Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1922, p. 4

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oshes, spats, etc.V, to keep her `ankles warm. So we are pre- pared to give them high boots in styles and qualities that are suitable for any occasion they may want to attend, at prices from s4_s.oo to $5.79. s From the close attention paid to Mr. Thompson s address, it was ev- ident that his remarks made a deep impression .upon his juvenile aud- ience, and the lesson of bird life pro- 'tection undoubtedly will have a ben- eficial inuence. __ _ __-., ..-.,.. ,...v-ca uu Ln: a mighty cold proposition these mornings, but your shoes are with you, warming up to your ankles every step of the way, if you choose the kind we are offering. `They are sturdily "built of the nest quality-lea/ther. -s5.75 pm Against the wind proves to be an _.!..LA,, , Thursday: Decenmber 7, 1922 Bell's I --Price, ` L factofy, the oldest a Blgick Oxford. Goodyear welts. 'THE RUBBERS ` $6.00 pair Brown Thursday, D . >1 V?-5` ~- --~%--. M I `a Read the advt.<'. ~01 news. Women : Felt Hon: 7.. II IVI(lb-l;-(;k felt with It and heel. The -:-til C IVIVI IIIIIK In three shades (ml. red and black, all soft leather sole, sp The little red schoolhouse had its faults. :'l`he children were summoned` in from the bare school yard by, a clanging_ hand-bell, they sat down at desks designed for work more than for comfort, they breathed copiously of chalkdust, they ate cold lunches, they played riotously and roughly` without the assistance of gymnastic apparatus, they struggled along`. without movie films and gramo- phones to -rest their temperamental minds and `tempt their languid ap- petites forstudy; when they fell from grace they tasted the hickory stick and the heavy ruler, or perhaps sustained a clip on the side of the head from a geography wielded by an irate teacher. a I 17.- Women : Boudoir Slippers ' in rose, blue. brown, made- up with half rubber heel. v-Special $1 .35 _Women's Boudoir Slippers ` in rose, mauve-, chocolate, blzu-k and purple, best makes, half rubber heel. -__.- -uvlibl I A chimney ro at |Uorbett. 195 Elizabot gade a. run shortly Tuesday night. The I. tinguished and the dz; ` WOMEN'S SPAT Your Bednmm. course, that's :1 ever you arc rc'f And when they just as much m they give. ~ . high, in g'roy,v brnu; shades, nicc-l_\' tuilo Next to Crossla` We C:m`_\" `:4 _t Blatchford s ' Poultry? T116) will rc in\'cs1m' Women ; Morning` - LL..- ' ` " EXAMINER VINDICATED We have a f`e Spy and other_ fO llO Prices are ad this commodit would advise I winter sum ter Apple: CHIMNEY Phone EVER] uuu uncle In rue acnoou ' ~ Orillia Packet--If Germany incul- s cates materialism in its schools, and Russia atheism, and both with strik- ing results, surely Canada should en- deavour to bring up its youth to con-` form to the moral standards and eth-" ic_al precepts of Christianity; It'may' be said that we have to consider childrenof other faiths. . But, asfar . as Ontario is concerned, it is. a pre- ponderatingly Christian` Province, . mu 1 I -J ---Speci Cai Grl _._ -----v-- Iva --cuuusluu | Newmarket Era--"Newsprint has. advanced. $50 per ton.` That does not look much like reducing subscrip-' tions. ` V H I '3' The Toronto Telegram says that '~Premier Drury spent the week be- igfore last cutting wood at hishome at '|Crown Hill and doing his Christmas ';shopping in Barrie, which prompts [the _Orillia Packet to observe that ` both" in conserving coal and in doing ' his Christmas shopping` earlythe Pre- mier is showing a good example. If" "the Premier has not already made [his selection we would respectfully -. ilsuggest that he send The Telegram 1 a new photograph of himself. as a +`Christmas present. The old . one : ;seems to have been published no less 4 [than a couple of million times in the i 'Tel,v" in the past few years. `i *I' AMONGEXCl-IANGES -x Vt: The Ku Klux Klan is planning to - establish in Canada- The idea of ti V 3' B. S 3 tugging up in a white nightshirt with fa` red cross on the bosom, mounting` gun a dashing steed. masking 0ne's_ ;face and sallying forth at dead of `might with several hundred other t;masked heroes, for the laudable pur- ` poseof casting some scared weakling `,into a pond because he sells sand in] ahis "sugar, or tar-and-feathering some! ' ' Lothario Suspected of frequent stray-E I _.iingVfrom thepath of virtue, may ap-' : `fpeal, to some morons but nersonally 1 seems to Q n n1nc+ nun.