Vember 7, 1922 Ever)/H sweater guarahteed all we sizes 30 to 44; ' Made in all the popular styles: `The V neck ' The high-collarsweater coat The vest sweater The Pullover . ..i .... 6:3"iT66 .;;s} Golf Hose, English make V 301 nu-I . 4... A. ;l_mported English all wool blocked cashmere, all sizes, in brown, tan, white, green, grey, lo,vat,' black-, navy and heat-her shades. .\. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 pair Silk and Wool Cashmere . . .. . , . . . . . . . $1.00 to $1.75` pair Silk Hose, plain colors and fancy clocked, sizes 9% to 11, black, navy, grey, tan,` brown, lovat,. taupe and fawn shades . . . . . . . , . . . $1.00 to $1.75 pair Heavy All Wool Ribbed Hose . . . A4 __ , .. , - Describe carefully ;1e( eih3 ,${;;`g (size, color, quai- ,C-hristmas boxes. . lty etc) mm es T 'It adds `to the required. Your or- . . . A T ` . i der will be sent by . Christmas spirit. return mail_ G11~j_{r_s _FQR__THE MEN Shirts for every occasion-office, -sport or dress wear--made by the most reliable shirt makers, Arrow, Tooke and Forsyth, a wonderful selection of prints, oxfords, dimity cloths and silks, all sizes . . $1.50 to $6.00 each Each Shirt -$2.50 and up in value neatly placed in in a holly Xmas - ' gift box. ' v-- w--vsuwu l\J - GIFTS virill be carefully ` placed - i'n-~' Merry C-hris_tmas_ '1 : adds to Christmas spirit. J swEA1f_:ggs_1-jga BOYS All purchases for ` I`IT"l`(` A most `acceptable and useful gift. Flannel, all sizes, $2.75 - $4.75 set Silk, in yvhite, cream and blue- A- A- tention paid to ess, it was ev- s made a deep ;n1rnn:Tn nn.l ..;;:: $1.25 FANCY GII-T BOXES. FLANNEL AND SILK PYJAMAS MEN S HOSIERY Tslrr sums NEATLY BOXED ,.---- jig Distintiv Not Expensive ,.-_v. -V-you a guaran- l' , nd quality SMOKING bohw LOUNGING ROBES . _ HANDKERCHIEFS BRACES GARTERS A fill IN A l!I'\1\ The new KantTK'rease Collar in - quarter sizes r\n:r\:yu..,-. A- . One of the most popular gifts for -men is a Milne Tie-they have class and distinction. $1.00 to $2.00 each Every. tie carefully placed in a Christmas gift box Imported English All Wool Scarfs in beautiful color combinations . . . . . . . Q . . $1.25 to $3.00 each Silk Knitted Scarfs in grey, black and white, and color combina- tions . . . . $2.00 to $4.50 each Silk Dress Scarfs inblack, grey and `black and white, $2.00 to $3.50 Tan and grey, silk-lined, sizes 7 to 9 . . . . . . . . . . .-a _a` a A Pair _Woo1-lined Mocha and Cape Glov- es, with or without wrist strap, in tan, brown and grey, all sizes . . . . . . . . $1.50 to,$3.00 pair Imported English Wool Gloves, very smart, in the new shades of fawn, grey and lovat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 to $2.25 pair Grey Buckskin . . . . . . $4.25 pair Pecary Hog . . . . . . . . $4.50 pair Every pair placed in Xmas gift box MOkl-[SUGGESTIONS oys Shirts, Neckwear, Jerseys, Golf Stockings Sweaters ARM-BANDS~ %MlLNE ms 1: Oxford, SCARFS GLOVES vu ww--v- Ytiniion. Describe carefully qual-A ~ity, articles I or DECEM- "s OVERCOAT E/ill _R_ecei_ve Ou1_' I ;;rI{'1>;}n';i A MAIL ORDERS] Page Five _ the kind They are the finest $5.75 pair selling as ulation on led the `oldest A Brown - Rear welts. 'b'6'LE" WHEEL }TC. +22 (53558 sion they at prices? .".%'$iT5'5 1;, $15.00 g to` wear * not gal-[ keep her E630 pair A wawaag omen ; Felt 'f__ LI 1.59 each 69 each 13.50 each 60, $2.15 3.50 each , handle- E00 each ge leather .50 each .50`each 1.25 each `Th? Hill? 30061199 - ----v- C IV!