Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1923, p. 3

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m, 2 for`. {S .'...._..'1Sc Spinach .. 35c Wllill IIIUUIJE Ill LUIUIIUU. LIUB IUlul`.uU(1 The young people of Cundles and vicinity spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Shan- non last week and report having 3 .very pleasant time. I Dakar} Mngnff nf Tnrnnfn mun Ln... 4. plUUi`.LI ll lullllli . ARo_bert Moatt of Toronto was home to see his parents during the holiday season. I Jan. 3.-There beinz no election this [year, caused New Year's Day to pass very lquietly, although many families gathered. [together for the day and had a very pleasant time. 12--.. `L... -__- ,__ -_'L_..:__.. 2.4, .1, \v Itllllcc Now that we are enterinz into the New Year, I wish to note that The Barrie Exam- iner is being read with pleasure and prot in almost every home in this vicinity. It is efficient in every detail and is giving its readers good satisfaction. I wish to extend to the propriefors and staff of The Barrie Examiner best wishes for success and pros- perity` during the year 1923. v `M. n-ul ll .-u Mnknnyn Al l"..Il:........-_..I IJUIICJ uuuus-uuc JCQI LU-WU: Mr. and Mrs. Mathews of Collingwood were recent visitors with the lat:er s par. ents, -Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt. II_IX_LL ,l lI-_.L__-,,I ,,,' ,5. I I - wcclvcuu uuu uas xuuuulcu DU we CID) . Miss Florence Knuxm of `Bradford is visiting her cousins, the Misses Forbes. during the holiday. ' I Mr: .7 nrntun nflnr unnt-.1`:-`an II .......I. Among those who visited here during the holidays were: Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spence and child, Miss Vera Whan and Miss Edith Lazenby from Toronto; Miss Audrey Traviss. from New. `market; Mr. Robertson. from Newmarket: Wm. Lovell, from Buffalo; Reg Canning, from Bar Harbor": Mr." and Mrs. Wm, Rennie and son from Lonzford. Mm DA A n a n an: L1... L..I:_l-_. 2, n . lluul auu DUI] IIUHI LHJIIKIUIU. Mrs. Eden spent the holiday in Craig. vale and Barrie. _ Miss Winnifred Ruffett was in 0;-ima for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. R. Canning entertained quite .3 number of their friends at Christ. mas. f`L2-l Y? '_.I_,, E, I,, n . uaxief H. Jacks is ho f h Lakes looking hale 2:11:16 hl;3c:'1tyt. 8 Great Slnann and hvnhnnno on-n cl... _1-_ T . UIIDE, I'll. Cllll l'J.I. lllUllC1l'l4o Jim Moatt of Montreal vislted his par- ents here recently. man Dnen Rlnllrin um I-..u.. ........ `L- aking sight. f this I uuuus DIIC uuuua_\v. ' ` Mrs. W. Brown, after spending a week with friends in Toronto. has returned home. Thu 1.-nnnn nnnnha A` nnn"na nvua` ..:-3_..a_- dun. Dpauulcu _ ' ` On Wednesday night, Dec. 27, a largel number of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of J. H. Bell to say farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Cooke and Elsie before they left for their new home in Gorrie. A pleasant time was spent in games, etc.,, followed by a short programme ifr _' different associates of Mr. Cooke were `called upon to say a few words. All spoke ivery feelingly of the great loss the com; !munity has sustained through the removal lof Mr. Cooke.` After this, W. J. Miller presented Mr. Cooke with gold cu `links `and tie pin with Masonic emblemsin tiny, ipearls. Mrs. D. J. Miller presented Mrs. I Cooke with silver tea service and tray and Miss Olive Miller gave Elsie a white. ivory manicure set--all slight reminders of the many friends they are leaving behind in old Utopia. ' 1"-an L-Innnufl-My n` Qlnn nn|nn1||nE1r en av lll Ulll ULUl.llGo The sympathy of the community is ex- .tended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson whose home with most of the contents was burned while they were `attending the presentation. _ '- ' An nn;:'nrn:n A` An`:-la `nun fobnn LAM- pl USU]! IIIIIIIULH An epidemic of colds hasitaken hold. of several citizens here. LVICUIZIEDCF. Those who spent over the holidays with friends here were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jack and Miss Annie and Mr. and Mrs. .135. A. Miller. at l). J. Miller's; Mrs. S. McMaster `and-daughters of Barrie at Wilfred Mc- ;Master s; Miss Malay of Toronto with Mrs. `Jas. Sproule. an Wnnnanuv hints} I`nn -`)7 u Inn-a n IJQIIXC, 5|)!