w . _ W _ v_ -__ 7 2 cents per word; minimum 25c. llummmmmmmmmmmmmm m . '11 m 4 cums per wuru; nummum 106. Q 1$$m&m&&mm%$m%m%& I<%>X<>I<%>X %>B>$E ` . u A . p :1 vhll. vusll. -i Ald. Byrne, although disclaimimz, Iany other purpose` than to save the ?town money in taking -the action he idid, used the opportunity to attack [The Examiner again and drew a ,sharp reprimand from Mayor Little Eforhis statements. A`lAL--_-_L 41 -n -0 - ` - ___-_-- nu... v.-an-uvcxg CA` lonvetated any charges made, against it in connection. with an al- Bleged overcharge in the` printing of ,last year's voters lists, at the reg-' gular meeting of the Town Council, `Monday evening, when Ald. Byrne gas head of the `Printing and Adver- ftising Committee. endeavored to drop ;the matter without further action _iaft.er his attempt to pin a proteei-(i :ing charge on The Examiner ha ffallen throug . ' ' 5 ALI 'D...;.... -1L1..-_-.J I` ' ' """"" ( That no grounds were foam! for the charge against The 1. Barrie Examiner for overcharge on printing voters lists for I921." _ - By the adoption of the above` mo: tion, with only Aid. Byrne dissent- ing_.- The Examiner was denitely ex-' .-......-.___; onetated of- charges made, `No OVERCHARGE IS councuxs VERDICT Town Fathers. Exonerate The Examiner of Byme Allegations-. -,...._. ..-.... aJa\4\ll (Coginued on page 9) 4225 OOPIES PCHUUI C\|IlVllD UL QIIIIUVUO Basing his address of welcome at the afternoon session on the words` of St. Paul, I am a citizen of no mean city," Mayor Little dwelt brief- ly upon the social and civic instit- utions of the country, which, al- though not perfect, as yet, represent the best thought and ideals of the cit- izens. He urged the development of a sense of personal responsibility to these institutions and the encourage- ment of a community spirit on the part of the people. u1'Iunn`:l\U|nIv Inn 1-HA (`origins `in yarn UL VIII: llUUPlUu _ Educationally, he said, Canada-is one of the foremost countries in the world. Theposchools of Barrie are up to the standard of any in `the Pro- vince and are among the best-mam aged in the County. He was pleased to say that the trustees take an ac- tive interest in the work and are keenly-alive to. seize any opportun- ities for the betterment of the schools. 71:11, .__,,_._.I .L`._ A _1_I-_ EVIIVVIQO Mayor Little rapped the Adoles. cent School Attendance Act as being unjust to the taxpayers of the pro- vince and which had been made more unjust by a recent amendment tak- ing over $100,000 more out, of the pockets of the citizens. The heavi- est burden imposed by this Act, he contended, was on the poor man it was designed-to relieve. The Act, he maintained, had been put upon (Continued on page 18) Large'stock of wicker suitable for Christmas presents. Barrie Wicker- works, 91 Owen St. 46-48 A boon to Christmas shoppers. W. J. Johnson is giving up business and the large -stock of jewelry must be sold. Twenty` per cent. of! any art- icle over $2.00. - ' ` -tetra pouL'rnv'MAnK1_-:1` DATE A The concensus of opinion among Simcoe County farmers attending Barrie market on Saturday morning last was that Wednesday. December 20th, would be possibly the most suit- able date on whichpto hold the annual Christmas poultry market. A can- vass by The Examiner showed that date to be favored by the greater number. A few opined that Satur- day, December 16th, would be the better date but others held that it was too soon. The Wednesdaybe- fore Christmas would give plenty of time for shipping and would not be cutting the margin too ne, Thurs- day being possibly the latest shipping date advisable. - ' --_- The Assethvhlirv `I-I-`all-olnthe Colleg,` iate was` comfortably crowded for the afternoon meeting. Between twenty and thirty teachers were present, he- sides school trustees from the various school sections of Simcoe. ,,,_-. ,1 ---._1--..-_ -1. U!