,......- ...- -...._ -.._ ,.--,-- ,-_, ,, It does not follow, said Dr. I-Iincks, that the man of -highest mentality will be the most successful. Success depends largely on the dynamic force `of the individual--cou2:age, persists ence, enthusiasm, geniality and the qualities of leadership--provided of course thathis mental equipment is adequate. Defects in character ra- ther than lack of intellect are gen- erally responsible for failures in life. nut I 0 A ,,__n__,. 2.. _.-L L-..` Dr. Hincks Tells Kiwanians Undesirables Are Costly to Canada. pun-ea puurav--u.w.., _'- -..--_.-- Morbid introspection is not heal- thy, remarke(l the Doctor, but most of us would be better if we studied ourselves more closely and knew more of our possibilities and defects. Yi__2I_I 1 Y.. fVL-......L-.. In conclusion, Dr. Hincks said the object of their work was to discover early the nature of the clld and to build up character around his strong points in the hope of ultimately re- moving .the weak spots. It was a na- tional endeavor to put round pegs in round holes and hy vocational guid- ance to place the defectives where they could be happy and work"`out their lives as a benet to themselves and the country. ` ' V---we... gvv _-__-_.. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, the officers which have been in charge `for the few months since the Barrie Club started will _be continued for 1923._ ` vvnnn_-uv vv-.-..--.... _-_ _v_.. A motion was passed to have a Ladies Night early in January when the noon-day luncheon. will~be replaced by a meal at 6.30 to which the members wives will be invited. A good speaker will be obtained for the occasion and there will be a mus- ical program with characteristic Ki- wanis pep.. ~ " - ~44.` L--_L_.. .2-.. 24mEs I) wanna rvrv Alec. MacLaren was booster for last week and his attendance prize wastaken by George Hubbard. , ,_,,1___ III ___I_ Warden Banting and County Clerk Simpson, guests of Kiwanian Quin- Ian, received a hearty greeting from the members. At the request of the chairman, the Warden` made a few remarks, in which he complimented the Barrie Club on its aims and 'good- fellowship and wished that its work might be of great benet to the mem- bers and` to the beautiful town of `Barrie. The Mission Circle of .Collier St. Methodist Church held a very suc- cessful bazaar in the Sunday School rooms on Saturday afternoon. The room was beautifully decorated with Christmas symbols and the tables on which the tea was served were very `effective with chrysanthemums. Red and green ribbons and red berries served as decorations for the tables laden with delicious homemade can- dy, fancy work-and other articles tempt the purchasers. s ,, ,,___..s `I... n.- ` ....... .... l1Cln1.I|,, Iunv yuswnnuuuguu Tea was served- by the `younger girls of the Circle under the capable supervision of Miss Gussie Caldwell, Miss Love and Mrs . Russell. '- An `orchestra composed of young lady- students of," the B .C.I. furnish -------- "5--A-A-An nunnniriv-I`A!' `A Q1A& st!`-ILIUIHIS UL DIIU Ll-\JuI.u 1. ul. I-Ilhill u music. Proceedsamounted to $14 . MISSION CIRCLE NETS $140 (Continued from page 1) Build Up Character Re-Elgcted SECTION 37 ` PAGES. 17 'ro~24 1; uc nvuu-A nvup xiuncu. _ V ' In a red-hot reply Mayor Holden; efnphatically denies -the allegations; and makes some scathing remarks _i concerning Mr. Foreman and the col-,.{ ored gentleman making the affidavit.i The Mayor gives several facts to dis: prove the charge__and is supported by? a signed statement of the road fore-3 road woH( against which the twenty.- loads of gravel is alleged to have! been charged. ` _ , f man who was overseerof the County ITEBENTURE BYLAWS PASSED BY COUNCIL; ' CENTRAL M1-ZTHODISTI: BAZAAR , 1 _J:, 9 A0`: 1' 1 1 `I .1 A- '1 l\l'Il-A 1'11.` I IIVIIJILI I I-ll'|lul"IfII\ I 'I`he.Ladies Aid of Central Meth-4` odist Church are more than delight -! ediwith the excellent returns real-j ized from theirxbazaar held in the? Sunday School. rooms of the church! Friday afternoon. . A large numberi were. present and purchased freely; `of. the homemade baking, candy,ij Fancy work and other things suitable} for Christmas tokens. III I I 0 1-4, . `MAYOR HOLDEN DENIES "IT .