`-Ill LVC\V LUCII db LICI LIUAIIU uvL\.._! The first mocussin dance of the season will be held in Stroud rink on Wednesd-a.v. January 10. Special dance music will be supplied by the Barrie Baud. Refreshments I provided. Auspices of the Curling Club. lc Jan. 2.--The Missm. Perry of Toronto spent over New Year's with Mrs. Wlfred McMaster. ' ML--- __.L- .___.__. -..-_. .L- I__I:_l...... ...:L `cu |JlICl5Il}\l_ GICCI ` ' Mrs. (Rem) R. of Toronto spent Thornton friends. `I _. _.!..t1l ._._..._- 'I1HCll }?UII UIUIVK. ` Our mayor and aldermen were returned to power by ucclamation. The nancial re- Iport for the year showed they had se\'era_l debentures. and that the -expenses for keeping the town in good shape had been kept at a minimum. Ma '1..." q:......... ..c 4... n v unmhnl KCPL Ill 3 lllllllllllu. I Miss Zeta Sharpe, of the R.V. Hospital "Barrie, spent New Year's at her home here._j Tkn CI-ac .na~.n..:..oIn Annnn AC Hun unnnnn) t _ the ' and men se of I'll-Illllllll IIICIILI-Tu l Innisfil township elections were more | than usually exciting. At this point Russel Coulter was rturnint officer. and Roy Allen poll clerk. ` l 0.... y\\IIIv1\lI nun` ultlnnunn u-nu-n rnflifnnt` -an. vvunul. vvunuu pluulluvw UU My yv;-----~-- ` The Anglican fowl supper maintained jts yell-known reputation, and the ente_rtam- `men! which followed was excellent. Warden lBuming presided and the Williams enter.`-` Luiners from Toronto were liberal in then`. `numbers `which were much eniov . ' .- - .. ._.. urn ,J- HE J. I\ll'K 5. Miss Rose Ayerst and Mr. King of T05 - onto spent the werxk-end with. the former 6 lmother. Mrs. B. Ayerst. Roy Jamieson is home from the West. . Jas. Patterson has zone back to his work fat` Snelgrove after taking a week's holiday. Simpson and datlzhfer New Year's Day with 'l`L.._....... t`..:.....l.. LCIII D VVILLI Jlllc UCU. IV-IDCI Misses Alfreda and Edna West of B31 spent the wek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wan} GPUI-I It | ' West. \.I .. "*;;,;t`u:.,`;`:, 1;:`g.`v:x;:1;;.;;';2o M j and Miss Ball of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. s. McDonald last week. \t__ u1-_.x_o.___ -c An,,_..I-|_ .........4 Hum: "U514- Mr. Wilkinson of Brumnton is Vlsltlnl at J. Kirk s. I12... I). _ `__-__,A ,_,_v l'.I`__ 12:..- -4` l`.-.-_ MissVR. Sproule of Utopia. who tau'Eht- at Cherry Hill school last year, spent the. week-end at W. Cunninghamfs. MI` and MP6 `Inn-15` (I; Tnvnnfn annnf. New wars uay at u. n..nenry s. _ _ _ V Mrs. Dutcher of Barrie is vnsmn he daughter, Mrs. A. L. Johnston. "9 on!` in D. I'|..4.}l.-u A` I`.Imvn'.n vxsuea menus nere recenuv. . On Wednesday, Jan. 10. the w'M's' will meet at the home of Mrs. R. W. Scott. ather fail, -vngn uuovu an nuc uuulc Ul Lula: Au. v ----~ Mr. McCague, B.S.A., opened the short course in agculture here on TuesdrI)' morning, when he was greeted by 3011"` 1.wer.'ty bright, and handsome boys for the first session. Others are still an-iv`m: I01` the course which promises to be poP'-l11'- 'f`I A n- 1- u _.' 25.. ` LVIYB. D. XHCLJUHHIU H150 WCCK. Mrs. Wardman of Allandale snent New Year's with Mrs. Geo. Wice. u':..-__ All.`..-..l.. .._..x 13.3.... 11:--. ..t D...-pin weex-ena at w. uunmngnam 5. Mr. and Mrs. VerFel of Toronto soent New Year s Day at G. B. .Henry s. * T Ia nII9n'\nr A` IL...-3.; :5 \':nif;I`\9 he! aaugnter, mrs. A. L. Jonnston. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dutcher of Elmvam. visited friends here recentlv. n.. Tl7...I..-._.l..-. 