Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1923, p. 10

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180 1 \I}I\lI. mu Th`: N4` And 1'0!` 1 Hid in To norm A I On 50 `J J'll:.'A Am] ht The it lu-v _ Recr- Aml ;-: `II 4, Am! . Sui: What ' 111 J|I' nlllllll Mis.u:u;ar_\' `.\ was held H addresx, whi report {um read. Each intcn-s: in : Jihip M :s nu A `LI- ..... .. jwwbvv MONEY aAEi u'AAFn? years lune nm but Hiro in ft.-ring-` for 19 0x"4'r.~ fl AVII.` . V V . IV . 8inc.l;.'.r: Tn: Mrs 7. .Vh`.K =.+;..:.::."`;;: Gutndfvnc v.\ , 1'.` `l_ K\\lIII' _` . \'v .|.` Hownrn` .-\. 1` 1nar:'m;;.- muk `ll 11` ' ru Hun. PINS Pres. 'M.r.~'. Pr:.~;_ Mrs. I NIH W`. J. .u .. V"! Ihi lv. A;:_m~~ Railncez Ilnn .- Endu :- brim Vi A ur eectr. whini- vr Yatuf played 7 `wort 1!: Tbs- Jill "DUI" Prinm-.~.~ .\I:1r_\ with .s=)|'.'-r In of dt~.l;-m4- p It is now just 80 years since Beecham s Pills rst began cor- recting disordered stomachs and ~ stirring sluggish livers and bowels ` to natural activity-- and feeling like a ghting cock is associated as inseparably with. Beecham's Pills, as the pills are with good health. . -. unu tend. twixnw; yases. 4 dam?._v A 3. ll] All Bvssio Victor..- _, ,' A 'L A u ,n\...;u wmidlt-st: ._V I 1'15. J 'l fx(tif);, dress. 4: of lulu:-. trnmm-i `(hay V411 "II I Bu(m;z WK`! 0 vvurk f.inn.~' schov -.0 I A xllll If `Thu _TB3:$d=* OCK-FIGHTING was born: with the cocks. But it is only 80 years ago that [the first man felt like "a ghting cock! nuu_y A1-'..~i.~`,' uny rv n Ems J53 _Bchulursh Health r( thu- `V I C \I` \. bright THE- ` v V FIJVV Ill Ms-nrlo I ma "LC L'1'm.~ . Mrl.` Consequently, this person has a good r'1ight's.sleep and arises in * the morning with clear brain, bright eye, keen appetite, and full of energy for work and play. I\'|I , Um sr It happens this way: A--person half sick with bad stomach, dull and heavy headache, takes ` Beecham s Pills just before going 1A to bed. Immediately -the Pills be- } gin to harmonize the digestive and eliminative organs. LIIC Ill I cock! Now he has brothers, `sisters, * nephews, nieces, all over the world -all feeling like a ghting cock!" Sold By All Drug Stores In Barrio In Allandale: Patterson : Drug Store . At All Druggists-25 and`5dc Page Tn IvI-.s.\;u USE C.UARD' - ' . woo NEEDN`T THINK FOR % om: MOMENT THAT You % ARE <.oIN4 TO GET our % `\`0N\ I'VE "'\ T1-|F`;q Lu`: \g=- z.-.anI:I\_ I "'F1cH'r- ING Cocx? un upyucuunuu vv uu:.ucw IUGU. Regardless of the ' legislation which gives councils power to pass on such" `matters without the voice of the people, any council which would'take such action would in my opinion be absolutely mad,. he stat- ed. W. A. Boys, town solicitor spoke in opposition to the.new road. un..........:I-.... -19 LL- I) I -- au5uvva_y, gcuxatcu a. 1. Dcllllebbo I I believe, if we Iettthe matter` stand, that the Provincial Govern-~ ment mightvstep in and do the work. themselves without any cost to the town, he stated. - `I17 A 1)---- .|_-__. __12_.-., u W"`The `interest on the expenditure means `at least three mills on the .u now Jun; D. I Barrie has the reputation of being one of the best governed towns in the province, and we do not want to upset -gall traditionsof good gov- ernment by being loaded up with indenite things, stated Mr. Ross in concluding his speech. 'T awn 1I""l\|Q1II'l\O\-ulna-An` L. 1.1.. ..-_. ` Dizziness and faintness after eating bhow that your food is not digested andis turn: ing into poison and gas. Simple buckthorn `bark, glycerine, etc., `as mixed in -Aidlerika, cxpels all poison and gas from BOTH up- per and lower bowl. Removes foul, decay- ing food-matter you never thought was in yoursystem which poisoned stomach and made you dizzy and faint. Adlergika is EXCELLENT to guard against appendicitis. Wm. Crossland, druggist. Sold in Elmvale by W. J. McGuire, druggist.. nu vvnlvsuulxl JIID DLICCUH. I am uttzrlyopposed to the new highway, declared J. `H. Bennett. :61` `I....1.'..-.'