Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1922, p. 12

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FARM FOR ~SALE`--l60| acres. Tp.'Sunn1- dale. lot, 17. con. 4, clay soil;-bank barn 55X80 with stabling underneath; straw and hay barn soxso; brick "eneer 8-room house; furnacein cellar; framekitchen and wood-shed; hen house; pig.pen ; drive shed: two flow wens; 16 acres fall wheat orchard ; about 40 acres seeded; 6 acres bush; bal-;4 ancet tillable; convenient to church and school. This farm is in good state of cul- M tivation, Jag. `Dowdall, New Lowell, phone 102 r 3. Greemore. . ~ 4_7-62p Pxlll.-cC\l qunuuuuug bu UV!-:1 :prJUU. The junior and senior departments' of-the Citizens Band had their first! practice together last Monday night. when thev played in excellent stvle Handel s Largo and March Mili- gtaire No} 1" bvgschubert, under the ltlinsanl-inn n-I-' `D...A...-..L..._' -.I-.-_L-,. acuu=I..a1'y pro cem- _ ' I At a recent meeting of the Boy Scouts. the following gentlemen wereelected (to. the committee for ;the coming year:-`-- J. F. Jackson Qlchairman). D1'_..R. J. Sprott, D. J. .Reburn, C. R. Kendall, Rev. A. R.i IBeverley (chaplain), C. W. Holmes, ` (scoutmaster), N. J. Eade (assistant- ? scoutmaster) . - I ' A ~,)..,.:..1..,.'I _._---.,- , V I - 9 E Iuvvo o_u.|.c` ~ A .fair-sized audience enjoyed: Rev; N. H.'McGi'llivray s lecture in; iSt. Andrew's Church on Th'er Big. g'est'Hole on Earth. Tuesday night. It abgunded in wit and humor andi ithe stories were told in the speaker s' linimitable style. Al .. ....._L:.... _n L`. in 11- van uulallluclulc auytc. ` At a meetingof the Public Lib-g rary Board, Monday night, Fred {Mart tondered his resignation as a imember of the Board, much to the ,regret of his associates. For 34 years! |Mr. Marr has been connected with? [the Board. Mr. Ord was appointed i secretary pro tem.. AL n .....-.....L ...,.-a.:.___ .10 .1 rm 1 I I . u ;. LIVAKQJQ ,.' ` John Murphy was in Niagara-on-I the-Lake last week attending" the; funeral of his uncle, the late James McGreevy.~, `The` deceased was sev- 'enty years of age and was born on {the; ninth of Innisl. -, - | I 17..--.. -_I-- I .|Inv u uuuscuu an uau. nccuull _. '-LOCI I on Friday. Dr. John Waugh and w._.. Mop! zis of the Ontario Educa;tiorial_Assoc-| iatidn are to -address the Barfie Ki- wanis Club at its weekly luncheon` 1'..l.... mr......1._- -____ 3.. Jr- w`1;..'r51ot`; I:e1:J'cs`i'ig;nit:l.y used Bell piano! at a bargain at J.aG. Keenan's, 48c . I I . T" has Tn)... 1!T...`....I.. ......:I 117 vur -n:_,. I I W931` "*'B'aptist_ Sunday .School[ scholars are preparing a cantata, The Story -of the Star, to be given on the ev- Eening of Dec. 19. ~ A......a.L.... '_1:_.I.;.1__ __.,, J n I- '\Jvo a, ucvvcau Ipluucxa, IUW yucca. 460 i Keenan & Kennedy carry a com- .plete line of Apex double-sidegl re_- cords. at 65 cents each. 48c .Mrs;.J. Buckley}. 81, Worsley St; is having a private sale -of V furniture. Call afternoons or evenings. ` 48c . See Keenan Kennedy for,Xmas papetries. Best assortment in town.| - \ ` 48c An orchestra has been organized .for `St. Andrew's. Sunday School, un- gder the leadership of Bandmaster `Sylvester. o .`.1)....4.:..L a._.__1--_ n,u, 1 u u . "See J. G. Keenan about anything .. musi 48c Sa1t's"'plush_ coats at Simmons & C033, newest'r_node1s,'l0w prices. 48c i .I(nn'nnn Ry Yannnacv an... .` ....... FOR SALE-~safe. cash register; showcases. electric` fixtures,_l0.0-- ice cream chairs, for sale, cheap, at` Barrie Fair S`ore. 48p --..... %__iT___.