Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1922, p. 12

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-e FARM I-`OR. SALE-160 acres. Tp. Sunni- d>hle~, lo: 17, con. 4, clay soil; bank "barn ssxso with stahling underneath; straw and hay barn soxco-; brick "sneer 8-room house; furnace in cellar; frame kitchen and wood-shed; hen house; pig pen; drive shed; two" ow wells; 16 acres fall wheat orchard; about 40 some seedd;o6.acres bush; bal- ance tillable; convenient fo church and \uchooI. A`l,11i's mm is in good stateof cul- dvation, Jes. Dowdall,' New Lowell,. phone 112 r 3, Crcemore..- V ` 47-52p Miscellaneous ISLAND RED pul- almrnha \ Alan Inn-an HLIUI GI U9 47cstw LIUIBGD. 46547;) Z71) lJVDl.llC3| His present activity in the matter` seems promnted by a desire to 4d_is-! credit The Examiner. Otherwise, he` would hgrdly put himself in the rid- iculous xiosition of as]-:in9:.a rebate on `an account when he as chairman had, --------~--- ~.v. v-v-- ----- --v---W 1: The account which.Ald.AByrne is_1 now attacking is a year old. He was, chairman" of the committee when was presented and it was upon hlsgj O.K. that it _was paid. If there was is anything wrong with the bi], a word; from him would have held it up pend. "1 ing an investigation. But never a ,1 word did he say eitherto the Council i] or to The Examiner. It is mere sub-gl terfuge for him to say that he could .1 not do anything else but put through`, the bill as it did not come up till the , 2 last meeting. Considering that thels list was not completed till the begin- ii . C ning of November," the account reach-A V ed the Councilas early as could beg; expected in`the ordinary course of:s business. . ' ' 4 uuuu vvvlo vtiulyyvu VVIIIII uvvu lllIUD_Y]JUyl as is The -Examiner, a rush job` of; this size means much overtime, ev-; ery minute _of which has to be paid. for at an advance of 50 per cent. over! the day rate. thus adding very con-I siderablyto the cost of the job. That; The Examiner has given satisfactory work and prompt delivery will be. admitted by even Ald. Bvme. " Al. - V I 1 mm run, ham`:-=---19115 -Ford-; new top; rear axle almost m-w; tires good and very pmw-rful motor. A real snap at $200.00. pgnly 32 M uioalsfer St.. Barrio. 47p I ....,;.uu.ycL yuqgc. [ Even if The Examiner had charg`-V` ed more than the ordinary rate-- which as has already been shown wasl not the case---it would have been: 'justied by `the _ conditions under; which the job is executed. Owing; to the roll n_ot,.4 being returned until} Sept. 30. copy is not available for; the printer before the. first week in"; October, which leaves only a month: for printing if the list is to be posted I. intime to mgke it available for the} municipal elections. Even in an of-l ce well equipped with two linotypes on in Tho `la`un.~.:..n.. n nu.-.L 3-1.. ..l York counties. -......u- v. uvnunus vv vvua Ald. Byrne q'uoted- $2.50 a page?` as the price prevailing in Simcoe and E. _ Why was he not de-[. cent enough to tell the Council that!. p the price quoted was for 200`copies_.f` _whereas The Examiner's price wasi' for 300? _Further, if Ald. Byrne did'1 not know, he as chairman .of thcp printing committee should havegl known that the price as above quotedj : . is for a voters list containing onlyja those particulars required by the ! Municipal Act. The Barrie list, be-,1 sides giving the details prescribed by 3: the Act, also serves as a street direct- E I cry and assessment roll, necessitating; two additional columns and adding` , fullyi one-third to the cost of type-Q setting. To cover