- :1 _.._ 1-; Al. N L It is very unfair. Many of us, _ have _enjoyed good sidewalks and , roads whichehave beenpaid for out V of the general taxes. Now when = residents of the outlying districtsl desire these improvements, the coun- cil wants them done on the frontage tax system, which would make them pay for their improvements singly,i after helping other sections of the town to pay for their improvements in past years. 7 ' u'D......:.. 1...- LL- _'.-.__-L_Lg_._ _`n ` The '7s}V)eaker `seemed particularly. opposed to building highways in Bar- rie on the frontage tax system." I ('I J ,9 n 9 it v A The act was never 'finte'nded for- that pu-rpose, but they have putiit into force in an attempt to getfthese. connecting links put over on the peo`; ple of the towns, declared Mr. Ross. I avuucu JILL - The speai ;:`idicu1ed the idea of ' tearing up Dunlop and Elizabeth streets as proposed by the engineers who had prepared the plans for the Highway upon instructions from the town council. ' - lll\ . n I u 11. . The engineers in their specica-U ' tions also state that sewers and water mains must be laid for each house. Where this road goes through, there are residents who own 200 feet of land which they never expect to build on, and in some cases it is impossible by reason of its situation, yet they must pay for water and sewer con- nections in front of this land, for] which they are `/already burdened` . with heavy taxes. (UB1... 2...........1 _.._.E...._. .__'L. _'_ I vv lllll Alum I J, unacc- The infevrnal engineer who is! looking for a job is at the'base of the trouble. l I .1 0-. - u u.- A . IIIIC UL U VI LVICO Mr. R_os_s ayed the Pfovincial Act which gave the town councils the power to go over `the heads of the people" for the purpose of iputetir_1g" through Highway improvements`. u.nu,, . v'-`- -- VU VI ll \\l\|ll\4IlI Our main streets when built at an estimated cost of $20,000 were built to stay, and have a stone base nearly three feet in depth. This, the engineers intend to tear up and replace with a cement highway, at a- cost of $175,000, which will be a nuisance by day, and a nuisance by night, going by -your door. 115 D0 UC\-In The estimated expenditure is $175,000, but there are many addi- tional expenses which are not includ- ed in that estimate, which the aver age ratepayer knows nothing about. It will, however, add to our tax rate which is now in excess of 40 mills. We had an instance a fewidays `ago of what the heavy tax does when the Ontario Railway and Municipal - Board, gave judgment in `favor of the residents who wished to with-. draw their property from the town. If the tax "rate is still further increas-' ed through heavy expenditures we do not know what disturbances may arise in other sections of the town, - stated Mr. Ross. _ l I0 I 1 .1 01 n . :DlZZY SPELLS DUE > T0 U-N,DlGE'.S_TED' FOOD ' IICGVJ ClL1JCII\LlIlI.IL\4t It will afford, however, an oppor- tunity for tourists to go. speeding through our main thoroughfare, en-. dangering the lives of our citizens, he stated. txrnv . U ,, ,1 , ,1 __,,. 4.. _1L_-___ _'_ |:lU1l3c - Donald Ross, the first speaker, em- phatically declared that the new highway wduld not afford the rate.- payers of Barrie anything` for the heavy expenditure. { UT; AH na-`nut! `Innuynun-an on nnv\nr_ V The proposed paying of the Pro- vincial Highway route through Bar- rie met with` severe criticism at the A hands of speakers at the public meet- ; ing held inuthe Town Hall Friday evening for the purpose of discuss- ing problems with which the .electors were faced at the municipal elec- tions. I I vs `I, , Q_._; _____`I..-_. ..... SPEAKERS oppose PAVING or HIGHWAY Municipal Matters Discussed Before Large Meeting in Town Hall._ ),\\m vuuvc vucu. Luvczcova, lb VVGB -`-"`|}-Hy .an error of judgment. "Three im- portant questions were being sub- mitted to the electors and he was satised that the verdict on these questions would be fully accepted by the. 1923 council no matter who was elected. ' First Deputy -Reeve O. B. Patter- son presided. ` V vysznpnlu J. uuu Mayor Little briey reviewed his record during` the past two years `dealing with nancial matters, roads and other -things as well as the three {questions submitted to the people. He had no desire to go contrary to the wishes of the ratepayers and if he had erred in his efforts to ad- vance their interests, it was simply on nsnnnu AC ~:u.Iau.