ber :23, 1422, is evi- \.TlON aited ' Ber M, ` l At once---we want 100 men right now] to train for big` paying mechanical jobs. If you are mechanically inclined and like working around automobiles and\tractors, every day you put off coming to us .you are cheating yourself. Never was there such a"`demand for trained men. A few weeks of time invested now will give you a trade that will mean independence for life. Learn automobile and tractor oper- ating and repairing, tire uulcanizing, bat- tery building and oxy-acetylene welding by the Hemphill practical system. A free eriiploynient service is at your disposal. `Write for free catalogue. Don't delay. Get in line for bigp`ay.' and steady work. .'Do it now. Hexiiphill Auto and Tractor `School. 163 King St. W., Toronto. 46-49c Forty-thi rd nnua'l fall reunibnof the an- ciem and accepted Scottish rite is `in pro-. grass in Hamilton. _' ` xuuvztruuy ISUIUHE IAIRLPHTIJIUE` UIIIIIIIIUU l`IJUIU' to. having regard only to claims of which they hllflll then have notice, and the said Execumrs will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose claim notice shall not have . been received by them at the time of the aaid distribution. ' n-.-.1 _. .n-.`.-:_ n_...._:_ A`_-:.. 194.1. A...0 `IIIIU U15lII'lUll(vl0. Dated at Barrie. Ontario, this 13th dag of Nayember. A.D. 1922.. CC'lVl-581'}. NOTI(`-E is hereby given pursuant to R. S.().. 1914. Chapter 121, and Amending Acts. zhat all persons and others having claim: against the Estate of the said Eliz- abeth Maria McCarthy, who died on or ahmn the 18th day` of September, AD. 192?. are required on or before the let (lay of December, A.D. 1922, to-send by` post. ynrepuitl or deliver tothe Toronto Germ-nl Trusts Corporation, Bay Street, `Tm-mm. Executors of the-Estate of the said El.i'/.aheth'Maria McCarthy,` their full names and addresses. a full statement of their Cl'.ll'l]l\(lllly veried, and the natpre of the securify. if any, -held by theyi. And further take notice that after said last mentioned ,date the said Executors will proceed 16' distribute the assets of the said Estate of the said Elizabeth Maria M cC:=.rthy among theparties entitled there-I in leuuin-n Intro!-I` nnlu in nlnilnn A` nylihlk 46-47c `.'L'Ih`l'\i. i 3.0.. 1 claim ugai abeth Maria 1 19`Z?.. r .` TI--. LII rx-`an u sq, the C.-zmmy ceased. \'l`\'TVll VYF 1.-V rm: ESTATE "MN?-:.rIhy, late of ` the cl"; |"'vnn\fIv n` ivunnn NOTICE TO ciiznrroks These Spats `are tailored in England" and made of high grade "English cloth, all leather bound; the style, and fit are perfect`; in ev-. ery color, grey, fawn, dark fawn _and brown. T \\ omen s 12`-button Cloth Spat, nicely tailored, lea- ither binding 'a_round heel, in fawn,` brown and grey. an I\-` 0 12-button Spat in fa `felt cloth, twill bound, sand, fawn, brown and grey. `i L` -n The_ Hub;B9ot Shop SW8 For Y.eur Convenience MEN WANTED`. mg-room riod the u_st an_d ember. AD. 1922. STEWART & STEWART, \ Executors _Soli_:ito1 $6 Tto$10 Daily Next to 'Crossla_nd s Drug Store PHONE 415? You'll Like vThem_ -Specil; $3.00 pair Iul K7 UI VIII`- of Simcoe, um. Q`. Dxnvu-uztx, Executors' Solicitors, 1 Barrie, Ontario. of Elizabeth Maria Town of Barrie. in married woman, de- '-$1.95upadir -$1T6 pair IHEAT Ever `ready te _ Slip on, quickly ttans-F A form, Vone s'pum'p,s or oxfords, with suitable protection from the winter s` pehetrating cold. Our Exiglish-made Spats are so perfectly'shaped that they fit as snugly as_ a` sti't'ched_-onV boot top.` UUIIIS 'lIUlllll.|Ull Ill U I 3lIUW'3I4UI'llI. LCIUP I . . . . ` On this novel situation `McCormick con- A rest mom on the topgtorey is `structed a story that holds the interest to used for the gLr1s.I when off duh. I .