-. an ` '` 'Q` 'L` Thursday, Dec: 21, will be the day to bring in poultry to Barrie. A later I'M: A` an Iinn 5- '---L -3 ' for the action he took, but said there had been a general request 1 clean-up. Grain had been stbl- `rom a farmer named Gibbons, eight miles from Bradford, and Cmmtv (`.nnq+..m,. urn-1 ~-J . Admits .44. _,1_ `us A. ~': C platform. Howell Partridge, Lorne -uuuuca pxcacuvcu IJIEIHSEIVGB DeI0!'e' the meeting and each "outlined .his McDougall, Charles Hunter, Reg. .Blackstock' and Victor Collins were the nominees, selected at a recent` Tuxis meeting in` Collier St. Method- ist Church, and each made a strong: appeal for support at the -polls. " The Boys Parliament will meet in} Toronto from Dec. 27 to 29, under the auspices of the` Ontario Boys . Work Board, and it is required that - candidates be members of some re- gistered Tuxis group and between the ages of sixteen and nineteen in- elusive. Electors are members -of Tuxis or `Trail Ranger groups, Pr`o-. testant organizations or Sunday] l School classes, and between the ages? s of twelve and nineteen inclusive. < One member is to be-sent from each of the following nlaces in Ontario: arines. Sarnia. Barrie. Cobourg, Or- e Kitchener, Galt. Midland. St. Cath- _E f b illia, Bzjockville, Kingston. Peterboro, Chatham, Woodstock. Owen Sound, Brantford, Belleville. Guelph, S_ault C (Continued onepage 18) [J - - Boys` _Hold Real Elections. With Real Speeches. 11 Everything.- ~- 3} That the men of tomorrow will not lack for training inthe rudiments of electorallprocedure was shown by the elections in the Barrie Collegiate . Institute on Tuesday evening for 9.,A Barrie. delegate to the Tuxis Con-1 clave to be heldvino Toronto during! the Christmas holidays. Five can-I didates presented themselves before fha hing`-inn nn.I ......L '--_A.I_'__,,1 1- , I FIVE CANDIDATES I REQUI-3___*l'__SUPPORT ax. MILNE RUN nowuknv mun :t`r`in :`No NATURA_L_lz4IION} \Ill vv uuucauuy. murlung me case of Samuel McMicken vs. R. T. Goug`h,.for $330.56, alleged balance due -on account for cutting 75,000 feet of lumber, was called, hnd as counsel for the defendant did- not put in an appearance the p`laintis case was proven and judgment ren- dered in his favor. ' The case of Fred Ayerst vs. Geo. Alpin, a claim` for $595.58 alleged due on a promissory note and ac- I . co nt, was settled out of court. ` he action of Sarah May Light- heart vs. Warren Lightheart, for ali- . mony,-interim alimony and costs, was I adjourned until Jan. 2 for hearing, a and the case of Herbert and Allan `Gibbons vs. W. Johnson, for $505.50 1 damages for. failure ' to complete a fence, and for breach of agreement, was adjourned until Jan. 3. ' Thu uni-{nu .19 LL. '|----- -' I l S \ is I V- vac`. uaunuu uvuuluBaI\(ll. a Civil List Cases The case of the Sterling Bankof Canada vs. .C. M; Orr and John Swit- zer was heard on Tuesday afternoon, a report of which appears in another column. On Wednesday. morning` the `of Samuel Mn1u':nl.-.m` .... 'n m ~-~ ll--UU\aL cuvuc. ' Becoming a British subject is no small step, said His Honor. It! should not be taken lightly. If a man wishes to enjoy the privileges that go "with British citizenship, he should `be nvnnmmrl in an 4-,. ...\...... :.....-..---_ - u vvcvn vy uirce IIIUHUIS. " . Applications for naturalization - were first tal-ten up and when a let- r ter was read from _a lawyer on behalf ! I of a client who allegedithat-the ex-I iipensepwas to.o.g1_*eat to make applica- ] tion inperson, Judge Vance emphas- ized the importance of the matter. and declared that if an applicant did` `not appreciate the dignity of becom- ing a British` subject sufficiently to attend in person he was not entitled ~ -to consideration on the strength of`,- .a letter alone. ' I llD-_-__:__ _. i\ 0.0 . - - A `S I.