`-lll PSI WUTU; uummum 000- >'x<">x xoxox<>xox< vxoxoxoxc-xox-Avxc-"i The meeting on Friday morning consisted largely of _a Round Table discussion, general business and `sep- arate meetings of the three County Associations. Wm. Morris. Secretary- Treasurer of the Ontario Trustees and Ratepayers Association, was- the guiding spirit of this session. Among matters under discussion were the Adolescent School Attendance Act and the question of appointing an additional. inspector for` Simcoe County. Opinion on both points was I sharply divided and nothing of a de- nite nature was done by the con- _vention,. A committee on resolutions was appointed, consisting of Rev. A. ' L. Alton, Mrs. .Roberts, Mrs. Wig- ` gins, Mrs. McLeod, Miss Guest, Mr. Bertram. J. B. Buie. `Mr. Lawlor, Mr. 4 Morris, Mr. Balkwell and H. R. Wi1- . son . _ .. ,. .- -- 4 AA. ' A I . r6) awwww vs--1- mama. at -r 5 1!9!N_LiM!=TN1'5 E N. n .--_ ._ ___.---::-v---v----v-Iv pp 3 2 `cents per word: minimum 25c. & I &&Z&&&&& nV4S4gV4sV4&&&;1 J}! CClI`I- John Lawlor of I-Iawkestone, Pres- ident of the East Simcoe Trustees Association, occupied the chair at the morning session. Mrs. Todd of Or- illia, President of the Women's In- stitutes of the Dominion, presided at the afternoon meeting, and Rev. G. A; Brown, pastor of St. Andrew's Church, presided at the evening ses- 9. l; A I Concluding with the unanimous endorsement of a resolution that it be made an annual affair, the first Educational Convention of the Coun- ty of Simcoe, held under the auspices of the Ontario Trustees and Rate- ` payers Association in the Barrie Col- legiate, Friday last, was an unquali- ed success, and drew a representa- tive attendance " of school - trustees. teachers and others actively interest-1 ed in educational work from all parts of the County. An attractive and varied program had been arranged and a number of visiting speakers brought up matters replete with points for discussion, the convention being more than successful in its aim of inculcating an increased interest . in educational work among those present. Inlnn lnurlnv n'F I-Tnurllnufnnn pron- Simcoe Education Convention Will Be Made -Annual Event, I5 Plan. DISCUSS VARIETY O S- OE SCHOOL TOPICS Sho where you're invited. to `shop. 20 PAGES Aftrndon Session , 58 .x . $2.25 SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 (ill SOUVCIIUOIIIDC UL lll\ll-C UIIGII HVVCIIIIJJI eI s it economical, he asked, ``for` ratepayers or the Department to maintain schools with such `a low av- erage as I have noted, and at such .. Ann]; 9 i In 1903 no less than 58 per cent. of the school pupils of the province were attending rural `schools, and in 1920 this gure had dropped to but 40 per cent. -In the province, he pointed out, there are 212 rural schools with an average attendance of ve or less, 1020' schools with an average of ten or less, 2180 with f- teen or-less, 3315 with twenty or less and 2107 with an average attendance of more than twenty. Thus 61 per cent. of the rural schools of the pro- vince have `an average attendance of less than twenty and but 39 per cent.- are above this gure. Consolidated Schools It is not necessary that this condi- tion be allowed to continue, he said. Section 74 of the Schools Act per- mits school sections to make arrange- ments withother sections for the ed- ucation and transportation of their pupils. of this, he declared, because of the . large grants the province has been making to poorly attended schools. Mr. Karr suggested schools having an average attendance below a- cer- tain minimum be automatically clos- ed after a certain period. It would be `a better thing for the children themselves, he felt, as it is always difficult to ;maintain interest in a school but sparsely attended. lU'I"L A-A nu}. Luau. .\.