thecost of this ` additional work, The Examiner has} charged, since they were added and ; - according. to an arrang'ement`made;. at the time, an additional 25 cents per column; and so for 50 cents a page there is provided` for the bene-E1 fit of the ratepayers two very valu-:_ able features, both ofwhich are not ll found in any other list in the county. Had The Examiner charged the fulljt rate as intended by the price list toi which Ald. Byrne refers, the prices would have been $3.25 instead oft $3.00 .per page. ' i C -m I ...... :42 rm.. 1:.......:..... 1.-.! -L-..-- p -=-~--~~o ---~ --~--~- 1. Hadhe taken the trouble to en-!. quire as to what is paid in the otherl] towns in the county, he'_would havef, ascertained that, consideringewhat is 54 contained in the Barrie voters list?` and the circumstarices tinder whichE( it is printed, the prices in Barrie are :1 really lower than paid in Midland,,( Orillia or Collingwood. it A1,` `I\ . _ ------y -- -any-an-in` I Il IId ' . ginahcial Post points out that}! when John Wanamaker, some yearsi ago, withdrew his advertising from? free-distribution mediums it was be-I cause these had no fundamental! reader interest. This was the nd-f ing after a deep study of the subject. { It-was the conviction that the man; who subscribed for a newspaper orj other publication expected to nd advertising in it and valued it as in the light of an investment, as some-i thing he had appreciated sufficiently to pay for`. _ i I I THE TOWN VOTERS LIST Ald. Byrne s attack on The Exam-' iner at Monday night's council meet- ing is but another example of his readiness to make charges without` first getting the facts. An examinationof the plan fyled ' by the Provincial Highways Dept.` : shows that the Department has taken : over only as far as the King George "School, at the eastern entrance. This; , was the portion originally specied! hated a willingness to assume two " but the Hon. F. C.` Biggs later intim- : blocks more, to Rodney St. _ The lat- ter intimationwas received when the 0 "Council was talking of going ahead` with the paving. Evidently Mr. Biggs does not propose to relieve the mun- ticipality -of more than was originally promised until Barrie shows a readi-, ness to do something in the way of permanent improvement of the High- way. route through the town. The" claims of Toronto` newspapers that Hydro radials` will be a huge success are not borne out by the: ex- perience of electric railways. Of the 66 operating in Canada only 13 de-v clared `dividends in. 1920 and e 41 showed "decits in "spite of the fact that fares averaged 5.37 cents as compared with 5.01 cents the pre- vious year. ' V of the blues. ' The Blues have captured l;be Mackenzie `King Liberal Club, but} there's no danger of that live organ-I ization being troubled with gttacks \ I READER `INTEREST. ESSENTIAL THE BARRIE EXAMINER 4 llih` ill) I" Midhurst. !of Mr. Moore, had the good luck to . plant the fatal bullet :specimenL ' 1 1 '---Bell pianos -and Wright pianos, `big range of prices. Your,.org`an or phonograph stake); in` exchange. Terms to ' suit purchaser. Several organs on hand at all times.--J.A G. Keenan's Music Store, entrance by Crossland s drug store. 47c in _this ne uwu5uu:,v..uuu. La.` vtxpru." ageu 3 . Deceased was, born in County Armagh. Ireland. and came to Canada as a girl of nineteen.` Three years later. she married Wm. Parr. Three of her brothers served in the Crimean War. - Her husband predeceased her twenty years. The following family survive: Wil- liam and` Richard. Grenfel; John.'Craig. hurst; Thomas. Allanale; Mrs. Russell. Los Angeles. Calif; Mrs. Metcalfe. '8'. Thomas; Mrs. Cloughley, Grenfei; also . .,,.