____j___ Z - I t\lI A I nu-In-cg 5 Adan (thi; colunn,,4 cents word :|:Iu:-u:- :2 -I-u2-ug-u Aua.. In this colI.mn,,4 word I l_.0_ CA_L NEWS MUSIC RECITAL A` ; THE BARRIET EXAMINER 1 l_._ .._. ...._,.......-. uculalcu out: pnsucucr. n`|' Remembering the happy past does not`: helfit for the future; it may hinder. Too les many are resting onpast performance. To' iv- stay in the past. magnificent though its on achievements, and_ to think that God. has no new revelation`_is -a great mistake. Those [e_|w_ith this View are immyare of the great 5 fsween of social passion into our Church. `.c_,__of the great missionary spirit that has 3'7` created, world-wide sympathies, giving a 1`- new relation to God." ` :n~ In ..........L:.. ......_.J.. u_, , `I _ H15. ' Born in Pickering township. near Whit- by, Nathan Black Johnstoncame to Barrie ` about fifty years ago to take a position in ` the post office under the late James Ed- wards. -From there he joined the firm of W. B. Capon & Co.. paints and oils. and in a few years bought out the business. Later he took into partnership F-reds N. ;Warren, who continued with him until the latter s death. His only son. Ralph. grow- ing to manhood, was taken into the firin but he, too, passed on and was buried- just three years ago to-day.` Mr. Johnston had not beeh in the -best of health for `several years. having suffered a severe in- `jury. to one hip by a fall from his bicycle nine` years ago. This, coupled with the great loss sustained by the death of h-is son. caused Mr. Johnston to retire from business ` and he -sold out to C; W. Flynn the follow- ' I ing year. ` i U. Inna +...:..... .;......:...x I.:.. r:.'.'_'. ,__:r-, L , us -- vvvulvvi VII . Nathan B. Johnston, who was associated with the business life of Barrie for nearlv half a century. `passed away in Toronto on Wednesday, Nov. 29, in his 80th year.- He. was seized with a weakness of the heart on Tuesday night and died the next morn- ing. D--- 1.. D2-I-__!__ LA_,__rl? ` "'- F0R.V-\LE-.~Hawaiiun steel guitar. prac- tically .pew; Splendid instrument $25.00 cash. Apply to Box 965. B:u'r~ .e. 4811' mnunulc, uuu AIIGCPSOH at 1101118. I The funeral took place on Wednesday, at 2 o'clock to Craighurst Anglican church , and. cemetery. Rev. Mr. Herman conducted` the services. ` V.-. .. ........... uu uuuuuoanuu 44 UI vuoplu. Q The late Mr. Spence leaves. beside his `wife, a family of ten, eight girls and two boys: Mrs. Percy Thompson of Craighurst; Mart-ha of Toronto; Mrs. Wm. Straghan of Edgar; Lavela. of Toronto; Myrtle, Lorna. Goldie and Evelyn at home; Eldridge of Elmvale, `and Anderson at home. I A fnnrol fnnlr inlnnn an 177-J----`A-- v----v vi |-IvVh- i An old and much respected farmer of Vespra passed away on Friday. November '27, in the person of John Spence.- The` kleceased was `born at Dalston, was in his I I '6lst year and up till the time of his death `was a farmer on concession 2 of Vespra. i Tho Ian. M . Q ---- -A l ---- - '-- " " MISS EMMA HORNSBY Emma Elizabeth Gentille Hornsby died = su(lclenly in Simcoe; Norfolk Co., on Novem- _ber 26. iu her 55th'year. She was born in iQueensville. For`-a number of years she was a resident of Barrie. Her mother died a few months ago. The funeral took place ,from the Toronto train on Wednesday imorning to Union Cemetery. Rev. A. R. `Beverley was the officiating clergyman. I Udl IIULUY. ! Special anthemsvwere given at both ser- .vicesMby the choir of thirty-two voices and solo_s were contributed by Miss. Victoria Strange. Miss Effie Dobson and Ray.Hoov-I er. ` Liberal bollectidrxs were takqnv and it is iexpected that the $600 asked for will be [realized. ' _ _ -..