XYZ-~W "all want ya: for Christmas. ' \ ' {Young Men_ s Tweed Suits, some 2-piece 1 some 3-piegce, sizes 34 to 38. Prices were $28.00, $25.00. Clearing price ,rMen s Tweed Overcoats, were $20.00* and $25.00. Clearing price only. . ' T Men s Tweed Ovrobats, with belt and half ` belt and without; best of_lining. Prices were ` S~4().()() and $35.00. Clearing price , {Men's Navy Blue Irish Serge and Tweed Suits, 4 51265 36 to 44; prices were $45.00, $40.00 and $35.00. Clearing price. And only 14 shopping days until Christmas. Come down and get best choice. u_y, zuu3lBI3 nefbert Is, Lloy Thompson, Lie Wolfenden, Lloyd the Registry office fl Registry Division of the County of coe on the seventh day of December, Any motion to quash or set asid B81116 AI` can ----A ` --11-:-- Notice is hereby given that a by-law was pared by Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the first day of December, 1922. providing for the guaran- teeing payment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures and coupons of the Town of Slilzayner to the amount of $67,009.00 _for Thursday, December 7, 1922 $2.25 Trenton `I piece and 58-95 J @ We have our of Cleaned Valencia Carawgt y Can Xmas Candy r :o-a$-cvoqonc-nu Pure ROY gun; nuu uuuux run mama. Also gond cow; will he sold at a sacrice. {A-p-; ply C. T. `Mills, Utopia. . 49-50p`? ure (1111) 38 Elizabeth Next Singer Sewin Vness be(nn`m-s terested w}u- L\' (1 HM the t('](`.\'I.'U}u' are to Ein- 'hZit 'th(` (`Hz mariner - - 7. to steer :; The thinkim he can Se('1U`C exainination glasses at charge. Anx- us a visit. -A dance xx Angus, Tuesd- chestra. in am Phone 51 ` V Thursda3 _If you. :1 custm Hus Bui to its Pr -'----------------------a-'---I PONY AND BUGGY FOR SALE. Also onnrl nnnv- 117"` kg ot\':' no .. ......._`:-.. 26 Email `4LEA)-I-;\`l(; BREI Meal Cluvcr M :1 pic 8 Phone EBU$"_ :--::-- FUR S.-\l.l9)~-~Bez:ullful new fumed oakl Hoinuzznrnm piano; cost $65. will sell for $375. Apply 13`) Bradford St, 46-51p I i J 40. oven: ` Put TEA BR( AND 49911 Phon PIANO you S-`.ALE--fume`d oak, almost: new. very rensnnuble. Apply` Mrs. W. Muster, Utopia, Ont. 49p ' I BOI uAn.\uru.-1 nun L|J.I.\I.VllL`3 run D:\U.[`r**`-I Also Russet a_}upk`S. $3.00 bbl. T Phone? 305rC\. I 47-521)` --.-..--.- FOR` SAl:E`--Baby'sV white cutter. Apply I 39 Gowan $7., Allandale. . 49-50pl ML~ \;\'GELS AND TURNIPS FOR SAL i t n....I... I Aim. I ).. . Of) nn LLI nu. _,. - `RANGE FOR. SALE--wifh wuterfronn! burns cud hr wool-!. Apply 86 Small St.` A0 ' Livv. 121;: I L l.\:L'A.'\AV4| A` \.ll.\ U11 each morning. Phone 652. -hay barn 30X60; brick "eneer 8-room Esau o1i,sALE-1ao acres, Tp. Sunni-_` dale. lot` 1?, con. 4, clay soil; bank barn` 553380 with stalng underneath; straw and . house; fu'mace in cellar; frame kitchen and wood-shed; hen house; pig pen; drive shed; we flew wells; 16 acres fall wheat orchard; about 40 acres seedcd_; 6 acres bush; bal- ance tillable; `convenxent to church and ,1-,!_~,oo!. This farm in in good state of cul- tlV...?.on, Jae. Dowdall. New Lowell, phone 102 _. 3, Creemore. _ 47-52p ; g : FURNITXIRE AND s'r0vI:s for sale. -Apf nlv. ur- ldllllnnhn Avn 40.. j`\,`-l|.o?I(l\I.'J l"Il`IJ 8)` ply- at- 140: Maple Ave. SWEET` CR:EA`MA FOR SALE. Delivered : ... DLA..- [IEO A1 1!`. Al. ......L ......... HBABY CARRIAGE for sale-Apply to 110 Elizabeth Street. 44tfo }llXIIc~ Lrkeft ._lL Miscellzingous Farms F Br Sale I`-.\UUllll'-U. .1. IL. DUI.- SL. Allundale. Phone_ '46-52; _.._._._-_.__.___.._... I -,-...u.. ulcvnlul. vuu . Any six farmers can . ' to W. B. Quantz, Al- *phone Stroud. V 49 iv".'n?.2?4c'Jt."Ei`. ` ;1:;3;.