` llUlIU- the last by its very unusualness. _ ?where a quiet nap may be taken or The reproduction of the snow-storm scene lunch eaten The constant strain and the devastating forest fire establishes . new records for sensationalism and thrillspthe p'mt" endures whlle duty even in these blase days. Throughout theId'3l`V9Sl`the kindly C0TlSid!`9l i0n Of action, Director Barker has maintained the7 the subscribers, many of whom are element of suspense so spleutlid`iy.that even: the most thrill-proof movie fan is going to sit spell-"bound. -Nothing like it has ever: been presented, and it is easy to under-_3 stand the glowing commendation heaped on` apt to be irritable if prompt service is not rendered. After viewing the building` on the inside and having everything explained it is easyf` see `picturejiind drama -alike by the metropolitan Where the lmawndable delays come press of the` cou,m.y_ .- In when using the phone. Perhaps Virginia `Valli is the girl and Matt,Md,ore `the 0Pe1'at01 15 b]3med- De_1`haD5 the comnanv in general. but without a I doubt tlyese `annual Telephone Weeks I are the source of a clearer under- standing btween the Hello Girl and the subscriber. is the Londoner, while Peters brings his manly directness and emotion-alism to bear on the starring role of the Woodsman. Josef Swickard and Frank Lanning have supporting roles. ` v 1 1 I cxeuwuu. rue srorys me tning." - - , i The Storm," coming as a Universal-`Z Jewel` attraction starring House Peters,` `to the New Dreamland Theatre .Friday and; Saturday, December 1 and 2, was adapted ' from -the New York stage sensation of the same name. Theatrical history was made by the play. written by Langdon Mc- 'Cormick. It is grippingly dramatic, and besides the elements of simple drains there is "woven into it the theme of two kinds '. of fear that men may feel toward women. ,! `Mun nnun in (Jun n.:.'m..I.. nf .Ll\ ..4-...... :n us uscu uunu uxcu uray Iccl ww2.u`u wuu1eu.,.' One man in the triangle of the story is afraid of women lpecause he knows nothing of them, has. never seen anything of them. He's a Woodsman. primitive and honest. I The nhnp :9-rho nu-ntlnnf n` ',nnAl\n nun!` 11.!!! G VVUUUBUINH. Pl'llllIU\'C u U"el. The other is'the product of London and Paris society. `He fears the gentle sex be- caua` he has `seen too darned much of women. 7'l1I__ ..___..,._A 2.. LL, _ _,_ 1, , ' 1 vv Ul_.|lI7ll o \ The wonnuixin the case. is an innocent French Canadian girl. forced to live with the two men for four long months through being--hernnied in by a snow-storm. * I nu hiu nnvnl allnnn `Mnnnrminb (Inn- THE. STORM SAID 55%? A DYNAMIC FILM STQRY ; Aiter all, a piccure is essentially a story,i and the plot therefore is themost important` element. The story7s the thing. l `ThH Storm." onmino an .0 rYl\;I7AI`aul. Woodsnian. or me country. Matt,Mo,orel` the bear `supporting Midland Argus.---4In view of a. very d- verse report from the Government Inspec or . land High School. " and for lack of the nec- essary accommodation furnished both pupils and teachers, as well as the statement that he would not. recommend the school for the Government grant this year, Midland Board of Education at .a special meeting held on Mohday night decided to again try for those necessary improvements. and they have asked at least two architects to sub- as to the over-crowded condition of Mid: l mit plans of a proposed addition of four - rooms. an auditorium that, if required, may `be used as two additional rooms and a base- -ment suitable for a gymnasium. oes. bro- strap Cfef INSPECTOR`-PRESSING MIDLAND TO ENLARGE rrs HIGH SCHOOL` Children s. Rubbers, sizes 4 to 10%. ' a--70c pair Boys Rubbers, ;sizes 1'to , % ._ . ` Yo ll Need Rubbers` We have "them. in, `every style, every shape, every `size, but only one qua'li_ty, the best. _b .Women ws Rubbers,` all rsf `quality, to t every shape Itoe and heel, sizes 2% to . l\- ' }Misses Rubbers, on every Hast, for spring and half lheels, sizes H to 2.