-{In n.......... 1 :,..;..., W auule morons out nersonally ,it seems to us a most puerile amuse- fment with a most pernicious organ-A `ization behind it. _ ------j n Great oaks from little acorns [I grow. So runs the proveyb. From lsmall beginnings Methodism in Bar- .rie has grown to a powerful force ) ; for good in the community, as shown _ by the large congregations attend-` ling Collier St. church on Sunday on `the -occasion of its fifty-seventh an- i niversary. . _ ` I ( .Pre'mier Hughes, of Australia was stabbed with .a hat-pin this week while on his election tour. It is un- derstood that he has incorporated in his campaign speech a certain well-. known" poem of Kipling`s wherein ap- pears the line:. `The female of the species ismore deadly than the male. ------ e E Liberals express satisfaction at re-_ ducing the Tory majority in Lanark and the. Conse_rvatives _rejnice- at `holding the seat. Apparentl_v} a case {of everybody happy. 1 . ' V , goes I A waist-line party is rleportedi luby the Bracebridge Gazette. This` farm of entertainment is not new, Ithough it-is usually a party of two. ! Andnow we-learn that the Greeks` Iburned a church in their flight some `weeks ago. Holy smoke! f But a few more_cold days and the` _cry of the hockey fan [will again be' `heard in the land. T I The big trouble with the Sick Man of Europe is that he isn't sick enough. 3 cu...--.c-J And another little to); wouldn't. do us any harm. , _ I J nvyculcuy _ ` V . ' All life is placed on this earth for! . a purpose. V The birds are here for; g ', a purpose. Endeavor to exterminate. y them and you endeavor to defeat` the; .. Divine purpose which gave them life.' - From as purely materialistic view-; point preservation of bird life is a; duty of any country. i Remove the" birds, and insects would overrun the! elds. vegetation _would perish and i the grim hand of starvation would re- I ` pay man for the wrong he had done. `.1 _ - vvvw v -r uuIO\':I\vVIII cu. With his customary suavity, Ald. Byrne disclaims any motive in his accusation but a desire for the pub- lic good. If this be the case, why is he not willing to accept evidence that is regarded as-completely con- vincing by a dozen other members of Council who have proven them- selves quite as able, quite as honest, quite as careful of "the people s money and quite` as diligent for the public welfare? It must be obvious I to any unbiased observer'that_'Ald. ` Byrnc will not admit conviction izimplv because he does~not want to be convinced. As for his remarks about 'sl`he.Examiner at the last meet- ing of. Council, they are pure cam- provo hiscaae. i I l 1 ouage in an effort to hide his dis-i 4 - oomiiture at having failed utterly to jj: TBGKBHIIG in `the Schools- HH- I!....l--a. 14- n-_..,,, No Reason for Reduction ..-_,,I . on --- The lightless vehicle. is the great-3 it menace on the highway atnight, nys the Canadian Motorist, but we ,-el that the senseless speed fiend xes it one better. NOTES ' -~-*- cyuunvual V ICIV yuuua. If. History, as taught today, she said, M develops a one-sided nationality, ex- | 1101883 aggerating the virtues and minimiz- s ing the faults of the country in which 1- it is taught and inculcating. an at- titude of, My country,. right or .1` *!wrong, my country. It was felt, said Dr. Marty. that children should Es ,3 be taught history. from the -broader viewpoint, from the viewpoint of the 4 (ch -pyhgood `done to humanity in general, ' ' listic angle. - ' nt hm: e:'...:I--4- :1 ----- ~-~~ I - -' linstead of from the narrow national- ` " ;our' private` greeting` cards at The Examiner office. ' 49tfx Read the advts. They're brimful of news. v svvlv ullslu `M Similarly it was agreed at the con- `_vention, she said, that moral educa- ' tion should be emphasized and that the fundamentals of religion should be taught without controversy. AM:-s. .-Marty outlined the aims of the Coun- cil in brief. The educational system .. of a-country, she felt. moulded. its national outlook._ Peoplesare becom- `ing more keenly. alive to its import- __ance and interest in education was never. so general as it is today- ...