----u -_- .-.-......... .... pu_.suuc:ra' are serv_- ; j--v umc u; mumgrauns. wnue look - Hvya` sentences in the County Gaolatlmg f0!` immigration on a large scale` Jtlfife present t1me, but all for m;no,.Canada will lay up a world of trou-' ,,.o ewes, the sentences ranging. from gble for herself If she does not bar ghel 5 la week to three months. V unt. The Jukes sisters and theirl A.....I:..'..4.:...__ 1-.. .:-_--._.u__,. . pg .z_cents per word: minimum 250. i >I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I< P10101014-1010103 lI`|I.---._.I_-- H :- I ~~~~- 'st3c'i'66 f~s"a};}f; lwoman of ne yl. cncu ocu. is 8 1',c01'd for _ alwhose descendants. were men and County of "this size, conimentediwomen of splendid mentality and Judge Vance, In his reply. He 1`9'l]eft their impress on the United ferred to the-extensive territory" ad-- ' States_ ministered by the County orgnniza-, tion, remarking` that it comprisos as much as four other counties of av erage size; and alluded to the light, crime list as showing the eective-` . ness of the organization. He felt Unt Immigrants Costly that` the County" was to be congrat- i _ItViS _edflv Said the 5Pe`}ke1'v thfit` u1ated_ The Gaolerys remrt Showedithls subJect.should be considered in{ that a number of prisoners are serv- {the '59 f `mm`3"'at5 Whe 191; _ u n u u __ __ _ ____ 1 - Hm: Smifnnnne in Hm r`m....4-.. r....1,_Lln1o- fmn umm........4.... I The other was a case of five degenerate sisters whose 1200 de- scendants included a long line of i pauper-s `and criminals and sufferers} from various repulsive diseases. J I 6 i I I 1 > Citizenship Must Appeair . `inPerson ' "f l iApplicauts fdr Privileges of ii I ..,v..........a, Lucauay a;L:;1'11u()n, In `(OK-1 eh of the absence.of criminal cases] on the docket. and referred to the= fact that in three out of the past! been presented. four Sessions no criminal lishhas 1 (674. :. .. .._I-...I!,I - - I-. .1 Sheriff MacLaren presented Hisi] .. `Honor "Judge Vance with a pair of 1 iwhite gloves at the opening of the}; Sessions, Tuesday afternoon, in'tok-if Qhuhnn n --~-- Ifsrour labei is not dated as you think it should be, please. call or write promptly so that any seeming inaccuracy may - be straightened out. Great care is taken to .avoid mistakes in our subscription lists, and if any should occur the subscriber would be doing us a favor by calling it to our atteriion `at once. Please. look at the subscfcfp-I tion label` on your copy of The Examiner` Our subscription lists were corrected up to Dec.. 9 `and all m ies paid o_n*s,ub- scriptions _u tpd that d`a.t3 should be credited on the date labels. . LOOK AT YOUR ?;A13i:g._ , gnu; vv nan. riuuuy. 1 Mr. Brvoudy felt tha '- not been proved, citing L between the -stories give , hearing by Inspector other Crown witness, Enforcement Oificer. * that the fact that the Cro fused to call _ Constable Williams of Al signicant. . Magistrate C1 however, that although the accused and on the strength of h fwaa entitled to some con ` He al their third t a case had the disparity RV 8}: the rst Robinson, thee the Excise S0 felt had re- witness, a WI! list www'A"L"A"L"l4 'I0l"I`K0F F I`* E ANNouNcEMrg`s * Can Hf W0?!" l|\=l'I:IvnIvn A ,,,,~___ ..- -5- ....,.