` IIIIUIC 9IIPPCl" in black felt with leather sole and heel. -$l.50 pr. >\\i :':men's Boudoir Slipper: in rose, blue, brown, made up with half rubber heel. v ---vu c unvllgluj Slim In `three shades only, brown, red and black, all felt, with soft leather sole, spring heel. -81.35 191-. --s;;.ci;|"1'.3s - wt uuu-I I IIIE Vflhh A chimne; fire at the hoine of W. Uorbett, 195 Elizabeth St., gave the bri- gade a. run shortly after seven o'clock` Tuesday night. The blaze was quickly ex- , tinguished and the damage was negligible. 1 _Women s Boudoir Siippen in rose; mauve, chocolate, black and purple, best makes, half rubber heel. A- _.' Brown & Co. '3 Your Bedroom Slippers are most welcome, although, of course, that s not the only time you use them. When- ever you are `resting, they re sure to be in use. ` And when they are as pretty as these, of course there s just as much more pleasure in addition to the comfort V they give. WOMEN'S SPATS, 12-button WOMEN'S OVERSHOES 4- high, in grey,'brown and fawn buckle, with black jersey` wa~ shades, nicely tailored. terproof top, best quality, on --Specinl $1.65 pr.` new last. ' --$4.90 an '"j'{{x75i1 3321': of bird life pro- ill have a hen- When Floors are Chilly Early on a Winler s`Morning V7 We We have a few barrels `of Spy and other good Win- ter Apples left Next to Croulund s Drug Stqre %. PHONE 315 Women : `Mo!-nilng Slippelfo n J-Lug . ..L-_I-_ ,,_I-, u Prices are advancing on this commodity, -and we would advise buying your winter supply now Thursdaz, December 7, 1922. Blatch!;ord s Famotes < Poultry Feeds. They will repay the A investment. . uqvvnn 1 program was n Stevenson's carry a full line of `CHIMNEY rm: cALL Phone 42 `IMNEY CALL _ GRIM BATTLE IN BURNING SANDS" , 5 p_ One of the -best catch-gs-catch-cen fights; to be seen on theeecreen ,m some tune is 8` feature of George Melford _ . _ s new Earammountg t_ They? quickly [px-oductxon of Burmmr Shanda --A Home Slippox-Ta ' uv snuun ' 1 Dec. 5.---F. McCuaig of `Barrie spent Sm- day under the parental roof. _ t . I Mrs. A. Hume of California and sisfur. Mrs. Jas. Graham of Edenvale, have been spending the past week with relatives and old friends here - C U.F.O. Club entertained their ladies also U.F.W.O. Club to .n oyster supper at their , annual meeting held in the home of Mr.' j zind Mrs. Norman Campbell. representatives ffrom surrounding clubs being invited. All frmmrt a. most enjo_vable evening. Officers} ielected for coming year were:--U.F.O.-- President. Norman Campbell; Vice Pres.. . g`Robert Hall; Secy.-Tress Alex. Graham; } :U.F.W.O.-~President. Mrs. W. Caldwell; ` I Vice Pres., Miss Mary Graham; Secy.-Treas.. ,Mrs. Neil McCuaig. I Miss Phemi-:1 Lvall has returned from ` iToronto and Hamilton. I A. McLeod and Mr. Brown of Glen Huron I ispent the week-end with the forme r s niece. Hlrs. A. "D. Campbell. 4 1.; ;.;I: '.{nY;,' s} 3;;.J.;";fe, spring heel, _ . .-$1.35A pr. __-_ _ _ - . - V . c uu.-l-uu 1 Ir; go shacies red, some Mary Jane style, all sizes. . wrrwxe name In l which Barthampton is: killed. ` _ The picture is lled with thrills and thew is a capable supporting cast including Jac- queline Logan. Louise Dressler, Winter H21! and others. . .....,m..., at renegade Englishman, plans to abduct the` girl and is prevented by Lane from executing his design after a,` ierigle battle in which 1 e . picture [is capable sunnm-timr am :....|...:.-.__ v,.- J Z-$5.5 OVERSHOESV jersey new pr. V as usual Both men were in ium, after seeing the film battle, remarked , that the fight was one of the most realis- ` tic ever seen on the screen. -Wanda I-Iawleye and Mr. Sill; are featured in Burning Sanck, which will be. shown at the New Dreamland theatre, Dec. .18-19, In the story, Miss Hawley is an English! girl who falls. in love with,.a e . . L___!LI V ` ,ChiId's .Koqy Kofner Slipper; Girls KOO] Km-"nor Slippers I._ A_._. _I__J,, I . `EUTHBIE Women : . Women : Koay Kernel-V , Slippers` Rose, blue and brown satin, draw ribbon in top, soft` leather sole. in brown, red and black, fur- trimmed top, turned soles, low heels. v.'