1-- 1n 4:... WM 3 >x<{ News FROM NEIGHBORING Towisrrs BELLE EWART 17H6RN'fo1~f cuNDu_:s UTOPIA 7 `~... THE BARR`? EXAMINER - Elizabeth St. West Barriel IA ,.._.x \,r... 9 I Wl'l8l' l~ut:_\' hpcuu `uuusuuuss. Wxshmg a] subecxfxbers of ` Exammer a ve'r_y happyvNew u-2--at--. The meeting of the Women s Institute will` be hold at the home of Mrs. J. M. Baldwin on Thursday, Jan. 11, commenc- .z.__ n` 4) n n`nn`r nu (1 W `(n:n`\Onn ISBIGWIII on Luulauay, uau. L1, uuuuncuc-I `ing -at 2 o'clock. Rev. G. H. Knighton will give an 8dd!"! f (`.----:~.{ 13- t 5 Miss Viola Brown. -T ,..;u`f._? music and a contest.` V I [Ell vvccn. The remains of Mrs. Charles Thistle- waite, who died -at her home in Wavne. Mich., on Dec. 27, were-brought to Stay- ner and taken to the home of her _sisters, the Mises Thistlewaite on the second line, from which the funeral was held on Friday afternoon.- Interment was made in the Stayner Cemetery. She leaves to mourn. besides her husband, several sisters and one brother. ` A. LL- .__.._:..-;:-__ ,,,_,;! I~ u nuyuxg uzuua, cw. K Miss Ruth McCracken spent a -few days` in'Angus with her aunt. Mrs. C. McCracken. . Miss Evelyn Mulholland spent Christmas with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Davidson. I A ........ ...l.....n..+ 41...... ....... .........4. .. n... Wlbu HUI auuo, Luna. dun. uuvxuuuu. A very pleasant time was spent at the! home of Mrs. John Mason en Friday! evening last when a number of friends gathered. The evening was spent in danc- in . - ' gllr an!` Thna Qtrihhnll IIIAPA 1-anvnn lucn unuguwr. HITS. l'l'8XlK Unapple. Miss Winnifred Ruet visited Miss Lillial Crooks of Orillia. A - e first mocassin dance of the~season will be held in Stroud rink on Wednesday. January 10. Special dance music will be supplied by the Barrie Band. Refreshments provided. Auspices of the Curling Club. 1c Ll. lU|JIIlD|JLlo Mr. and Mrs. Morden Kaiser of Acton are spending the New Year with the lat- ter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose and` other friends here. Tho Warn}. Imam `.-....:.... l...I.| :. n... auu Ubutl uu:.IIu.'5 uuzq. The Watch Night `service held in the Baptist Church was quite well attended. The sermon was preached by the pastor. Rev. H. Peer, the service beginning at eleven o clock instead of seven. At a few minutes to twelve the town [bell began to ring the old year out and the new year in. Mr.` nhrbnif n` Tnrnnn Lon AA-1n 4- `in- er and ur line JUIII Illa Mrs. Birkett of Toronto has come to live with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. R. Birkett. Mrs. Geo. Crawford of Minesinz soent a few days with her sister, Mrs R. Strong, last week. rm_, ___.,.t.__ .2 11,, n`: u nu. .. AA: the nomination meeting` which was held Friday evening, Dec. 22, the reeve and council were elected by acclamation as follows: Reeve--E. Lam-bert-; Councillors-- W. Hawkins. Russell J.` Thompson. Geo. Sheffer, John Lamont, Ben. Cheeseman and John Clark. There`-was a pretty close run in to-day s election for the Mayor's chair between A: J. F. Sullivan and C. E. Mc- Rae, the latter winning by -a. majority of three. ~ Jan. 2.---Mrs. WaI`er .McMackon and children are visiting friends in Toronto. .. Miss Cecilia McBride has returned to her school in Webbwood. A. At 1l'......... ....-... L..1..1 ,.L at... \r 1:. DUUUUI An vv (?|JlJ"VUl-In An At Home was held at Mrs. M. Mc- Bride s last week where a large; number of friends and old acquaintances met and spent _a very enjoyable evening in dancing. playing cards, etc. Minn PIN}! Mnnrnnknn anon! cl n" Aqua mg. _ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stribbell were home for Christmas but expect to return to Detroit any day. \ II...-. 1'11... Arharna nnr` Duncan" Luna -1. UCITOZD 2|ll`Y U!- Mrs. Wm. Adams aqd Russell have re- turned home after that visit to Niagara where they spent Christmas. Tinkinn an nvlknnr-H-nnra A` Tho um-..:.. ...c-an-cpu. area In norcnern Untano. Mi$ Kathleen Weber of Toronto and Mariano Anda, Mexican Consul to Canada,. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. McLeod who entertained in their honor on Saturday evening. As 9. remembrance of the occasion of the visit of the guests, A. Kirkpatrick -prwented the hostess` with some fine china and called upon G. C. Al- lan to express the good wishes of the com- munity. The evening wus much enjoyed by all. I l.`....;.. A ....u..... ro- ..._..-_ -.. .I-_A \ --J qua 7 { From Another Correspondent) Mrs. H. G. Chapple spent a 'week with {friends in Toronto. ' ' Mn. 1-1... |A'..1I__ -.,.___. nL,- . -.1 uncuua Ill LUIUDDU. Mrs. John Mullen `spent Christmas with her daughter. Mrs. Frank Chapple. I Minn Winnifmrl nnxno .,:.:+.A Mn... um- T C C Z I C`mC r / Jan. 1.--Mrs. W. Woodardiof Thames- vilie is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Robinson. \l_ ___l llA,, ll, , I V)` - II A L 50 years old, died when ..I-. I... IIIIIJ -:,a:.... ..|:.......u uuiuc U\!.`l' [I18 weex-eua. `_ Miss Minnie Wood of Dalston is visiting at the home of her brother, Fred Wood. R. J. Stewart was called last week to Glanimis, by the serious illnes of his sister. Mrs. Purdy; who has since passed away. i I "I`|~... x.I ..LL...l:_i `I7 II o , , , J N nwu nu zswuulg oxqulnsy. ` . I The scholars of-the Union S.S. sent $8.00 as a Christmas present t-o the children in the re-swept area in Northern Ontario. Mick: 'l'nol.l..-.. TITAL.-- ..t 'l`-_-.--L- ---I . Jan. 2.~Mrs. Thornton Reid nd H_elen Reid of Powassan spent last week I wig Mr. and Mrs. S. Coulter. n"n,L If \l-I -_.___, ,1` `I. rvuu ml`. unu Mrs. D. uouuer. I Kenneth McLennau- of Hanulton was home `over the week-end. .\:lim. M:...;.:.. 117...: -.c -n-:_,._,, : A I lF'I?1-:4; Methodist VV.M.S.-meet on Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. R. Sheldon. Arthur King is confined to the" house with an attack ofquinsy. Th!) Gl`hn`nI'n A`-fkn TTnInn Q Q mun Q0 nn I wuuu-. m uays wlm ba_rr1e Inends last; week. " . A number from here attended the fare- well -party for Mr. and `Mrs . Cooke at Utopia last week. .-um sister, Mrs. W. A. Miller, in Barrie. Ivy extends sympathyito Mr. and Mrs. Pearson in the loss of their dauizhter. Mrs. John McDonald of Egbert. . r. and Mrs. James Speers of Barrie are spending some weeks with friends here, Mrs. J. Coxworth and Mrs..D. McLean are visiing in Toronto. Mr. `and Mrs; R. J. Coulter are visiting Barrie friends. . ` - ` Mrs. Harold Arnold and little daughter are in Toronto with friends. I regret to re port that Miss McKague, our teacher, who went home sick. will be unable to return for some time. Mrs. Clarence Arnold of Utopia is filling her _place in the meantime. _ _ I Mr. and Mrs. I-Iatton and Miss Bessie spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.i Davis, Toronto, last week. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Keown spent New Year s with Mr. and Mrs. Jay. Barrie. ' W. J. Lennox paid aivisit to his son. Carrol. in Toronto, last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Corbett entertained a number of friends one evening "last week. Mrs. G. H. Speers and Elsie spent a counle of days with Barrie friends last: weal: _ ymcc I spent. 2 (Dr. ) _Mr. vdlcr 8 A number from `here ttended the fowl _PI?l' at Thornton on New Year's even- m3 ``d report a good} time. ' J. Mnlpnn hurl :..;..~.;1.. In I 11-: _-_. .-........--~4.ul"a`. W . IL. Lem mas With her mother, Mrs. vale, A - A thinks .5, uuu report good -tune. | McLean and family,- W. J. McLean: and Mrs. McLean spent New Year`s with heir sister, Mrs. W. A. Miller, in I"V Exfnrle Gl!I'I\l\Qf`|Ir'OIu II-' and \l... ` Jan. 2: M, ____.L -A1_`!G .F1-H5 A Mrs. W`. E. Leunox spent Christ- hf?!` Infhr PS I nnnnv A; plus` 3AI+ST.9N ..1:AY1mR. u.FR.0Y:.'. zuuun PUlll \Jl.ll'll` 3. Lennox of Elm- "The Barrie! Year. I ' vvuu ulunluuuuu UK we eyes. I Muss Cora Buxe is. leaving on Tuesday for Orillia to train in the hospital there. I Mic: m'\'n (Chan rntnu-nor` in Tnpnntnl to he never ertise 1ei gh- busi- upcum uu: wccn-cuu wuu ms parents. 