~-sac V1 ["5 cu Many Q case you've proved been ovccaslon for merriment," said to Mr. Floody. Mr nlivllllluiv `AIL LLA; - himself at the expense laughed audibly at this part of accused's evidence and drew a sharp retort from counsel for the. defence, who objected t if Mr. Floody were allowed to amuse l(If_..__ A - - ' o proceeding" V of his client. . The accused, called in his own de- fence, said that he was a returned man and that be occupied a Govern- ment farm upon which he had a]. ready paid $1000. He declared that the jar of moonshine_ liquor found in his home had been given him by a friend named John Shutta, living on Richmond St., Toronto. 11,. 1.11 , 1 Despite` a strenuous ght o behalf ,by his counsel, J. W. 15 of Toronto, John Ytowsky, a farmer-of Tecumseth Tp., near ton, was. ned $200 and costs an l\I\`:t\un 3`: ...'-- .._-_.L1, I Minimtuh Given to Returned" Soldier on Strength -of ; Past Record. g MOONSHINE PROVES COSTLYJQ F ARMER ! r, uuulaua Wlll lay up 8 W0l'l(l OI IP01]-` n ible if does not ;hel sisters their ,, descendants cost the State of New _ York. $1,300,000. One degenerate Euimmigrant has been known to cost _jCanada $50,000, and the care for _!the.unt will average from $3_000?to| $4000, so it can be seen that",._o., omic` grounds, Canada cannota o'rd'_ to admit undesirables. 5` 60 Per Cent. Average |, In the clinic, mental examinations f} were made to ascertain the intellect- ". U ual status of the child. Investigation (1 showed_60 per cent. average, and of |V the others there were as many dull ,1 las bright. It would be. useless to 5 give the child below normal a high 5 school or university education, yet } the same child might be successful 5 along mechanical or other lines for d which he might show a special ad- I (Continued on page 17) in l . l LCVI Ind} capacity or a cm1d;`had come to!i1`i`t`{i;:;0rP`:]3; " cf`: "int"ti:t: burl `re ard it s i `m o ant a I"ac- : 8 S91`V1`- Tl 8 Owns? S tog as ugh:-(ixl11g'ti(r31ga"S'l Cl)!` perlirironment. Eiae :`1t;;`et:f::e`3c `n t.he far'}`:n.g Nair`! ~f {If B feeble`-minded person marries a {These ` nurSea11;]y1:,1g on deg!` Work.` normal individual possibly a number ; -0 000 _ 3 9_ care 01' V91`.} of the children may.__be normal, butigob ,. .pat'e"tS makmg `newly 600:5`: the ma_rr'iage of two feeble-mindedl ,m"%5` h - _ _ ,( persons , ,M;az_1s.a. family of degener- `;Of*th:5W,AS`;;5naw descnbeg tlhe dF"5gI Hates: Two.mstances were cited to;ed out th g fuses an 33 Pmt"f show the inuence of heredity. One, ,9 Va3 S1'S f rev` v i of these was the union of a man andfenua Whmh have already been re Ii woman of line stock 200 years ago` 8 S . yferred to in The Examiner. As farfn, whose n` as the 8`1`8nt by the municipamy Wasla women mentality andzconcerned, she believed that it was ? left United lF `eY wen Oset by saving in h3';w "States. case of pm treatmerft for which the tW -Vt} ` sisters would thrw`S have to P33 Nursicl ` scendants "3 re put on a flat salary, 11811311-Vlst Daupers criminals su er'ers[$1`" *1 m"th' A" are graduate`: L I I .. - . 'p( (from repulsive ` l?01;N}`:o:1dthare Sug J"lt E9 Sur`"5`:Ci . 5 e cenra 0 ice 0 see- l `I Immmrants :'that the high standard of the Order B 5 Itis needful, speaker, that I is maintained_ this sxnhinr-+ cl-mnhl 1.... .........:.I.....__x n..g_. `Dr: who was intioduced by ti-ea], his friend, Kiwanian Ernest Turn- appoin 3"; chairman of the day, spoke qh for on U` Human Char.acter`from Experieneeghere, I w urn ` tary I 1' in a Mental Hygiene Clinic. } In `on Inuence of Heredity fed than V After; an examination in the clinic ga_`Z9( - of 7000 or 8000 cases, heiwas, saz1dI.aI f` I-T';Dr. Hincks, thoroughly satised of `.5 `me ` ;the `important part heredity plays in `S, _t`_ 9 gdetermining the character and nieri-r""` t`:`.3` ital capacity `of child;`had to5`:a""t iregard as quite as important ,IW;1e _ff .t0r upbringing I or environment. *:`""I 9' ijlf feeble`-minded person marries V95 the.