` `- % Men"s Rubbers, qual- ity, sizes 6 to 11`.-$1.20 .-_v- - I 5, --.-95c pari; 33436: 'pa}.} but will aple. ood, pair ally: uu vyvx uvvl. an Yin the Barrie plant there are 1934 -1'el_a,vs and of these there are 34 dif- "yferent types. The testing system is lperfect and if a subscriber nds his ?phone out of order the defect can he detected immediatel,V upon notify- t'-ing the wire chief; This does not ' tefer to the town alone; if there is line trouble within a radius of several miles the cause can _be traced just as easily from the plant in Barrie. 'T`l..-.... ...... ..:...l..L....... ..\.........4.-..... .-.s a +1.`: i.a;;*;f'j;s3;1. &e;e,;..;,;:.; Week is to_ educate the users of the `Bell to more fully appreciate the ex- cellent and careful service they re- ceive when using the telephone. The average business man does not half realize the service rendered when he. picks up his phone and calls a friend or business acquaintance. Long Dis- tance is `feplacing travellers in many rural districts where business is done with wholesa1e`rms by telephone. The reason for opening the doors of the Telephone office to` the public is to show the people just what lies be- hind this instrument which `is in daily use in business places and` homes. 1 i but the Bell vv ~-:------~ L'*" It has taken years to perfect the present switchboa_rd used and even at the present time a switchboard is always subject to changes. It never `lives its full life, as it becomes obsol- ete before it runs out. The public `utilities of today have"never taken the `people fully into their condence, through these yearly Telephone Weeks isdesirous of hav- ing its subscribers know just what is being done and of showing them the service for which they pay. l`lu~. `Donn-In ku.-unnln .-.4? LL- DAH L. u U05-7ll.Y J-l\llIl but piano All .IJaLllCo | There are eighteen operators in . the employ of the Barrie exchange. `During the day eight or nine -are continuously on duty and in the_even- ing four. At night one operatorv handles the whole work including Long Distance. When the average, individual visits the office and sees `the girls at work it-is almost safe to say that he silently promises himself to be '.re polite and more consider- ate ofnghe operators `when using the telephone. A ....-.4. ..A.\..... A... LL- J.....`..L......-. 2.. O IIIQC GCLVILC LVII. VVKIILII uucy P J- The Barrie branch of the Bell is lthe Area Headquarters, which includ- es Collingwood and Newmarket. All. supplies and general equipment used in their work is furnished from the `Barrie office. A complete storeroom ;of telephone necessities is in the 10- cal plant and supplied ,from there. The V employees `of the district of which Barrie is the headquarters gnumber 28--Newmarket 7. Coiling- ,iwood8 and Barrie 13. This does inot include operators. , "1... 4.1.... D......:.. .-.`I.....a. n. . . . . .. 1noA Since Monday-the local Bell Tele- phone oice has had over threevhun- dred `visitors, this being the annual `Telephone Week. These have been coin-teously' received` by the man'ager,~' Mr. Bruce, and with the aid of Miss "L. G. Dunbar, chief operator,- and .Wire Chief Gaston have been shown` over the building, and everything, in-I cluding the switchboard, the. power plant and other things of interest, clearly explained. On Tuesday the .teachers and scholars of the business college..visited the office in a body. .nII' 0 5.1 I'IIIlIII 31-tu: TELEPHONE co.: mars om HOUSE} Many ' Subscribers Haye View , of-lnner Workings of. A Bvarrie Exchange. ' YOU EAT CANDY! |sset_1- Why Nof ? lt s pure and wholesome and we are making it _ every day. THE BARRIE EXAMILIN I DID -_YOU `IDEE /-\N _ no MEL.