~ [1 Henry Foreman, Custors col1ecto_r,i has stirred up, a nice little row in` 'Collingwood by advising the County Treasurer __that' he was told by 8; -teamster` engaged in county work] that he (teamster) had drawn 20% loadbof g'ravel'to .a building job be-; ing done in~'Col1ingwood by 1\Iay-Jr? 9 Holden and` that this was paid for by? County funds. . t 3 rm..:,. ........ `l..4...;. s..........\..4....J 1.... n... \J\l\lll_UJ LIIOIIJGI I This was later Supported by an ; affidavit from~Cooper, the colored! teamster, who further swore thati Holden offgared him a cheque for $50} if `he would keep quiet g I- .. .....a 1.... ......1.. mr........ u.{1.x..... rrlaay arternoon, A Large nunioerlvcms uauu aw-cu. i The managelnent C0mmitte P1`-5 candy,}sented its report, moying that pro-Q suitableimotlon examinations be held in the; ipublic schools at the end of January-, The ladies served afternoon tea toifol` 311 classes UP to and includingl those present. Over $160 was netted 5 the Junior Third, and also for thosei from the afternoon's sale, ` pupils in the higher grades who fail! W..- bed; in their June examinations, or; Read The Examiner Atilet Column `anyother pupils eligible for promo-l }y@@ww@%v@w@%@%zwZ wa2@waa@2?nvvavaavawa&w@awnvvnvaawwwawvaavv%zaa@ `(T HE GIFT 'l`HA'l`: IS \\'OR l`H" WHlLE GIVING is the idea back of everything in our Christmas Gift Selections. Whether you seek- _a-pretty gift, a practical gift, a simple inexpensive article of exceptional novelty, or something to meet a special need-here you will nd just the particu-lar present to-please for everyon_e on your gift list. \\ here novelty means more thanprice and, novelty makes your gift thrice welcome, here are gift things of the better kind in unusual stylesa`t the most reasonable prices; .That s why DEVLlN S is recognized astt-he Christmas Gift Store. - 59th- Year E E BARRIE, CANADA. THUSDAY, DECEMBER 14,1922, / Gifts That Satisfy to Meet Every Desire The passing of fourteen by-laws, thirteen of which provided for the borrowing of money on debentures for sewer construction on the local imgfrovement program, occupied the attention of Barrie town council at a special meeting on Fridayevening last week. The debenture issue will be $16,000, over '15 years, within- 'terest at 5%. The sewer construction v .pleted, is as follows:-- work concerned, which has been com- "' ..,L!..._ 92011 f\1.n TA host of the prettiest Hosiery of the year in every style to ' suit your particular preference Glove Silk Hose in black-r A: Ann I Thread Silk Hose wiih clokedi ' ankles, in many shades and} `clocks in contrasting color : an an ,__3A,f Thread Silk Hose in-all shsldes 31nd all sizes, regular $2.00 -$l.49 pair icashmere Hose ,many shades" -75c to $1.50 pair Monday night's meeting of the! `Board of `Education was brief, last-i sing little more than half an hour,. the meeting place in Victoria School {being so chilly thatthe Board mem- gbers sat about in overcoats `andl 'ghustled through the business of the! {evening as quickly as possible. 3 I -- - . .~.-.. ,,sn, ---..:5..,li !To How PROMOTION | EEXAMS. IN JANUARY`! CVCIIIIIS I053 qununung Inn .:v..-..-.--- `E Geo. Dawson of Stittsville waited! on the Board with samples of maps gfvx-om the O'Connell Map Co., and ex- ihibited these to the trustees in the {hope of having them placed in Barrie I ivschools. He was` told that the matter {would be considered on recommend~ fation from the princialsx 1,, T--. Q gpuuvu L:,u ; o o u ux` ,.u..uv.rv..... I 1- A letter was read from Jas. Lav-I Very, boilermaker, who reported that] gthe boiler in Victoria School is inl ':good shape end should last twenty} ljvears longeii. He stated, however-.5 gthat inhis opinion the boiler in the! I Allandale school is too small, consid-i le'ring' the size of the school, the tubes E ibeilig badly scaled. T I... .... nnnnnnn Amul- nns-nvu-\~:+4`no VIVA- . iPup.i1s Who Failed in June` ! Tesfsv Will Be Given ; ` Another hance. 