--....-._.. to'suit purck _u nu ouvcu a IUD UL CAIJCIISU .` `A black bear, over six `feet long` ; ..(and Weighing 225 lbs.. was a trophy !secured by S. W. Moore s hunting `party. - L. Ellersley, brother-i-law. of i ~ 13.11 ....' .... -...1 11r_._-__-L. __:__, uwlvo `ITC Mayor Little did not join the municipal `representatives on their trip to Northern Ontario last week_. ;He felt that a small committee` could :_have. secured the information better `and saved a lot of expense. I I I l A Klan`: knnn A151: -3.. ....L 1--.." `A-ln'\ClIllII\FL uxllbca Begin now to plan your Christmas. shopping. Early buying is better for --_Sarjeant & King's 25th anniver-E iboth purchaser and metchant. IN I gsary sale is now in `full swing. Come [in today and save money. 47c `; The members of the Women ,*Teachers Association entertained the members of the Board of Educa- ,-tion and their wives at a tea last {Thursday at the Prince of VVales School. - '\"I 1- AA- 1 uavuvvu A Phil; Love was fortunate enough [to get a very netblack bear on his {hunting expedition. The animal {showed ght and it took ve bullets _to give him his quietus. Mr. Bruin iweighed 200 lbs. 'II'....L.. _.-J.e _1. be w an . nu ` vvbaallcu HVU All a E ---Men's suit: at $15.00. aj; Sar- ijeant & King's 25th anniversary `ssh. _ . 47c 11...... run. .12.: ,,-; Road Canadian Literature I Oshawa Reformer: While not in {any way intending to discount the `contributions made to literature by our American `neighbors, it would un- ' doubtedly be to the advantage of the Vfpeople of this country if we paid ;'more attention to our own literature. 53Canada has an historic background tfwhich compares favorably with that 1 of any country in the world. Our ex- ? . plorers, our missionaries. our Fathers` iof Confederation, and the early set- |tlers and the other splendid men and ziwomen who helped build up our so- lcial, economic and political structure are made of `just as fine material and ;! have contributed just as much in the .5way of romance as any people in "the 1? world. It is `betting. therefore, that i ['not only young Canadians but the ; ;older ones as well should read more 3 ;Canadian books 'and becomecmore familiar with Canadian literature *;}and Canadian history. Byedoing this lthey will undoubtedly become better _Canadian citizens. I I 1 - ,_ .._-.._J V . V.-nub: ' -See the TrV1;w Salts plush coauts; {shown at Simmons & Co. s this week. 111 t\ In 1 wu ML unto ' g Twenty page this week. Live; gnews and up-to-date advertisements gon every page. A A 4:..- 1:..- -1: -n-.._-..'-I A I-- . R1,!-L{"l`R!('7 LAMPS. irons and fixtures: nv .'u,n finely... .l...... ...L:.'_........ t.._, Eu uvya._y 1.13556. . . a A ne hne of Personal Greetmg ; Cards for Christmas is on sale at The iExaminer office. 'I\____`,_ , ` .... W. ' CT. been ' appointed} choirmaster of Central Methodist Church. _ vtso . ` I : :--Sarjeant & King for rugs and` ilinoleums. 47c ! E Inspectorliillings of the Provincial: iPolice was in` town Tuesday. ' u-.q.., `novvnn AH .-...... .; LL- `D-.. I Lvllvc wan nu uuwu zuesuuy. l . Harry Barron will sing at the Bap- : itist Church next Sunday evening'._ [ G-.. 1.1.- ..____ n-n,a u 1 - day- l..\..,...,u.a vvuu cvlucuuy graue class A. Messrs. Anderson recently had their barn burned, with heavy loss. (The other night they were presented by their neighbors with`a cheque for $500. quantities of oats, seed grain} and hay, and the promise `of volun-| gteer labor to replacethe barn .' These` Are `Real Neighbors 3 `Farmers Sun: AndersonBros. of Britannia, near Brampton, Ont., have ineighbors who evidently grade class A Mhqqyv {Allnluann ..........LI-. 