\C.'\N AN AMERICAN COME MAN AROUND Orr: THE E'>oAT,=- -streets and rounding the cornersto `Members of` the Kiwanis Club ofi Barrie, at their weekly luncheon onl Nov. 15, learned something of what _ is being done in Canada in the way of .town planning. The speaker was Horace L. Seymour, C.E., of Toron- to; who has had much experience` along this line. He was in charge of the re-planning of that portion of `Halifax laid waste by explosion dur-,, ing the war and told something of `the improvements made. To him also has been entrusted the Qversight of Haileybury s reconstruction, which it is hoped to make sanitary, sane and beautiful. Where shacks- are built, they are allowed only under tempor- ary permit so they will be replacedi by proper buildings as soon as poss-i ible. With the, help of the owners,i they proposed widening the main.` a width of 25 feet. The district and municipal buildings will be grouped` ~ in quadrangular effect, and the T. &i '_ as streets alreagly served are built up. a Haileybury had a population of only N. O. is` changing the location of its station to give desirable architectural treatment. The council will not ex- tend water or sewers until such time ve to the acre, so they can stand to be more closely housed. ` 11--..-_... 1.--: 1--. - ..,1i ;KlWANIANS ARE TOLD , I or TOWN PLANNING! I/U UC IIIULC UIUDUIJ uuuacu. Having beeh for a drive around Barrie, Mr. Seymour said that there. [are things here that might be pro-I `perly attended to by a Town Planning ,Commission. He advised forming `such a body, not with a View to dras- tic `changes but in order to plan `ahead for improvements that could be~made in due course. ` i It_:_,, 1 `aw `lllbauu All IJIAC \a\II-llC- Major Lewis, `who Had been ex- pected to give the address, was un- able to come and `Mr. Seymour sub-i stituted. ._ l I-xvsnvvu II LIJIII JJ.LVVVI.l- I The Christmas Cheer committee re- ported plans for playing Santa Claus to the poor children of the town, land their recommendations were ap- lproved. 2 A moose head weighing 103 lbs.,-E `with a stretch of nearly six feet from tip to tip of the antlers, hung in F. Wiseman s store last week as a `trophy of the hunt. The animal was ibrought home by Mr. Scott of Allis- 'ton, and `was shot at Rutter, seven ; miles north of" the -French River.; The body alone weighed twelve hun-l `dred pounds. 1 ll. I D. Quinlan was chairman for the` day and it happened that he was lucky enough to get the attendance prize--a rear signal auto light pre- sented by Tom Brown. ml..- nI....:........... ru. ...... ._.:LL..- ..- I I Robt. Rowe, who played with thei Barrie hockey team some years ago` and in recent seasons has been shin-` ing in profesional circles on the Pau- ific Coastgis still'in the game, having FINE -TROPHY OF THE HUNT . I922. . by InI`I Fawn Sonia. l_m lsigned up with the Seattle Club for `this winter. The many friends among Barrie Scottish Rite Masons will be pleased to learn of the honor recently shown Rev. P. T. Pilkey of Knox Church, Owen Sound. On the seventh anni- versary of his ministry in that church, .he received a handsome purse from `the congregation and a silver tea {service for his wife. Scene Frbm Mutt and Jeff on Their Honey- moon, Grand Opera. House, Tues_., Nov. 28. Page Nizieteen u>t4""d".` I [/20 lers