-an-.6-3-1 Anna" Few have taken advantage, v VVII)_rn_ wyuvvs9_o ~ Mr. Karr s `address was replete witlii statistics and showed clearly `the problem which is at present con-, "renting the Department of Educa-I tion in the rural districts. He gave! startling gures concerning school , attendance in the province. In Sim-1 coe County, said Mr. ,Karr, there is; one school with an average attend- ` ance of three pupils, one with an av- erage attendance of four, two with an average attendance of six, two! with seven, `three with eight, six with . nine and seven with ten, making a total of twenty-two schools with ani average attendance of ten or less.$ There are four schools with an aver- `age attendance of eleven, two with' twelve, ten with thirteen, ten with` fourteen and twelve with fteen,i making sixty schools with an average ` attendance of fteen or less. Of thei rural schools of the County, he said, 108 have an average attendance of twenty or less and 102 schools havei an attendance of more than twenty. HT). 35. .... A./......I H I... ..}..1.....l MIA-` -The call` of the city, the growth of N the larger centres and their corres, ponding advantages have made ser-Q ious inroads_on the rural population! of the rovince, declared Mr. Karr. In the ounty of .Lambton he found a dropin population in nine out of . ten townships, a loss in all seven vill- ages and in two towns. Sarnia, a village nearby and the contiguous township showed an increase. This, he said, is characteristic of the pro- vince as a whole and the situation is reflected in school_ attendance figures. `A.-A B\1Il\l\II III-III DIIGII DCIJ QUVCIIUICIIQ There are two essential condi_ tions you have a right to demand in your schools, he said, and these are economy and efficiency. Economy does not mean parsimony, for one should not save at the expense of ef- ciency.ebut money should be spent carefully with a view -to results. Mr. Kart believed that the rural ` H The effect of rural depopulation 1 in Ontario upon the country. schools` formed the subject of an illuminat-l ing address by W. J. Karr, Director} of Rural School Organization for the} Province, at.the Friday afternoon! session of the County of Simcoe `Edu- cational Convention in the Barrie Collegiate, and resulted in the dis- cussion of a resolution that wherever; possible schools having an average: attendance of five or less be auto; matically closed and merged with; lothezf schools. - ` 1. c . nu. CONSIDER V PROBLEM E or RURALTSCHO0LS Two Simcoe _C<;u11ty "Schools i Have Average `Attendance % 4. Less Than Five. Preache1'"2:t-j't}1 e' -E;:7th Anniversary ; of Collier St. Methodist Church 3 [L25 5505 can cost?" 1` I (Eaiaig Si 55% iii REV. G. R. TURK sea. Ye M (CANADA, 'I(HURs15AY, DECEMBER 7,19 z2. f TWO BARRIE mums} ;SEEK NEW GROUPINGQ iAspirants fo1i'HIi1te1'mediate and I Junior Squads Begin 1 Training. . _ ' Barrie s junior and intermediate} hockey teams for the coming winters commenced training in the Armour-3 ies on Monday evening under the -direction of Cliff Brown, intermedi- ate manager,. and Jack Barr, in: `charge of the juniors`. Many of the? iaspirants for the places on the line-I ups are members of the local militia. Training will be carried on in the -Armouries until the ice forms. Qcsunlnru-tn.-`.457 vlllvna vans. av .a.v.-nu.n ! An effort is being made this year` to secure grouping with Huntsville r and Bracebridge in both intermediate and junior 0.H.A. series, this request being made to the O.H.A. grouping committee by the local hockey club this week. The train service will be more convenient for this groupingyl and it'is felt that a more successful season could be assured, Indications are that the intermedi-. ate team will present a strong line- up. Three of` last year s star jun- iors have passed the age limitand will be eligible for the big time stuff,I in the persons of Morley Livingston, Jack Armstrong and Herb Jamieson, while two new men are also onthe roster, Willows of Toronto and Har_ greaves of Haileybury. As for the ljuniors, there is-never a great deall of difficulty in lling -the ranks in that department. Several of last \year s squad are still on hand, he- sides a number of eager youngsters, who are just `rarin to go and