FOR BOYS ANS GIRLS . See our VETCRAFT Line These toys are made by returnedsoldiers. They are very strong and well finished, and reasonable in price. r~1,______ n1. .1 1 The Washer that has I'1(-)-:3(;L;2ll D._`.. Q1 -11! An "1'5.Fi}:e"1`7fii'oW 1900 Agitator Electric, $110.00 jug 1900 CATARACT : sure of the quality of these goods, rnu c Ar I V I Ol.-C-1.I 12---- r 11 Missing a fine steer from his herd. a Morriston farmer found the animal shot through the heart by a hunter's stray bul- let. TOYS $2.50 $2.50 $1.50 $1.50 L-n _. uauu were In Darrle on aauuraay . ` The curlers annual At Home was a great cuccess. 21!! being saafied.with the even- ing and wishing there `were more gaocial evenings in the hall for the community. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stewart entertain- ed a number of "young people on Friday evening vmmuug one OI ms arms. Mrs. E. H. Sloan and Mrs.` Jpo. Har-` tipon were in Barrie on Saturday Thu mu-Tm-9 nnmml A0 "nmn mu. . .-..a CUIUIIIXQ Mrs. Stafford W. `Watt is sponding .a week with friends at Thornhill and Toronto. Gilmore Reive is suffering fxfom a seigeu of quinsy. - A man driving north of the Penetang Road. 'I`_uesday.- had the misfortune to upse* at the Fifth Line school. cutting and breaking one of his arms. Mn 14` u m....._ .....l 1:... 1..- vv_ Dec. 'll.---Messrs. Frank` ahd Will. Mc- i Lean are visiting friends in Toronto and Alton. 11-- cu_pl . ." ~-- - mm nub uxely to blow away on a windy day. 5 Miss Burchell accepted the office of pian-5 let. on short notice and is to he congratul-.' rated on `he way she carried it through. ll Usually all the praise and glory goes to those in the glare of the footlights but there are others behind the scenes upon whom a great deal depends. Without them 3 the pln_v_ could not succeed and their work? is .':eas'ele:=s. They have to arrange the. stage. direct the players, see to the props.i hold the book ready to prompt. at a minute .s- warning. prepare programme and -advertising. see to the lightin! effectspand many other jobs. The=e responsibilities- werc gladly shouldered by Dr. Lorne Tyrerl and Reg. Cooper. and all interested` are. `greatly indebted to them. Doubtless they i {eel well compensated for their efforts by the success of the show. . some unfortunate member of the company _wuN very qenonznr. and had :1 way of putting it over the footlights. also Tod and Grandpa, hiit he was such a good explwiner he eventually succeeded in pouring oil on the troubled waters. H's sweet-he:nrl. Dorothy May. (Jennie Ritchie) was very attractive. Poor Dorothy. she had many. troubles to go through before enlightenment. and reconciliation, but from the look of joy on her face as she finally -embraced her erstwhile lover. it veezned worth it. Bella Ritchie. as Tod Hunter's wife, looked charming, and played her part well. she was much in demand as Our , `\ViirI." Mrs. Stubba, who played the part` of a French Instructess at the dancing .` academy. looked the part, and played it 1 with a grace and charm all of her own. ` Mrs.