VVinifx' CARING` -Phme 694 Mc1.\'TOSH. r\I'| rl :1lw:x_v.~ ll. VVri -I` as u quiet quninl 5:] no nlI\I' ,.n... lust lLt`l` from I left Keep your Health I Use the old ielialilo upfos prices I (All 4lr:[ Page Fourteen _ uxuu. The Customs and Excise have certain clues as to` the parties 'and it is expected to have later developments. An auto dlay accompanied the officers' car and returned well filled with outfit for makimr mnnnfnin Ann. um uuu returnea Well ruled for making mountain dew." behind. I Collingwood Bulletin--1`At. daylight on Nov. 19, Hy. Foreman, Collector of_Cus- toms and Excise, Officer J. H. Richardson, Chief of Police Jas. Johnson and Policeman Kennedy, on information received. pro- ceeded to investigate the location of an illicit still on the road to Wasaga Beach. _ After a search through a dense thicket of bush for several hours the still wa: located. From appearances there must have been considerable liquor made and a quick disappearance `of the parties invoved. The outfit consisted of six large mash tubs, a ten gallon boiler, three burner stove and other apparatus. In the quick dis- appearance considerable supplies were left ANOTHERSTILL FOUND 1 NEAR WASAGA BEACH Aauvu I` alc- No. 7-Jas. Binnie. Sr.. D.R.O; Fred Richardson. polllclerk; Hendrie Store. An- ten Mills. V ' \v_ n -n In n K _ .- ._. . LC-u UJIIIBI No. 8--E. Marlin. D.R.O: Walter Daw-3 son. poll clerk; James Martin s house. Fern-\ dale. , I\ Toronto, Ontario.-"I took Lydia -I. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound Ior years and it is the only patent `medicine. I ever recommend. I am a nurse and it I nd a `woman is in :00! health I always tell her to take t. Although you know that doctors tndvnurses do not use patent medi- cines I must say that I think there is nothing better than your Vegetable Compound. When I first took "it many years ago, I was so tired when 1 got up in the morning that I could not eat, and when I went to bed I was too tired to sleep. My mother- dn-law told mevthat Lydia" E. Pink- ham's -Vegetable Compound was just what I wanted so I_ tried it and only took two bottles when I felt better. Since then I. havefound that there is nothing that makes me feel so well, for it seems to build my system right up. I don t know any other medicine that has done so much for women."-Mns. -W. H. PARKER, 19 We1lesleyAve ., Toronto, Ontario. Woman fnufv nmnln nn unmln 1""! unis, utu. luullgs N0. 6-.`-Yar\'9v Benton, ldleton, poll clerk; Peter I |Ed`e'n\'aI_('e. V 7 `xi . .. IIIIIC Time Council adjourned tovmeet according to statute-on Friday. Dec. 15. at 10 am. uuunc, ucumuu. ' No. 2---R. Monteith_.wD.R.O; H.` Field- house, poll clerk; Town Hall. Midhu-rst- No. 3--Chas. Nash. D.R.O; H. Bald- wick. poll clerk; Jos. Botham's. Cundles. E No. 4~--Wilbert Armstrong.` D.R.O; Wm. 'Sm_v. S1-.. poll clerk; Workman's hall, Min-| resmg. No. 5---Geo_. Young.` D.R.O; Ben Parr. poll clerk; Geo. Young's house. Grenfel. D.R.O: W. Mid- zllnnm nn" ..l....l.. D..L.... n:|-1...:_.v_ 1, v. u. uuuumuii, repairs unuge. Opp. lot | 24, con. 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19.75 Canada Ingot Iron (75)., culvert .. 50.58` `Municipal World, supplies . . . . . . .. .64 A. B. Coutts, 32 notices under Ditches and Watercourses Act and serving same for two` meetings and attending two meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ` 42.80 Mrs. Robt. Sutherland, grant towards Rest Room in Barrie . . . . . 50.00 Canada Co.. rebate on taxes Nv}, Ea} lot 15. con. 10 .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2130 A by-law was passed appointing the !following Deputy-Returning Officers and" l oll'Clerks and naming the places at which 1 votes would be taken in the several pol- ` `ling sub-divisions in the Township of{ Vespra at `the Municipal Elections on Jan. 1 1st. 1923. `XL. `A7- fly- V` 1` ' ""` I m13i7."'i'~} 6. 