1... J :;'by' his certifying, assured the Council tchat he was satised as to its correct- -lness. Either-the accgunt as passed 3 was correct or Ald. yrne s_certi- cate is something upon which the Council can place no reliance. . . Am n........ L..- 4.--- : -- I Danger of Higher Education Kingston Whig.---The opinion of :some that women will get too much 1higher education need not give con- : cern. The only danger is that it might g make them more particular about the `choice of a husband. ` 3 A Word for the Sheet! cap` 1- Peterboro Examiner: No one loves a speed cop, but they are doing a igood service "nevertheless in helping to preserve Ontario's highways from destruction. T . CAR FOR. SALE-=-4l9l8 -Ford-; `rear axle almost m-we Hrm: onmi nnrl nnru vcoualvll AV; 6 l. ULl.`UCe to Committee] and\ there` given The Examiner an opportunitir of presenting its case. Instea_d of that he sought to push `it through the Council by direct motion on the strength of -his statements only. The other members, however, showedno inclination to accept his version and insisted on consideration by the committee. [- >x< AMoN EXCHANGES >x< I UUl.}Cll can place reliance. Ald. Byrne has shown no dispos- ' ' to give The Examiner fair treatment in this matter. Had he desired to be fair, he would have asked for a reference to committee and thaw: aim... mt... m.._..-:----1 Buy "advertised things. County Council meets next, Mon- niv LOCALNEWS MRS. RACHEL. PARR Mrs. Rachel Parr. who had been in fail- ing health for some time. passed away, Nm._ 20. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Thos. Cloughley. .con. 12.. Vegpra." aged 92, npnnnnnd um: lnnrn In Prm..4.. A..........L MRS. W.l`LLlAM JAMES EAMPBELL . The death occurred in the R.V.H. on Wednesday morning of Mrs. William James Campbell of Camp Borden in her 24th year, Deceased underwent a very critical operation some time ago but it was thought that she wm ~progress'mg favorably until she fookw a weak spell and died twenty min- utes before her husband reached her side. an `ah: ha (`nrnnLnII -un- L---- ' i FOR SA L E-~ - 2.....L.... l....._ . uvca uuuu: ms: nvuauuuu rcacneu I181 SlCl8. The late Mrs. -Campbell was born in Ashburn. England. and has no relatives in this country. Her husband. Sergt. Campbell of the Canadian Air Fore. and two little children are left to mourn her loss. xuuau un ocuuuru Cl. are 001181118. The funeral took place from the eleven oclock tram on Fnday morning to St. Paul's Cemetery for interment. Rev. A. - 'D. Cousins conducted the service at the grave. our waa xuluuzny Denna nelen mooertsomg No immediate relatives survive. The Miskes Booth of Allandale ar aunts of the deceased and Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Hurst of Sanford St. are cousins. '1'}... 5`. .... ..1 -1- ..u..._ n__, A, I _l MRS. czoacn-:. MOON 5 The death of Mrs. George Moon occurred in Toronto on Sunday,4Nov. 'l2th. The. deceased had been in ill health for some; time. and was -in` her 22nd year. The late? Mrs. Moon was born in Duluth, her par-' .ents dying when she was quite young, and' came to live with her grandmother, Mrs. J. Currie of Mount Dennis where she resided until the time of her marriage. ` She was formerly Bertha Helen R;obertson.l Nn Smmn:-Iinin pal.-.+.