- .- - - . .A._, .. uuu. uc ucuuucu. n i In conclusion, he appealed to his hearers gio get vas:ex'" ideas; to be filled with Voptimism; to pray not for easier tasks ._but for stronger life; to strivg gm` the !fullest development of spiritual `life and ' character. I Q_-_:_.I , .1 ' ` - , - - .- 5- ' I IIIIEHII I IIIIIIIII r ' ' . .l - nnl-rn . nu I! Hi ucpl an S1 llibla FBSUTE. ' He called upon the Christian Church to make itself felt in this period of world- recfmstruction. The world s salvation 'can' only be by the spiritual quickening of .lhc membership of fhe Churcl} of Jesus l'Christ everywhere." he declared. l I l FOR. SAlv.Fr~-25 cord of mixed wood, 16 inches long, Sold on the ground as owner has ~no-horses. Apply Gordon Henderson, Midhurst. 4A7-48 .... .v.... nuunuvuuallvc un ayuuuul power. Dr. Chown made a strong plea for inter- gnational arbitration, urging that people [be not plunged into the `horrors of war, ex- I icept us a last resort. I ! I-In n..II....l .... ._ LL. 1' ' .' HI I uovv Lcuxuuu bu U00. ` In graphic words the speaker pictured the .h'gh ideals actuating the people during the `war am] the superb sacrifices both at home ianii at the front to maintain these lofty ,ideals; and how the King of Glory rode iinto our national life." fknb 4-..--- _A' LLf,r u n. n -- What traces of this are left now? Have ,we not the stuff to find in us the. moral `equivalent that would take hold upon us today as it did in war? It is time Chris- tian people regarded it as their duty to ght-materialism fearlessly and to strive -`for the maintenance of spiritual power. nr (`Runny ......l.. .. ..n..~.--- --L- 1` ' - Uuuu ulu uuuuuzu me. 1 vvuuu :3 trump: ` In the evening. his subject was, "The, Conversion of a Pmsimist into an Optimist. his text being Psa. 77: 10. The Psalmist had been self-centred, with a narrow view of` lifep To get a vision of God's great. ;plans and works is a complete` cure for lpessiniism. Instead of `barking back tol Iformer experiences and his selfish ideas.| `the Psalmist learned that both he and his . nation must be born into a larger con- 'ception of life if they would fulfil their part. Prayer without. vision does not get us anywhere declared "the preacher. 5 i Ilonuanul-an-:n.. `L. L.._..,, - ! Very succesful anniversary services were held by the Central Methodist Church last Sunday; For `the occasion the congrega-I tion was honored by the presence of Rev. Dr.` Chown, the able Superintendent of Canadian Methodism; who delivered two gowerful messages. In the morning the hurch was well filled, while for the even- ing_ service, in which Collier St. joined. chairs had to be brought in to accommoda'.e the overowing congregation. ` D1`. nl'|nwn'e l'I\l\l|v\:r\:- cL---- - uuc uvuruuwulg congregation. Dr. Chown s morning theme was v"Truthj. based upon -Pilate's query, What is truth?" 1'... LL- -.`.--~- , _jj__._--_-._--. SPIRITUAL Powm % % IS GREATEST NEED `Church Must Be Quickenedi for World s Salvatio, : " I Says :D_r. Chown. OBITUARY N. 3. JOHNSTON l(1LV\Il'Jll|J I11.