1-Geo. Baldwin. D.R.O; Geo.l E Thxlnonson.` poll clerk; at the school house, Dalston. Motxteith, V D.R.O; U \\-`ick. nnll nlnrlr- Jnu Rnnmnt. .....ll~- a Iw I` Is ,,;,;;;' .............. ....... .. . E. Brown,-telephone In hall .. aiah McMaster, repairs washout and h-rrhn: Ann 11 - Loaulu AuuAuu:.9u:I', l'9pull'S WESDOUI and bx-idge.con.1l . . . . 5 C. B. Johnston, repairs bridge. lot 24. arm. 10 '0 u . I ucat-. uruwulg grave: Bl(lel'Ol1(l 5 and 6,_ con. 8 . . . . . . . . . . 23 Robt. Lightfoot. putting in culvert sideroad 5 and 6, con. 1 . . . . S `Hy. Tracy, gateand repair wire fence at hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 :H. J. Franlicom, :worI_: opp. lot 12, 3 con.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 :The Sarjeant Co., cement and cement o n: no '"` 1.1 Lnaccl. 5IavcI tut GIUCFUIIU EU am]. I '21 -con. 1 ....... 6.80 J. McKinley, inspecting Swaley Creek 1.50 W. P. Priest. drawing gravel sideroad 5 an!` 8 Ann Q 0" '9 g`. uuuuauuu. pxnun [U1 owzucy UFCCK bridge. con. 9' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.30 J. _J. 0 Reilly, wire fence bonus . 8.00 Geo. Finlay, work on bill at town nun . m n ucucudcy nVU., .l0I'UnL0, U!1E8.I'1D. Women testify again and again that they have been helped by Lydia E. Pinkham s ` Vegetable Compound after other medicines have failed." It has been tried for nearly fty years and not found wanting. ' Tf vnn nu-n uumvina fnnm nnvv AC uuu. runny, won! on mu 8! IOWD hall 1 HQ Fraser. gravel for sideroad 20 and. 91 -nnn `I ' "V..- _.v.., uv. n vu vuoo ' "1{})'&. Mo 12 ............... .. 120.25 John J. Travers, roadtacross S.E.-} of lot 15 and S. 41 E} lot 14 con`. 10 125.00 A J. L. McLaughlin, work on Hendrie Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.00 A. B. Coutts, Sec.-Treas.0Tel. system part Ievy,- 1922 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150.00 D. Banks.-spreading cinders and cut- ting brush. con. 10 . . . . . . . . .. 13.00 W. H. Mason. hauling cinders and cutting .brush . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21.00 H. Johnston". plank for Swilley Creek hrirhrp nnn 0v 09 IJIIBII o Communications were readrfrom, J. R. Cotter, Clerk of the Peace, certifying that the Selectors of Jurors for the township of Veapra for the year` 1923 had duly performed their duties; from Mr. Mc- Killop. Divisional Supt. of C.P.R., that the matter of placing a guard to [J|'8.\_'8pt - [snow drifting off approaches to "Railway lcrossing at Midhurst station would receive ,his attention; from W. B. Tudhope. Treas. `of Oro, enclosing cheque for 89.45 for gravel taken from Vespra; from Treasurer `of Ontario, enclosing cheque .for $950.00 for Colonization Roads; from Canada Co. re tuxeson Nb E1: lot 15. con. 10. pur- chased by the Township; from H. C. Trout. Gen. Supt`. C.P.R.. re crossing west ofl `Mac Station; from Hy. Van Eschen and fothers, petition to have the Sunnidalel iand Vespra Townline opened up; from ;Cha.s E. Watts. re" dog tax charged on`. [tax bill; from Hon. F. C. Biggs, Minister}. `of.Public Works, that the request for aij .bridge and culvert would receive the-con-"4 sideration of his department. ' lj 'T`|-m Cnllnaulr... n...........a.. ......... .......--.1. 10 [R0, enclosing cheque `Or for Au: wan nub apuluulu Uulv uprruuuus. f ,P':hps he had merely take `me `hill mmm.g.'fr .3 bmcer lust 1 steady 1" Co.,`m _"'eS' C."""5 them . that`! If a'd El, of dope shakes you to pieces, take another! h d b tn T - h- _f T t` `dose.a.nd_ it will pull you together again. 