\.uu.;_a.y nuucxcauug quuress uy ur. A. - E. Marty at the evening session of - r Simcoe County `Educational Associa-i :tion on Friday last in the Collegiate; J 3Dr. Marty, a woman who attended I the recent convention of the Inter- - national Moral Educational Council` ? at `Geneva, Switzerland, gave` an 1 account of the work done at the con- l % vention. at whicheA3O nations were r re`presented_ with a view to develop- ing a greater international spirit,` throughout the world. It was felth ' that a great deal could be accomplish: W ed towards this by having history 1 taught in the schools, from the inter- I national` viewpoint. '1 `n:.,.....u a... 4-.......LL 4....a.... _L- --eI 1 -.- --`a\4 nuuxlvo ' Aid. Byrne told the Counci that]. Mr. Walls had not given all the in-` formation. He gave all the fats bearing on the case; as far as it oc-! curred to him, and expressed a will-i ingness to answer qtiestions. Aid. By!-no made, no. effort to elicit the information which he now says is, looking but which he takes very good} care toleave unspecied. ' ~ ' [ I It.'n.I. :.:_.--,,. -~ -7* " ? THE NEW EDUCATION 3 The New Education, formed the, subject of a comprehensive 'and ex-I tremely interesting` address by Dr. A. E_ M-RYf\V nf fhn nI1oVI:v\:u n,.-....... -1 ___.- .-- -.--... ----rvunuuu (lueliih Herald.-Too often we are-i iaccustomed in these materialistic ages to -regard a city or town from the standpoint of size and wealth.' That is a mistake and it is a 1'ea1iza-, tion of the mistake that is one of the 3 reasonswhy students of history re-l gard with sorrow. the loss of the small town in the rural districts, which re- 5` garded not the size of the population, if but rather the kind of people who . resided therein. _ ` Y . and the welfare of the great niajority ' should not -be sacrificed for the sake `of the prejudices of the few. Read- ing, writing and arithmetic, and the numerous other subjects taught, are ;all useful, but for the purpose of! [forming a strong character, which undoubtedly should be the primary; object of the `instruction given the; young. they are not to be compared, to the Bible. 5 1 .` T City : Size` Not Most Important fV....1-_I. vv__,,1,1 In g:1j1fQ1f\{ HARDWARE C0., Barrie uufru. , I By request. Mr. Walls appeared at: the <-anunittee meeting. pi'acticall yV` iili the members of Council being ` pm-_-=`om'., and went fully into the}, whole Innttor. He presented copiesj( of the listts used in other tnwps in the :1 county, tmrether with prices paid.` . : showing: thut_where the assessmentt A roll is inciuded an additional 25 cents` per page is `added and that, compared with `the rates charged in otherf], towns. The Ewanxinei-` couldi'eason-~I' ably have -asked 25 cents per` paged. more than was charged, because ofip` the Barrie list having two extra col~ `i1 umns. With the exception of A1d.in Byrne. all present were thoroughly' satised. V 7 The Examiner is informed that` the report as presented by the Chai1'- . 1; man was not in accordance with the ,1-` directions givemby the committee.jC Members of the committee inter-IQ] viewed state positively that the 't] clause referring to a rebate was not'b` authorized,` and. further, that Mr. Walls was not asked to make a re- hate. it being so_ evident that no ov-.t} ex-charge had been made. - ] hi A'I_| rs i: hi Roly-Poly Clowns on wheels, price . . . . . . 19 each Flying Train on track, price . . . . . . . . . . . .` $1.49 each Wind-Up Ducks which `run . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 each A Clown Drummers,` `drums to beat the band, $1.45 each Running Pig and Driver, price . . . . . . . . . 59 each Colt Pistols, prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c andA.20 each Paper Caps for same, price . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2c box Toy Drums with drum-sticks p. . 20, 30 and 35 each Boxes of Animal Blocks, price . . . .1 . . . . . . . . 29 each , Savings Banks, clock pattern, price . . . . . . . . 