` '1']norn1a'l numberiirhese ' may. be butf0'000 ma_rr iage two feeble-mindeidiooo "isi ,Pe1'80ns.~means~a~family of degener-3 Miss iatn. Tina eh-uni-n.;n.... .......... -3...) `A iof thp U &mwmwmaw%%&wmwgI l The Kiwanis Club of `Barrie, at i_t's noon-`day luncheon last Friday, 113- tened with close attention to a very thoughtful address on Mental H5 - .giene by..Kiwanian- Clare11c`e ' M Hincks of the Down-Town Club, To- ronto. This question is one of grow- . ing importance and no one who heard Dr. I-Iincks could fail to be impressed l with the necessity and value of this w work. l vs &-o - - - - ' ` `Dr. I-Iifncks Tells` Kiwanians Undesirables Are Costly f - `- ' to Canada. V UNF MUST Bggxa-Um! " '""'w w amuse men client proved ha 01' men-imm.+ In` 1, T .4 nnannur UH H15` 3, Broudy. ;owslcvT 9 D..1:..n. . `aA.V|.|\ly- :y, Polish , near Allis- costs, with in jail, by "iil 11:18. t.u.u:a. nvulc. uaauuoaulu uc gave hm consent to the. Ari appeal will probably be entered. ,., .._..-...-v.u`p-aovnldlill 514 .2 _cents per word: minimum 251:. mammmmmm ma..v..v..v..-.. euuwy, Gnu III: In-cu Lvsuncu w GIIUW a week's time for.payn3ent of ihe ne. After some dlscussnon he gave 1..-- .....u-an} +n 4-I-n'u Av: n.......I ._.-n y . UL ucau, L\vJ-|\l|- to be laid undgr any gliiferent stat- ute which would permlt of a lower penalty, and at first refused to allow .. ..uu;Ip a Hnna Fnr nsnnnnnlr A: 11... UV sonlvvv vuc UILGKEC 'F}oody, demanzciiingg his -pound of esh, refused to allow the charge! 1... kn lab` nnnv gnu Am-`m...... -1-...L SUM xuxcu U \LuL uuu I An vAuu.. ALI: 11111105- ed a ne of $200 and. c0.sts,,with an option of an} months In Jail, this be- ing the mimmum sentence. , up 1-_n-_j__ J-_.-____I:.__. ll .l The prisoner pleaded guilty to! "both charges when raigned before Magistrate Jeffs an the three-year '.term was imposed forthwith. card, the evidence against him was sufficient `for conviction. He impos- ...J :1 Run 11-? $900 and l|n+5 um-N-L ..... I :Mr. Marr may justly feel proud." ;it at any time and at any place. I i pleading. guilty to jgsuing W01-th-f Judge Vance ruled that the case! Former Barrieites W living 9159` less cheques and to securing` g`oods!W8S Put bef re the Magistrate ind afwhere w]d appreciate The Exam` K` under false pretences, Ernest Gilbert 1 certain form and put before him in in" 35 3 Chnstmas 87ft-- 52-00 P91 . walker alias T,-indei, appeared be-'another form. He felt that if its-V931` in Canada. $2-50 to the United 1, fore Magistrate Jeffs in Barrie Pol- t were really Chapman's rum he had no i States 49! g` ice Court on Wednesday morning andiright, as stated, to give Burnside a! 3` was sentenced to three years inidrink, and if it were not his twni . 1Kingston on each count, the sentenc-irum he had no right to have the :*K0I`K`*K0I0x`****Kx`* 1 es to run concurrently. -bottle there. III! _ Walker was arrested by Provincial! -I quite agree with the Magistrate's E S :5 Constable Gardiner on a bush farm } remarks i" regard t0 the P0599 ffi'3 2 cents per word: minimum 350- `F . . - ' far as to arrest these5II0I0}0X0I0I0I0I X0X0X0X4> h t distance from New Lowell,ger 33? so . 