-3l.3`5 pr. 36 iii Extra `1""'"'.h Uu $4.90 pr, --$2.25 s Juliet: a gurcv cu ethora. nu auu `uu.3.'n_. lb. llC\1lnDl8. D11 . Bud MY! ' Chas. Plain, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hnlliday, Mrs. Burell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henderson, Mrs. Lily Henderson. Miss R`uth Henderson. Master Addison - Gordon, Harvey Ma- yzu-ir_e. W. A. Gordon, Miss Arnes Gor- don. Bert. Lester, C. S. Cmssley, Fred galliday. Miss Mary McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 0. Ritchie. Misses Jean, Mar- ;ga.'|.-net and Mary Ritchie, J. G. Gordon and 4:! In. 1 Unuuv. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ritchie were the recipients of many useful and costly pres- ents, including a silver-mounted cane" for the groom. Their friencls wish them many future years of health, happiness and pros- The invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. 7 w. H. Gordon, Field, n.c; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hart, Netherhlll, Sask; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Weddell, Midnapore, -Alta; Mr. and Mrs. Jae. M-aguire; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gordon; Mr. and Mrs. N Gordon; Mr and Mrs Clif- ford Ritchie; Mr and Mrs. W. H. Archer; Mrs. M. Cheshire,` Mr. and Mrs E. G1-shun, ` Mr and Mn..A. E. McGinni:.r Mr. and Mrs. f'ilmn,P1nin up ....a u.. r n..u:.I-- `Silvie I close. .us The funeral was held on Tuesday, ser- vice being conducted at the home of her daugh:er. where death took place. Rev. R. M. Hanna and Rev. R. E. Morton officiated. A very large number gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to one who had fought a. good fight, had finished her course and had gone Home to receive Interment took ` the reward awaiting her. place in the Elmvale cemetery. Silver Wedding Mr and Mrs. W. A. Ritchie, Calgary, en- l tertained informally at their home. 627- 13th Avenue East, Friday evening, Nov. 24, to a number of their friends on the occasion of their Silver Wedding anniver- sary. Theearly part of the evening was spent at_Court whist. The winners of the first prizes were: Mrs. J. A. Gordon and W. H. Gordon; the consolations went to Miss A. Gordon and H.` C. Ritchie. A buffet luncheon was served. after which a toast was proposed by H. C. Ritchie to the bride and groom, and was ably responded to by Mr and Mrs. W.-A. Ritchie.*_Many' re- miniscences of bygone days were retold, causing much mirth and laughter. The latter part of the evening was spent danc- ing. after which the singing of Auld Lang . Svne brought a dalinhtfnl nvnnina 9.. .. ~ ago AJUJEU. xunuu . Besides her husband. she leaves three sons; Dawson and Harryof F103; and Sam- uel -of Toronto; and two daughters, Mrs. Jno. A. Kerr and Mrs. Wm. Cotton both of Elmvale. Her -third daughter, Mrs. Herb. Ritchie, predeceased her over 2; year . . 'l`)..'-. 6'. .... ....I ....... L..|.: -.. m.---.I.._. we oves to be sition these shoes are ng up to tep of the V` --~- v--v -v---vi---\I\/I VA ` I-l\vl KIQJDV Of a lafge family of sisters and brothers only two survive her: Jno. G. Langman of Orillia and Mrs. Samuel T. Ansley of Boise. Idaho. mup, uu uauuuaay nu. 1001.. I in April, 1880, she married William Ans- [ley and the happy couple moved to F103.