shOw| their mettle. I onus ucaul LVL-\Jll1IDllIC3 WUCIL. The 0.H.A'. grouping committee will take up the matter of requests for new grouping tonight at a special meeting in Toronto. it ;1*'1i;bVe:-ii"'i: thet th-eveoiriing win- ter will see the _most successful sea- son in the history of the 0.H'.A. With the industrial revival more at- tention is being given to organized sport throughout the province and over 500 games are already sched- uled in the 0.H.A. `series. A special meeting- of the Town Council is to be held tomorrow even- ing in order to deal with certain by- laws coming before that 'body. I` :3 i\IoA`\n`n`n `Hal. -u`nL:nn:JA- -o: Aqua uvuuus HULVLU uuov UU\l | It is probable that plebiscites will be taken on the garbage collection and gtreet paving. At the opening of his address, Mn! iTurk referred in passing to his many; [close `friendships in Barrie, and re-| ggretted that, as time `went by, he "missed some faces from the congre- gation, but felt that, all in all, time was dealing gently with the most, {of us. He complimented the choir} ~and its leader, Harry Barron, on its | ipresent strength, and by other Ob-x (Continued on page 19) l | nanny. VA wvvilv ! ;"ort-will be made to. secure an exhibition game with some out- side team for Christmas week. "BL- I\T`I A` ._ gvu LB!lVllDVV IN Luc aypcan LU]; .Luuua'.! ` In the morning, Mr. Wellwoodi paid a tribute to the previous minis-7' 'ters of Collier St. Methodist Church `as well as to the lay workers, and! !rea_d a list of the ministers from the inception of the present church. The Morning Sermon Rev. G. R. Turk of Brampton, spoke morning and evening and his; powerful sermons were both uplift-`A ling and inspiring. At the evening 4 service, which was attended by mem_ ` [hers of the Central Methodist Church .` ;and their pastor, Rev. E. T. Douglas, ;` 1Rev. Mr. Turk took as his text Matt. }? }12:12, How much "better then is a?` `man than a_ sheep," preaching'_there- ?7 ;-from the message of man's immor-if ltality of soul. 31 A1. 4.1.. -.. .,-__4,1L!.,.1I,, In-.i v vvuo 1 Announcement was_ made by Rev. `H. E. Wellwood that contributions to: the thankoffering, for improvementsg to the church building, -had exceeded? all expectations, the original object-I! ive of $3000 having been passed.j The offerings now exceed $4000 and! ,it "is more than probable that -the? isurn of $4500 will have been raised; fbythe end of the present week. This; gwill form the nucleus of a fund for; iimproving the church. .It, isplanned fto redecorate the auditorium, im-5 gprove the exterior of the building} `and modernize the Sunday School, at; )8 total "cost of from $7000 to $9000.; %The `_ spirit of the congregation hash ]'been most encouraging, says the} `pastor, and the committee in chargeg, .'reports a generous and whole-heart-In led response to the appeal for funds. I; I 1.. +1.... ..........'..4. M- nr..n.-......i: comer st, Methodists Mark! '57th Year; Able Sermons 3 by Rev. G. R. Turk. f I The seating `capacity of Collier St. Methodist Church was taxed to the utmost at both Sunday services, the; occasion being the fty-seventh an-I niversary of the church and the be-{ ginning of the second year under; the present pastorate of Rev. H. E.` Wellwood. - GIVE om $4,000 pox ANNIVERSARY; HOLD SPECIAL MEETING E The entire country reminded mel {of nothing more or less than a shell-i yswept battle-eld, said Provincial `Constable Wm. Rich, 9 Peel St., who returned to his home in Barrie last `week-end after two months spent `on irelief service in the Temiskaming district. Constable Rich was des- patched to Cobalt `within two days after the disastrous conagration 01 -Oct. 15, a member of the staff of provincial officers sent to assist in l.the work of relief and rehabilitation, "and he was stationed for varying.per- iods at Englehart, Charlton,` Kene- bec, Heaslip, and in the Brentha .Va11ey. ` (U'D`I... .........L ..t LL- ....