`;;: I xtures ; tes free. E. Sub Phone ~ \ I LII. `U, 47tfc 49P .I._uc }l%lIUl' Wlll E pm. Welcome! ucucr, unu 1-year.-om red and white; iheifer. Owner may have same by proving Eproperty and paying expenses. W. J. Cleary. 7 Thornton Post Office. 49p] u _ - __.. v- ._ -- .w-vunuvu-nus VIIUII VII December 10. 1922 10.00 a.m.--Class Meeting ' 11.00 am.--Publ_ic Worship. subject: Seeking the Welfare of Israel". : 3.00 p.m.-~Bible School - I 70.00 p.m.--PublicA Worshi , subject: }``How Folk Often Lose Jesus If . y 1 The pastor will (D.V.)' preachfa.m. abd `.p.m.- Welcome! Z CATTLE ESTRAY-Strayed from lot 28, ! con. 9, Essa, about Nov. 15, red steer, spot on forehead; red heifer, some white `spots. `Tag in left ear. Reward for re? covery. Wm. Lyons, R.R. 3, Thornton. -:'2 I . STRAYED from the prennfs-.=s of under- signed. about Novemter 1. three two-year lold cattle with horns; and seven three- lyear-old dehorned cattle; hole punched in [right ear. H. Leadlay. Cookstown. 48-49;)! 1 ul ` Wil A I `;1..IvE STOCK FOR SALE-~Pu're-bred Here-I ffnrtls. 3 bull calves; also 3 year-old heifers ;'. 3,1 young cow. Priced to sell. Phone , Sn-oud. 3 r 16. Selby E. Carr, A1landaJ.e.* _.R.R. 1. 49.54,}! - : I P .......__-.__ ' 1 :I.OST--Between Dalston and Crown Hill,}` on Saturday. a pair of black. curly gaunt-i lets. Finder please leave at this office. James Johnston, RM. 1. Barrie. 49c . .1 ICZ ~ Ont. - I STRAYED from 10: 7. con. 6. Vespra. a-! `bum Sept. lsl. red heifer with .whit spots _and brand in left`ear. Finder notify Mrs. "J. E. McLean. Anten Mills. 48-49p I ....__-. .--- . ._. I 1 uswuuxw .ll.\U\JI\ JAUIX LUDVIV street, about Nov. 20. Finde : at Bryson s Garage; Reward. on Mcuonald , 1' `please leave I -:.-:- GREEN TRUCK JACK LOST McDonald street. about Nnxr, an m...4....-..1....-.. I-----~ UH ill I` Ale .T J. l'\..L ` ' iWHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS for sale. ,sin'g1e comb, pure bled, $1.00 each; also_ `several loads of clover hay. ` Henry Har-,, `risnn. RR. 2, Barrie. phone 609 r 22. 49c` ;_____.._______..______.____._'_! , , _,.. .... -.-..,.... .;v\.. uuunlc. 'xa*'t:1p - """""""""""""-"""-'-"'-"'- 'iA PARCEL CONTAINING OVERCOAT and F.-\R..\I FOR SALE--~Lot 32, Can. 9, Ema, l=rous ers was left somewhere in or about 185 acres of `goo -.` clay loam. Large fraxne,B8.l`l`ie D88!` the end Of Septmbef 0! 58' hum` and-large vxcellent barn. equippedigilfl.`-K Of 00t0b%I`- If the finder will with ,~.`unch'u1ns, Spring creek running:kiXl("_V' leave at Examiner office he through farm. On town livw, six miles Wi" he Suimbli 1'9~'3|'dd by the Owner, frn-n Bzm-ie. One mile from railway sta-`Re"-_H- B9i`1'Y- 49-500 ` , . . `. . ' '{.'E. Zv\."m 1 Mr M` L` T"" Raff}? smman to um, 20, ....... 11 1:... -- -- ____.______._____..____. IHOUND FOR SALE--First-class` rabbit bound. 2 years old.` chea; . Apply Andrew Knapp. Anten Mills. Ont. 490 I HORSES FOR sA1,E-'rwo lour knuvvv n n n K n ... LL _- _ -L1.\J1\s.`.I'.D FUR DhI`A--l'\V'0 hair heavy. one pair threeg ;Perchemus. Phone Stroud 3 IE. Carr, Allundale. R.R.-1. I !YOUNG TEAM. FOR SALE fine pair and; six year old weighing about 3100 lbs. N ` 9 D. MoCuaig. Shanty Bay. ~ 49 HIDES -~ nd tan hound. lettei` A right hip. Finder please notify, I. McArthur, blacksmith, Edg~ar,V; _, 1 40..-.1.. Lost and Found -.u 5 un;`-` 1 IV U lccll, One three~_vear-olds. all no Qn-mu.-I 9 .. 1:: .a-IL-- ~w---------------9 FARM FOP. S:\LE---Cou. 9. lot '2, Innisfil. 1;`. miles {mm Thornton; 1/4 mile from school; 100 acres clay loam; 10 acres in hardwood luxslz; frame house; bank barn; driving Au-rl and garage. Apply Mrs. Al- fred Wice, 30 Maple Ave.. Barrie. 