5 A large number from here attended thel fowl supper given by St. Jude's Church,| I Thornton, on New Year s night, M; z;fQ Rho:-n`n` 4]-in Dniynl `7:;.6n-Jo. as vvucn wuu H..ICll' cuuallla, um messrs 10l1'..' Miss.Margaret Wnggms of Severn Budge, is spending the vacation at her home here. 1 M. .....-l Mm `Il,....J.... tI..:...._ -: A-.__ 5 uuou uzs HJC guest` 0| 1115 son, marl. Melville Bates is confined to the house `with inflamation of the eyes, Mk: (`nu-1: 1111;`) {n `noII:nn nn "I"uam.-Inn CA- I Jan. 2.--Alvin Craword of Toronto - spent the week-end with his parents. A Im-an numlmr frnm I-mu-n nM.u.Aml 51... xuuuuuu, on new 16:11" 8 nlgnt, ) Miss Zita Sharp`of the Royal Victoria `Hospital. Ba_rrie. spent a day with her parents. I Mm `DAM. Mn`.-- 2.. ..L4.....J:._... `L- D..__:- LJUBlIIC\?5 \JUlIU5Cn \ Miss Sadie Wonch of Toronto spent New Year's under the parental roof. A nnnnhnr hf I414: Iynnnn nnnn `inrm "I-|:z~ i I E . Miss Lillian Patch spent New Year s with her aunt, Mrs. Wanless, in Alliston. I II I wuucx wuu ucl` BIHWJRS nere. . Q nu--no Ia Bycuullls uu: vuuuuull 2:! ucl" 1101118 118113. Mr. -and Mrs. Morden Kaiser of Acton? spent the week-end here, the guest of Mn! and Mrs. J. C, -Buie. ! 1..-.-- rm. . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . ,1 m,,-'- - m ` luuuua nu unuu in but: uuspxuu were. Mxss Elva Glffen returned to Toronto] 0nv'I`uesday to resume her duties as teacher. ! IJIII Cll IA3 Miss heta Mayes is attending the Barrie` Business College. V mo: Qu1l:n `X7;-sank A` 'l`n`_....-.1- ...---.L January 4, 19% 3.. V ucvv ' JCGI 5 uuucl Luc purculai l'0Ul. I A number of the young men from this vicinity are taking the agriculture course; in Thornton conducted by J. J. E. Mc-I Cague. B.S.A., Alliston. ' 117... nr......t. .....x :.'.....:a .... ..... `Ar-.. v-.._v.. I UJ5 LIC.!) ., IIIIIDIIUH. Wm. Wonch and family spent New Year's I with Mr. and Mrs. L. Jebb of Cookstown. 1 Illcca Miss Muriel" Breathwaite has gone .to Toronto. for a few weeks. ll- 17-]..- .-.b.-.l..._L I___ m-,_ A, 17 - Jan. 2.-Miss Bertha Williams cs Sibbald, Alta.. arrived on Wednesday to spend the` .winter with her sisters here. ! I 11:... mm... n..4._I_ _._-_L u_,,; 1r,_,,9 -.- .._.. ........ ..-.u. --uuuu-:9, nu Anunuvvu. iVIr, a.1;d Mrs. Cliord Thompson spent` Xmas week at Craigleith, the guest of her` father, Mr. Martin. I { `II. .....I ll-.. `l"I_l_-._A_ ,1 hi, I Aavucl uu. uuuuu. , I Mxzyand Mrs. Roberts of Blackwate; re-' turned home on Wednesday after spending 3 week with their cousins, the Messrs Moir.. man Marmara} W:-u:n. AC Q nnnn in `D-2.1...-` auu A7116. 0). U3 IJUIC. 7 James Thompson spent Chnstmas in Tor- onto as the guest of'his son, Carl. Mol\rIIn Rohm in nr\n`:9\n(l on `L- 1...-.. I The Christmas visitors in this vicinityl included the following: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred ' Dickie and Miss Jean of Toronto at the home of J. ,Muir, Sr; Mr. and Mrs. _-Phonse Coughlin, Miss Mae and Dr. Leoi Coughlin of Toronto, Mrs, D. Kenny. Oli- . `ver Wilson, Misses Clara and Elsie Carson at their respective homes; Miss Belle Bin- nie, Mrs. McGarity and Miss S. Gallagher at J, Binne's. Sr; A. Byron and Miss Clark at D. Scythes ; Mr. Carr at P. Hayes ; Mr. and Mrs. Reid at J. Breathwaite's. Mr. and'Mrs. Ed. Garrett and Miss Irene spent Chris`mas at A. F. Garrett's, Barrie. . 0-1., _ 9 I I ' ` ` uuu iulpruwllg In neuun. The Sunday School entertainment held here on Dec, 22 was a decided success. The programme consisted of dialogues, reci- tations. drills, etc., and a humorous read- ing by Mr.` Bishop of Barrie. Jolly old Santa Claus was on hand as usual to distribute the presents from the well-loaded tree. ' *|::__ u:.I,,e I" n .1 LUIUIILU. 1U!` 21 [CW WEEKS. Mr. Helps, student from Toronto Uni- versity, conducted service here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Scythes and `family Sundayed at W. McKnight s, Thornton. `.9 In-Inna IQ nn;n no-nuvnlnnb 3-. `Lin I DCERY~ uuu_uu_y::u an Iv. xucnulgul B, l.0I'l)[0Il. La gnppe is quite prevalent In this vxcimty. r-_.