.3H~-iAt La Jolla, California, on! Dec. 30. 1922. after a lingering illne_ss.: "borne with Christian patience. Anna B. Ardagh. last surviving daughter of the late John Russell Ardagh. M.D., Barrie. DOANE--0 Sunday, December 31, 1922, at his late residence, 107 Eaton Ave.. Toronto. Oscar M. Doane. aged 70 years. husband of Helene Doane, formerly of ' Shanty Bay and Barrie. McDONALD-At Thornton. Friday. Dec. 29. 1922. Isabella Pearson. `beloved wife of John McDonald, aged 45 years. SCOTT-In Allandale, Jan. 1. 1923. Alex- ander Scott, in his 79th year. THOMAS---At the .home of his son. 16' Colin Ave.. Toron 0. on Saturday. Dec. 30. 1922. R.-A. Thomas. late of Barrie. aged 72 years. 7 ' \`lliI\V. ' `NIXON---In Allamlale on Monday. January 1. 1923, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nixon. T PEPPER--In Barrie. on Tuesday. Jan. 2.. i 1923`. a son to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Palmer. 3 3 74 Worsley St. ` g CARTIilR---In Barrie. on Mondav. Dec. 11. ; I 1922. :1 son to Mr." and Mrs. Rm` Carter. 3 I Charles St. ' u----_ LIVE STOCK FOR SALE-~Pure bred Here- . IJ L..lI -..l..... _._,._ _Ir| ILJIKAAA wXi,i\i'siiXi2'LlI{."'Ih'"ER:. Hospital. 1'`)..___!. ._ II'____).___ I 1 1nn0 ARNOTT-~-~In the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, `on Saturday. Dec. 30. 1922. a son to Mr. and Mrs. [William Arnott. . - --_--.-_- . --- wt- 'V FIIJILLLV LTLLFI VV "Ill LIEU L\a. V - LLV-3|)lLal. Barrie. on Monday. January 1. 1923._ a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walkm- .6 only Men's Heavy Ribbed Grey Cotton Sweater Coats; this sweater is good value at $42.25. Clearing price . . . . . $1.69 Mn s Liglfnt Gfey All Wool Pullover Sweaters, sizes 36, 38. 40 and 42; this line is big value at $4.50.. Clearing $1.95 HERE ARE STURDY VALUES IN BOYS SUITS Perhaps you think all Sweaters look alike to a boy. But they usually_don t, even though a boy doesn t'say much about it. The Sweaters in this January sale selec- tion are Sweaters that any boy` will like `for their appearance and their soft, warm comfort. They are Sweaters you will like, too, and you will select one with that eagerness that naturally attends a pur- chase that gives such value at such decid- edly advantageous savings. See our table of Boys and Men s V-Neck Sweaters and Sweater Coats. `Prices were $5.30 and $4.50 and big value at that price. A Price $3. SWEATERS um BOYS WILL LITE BORN E-ii) FOR SALE_`A few choice Barred Rock mckercls of the famous Canadian Ringlet bred to lay strain. Direct strain of CeIcn" vhum-pion Rock of all Canadian laying a-nntesls, I919-1920. Record 272 eggs in" 52 weeks, This is a good chance to im- prove your stock. $3.00 each. T. S. Wt-bh. phone l3r3. Cookstown. 52-2c Canadiamdiscovered cure for diabetes will be started in Winnipeg within a few days, and pancreatic treatment for suf-' ferers administered at a newly-created Bur- I can of Research. Mrs. C. R. Brownlee wishes to thank her; many friends for such kindness and svm-I pathy shown her in her recent sad bereave- 3 Iment in the loss of her husband: also for} {the many floral tributes. ' 1c! I I Mr. T. Oscar Sparrow, Bradford St..: [Bar-rie, and Mr. and Mrs. Small and family. Dovercourt Road. Toronto. wish to thank their friends and neighbors` and societies for expres~uions of sympathy and `also for `floral tributes sent them in` their recent: I bereavennent. 