groveled . I Saturday morning`s market was small} in numbers. there being comparatively fewl vendors present. Apples and vegetables com-; pr'scd the greater part of the produce in` evidence, although butter; eggs, chickens. etc-.. also had their place. Prices were as fol!ow.=: ` Btmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40c lb. Egzs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70c dozen Clckens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c lb.` Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 to 30c basket Ducks" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32c lb.` Apules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35c basket. Cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c to 10c'head Beets . . . . . Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 25c basket [Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c basket 'Pumpkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10c each Parsnips . .- . . . . . .'.'-. . . ., . . . . . . 25c basket `Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c each `Citron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. me each fman s shoulder. as tenderly Paisley carried him forward and laid him just outside the door. u1u1,,'n-'7! L , ,II I I .1 I` l.IU`)I 1 ``It s' Bill_."' he called, and the door open-l ed. On a chair beside the window layl `two ries and in one corner of the room` knelt Big McTavish. his wife. and Granny; beside the still form of_ a girl lying in Bov ;=i arms. 4 The big man looked up at Paislev mmealinglv. and the tears streamed dnwni . . I ,h1s seamed face as he said bmkenly: 2 Wm... 4..:...a Ln M..,. i ...... mu- m--- E 55 SATURDAY ,um 36611161! IIIUU lit Ill: Blu UlUI\l`rlIl_V. They tried to stea'l our lit`le Gloss. ,B3ll. and she's fainted from fright."_ ' D..:...I..-.. L: ._ L__...I-- n.L___`LLZ,, I L` "V1. VII` ll Lulu (`Ill WMU ll W115 lllCll| ltla `do this thing. Will you-take care obi little Gloss. marm `?---I want to talk things5 over wit}; Mac and Boy. _ ' l on 1-` II I\ ' Women Should Know How Lydia E. IIQII Q If .II t\ Sheboygan, Wisconsin.-I was run down, tired and nervous. I could not even do my_ own housework, could not . slee at night and _ all_ inds ofiqueer 5 I thoughts would come to me. Finally I gave up going to the doctor and a friend told me of Lydia E. ' Pinkham s Vegeta- ble Compound. After the first bottle and I have ept on improving ever since. I have taken seven bottles now and am sohappy that "I am allover thesebad feelm . --Mrs. B. Luvs:-m, 1639 N. 3rd St., eboygan, Wisconsin. ' I could slee better _ In an acute attack of Nasal Canaan.` Those subject to frequent "colds in the head" will nd that the use or HALUSA CATARRI-I MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render; them less liable to colds. Repeated at-A tacks of Acute Catarrh- may lead to! Chronic Catarrh. HALUS CATARRI-I MEDICINE is fnknn int:-xv-nnllv and non: thrnnoh H-an` The Double Track Route between J 1 nA1..u uA1'Atu~u-1 M19u1L:1N1s 1s~ taken internally and ,acts through the.` Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys- 1 tem. thus reducing the inammation and`, restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. vv auvvnnu-any Fot the vgoman entering middle age Lydia E. P1nkham's Vegetable Com- pound can be of much henet. Durin this time of Info cegtam chan es take place which aometxmes deve op into serious trouble; V T ' WOA AVUH Ucvuvawv Melancholia, nervousness. in-itabili , headache and dizziness are some of symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkhanfa Vege- table -Com d is a natural_ restora- g:iv_e, o By "adapted to assist uapnrc tn" you ufelms: this tune um`. -ml. was it n fair sairnin Inn Ivunhv --QIIZ In an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.' "I`l-Inna nnhinnf fn frpnnnnt r-nln in tho: iuusen muuus AT MIIJIJLE ABE yuu linen] voitafairc iielps at Periodr '__-_. -_----- ----- v- --w cu 1J-u: 1. "PinklIam's Veget;bIe Compound % Hurt ! u.m-:RTAxgnsd ~I-IORSLE A_lI._.l_VI_E.NTS Swors BLEEDING ms'r.u~i1-LY. PREVENT8 nnoon ponsommc. cmuzs Tnnvsn. FISTULA. SPRAINS AND BRUISES. The Irma!