47-49;) :-:-:- ! `_v uau -utua. {I 1| 1` 16. Selby! ` 49-54p teams, one .-Auunnlrln n`. uu5' 49'51C In myscenousny opened and locked, groans over the` telephone, tinkling bells, strange \ knockings and tappings in the walls, a secret `room, revolver shots -and similar happenings, "The Bat" was as mysterious a mystery play as ever written, A crowded house greeted it here. The words of~one of the` characters sum it up perfectg; ` "You _no sooner raised all the goosefr your thought you had than something else!` hnllaannal and tun. ..:'_-.l -_ 7/-'7 ' ' ..---.-., ..-u nnuulcu auxuatr ments,` the rrensvon being that The Bgt", holder of the world's -heavyweight title among mystery plays, was presented at The Grand that evening. The Rat" mI.:..1. ..u.......a --_.-- L I Several hundred Barrie theatre-goers look- ed under the bed before retiring on Tuesday [night and many .of them probably had 'fitfuI slumber, disturbed by dreams of mur- ders, suicides, robberies and kindred amuse- ments,` reason a........._ ___., MYsT1iY PLAY movies 3316 THRILLER` AT GRAND 5... n5. uuugmem. was.,1`eserV_ed. D. F. McCuaig for ptff.; Donald Ross for deft. - - ml-I::ul`;i'ought action to recover $94? which he claimed to be due him for. . wages. Smith disputed Plant s claiml and entered a counterclaim for alleg- I ed loss through failure to get his! potato crop handled properly owingl to Plant s leaving him. He had 54 acres of potatoes. His claim was $14 for sun-burned potatoes and $86 for the m-nn nn ninn n.-Ac. ...L:..L 4:; -. , - r:u1..u rLm._ HAl.h;---Lot 32, Can. Ewa.| frame V, equipped- runningj farm. miles} `-I\IvI nu I A n ` ```g' `` `Lil ` [the --._-.-... rvvuuvya auu :90!) 1Ul'! the crdp on nine acres which did not [get dug- Judgment was.,reserv_ed. n In M..n....:.. 2.... _mi an H I A suit for wages and a counter-; `, claim for damages through failure }to have crop harvested were involved ;iin the case of Plant vs. Smith, tried lat the Barrie Division Court Tuesday T. A. Plant hired to work for Wm.` Smith on Mar. 27, the contract being {for seven months at $315. Both the iparties belong to Allandale. Smith iswore that the nancial arrangefnent 'wasthat heshould pay Plant from time to time as he found it convene ient. Plant. claimedthat he was to get his money when he' asked for it provided it was earned. In August Plant asked forsome money~ and when it was not forthcoming `quit [the job. ` ' 1-_f_ ]_"_, I . A l l l {WAGES sun MET BY CLAIM FOR POTATOES, ------------- 1 NEW DURANT AGENCY 3' Messrs Bryson & Morley have been ~;`1ppoi1_1ted-_dealers for Durant Motor 3Cars for "Barrie and district. Star car on showroom oor. I f .,.,.5......auuu at me U. S. army. The election of the Barrie member to the. Boys Parliament,at 'Toronto will take place next Tuesday even.- ing, in the Assembly Hall of the Col- legiate Institute, where the several nominees will the electors.` Almusical program is; also being provided by the bovs. ? make their appeals to ._..... ...;...g mun great dis` speech by Gen. Pershing [organization at the U. S. I Thn nlnnnn ..& ;.I._ `n - . ~ - --van I'V AAGLC out: SeVe1'a1 inees `make provided by the boys. 3 BARGAIN IN EN-G-lNES LY 1|K..f\( ` THRESHING OUTFIT for sale. A0ne 20 hp. traction engine, one Peerlew separator with chaff blower and grain elevator. Will sell cheap fbr cash. can`. hanze this, Apply Al-' landnic. R.R. l_. or phone 49p 5. can uzsunctness ay on the re- an Ir a .----~ .