` I-1 I. UILAV II D ll` Pl`! Ul'1IJEJ""' Also Russet apples, 83.00 Vbbl.' Phone 605:6. '47-52p JOHN SPENCE uuu- uuucu ulul 11011 It was_ his will. Yet in our hearts `He liveth still. God. called him home If 1-nun `Hg -93,` `In loving memory of Gunner Thomas ` fred Looker, who died in jbxford, Eng- ` land, Dec. 3rd 1917. - ` Just a thought of sweet remembrance From a memoryfond and true; g Just a token of affection And a longing still for you. When the shades of night are falling And I am sitting all alone, Tharp nffnn llnrnoa n lnnn:....,, n;:u 1 sun album; an MODE, There often comes a long1ng--- If you only could come home. 48? I- (T)0LE-~In loving memory of Satiie Poole, who died Dec. 3, 1918. ` ' FURNITURE by private sale. Apply Mts. J. Buckley, 81 Worsley St., afternoons and evenings. - 47-48c . T he{ greatest motion THE ODOR/5? "Her First Love" -4ALso- '2 ROUND 3 pg ff'.rHE LEATHER PUSHERS THURS., nu, SAT., IN MEMORIAM CONSTANCE BINNEY --IN-- V M;Father`, Mother and Family. - bpposma THE POST or-*1`-`1c:%1-2 ---- `r--l\lL-I (Entrance through Crossland s Druglstdre) Mail orders sent to J. G. P. O. Box 555, will rgceive prompt attention. :- MANGELS AND TURNIPS [FDR Alan Panama} nnnhw `R (10 `RBI This wcvmderfu-1 Christmas now on sale at ---Mother, Father, Brothers. - A PICTURE THAT WILL GRIP YOU _g,% KEENAN S * A NEW SONG At the Regular Prices, 15 and 25 cents THE BEST ROUND YET Don t miss this picture No raise in prices--` 15 and 25 cents GET YOUR sEAf; COMING DESI. 7, 8, 9 FOR ~S.\I 1E- Beautiful new fume oak `IJ..I..a-... 2 U. . ......L 'Ql!E .._!II .II 2-.. THE i3A'r SEATS SELLING `FAST 35 Postp'_a.id. picture the world has ever `seen __ .-.., -..... emuusxumong the parties en- ltitled thereto, having regard only to claims `of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at Barrie th}s 25th day of Novem- jbexf, A.D., 1922 . ' . `ant!-Ar---~-- ` eir claims, duly verified, and the nature of the curity, if any, held by them, and that tor said date the-Exec- utors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate Lamongthe parties titled in` n.L!..L LL~- ' " ' ` -Since you ' Sleep ou,_ We loved ; .v_. .a VIZJIIIUKD Notice is hereby given that all creditons and others having claims against the estate lof Clara A. King, late of the town of Bar- ! rie,/ in the County of Simcoe. spinster, de- ceased. are required on or before the 93rd Of nlifhknry 1003 L- ` ' I1. 0%. FOR SALE--Good secondxahd cutter. Ap- ply 24 hgulcaster St. `46-48c ,.mu--m Iovmg men mother,` Mrs. Sarah away in the R. V. December 4th, 1921. `no Iynnu L-- _. J\l\l vvclu 08.1180 away. , ep on,.dear -mother. take th rest, you here, but God loved best. --Sadly missed by Daughter Maude. = -._.. -`troll! way. ` i is not the same to me . were called away. .dear -mnthms +..v-- AL` loving memo Mrs. Sarah R3. 0-..: ballad is -5 umulory 01 m .' d , S '`h 3981'. whoypaszg Hosnital n.....:.. T on 2, to send by post pre- 3 the undersigned at Citof fnr ooh` ....L..L- DWIDISJI UIUl`Jt1.Wl PUIV B each mornmg. Phone 652. u, mother vvu so well, cmnrl Mae Leaf paint: nishes, etc. W. A. I niture dealers. oo Thursday, Nnvfi 1922 CHEVROLET CAR for aalc. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Box 593. 48p FOR SALE 0RlRENT-~150 acres. lot 18. .. con. 7. Ems, l25'ucres under cultivation; 80 . acres heavy clay. 29 in wheat. 42 seeded `down; 12 acres hardwood bush; `all plowing done. Two sets of buildings. including a -new hum. Owner has grown 60 acres clover on farm for past three years. Good well. never-failing spring. well fenced and all lcohveniences. Pricedo sell; possession- to suit purchase-;'.'Apply [Walter Smith, Utopia. Ont. - 48p N. "5 X 1- hi: ` Q`@`',".`:,`.