-@....2.... ..... ;v saw; u The worst of the- suffering ap- pears to be over, said Constable Rich, but the people are by no means settled down as yet. The ma- jority of them lost everything they had in the world, and, while every- thing has been done to render them comfortable for the time being, it will take some time -before they are on their feet again. | Tn-syu.\JnJ..l.. ..-4-.. 4-1.... A... f`-.. . vv awvu one Immediately after the fire, Con- stable Rich was stationed at Engle- hart, where he assisted in compiling lists of sufferers in need of relief, with accompanying details. He was stationed there for two weeks, after which he "went to Charlton in charge of the temporary relief work at that point. He returned to Englehar't, ,and was then sent to Kenebec, on the Elk Lake branch, where he assisted in the distribution of hay and fod- der to the farmers, whose animals were in danger of starving. Two tons of hay and three tons `of straw were allowed each head of cattle, to last them the winter. Some fty families were burned out in this sec- tion. Lumber was also given out to the settlers to` help them build new homes. Each man was allowed suf- ficient lumber to build a 20x16 shack, besides two doors, four win- dows, hinges and nails. Some were given marquees and tents for tem- porary shelter, where required. l\VIQ"l|`\,l'| D:n`n nnu'J J-I-nL LL- 2.... {BACK FROM RELIEF g SERVICE IN NORTH; pvLoLJ cnlulvvn, vv ILULC acqunxcu. Constable Rich said that the re suiferers were very grateful to the Ontario Government for the work which had been done in their behalf in rendering "quick and full assist- ance after the fire. The efforts of- A. J. Young, first chairman of the relief committee, and Inspector Pax- ton,- in charge of the provincial pol- ice on re duty, were highly com- mended on every hand. lf"n-.&-....J .. ..-..- ll\ g In addition to the above expendi-I tures, the County has to pay this year ,|to the Ontario Government 20 per , (Continued on page -17)_ '3 The Mothers Allowances is a new jliability, the cost of which is divided fequally between the County and the 'iProvince. At the June sessionythe ,iCounty s share of the cost for the "year 1922 was estimated at $23,000; iit is probable that the amount will not exceed $21,000. I i! Education Costs More I Education will cost the County `more this year than formerly, chiefly ebecause of the changes made in the ilHigh School and Continuation School sActs. which require that 80 per cent. iof the amount paid on account of in- iterest and retiring debentures on ac- [count of the building fund may be `charged to the costof maintenance, _thus adding to the per capita cost of jeach pupil. As the County has to pay ;for the maintenance of pupils living foutside the district in which school jis situated, the result is a larger iCounty contribution to schools hav- gmg a debenture debt. , p , . l Summing :up the expenditures un_ gder all the headings except Good |Roads, it is probable that there will be a surplus on Dec. 31 of $5000 to $10,000. ' ;fProvincia1 Constable w. Rich! Tells __of` AWbrkT in ; ' Expenditure on account of the ;fRegistry Office, Children s Aid `and fspecial grants will be larger,,but that ! for House of Refuge, Administration iof Justice, Gaol and Mothers Allow- gancesgwill be smaller than` estimated. .*The reductions will probably amount gto $5000 in the House of Refuge, ;$2000 in the Administration of. Jus- itice and $2000 in Mothers Allow-E I ; ances. I cm-:92 ' nu-in 1 ' County Treasurer Quinlan s ex-y planation to the County Council on Friday last of V the County's nancial {standing was a very satisfactory one, [showing as it did that the County is ;-not only free from debt but will have la substantial credit balance to begin 'the year 1923. The statement show- ied that the expenditure for the year [twill be well up with the estimates made in June. . v I - !Treasurer Quinlan Expects About $10,000 Surplus at End of Year. ' I l j IN HEALTHY srm comm FINANCES ' yu VA: CVVLJ unuuo (Continued on -page -7) Roads Expenditures Fire Area. Secretary Treasurer Morris, of the Trustees and Ratepayers Association, wanted to know if the ministers were urging religious instruction in the schools because the church had been remiss in its_ duty. Only fty per cent. of the Protestant pupils in Pub- Jic Schools attended Sunday Schools, he said, and the church has only twenty per cent. of its children at its services, according to authoritative` `statistics. The ministers don t get into the Sunday Schools, he declared. Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs and the Y.M.C.A. are doing the work the churches. were intended to do. ,M'rs. Todd 01" Orillia, presiding at the meeting, felt that the reason for the condition of "affairs outlined by Mr. Morris is the lack of Bible study in the schools. Various opinions were expressed from the audience by peo- ple of divergent views. One school ` teacher earned considerable applause by stating that Bible instruction was - taken up in the schools, a chapter of Scripture being read every morning before opening classes--"and this is more than a great many of the pupils Public School ` Inspector Garvinl urged caution in dealing with the? subject. There is a danger, he feIt, in making comparisons between the? I Iuvu k}'vII\I\IlD Inc culu. I I Separate and Public Schools on the lmatter. A Separate School is what; its name implies, separate, butaPub-I lic `School is public, a school for all.l Trouble would be caused if Protest- ant clergymen were allowed to ex- pound Protestant doctrines in Public Schools during hours when pos- sibly Roman Catholic children might be present. In S. S. No.` 6, Tiny, he said, nearly all the scholars are Roman Catholic. They were allowed part of the school day in which to take up French, but in- stead this had been taken for relig- ious teaching. As there are a num-l ber of Protestant scholars in the] school who were obliged to be in the classroom while this teaching was go-I ing on, it was found imperative tol order the practice stopped. | HT: ..... 5-1.- 51... ..:...1..A. 5.. 4....,.L J.'I....:.. . uLu\.L vnnu Auwvnuu ovvyyvuo If we gake the right to teach their children our religion, they will havei the right to teach our children their! religion, he warned. ` I 1).... `Mr- nn_:;.. .1-..-u.......a an...` 14-! fancy .2 to 60c % lL\4ll5l\lll any vv (lLll\a\lo . 9 3 Rev. Mr. White declared that he uwas not asking for the right to teach the Protestant doctrine, but for the right to teach the Bible. TIT- ...... ..1I...-.-..... .. ..............-.51.`- A... Lnsnny UV ucuvu UIAC JJAULC We are allowing a generation to grow up ignorant of the Word, he said. Our children are attending neither Sunday School nor church. v in an AD - .u I As it stands now, he said, thei statute is an anomaly. Eithex; re-E move it or change it. Mr. White; declared that when the statute per- ; mitted clergymen to give Bible in-1 "sanction after school hours, it infer"-' ~--~ a - - - v ~ - V - - - - - ' - - ' - "1 rod that this duty was expected of, them, and that a handicap was thus? 'placed upon them in performing the} work they are expected to do underf the Act. 4 wI`t`;;. being dohe in all the Separ-' ate Schools, he said. ` I)L'l:.. G,.L....`l 'l .........,.L-.. (`1.._.--:.. .. , Rev. Mr. White contended that the matter is at present receiving` some consideration throughout the province, the trustees in some towns,i notably Chapleau, Mount Forest andi Owen Sound, having already made this provision. Clergymen are allow-I ed to give Bible instruction at set periods during the school day and the |system has given great satisfaction! (ll, 9 - I The questionvof allowing ministers; of the Gospel to teach the Scripturesi to school children during school. hours was the subject of a spirited discussion at the afternoon session; of the County of Simcoe Educational: Convention in the Barrie Collegiate,E Friday, when Rev. T. R. White of , Cookstown moved that the conven-l tion ask the Ontario Department of Education to change the wording of ] Section 163 A1, permitting clergy-i men to give religious instruction `af-! ter school hours in public schools, to` read during school hours. I QBIBLE TEACHING 1 IN SCHOOL HOURS Simcoe Education Convention Defeats Move for Change ` in Statutes. I i 5 A I REV. H. E. WELLWOOD ;s Pastor of the Collier St. Methodist: ~ Church _; ii-L No. 49 (CIRCULATION -.u.. Ana avaucnucuus. Although the Printing and Adirer- ftising Committee s report that hav- ging carefully considered the question sgof an overcharge in the account .of siThe Examiner for the printing of I 5voters lists for 1921, and after hear- lling the explanation of Mr. Walls, iiand he declining` to make any rebate, lgwould recommend that no action be ,. taken. was duly adopted, it was not . fjallowed to pass unchallenged. Aid. -IC-oles introduced a motion, seconded l 3 P _~by Ald. Partridge. that no_g1-ounds Fiwere found for the charge against .iThe Barrie Examiner for. overcharge .!on printing voters lists" for.1921." r This motio_n went through against the objection of Ald. Byrne. 1171...... A1,: 11.1.. NA 1 L. 0. L. 450. Ivy, will hold their Iannual At Home in Ivy Orange Hall, lFriday, Dec. 15. ; 49x Christmas Tree at Nantyr School, at 8 p.m., on Thursday, Dec. 14, 1922. Admission, adults 25c, Children 15c. 49c The Churchill Presbyterian Suna day School will hold a Xmas enter- tainment on Friday evening, Dec. 22. 46-49;) A shooting match of geese and turkeys will be held at Midhurst vill- age, Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 1 pm. lsharp. 49p Wednesday, Dec. 20, 7.45 p.m.--- Salvation Army children s entertain-M ment and Christmas tree. Tickets, 10 cents. 49-50c Don't forget the dance on New i'Year s night in Odd Fellows Temple, Collier St., under auspices I.0.0.F.v iand Rebekahs. j 49-51c Come to the Mission Circle bazaar in Collier St. Methodist S. S. room, Dec. 9. Dainty afternoon tea served andehomemade candy sold. 49c Don t forget the Methodist Christ- mas tree to be held on Dec. 19 in Stroud Methodist Church. Good pro- gram being prepared. Admission, 25 cents. 49-50c l'I\I., (\_1___A', , A The Salvation Army is putting out the old-fashioned Christmas pot next week. They hope the public will re- spond, as funds collected are to be used for Christmas cheer for poor families in this town. , 49):" Come to Central Methodist Bazaar in S, S. rooms, Friday, Dec.,8, after- noon and evening. There will be aprons, fancy goods, handkerchiefs, novelties, candies and homemade baking tables. Afternoon tea served. Everybody welcome. 47-49c Dr.iClarence, M. Hincks of Toron- to, specialist in child welfare and mental hygiene, will give a lecture in the Public Library Hall, Barrie, Friday, Dec. 8, at 8 p.m., on Child Welfare and the Problem of Mental Defectives, under auspices of Social Service Council of Barrie. At the close of Dr. Hincks address, meeting will be addressed by Miss Jessie For shaw of Toronto, official.` organizer for the Victorian `Order .01 Nurses. Everybody invited. Admission free. Persons concerned in the training or teaching of children are especially urged to be present. ; 496 i The motion was nally put to a vote and lost by 23 to 19, the pre- gvailing impression appearing to be lthat the principle had been thorough- ly discussed before going on the stat- ,utes and that resolutions requesting` a change would be of little avail un- gless forming part of a widespread Ecampaign. nus. uu_y1:\.vAuu UL .-uu. Dyrne. . When Ald. Coles motion was pre- isented, Ald.'Byme was on his feet in an instant. ( Al`! _I 9 ,; I0 I -1 ----- sun on A A A : A-)U(lIllao I I object. he said. The motion `is uncalled for. Your standing com- [mittee has dealt with it, the report `has been adopted and fy}ed. T lII-__A9__,, J can say. about their homes, E added. A .- wwwwmwwwvrmvnwm g:oM1Nc VENTS nnnfa nap nun-Ac an:-.3-nu-.5 OK- _.0THS