1N MEMORMM CLARKE--Ih loving memorv of mv deari husband. Thomas William Clarke. died January 7. 1920; also his eldest daughter. Nellie. divd June 10. 1922. Thy will be done. . ' lp Wife and two littlevchildren. Joseph Packartl and Ifainiljv wish to thank their neighbors and other friends for thei1'man_v kindnesses and s,vmpath_v .expressed in connection with the death of` their father. ` I `'1 5' ('U'H- `HUT Wllfll; llllllllllul UU UUHIAB Mrs. Alex. `Scott and Hugh Scott wish to thank their many friends for their kindness and-syiiipathy in their recent. bereavement. ` cARnso1=1`HANKsi ""'ll`OlUu. UUURIII IUT lllll` 353 9' Wbly Albert St. 2 cents vner word: minimum 50 cents I r----u--- - ------n-- 4 Boys Heavy All Wool Pullover Sweaters, nil-_ vy and red, my and orange. navy and grey. plain grey-and red, in sizes 26 and 28; also Sweater `Coats, sizes 26 and 28; prices were $4.00 and $3.00. C`ear- ing price . . . . . $2.19 Real Boys Suitsin navy blue Irish serge and tweed, best of linings and well made, sizes 26 to 35, prices were $23.00, $20.00, $418.00 and $16.00. Clearing price . . . . .' . . $9.95 Boys Tweed Suits, well made and good linings, sizes .17, 28, 29. 34. and 35; these suits were -$14.50 and $10.00, and extra value at the price. (Hear- ing price . . . . . . '. . . . . $6.95 Little Boys Navy Blue Serge and Tweedsuits, button up to neck, with cord ties; these suits were twig value at 31 1.00 and $7.50. Clearing` prices are . . . . . . . $3.95 and $4.95 INA ..,.L ...f.. E-Boys Plain and Knitted Shirts and Drawers, nearly 1111 wool, sizes 24 to 32: this line is big value zit $1.25. Clearing. 89: Do not miss this line at this small price, as it is extra value. V,, _ _ . . . . . . .7333`; QQJAIQ V`. DO notmiss these lines at the small prices. ' uuucxvauua uxug -`JKUIC, VV. L: l land. and all reliable druggists. .HHRSl'1S FOR SAI.l?;'--~'l'wo tezuns, one p:*23!` h-mr_v. one pair three-year-olds, all Pm-ch:-run.<. Phone. Strand 3 1' ~16. Selby E. Cam`, . \lI:md:le. R.R. 1. 49-541) auuuuy auu wuuuut any xavunusm. Great gratitude is expressed on every hand by the -wonderful people of the north `for the instantaneous and generous res- ponse of the good people outside the re area. ` I '\ u - - Dear M-udzun: Please accept and convey to the members of the Edgar Ladies. Aid our thanks on behalf of the fire sufferers of the north for the valuable goods which `you have supplied for their comfort. These goods have been (fstrihuted s_vst.eni- aticully and without any favoritism. nrnnf ...mo:o...l.. .. ..................I ._ ____,_ I ;\Irs. Robert Thonmson. Prosidem of the Ladies Aid Society. received :1 letter from the north. which reads a.~: follnws ix .. -. Thursday, January 4, 19.1.`? I RED RUBBER HOT WATER BOTTLES This line is big value at $1.25 CLEARING PRICE 89. FA" -'`.~ `'~ B-`rr`- hv G*o. .VIonkm.'m Robertson's Drug Store, W. Cross- Innrl un;-I uH -..|I..lr.l.. A........:..o.. rr no'E's'nEL- ' I1-:v:- `lull;-mass. and HEAD NOISES. Simply rub itinbnckofthe cars and inset in llnnfvila Use J41 V 1!! L`! \7\Il\ l'\Il\ \."l`1|J.|.`Al{ UIVU l)l'UlI "I1Ul`U` fnrds, 3 bull c.al\'cs: 11136 3 your-old heifers; 1 young cow. ` Priced to sell. Phone Srmud. 3 r 16. -Selby E. Carr, Allandnle. RR. 1. ' 49-54p" ......_..