59 each Fire Engines, price 59. Fire Reels, price, 59 each Trains and Coach, price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 each Iron Cook Stoves, price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 each .712-piece Dolls Aluminum Tea Sets, price. . $1.25 each Noah s Arks, lled to the roof, price . . . . . . . 59 each Little Wonder Carpet Sweepers, price . . . . . 49 each Toy Brooms, price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 each Dolls Beds, -blue and white, price . . . . .2. . $1.98 each Dolls Cradles,'blue and white, price . . . . . . $2.49 each Dolls Wicker Carriages, $2.50, $2.69 and $2.98 each Kindergarten Set, consisting 2 chairs and table, $4.75 Tea Wagon to match above set, price . . . . 98c_ each 6-piece Dolls Furniture Set, price . . . . . . . . $1.98 set lroning,Boards, price 59. Sad Irons, price 45 each Hay Wagons, price 78. Chicky, Carts, price $1.49 Duck Wagons, price $2.89. Horse Wagons, $2.89 Motor Trucks, $1.78. Red Cross Ambulances, $1.78 C`l-,..L-_ - _TAK-E A STROLL THROUGH OUR TOYLAND AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY SEE OUR TOY wmnows % 'oys F or The Kiddies! THE BARRIE EXAMINER 'CIuvkgon House` t! Handles all classes of Real Estate on ma strictly commission basis, one rate _. to all. No exclusive right is asked; ; no sale, no charge. This plan has . resulted in increased business each month. , If, you have a house in Barrie that . you will consider exchanging on a . good farm, see me. ' ~, At $7000, I have an A1 farm, well . located, easy terms. I At $6500, another real good buy. , Close to 100 farms, various sizes and prices, to choose from. -House: in Town from $1000 up I At $1500, real good cottage, large lot, barn,,etc. 3 At $2000, a cosy, six-room house,& terms. i ' 7 I At` $2250, seven rooms, double lot,` all conveniences. `5 At $2200, comfortable brick home,: termsto suit. . A -The above four are exceptionally: good buys. ` ' ; Remember, I have houses from $1000; up. Market gardens all sizes and; 1 prices. -A number of good busi-,5 1 ness blocks for sale.` ! . A six-roamed house for rent. l uv H Al '[ Mr. Thompson began his interest- _'!ing and instructive address by out- : ilining the benets of birl study and Na closer knowledge of the great part ;bird life plays "in humanity s pro- 'jgress, particularly with reference to ` their `work of destroying and curb- ing- destructive animals, . noxious weeds and insect pests. _ Appealing for the protection of bird life. not. only on V practical and economic lgrounds, he also referred to the fact that man and the birds have much in (|nI YII-nnno 1..';n.. L..:1.l 1.--. V . _ . _ . . . . . . . u uu" uuc uuua nave mucn Iin common; both build homes, moth `must provide a living for themselves `and their young, and both must pro- 'tect themselves against enemies seek- ,v[uuu.'esse(l a large audience, compos-3 ,ed chiefly of young people, at ~a; [Tmeeting held in the Parish Hall of; 5Trinit_v Church on Thursday evening; `last, under the auspices of the Boys i !Work Board. Mayor Little presided! iand in his remarks made reference! to his keen appreciation of the work 'being done among the boys of the ,town. n urn them. IF IT IS REAL ESTATE, 's1.=:1~: Prese1`vatio1'1 bf bird life was ;stressed. by Stuart L. Thompson,! well-known Canadian naturalist, who} addressed `a lar e audience, com os-4 I C I , :ed ch1e'fl\' Of \. nI`lha' 'nnnn`n A` - - H. A. HN1iT REAL ESTATE MAN `URGES PRoTi3:c7r1c5}1 CANADIAN BIRD LIF Al 5! Block. :51 aw. l - - ~ u - u u n-yv-J, (vial!) I J(lLl\ l\l.VCD` Skates in popular makes, all sizes. .. .T .Y-9c eacl; r 49ceach ... $2.49 eac 5 I An`... I PRICES ARE AS 1=ou.ows:- Id, . and.20c ; : . ulna -.ump_:,v.~ px`L'H.'l`l't,'I! Dy Ala. byrne is just what we` a11ticipated.. There was not the sliglxtest ground for the chargre and w(>'-svere satised that any reasonable body of men would say so when the facts were placed before: thmn ling to destroy them. Mr. Tho: spoke of the great variety 01 `life, taking as extreme example ostrich and the humming'-bird. c__.v..u I SUGGESTIONS: Shoes, Slippers} Spats, Hosiery It is going to be necessary at ' the last moment to select some- . thing practical in the line of gifts. Two new Oxfortia just arrived fr factory in Canada manufacturin Calf Oxford,vnest quality of \ made from select quality of kid. It's true you do not know the well as some others, buta pair `your part. Every pair of MIN! tee of satisfaftion that goes wit in ne `and work styles. RUBBERS , ___--- _, .,...b... .