` Andy Beardaall as Pansy Hopscotch . afforded much fun as the lady with more g m than sense". Romeo and Juliet in their balcony scene had nothing on her i a'.tempte esczme through a window. much i `too small. Thegpart of a Danish maid," 2 Kloompy. played by Maretta Draper, was an outstanding feature, for it was excep-' ti-'\nall_v well characterized. Her appear- ance always brought a laugh from. thel aiidieiice. and usually five dollars from! 9 i for Kloompy was determined to get all themoney she could before she yumped her yob". Last. but .by no nresins -least. was Andy Beardaall as Oicer Mccormack who had to maintain law and order, and see that no one escaped. he certainly played his part -and looked it. He would make a3 o`;.v hit at the corner of King and Yonge! and not likely to blow a windy day. l Burchell nnnsfntnd Hm am.-n A: .......,s -,...,. -......\.,...., ,-unuaycu n_v marry Knox, who d1dn t ive a nod .05}: 3 rl:n"_.w". He plaved his part exceptionally` Wclx, nml g':u'o the cook much cause to dis- like lllll. Merl Ritcie us the ohligingl hus'~.:uu.i. ('I`m l Hunter), who was forced to leoxmc= u cook to save his best friend. (.V`l:vn`(- Ray! lmd 1: part well suito(l to his . abi}`r_v. uml produced many :1 laugh. .l.':zr?~L \Vil"nn us Monte ray, cuu.`-xe of all the rrouh!e.'_wus very tebonuir. and had W21\' Of nnl`l`lnu it turn. Ll... A`..Ll!r-LA run us out: asume EOWH. 3` With Christmas but a few days hence, 9g the merchants of our village have been busy ` arranging their Christmas stock and pre-__, paring for the immense business which is transacted in our town each season. Our business men are ready to serve the public and by the number of people that come I from a distance to do their Christmas ` buying and from the reports of the com- mercial travellers, shopping can be done as advantageously here as elsewhere. ] l I1 uuull. \ Vr. Amie-r. of th~ Bank of Toronto has ` < been moved to Toronto and his place as,! manager here is taken by Edgar E. Smith, 1" who has been accountant at Cobourg for several years. Mr: S ith is a brother of C. 11.0. Smith of Ba 'e and Mn; Smith is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Murch- i-on of the same town. :` Wm. m...:......c... 1...: - 1- - - uyclatlllg, welding, work; we ning, only ht classes: on. steady aw` 'I`rnctnr . Visitors `50-53csLw , ca uts.~-tAavt,). A Christmas tree and entertainment will 71 be held in the tBase'Line school on Wed- `{ 'ne.9da_v. December 20. A good time is ussttretl all who attend.-(Advt.) A C-hristnuta entertainment will be given in the Excelsior school near Ushers on t Tuesday. Dec. 19, at 8 o'clock. Lunch` will be mt-ed. `Admission 25c. --(Advtt ` . t Another radio outfit was put into action I in our village on Tuesday night when Wal-. ter Telfer was able to connect up with, Tormito and different cities in the United States. '. _ ` Much sytttpathy is extended to Miss Grace McMackon, a fortner teacher on `N the Elmvale Public school staff. in, the loss 3 'of t.-er fat-her. D. McMackon of Angus, who (led very suddenly on Sunday./ A few of 6 Miss McMackon's friends motored to Angus 1: an Tttesrlay toattend the funeral. 3 lixlward Shapcott receivetl a nas _V out Q in his face last week. While working in g R. G. .\ l:tnning s -blacksmith shop he was shoeing 2!. horse and sotnehow the horse a i-'l.uml)l(`(l. its knee striking Ed. between his a:yc.-, cutting and bruising his face badly. 