~u-.uJ- ".'I"1-noon iv... Buy advertied things. It pay. yo uwbllo -LJIUUIIIIJIIIK. VGVCIIICIIII ID JCIISU ily made of asphalt, but being a pat- ent process is much more expensive. He quoted Col. Bob Low and his con- struction foreman in support of his contention. He objected to using reinforced concrete because of the, difficulty of opening up the streets for repairs to. water pines, etc. The asphalt surfacing. he. thought, would not cost one-third as much as a cement road. IIIAQ - 1-. I vnavov A \/ AlE|\A \a\ll|Dl\lCLQLI1C CAPCL ICIIUC in road building in Ontario and that the foundation of the Barrie roads which it was proposed to tear up was the best that possibly could be Ob- tained. All that these required was} 0 ._~u-.'.+`...... Ac .......I...14. 4! .... .. 1:... :....L vualllvuo :11: uuau uucac Lcqulxcu wan`- a surface of asphalt four or ve inch- es deen. Bitulithic pavement is large- 2`1v vnvnrin AC -\pu.Ln1L Lnl. Ln}...-.. .. .....J. Vmayoralty, was also opposed to the `proposed pavement. He declared that he had considerable experience :1"n vnnrz `\-I11.`l`-:Ir\lu 3 f\-L.s...'.. .....J d.L_L ii i.I(Ii\;:':table, eendidete for the] vnnv uvvvxl a .u1uI7LCD|I.' ..-._Dr. .A. T. Little spoke briey in `support of the garbage bylaw. Bar- "rite has a reputation? of being one 0*` the most beautiful towns in the pro- -vince, `but if--we are- to maintaiv that reputation we must also keep i`- one-of the most healthy, and that .cannot be done with the present gar- bage` system, he declared. !\ cu - A V- dollar" for the "next thirty years, and if this money was used in con- structing and keeping our roads in repair, we would have good roads. and in the end would have saved the {initial expenditure of $175,000, stated the speaker. i` ll . `D...... -1..- ..--A.I:_...I H... ..._:i avuuuu vuc aycancx. Mr. Boys also outlined the suit against Mr. McConkey over the wood deal and`showed that the action was `absolutely necessa1`y"fb"`} )"1`-`t>"t`?eEf the town's interests. 'I\ III 70:. 1 - I A _____..--_. __-V_-l..-...u, D A reduction in Collingwood's Hydro ratesi will take effect early next year. Th_e local Commission were officially notifier] _on' Wednesday that as the result of the, adjustment of the Depreciation on the! Transmission lines and ,equipment which has -been under consideration for the past four` or fivemonths, a surplus of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) has been placed to the credit of the local Utility. This will write off _a deficit of Seven` Thousand Dollars. ($7,000.00). connected with what is known as the Thirteenth Pow_- r\- Dill .....l 2.. ....!.l:L:-_ .. _L__.._ r_,,.onn vvwu wuao LB nuuwu as but: Llllrletflilrll l'OW_- er Bill and in addition a cheque for'$23.- 000.00 will be received by the local Com- mission in thevery near `future. The Commission has also been notified that the -power `rate. charged to the local Commission. will be reduced from the fig- ure which was placed in effect last August .@.$45.00 per H.P. to $35.00 and if the present 1200 H.P. load ismaintained the rate will be below $30.00. This will mean 5CONTRACTS LET FOR HYDRO ' `SERVICE TO WASAGA BEACH!- Keep your -Health ! Use the old reliable ' 'i H. M. Dyment . Geo. D. Hubbard Jas. Paterson `Fred Loth, skip M`. D. Icforrison M. Holmes . W. N. Braund J. H. Seagram J. A. M L A. E.` Stapleton G. O. cifnglff R.A.Stephens, skip D.'F.McCuaig, sk. 1 1 1 n W. Firth R J. Art. Wolfenden R H.(tf]t:,1g:,g,.1;:1li . F. W. 0tt_on _ _H. Hook 1 _W. A. Twnss, skxp S. G. Underhill, sk. T. D. Brown J. Eplett ,C. McMulkin R J.'McKmght ;R. ~Ma1c msor_1 W. H. Kenned . Dr. Lewis, slnp J. O. Scythes, skip 7 ' 8 ' Alex. McDougaI1 C. R. Ken Thos. T.ooke~ C. R. Mcilke A.F.A.Malcomson C. H. Beemy A.G.MacLellan, sk.P. T. Clark, sk1p 9 - ' 10 I If h TM'n1n:nn 0 A . I3. ..A.1IT.. ' 2 . . 5; :2: ;::::z.,t 2; A. D. Simon _ S. Meredith Geo.. Vickers, slap D. Ross, skip 3 ' A lemme.