-_uu- uviuihi ' 5 HAN! On Thursday, Nov. 30, a. quiet wedding The piano pupil: was celebratedeat the manse, Midland, by E.. entertained thei . Rev. John McNab, when Clarisa Isabel, xi varied and pleas , second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ney, day. 1300- 1- from ~ became the bride of Mr. William Henry donholm. Barrie. Mayes, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. shown in fall ten Mayes of Anton Mills. The bride was be- part were Misses Let comingly dressed in navy charmeuse satin Audrey Foster. Ed and radium crepe and a black picture hat. - hurst. Verna Sm) She was attended by her siter, Miss Ellen Wolfendeny H8281 : Ney, .while,Mr. Wilson Ney, brother of the Thelma Reid, Jenni bride, acted as best man. Mr. -and Mrs.jM8dge Ferguson, M: Hayes left on the` 2.50 train for Toronto Al`l10tf- Ethel. The and Hamilton. On their return they will Estelle and Elsie reside at Anton Mills. 5 Easter, _F_raleigh J4 Lindsay? . '* DOLLS are here. See our large doll, 27 inches high, for the - small price of . . . . . . . DOLLS-See our Dolls at . . 25C E`10_and 12 in. high; big value. ` IOXNOOO x A--_------- Overcoats and Suits MAY ES--N EY Bargains in Men .sancl Boys Stop in at the pattern de- partment and look at the new designs. You can ensil y make`: little coat or dress your child will be proud to wear, for each Standard- Designer Pattern contains The Belrobe. The Belrobe shows you with picture: just how to cut out, put together. and nish `the gar- ment you are making. Come in to-day and let ul tell you about it- THE new designs for children : things this winter an irresistible- every bit as interestin no grown-up al Big soft @- ton-up collate on mug little" contrwenre showlngome lovely new woolen mate- lhle juet now. Brief little (Images that take such a small amount of time and . Inntetiel to mnke--you will nd all manner of warm, light-weight fabrics in the loveliest children ; colors at our counters. SUTCLiFFE S V- ` TVOHI) FOR S.- H.E----500 cords of` 4-ft.i hari\\'mo(`I green or dry. `-57 per cord at; pik`. Lot. We-bh. Jr., C-raig\'ale_. Srroud' phnne 7 1' 8!. V ` 48-49p I-- * (Z . Pattern 3986 (two dresses Rom one pattern) Luatcul: uuu msne Urey, ;Foster, Fraleigh Jones, lamld Bingham. Ernie _ E Pg:-tridge. E E PlANO:REC|TAL pupils of C. E. Weldon. M. .. their parents -and friends to pleasing programme on Fri- 5 to 8 p.m., at Wel- Barrie. Much pnogress was term work. Those taking Leona Wiseman, Mabel and f Edna Carson. Ellen Long- -hurst. Smythe, Edith and Bervl - Medan Wan-nu-.. It---- and Winnifred Applebin! Jennie, Eva_ a_n_d Cl_ara Dodd, ____._ .,..._,_....e, nuwn and Beryl! Appleby, Eva and Clara ;Madge Mary -and Blue Belle Dale, "A1-nott. Thelma and Mabel Wice, Grey, Masters Herbert ;Foster, Fraleigh Jones. Llmni "ma ---- -- BAR RIE ` v Men s All Wool Dark and Lxght Grey Pullover i Sweaters, sizes 36, 38,_ 42; this sweater was 1 S4.5Oai1d bio` value at that price. Clearing pric: . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . Mn s Heavy Grey Cotfon : just the thing for working in. Easy priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little Boys Suits, t `ages 3 to 7, button up to neck, with cord tiesin nice" patterns of tweeds; prices were`sl().00 and $8.00. Clearing price . . . . . . . . ,1 o o - . o u o o n Boys Navy Blue `Serge and Tweed Suits, bloomer pants, sizes 26 to 36, best of trim- ming, up-to-date style; prices were $22.00, $20.00, 3 18.00, $16.00. _ Clearing price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g . ` 2. }L`U LAMPS. irons and fix fur .~'~>le. Wiring done. eretimates Rm...'ix"s Inzwoxnzably executed. A. 'cIiv7".~. '.-ZS Willimn P nn L`