-. oom no -2 fljll nu-nun um DALVAUA Duoriptiu circular us: on 9-mud. A n 'l'......-...1 1'..- Snoclnl lnultuctioubyn noted unpodaliu In csehpochce. `MAnI'.1 In nnuann axuyuuauliulclcn mun MADE IN CANADA Ilfinlina 1!n'ovIuln-u -n-O an. A... \ Yours sincerely. F. W. Routlev. Red Crbss Comm. L:6"i'ini)"" EAR OIL nun Iiiaritwv-run-.- . -_. EDGAR ,.. ... .. .. proaluco. Lu\ : at. WWnnms H! 4, 1350. he npened `.. _. .._.. . FOR F.MF)~ Two well-hm! fox-hounds.. maie and female, -both hunting well; 8 months old. Price $10 each: 318 per -pair. J. W. Gossling. R.R. N0. 2. Barrie. Phone 611 1'6 . 1c . ...-_.-..--nr...-.- .ur' U]I\`I.uIu_ r untxl 1.900. I H?n .<`.~`!-r "Ivy who or: V .h'.:rch_ in Bru Barrie. cn_z;u_xr?v business. bring I1 .u-III \v Barrie. and V -away in, '1 person of : an no fkn }:iI'l.i`. frnln Hznrr `midi 'M"urnr~ we Gu:h'o_vln, Iixuhl Margaret. I.I'l5n\ pal] .`n-mm: wh frat: the 1-will the train won`. Brid. (`w<>1'gt- ` Barrie Smlnliry casket from (hr morning. Mun showed that .\Ii favnmmy know: the Sotlality lu~' `members. .\!'x.~-~ Talc} .t(. ..imi .,r Bhro and H:-. and thrve v~ ;~*.-:- 1 [C915 \'I||. II time of he-r Den hn.si0r_\ thrw hI'ntlu- and Arthur HiSf.F'.. .~. .\I:nr\ ( , I .,u..r,.~ ... Maxgmra-I'.~ Thee." '\ .h).&-_:h Bu E. Egvrzr .n..J I 1 L: ,n I IV.` Mr. I : h`L'.'. `nor .I\_;v n 1 Ll? I`lll' ll}: (hi! FOR SALT}~-Brod-to-l_ay whi-te Wyandottes and xvhilo Rm-k coclzerel direzt fnsnl R.- Fxshel "ope, Indiunnu, $3.00. Full sisters to Ihcse bird; have been laying since Oct. 27, I022. App!y _W. H. Tooth, 58 Henry St.. Barrie. Phone 795W. . T 1-7)) ..........-o-u...-- DRY HA-RDWOOD--4 ft or foot length. for` `sale. Apply to James Coutts. Phone 601 t 2! at nomg or after 6 pm. 52-5p `I IV Hon: '1 I V\' IL`: ` J \ helzi from 75 Hasplv lmn; who-' "1, A A|.p ( 1`2.:' \ru.n\n ul .v wa~ N~lvhr2s;x NH?-":11. \lI`H_<'n ,A.,A- I I hmz. fl l\r In: km :u 54'E'W CUTTER for sale, last year's stock, never been used; Phone_431. 1p H|`.| .., 31 S?m11L\' czur. to 1 11'\(.!.x.~Iri:1l ` 1')l1!=;:w.~.~. Z }r\,\ '3 u` ClIur- A(; IIuL'_H| HI I`. death Mr. I .__ , N I ` lm J ..I dcm (- I` `w h 054 I Elm -:--. imG1sTMR1`.u SHORTHORN BULL for ...I.. ll ,,,, .2..._ .. ._I..l. .l....._ J....l_ .._..I "}'$rv" ... .. the nun` '.-(I ` '1" hursdq ELSIE O ' H] ..... Ho ,..`. old. f 1 MRS. I. L_\u 3.: R. lll.`I\JIA1 I l'll|aI'lI;' |"l.I.\IL\ I. lI\Jl\LV LJULAIJ IIII sale. (fuming 4 years old; deep dark red. Apply 1. W. Jennett, Utopia. 'Iv.\'-'I`horn- ton" o|r'phnn(~, A52-2p IUT \lIvu all hi MI BOARDI*}RS WANTED--Good home~made cooking and chicken dinner once a week. ~ $1-ght airy room. Apply at Examiner of- face. 52-lp .._--n FOR ,8ALE-'l'eam of good work horses. Roy Hickling, phone 6061-13. 51-4p TWO UNFURNISHED. or partly furnished, rooms (.0 Int. -Phone 43,1. . In TWO DRIVING HORSES for sale. 5 and sf ........... -11 ....._.4l 1.. -.._..-. __-.. . A-..l_. . - 1 TV `I lillrl V llV\l Il.LIJ.\.L7.I.`4\3 IUI DHIU. U Kill 0 years old. sound m ever_v wgy. Apply Ex- ammer oifzclt.-_ ` In F63 SALE-~One [ft-esh cow; also one cutter, A! condition. Apply F. H. Ball. Shanty Buy. lp FOR. SAL]?--Bay driving man: just in prime of life. Will sell reasonublc-. Terms to reliable person.` Phone Sfroud 6r2l. 52-lpl .-:-. PENINSIILAR KITCHEN RANGE for sale, nhahn :n I'|vII:Jn nnnmnl I\l" {n nan.