-M. ........:-... mL. -- `pun-`can aJA\ lJLJ'l\J III \J-I-J11] CROWDED WITH LIVELY FUN, SNAPPY MUSIC, SPIRITED DANCING AND PRETTY GIRLS. l\I\IIIIW lti Ants 4.4 4'- 1-.. A -_ - A GREAT BIG BEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED SHOW npnwncn urrru I nun u re: my any . ...... - -- ...-- PRICES .`5<'=lzc'1'c'lfs'1 . 1ii."% *3? ciLi'i2`?}7c `R:t}?i!? Tues. Nov. 28 A Tale of Hearts and Horses. / Nothing Can Stop.Chain Lightning/ O Chain Lightning Leads the Field. The Racing Drama of a Thousand Thrills. . Chain Lightning--As Fast as Man 0 War. The Storyof a Game Girl and a Wonderful Horse. Chain Lightning ls Bound _to Strike You`Right. A Race-Track "Story That Travels at Runaway Speed. _ Chain Lightning Sets a Fast Pace from Start to Finish. Everything You Expect in a Sout-hland Drama ls In lt- And Then Some! -' Each episode better thahfthe last,,and each story com- "plete. Yousimply can t rjniss this picture. .l'\.lll n`.'\l4l`4`".; inches lung. 9 has no horses. H: ,II..._,.; Chain Lightning? , ,,,.. -_ -v V--nvv .` Seats on Sale at Ma|cdmson s,- Saturday, Nov. 25th. comma TUESBAY, nm r\I\I\rVv\ up/sun-a A... _ TUESDAY, DE'CEMBERf5TH--`THE4 BAT" BUB FlSHER S LATEST cAR`1`ooN SUCCESS NO RAISE IN PRIVCES - 15 AND 25 CENTS. : Matinee Saturday at 2.30. \ J THURS., nu, SAT.--NOV. 23, 24, 25 OBITUARY ALSO No.2 15915005 or THE LEATHER wsums" REN1`Rlv)W SCALES for sale. ne:_u-ly `new. weigh up to a ton. Apply Box R" Ex- aminer officv. ' 470 ORDER YOUR SEATS EAkRI_.-Y- STARRING ANN /LITTLE [earfs 2 nd Hnrcpe l 21st. _ .4.-c ucucral l105 plt8l2 The school children 2 the neighborhood are their annual entertainm , ..... auu mus. w. 11. Martin went to T: onto last Friday to spend a few days -the and visit` their son. Leonard. who is the General Hospital; The su-lmnl ..I.:l.4...... --.J V- twenty-eight grandchildren anq fifteen great-grandchildren. _ Interment took place at Grenfel after service in the Union Church "of which do- ceased was a. faithful member. The large `attendance and the many beautiful fforal gtributes testified to the respect in which `she was held. Thursday, November 23, 1922 .au5ul.t`:I', wno 18 all, in Detroit. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin Tor- nto Fridav to snnnrl .. 5.... 4-..- A- ' FOR SAl.le`- B(-:nutiful nuw fumed oak Ht-imzunm pizum; cost $665, will sell for $375. .-\p`ply 132 Bradford Sf, 46-5111 HIDES \ ' ,__ --o v MARKET; SQUARE .- ......u-cu auu _V0|lIlg people Of urhood busy practising for entertainment to be held Dec. uuapllruli 1 and young people of 'hood hnnv m-m-o:a:.... 6- KNOCK ulvlll WCIIL E0 1701'` -there T119?!` `uykn L. I- . CAR l~`0l{ S. \.Ll*`.-~-~-l9? 2 Chevrolet. touring. cheap fnr rp|i(:k..sale. Apply to Box 593, Barrie. 47p u T I I Q O -%.f Ll The Right Rev. BE.~h: onto will hold :1 .~'(-r`."n'4 llisl, on Sunday. Km; to be followed in)` :1 .~<)(`J congregation ufn-r tho members are urge-nxI_v ro- en: and meet 1-hu Bishu ---W. A. Lowe stbck of n1att.resses| hand. Call and see J nlxculliilr, IHHI 1'0!!! 111 The highest nr rm) y accepted. rurvivnuuv ... . nun . .uIa. oarzul J], 11 Upon said lamb - half storey frumv rim lng x rdouxs um! 111.: "M... ,_..:.1 . _. . ' Reidentia} Piop `own .11. lI"uu: 1"` mperty hereinznftr .\'mnber Forr_\= I side of Essa Street, 1 according to .lum}.'. late Hrs. Sarah M, 1 Y7... .. - `J I ` Cub .`.'.\ I'UUUlh' IHIU H 'I".`1e- said prnp(`l'!_v Allanriule, and vrmlixi '|'\L_ L:,_L, ...._, . 'I'ENl)l'IRS will `ru- aignev} on or in-fnr ber. AJ). 1922, fu g._._ .__4_, All will he SUM Terms Cash. 31;\l)I:.\J'I' HOM`liI No. 6 fxeuting stove `fo salt-, will won. Apply M130 Tiffin. St. Phone 929W. _ -47p $1000 SF}GUR% FARM I-IOME-.