Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1922, p. 15

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is suing for dworco determined to learn that she practices er the close of. the Page Fifteu__; 3 4` in? I A ~..e\v Yorkwoman gave u dance borrow- ing the music from Chicago by radio. Winchester Plressz It is a. biblical, truth that The sins of the parents are visited on their children to the third "and fourth genei'ati'on" and it is* equally true that the neglect of the fathers and the mothers of the present generation will be in sad evidence in the character and disposition of their grandchildren. The greafest blessing that man come `to one. is the knowledge that their life has been a blessing to others. ' Be a Secretary_ Su 3 never stop from talking. So 3 always keep astir--- I wouid be afraid, of silence That was not~a gift` from her In shiny bits like ribbons, Sweat. like lavenden ' Now that her fire, her kettle- Ami herself are still, Hearths seems merely hissing, Spout? only shrill. I have taken tea from many, Ami talk fgom many more, But 1; blue bag of lavender ` 1 never had before T Or aince from any woman . When I left her at the door- Hg IulIn'u\u:u u. ,...- 1 her mouth to 3 ml -drunk too much And while we talked her needle,. Like a swift dragony, Was sewing seeds` of summer g Im,n squares as blue as sky. T She was a quiet littl body In a quaint silk shawl, Who rat and sewed and listened, But hardly spoke at _all. A ELECTRICAL - CONTRACTOR 131 Toronto St., Estimates fujnished .-,;}f.; Good work at reasonaobleo -_ -pricueso ` o . . Phone f698__" PLUMBING HOTWATER HEATING TRY Thursday, December 7, 1922 c. w. ROBINSON 55.! '1 w. J. RICHARDS to a business executive} Ah` position `for 3 young woman. ','l`_h6 Shaw Secretarial Com-"ac cove:-I_6vi'ory . needed subject--.Short.hand., `hie-_ Writing, Bookkeeptng. Law._ B|nkj- ' it-.11. etc.- Personal inutruction. Write (pr Prospectus to 5 P. McINTOSB. Chic! Prlndvll. ~~ Winifred Welles. in` Conemporary; we wife was found ng imbedded in her \ L... mnllfh m aboo Agent for % McClary $_ Furnaces. CARING FOR CHILDREN "SA!-ADA" 80 Yuri of PI-oven Succui :2 ;;.;..a.... s.. Phone 952W V --Mos; `Vl`_e a-l) rinll`em1:4s.fl`hi_:`;ll I't 1;.`-A and `see lf7t is: :3; tho mdst delicious Tea yqu eve`:-. tasted. |:-: 15) SILENCE BlI$ll|ESSS(lI00lS _TR_N_T IN WOMA%N S% REALM. `n--u-nn--oI--I-of I Buy a pacltet of oven no my . - French Rolls / Shape the dough in l_ong rolls, and with a knife make three slits on the top of each roll. When light bake in a hot oven. .Crescente * Roll the dough in.a*sheet`one-eighth inch thick and cut in strips about four inches wide; cut these in sham pointed triangles. the'n,ebeginning at the base, roll them up. bringing the ends toward each other, .keep- " ing the point in the middle of the roll to give the ahape of a. crescent. Place them on baking V sheets some distance apart. When light bake fifteen `minutes in a` hot OVEN: Salad Rona Shape the dough in smallibiscuits, place in rows on a floured board. cover with a cloth and let rise until verylzght. Flour the handle of a wooden spoon` and make a deep crease in the middle of each` roll, take up -and `iirese the edges together. Place in e closelyhuttered pan,`cover. and let rise. and bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven. Parker House` Rolls . 7 Turn .2. portion of this dough on a slightly floured board and roll threequarters of an inch thick. -Cut with a. round or oval floured cutter. Crease in the middle with afloured knife handle, rub one-half with melted butter; and fold over. Place one inch apart in an oiled pan and let rise until double in size. Bake in a hot oven for fifteen minutes. OVOB. fourlthe-inch pieces. _._. . Swedish Rolls 7 Follow the directions? for making cinna- mon rolls. only instead of usingcinnamou use chopped raisins, citron. and sugar. After baking brush tops with the white of an egg lightlybeaten and mixed-with onerhalf tea- spoonful of cold water. Place 'in a slow oven to dry. _ Wnnnnh Rn: abet 7, 1922 Parents if boys and girls who participate in puppy-love" escapgdes shpuld pe pub- licly spanked along with their emng off- spring, according to Judge Jacobs, of Chi- _cagn Boys Court. * Ila:-n nnfrnffnr R5 nf Ra-llmzi|ln_ TIL. cagn boys uourc. ~ Martin Hostrettor. 35, of Belleville, 111;. -whose auto killed a boy, committed suicide` byahooting. . A `VI? 121 Iimlnmndn f`.hnrIo.atnnL W. Va.