4 A number of stitches were needed to closed g the wountl. ' I1 '5. M. p u .. IIII4 IYIIIICI I V "` ' You are assured of a guod time if you! attend the Christmas entertgainmem held: in the Methodist church Friday. Dec; 15.1 Admission 25 cts.--,(Advt,). A nhrinfmnn fr-an an. ....L-._4_'! V --- I T0la1"`st.0..I. R. Hiltz `is `visiting f`:-`ends 'Il_ .. _, _I ll v. I U] llll I'll: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce `Andersm Tuesday for Toronto where they the winter VA _ _ , _ __ ,, I '. E03014 Frank ' E & `Ca 911" . Bisho `X4 K1 I D. `Representative >14 &&m&aaww$; Thursday, Dee?b,er 14, 1922, qHURcH1u. ; v nus CD58" he Exam- . $2.00 per he United AnAn .... -., vow- /,\J`lUVl_} ! risrmas trge . ` _ I I ,3 m .._- an-.o....s..:_ -. -_ `Anderson left o ntn xv]-mm ck." ...:n ....-_J 2 uu ICU. UHI will spend \ A Boston horse qualied as a long dis-l lance swimmer when itiwas rescued fromki the river after spending 36 hours in the; wzgtir. jt was still swimming when res-i cu - V I ,-'_._. -vuv-v -uuvu-riv . . u ` The average wholesale prices of 32 lead-i ing staple food commodities during the `month of November show an increase as lcompared with the general average during I l I l I _ October of .323 per cent. or about one-third' L of one per cent. The outstandingleature in . the markets during the month of November was the steady increase in the price of flour. ' which showed an advance of from 10c tol 20c every week during the month, they average price on Manitoba hard wheat flour I being $7.05 per barrel as against the aver-K` age of $6.75 for October. Cereals also in- clined upward, particularly rolled oats and.) co rnmeal, the average `price of the former, . being 15c -per bag and the latter 27c persj bag` higher than the average in October. Eggs and butter were higher by 2c per 1b., : while cheese increased 4c per lb. The corn-i parison of prices shows as well declines of e a few cents-per dozen on canned tomatoes", corn and peaches, whilexa shade reduction id is noted in. shelled almonds, walnuts` andl rice.--Canadian Grocer _ is FOODSTUFF PRICES INCREASE It gets the di;t,' 1;o_t'-thle carpet 0 3 days free trial - .\ Price; $60.00 - Attachment`s0ex.tra, $10.00 ' THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Eugzm VACUUM CLEAN! zwawwmwaawwwwwvw and prair- automobile operating, u-nldin... Percolators, $1,` MAKE coon, USEFUL an-rs `Be sure you get the Hotpoint 6-Tb Irons, $6.75 . Table Stoves, -$9.50 Reversible Toasters, $6200 __ ` wwwvawatwmwwmvwwa Yukon, sizes 8 to HA $1.50 pair Men's Auto, `sizes 9% to 11 V2, $3.50 pair Ladies Auto," sizes 9 to 107%. $3.50 pair Hockey Tube, sizes 10 to A1 1%, $5.50 pair Atntoinobiie D, sizes 10- to 12 $6:OO Automobile F, sizes 9% to 11%,` $5.00- Hockey Sticks, Pucks,___iAnkle Supports, _ -- if T.- Our Staci-I `i; complete . We put them on your shoes free of charge L LABOR-SAVING H&RlC APPLIANCES 1-`on THE Bbvs AND_ GIRLS SKATES . 2&a@a%@a%a&3$%@a%a&. Q h: - , _ . Price $175. $&&$@&%@&%@&&$%&&%&@ 01mAwmmEMm @@$3$%@@%8@@@@@@Ew@@@$E@@@@@$] Price, Co1em`ahQuick-Lite Lahii5s"""" entsextra, ' ZTS, ~'i'vI;;,e -l.:a`; Grills, $12.00 12, $14, $20.50. $26.75 5, Pucks, Ankle, Straps Etc. . - S-"u .