-cunLme cLua- amxs ` ` A . Arnfd V E. Jory A. McNiven H. Allan, skip (Collingvsjcgod Enterprise) A 11- v I! we | lb. LII. Gig J. G. Scott A.` G. Habbick A.M.Ma1'shall, sk. "W ';..r:ITW B.9.!|_H.lTl Li) R. Craig .7 (1 Qnnl C. B. B;:wn_ i Otto Williams . Alex. Brownlee A. Moffatt, skip _15 , _ _._.-, ~--- 2 Geo. R. Burns Alex. Sinclair P. Love _ H. Meredith, skip 14 Vrv `D 13------ THE BARRIE. EXAMINER [ spams Assiiras DATES Announcement of the Sp1'ing_Cir~ cuit dates of the Supreme Court of Ontario was made last week. Jury sittings will be held in Barrie on Feb. . 13, before Mr. Justice Smith and non-jury sittings on Monday, April i9, before Mr. Justice Lennox. Subscribe for The Barrie Examiner and get all the news. $2 a year. i mmuzm U1 electric current, 4 The local Commission have also been advised that contracts have been closed [for the building of a power line to Wasaga `Beach early next spring._ This will mean! Ithat the line will be built and that the `Commission will be in a position to fur- inish current to those at the beach who! ihave their cottages wired atithe opening `of the beach season. A i a big reduction in rates to the local con- sumers of electric current, rm... u......u -.%-2--.-.. vi - - AUDI/Cl. uunu Lwy 1\.u.:nc_y;.` _ I Defensive work ?--Rowe and Rickey played well-nigh impregnable hockey, while Smokey Harris was the surprise of the night as'an emergency defense man. Qnnrn mu1znn.`?1I`.....\I.' `D.-....L.... _.._..1__| I Lusuu an an ciucigcuuy uclcuse mun. ' Score making ?-F rank T Foyston -carried off the glory by making every one of the Seattle goals without the asistanceend in- creased his lead as the circuit s best shot- maker. Other games may have stood out ' more in one department but none approach- ed this game of last night in which every de- ` partment produced the highest type of hockey. What a whale of a game Foyston played! ` I -.- v ----rv Itvvlllv A copy of the Seattle Daily Times of Dec. 14, just to `hand, `describes a match with Vancouver where "Fovston s terric shoot- ing" won for Seattle, he scoring three goals unassisted. The opening part of the report is as follows :-There "may have been more spectacular hockey games and there may have been rougher games and even closer games, but there neverwas a harder fought one than that ten-minute overtime contest of last night, which Frank Foyston saved for Seattle by a score of 3 to 2, thus` giving the locals their sixth victory out of seven contests in the Coast race. ` tI.__Y. _L--I_2..._0 FIN`, W, 9 '7 Speeci skating?--Nobody, ever got over` ice faster than Mickey Mackay or broke faster thgn Roy Rickey.` ' I nnfznnctvn uvnrlr `7_D nu:-vn .-.-...l !):..l.,... I I HUGO Back checking?--There was more of it than in any game this season. (`-001 fan:-na9_'PI-may-n u-um. LL- .._.....:.....1. Luau in any game Inns season. Goal tending?--There was the greatest exhibition of the season in the Pacic Coast I League. Qnnnrl n`rn`:I\nI9 RT..L....l-. -..-__ _.L W, FOYSTON S GREAT SHOUTING `rm: Economy pAco' vs - Canada's Best Buy - Bus mess operatlons BM{l?fIQRONTO BRANCHES BARRIE--ALLANDALE-ELM`\ ALE Centrallyhituated, clone shop: and theatres. ` Fireproof. _ Home comfort and hotel conven- ` ience. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room open till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.50: double room. wh bath, $4.00. Breakfast, 50c. to 75. Luncheon. 65. Dinner. $1.00. Dr Free 12! Iervleo from train: Ind boats. Take - Black Ind White Toxic only. Write for booklet ' V Ijzcorporated 1855 The Bank of Toronto has for many years given advice and assistance which has resulted in the development upon a substantial basis of many of the soundest commer- cial organizations in Canada. Iefmin5fe1?ute11 frnn ONTO The successful operation of a business enterprise is not measured altogether by the prots made, but rather by the good judgment displayed in conserving those prots to properly take care of the inevitable expansion of the business. Thursday,_ January 4, 1923 TORONTO, ONT. __ nocums

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