-l00 acres, . war town; neighboring .fanms valued at` _N`.2.M0; good place to live-you would like 3?; mnvenient advantages; 70 acres much- 'me-worlced elds; pastures bush estilnf womb S1500; fruit; good 2-storey 0-10 house; 56-ft. barn; poultry house. Called` away by- business. $4000 gets it; only $1000 needed. '!'hos.MJ. McBride, Barrie. Ont. . , ' 47c Couches, Bcdn Chairs, Rnckiw Tables, Refriq Chairs, Ctmk \ Mrichilw, Tub . Cupboards. I Rugs. Picture. lgry. Kitchen nmmy other im 4a-4Sc at 21 Thompsq ALSO A FE`1 SPEC] Heintv. Heintz H\`intZ Heintz Ht-intz Heintz Heintz F RIDAY, DE H. J. HEIN FOOD SA IN OUR A s1`, PAUIJS, Thursday, Nc ROY ' FUR..\'I'l`URl') by private safe. Apply Mrs. .T..Bucklev. \Nnr:Inv Qt. nffnrnnnnu uuul MRS. JOE HOUS FUR AUCTIOJ Phone 51 W. A. MCC SATUI Has Built `in its Prese If you are _ customer Convi CHOICE I A MT Q Quali Se .ruu.nLLUl\.l`4 Hy prn'uI.e Halo. Apply Mrs.` J.-Buckley, 8! Wnrsloy afternoons and evenings. V 47-48c :---vw BREI Meal :mdc~rsigm-ti to sell by 26 Eliza Ap]DPl Tonmtu ( .\`pn,::hu_-tLi Sour Mix Pork. & 1 Tomato . nm Pick Phone "' ""1" `Tall j~ FOR S.'\.l;E--~-l eurl oak heater. nearly new. Apply 108 Penetang St. "471: Vvhr.-H STOW`) FOR SALF.~ ~Cheap, station heater, good as now. Huh Boot Shop. Barrie. 4-itfc :----: FOR S. \1;E~--(ioml swcond-hand cutter. Ap- ply 24 Mulcmter St. - 46-48c :2-:- SWEIST CREAM FOR SALE. Delivered bank inn:-n;nn ')kn-in RR`) 11 10.. LE. cu 14191. \u&l'1I\|Vl l.'Ul\y DI`! each xuonung. Phone_652. M.-XNGELS and turnips for sale. Phone 605 r 6. _ _ _ '47-52p 1 l`l\`AVl.If|Jl.lLIIJ l\A\l\l1VI ll) um; 01! nam- room oor; with use of sitting-room, Ad- dre. -s Box M" Examiner, 46-47: ; B.-\H\' (3A'.RRlA(H fm .~IMO-ADDly td 110 EUz:xh1*.Ul Street. ' t. ' 44tf0 .-.....-....----.-cu ju- FOR SALl'}~-Oua hundred acres fururland; twenty-five cleared. und well cultivated; Jenminder in -hush land. Good frame house sud out buildings. Lot l8,.con. I3. Innisfil. Anply R. A. Carr, 148 Toronto St. Bar- rio. 46-48p .. . TWO LADY ROOMEVRS wanted. Apply 18 McDonald St. 4 479 ROOMAND `BOARD in private home want- ed by young man. Apply Box B" Bar- rie Examiner. ` 47x FUR.NIsH'ED ROOMS TO LET on bath- vnnyn Hun:-. quill. n... .1 ..:LL:.... ......_.. A. TWO ROOMS to let. Apply 17 Burton Av- cnue. 47c BOARDERS WANTED--by _day or week. 7.7 McDonald St. . 47-52p o BOY OR YOUNG MAN wanted to drive delivery rig, experienced in grocery store `preferred but not necessary. Good char acter and fair duoation required. v Ap- pjy Box J Examiner office. 47c COMPETENT GIRL OR WOMAN willing to go to the farm. wanted. Apply Mrs. Roy E. Partridge, 118 Penetang 'St., Box 627, Barrie. V - 47 WANTED LIVE AGENT at `Barrie for Watkins Quality Products, bigprots, 100 per cent. repeat orders. Writa today. The J. R. Watkins C0,, Hamilton. ' 44-47c MAID WANTED. good general; two in fam- ily. Apply Mrs. 0. ~,H. Lyon, 91 Owen St. - _V f ` 47p WANTED--A' house;-1% r for the R.V.H.` A71 FARMS FOR. SALE~- North half lot 20. um`.__ 11. (I211: line). Iunisfil. 100 acres; in good-state'of cultivation; Al buildipgs. Will sell stock and equipment with farm.` Also north bal-_f lot 26. con. 11 (12th line). paslure`f:Irm; this property will be sold separate orialto1_zether._ `For _further parficulana apply W. J. Covwan` on lot 20. '01` .~1;llanda.le. R. R. 1. 4736 f&.'cZ3C.' -.-3:5, ;|I-l;, -en;h-71.naort'w 7;.` lninimum charge, 251:); ' insertions for 50 price of tout. 10 cent: sun when dnmnulo nlnn In nnnfn nth-1 wlunn I-nnlinn i PUIIZU Ul lvur. I-U UUIIT UCUTI WIIUII ; also 10 cents extn when replies is directed to Examiner oice. V D k . haw w&w%m&a$mmwi co I T: word, cuh,j egch iguortipn pl:-In-In-xozc-1:-1'3y1-wt--1--1::--In-xwg Pagc Twelve .