{`a . MKAQV Pb Wise men zmdww found preparimr ness prosperity ing. As you are, business educ-min is worth whilo very best availzxb You. will get ROYLI We have our of Cleaned Valencia. Seedless Fresh Mix S11e11e1 A Shelled \\ Preserved Caraway Cam Xmas ' Ca ml 3" Pure "Maple Pure Clover r] w@4 STOVE FOR SALE-Cheap, station heater, good as now. Hub Boot Shop, Barrie. 44tfc com: T0 3` Attend a G H115 [Built ()1 to its Present Quality Sen Phone . 26 Elizab Busin4 .1 uu. \;.'uIrr*'~ur1uuuuul uuw xuuu: Utlli Heinfzxmm piano; cost, $665, will all for 3375. Apply I32 Bradford St, 46-51p CREAM WIOKER baby carriage for sale. Phone 9311. . 48c SWEET QREAM FOR SALE. `Delivered ...\..L .....-.-......... Y)L..'._.. A20 A1 10. LE. BABY CARRIAGE for sale'--Apply to 110 Elizabeth Street. _ I 44tfo WAN'I'ED~-Two comfortable - rooms by olderb lady, fortwinterg suitable for light housekeeping. Apply Box H" Examiner office. V 48p BOARDERS WANTED---by `day. or week. 77 McDonald St. ` i V ' 47-52p ROOMS T0 RENT, furnished or uufurnish-* ed. 23 Owen St., phone. l86_.- 48-49p he cent a word, each, each "insertion (minimum charge, 25c); six insertions for o price of four. 10 canto extra when ; also 10 cents extra when replies are directed toiExaminer'o ice. V ll-10101010101014 -xoxouoxnvxoxng : FARMS FOR SALE~- North half lot 20. con. ll, (12th line). Innislil. 100 acres; in good state of cultivation; Al buildings. Will sell stock and equipmeiit with farm. Also north half lot 26. con. 11 (12th line), pasture farm; this property will be sold separate or altogether. `For further particulam apply W.. J. Cowan on lot 20,_ or Allantlale. R. R. 1. - 47tfo j g&$$m$%&$$&&$&| [ILD'S CU_ I"I`ER with cover for sale. one 358 E , 48p Page Twejv ADLET COLUMN ` F a rfms F or Sale Rooms and .'\Ill L`f\Lll'J-'_U\'l green or dry. 4 `Hold: TI. 1 For Sale IJUU VUIUU 41-42p-tfc OR RENT-~15O arm 7 mean `OK-nan...-. ......l..._ -.-lL!--J SALE-- `IL-.. A'l4-year`-old Eaathampton, Mass.. boy was seriously burned wvhilmtrying to imi- tate fin-eating stunts he had seen in movies, , STRAYED from the premises of under? signed. about November 1, three {two-yearn old cattle with horns; and seven three- year-old dehorned cattle; hole punched in} Arigh* ear. H. Leadlay. Cookstown. 48~49p' STRAYED onto lot letter D; con. 4, Qrol Township. C_rown Hill, about a month ago,f one` red steer. Owner mayhave same byi` proving property and paying expenses. John Kenny, Shanty Bay, R. R. No. 2. 46-48pi l own-no----d. V STRAYED to lot 6. cop. ll. Vespra, about the middle of Oct-.. one white sow. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Robert A.- `Murphy. Minesing. R. l. ' 48p lSTRAYED from lot 7. con. 6. Vespra, 21-!` l bout Sept. lst. red heifer with white spots land brand in left ear. Finder notify Mrs. !;J. E., McLean. Anten Mills. , 48-49p I I nuuuens "uargo" and "March Mili- GLASSES I.OST--Between Stavner and No. u_nder _ .. Ba1`I`ie- 731` in 3813158. 0!! S3 tIH`d8y- Kindlyidirection of Bandmaster Sylvester.. lgave at O. R. R.usk s, Barrie, and receiv.It 'is- expected that these joint pmc "d' - ' .489 tices will be held _ once a month or, :S'I`RAYED lot,` 7:` con.__ Ye_sApra.A 1- 5 fteer- ~ I L,._L (1-; . A -NICEKCOMFORTABLE brick house to l.. Inf A" run:-`nun nnI\Ivnn:nnnnn ..n..L....II-. BRICK_ HOUSE TO LET. 1 6 nnnnnnnnnnnn An .`_....L:-..ll-. Lluuc 49p. F.-XRM __I-`OR SALE--Lut 33, Con. 9,'Essa,-I 185 .~cx"e.s of good clayjoaml. ` Large` frame hn\L~'(_- and large excellent barn. equipped with s`mnch':nns.