- \a---$f ......v ca\' 4;. A 0 vunnuuv 0, JJKIIIIC. Some of the young people from here attended the `party at George Knupp's last Friday night. All report a real good time. n D 1-..- -..n-J i I I I ______, ....-.. --.. -uru.u - G. Lane called on vicinity last week. mac Innnn univnn L-.. V IUIIIILJ IUD`. WEEK. Miss Leona Hayes has returned home after an extended visitein Chicago. L. L, Scott, U.F.O. buyer, shipped a car of hogs from" here last Saturday. I Sm-rv fn rnnnrf ohm `H M w:n;...... :.. can u: uuga IIUIH uere lust aaturuay. Sony to report that H. M. Williston is not improving in health. I Tho Q:-\Anu Qnknal ....A.._L..:_....-_A L-`J _SUNNlDALE %CoTzN1-:Rs ANTEN MILLS KILLYLEAGH Ladies and Men ; Tailor Ross Block, Barrie (upstairs) - Phone 731 HARRY TWISS lads: THIS IS THE SEASON` FOR TWEEDS AND BANNOCKBURN We have (1 good assortment to choose from. ~ Very reasonable prices. COME ANI5 SEE in guaranteed colors, always in stock. How tuch wnner you would be 'in A GOOD WOOLLY OVERCOAT WE HAVE THEM- BLUE AND BLACK SERGES friends in this! `-.-.- ..-. ---u-nu-r Mix 3 cups whole wheat meal, 1}-cup :flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 3% teaspoons bak- ing powder, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 cup chopped nut meats. Beat in 2% cups milk gradually. Turn into well buttered bak- ling pans and bake in moderate oven `about 45 minutes. \ Intense heat is causing hundreds of bush fires in New South Wales. ' WRGLEYS '2lbs.for QUICK NUT BREAD T ass. 1 Invo- sj OS. 75 It is disappointing when a bunch of] violets purchased from a florist `has no perfume. However, if the raffia. is un- bound and the violets are placed in warm water near a fire for a short time the flowers will soon emit their `delicious scent. Later, the ' violets should be moved to a nnnlgr nlnnn I-I3`? VIII; V cooler place. DDFLIIIEI . Look over your tires now. Ifyoul need rgepairs or new tines,` let us know, 7at once? We have a money- saving `proposition that will interest ' you and you pay no money until. we give`you_ your tires this" coming -u-......-..... 1... 1.... c..'........ ...u'x. ........ Wll-lflttging to be` favored with your business for 1923, we remain, Yours sincerely, matoes, large- --_1SC" - :- _ , As practical repair men, we` can give you repairs that are guaranteed and as we have the best equipped vulcanizing shop in the county wel ~ calrgive you real service. Also as re- pair men we have the opportunity of studying the composition `of the var- ious brands of tires. We therefore sell only those brands of tires which weknow are good. Some people will often say that a guarantee on a tire is worthless. This is not the case if you buy the tire from us. We would like to have the opportunity of explaining our policy to you before you buy. 'D..L.'l...... ....A ....u..... M... 4-..... ....:.. vani. vu vu uvsunc UH UH a P J 3 Rubber and cotton. the two prin- cipal ingredients in tires, have both gone up in price to` a great degree and we look for` advanced prices for spring. `I and Ann... "4-nu. LI--- -tannin Y4` unu- nuux vnunv Jun vvnnn uv VVUII 0111' aim at all times you, as a car owner, to greatest possible value money. A,. ..-..\..6-.'....I nnnn ... ...... ask you to give us a trial and we-feel We take this opportunity of thank- ! ing all our old customers for their! patronage during the past year and to ask for a continuance of same. If you are not already a customer, we smre that you will be well pleased. (I111: 01:1-n nC- n1` ":I\\nn 3:. &.. L51 FLOUR AND FEED . FROM Brown & Co. Groceries Thursday, January 14, 1923 1 \_ ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTOR .181 Toronto St. Barrie E Estimates furnished -Eood, work atoreasonable ; prices A 'Phone 698 Mex!-:2 & McDONALD you have done for us: zsk you, our father, to .n'Hc' of gold, as tokens I gratitude to you for done for us, and we be spared to one an- us, your children, for d watch, and you, out . MR. CAR OWNER: BREAD -.215c LOAF Cooking Egg; dozen 42 Aylmer Com, 2 tins . 