-, all nnnund T.inimnnf- fnr the SFKAINB AND Bxulslszs. `me best all around Linimc-nt' for the stable as w.ll as for household use. Inmm rr xunmv, smote wen 101' KEEP IT HANDY. 4uuuu-nu.-.uux,u DOUGLAS & CO-. I A goo-d thing--Rub. it in `T99".!!!.T*"9 `!.'.'. An. all Dealers. and Druggits. Manufactured only by f\I`Il'I' A11 n lIl\ \1'AI'IA\vI'.\B II. . of many kinds quickly remedied with Morgue and Chapel ' IN CONNECTION 5 - IARRIE. ONT. - - Phone 82 The quick relief for `all Sprains and Bruises 7 "`I`Vq E3<-);1;inued) 1:{oucLAs' bu vu._y u . NAPANPEE. Ont. . .... ,; ....... basket .. . 25 1n, -__Ln GUI} UIXBRCI | . .25c Thursday, December, 14,. 1922 Gra tatgsv :ne;!:l.>er';. 0;` of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Oicez Over Bank of Toronto, Barrio. Entrance on Owen St. _ Phones: Office 241, Res. 314. P.0.Box 13! W D:n`\noAAnn D D I1 vnl "' 1'. 3=..;:,'..'.'.;';.., +:.;.`.;.;;." R. J. Edwards. G. R. Edwards, B.A.So. Llullllliu IJLIIUI7 (ISL, $9 012. I .\JolJU& I W. Richarchon, L.D.S., D.D.$. 7 t W. Randall Richardson, L.D.S., D.lI Page Ten Wsovsi MURCHISON `Barristers, Soitors, Rotary Public. Conveyancers, Etc. ` Money to loan at lowest rates of interns. lO'ice--l3 Owen St., in Msonic Ternph lnniltlina Rm-I-in Ru-nnr-I1 nWinn_I'c`.`In-nun]: vuu_ac--mo uwcu on, An uunnuuw uuapn i[Building, Barrie. Branch office--EImvdo. i'W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. Murchison Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probatg at wis, guardianship and administration, ind General Sqlicitor, Notaty, Conveyancer, etc. | 0ice-Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlap 8:. MIIIHJII tn Innn I C. W. Plmztou: lino TI. In I"|I'Il`I\I-L Associate Coroner County of Simgoo Oice and Residence--Corner Toronto And A_ Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. ` I, Telephone 167. uxuuuuw UL 10l'0nl:0 umversxty iPhone 61 Office-58 Collie: St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 pan 1 . K i I Y 3 1 none. I-ll IL; U. LIIILL Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. Office and Residence-47 Maple Ave. Office hours:- 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. A. T. Little, M.D. Ull {Phone 710. DR. E. G. TURNBULL I `Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. !0'ice and Residence-Corner Elizabeth I I Rrmlfnnl m. R...-..:.. DL-.-- an: DRS. W. A99 W. R. RICHARDSON 0 I`I.___I ...... -__l ___.._..L-.__ -0 D...._I `I'LsII-_. G. B. Smith &0u. - DR. Monmen LYON E122 Bloor St. West. Toronto, will ban *"" 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. 1 Disease: of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1, Consultation hours-ll am. to 5 pm. i ! Barrie phone 2.` Toronto, North 3326. . ?_ DR. FRED A. ROSS `, (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross. Barrir Late Surgeon Specialist with the ] Imperial Army. 4% years. iGoneral surgery and Obstetrics especially. '. O'ice---15 Owen St .. Barrie. zpknno 710 n n n_, unn- L. J. sIMPsoJNz,WM.3. I . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON |_ Oice and Residenc'e-~Collier. St.., corner of E Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275. ,uuu;c auu m:azucuce-\,orner tsnzabetn I I Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. : 0ice-hou1~s-9-l0 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-.8 p.n_. genmumi HARDY, Mus. Bac., F.T.G.I. 5 Tgaacher of Piano, (_)x-gan, Voc_u_l, and Musncal Theory. Organxst and Chomnllu $ of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church. nhl mnrlnliat n6 'l"m.....o.. n.........---.._ I uvtuvvhvnalnn Bandmaster, Barrie Citizens Band 27y:-ly A 120 l3'ayeld St. . u. uh. nuumw 5 rreanywnan unurcn. Gold medalist of Toronto Conearvamp of Music and of the University of Tomlph. ' H3 Worsley St. Phone 3 MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.N. E - Teacher of Piano and Vocal f;Pupils prepared for Toronto Gonsenmtou 1 of Music examinations leading up to `and including the A.T.C.M. degree. Studio--King Block. Phone 424. inks. Bums t_P:URN5 MISS M. MQARTHUR g.FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED c. w." `J. EASTMAN, - nor; mom: we or an .1 office 5.. h- ` formation on any disease. LAWSON, WELCH &. CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants hone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St.. Toronto `LTJ. Wolch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. _ . T. E. Lawless. C.A. W. 8. Hulbig. Production Engineer. Hanager Cost and .Eiciency Depnrhnut . _ DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women ' Associate Coroner. County` of Simeoo _om-L._ I unnu null VIULIII I Ul I IV!` `Special attention to younger children. DAUH out In-on-I-n oono-Iv J. SARJEANT. A.T.c.n. ' TEACHER OF PIANO 'l"..l....I....... 121` n___-. PLAXTON &. PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Ulhcas: 702-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. W plnvnn I! (24;-pI.._ I)I-_A- RADENHURST 8. HAMMOND BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETG. M..m...:.. 'l".......I.. D..:l_l:__ n-._`_:_ V6-er Hurlbun-I s Shoe Store, Barrio. Nervous and CI;ronic I-Disorders ' ` MISS E. GOSNEY TAILORESS Suits. Topcoats. Dremes, Etc., Etc. 2 Adelaide Street, Allandale. -3121: VYOUR . READING NEAEDS R. J. EDWARDS &. EDWARDS uuuqcnavl bu UIQWIGAC E DELI BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, ETC.T MONEY T0 LOAN D--- i3`I--I_ n__.,., no, DONAL;I;0SS, LL.B. amuusrmn, soucrron, ETC. Mncxinin Tnmnln llnilulinn D--L unuguu 1 Jun, DUULUI 1 un, 11.11;. Masonic Temple Building. Bamo Money to loan. IJCI LULLIU .l. Masonic ---zu1u-- DR. R. E. IVES Graduate of Toronto University me 61 Off}:-o_RR l`.nll:.. _I $ j W it-vww Over Reeve : Jewellery Store. DUNCAN F. McTc:/J/Talc. B.A. Successor to Crwwicke & Bell DA`DDTQ'l1!:|D on: tnvnnn nvnn Funeral` D;r'ec't;:-r Aux`! Embalmr 47 Elizabeth St., Barrie. m....... .1... .. ..:...l.o 019 ` PIANO AND VIOLIN TUITION nu:-.l ..u....L:.... A... ...._..__-._ -L:I.I__ npuy. V . V Conslxlt us with vour building ans. LITTLE &.71lTTVL_E itano an`! O ...... _- ALEXANDER COWAN Q_I2-1L__ K-.. _L4_:__.___ _ \r||ll\\r| |\r|\v I V038 AR/CHITECTS TI IJJIIIIOUVDII L70. LJGIIIU, Phone, day or night, 218. 1. LVIIULLLIJLI UL` I 1:111 U Telephone 151; Barrio n A `D..- on DR. H. T. ARNALL .4- ('1 .... -_ l1-.._.__ -1 1 EuI:{6i=iz1c71-'<)Es` mung} IU LUAN Ross Block, Barrie _l8yy vvvuovavn-I 1159! V "nova s\7L\ /EH51: .....4-.... D..