1 t zftserma chase lasting over a week. two men for such an offence. It is h . t. k t_ H true the Act provides that an arrest! gundles Schogl concert Thursdaom Hwalker, w 0158 ice 0 -eave man, b d b tel th. kth Mt _ ec. 21, at p.m. 5 c ['!was preV1_0u1Y CnV1ted `"5 i*l`lt:;nGeen::1: de';,artm;:t 1,839 ,mm,::_ Something new in a Christmas en- Ste` Mane m 1921 on a wort essitention of `being harsh in the admin- tertamment at Minesing D 19- .. cheque char:ur::ssto,::e,l;u:?caY ,'istration of the law, and that the priv- Stroud Presbyterian Church Xme ggrusgglrgr from Ben Wheeler alfilege to arrest `is only intended whenTree and Entertainment, Thm`Sd8Y. I t - d --I-d- -vv-u can no so nttingly, as a service of . . . . - pI`eSCl lP ion an e C011 138 e itithirty years is in itself, a record that Vlctlmlze Bank m {Where he thought fit and could even Ewords cannot better, and of which E Staynei-_ gconsume it if he thought he needed J . . . ` ' ' c. 2 . 50-51c a of cheque fr them and attempted tolin the locality and one -6: them at Months atkCundles school concert caslfu cgeques for 53:31 fggnolgtg zttlleast being a manic? substance and Thursday Dec 21, 8` pm 50; C. crea s sore _ _ f . .. . ' r ' ' the Bank of Montreal, representing lsE2eSg:f:";:o:i:f;gi:`:'::`{3;iScggggg Wednesday, Dec._ 20, ,7.45 p.m.:-- that he had an account at the Shel- Every harsh treatment for the bfcer Salvation Army children s entei-lt`am- burne, branch. He was unsuccessful jto arrest them/ If I had the power ment and Christmas tree. Tic ets, in both a-ttempts and the authorltles I I would say and adjudge that the two 10 emits ' 49-5% were notied. Constable Gardinerioffenders had beenpunished enough Don t.forg_et the dance on New took up the search and nally Walk- i by having been arrested and being in Year s mqght in (`Odd Fellows ;1'e`m 1`) '3, er was run to earth. _ la 1__._,_ ___ _ , _ _ _ _ _ :Collier .f nn or .,...... Provincial! ' Constable farmjre a short Lowell,ier ` after a week.` ' * nWalker, who is a ticket-of-leave I 1" '!was previously convicted Saultgca * in worthlessiey ' charge. Last week he went'Fe` to Stayner, secured some musical in. 33st struments from Wheeler, a`1e~ storekeeper, issuing worthless th` them, to _Ce` cash cheques for small amounts at! McCrea store and for $199 atllea the representingithe Shel-515 .`l____.._.. 1....-....n'I-u A ~...._ .-.._-____, Q 1 517::-I Ticket-of-Leave Man Tried to! Victimize in 1 I! . Stayner. , : [. Pleading worth-; . goods` Gilbert! Walker, be-I` Pol-f M and i` in; sentenc- es il CHEQUE cnoox ans; ZPI-INlTEN I`_lARY mam; Dad I` I J i . . _ at the time of th Referring to the large amount paid 3 side said he had taut for such nursing by industrialileft home. . lzinsurance companies,` Dr. Hincks said- I am" satigfi. that the Metropolitan Life man in;Vance,_,;*that me `charge of this department stated his {his ewii bottle of; Icompany saved through prolonged E had no right to giw Fglife more than the nursing servicefw]-iieh 1 think }ie. -Iclost. If it wgas hsoundbusmess forghad admitted the t e company 0 ave a.nurs1ng ser-`drink of the mini |vice, it surely was equally good for seif, alone, 1 mi Kthe municipality, both from the n-i;he smith ease, re; ancial and health standpoint as well} at page 221, but 1 as from the humanitarian side. Oneiaeeused himself i human life is estimated to have aniown home inie. ; produced afterwa ihe bought it. So months of her work he was greatlv . . Hence is that he di lzmistaken. (Contmued on page 18) {there and if he iii u',.:-.._. wan unset ny saying in hos-`F. B pxtal treatment, for town :1 _ otherwise pay. Nurs-f ` f are at usually}: $125 month. graduate-5` M +nurses and are subject to supervise` ;ion from the central office to see? ] gthat Order` His nlaintainnd V..