nvux.y auu Lllub WEIS Illegal- The Legislation Committee was asked to report upon the question of license fees for pedlars. Davey Thompson s Money On motion of Couns. Thompson Men s Sna-gplgoof Rubbers,_ 4-eyelet, with full bellows tongue, double Redman sole, solid" heel; also in 2- buckle $3.20 \J\II-AIIIIJ Alvuoulclu Davey. Thompson is a colored man who used to bring to Barrie jags of wood for sale. Finally he got in such poor shape that he was sent to gthe House of Refuge in 1916. His [outt was sold for $79`and the money [deposited with the County Treasurer. I rm...-.. 1:\:..1...... 1..,.1:..-.....a 4.1.. .g....... and McKinlay, the Finance Commit- tee was ordered to_ consider the ad- visability of ' paying over to David Thompson the sum of $79 with inter- est held in trust for him by the` `County Treasurer. I I6`!-'\.`......J! 'I'1L............. :_ _ ..-1_..-.1 .,:vqu..v.-u "Ayn Inn: \JULlllU.y .LLcaa|.u.cL. Coun. Fisher believed the money q:uvu.u':. Dr. `Phee of Alliston was appointed to the High School Board of that town in place of Dr. Hill, resigned. I` Would Add to . County Roads 5 On motion of Couns. Rowe and Coleman, the Roads .and Bridges Committee was asked to consider; "taking over the road _east fromi Cookstown to the Penetang Road as a County Road. u:.vL:.1ouu WCIU IJEISSBU. Grants to Continuation and High Schools were passed as follows:-- Creemore, $381.82; Midland, $110.- 21; Elmvale, $901.96; Newmarket, $205.34.T ' Printing ; `The Printing Committee recom-`' `mended the paymentof accounts as :follows: Barrie Examiner, $21; Ad-1 "Vance, $183.50; Orillia Packet, $26. `It also recommendedethe acceptance of tender of Collingwood Bulletin for certain supplies to Registry office. ,= Education I Accountsiof $27.50\from C. L. T.: McKenzie and $41.85 from'J. E.. Morrison were passed. r11!nh+a J-n f`A.~L3.......L3-_- _._ I -I-rt -I Iunanls nu. an 111: c2u.1'a WUI`K. ' The same committee was request-l ed to consider appointing `an assist! {ant to the caretaker of the (court? :house. _ _ __ _ vn..u.5uu ua. xv: apcuuulg. ' I Coun..'Thompson had known Da- vey" since boyhood and he was quite sure he could look afterithe money. When at the House of Refuge he had more than earned his board. Mr. Thompson wanted him . to get a` square deal and nothing__more. Court House Caretaking The County Property Committee was requested to consider granting- some remuneration to County Mess- enger Beardsley for extra work done in connection with the renovation of u the court house 0 -`~[7______ q-. ,o I` _- _ an. uuvnauuuu U1 DGE UGJS. - Coun. Moore said the Council xed` the license at $200 about 1908 but reduced it to $50, it being claimed` that the fee was practically prohib- itory and thus was illegal. ` Thu T.nnn'n1nJ-{An ('`........!A..L__ , if fun; pyuxu uuuac. I Warden Banting Said Mr. Beard- isley was. certainly entitled to some- thing for all hisextra work. ` rjn N R W A A A _ . _ _:LA.- . - ' would /be dissipated rapidly and thought someone should be given an oversight of its spending. T ("nun "l`hnnana,w. 1..."! 1 .... ..... uh- I Communications PLAN NOW OPEN PRICES: $2.20, $1.55, $1.10 AND soc. TOP TUESDAY, DEC. 2 Yeaninliiigrk - .re.;';;T5. 000,000 I Year in London -' `Played to 51, 000, O0 0 I \"earln'Chicago -` Praised by Every Critic FLYING THIS WAY Wagenals and Kempr ` I ('3<:ucr;'.'Carmichael advocated doing away with the pedlarsf licenses; also the abolition of tag days. (`nun Mnnvn nah! 4.1.... I1 ____ An c__;,1. om; NIGHT ONLY pres ent F. 55. IBM: uierx untu the end of 1922. At the close of Tuesday` after- .noon s session, Judge Vance briefly addressed the Councilp He compli- mented the members on the improve- ments made in the court house and` hoped that the maintenance would be well looked after. a License for Pedlars At the opening of Wednesday af- M ternoon s session, Coun. Wilcox en-| quired as to license fee for hawkers ' and pedlars. He understood that the fee is $50 in Simcoe and $150 in Peel.` T 1. I` u - ---- Coun. Moore replied that the grant was not conditional upon free treat- ment for patients from this county. Judge Vance, the County, Treasur- er, the County Clerk and Councillor Moore were appointed a committee to consider the purchase of books re- quired by the several county o icers ; to see if some way cannot be devised of buying them more economically. 1 Registry Office Needs `Warden Banting, on behalf of the i Registrar, called attention to then need of -repairs to floors and lighting system and also greater accommoda- tion for records. Mr. Sanderson said i be had been before the committee` several times and did not feel like ` coming again. - Paid. for Balance of Year V On motion of Couns. Fisher" and Patterson, it was ordered that Mrs. Fletcher be paid the salary of the late Clerk until the end of 1922 I A+ H... ..i...... -4- m.--_:-_- --- Men s Snagproof Rubbers, solid heel, double.Redman sole, in black and tan grain leather, waterproof top, Dominion Brand-- . 15-in. leather top, $6.35 12-in. leather top, $5.35 7-in. -leather top, `$3.90 . Think of the hard use they will get `when you wear: them. Think of the frozen ground, the snag-lled puddles, and all the other things thatput them to severe test. - Dominion Brand Rubbers and Overshoes are made to stand the hardest sortof service. They're the. best kind for yo_u to own. They -cost no more than other makes. ` T T T ' wuss] uu uua uaual, Iulputblllll: WUYII. I would also like to point out that the Simcoe Foresters ispa county or- `ganization-your regiment--and of whose past achievements I have no doubt every one of you is justly proud. We appreciate the substan- tial interest taken in it by you and if the grant asked for is made I as- sure you it willbe thankfully receive` ed and faithfully applied. 'Muskoka Sanitarium I 4 Count. Devlin of Penetang enquir- .1 ed if free treatment for county pa- tients was not understood when the ` $10,000 grant was given the Muskoka Sanitarium last June. Charges for ` a poor man who went from` Penetang this year had been billed to the mun- ` icipality. Previously this had not been done. a p Be Sure 01 the Rubbers or Overshoes you buy M'en_ s Pre Gum Rubbers, 3-eyelet, double sole, solid heel, Dominion Brand A- .__.