__2_ l`\:;:_-__," 20 Owen St., Barrie. K JJIUUQ, L" Ur 0 Money to loan 2-. I.L'Jl.LLI. ouuxuzxunb. ago. Temple Building, Barrio Money to Loan 51 _MEDlCAL DENTAL 0. W. REID MUSIC `IIVIO G. Gordon Plnxtoi. A IJUUU EKG W. C. Little. M.B.V lloc IJCII IIC. P. O. Box 1075. "sure n; c. MANUEL, MGR. in .5 U Plylf In UlVIl.lVUu DUE! U Id new should be given win: at addreu is requested. CANCEL? IAT 0NS-We nd that most of out nub Iliaere prefer not to have their auheerip ne interrupted in case they fail to remit hdote expiration. While subscription! will Dho carried in stream over an` extended pa-nod, yet.` uhleeawe are notied to cancel. we ume the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made by Ieiuteted letter, money order, or cheque DIVING at per in Barrie. T 1 Man` .nnAn -"open DAY AND meat mos. ROGERSR ..-__ nm.-. IE3. Rmidancf scorrs BOOKSTORE? MONTREAL TORONTO DETRQIT and `CHICAGO iWll Suplied nt- Established as `Pink. 217 iii;.;;.; #2: I l)H[KlUo . J. A. MacLu-en, Editor. w. c. Walls, Mama. I -Inc I-to DI\u\un-9 Gas no nut--n vu-_-- Pdalilhod every Thursday nftornoon st in Int omce Square, Bu-tie.` subscription: Print-Canada and Great Britain 32.00.90: cur in advance (in arreanT82.50); United nu. 82.50 per. your in advance. Both` old jtl n-in nah-Irnaann alnnnlrl ha unn -',|u\ o_ T m... ' I - ; Y I uooouooooouoounoooouooooool water of the open. * Weary from the flight n his vision. Then he turned and sought the (Continued from Last Week) W for rest inthe centre of the ba)'- R0hdi ` GHAPTER xxm ~ and round the flock they flew. _now lost! . - in the darkness. now gleaming white: l" the PM clrclo _ against it. swooping ever lower. with bright l.` white splashes f mam d`PP"`l `md eyes alert for danger signals such as all Swyed `"1 th9 Sl3t'hlelW3t 5-V hull` compact bunch of reeds or a tangled spot? dred yards out from the rushes a clay-hued in the msh.heds_ And, by `and by, just I slash across the turmoiled faceiof the bay. i as day faded, they sank against the d_v.! marked the yellow sand-bar beneath`. Be-V-ing wind among an ahimated company of`s tween the sand-bar andthe rushes lay the their kind_ , 1 Wild Celery hed- ' Hem 5ht3 Slll ' Not until then did a tall fignre arise from ' and tender, sweetest of morsels to the m_an-- ` the reeds oh the shore. of the `wad celery! hunted. fear-haunted fowl of the Wlldfbed and with an hhhrecatioh glance to, ( Erillped `he 033 mk blW- ,Wll`h thelwardtthe schooner at anchor. and lower ` lowering of the late afternoon skies a pairithe hammer of his muzz1e.10adihg f0w]_ i of canvasbacks came skimming on strong,lihg_p;ece_ It was Amos Bmadc,-001; He : swift Wings `We the.,3k b3_ '"d ta? l stood looking across the water until dark-1 led hmrshlahd Ward the whlle. bealehiness shut out the tossing schooner fromi of leagues. nervous with the dread of hid-' Y , wood. A E de `l'a5-'e"S- and hlmgry from mg fast" He skirted the open and nassed along the '3 l"g,i their 5ll`,`.t.""ig _wlgs beat the bl'l thicket toward the lower ridges. With the 3 hfhhg W95` Wlhd 3 Mlle `,"e Q11'1 akcoiiiing of the night. the wind had died. sight of `the long dark streak of their kind: away and the hush_wm.]d was Very S511.` far l" the e"l of the bay There` at` last` It was snowing now; the man could feel` , '_S "St? fd` t`~ perhaps-' S`?! curvmgithe cold. clinging flakes on his face and-`` high over the marsh. the noble pair flashe . ' h_.mds_ `AS he Shmk uherrihgh, fhmugh .the' w SW agalnfst the snowy 1ud'l`est' heavy darkness there came to his ears :3 "OW White agalhst 3 cwmpled sky Of low.`wailing cry. He `stopped short and l ~'.la e. weclgiiig the wind with ii new the ha (1 c "Vin the uh crept to its strength, necks outstretched. the drake hamme: a ' g g leading and niuttering now and again to his If his a lyhx_ `let it come; if his 8 i ?