- -..-v .u5u auquudfu U1 Elle Urderf is , the work of the nurses in the homes I Many interesting slides depicting; and in the V. O. N. hospitals were: `shown. From these it could be read-. lily seen what great value this must; have in the conserving of child life` and ameliorating home conditions, ,with great benets to the citizenship M `of Canada. - ` in 5 The establishment of a branch of I &- the Victorian Order of Nurses for}. V Barrie was unanimously agreed upon; ' V by a fairly well attended meeting; . held in the Public Library Hall; Fri- ; - day night, under the auspices of the; - ocial Service Council. This action? 1 was taken after hearing an illustrat- ` I cd"address on the work of the View: ; torian Order by the travelling` secre-j tary, Miss Jessie Forshaw of Mon-i ' A provisional committee was I - appointed to take the necessary steps ! `I organizing a V. O. N. branch I f 1 here. In `opening, Miss Forshaw explain-; ed that the Victorian Order was or-f ` ganized in 1897 as a national mem- iorial for Queen Victoria. Its motto`? is of service. Its primaryobjectp is to [supply trained nurses on the'1C ".'isiting` district system to thosewho; gcannot pay or can contribute but: [little for the servie. In the towns: ?and Citik and nu 4-Inn J'-- 4---~ ~ " ' ' BARRIE TO HAVE 7 I `VICTORIAN okmskg Coxmmitlee Vs ill `Organize; Miss Forshaw Tells of_ ` Home Nursing. .iGet ` your [private . greeting cards at The Examiner oice. 49tfx _ nu; aaaub CIUUW 1 Leaving the Collegiate shortly af- ter ten o'clock, Mr. Milne, who is one of the most conscientious members of the Board of Education, decided to go to the Allandale school, and waited on the sidewalk for a bus. Watching a bus approaching from his right, he failed to observe an- other bearing down from the direc- tion of Allandale. As the latter car ` drew near he stepped out into the road immediately in its path. The ` bus, in charge of Driver McLean, -was only going about six miles an 1 J hour, according .. to eye-witnesses. Mr; Milne was thrown violently down I by the impact. striking his head on 1 the paved'road. He. was unconscious 1 when picked up and was at once 2 rushed'to the R. V. Hospital. 1 According 1-.n l\/l'n1 ....... ...;..a u.-..L--. Read the advts. of news. ..--- _.. .-vuua I!J UWIV Collgingwood Bulletin: Of the 1007 M newspapers published in Canada last year the weeklies had a total average circulation of 1,924,223.copie's each ,issue. This goes to show that the [place of the home newspaper is not being invaded. Rather does it indi- < cate that its place is yet warm in the . hearts of its countryznen. ......, puwer, anu me only thing I can{ do is dismiss the appeal ind confirm the conviction `with costs. .-- ----.\-so hucul,/ 11 1 naa ne adjudge Ioffenders had been punished been arrested in` the lock-up over night, but I have not! `that power, and the only thing I can `do disnlik fhn onnnc inn-3 I----95---' `Mus; ......c ucwb 15 anujactxvely set > ; forth. It shows that the mer- `ctiong equipped to supply the Christ- strat, mac needs of all. All these ad- Vic_.; vertisers ask is a chance to ec,.e_ please you. Give them that Mon, opportunity-and the earlier 5 the ; ll chants of Barrie are splendidly I ythe better for buyer and seller. IL :a;=;;ARR1zs1' WAS HARSH 353;; MOVE, SAYS JUDGE : pjectl _ , ` _ _ the 5 Convxctlon of Colhn-gwood 3: V} };`, ; Man is Upheld by it `I gf w_nsi Judge Vance. 