- by anooung. A V " "E. E. Lindemude. Charlest_onj,_ V., who pleaded guilty (0 sendm_g h1_s wnfe poisonthrough the malls, wasygnven a two- gyear. sentence- v ` I `K7k.nI\p;l\"\ll-rt` Mnhnmw. Of FrE8D'Oft. 0.. .about`five cupfuls. to make a soft sponge, twenty-four hours. i'I`he amount needed "' Maksngnonis . Scald` the sweet milk and let cool. When lukewarm add`pota.toes, salt, baking pow- der, soda, fat and the yeast. either com- pressed or dry. which has been d`sso1ved in lukewarm water. Add sufficient flour. and let it stand until small bubbles appear` on the sui-fac_e. Then cut in enough flour to make a stiff dough. knead on the board; and place in the refrigerator. This dough can be used at any time after standing for`-rolls is pinched off and shaped. Cinnamon Rolls ` . VRoll -a portion. of the dongh one-half inch thick. Spread with melted butter. and` sprinkle liberally with_a.mixture _of five parts of sugar toone part of ground cin- namon. `Roll as -a jelly roll. Cut in three- fo'ur`th_-inch pieces. __ "Etna:-nix. Rn: aenpeuce. . V V _ When Richard Mahoney,.of Freeport, 0., was sentenced to a year for bigamy all ;hree of his wives were in court- mu1e uoueglate, r-rxuay ,0! last week. Like. the poorit is always with us-," -she said, referring to the roadside 'school- ihouse which, for `all its faults, has a ; `color and rom'ance~ which has given it. a ` `unique place in the history of the country. '5 The Women's Institutes, said Miss Chap- 1 man, are working with the Department of Education for consolidated rural schools but they are also working a great deal for the betterment of the roadside schoolhouses. I Tracing the history of.-the Women's In- 'st|tute work inconnection with schools, . Miss Chapman said thatthe-first 0'03:-':tive `of thelnstitute was the scientific -study = )1` child development, with particular appli- cation to home life. Following this study`_ they felt that it was absurd to merelvccn-j fine their interest to the home, -b.ut fol-I lowed "the child into its school life. a 1 3 mi... :.....\...L...... .1: L-..h.L L- LL- _-L_-I :l'd"gUl' UUIILTUH. | e n I ' - Better condmous for school teachers, 1;; closer bond between the teachers and the! mothers of the children under their _cure.1 closer co-operation with school b09.\'d_.s. the-E pomotion of a better communi-ty spirit: 'with reference to the work done in t';.vE -schools. all these _.had beenthe fruits of? the Women's Institute endeavors. Miss; Chapman` concluded her address with rm? `anpealfor a continuation. of these etforte on `the part of `all those interested in the edu'c'-tional eystem of thecountry. ` LKKCBUIIIICIUIU IJUIICLIL IIU DIIU Ulllllllllv The establishment of school clinics had? been of value from a health standpoint...| she said, and in many cases the Wo_men'si Institutes `had been successful in 3et.uring the appointment of school nurses in the) !larger centres. I l- Rnltnr` nnn:-Hi-inn: fnr an)-unnl tnnnhtrs. 1:! .auwuu ulu uuuu UHU I05 HUIIUUI Il_lU. l ' The importance of health to the school children was of first importance, in the minds of the mothers." Many women who visited the schools. for the first time were rudely awakened to the fact that the chil-2 dren- were not in surroundings conducivaf to the best of health. Cold`floors. draugl.t:~_. ! hasty lunches, dubious water supply. all; these demanded correction. "end the Wo-5 men`-s Institutes, by their work, were a"le to introduce .rr.nny of the home touches into the schools which have proved off inestimable benefit to the children. 3 VFI... ..'..L..l..I:..L.........4. -6` ....I......I ..Il..l.... Luull l The work being done by `Women's In- stitutes .towards bettering -the educational "system in Ontario was reviewed by Miss" -Ethel Chapman at the afternoon session of the_Simcoe County Educational Association in the Collegiate, Friday of last week. Lik nnnr if :6 (I`Il1nI1n unt`. " `TELLS ndw \3/oimli A113; sci-1001.5 or raovxncag _a:cu>ss` gm: T North Bav. at se\'en.o lock on Thursday From.North Bay Nugget.%A very pretty; wedding was solemized in St. John's church," evening, Nov. 23. when Rev. Gilbert Oliver M.C. united in marriage. Miss Patricia Elston. only daughterof Mr. and Mrs`, E. Elston. Ann"St.. and Percy R. Jay of Toronto, Ont. The -bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was attired in. 9. -gown of ivory Duchesse satin with _trim- was uruwu rupmarnage -rpo.-Mr. James Davey or "Painswick. ` While ;i'rs. Sam. Maiel-,_ aunt of the` bride, *:pla yed ' the ` wedding march,~ the bride entered the parlor on the . arm of her'_fath er. _'She looked charming in} a navyauit of serge with Band shoes andy stockings and crepe de ehene blouse to] match and carried Columbia roses and car- Jigationsh-eTlt1e brifdeuvsvas tattendg by esaie uner o orn on w wore a [French blue dress and carried carnationa. iV'`l)1e groomfwaowaupported by Mr. Herberll`: . mmers o .Thornton; Rev.