88:6 Sui; eC'1(, _v{en_S. '36 gglgsing wesgouof If pumshingthe booze shatters your nerves,| . .l .V . Y , . Mac nd I punish it some more and it will steady )our. Sunnidale nerves. Great threoryl! Alvzlays gives a: , ` _ . ` booze-artist 11- pe ecty goo excuse to Vewra Townllne up take some more. just to sober up"; I:}1 .E Watts` "3 taxvh`"ged "|works too. Once saw a man try it. He [tax bill; Ministerlwesng eeeing exactly straight He got! lf.'P"bl` "`?q"5t f0 3jhold of a bottle each of Scotch whiskey : ' b_""l8` -_3"d lV'?l't Ye|V the `C03 I and champagne, and mixed a long schooner .1 l5'd"m f, lfull. Taken on top of all that had. gone ' The following 5 accounts were named; ibefore, it steadied him all right. He s1id.. llsamh MM9'l'91'v Sheep klnedby (1088 314-09 under the table and lay perfectly steady Walter Thompson. work on Col. for twenty-four hours, - . Road. Mo 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . But to our story- I The new-comer was not very drunk. 1 He was just -a little unkempt in appearance, McLaughlin, alittle bleary about the eyes, a little red ( in the nose, and more than at little odorx- c B , Sec,.Treag. 5Te1_ ferous in his breath. His legs tangled v slightly, but that'may have been because in ,f the swaying lf ,th `'- H9 Ws mt F what our French friends would call beau- coup_ zigzag". . His -movements were just - - slzghil ' serpentine. h 1 clittllng, 'brus.h . """ '_'_ ""' ' '_ I-In')muu u vm-v mm-lm-ufn m\nrl.nnh1rml ' I |AsKs VESPRA councn. TO ovum TOWNSHIP um: gov VESPRA . SUNNIDALE Vespra `omen metgv. 20 with all its members present and the Reeve in .the . ..-.u..u. H. mm- Gilchrist's house, LLL). ` Clerk I "$2.50 gccun auu nut. iuuuu W&I1Lll.l. If you are suifering from any of the various ailments which accom- ny female weakness try Lydia E. mum : Vegetable'Compound "70.-/5" 3.29 "23.75 12.50 1.75 8.75 .. ..._ vuuvuvlvll Au-acu- W. J. Goodfellow occupied the position of chairman and was re-elected president. The other officers also were re-elected. viz; R. A. Sutherland, vice-president; S. J. Rey- nolds. secretary-treasurer; [Harvey Hughes and S. J. Broley. members of the Execu- tive. j vvI~vln 55 v v uuuvu vuo In order to reach` the desired ends, the school must. be given the place it should occupy in Qntario. As the school is, so is the country. In Oregon every child up to 16 must pass through the public school. Back of those things that make strong lives, is the fundamental training in schools. Back of the need of this training lies the necessity of a more intelligent public opinion of the value oft-education itself. ti! 1 A I _....-... -.... ........ buy uuuwhl uvuuun-3. To attract men to the teaching profession schools must be provided that will appeal to a young man with a sufficientnumber of pupils to make the` job worth his am- bition. Imagine a young man with any ambition going out` to settle down and [teach five children. l,.--..,....--.-..... ... ...... awn! -vvil To show what a. proper system of educa- tion can do, Mr. Morris instanced Den- mark where the people despaired for the country because of the cityward trend. Rur- t :11 schools were developed so that in twenty years the rural population increased from 35 to 52 per cent. Farming has become an economic success and the British market h'\.I been largely" captured from Canada. Poor School Attendance After referring to the number of schools with an attendance of a dozen or less. he said that where a school costs $1200 to maintain and there is only fifty per cent. attendance the section is only getting $600 value. -Is _this an honest way to spend the people s money?" he asked. Mr. Morris quoted a case where a school draws a 8250 grant for teaching four cous- ins. the school being held in a house own- ed hv their grandfather. He qm-ermne-.1 the honesty of taking such a grant. 