` Spring creek running- through farm. On town line, 'six miles` from Barrie; One mile from railway sta- tion. . _ppIy to `Mrs. -M. L. Tuck, Barrie R. R.f~2`. ' 44-49p" n nnuxuluuxvsrunxznnun L)I'lCK nouse 50 let. All modern conveniences, centrally lo- cated; possession immediately. Apply 19 Vespra St. 48p _ IHALL TO RENT for entertainment, com-5 5 pletely furnished. including piano, chairs] and kitchen utensils: Apply -to B. D.} O'Neill-. 48c E` aJL.uA\lJ.l sa.vuLJ1.`J LU 11131. U conveniences, practically new, Dan RH1 Arnnlv `Ind Qnnldn Qt . TO RENT--Four unfurnished rooms in private house with garden and garage, ' central location". Applv Bgx S ' Ex- aminer. ._ 48p uux Lxxuuvuunu vv 1.nJ.I`UUJ. 1.1:. UUU.l\- | ERELS--Will sell reasonable. 138 Peel St. or 24 Mulcaster St. 4 47-49c i : ` :-:- SIX THOROBRED WYAI-DOTTE COCK-, `laWDlNQ__ ll ....ll ....-..........l..I.. 100 n__I V |SOW AND LITTER OF PIGS FOR SALE. p I ghnnuhun 121.1"... ' A0-A BEAUTIFUL PONY for sale aixd carriage! to be sold at sacrifice as owner is going? laway; Box 938. V > 48p l FOR-SALE -- Sevenroom brick house, all ~ ! conveniences, new furnace, newly decoratedc all thrjough, large let, hen house, garage? must be sold. Bargain price for quick sale. ' 213 Bayfield St. - 47-49p U\lVV FILVIJ IJLLLIIIIV U1` J P. J. Shanahan, Edgar. .. .. ._................_...._..._..._....__.__.-...--.'. I FOR SA-LE--One hundredacres farm land;! twenty-fi_\'e cleared, and `well cultivated;i remainder in bush land. Good frame house and out buildings. Lot 18, con. 13. Innisfik Apply R. A. Carr, 148 Toronto t. Bar- rie. 46-481 1' nuns;-uuznuxzuu .I.u.u.U1\ HJUUDD 10]" Sale. Seven rooms, all conveniences, nice location. See this one before you buy. Apply J, R. Reid. Brown s Bakery. 48tfc I YORKSHIRES"'---Young snows. and two choice litters. S`. `V. Jones, Oro Station . 48p FOR SALE stor 22x_7_o in ....:A...Ll.. D-.. ..._..-..._ l.`\ILN DFIIJIJJ DBUIU 6A`lU Ill suitable for grocery busmess. J. Tuck. _A ` HOUSE FOR SALE-:-Seven-`room brick,` large bright rooms, all conveniences, sun- room, 'hot water heating; best residential` part-of town. _ Box>274, Aurora. 46e48g' YOUNG MARRIED MAN of good habits; good education; two years` xperience in- grocery store; used to horses; willing and` able. to work in any respectable business.` Apply ttlthis office. -' 49p `SEMI-lQ)E'I`ACI-IEDV BRICK C WAN'I`ED-Highest market price paid for oats, buckwheat, rye, peas and beans; also. for red clover aw alsike seed.` J." V. Brett, !, 3 phone store 65 nights and holidays, 65J.' - - 46-51c 1 HOUSE WANTED--New or nearly newl 7-roonied brick house situated in the west end. ` Write,` giving price and partic- ulars tn `Rnsr I-P." l'1`.1-nminnrxnl-`an Agnw FURS AND HIDES _Wanfed--Highest price! paid. Phone or write H. Levit, Barrie, Phone 384. ~ ` 44-49p FARM FOR SALE-Con. 9. lot 2, Innisfil. 1;"miles from Thornton; 1,4 mile from school; 100 acres clay loam; 10 acres in hardwood bush; frame house; bunk barn; driving shed and garage. Apply Mrs. Al- fred Wice. 30 Maple Av.. Barrie." 47-49p; -ZIQ ._.._-...-n. . ELVECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 181 Tbronto St., -Barri; % Estimates furnished Good `work at reasonable prics\ MAID WANTED. Apply to Mrs. Wallwin, 50 Mary St. _ ' 48p - BOARDERS WANTED` by day or week. Apply 44 Worsley SQ. ' - 46-5`1pg WANTED-12-guage, sihgle barrel shot! gun. 75 Blake Street. , J, Y 4813' EE R c.= w. ROBINSON vemences, practically possession . 