25 New.Cheese5 I5, 29 Freh Sodu,1b . 17 Butter Scotch, TB . . . Humbugs, 15 25 Mixed Nuts, 15 . . . .2 19 100 It SUGAR 11% tb $3.30 $1.00 Sliced Bacon, Tb . . V.` . 37c : c. w. ROBINSON DOMINION STORES, Limited we SELL FOR uzss PERFUME OF VIOLETS sum THE YEAR RIGHT BY Bpvmc YOUR 47 uu _u:a.I.3 ulu, utcu Wllll -h he was riding slipped 1 Sandwich. Ont. . ement of the crop year, C.P.R. reports marketing ushels of grain. xlnuuuxv I is to $211) obtain the for your! Jan. 2.--Miss Lillie Weisring and niece, Barbara Wearing, of Woodstock, are visit~ ing friends here. ` . V Miss Mary Rose has gonelto Botha, Alta., whereshe has accepted a school and Miss "Helen Ross is at Painswic this year; ` Service will be held in Guthrie Church. Jan. _7 at 11 am. and S nday School at '10 a.iIII-go __ - Jan. 1. -Jas'. Wal_l&>m of Fordwich visit- ed hisbrother, John, -who has been very ill but who is now improving we are pleased to know. ` | 11:..-, re 1' I I -- uuuu mu: cuu. U1 murun. A Weekof Prayeris being held in the three churches here this week as follows: Monday. Methodist: Tuesday. -Anglican: Wednesday, Presbyterian; Thursday. Ang- lican; Friday. Presbyterian. Service each day at 2.30 o clock, the three clergymen alternately giving address. Nominations` For Trustees The second nomination for trustees of Cookstown for the year 1923 washeld on Jan. 1`. _The following are the nominees: `Chas. Fisher, Harry Fisher, `Robt. Cole,` W. R. Chantler. Wm. Donnellv. C. H. Campbell. Jj. Flynn, F. H. Robinson, Frank Robinson. . m5 um mater, xurs, ans.-Mcnnxgnt. J1`. John Dunn of Alliston visited here last week. . ,,__ ,._,,.. .. . ._. - l uu.:u\.. are vnzuuug xtlenas nere. Miss Myrtle Holmes of Alliston is visit-' ing her aunt. Mrs. A. Lowe. . Wm. Gollinger and Miss Rhoda" Gollinger of Toronto have returned home aftgr visit- ing their uncle. Herb Bell,-A ' - Mr: nIII'l';A" A` Q6....__.. 1- --3-3L3-- Mr. and Mrs. Wray and daughter. Marion. Mr. "and Mrs. Handy and daughter. Mar- garet. Mr. and Miss Shannon of Toronto "and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Lone of Bradfordvl apegt New Year s at Mrs. David Thomp-1 SCH S. I am. n':_\__, ,p In 'Wl'|I'h-e Bishop of Toronto has appointed _Dr.' Whittaker of this place to succeed Rev. Mr. Bourne as rector of the parish of Penetanguishene. The appointment is in effect from Feb. 1. `Mrs. Whittaker and family will probably remain in Cookstown until the end of March. ` `A n7.\.J--..r 'n._..__-__.:- |__:_,,, a nu - | wnfi"i:'dxr.h -Copeland of Toronto is visit- uing her sister, Mrs, Jzis.-McKnight. Jr. JOIN] Dunn (If Aninfnn I)::fnA Ln-n In-6 -vvccn. Mrs. Chaflie Haugh of Egbert has re- turned home after spending a -week at John Walkom's. ' M. ....I II... An... 1'.` ____ ,. A vs- 01 [lg pl!-at ucnz. . Jae. Taylor of "the Union Bank.` Oshawzi. holiduyed over New Year's withhis uncle. W. Finla_y. Minn M.xrIn-:n A 1-umtxvuu ...L.. L-.. _.._..A W IIIIK IICI pal Clllr `Mr . and Mrs. T. J. Daws\on `and baby spent ovei the holiday with friends in Oraugeville and Toronto. M. .....a M-.. v............. n._...L_n 4` n- unaugcvluc uuu LUIUIH/U. ' Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Campbell of Bar- rie spent New Year s with the formex- s mother, Mrs. John Campbell. Mann (Eva 'nItv:c Jun. :5 J~-nI...:..L. ._ .. nuuuucl, LVIIB. uuuu uzuupuvu. Miss Olive Lewis. who is training as a nurse in Buffalo. holidayed the past week with _her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hartford Lewis, ` M - .....l1l.... nr .... .._.I .1_.._1_.,_ u__--_. uuuu vv uusuul 3. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fraser of Fleming,` Sask.. are visiting friends here. Min: Mvrtln nnlmm ..c An:..r.... :. ..:..:.- mg unmr uncle. new Dell.