3100,- 009 could be saved in grants by refusing assistance to those with very low average attendance. Were the grant refused, the ratepayers, rather than put. their hands in their own pockets. would lock" about for a merger and thus get better schools. VI`- ..LL....-r -__ _ I A V... 7-. -....u.-.. nUI\-vv\1 . Men say Canada needs immigrants. Per- `haps it does, but the development of the mental, moral and physical force of Can- adian-bred children is the best point of at- tack for upbuilding our nation. declared Mr. Morris. adding that the churches and homes needed to be aroused to their res- ponsibilities in this respect. 7|`. _L.___ ._.L-; _ ,.__,.,._ _ A, r v V Lydia E. Pinkhar Vege- table Compound Advised for all Women in Poor Health GUI/UIIUHIIUU Ill IVUIIII EUIIUUIE Wll IJUIIIICU UUU by Rev. `W . M. Morris, of the Ontario Educational Association, at the annual meet- ing of the Innisl Association held . recently in the Orange Hall at Stroud. Mr. Morris also showed the need of `improve. `ment in rural education if Canada is to have the agricultural development of which she is capable. ' b(YY___ 1; __,,_..,,,.l L- _,_.. A'._L AL- L___S4, an Va-Iinnllnvo "Has it occurred to you that the brains of our children are the greatest asexet of our Dominion? asked the speaker. What- good are our vast natural resources with-I out the human factor?" I The lex caused by the low Vaverage attendance in rural schools was pointed out K17 Dav `W H MAvn:u A` ORA (`unn-:1: Govt. Grant $250; Problems of Rural Schools Discuss- _ ed at Stroud. TEACH 4 COUSINS AT COST OF $1200 uuu uu.cuuu_unu.y I1IUup||a1v`c uuuncn. Yet he was recorded a most frigid re- ception on that car. Men moved and let him sit down very much alone. Mature women nearly paralyzed their faces looking ' Sligwly surpcnlulc. He was a very moderate. good-natured and intent1Qnally'moffenswe boozer. ' ` `fab Ln nvnn I-nan:-rlnlt` u vnnaf `I-;n;I` I'D- n runny VVUHI-U I It was ` the morning after the night before. He boarded a street car, and it` was evident that the night before had been I projected into the a morning after. They night before had been Hallqwe`en. He had. not kept it in any hallowed fashion. The` morning after was All Saints Day. He! was not? observing it in a saintly way.l' He was not spiritual but spirituous. ` par-Hana fun But` nun-nlu folrnn Ann okuo A A'Ano_wonLo OLA -.--....._ ..1`L__ NURSE THINKSW mm-um: semen _THE BARRIE `EXAMINER ..-.c.muum.s. weir socizu reIorm1ng- and; L social uplifting, they have so changed public? r sentiment that the world is hardly fit for! good fellows to live in. A 3 l Let's shoot them all. and let s get backj to the liberty of the good old days wheni a man could get drunk for a penny and gloriously `drunk for tuppence. when h` could go home and break a` few bits of furniture and odd pieces of crockery, punch! his wife's face and run the children out of 1 doors. just for the fun of the thing. , Dash it all! What s the use of living inl a free country, if a. fellow can't do as he]; likes sometimes? |: mu. uiuse temperance cranks are to! blame for it. With their campaigns and} their literatiire. their preaching and theirl ipeeching. their local options and their referendums. their social reforming` and} unliftinz. flmv hnvn an nlnnnnrml -M-lr-'3'-5 PLUMP. HOTWA1'i -19% W. J. REC ` ' .`\`L f(`ii'. . .MC( :lElI `. x 52 E[iza?'re Phpne O0Oo~oo~oooooo:o4. 