8th. Avpply 104 Sophia St., Barrie 48- cuu. vv nus, glvnug [JHOU anu parac- to Box E" Examiner ofce. 48pl Live Stock For Sale Property For Sale ORGAN FOR SA_LE---One "beautiful six-' octave Doherty grgan, piano case" quarter- "cuf oak, eleven stops. double knee swells. Snap for quick sale. Keenan & Kennedy. 54 Elizabeth St... Barrie, +_18c Lost and Found [ Property To Let M31}; 393 `H.e1.$'w.n:ed Wanted good location Apply to A. A9-. . HOUSE for ' ` I rooms. all D any-;n A Q `chair and con! oil heater, Ap])l_V;` to 198 RADIANT HOME STOVE. No. 6. for sale. in good condition; also baby sleigh. high Bayeld St. 48: "-12%; , __ 9 by vvuo u. ucuucu aucuces. l A. The stage being prettily decorated! 3p. with greens and bunting made a pic- `ZBSPIH ' lturesque setting _for the little per-.20 " rgformers, `who most gracefully and g`1"fe` ,y}e*'iciently executed their numbers- ``t y` . . . ' W88 'm'w1nn1ng' for themselves and . their I Th zpiteachers general applause. The art- ? wife -.. istic rendering of the different` piano } r_ . numbers was quite remarkable, while Martha the entire performance was one of Vn exceptional merit -from beginning to lp end and one hesitates to select any Elm"8l ._-_{of those `taking part for particular 131, y.[me'_r_1`tion.e - . ' n ` u ..- - - , unrl nnv V: 1.o..'6,.I=.` OFFICERS ELECTED; i `the `regular meeting of Barrie V t .Lo:e_, No. 63, 'I.0.0.F., on Tuesday evening`,-_ the following officers . were elected for the current term:-- N.G.-'-A. Cleland. V.G.--R. Johnston. ) `I3 (I *" 5-- 11-1, LAID war The exact amount realized towards the Fire Fund is not yet known,` as all bills for expenses are not pre- pared. , ` _ i an vvl. vulallus uuc. A pleasing feature of the evening gwas the presentation by. the Rev.- =Clergy and His Worship Mayor Lit- tle of _ the certicates, testimonials and yrizes awarded` byithe Canadian ; Academy and Toronto College of Music as the result of their examina- t_ions'.held at the Convent last July, the list being ably read by Joseph Hayes.. p rm... --..';L ___.'--_L "V I; ` - - Illiillvlvllu` 1 The songs, drills -and fancy danc-`i ing enlivened the latter part of the pfogram, Irene Hogan proving .her- self an able accompanist. while Ar-9 thur McLean in his song, Good Lit- \ tle Boy, and the encore showed I _ great ability as a real artist in the l entertaining line. _ 1 A nl....'..:..... .:.......... .2 LL- ,,,,,- n uvvuvllluuvcl ; I 3| 'b A `decided success was achieved? -;by Trinity-Parish Aid in its sale of ;work, held Tuesday afternoon and I evening. The stalls we1`\e artistically , decorated in pink and yellow. while; --the apros and caps of the girls car-I lried out the color scheme. Ready; ' sale was found for the articles. the '5 proceeds amounting to over $300. Tho inynn amp! na\`A:A`. ..l..___.L_.--_-Ln ..._'--w ----`r- `(TI-I The Convent music recital, given; to a large and appreciative audience: in St; Mary's Hall, Monday evening, `was a decided success. ,I___ _L_____ 1_A3A_ _, .... . . .! 3' Xmas cakesyalmond iced and de-,- Lcorated, 45c lb.` Almond icing, .45c': `lb. Ladies making their own Xma?c lcakes can have them iced and decor- 1 lated to order.--C. Brown, baker,_ wcor. Elizabeth and Small St. Phonetl H250. 48_51c,\ ;l A faimyzizpd inlrlinnnn an-n'num-I I 5 ` UIaG_ lllllllll UJ. Llllllbllla v '. ' \ LECTRIO LAMPS. irons` undxtures for sale. Wiring done, estimates free. Repairs reasmmbly executed. A. E. Sut- cliV1'e, 28 William St... Allaudale. Phone 993. A 46-52;. ...__,,_._..___________._.._____

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