-I than "guiwwaw&$&w*w&w -x>;<-xcvxaj-xajvx-I-I ROOM TO ILENT:-Euitable for one or two: as-ntra.l,_nll conveniences. Aonlv 54 Owen St. . In UIVT \J+\l`Jt)l lI`lll \.`|I`l V I'll.` ' 1.\J\I\Jul.l"4Il H1)-I1!` ment with conveniences. central. immedlare possession. Apply Box 818. 1'1 ) WELL BRIOD HOG for sale. '20 months old. Apply Wm. Elson. 'I`hornton. Ont. lp .-.--..... ...- '1B1E?"cB1B3i FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, central, with Inn 1: fnlnnknnn minnn RAOM AO_KAn 1' Ullnl` IDIIIBLI ILLILILVI LVJ 14131 g , UUUUIIII, with use of telephone. Phone 349M. 49-54p l "ROOMS T0. RENT--~Two good rooms to 'rent. R4-con-tly redecorated. Sterling Bank of Canada. . _ A In GEN 'l`I4EMF)'N BOARDERS WANTED. r\.....t....4..1.|.. -...._.._. A....I.. n.` ur:_. on SWEET CREAM FOR SALE. Delivered ....l. .........:.... DL...... nan A1 An- 4.2- \JI'Jl` I. I ll'l1llI`lI` IJ\ I11 l\uIJIlfl\C '7 f`$` l. mu. Gomfortahie rooms. Atmlv Mm. Wice. 30 Maple Ave. 1-2p ouumns WAN'I'ED---Twn ladies or` marn'e-d couple, on Essa St., Allaudale. Apply at this office`. - In .... cow mu SALE-Well `bred Holsteih. due 1 .... ...`._. I! Y D I ..Z.. ..-_ A|l.._J-l- \)\,IVV l.'\IlIn |IK\llL'l :'V ITIL UIUU ILUID|,UIIIg llllu January 6.. L, B. L-ainson. Allandale. Out. A ' In xvuyu uuudl. Dfl.IlV\JLll.W?'1;.'JIIa il;lI upmenceanmeoronoeswu [pool in in town. Apply Examine: oioe. 49tfo HALL TO RENT for enter -tainment, com- pletely furnished, including piano, chairs and kitchen utensils. Apply`to B. D. n'M..:u . Amt.- {INFURNISIIED _SF.VEN-RO()M_ED amm- -......L ...:n1. ........................ ......;....l ....._....`.l:..s.. e cent a word, each, each insertion minimum cbre. 2543); six insertions for Inprice of four. 10 centavextra when bulged; also 10 cents extra when replies an directed to Examiner oice. III! R! O'Neill. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER with n A051` na`A---ggn --:..Lg.. `g-:11-- -.' V1 I lL'l L \Il\L'lfl"l J` KILU K) :-~nch morning. Phone 652. ,7-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE to let, all mod- _ern coxxwmiences, centrally located. Apply 19 Vesprq St. 1p l"URN1SHED F-RONT ROOM to rent. with or \vih)ut board, central. Phone 349W lp COOK WANTED. `Apply Ovenden Collegf. ' 590 n SECOND COOK WANTED: Apply to Miss O'Connor, Simcoe Hall, Allandale. lc V UNFUltNISHED ROOMS to rent. Apply In IQ: l'}-uulm. Q! FURNISHED .1-IOUSEV WANTED. Phone `POKI L` I` U! U1` 13.71 ll.'lJ U 185 Dunlap St. Page Eight L I111.` L`! Ell`, klll` III IUIV 12 mp` -new. Apply Box ` `I Examiner . 52-20 | 5111 H `F -Live Stock -For Sale ...--- GASOLINE ENGINE my sale; 1; h.p; nnnrllv _nnm Annlv Rnv "`F"' Rvnminnn Rooms and Board -Property To Let Help Wanted For Sale Wanted IJUII V UIUU 41-42p-tfc 9% I , uuvu. 1-2c 749?:'c' \JlI% \.IIA nearly . office. LULIC lo mu lpl STROUD TELEPHONE C0. The` annual meeting of The shareholders ; of the Stroud Telephone 00., Ltd., will! be held in the Oranze Hall. Stroud.' onl Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1923. at 1.30 p.m. for ` the purposes of electing directors and other business. ' 1 n7 'nI-_I_ I-L_,:,L,.. 111 v , Opp. Wellington Hotel . Healthiest place in town. Absolutely best ventilation. Choicest food. Best cooking. Come and try it. 51-26 Kl \-|EIlIQ\`.o J. W.TBlack. President. W. Lennox Black. Secretary. 1-2p BARRIE MACHINE SHOP---Parties wish-! .ng their t-ractom or gas engines re-bored_.