9., their disgust. Two young ladies sniffed, t and betook themselves to the other and V` ofthe car. The conductor, peeved because u the bibulousone thought that every stop elwas his street, impatiently pushed him back! 11 into his seat and told him to sit -there till: :2 his street was called. e_ It is a changed world from the time whenl . a man who was silly drunk was the comic; actor of the village, and the man who was,` t. fighting drunk was its hero. cThere was[ s a time when .it was considered no impro-I 9 priety for a Priiiie Minister of England to: r be very drunk inpublic. Even in Canada .iwe remember once seeing the mayor of ,'one of its foremost cities in evening dress r.but hatless,` with his arms around a telc-1 iigraph post at the intersection of*~the twoi I ilprincipal streets of his city, singing a love Iii-song and addressing that unresponsive pos: 2! in most- endearing terms. It was the joke T. and tit-bit of many a social gathering for` sometime afterwards, but it was not con- sidered any particular disgrace. If a man? s was obnoxious or obscene in public. it was i quite sufficient excuse to say that the poori ' fellow was drunk. If he committed a; crime, it was a strong point in his defence; to show that he was drunk and did not} know what he was doing. . I What a changed world! Now a man can not get drunk -and spill himself all] over his neighbors in a public conveyancel without somepsqueamish person making ai howl about it. and perhaps calling in the police. V ' It is a,hard world. 1 And those temperance cranks to; blame fnr it Wm. H...;.. ...........:...... ....II V 5A\r- WE Vx//\NI:\A FIND OUT WHY we kl I -Can{adaAs's Best Buy - 1'HzE_co_r_JOMY PACKAGE K lllllllllllllllllll KllllIlXIIX|lll.',- 3 * nlIlIlllIXI`lLILXIIIIIIILIIYII lllllullllll Pressure bf gas on heart and other organs often causes a restless, nervous feeling. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, expels gas and relieves- almost INSTANTLY. Acts onnorru up-Ai per and lower bowl. Adlerika removes` -matter you never thought was in your rrystem which poisoned stomach, causing;~ gas and nervousmm. EXCELLENT to` guard against appendicitis. Wm. Crossland. druggist. Sold in Elmvale `by W. J. McGuire. druggist. ! Still the most for the money % `ANDREW W|LsQN..n. we Ln. YOU WELL! _ Rather than have the Pottsville. Pa., Public schools close because of lack of funds to pay the 85 teachers, a trust company will advance the money and wait until the yschool district can pay it back. ' 1 Every person in the U.S. will be wear- ling eye glasses within 100 years, according [to an English authority quoted in a re- lpor- made to the Prevention of Blind Com- Imittee at New York. The National Smoke ? Mia}; 2.33;/z:s#7Iis)iEL:Fanreed 5-'/.2 lb. PACKAGE 15) 34-. IIIUUIIDIIIIIC VVlIlDl\U'VI San Francisco man is suing for divorce because his wife is so determined to learn to play a pipe organ that she practices nightly in theatres after the close of the show. Cincinnati man, whose wife was found dead with a silk stocking imbedded in her throat, said he put it in her mouth to stop` her screams after_ she had drunk too much moonshine whiskey. Q...` v-nv\t|;nnr\ rvnnum S. ....in.. In... AQ.-u....... Niivous 1-1;-zsunc DUE TO `(ms ON STOMACH T hursday; December 7, i922 ' ELECTRIC CONTRAC- 18l Toronto 3': Estimates fun Good work at re .v n nlun Eing the mu. V7 51;` :Il`.`ll'l I V that "The . on tbexr clnildn gencrafima ;.n the w;:!ort M` r -of the pre. =vide.'.ct~ in the- their :r_zmrl-hi|l that "(Tn cnnw that 1.";s-ir lifv 11; `J vv\nu\| In :11: Thu? \\':l.\ in In 3: .-1V:x_v hits swm-:_. likw cwmm - Take 7 E.EC"4!E!.llS Now that `m-1' {:2 Am} h(`l'.~'('lf Heaz'9,.`1.~ . S;i,1)t.= only .~ jI "haw take,-n H`: Amt talk from `But a; blue hug A I 1 .-2\'cr Inn! A 'I\_ _ __ I. ,, And while WP Like a swift Was '-(`\,\"lllg M 1111!; .~'qu:n`v.~ ~'_She was 1; qt L- In 3 .`.Wh(> .-at um! But hardly V/1rmho.~'t(*r Pu- L_A |"V\l 'u to n ' businv-< position for Shaw Sacra-ta needed sui-j. writing. UM: Z` Thursday, I - `ll MM L , _ 3-- ' " `Nil A for Constipation