\u.u uuusuo, l . Double Rail, price . , . . . . Express Wagons, price . . . . . . Artillery Wagons, rubber tires, Disco Ball-Bearing Wagons, Liberty Gun Game, price . . . . Daylo Flashlights, from . . . . . . Jack Knives, from . . . . . . . . . . Meccano Electric Motors, price . . . ._ . . . . . . $3.50 each Toboggans, 3-ft. size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 each 4-ft. $3.25 ' 5-ft. $3.75 6-ft. $4.50 Hand Sleighs, prices 50c, 60c, 90c, $1.10, $1.25 each Silver Flyer Steering Sleighs,' prices $3.25 and $3.50 ea. Silver Bird Sleighs, price . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.15 each Children s Single Rail Sleighs, price . . . . $2.25 each . . . . . . . . .. $2.35 each . . . . . . . $2.50 each price . . . $7.50 each rubber tires, $7.00 each . . . . $1.98 each . . $1.25 to $4.00 each . . 15c to $1.50 each make: all ct-me V IN A PAIR 61= oors FROM W ' u The B. B. SHOE STORE _-._--._-- vaov..'I\rl'IIIilII I The complete. vindication of Thef Examiner by the Town Council of the charge preferred by Ald. Byrne illf. what '53 nI\';1nn`-nrl VFL...-A Start __ye_ Day `_`Smart Shad J- ..-....,.,u...u |.4u6Illv!_vllll5 uvl N0. 1, $3.00 No. 2, $ A 1, An an-I _ .; A- I LIIJLIUI `LII \a\ul W IIUDIJ, PUBIGIU ll(bll\.Il\4" bar and bell, price . . . . . . . . . .e . . . . . . $5.00 each Blue Devil Velocepedes, rubber tires, adjustable leather saddle, strongly constructed, price .. $10.50 each Velocepedes, iron tires, adjustable saddle. . $5.50 each Boys Meccano Engiireering Sets, No. 0 . . . . . . . $1.50 Kin 1 QOAA in- I` mnnn xv, ; manna , --..__-vc G.T.R. Engines, prices . . . . 79c, $1.29 an'd.$1-59 each Coal Cars, price 69c. Freight Cars, price 69 each `Sh00~Fly Rocking Horses, price . . . . . . . {$3.50 each Wooden Hand Barrows, red or green, price $1.25 each Hand Barrows, steel wheels 8: legs, $1.10, $1.60, $2.15 Kiddie Kars, prices . . . . . . . . . . $3.25 and $3.50 each Kiddie Kars, steel rubber-tired wheels, pedals, handle- lmr an.-I 1.,.n ....:.... any nn __ _L Do You Re_aliz! MEN'S SPATS, in F awn and Gry, $1.35 a pair ________________________, uuL\.IJ uucul. nu`. 1nomps_on- of bird I0 nc av`-yon`..- .---A--A~` ,,-.....u vuLICU_V UJ. uxru examples the m Hlxmminn Id...) u. ....u u ax-\I(L'I Ono. also wonders; however, -if their . `c-hildren who attend the modern, sci-g entifically-constructed ` school-house,` with all its inmrovements. will ever get an_vwhm'o if` thin aw Mrwled `to? such a point that they grow to ex-' `pect ovenvthing` to be done `for them instead of doing: anything for them- . selves. |` manufacturing ne >`_ It. A : from` J. & T. uta as a trial is not any speculation on MINER RUBBERS we sell has a guaran- M with them. See our prices and quali ty Thompson. +.. A`: L:...I RUBBERS _-_J , vili- turing shoes for women. A calf leather; also Black C l_2.I V` Sleighs, 003000010 50000 er Both of these are at town Yes, the little red schoolhouse had its faults. One wonders how the children lived through it. One won- ders how they bore up under the terric strairi of study without the modern relief of-an occasional gram- ophone record or the odd fox trot to loosen up the jaded brain cells; one , can hardly imagin how they en- t dured the brutal p nishment of fre-" quent whop;')ing's", as compared to; the humane modern. system ofll psychological correction", whereby-` the child is shown the error of his` ways fromna philosophical standpoint; l one wonders how they grew to the'l ripe old ages of eighty and ninety 1 after all the chalkdust they swallowed - in their youth as compared to the modern children who breathe h_v-. genically-treated air from which the;` germs have been scientifically elim-is inated. and who grow up to die at"f thirty from. nervous breakdowns or 8 auto sinasli-ui)s.' One wonders how on} earth the children who attended the? little red schoolhouse ever got any_ d where, eoiisidering the grave faults` 3 of tho said institution of knowledge. 3}` - n l\.-.. ..I..- A... I

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