-` _ Mrs. E. Ruddick of St yner is visiting her son, Wesley. I) um-tau uuuug; me past WEEK m l.'0l'0nli0. Miss Matthews of Toronto was the Ruest of Mrs, David Thompson over the holiday. Thu Minna MnFnnn' AC Wlmnpnln ......... wuu auaupu mvur. la` uuw oun OX quarantine. Miss Sawyer of Bradford "and Mrs.,Mit~ chel of Rosemount are natients at the hos- pital here. ` -' Ian 'l`m.l... ...l'4l... tY_:.._ 'n.._I_ (\_L __._; no a. runny. - Miss Marjorie Agnew. who has spent- the past five months in Toronto. is home with her parents. \ A uur` R-'10:: T I `Wu--an-. A--J L-L-- or mrs. uavxu Inompson the holiday. The `Misses McFadden" of Elmvale were at Mrs. Alex. McFadde'n's over the holiday. Miss Grace Bantinz. who has been ill` with scarlet fever. is now out of quarantine. like Qmvvor nf Rrmlfnu-A "mu! Mm mm 1 I.s'i{g'- ing the r they nlcan, u_u7 u.u1_o wl:cz\ Ill LUFUIIIU. - I Mr, and Mrs. Harry Fisher and children spent New Y`ar s in Barrie. Mp um! an I.r...........I n..-.:____ .._.1 _L:I nspcuu new Laura In DEITIC. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Banting and .chil~ dren spent Mondayiat H. G. Arnold's. . . y Rnv unnr Ilnnlnn nn.hunu..n... ..L Y.`...L.._ .. ulcu nycuu ul.uuuuy_ul 11. U. Al'n0l(l 3. Buy your wmter undqrwear at F1sher's-- Standfield s and Turnbull`s zarments. \X, no..|\ \r:..1.. ........: ....... ..- I._u 2, LA-L an an.-umauvpnucipal ()1 we 3011001 nere. Mrs. W. N. Hopper visited during the past week with her mother at Brampton. MFR ` Rnfnrnnn Dill. rlnnnklmnn `7AI...... yuan. wcun vum mar mower M urammon. Mrs.` Bateman and dauzhter. Velma. visited during the past week in Toronto. ! Muffhnunvu l\` 'hIp\v\`A -can J-`-- -----l uvnquc Ul IIUS wan WU8Kn Bob Chisholm of 'I`ox'outo enjoyed the` holiday at Alex. Arnold s. I lm-.-I.... M.... ,.t rnL-_._|_;_._. ._:-:L ,- uuauuuclu 5 uuu LUIIIDUIIS Zlifments. ! Watch Night services were heldin both the Melhod1.~:t and Amzllcan churches. luau;-n An"! n-`J Ants]- . . . . . _ . . _ . . -._A --J-3-` um mcuuu'u.~s|` uuu Auzucan cnurcnes. Pleas.-`e call and settle your account which Is long past due at Rankin's.---(Advt.). , I Mr` Qfnnun nf "I"nnnuvun;.. In... L......, ....... _.-J I In-3 nuns past uuc 21!: IVHIIKIII S.""`Ul(`lV'l'..P. Mr." Stepun of Teeswater has been engaged as assistant-principal of the school here. Mr: `N M KIA.-nun- ..:-I.-..l ..l....:.._ 41.. Iuuuuuy {IL xtwx. .-aruonu S. . .. _ Jordan May of Thornbury visited at Stephen Gould's this week. T Mnulnn l....L. ......| u:.... l.l,. n___1_, ,,,,,.I xnced udh have ` can ouipuuu uuulu 5 H118 weeK. > Master Jack and Miss Ida Parks spent the past. week in Toronto. 7 Mi and M... 11...... 1:~:_1...._ ..-J -L:IJ_-_I noun .3 Ill 1Ul`UlILU. ` David L\IcFadlen is` building a new garage next to Lewis` hotel. I.{.... II] T ;1...L..,| _ I r n u v u I Jun. VI`. cl. outucruulu couple of ribs lust. week. . `Ink m.:..:...x., ,.c on... QQZQ&II I` 'Geo."I':. Thompson, Representative >11 `Mrs. Joseph Cooper is seriously ill. Joseph` Coleman is visiting in Hamilton. Mr;-x. Stephen Gnuldx is visiting her daugh- tor at Thorxrbury. , ., I vuam... m..........-. .. r -v -x%>x<>x>x<'>x<>x<>x<>g E l`l\l\I j3uu.no @ 1 u.`-L ul. 1.uuru`uul`.Y. I Milton Sherman was Va visitor ovr New | Your 5 m 'l`oronto. . I'\....:.1 \.'L.l.`...l.l-,, ' I, an I` Lily vWhite Syrup-- - . -10 lbs. 93 Dates, 3'pkgs. A. .. Oranges, doz._ 45 ; Lemons, do_z.A . . . . Easirst Shortening-- _ -2 lbs. 35.; as be- hly :1 he will where Blend Te Bulk Coffee, Th Fresh Fig`; 15 Prunes, T. LU ucwls uuwz. `Kips. w. J. Sutherland fell and broke Val nnnln nf rihu l....s .......l, <;Q9I : and 50c . 27 39c 10c 10 29: 23c 27 Wm. Juniper has moved to Brockvil uuruz .1uutuug _u:uc zulu nearty. _ . Skatmg and lceboating are the plemant pastimes at present. . ' The school Christmas tree and concert` on Dec. 22 was a great success. Son recitations, dialogues and folk dances :3 very entertaining and 3 real jolly evepi was spent. ` ~ -- . where he has secured a mod nosition s electrician. . . ,ULI|.5 IIUIC lcutuuy. MISS Reta Malkxn was home over the week-end and has returned to the city. Mim vlnrnnnn Vnuunn A: `D-npIC.._.I 2- ses to ations u stop

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