`""' 3 low cmaklof cheer` Inian. let him come. But if it s that old l The wind awoke to greater force. throw- ; witch Betsy on a ha'nt---- ~ , ll ing the foam and spray high in the air. He stood trembling and` listening until Shoreward it bore an empy bottle that had the long hair across `his forehead was wet been thrown from the schooner anchored with the sweat of fear. `Then he crept half 8 mile-eastward, and which had drifted forward again, The cry was not repeated. l out into the -open water. There it bobbed The man advanced by short steps. his great 1 and glittereil. a black dot on the slate- form crouched, his `head thrust tforward. ` blue. drifting finally across the yellow shal- Bv and by he crept from the heavy tim-`l low of" the bar into the calmer waters inlber of the swale and sought the riclize." l``*-' 0f the 10118 P0lhl3- The "high WEWGS` After following .it for half a mile he riaused l had overturned it and it rested bottom up ahi-um.lv_ ,md_ reaching out into the dark-;l in the wild celery bed fness. felt -throueh it with his hand. In-`l The same winds that had waited it hith- g stinct bad guided the bush-man aright; .l er had carried to those-frantic sky-vo_vagersi.He had found a pile of logs---Paisle_v s ' beating bayward the scent `of the wild} turkey-trap nninber one. He inoverl about,` W3l9'Phml lht`-.V ,l0V8(l~ and With dI'00DiI1g . the trap until he found the~~ ground flooini Whigs Emil `.l0.VfU1 l0W'V0l0`d quacks f-he:/'lTaking the ramrod from his gun he in-` .""'"'9d `l'""l- .IhW3"`l they Spell 8.0 aslserted it it-hrough the door and moved itll to skirt the shore and alight iii the haven ' about, ' i` nirnincf flux uvinrl I-In"; inst ....o..:.l.. .J ...I....4. 3 L611` .,,H 1 u 1 uv . 1,1 I .111 um wuu ucusny ucu. hith-g sky-voyagersi drooping. `joyful. they} as} against the wind. But just outside of whati they had learned was the danger-linei the drake s sharp eye caught the gleam of `the glass bottle. and at his shrill cornmancli the pair swerved outward once more onl whistling white-crested wings. To live.l the water-wild must learn. The early' [night-shadows had crept down and across `the waters before the weary pair settled A Charming Woman is Healthv eeCham s ., Vvvvvv Love of The Wild Good looks mean good % Health T ThB!!i _."J'%!!!i'!!f`_.1.i"| Take A `% 25-4api1I in->59, " ' S 50.-90px'lla All Drug Stowres In By Archie P.` McKishnie Health gives the qnly triie and lasting? beauty to the complexion. Perfect di- -gestion and assimilation of food are necessary to ensure `perfect health. For relieving ailments `of the digestive` powers---such as biliousness, con- stipation, sickv headaches, atulence-- B.eecham s Pills have proven theirworth -to countless thousands of women for many years past. They arecoiiveiiient. gentle in action and positive in their `ex- cellent results. _ ' T (Conyright. by "Thus. Allen)V Barrie-ln Allandalz Pa _.___._. ttersbn s Drug Store !l`|1{Ul\UU UUVVKIILI VXIC IUVWUI IL\I5C\Vu " |`ll I/I-IC coming died iaway feel` {the cold. flakeslon and- As i, heavy low. wailing short V hand carrying gun to 5 hammein , 5 it s lynx..Iet `if old` - ` uvifnk nnlblv nu u Li-\'nf_,7_, I CIIIII UIUW H SUCH `lllllll UIIUCI IIIB UU|n_ Arrived at the trap. he walked around it; until he found the door. It was not nec-_ essary for him to feel inside for the game? he was 'sure was there.- After listening!