*'1c Il,ldfI:/. ` .. ' . - `K _ ----j1 A 13-? `, .1. to st 1`. ; Un_ Sumjgy night last. ll2_ pictures` :,'.luusut`rate(g !l1'_\nnns be show in the s:w"`8 .3119 W1'k f 33 Mtg"t h`"h gillethodist church .ox_: Sunday .vening.\ ':h'8hput Canada. 0'. `t"`:h`$ch am" we .~ Rev. R. White attended a meeting of own m the Me` ' who Presidents of all the Epworth League} `Mm M` J Ema of Midland is he? nun. LI. xfugsley, I885 W381`. ' Mt. and Mrs. Jack4Pa1-ks spent a ldaya in Toronto last week. "Inch-ntgol `unsung-ma ...:II 1.". _L, I ~ -. -- - - " `] Jeixse Mair is seriously ill. 1 Stephen Gould lost a valuable horse on ' Friday last. H. J.` Arnold spent a few days in Tor- ? "onto last week. , E V! Anyone wishing violin lessons see Lorne! ' Arnold.-(Advt.) , Kindly call and settle your` account at,` l'Rankin s.-(Advt.) - ' u ' County Engineer Campbell of Barrie was '5in town on Monday. 7 ' ' _ Miss Hewitt of Rosemount is nursing her aunt, Mrs. _Geo. ebb. ' : Milton Marlins f Barrie spent the week- 3 `end at his. home here. . _ _ I1 Wm. Weber, had five sheep worried by! :dogs on Saturday night. 3` 1 Mrs. Pugsley of Toronto visited her son. N. Pugsley. last week. ME "Pa Ian`: 'D---`--- ------` ` I ! I I 33%;` An. g:x x<>x<>n>xox<>x<>x< >x< >x<-x<>x<>xoxox<} The large range of suitable and useful Christmas Gis in tIiis store ' _ mm a means of; Mm; `M, J. EI1ii{z Vof Midiahd here EPW0l th Leaguesghis week seeing her mother, Mrs. Rowat, :-j$Z 1 `We have a splendid stock hf Hollow and Flatware of this make. lt is up to you to make your choice. Come early while the assortment is large; `\l.'.. L---- ROGERS 1347 SILVER IS A or . Tungjmgnsr QUALITY 3%@@%$E@W%@@s%@@@3 THE BARRIE EXAMINER nle EVERYONE KNOWS Electric Table Lamps > Flashlights Thermos Bottles Serving Trays Manicure` Sets Hand Sleighs-' Gillette Safety Razors Scissors `Auto Strop Safety Razors Toboggans Pyrex. Baking Ware Casseroles Ash Trays Brass Ware Carpet Sweepers Mitts and Gloves Coleman Quick-Lite Lamps ..` imun net daughter, Mrs. Deauy. : ,` Rev. A; N. C..Pound of China will: Wrench in the Methodist `V Church Sunday- Qmgnning and at Bethesda in the aftemooml 5 um)... ....1..o 1...: no ..:.o.......! g-uuullg and an Deuwsuu m we anemoon.{ _ Sunggy night last. 112 pictures ' ?`hW|ng of the Methodist church `th!`nIIuI\a...a l"..nm-In hinn mu? Janos}. nu..- ilvuclr meeting On UIOIIGEY1 I i F8. John Arnold loft last week for; iT9l 0nto vyhere she will spend (he winter `Wig! her daughter, Mrs. Beatty. ` V ` N A I`. Pnnnd nf (`Jinn uyillj z~-wt mas `week. I L Th!` Mission Band made_ their Super-, mtgndent,' Mrs.-Broley, 9. Me member-at . ` , I Ithexr meetmg Monday. I In!-.n Ar-nnlrl luff Imzf. numb for : '~- on nana. 5 Cqunty Road employees have commenced: pumn a coat of gravel on . the front` street this week. I 1"}... n:,,:_, n.....I _.....I- .L-:_ o___ . K 398 Fisher's my display; also 3 good! `shock of candies, nuts, oranges`, grape9,jS [etc-9 01] hand. ' .nn-.n-. I'i-_.l -__..I....-.... L-..` ..-..._____ __ I I I I vnmbUl'S an Mrs. J. v_v. yarxg on Dunday. ` sm Smith of Wmmpeg 1s visting at the 1 home of his father-in-law. Henry Leadlay. ,` _ T The proceeds of St. John's church bazaar 3011 Thursday of last week amounted to; about 8160. Q4. n:..L__v, .