1 L %Wn:vL1N'smv; jnms'rMAs(;u=' r -' "- 'r*'7""*" The Council was in committee for! the greater part of theevening and the by-laws were passed in open council without further discussion._ A by-law was passed setting forth poll- ing places and naming poll clerks and ` deputies for the. municipal elections `on New Yea1"s'Day, besides calling for a nomination meeting on Dec; 22. -v -saw-.. pair clrrs FOR MEN AND BOYS { Snrprise, hina with something `different this year. 1 Here are many things to select frome that are just what he .wants._ \nI[IIB5lllInv g-.. ..._.. ..____ -, Boxed Suspenders 4- Armle Handkerchiefs - Umbrellas Mufflers - Gloves - Hosiery Suits and Overcoats I County. -__-u -v`r|l\l\Il \.nn\r|Av I 5! Amounts apportioned by the De- Partnlent of Education to Collegiate `Institutes and High Schools in the County of Simcoe for 1922 are as I I I I I I l I I I folIows_:--- Barrie . . . . . . . . . . .; $1853.85 V Orillia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1620.77 Alliston . . . .' . . . . . . . . 959.75 Bradford . . . . . . . . . . 966.30 Midland . . . . . . . . . . . . 1624.3] _ I Penetanguishene . . . . 1204.26 ' Collingfwood . .e . . . . . . 1317.50 f These grants are to be supple- mented by. a like amount from the] In the case of Collingwood, [the grant is withheld pending thel jmaking of certain im 5 I I I provements or- tiered by the Department.` ' ` tion in the opinion ofthe principal.g This report was adopted, as was [also a report by the property com-"; mittee moving that no action be tak-; en regarding the purchase of a pump and motor for the Prince of Wales: [School until 1923. ` I . - 1 ] In the school reports, which wereii [received and led, the report of thei = {school nurse, Miss Train, showed thati { ;during the month of November 704; |pupils had been inspected in Victoria School, 689 in the Prince of Wales A School, 486 in the King Edward [School and 23 in the King George V .(SC'h0()1. In the tst-named, 25 treat- iments had been given and 20 home visits made, in the second 18vtreat- Ements and 12 home ,visits, in` the ]third no treatments and 8 home vis- iits, and in the last-named_0ne treat- iment and 2 home visits. Shop where you re invited to shop T HIGH SCHOOL GRANTS Special Session of Council Clears Up lmprpvement Financing. 3 Ti_:s A and `Shi1:ts_ Archie McLean of Thornton has: purchased'the house .on Perry St`. formerly owned by Ernest Thomp-'3 son. 1 `Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town - I i Q Phone 145 ~_ ` Elizabeth St. "'j"j"i` viwjvjvw Hi%NDTB16s. DI IDI? cnnn nonncnv New Hallowi Dates- -2 lbs. fbr 25: Fancy Seedlesse Raisins-- ; --2 lbs. for SSC Fancy Seeded Raisins-- --16-oz. pkg. 20c New Almonds 25c Th New Brazil Nuts . 20c lb Lemon and Orahgc; Pee} -I -. .4 . 1 Fresh Qualla Salmbn, Haddie, Fillet of Haddie, Ciocos and Oysters at best prices Spanish Onions, 4 lbs. for 25. PURE FOOD GROCERY . ..-..-v-' -.. --.. V Cha-rlott St., costing `$582.01; Mary St., $647.20; Holgate St., $929.22; Maple Ave., `$1504.53; Mulcastex" and Sophia Sts., $1820.87; Owen and North Sts., ' $2456.68; Eccles and Perry Sts., $1456.04; ,Essa St., $3178.08; Thompson St., $788.99; Sanford St., $1095.11; Florence St., $914.39; Charles St., $627.88. 1- I ,L!,, ,, ,$@$%@@%@@@@@%E No. 50 -Lz_1rge"Y_-elf)'v: Onions, 13 lbs. for 25 CIRCULATION : Don t forget the Christmas. Pag- {eant to be held in Collier St. Metlkg iodist Church, Thursday, Dec. 28, :18 ,7.3O p.m. 50-521:: Breakfa,t Bacon . 3176 the Shortenmg, 2 lbs. for 35 Shortening, 3-Tb tin.49c Shortening, 5-Tb tin 79 Shortening, 10-lb _ $1.59 Matches. . 3 boxes for 34 Corn Starch, 3 -pkgs. 27, Wethey Mince Meat, bulk Ava - st. -1.1`: .-4 Heinz. Tomato Soup---- ` --Large size 18(`_. 422500P| ;32"n; .,..-..v\ _A by-law was passed consolidating these by-laws into one, providing for` a `debenture issue on the entire ex- penditure of `$16,000.00. ,.-:A_L__ 1-..! `3 31?TMEEKif MUST BE..EXCLUDl':`.D laptation. Such exarr;iVr1z'1rt:.i<)tV1s7T}'1elp to place the -child in his proper place. . o,n___. _,_:_x n_. 'l 1:.....I.,.