` lintently A_mos stood his gun up against a 5 'tree and. dropping on all fours. crawled 5 in`o the trap. As he drew his feet in from i ( the doorwav a heavy" log drripped from` without and closed it effectually. With at er-owl like a tranned beast the man sprang; erect and dashed his heavy form against the I logs of his prison. But his efforts to throwll .down_ those walls were vain. They were` too strongly built to topple. even before his 1 nrodizious strength. Then -he poured forth a torrent of incoherent profanity. cursing his `trappers. Without. all was silent asl the grave. `Suddenly the turkey-thief `be-`I izan to "tremble. - ` un__._2_1_ u__,ln`L, ,,,n_; Lu-__ n_.I`..'. Fun information `from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or CJE. Horn lug, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. `IUD 170 Trl'BIDlCo Outside that." `he called. for God's: sake. if you `be human. sneak to me." ' ! . Emnt,v." he gr_nwled. Jest your luck. -Amos." 1-7, . ,,. , 1 ,1 9 I , 74`i ' rlll.l\Iwu I He got um and nioved forward cauit-I nously. Lower down was trap number two.! `and as he approached it his sharp ear. cauzht the unmistakable sound of a turkey; `in distress. It was a wild. penetrating note` which he and all the Bushwhackers had learned toimitate by sucking wind through a straw. The man chuckled with delight {and drew a sack -from under his coat, A___:__-.I _; LL- L_..__. L- ___,_n__J ____ ....I :Lf THE BARRIE 1 Iluclc vvxu sunc plug _VUu. l b 'Dnn t let him go. Bill." warned Boy-. .`Ii7,`,h'e` gets away now there s no feln a what he ll do. He's just wanfin' a chance 1 to get in the timber. You know. and I, [Know 119 won't fight. He's too much of` 1 a sneakin _coward." u `b._-__I_._-_I_ ;_____,,u 1-` v ~ . :- _ 1., gn-c um nun u cuuuce. you W85. v i What do you mean by chance. Amos?" asked Paisley. the corners of his mouth; ltw?tr-h'n:. Von don t mean to say" that} ,5you d fight. do ytfz? Whv- man aiive. you can't fight-_vou'ret too big a coward. If I was on my feet I d make you eat` "hem 'words. .' snat Brnadcrook. I! H7: 1 ..;..n__ .L,___,L.` .1 I A low wail cme. from thevhheavy timber and grew jam :1` shrill s_cream, driwing nearer to the man crouchmg now on the inside of-his P730- ` u1rr:;_I....!" HA anchor` and an-nu-nlnrl among me 1eu) ==-=- , Amos Broadcrook, T spoke seemiugy close 13eside`him, yourl come--pl`P31`9- " , `*1 At nu: nut: -hmrmlrl Amna me out 0 `uric-_ > _ Amos. again came the voxce, we -see it's useless to give you time to repent. The devil has`ser.1t us `for you. We must hurry `away, Whlch w1ll you have, Amos, rifle-ball or fire?Speak quick." .'un:_._..... `:rv\n .-.-.-mu..A cl... J:..L...._L-J Corner Sophia and Mary Street: Manufacturers of Sash, Doors; Frames, Flooring Ceiliixg. Moulding, Water Trough- l'ank's'. etc. . ` Wu can-y ammck a large assortment of Rough and Dreasod Lumber, B. C. Shingles And Prepared Roofing. . Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done pmmptly. nnulllt Il with Vl` buildinx me out 0' here." lA....... " ann;n 1)]-0aucfu.un, Ulll EIIJILIIV MIMIC. , Something like a` laugh came from` the darkness outside, but it was closely fol- lowed by another long-drawn` wail that Amos hid his .face among the leaves again. Van Raul: hnnn afnnn' hn-Innm Ant -0 lnslae '0! ' LII: PIIBUIII Witches !" be among the leayes. A-um: Rrnadcr ggluyg gnu um -aavc cuuuug Iaul: Acancs 213211. You have been stealin' turkeys out of these traps," accused the voice. Answer. haven't you. Amos? ' Yes. I have. When was you here last? Thursday night. A Then it was you fired on Boy McTavish Juan ha anrnan 1:-nu 9" .|.ucu Iv wan _vuu zucu Ull Duy LVICLEVISQ when he surprxsed you?" No..I swear I didn't." You re_lyin'. Mates get the fire ready." I-Io! on. devils. I'm speakin the truth. `I didn t fire on Boy. I was scared and my rifle went off by accident. It wasn t p inted his way at all---I SW81` it." ll 17n"nII1 lblniir A: 3:...