- ADLET COLUMN Farms or `Sale Bgonu arid ~25 cord of mixed wood. 16 Sold an the ground as owner *5. Apply Gordon Henderson. 47-48p .__.________....__..__. -~-. FARM I-`OR SALE-;-Con. 9. lot. `2. Innisfil. I-'5 miles from Thornton; `/4 mile from school; 100 acres clay loam; 10 ur"es in hardwood hush; frame house; bunk barn; driving shed and garage. Apply Mrs. Al- fred Wice. 30 Muplo`Av<-... Barrie. 47-49p --' Help Wanted _!`79r5~' u w. u'uIu~ mm llxlllf dnuo, mtihnntes free. kmecutod. A. E. Sut- SL, Allundalo. Phnne ' 45-5'33: -: IJUIIVUU DU 41-42p-tfc -jjj 47 Oats, new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40-45 Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-6_0c . Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c uk Peas ............ ..' ........ .. 31.00-1.25, raw Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Potatoes (new) per bag . . . . . . . . . 40-503: hen Butter, per_ pound .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 32-35 ve Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c rfchard; Chicken. spring 25-27 sh; Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 811.25 ch -no 1 o n c u o ol; I` a u o o no o o o o l|lu`oI0oIIl ` Tphona Home hair ..' . . . . . ..V.'..........,.`'.. 400 Beef hides. green . . .1. .` .... . . .. . ml` 47c I -sumo BROADCASTING PosnAM . PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Contains the Canadian and American broadcasting programs you need. Subscribe .`todu;.'. $2 per year, in advance. postage paid. Penton Publications. 60-62 Adelaide W Tnnnnfn . 1'71:-5-n r.-\m\'I Mm H.-\M'.'~~---Lot 32, (km. 9, Fans. 1.N`.' zm-es of gum! clay loam. Large frame Jinn.-'t`~ uml large excellent. burn. equipped Wk .~'t.smchim1s. Spring creek running Wthruugh funn. On town line, six miles frmu Barrie. One `mile from railway sta- tinn. Apply to Mrs. M. L. Tuck, Barrie R. R. 2. _ 44-49p u , rnunsomn wHoT.'asAL: PRICES No. 2 Fall Wheat (new) . . . . . . . . .. 81.10 lnnn nan: V In `K- illllu I UINJUII I. Hi St" E., Toronto. ESTRAY (`.AT'I`LE/--There came to lot 66, con. 2, 0.S., about Oct. 1st. 1 red heifer, two years old. and 1 red steer, rising two years old. Owner is requested to prove property. pay exponaesrand remove. them. Andrew M. Drysdale, Elmvale. 0nt.AFlos phone. . A V A 45-47p` STRAYED onto lot. letter D, con. 4, 0ro| Township, Crown" Hill, about a month ago. one red steer. Owner may have same by proving propgrty and paying expenses. `John Kenny, Shanty Bay, R. `R. No. 2. 46-48; ....... .-..-. , irrotr-NI)-V-vesiil `basket 0! butter Apply` `Hinds Bros. _' _, . 47c L ST-~-C;hild's. black fur collar on Collier 'St.. between Owen and Berczy Sts. Flndex please leave with Brown & Co.. Dunlup St. . 47c ' T I `TO 'LET~--Two good houses with_con_ven- Winnces. Good locations. Sec Partridge & fainroy; _ \ _ 47c TO REN'I'~~Four -unfurnished bedrooms in private house with garden and garage. crmrul location. Applv Box S Ex~ aminer. ` 47p D u..1u\r lJ.l\J.`4DDuV\.I uuue Dy '.Vll'. U. U. Howurd. Bring your. combings and have a good switch` made. 138 .Peel St. or 24 Mulcaster St. 47-49c `OUR LINE of ch0 .:e Christmas goot{s~are[ here. See them and compare pricges. and qualities. R. J. Gallagher, 110 Bayfield St.. phone 2954-prompt delivery. . 47p T'f`<' FOR .~`~.\LE `-1900 mumr power washer. in good mndilzlun. only used short. time. bar- gain fur quick sale. Also EZE wringer. roller hearing.-4 at a Imrguin. D. Gill`e.~`. Bnx 1055, phone 802.]