` They made their home on east half of lot 20, con. 9, where through the early `days of the history of Flos they toiled: and labored under many difficulties and} handicaps- In 1915 the deceased and her husband moved to Elmvtale where" she spent the remainder `of her `days. (`ll .. l..A..... r...-.:I-_ -1: _: ____ ,, u 2 .- ..v-..vI - -vvpvvov vvvu . New seats are being installed in the '_ Roman Catholic Church here, Bert Green- 1 bank having purchased the old seats and had them put in the skating rink, making greater and better accommodation for the hockey matches this winter. Ehnvale hock- iey enthusiasts are anxiousl_v.waiting for -,the winter weather and ice. With most iof last year s team here and some promisin'g V . recruits to fill what vacancies are on the ; team and with a little more enthusiasm and sympathy from the town people we will have even a better team on the ice than last year. And that is saying a good-' [deal as our boys made a good showing 4 'and won many good. clean games. A "Late Mrs. Wm. Ansley `ii i I After a long and lingering illness there i passe?! away on December 3 at the homelr. of her daughter, Mrs. Jno. A. Kerr, an- 1 other pioneer of Flos, in the person of 1 Ellen Langman, wife of William Ansleydi (Deceased was in her 72nd year havingid I s been born near Bass Lake, Oro Town- ship. on Januaray 10 . 1851. in Aniv" 1990 st... ..........:..,r u1:n:'..... A..- `uucuujuluvhl L W. M. Bunt has installeda radio outfit in his. home and is having first class . results from -it. The first night he had it connected `he was able to hear different :cities _in the States. On Sunday night he ,.listened lf R nhllrnh AA:-vim: Cnnlurno f|'|.'x 5uu: ut :.u1'uuw.. ' -The Wycliffe S. S. Christmas tree and entertainment will be held in the Parish Hall, Tuesday, `December: 19, at 8 o'clock. A Christmas cantata con:isting_of songs, ge- citations, etc., will be given by the chi!- i dren.-( advt .) W M D....n. L..- :.._;...n-.s _ _,.,le :1"- LIEU: a.*"\nuvI..} ' The entertainment to be- held in the Methodist Church on Dec. 15 will excel` all previous ones. All the presents that are put on the tree will be sent to the Fred Victor Mission-for the poor boys and girls of Toronto.. ` l 7' __'I"|u; II7..-IZl`_ Q R A. . l i.,._.- --v Ivwv-\1.g& an. 4:: Va IIIBEUP U: I A Christmas tree and box social will be held in the Baseline schoolhouse on Wednesday, Decembe 20. Everybody come.--(advt.) ' l Mr. and Mrs. R. Bannerman and son`, Delbert, of Thornton, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Palmer, of Barrie, spent Sunday at C. E. Dutcher's. The ladxes of the Methodist Church will hold a sale of homemade baking in the re-how-room of T:-ain s Garage. on Saturday, Dec. 1'1. ....ImnLn:.u........A. ;_ L- LJI - .1 at vuc putauuager ` . Mr. and -Mrs. N. Stanley and family moved to Beaverton on Friday of the past week. ` . ` . ` ` ' Mrs. Ed. Bell_ and .family moved on Monday into the house" vacated by N. Stanley. - Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Napier and datighter, Jean. and Miss Hazel Coboprn of Tottenham spent the week-end at A. C. Bishop's. A nhutmnu {man .....I L.._ _--.- ...l. T. R.McCaw- spent the week-end in Toronto. , - Mm. Baker of Collingwood is a visitor at the parsonage.- Mr, nn -I-e RT QL.....l--- __J F " puwr wulcn me singing or Auld Lang brought a delightful evening to 9. ._:4n am$m&w$&&&&&w&g P rrunx u._ msnop, Representative 11 s-.'-vI0X0I0X<>I0X<>3>I0I<>I<>B>l'>I<>1< Frank 0.. Bishop, Representativ 11 !'0I0X0X0X0IoI<&>foYoYu7un.z..v. I-`lockey Prospects Good THE BARRIE EXAMINER Tailoring gvavvmvaawavvmwvwzaneva3aavmvwaawa a n 3. GIFTS FOR THE BoY Q50 eac}; .50 6812! !