~S. M. Beac `performed the ceremony after whiehabout thirty guests sat down to a sumptuom ,we_ddin_g breakfast. 'l`he groom's gift to the bride was `a pearl pendanlt; to the bridesmaid. a pearl set-pin; to t e grooms- :1an,l? pearl tie pin; to the organist a gold , rooc . V TL- I.-__.___ -_,, I I p. D unuucu. ` 3 The happy couple left for their T home iamid showers of confetti and good wishes. I - _ _________j.__ -CCjjrV`&l 0n".Wednes::l'ay, Nev. 29; the home _-of ' Mr. and;Mrs. John`_Jago, Holly. was the scene of`a very pretty but quiet wedding,! when their eldest daughter. Monetta. Viola. was united in marriage tun,-Mr. James Davey of Painswick. ' Whiha in-.e gum M..:~..I. - H. F j Jeweler, wwwwwwwwww T;rvo Doors East of Union. Bank wmwww \?VA<%e_wil1gladly Show you the complete line (1Pascmwm"ng affa ` I V tliat carms t/iroug a[[ eyears % .'.':"2 WEDDINGS K` A .u\co_pAv:v .:Av"-::Ls'roNT GLISTENIN beneath the mellow `touch of stately candles, catching the ruddy lights of rich mahogany, sparkling over the lacy patterns spread by snowy tea sets, ne silverware gives a charm to `hospitality-it helps to enter- tain; it helps to make a home;-1t fascinatesj and charms through all the years. Holmes & Edwards SILVER INLAID and SUPER-PLATE represent the highest achievement of the modern si`lversmith s craft. Wear cannot mar its wonderful lustre and nish for it is protected at those points usually marred by friction. See your nearest jeweller s display of Holmes & Edwards inthe. dignied Jamestown and the new `Hostess Pattern. Ask him to show you our handsome table appointments--casseroles, pie plates, fruit and ower baskets-.-ideal gifts for Christmas. t Insist on seeing the mark of Holmes & Edwards on the silverplate you choose. ` - - In SILVER INLAID, blocks of `sterling silver are actually laid i delicate care before plating.` In SUPER-PLATE the protection c of an extra heavy coat of stelrling silver at the wear points. 11 with onsists [THE BARRIE EXAMINER Protected whore tlie wear Comes Mamwtfqctur-ed exclusively in Cdnada by umwu Luc gxjuum 5 parents In tuianuaie. The bride received a_ large number of wedding gifts, consisting of cut-glass, china, cntlerv and silver. testifying to the esteem in -which she '-is held by a" lnrge circle, pf friends. -auvuw auuy guests Uemg present. ` Id The gmo31's_ gift to the bride was a l iamond an pearlsunburst, to the bride;e-_ {maid a pearl and onyx ring and to the groomsman a pearl tie pin. Mr. `and Mrs. Jay left on the trans-continental for Ottawa ' -and Montreal, returning,to North Bay-via-I Toronto. - `' |_:`A __ Alia , . g. n -.. _ LUlUlllIU- 'While on. their trip, Mr. and Mrs. Jay visited the groom s parents in Allandale. The hi-irln rnnniuazl o la-nu`. ........l-..... ..t 'She carried a bouquet of ophelia roses.. Miss` Marjorie Cockram, of North Bay. 57 uruaauuxa. I V (cousin)3was.bridesmaid and wore a daiutyl frock of peach`7Canton `crepe and a. black? "velvet picture Vhat,` and.` carried cream roses, .and maiden-hair fern. Mr. Arthur. Jay of Allandale; brother of. the groom,.5 acted as groomsman. At the close of thei ceremony the wedding party drove to` McBain`s studio, -`thence to the bride ss home `where a buet luncheon was served.` `about forty guests being present. Thu omnm"a om:-.. H... I...:.:.. ....._ ; 2 lmingnf silverlce, and wr~re'aT wedding \'eiI of tulle with a bandeau of orange b1ossoms._ ' -c_ VVV__. . . , .- sif . 55 .' . 4 tablespoons water 2 cups rolled ours 1 cup raisins 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon soda teaspoon salt % teaspoon cinnamon } teaspoon cloves 1 cup flour. Ann 1 _ OATMEAL DROP COOKIE 1% cup shortening - 1 cup brown Sugar- `) nirnu ~ ' r _'V"" I I dry ingredients together. Cream I shortening, add sugar, beaten eggs, and remaining ingredients.` Drop by small - spoonfuls 2 inches apart. on 9. greased pan. Bake in a moderate oven. "Time in combining, 35 minutees. Time in cooking. 12; minutes. Temperature. 350 degrees.- Recipe makes 3%: dozen. -`ORDER FROM YOUR'NEfGHBORHO0D enocag. Raga The Exmi}};}mAd1e5co1um. Double actione-Goe%s farther---Try it and you! be delighted with the results, cl arre ' RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ntatto Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing} Music, Art, Conversational French " `emphasized. Outdoor games and sports. . Health record excellent. ~ _ _ Limited numbeu. l'-_ _-__,.A__- _, I . - u venben Gollegg EGG-4 Ll-'or_ Prospectus I/plply to -Principals

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