. Barrie. 47c `.\'()'1`I(,`E-~ By agreement. the sale of busi ness between H. C. Channen and J. A. R. Cameron has been cancelled. Signed H. (5. Chunnen. J. A. R. Cameron. 47p HAIR DRESSING done by Mrs. D. C. .4 u..,.... P'l\\\HlI`ll RI-inn unnr nnuuukinnm n. WHITE I.F}GHOR.NS-Ferris bred S. C; White Leghorns 265-300 egg strain. 21 pullers hatchedin May started to lay Sept. 5th laid 36 dozen to Nov. 18th. Laid week ending Nov 18th 113 eggs. 2 laying pullets with 1 cockerel $10.00. Soe my pen and pick-out what you want. J. Hut- chings. 38 Tiffiui St... Allundale. 47p l`.A.-lN'l`ING. puperhunging and general `mu;~`t- lomruting. ' A. Berry, 21 Gowan St.. I Allaudalo, phone 539W. 42-47p cn22u:2 v FOR SALE--15 pure bred Wyandotte pul- lets and cockerels; also beautiful black -mny. fuur years old, perfectlyquiet. broken to saddle. Robert Wilson. 206 Bradford St. Phone 420. ' 47p x uuu-uuzuuu , vv lulu W 1 AH HUI 1134 hens. pullers and cockerels for sale. A-p~ lply 22 Grove street. Phone "793W.T 47p TI-IOROBRED WHITE WYANDOT `Inna nnllnn. unr` nnnhnunln '.._ .~.J.. A... ,.s uuu uuwau uuuun 4Du!`U.VlJ IVIVU pul- lets and hens `and cookerelsu Also horse. humans, buggy. sleighs, cutter, Happy Thought `Range and coal heater. Apply at 139 Collier street. 46-47p YOUNG `CATTLE of various ages for sale. For further pariculars apply to` Walter 'l`homps0n. R. R. 2., Barrio. phone 612 ring 4. 47p .PURE BRED RHODE Int... .....l L..-... .-_..l _--l_ . `r.-xnu mr: S.-\LE~~---I.ot 32, (`on. Fm. mlrlu nf annul nlnuv `An... I ....... _....-- `SIX THOROBRED WYANDOTTE COCK-I ERELS---Will sell reasonable. 138 Peel St. or 24 Mulcaster St. 47-49c -l`\.ll\ nnuvr-tun!!! UI g() ml V llloy Hickling, phone 606 1' 13, FOR SALE---Team of good work horses. nu I-nnlznno nhnnn RH 11 `I9 ' AA`A'1.A. HOUSE `FOR SAI4E -'7 roamed rough-cast. house, summer kitchen and wood ' shed; electric light end water; good cellar; sewer; sidewalk; and gas runs by hour; beautiful location; in good condition. A real bargain. $2,000.00. Apply on `premises T at 104 Sophia St.., one block west of Queen's" Park. 45-47c \ -cu-u- FOR SALE- Seven room nbrick.house,eall conveniences, new furnace, newly decorated all through, large lot, hen house, garage, must be sold. Bargain price for quick sale. 213 Bayfield St. A 47-49;: HOUSE FOR SA-LEaSevn-room brick, large bright rooms, all conveniences,` sun- room, hot water heating; best residential} part of town. Box 274, Aurora. 46-48p WANTED---Highest market price` paid for oats. buckwheat, rye, peas and beans; also for red clover and nlsike seed. J. V. Brett, phone store 65W; nights and holidays, 65J. = - T 46-5.lc . WAN I'ED;--Team ; of Generhl Purpose horses. not over 6 years, in exchange for Fordcoupe; _Apply R. C. Carr, Wood- lands, Shanty Bay. 46-47p HORSE WANTED for -winter. mu feed and take good care of -same for services`. Apply Box "V" Examiner "office. 470 EXPERIENCED DRIVER wisha position 4 as chauffeur or truck driver. Apply at Box 646, Ba_n"ie. V 47p l`.nl4I. I lL\- l4.`\-LWI for sale. VViI'ing R`;*:lit' rou.~'oI1ubLv 01" 28 \\ iHium H9 `WANTED TO BUY, 3 baby carriage. __ Ap- ply Box 352, Barrie P.O. ' T 47p FURS AND HIDES Wanted--Higheat price paid. Phone of write H. Levit, Barrio, Phone 384. V ' , ' 44-49p BOARDERS WAQTED by day or week. Apply 44 Worsley St. W 46-51p TBARRIE LIIIR ll) IIILIRIF .833 . . . s(neW) Drbag per_pound 4 an-dozen I4 ooonnuloyvuuoooucocaj OIIQIOI uooAoo-can: 1'3..- - 1 live Siqgil-z F of Sn_Ie\ . Property To -Let Lost and Found LISTEN IN! 9'93:

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