` ...\....... ll1-I____:,,__. _EXAMlNER? % I` 1e-Dan Ur un: : , upcan quick. - ' 9 . "`G1mme tifne. groaned the` dxstracteri Broadcrook, only gunme txme, n____LL:__ Ill". ..- I......rl-. ........_ .l.'...-__-. A`, buqUu5'.1 vuc vuluno 111 um IUES. What air you doin"?~.cried the wre`ch in the trap in agonizing voice. I Wn,rn nn:n, n I|v\v\l:v +1.- 2:... X.'_., ;u| Iiuc unp 1;: aguulmug VOICE. ' We x-9 gain to apply the.f.ire. You are gain` to be rewarded for stealin'. Alum`)! . C|t\l. _I___1A .I,,,$. 9! I 1 u n 11-` III3 WC! II|' (II-I L DVVGI ll'n ` The yellow glow of fire came ickering through the chmks in the logs. X"\uI- u:r vnn r'|n:n"7. n-...l L.. ...._-;_L w-up-vu 7- on. t Unxcelled Dining ' E2;"Se1-vice Sleeping cars on Night Train: and Pu-lot `Cars on principal Day Trains. FXIIIIEU Oh. don't-.-don't. ,' pleaded Amos; , I! won t st-eal any more if you'll only let me ioff this time. gond witches. 1 G1_-..I-- LL- I-.. !_II I- uu Lu! uunc. _~:uuu wuULl!.'S. | Siow`_v the log fell away from the open- ins! and a voice uaid: - Come out here, Broadcrook. ' The 'man needed no second invitation. He scrambled out and made a davvh for the heavy timber. But Boy McTavish tripped ihim up and Pais`e_v grinnedhis windnine.' ;He was dragged `back into the light of the. 1 fire afvl Boy nicked up his gun. I ! (loo m. " nnnn ....,:...: nzn uu-_,, ur us:-1 nuy mum.-u up ms gun. I , GM up." commanded B`ll. Nnw.. _ you thief, what have you got. to say for. I yourself ?" 5 Broadcrook commended Paisley to the, lower regions. ` ' I -1 ... ....o ....:.,v .- --.. - -.._..I" L- IUWUIV 16510115`. , ! I'm not gom to say a word,` he snarled. an you can't make me. either." ?He\struggled and Paisley s knee gripped more rleeply into his neck. V 'm.:..1. ......*..... .. ...:._1..-- _.____ v..-` mun: -u:t1|uy mw ms uecls. _!, I Think _vou re` a mighty strong 'un. ;don t you?" grwolednAn'1os. Think vou`- ve done somethin". I suppose. in trippin me up an holdin' me down. Any boy could do as much as that. You was scarf. t'v give me half a chance. you was. I rkaf An urnn nnnnn Lu Algae... Av...-...9" asxeu ralsley. I twitr-h'nq'. iyou me COPIICYS OI HIS 'words.'.' Brnadcrook. If I really thought there was anv spunk _in you l`d lef you try." grinned Pa"s`.e_v. -Bv gosh. I ll do it. but listen. Amos. if you make any break for the woods. Boy there will sure lug _\'rou. ` 7 "nmm `nf 1.:.... ..,. n:n *4 ...... ...r 1),-.. moutn_ say that? 1J:ll. uuu -`HE B xnuucu IIUUI lllK_ll|. Paislev. his temnles throbbing and hi-`I `soul. sick. came fnrwprd nml. bendin<:.' looked into the white face of the girl. Her; eyes were closed and her bosom rose an`! :fn'l. Her arms were about Boy's neck and her lips moved in meaningless words. Bill sank "on a-stool and took one of the girl's._ limp hands in his own. . , Missus." he said. addressing Mrs. Me; T-`viuh. we ll find out who it was tried} to do this thing. Will vnn-tnlm mam nhi. nucnnlu _\2\IVVnl u. Broadcrook turned his malignant face toward Bo_v. ._ In the_ yellow light it looked fearful. He opened his mouth to sneak. but before he could frame the words he would say 9. small disheveled `form came bounding and panting into their midst. TI urn: nu) -`Won-in R39 Cnnn nu-..\n'ln.u-l .