| ground and fitted with over-size pistons and rings should bring them here; also! broken car frames repairedy If youowarzt a good job, send your engines or carstu us. Prices right. Write or phone for partic- ilnrs. Phone 947.]. W. H. Johnson. 92' Ross St. V '. " i 51-4c} Wc(lne.~`day. January 10.~-Walte_r Smith. lot 18_.`con. 7. Essa. farm stock and im- I plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey. auctioneer. l Thursday, January` 11.--Henry Sanders.f T at lot 29. con. 11. Essa. will lmlrl al crerlitesale of farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey. Auc-9 tinneer. | Tuestlay. Jan. 16.---Walter Muir. lot 20. con. 19 Vespra.Afarm stock and ilnple-' ments. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConl<~ ey. auctioneer. Wednesday. January l7.---Robert Gra-- ham, at Beech Grove farm. lot 17. con.` 5._Vespra_. 1 mile from Barrie. willhold f a credit sale of pure bred cattle. regis-3 `ti-red Clydesdale horses. implements. etc." Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. _W. A. McConkey. . Auctioneer. ' . HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, all kinds of I alterations and repairs done. J. Smith, garpenter, 84 Mary St. Phone 944. 50-55p -urn: 'NOTICE---22 Mulcaster St-. knittimz outfit moving to 52 Macdonald St. opposite Gond- fellow`s store. Contract "work nearly finished. 1 Ready to fill orders promptly. nice line of sweater, stocking, eto., yarns in stoat. 1-6p I woon SAWING--I have a good outfit and ' can do your work right. Phone 927W.` James McFadden. . l~2c l HEKIDCK SLABS, 12 inchw long.-$6 per box load delivered. James McFadden. p'L.....'. nnvm 1 n.- HAIR DRESSING done bv Mrs. D. (3. Howard. Bring your cnmbings and have a good swiifch made. 138 Peel St. or 24 Mulcaster St. V . l'tfc ,office. lc LOST--GOLD LOCKET and chain. on Dec. 25. Finder will be rewarded at Examiner, I I STRAYED--To lot 22, con. 8, Innisfil. sometime. during the summer one year-old red steer. Owner may have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. J.` A. Lucas, Lefroy, Ont. ` 51-lp LOST~-On Saturday night. somewhere: on Dunlop or Elizabeth St-s.. leather folder . card case containing-G.T.R. pass. L.S. 8783 for 1922. Finder please leave at Examiner Offige or communicate 'with W._ J. Chapin. Lefmy. Out. j , ltfc l FOUND--A PURSE. containinz a sum of nmne_V:. before Christnlas. Apply to Saxj-I jeunt & King, Barrie. lcl FOR SALE.--Good 7-ronm .house and 1 acre of garden land in the village of Mid- hurst. Good stable. pig pen.` hen house, etc._. good cellar and orchard, large work-, shop would make a good blacksmith shop. cement cistern, pump in kitchen and sink, spring water near at. hand. near school. church, post office and store. Apply W. W. } Boyce, Midhurst. 1-6n'i FARM FOR SALE-FLot 1, con. 5; Vespra, 250 acres in No. 1 condition. Apply:W. Fl Q...-Llano DLn`vu~OAn DI` Dhnnn 110 I` QUU acres Ill U. I. uuuuuluu. rxpyq, vv.| D. Scythes, Phelpston P.0. Phone 119 1'; 2, Barrie._ 50-3p| Raw Furs Hides N. M.MYERS .vKu. lumu uu lone 927 W. Braund s Drug Store won: 993 BARRIE - - ONT. T0 EVERYBODY `wlawlsn JOS. MARRIN PROSPEROUS Proprty F or Sale MARKET SQUARE CR_EDlT _AI:S 0. K. CAFE Lost and Found :xz FOR SALE CHEAP--Range, coal or wood: II JinL`An a-ul L- L--- ......I ll---

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