7e 'a1r-,` ____ gs 0l`k.l 11:- rr ' ' ` -` on of :'ewas fined_ ` .seconded by Trustee Milne, Miss E. 5v, The police officer said that heiBth was at Monday night s reg` P smelled rum off Burnside s breathfu.1ar meeti.ng f_ the Board f Edilca` at the the arrest, but Burn-ftw_"' apF`,n(tie`1lt nhthe_ u"eZ;p"'ed dsside a drink before he[:i:;:`e: fro`: thearI:'ib`I. al?y``:)`:;dy TI`: 1 .. ' ' :iilefaEIho::;:- S8-tl-se"d n states - Judge!-the. formal" notification of Mr. Mary's n{Van_ce,..,;`that the accused did havefreslgnatmn fnlm the SecmtarySm7" S owl`) of rum there and if so 3 Sent by the dL`bEa}:.y B`;`: "d lfgredt dc; -V - - - gwas expresse a IS re xremen an ea!{$eEx li?h3?aB$222 Ze`l'iIiist*'ibute was paid to M81002 and Phad that he was taking affalfhfui serY'ce' . - drink rum that he bought him-3 While this letter '5 merely 3 not` I. self alone might have followed _ ication, the Board wishes to say that _g - V . `although it pressed Mr. Man to re- gthe Smith reported in 18 O.W.N. . . . page 221 the evidence of the Econslder the matter It regrets to Say ,` d h. . . [that he was fully determined. Mr. -,accuse imself IS that he put hls` 1 own in the car and that it was ` Man has Served on the Board a mat` ., ' 4 . ` ter of thirty years. and, feeling the :5 iifterwards flin Just .aSiabsence of his old and tried com- ,'he bollght It S.th`,1t his ow ? evld',panion, so recently gone, had made Henge is dldnt have his rum: - - . _ there did haveit there he: 3. 331 . that was ?"3" ,'f'e' `"5 `"5 ` 3 had no right to give Burnside a drink. Slgnatwn was put m we a manner _ _ that no more could be said, and the. It is clalmed by Mr. Boys at thei '-' RDA? nnnl nu-1111 .--------4`-3--- i ..- ..... .... uuu 5UU uuc Kul 011 8 (l0CCOI"S prescription and he could take it .lWh9T9 ha `H'nnn-11+ 34. and ----`-" i `in the stable that he could [so as he had got the rum on adoct lnrescrintinn gm: 1... .....'u 4.1 suming the rum and had the bottleh legally d 01`:S to do .. -.... vvvllwu u_v vuc nu2u.u_u1e Jwney service. He has been -unconscious" since the accident. Examination at the hospital disclosed a bad lacera- tion at the back of the head with an_ extensive fracture of the skull run-. ning therefrom, a fracture of the left ankle and a severe contusion of the right elbow. : r ' ` nnnn .__ LL- 11,11 a . . ._ i... 0 ucyax uun.:uo, an we nearing. 5, At the police court trial in Colling-, wood the accused admitted that on; ', the -night of August,19, last, he se-g` ';cured six ounces of rum from a drug 'store on a doctor's prescription. Ai "police officer named Gardner found; ':Chapman and a man by the name of "Burnside, in a stable that evening,; `fwith a six ounce bottle of rum beside, .'him. Chapman, however, said that ,-his prescription liquor had been plac-_I = ed in an automobile, as he intended to take it home. He declared that he `had no rum with him in the stable at ?the time alleged, and for which he? ` was , , 2 ,,.._ .. :.... 4.1. a.uunUpe me Attorney-G s'al s department, at the hearing. f the nnlina nnnrf +..:..1 :. rs- lg. ..... -.. .. wuucuun, were me state- .5] - V ments made by Edgarlllvans M.P.P. h I '!"_'-'"_'r".'"""'-"'7"'_"'.""