-.. J:....l..... ..n.._ - _,,:` Mi`. an nJu:Auy -.u..-4 \.nal\| ........,..uuJ_ d Mrs. P. Moran of Barrie wire visitors at Mrs. J. W. Parks Sunday. SHIT] Qrnhh nf Winninno `E vzcno n0 6'... 14, 192; [Summer Schools of Ontario in Toronto on `Thursday, ` - Ln:-no _|-....|.l 2.. .\l....:.... no bl... h_.-_.I___I } uuuauuy. Lorne Arnold is playing at the Dreamland ITheatre, Barrie, Friday and Saturday. Il ._ . . -- v\ 1: A - SUGGESTIONS James C. Pennej, chairman of` J. C. Penney Corporation, New York, took out 281,500,000 additional life` insurance, in- cteasing his policies to ($3,000,000. vuu uc HIKE HEW- ; To prevent burning` when cooking syrups }of any kind over a quick fire,' drop in (three or four marbles (agates, as the boys gcall them). The heat will keep hese con- .stantly on the move and will no only pre- lvent,bu'rning but will do most of the stir- lrlnz. ' _ .._. ......,.......,.......5 Jun vuu uzzvu. [ . H When nedles have `become rusty and spam unt. for use, Pub up and down in ithe earth in 9. close-by ower pot and they `will be like new. 1". . ..... ....4. L.-.__:__ ,- ,1, - - ;a,......uc wuu uorax and soak 1n cold water. Q Try mixing your powdered sugar with {mashed banana instead of milk and see (what deliciousicing you will have. I `In... _;__n,, I - u,-It I? IIYYUI-"I"no I` To remove chocolate and cocoa stains. I I sprinkle with borax and soak in cold Tn? miY;na vnnp -nu...-l.._...l .......... ._.`AL uau5uI.Cl. Aura. U8Vl(1 M01` aaaen. The W.M.S. Auxiliary "of the Methodist Ichurch sent as a Christmas gift to Miss Jackson of the Nelson House an ivory brush and comb. The Good Cheer Class gave her a bolt or red ribbon for her In- dian girls. ` I I who is seriously ill at the home of herl `daughter. Mrs. David McFadden. l The 7MQ A....1l!...... /-1: AL. 11,.` 1- . .213 TIPS T0 HOUSEWIVES s will surprise you If you are thinking of giving her ari Electric Washer, why not have the best? V We are proud of cu... ul uu. Liuuu|._y Ul HICDC guuub, H1{in}1rey s or l.X.L.Shefeld lines, fully guaranteed. 0 Carvers, two-piece . . . . $3.00 to $10.00 Carvers in cases, 3-piece, $5.50 to $17.00 Dessert Knives . . $6.50 to. $12.00 dozen Table Knives . . . $9.00 to $15.00 dozen Pocket Knives . . . . . . 50c to $3.50 each See our English Knives, Forks and Spoons in Stainless Steel @`%%@@9%5?5`@ ?``V%@@%@?Q You are : _ .V.--. 5/ ..-n vvnul Lkl Lllllllldlb .'. . . . Circus \Vag0ns with animals . $3.50, Vvheelbairowsi . .` .- . . . . . . . . . $1.50 D011" Dressers . . . . . . . . $2.75 and $5.50 Doll Cradles ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75c Engines with tender . . . . . . . .V . . . . $2.25 Coal Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 75c Freight and Passenger "Cars . . $1.50 ea. 2wwv%wz3w%@@w%&a _-., .. .. ._;:u\,g\u\JlluO . . . . . . . . . . . @.DU Doll Carriages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doll Carts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1. Doll Furniture, 6-piece set . . . . . . Doll Rockers . . . . . . . . $1.25 and $3.25 D011 Wagons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3.25 Nbahs Ark with 5 animals . . . . . . $2.00 N0'ah s Ark with 10 animals $2.75 . . . . .2 Rn (`rarllpc Clowh I I\ f`-,. ' `J ulicu 49tfx