-....I uuuuuuus lulu pnuung HIM) men` IH|(lS[:. It was Daft "Davie. his face gnashed and bleeding from scratches of low-lyiruz twigs. .He sank on his knees before the -fire and ipourerl forth` some words in his strange gibberish. Boy,_ quick to understand the 'rl"ft child. gave a low cry. Paisley spoke sharply. . V O I `What is he sayi.n'. Boy? he asked. l He. says that there are fi"e men trvin ; ' to get into our house." `gasped Bnv. Bill. iI don't understand this. but there s no; .time to love. Let Broadcrook alone tilli lanother time. I ll take his gun. For lgawrl sake. let s hurry." i inrnnnrnnb n-nu-.4 &n.unnJ 4-Ln &L:.JnL ....J uu_v. uuu .1. _ the darkness. vuc uul nucnm CHAPTER Lxxlv V The Night Attack , The men plunged through tlm.timber f`oward the settlement. "The `ground was soft. with snow now and the darknessvwas so dense that only their unerring sense of "directions made progress at all possible. ` um ........A 1).... an. I:I...I.. n..n: W or " .1; if ii;i3rzhEi:'\r; TA Depot Agent . Phone Sb Barrio grill!-I`! IIUIUKUIIUKI lllelr pucc. 'I`hgt s .at our place, all right." groan- led Boy. - ' I Dn:alp\uu 42.! ....L .....J-- 1'... L2,. L...._L ....... UIDSPVKIICDB UUIIIIIIE III VIUICIII4 Ul'll'llUL Will] trees. It was an agonizing half-hour to both. this frenzied rush through a forest in pitch darkness. When the timber grew sparser and the footing better they bounded on. crashing through thick second-growth Erovee and leaping white patches of open. their goal the log-house where damzer men- vaced loved ones. As they emerged into the A wideclearing the clouds above them parted and the starlight showed a number of forms creeping toward the cover of the * wood. ' ' ` 6n,,,,, H u- 1 n , n,. 1-n,2-1,,'_ (Tie hurried forward. At the "edge of the V garden-patch" his foot came into contact with a yielding body. The clouds had cov- ' ered'the stars again, but Paislev with a 10w vioi!d of bent ~and'lifted_Joe. fhe Irish sttei in his"-arms`. The dog was dead. Ilia head sagged over against the '5nu .`.i:Il\l7. II"-I a` nutty. E `Broadcrook crept toward the b 'Paisley's heavy boot -hurried , ments materially. V RTn1\na lrlnnlr nu-nu (Jpn-\` L uaul. JIC uucu. , Then he turned auickly and followed Boy. Daft Davie had already vanished in H11: (`nu-`Inna: LJIII. [JHIILCU D _ but and his gang." , Y.:`rn`1v `Duo cl ;uu' ulu mus. - HC HLIUUU Ill `H15 I;lll'U11l. | -A rifle shot. rang out on the night and the `V . men quickened their pace. `"""Inf,n in} Ann nlnnn all vnhvkt `, nu-Ann I u uuy. I Paisley did not reply. In his heart was In great fear that they would be too late .fo lend succor to the man and helpless 'women in the McTavish home. At their `fastest they could but make slow progress through the thick timber. and several ~timee were they brought up short and breathless by coming in violent contact with M... 1+ ...... .... .....m.:..:.... r...r:L1....... 4... VIUUllo . _ `Come, whispered Boy. But Paisley. stnkingl on one knee behind him, leveled his long rie. ' 4 MM. n.:.. L...n.. .. a...... .. +1.. l....A.... .: vftv uugu. nu xuuuuuuzu. Then slowly the rifle wzualowered. and Paisley arose. ' ' "M- r ...._u ..L........;m 1' ..... .......'. " L1... E_- BARBIE _ EX_1_\Ml`N UUIA liu HIE gllgu Likely. But t'hey i1 reckon with usT 'mrw. fumed Paisley; that is, if we're gum tno Rate. he added in his throat. A _.2tl- ._L,4 ,.,,,., J J` Jllclll Jlllilvfllllly. Nurse that. you skunk. .till w meet again." he cried. ' "mu... 1... ;.._._._.I ._..:-LI-- `-4 :-u_,_.-_1V lulu lung Illle. ' May this bullet go true to the leader of the dogs. he muttered. nu alauulvv `Inn .31.. vnnariisnvnu-at` nut` 1 zuaxey arose. , r _ . ' "No. I can t ahootuntil I am sure," he said."--but if _they've harmed little Gloss _.__. IIISUI/IIIHH HHIUC [ll'UK_I'C5S 2I_l Ell PUHSIUIG. Bill. panted Boy. .it s likely Halli- ..+ am: 1.:. ......... " V Sasped. and Amog, thicket and his move- a voice `T hour has oh, let; HIITEI C\ Qj-V? Phones:- Office I63. Ruidence;353