_"-"" for South Simcoe, in the witness box Win County Police Court on Monday fafternoon, when Henry Lowe was .i=convicted by Magistrate Clarke of A 1 having` parts of a still on his prem- ;: gises without a license. Mr. Evans bl g ,:acknowledged that he had no auth~ aECOIlVlCllOll ;ority for he > ` ' ` - {that r 13 ;'for a ; zen from Q {some eight His Honor Judge Vance last week I when `County Constable Webb refus- 'handed down judgment dismissing the f 9d t0 m"e5t1z`-Tate he Went `mt P_9"5"` fappeal lodged by Thos. Chapman, of 5 a11y- Footmarfs from the Gibbons .Colling'wood, against a conviction by gbam led t0 t 9 Swamp " L" 5 {Police Magistrate Hogg, of that town, ' farm: ~_ ' 5for having liquor in other than a pri-f 0 the momvmg f S"d_Yv Dem {vate dwelling place. W. A. Boys,;%v7 EV;"`5vB C"CSt]"i _ le Km` and 3K.C., represented the appellant andL.e , :3 . 9}? `,":b_ `gm _ t iM. B. Tudhope the Attorney-Gener-[ (`Wes arfmv `:_r"] _m9_____'f ff"e,." g'al department. the hearino ed narts n 2 to = - . which Taking advantage of The Examiner s big-A circulation, so thoroughly co9ers Barrie and `district, the mer- chants are using liberal space to tell the people of town and .co_untry concerning some of the .many attractive features ' -that ll their stores at this hol- iday, gift-giving season. This store news is attractively that chants equipped m'a~ 1 f 24 PAGES THIS WEEK They re brinlxful , _ -_ ......-u- UU`i)J.C. . . The oonual Christmas tree and en- tftainment will be held in Seventh ,. Line schoolhouse, S. S. No. 5, Ves- pra, Dec. 20. at 8op.m. An admis~ sion fee of 25 cents charged. 50` --, -V wwwww uacll LIEU- Doii;t forget'the Methodist Christ- Amas tree to he held on Dec. 19 in ~ Stroud Methodist Church. Good pro- gram being prepared. Adnijssion, 25 cents. 49-50c ' Come `to Collier St. Methodist Church," Thursday, Dec. 28,.at 7.30 p.m., and see the Christmas Pageant, a remarkable and beautiful.` story of the Birth of Jesus. 60-5.1c, mp, ____ __1 111, - - an-u sucucndll. MidhurstSunday School will hold their anniversary and Christmas tree on Dec. 22. Good program. Tickets: Adults, 25c; S. S. children free. 'l\-_9L 1- , . Alex. Milne, member 0? the Barrie Board of Education, and one of the town's most prominent business men, is lying in the [Royal Victoria Hos- pital in a critical condition, as the result of an accident on Bradford St., near the Prince of Wales` School, `shortlywfter ten `o'clock Vvediieiaclayt morning, when he was run cbwn by : a busowned by the Huxtable jitney : service. He has: hnnn _nm.m.....:......... `.v uulllao . Don t forget New Year's night in Odd Fellows Temple, {Collier St., under auspices I.0.0.F. [and Rebekahs. 49-51c MihI1ref.Q:anAn.. o..L..-1 __:n 1 <- ,,.-__._,,V _..... --, u pun. OUT." Wednesday, Dec. 20, 7.45 p.m.--- Army children's entertain~ and Tickets, cents. T Vpar c nhrlvuf L. n.:.a 1:1..n.._._2 m i Cundles school concert, Thursday, Dec. at 8 60:: Something Minesing, Dec. Xmas .Tree `Dec. 28. ` T`|.....n. .__:_ nun -- suuu. no more could be said, and 3? Board could only sympathize with Hhim in his wish. `The Board would - ' like to express its appreciation of his 5 long and valued association, but feels %to a considerable extent its inability 5,'to so ttingly,` `service Vlthirtv vnare `la in :4-....w .. ....---AJ -1 E now where iner a gift.. per ..Vear States. I _> , ribut_e Paid to Long Srvicc i of Former - Secretary, 7 Fred Marr. Q m>om1' MISS BOOTH no LIBRARY BOARD Thathe had been askedby many of his constituents to take action to- wap/ds cleaning up alleged moonshin- ing activities near Bradford, `and that he had followed up a sea'rcl1' from some stolen grain. resulting in the discovery of parts of a "still on the farm of Henry Lowe, when the County Constable Had refused to move in the matter on the ground that he would not get paid unless he secured a conviction, were the state- made hv mam- n......- n v- '- Leading `L Citizen in Critical Condition as Result of; . Car Accident.