'er's heart,` for the dog s red; 9175 were fastenedhungrily upon himx Cblonei Hal-- libut. entering, noted Smythe s look, and followed up the impression: the dog had unade. - ' IIIIIV WC made. ALI vuau uu: uuay lwlllgllh. [sounded the deep note o up lther and throw u, V.-mun av. 2 :'A-tvigwoman in this chndltlon should 3 take the Vegetable Compound, for it _ has helped other women and so_ it " should help you. - For hnnrlv 04.. ......__ A. _ will. unlu etc. -....e.. Luc ueaun or tnousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, in- ammation, ulceration, irregularities, - VED- Lydia E. PInkham'oA Private `Text- Book upon Ailments Pecutiur [to Women will be sent you free upon quest, Write to The Lydia E nkhun Medicine Gm, 'r......r mu.-- uuuulu uelp YOU. For nearly fty years this good old-fashioned root and herb medicine, which contains no narcotics nor harmfui drugs. has been the standard medicine for female ills, and has re- U'!'.DERTAKER'/S. i . [condition .for some try it. It has done ' _Cobo.urg, Ontario. Cobourg;~Ontario.--.l-`or many` years I have bad troubles` with my nerves ind have been in a general run-down time. I could not do my ,work half the time because of trouble every month. of_Lydla E. Pinkham s Compound by friends and advised to strongly recommend it. `Since I have taken it I have been able to do All my own work and I else know friends who have found it good. You can use these facts as a testimonial. -Mns. EI.l.E.\' FL.u'rnns,- Box 761, A___ .__-- ` I. was told 3 Vegetable . me good and I ` Relievd by Taking Lyca "E. P_inkham s Vegetable I I uoseux. ueuness gs the result. Unless tie inmunntion can be reduced. your 9&1-ougi: the Mood on the mucous aur- NEIWUUS ANII % ` " RUN IJUWN qucal.._ vv ['1 [8 In T Medicine 00., w---v---uuuu twill-IOU? \lCIlIIu` W UIIIUII ' by` lanai: applications. as they cannot! reaoh- the diseese portion of the aux, Catarx-hail Deafness requires constitu-1 uonar u-ea-ment. n ALL-s CATARRHI MEDIGIINE is a. constitutional remedy. Catarrhaii Deafness is caused by an_in-, amed` condition of the mucous lining` of: , the Eustachian Tube. When this tuhn 1.1 I P I \ I BWC. .I'Il get the old` Beggar down in a jiffy. . a,""h'e\cucll'ed'. - A Hepulled forth a chest and with much grumirrga-t,11rned'i't on- end. Then he climbed up on it and reached for pussy. Nice 4kit.t`v." he said`. trying to get hold of the` el(tsi\`e'~f1ihe; Ki'tty S tail swelled and she reached dbwn and l`eft-:IHree pink scratches on To11nny e wrfst. . Gol' d'arn."' whispered Tommy. , . Oome ddwn here to once, ordered his':`~w mother. r; _, , I" I` 1- u T6xn- climbed dbwrc and stood sheepishly sucking his wrist. 0 ' . You said` "gol-d`arn. --I heard you, crid tlie` widbw. V_ J 1;... . I I I '".'c3'couu:c1'Ion 8ARR|E.0NT. - - _.r I SHe*s_cr:1tIche(L" wbimberedf Tommy. I Mfs. Rosslifted the frying-pan from the fire and laid hold" of 3 long stick of White hit-.kor_v_. V ' - - nu cu; .. | . . . . I her"down;" comuranrled the woman. I ll show her?" . ` rm.-. 2, . 2- . -v - - nulrw I . Thaf was just what Tommy wanted tn] see. 66IV!I . .v- I In -- - - *`* LIIIIKIIIS u . . - n.u . a nun`: - u v Cabbage` . . I . . . . . . . .. 'Bets . . . . ..-.. .. Czirrot$' . . . .. Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ` Snow _appl'es` . . . . . . Pears _. .._. . . . . Pie Pumpkihs . . . . . . . . . Celery` .. . . Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prepvrecl Horse Raulfsh . Cifmns' . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Potatoes . . . . . . . .. Anplee (Tali11an`Swets) Turnips v . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. AH-ay 313.00 Desnite the somewhat adverse weather conditions orr Saturday morning the farm- `ers turned" out" with an ab ndance of veg` et-ables, apples and other rm produce for` the -`ownsmen. Butter and eszzs remained the same as last Saturday. W(`hickens and di1ck's were quite plentiful. Potatoes were to be liad' for 75 cts a bag, while apples` were selling at $3.00 a barrel. . ` The" prices: . . _ Butter` .... . . .. . 40c lb. Eggs 30c doz. ! i 1 Chickens . . . . . 2?.-30c lb. M Onions . . . . . ..`. . 45c large basket n-I_|_'_ ,, - - - A - - I I ,5` SATURDAY MARKET 5 [cu-uuuun ISBIUSEIIC (C081-O11). . . inventor, P. N. Johnson, 246 j Craig St. W., Montreal, is offefing to send 8` 1`amp on 10 days FREE trial`. or` even to give one FREE to_ M the'fi'rs1_: user in each lodality who will help him introduce it. Write him to- day` for ftrl'Lp~articnlars. Algo ask ` him to e'xp-Ia1"n~ how you can get the !agency, and without experience or ; money make $250 to $500 per month. g-v:--w-1 jj-nun? `rut V.)-nnI'[ A new oil lamp th'at gives an amazs - ; ingly brilliant, soft, white light; event ; getter thzfinbgai 06 elecgricity, has-` ' een teste 'y t e .S.' overnment and 35 leading universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil` lamps. It burns without odor, smok _cl'ean, safe. Burns 94% 811` and 6% common kerosene (coal-oil). - I ;'1I'1'Inl'I'l4n1I `D M 1..1........ om: or'no.i'se-- no pumping up,_ is simple}, ~ 3mm !:=!-'i<=[T..R.I<; on M: The Doubl;T|-ack Rout; bgtween T LAMPIBURNS (To Be Continueti) do7.Tp3u.I1 . . . . . . . . .. 5c "each 8I3.00 `and $14.00 a ton iarge . 5c to` 10c head `. . . .. 25c basket . . . . . . . . 30c lb. . . . - 25c baskef _50c small basket . . . . . . 10c piece . 5c-10c bunch 25c basket 0 . 30: large bottle . . . . . .. 10c each . . . . . .. 75c bag . . . . .. $3.00 bbl. J "mss"M..M`cAR1'Hun was REMODELLED AND- me Fin-.. U.__IL.;,,.9 -- - -v-. PIANO AND VIOLIN TUITION Special attention to younger Hnildren. BOYD SYLVESTER Bandmaster. Barrie Citizens 27_v3'I_v . 120 Bayeld St. ? vuvv--UDlII|ll Ill \Il'IIU_ DYIFUII `loll -"I in advance (in areas $2.50): United 32.50 per your in advance. Both old `Dd new Iddteues should be given when at address is 1-equated. CANCEL LIT ON8-We nd that most of~o'ur nub unamrol Accountants Pliblo Iain 5874. 59 Yonge St. Toronto I. J. Weleh, C.A. G. D. Campbell. C.A. T. E. Lawless. C.A. W. 8. Hulbig. Production Engineer. Kanager Cost and Efficiency mpartmoot _----..-.-_.___.- 'PIp ds `prepared for Tom MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.c.M. ~ Teacher of Piano and Vocal nto Oonseivuton of Music examinations leading up to and including the A.T.(`..M. degree. Studio-King Block._ `Phone 424. ? mm: 33., Ban- 0 icd- hours---9-10 a.m., .._.________.____ , . midi`.-_ E: [If Gi'aduato- of McGill University, M6n1rul. 0 ice- and -Res_idence-Corner Elizabeth C Bradford: 88., Barrie. Phone 105. Oicd-hours--&i0 mm, `-9 '~ '- " " ` ' ...-.. vuuroll, Nlo. | PHMSIGLAN AND SURGEON\ `0ica~and.:R.esa'd ier Sta, corner I! Clapperton St., B V . Phone 275. 1 UH]! I Phione-7-_101 %""""""" DBL. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of` 19:2. Ross E Ross, B_arri . Late Surgen Speciast with the 1 Imperial Army, 4% years. lceneeui Sui-ggnygv and Obstetrics especially. , . I Oifice--l5 Owen St. Barne. |Phnne-7102 " 1 " ` "" \ unoa. LII u=.r. _'a LITTLE Physicians-:.amt` Surgeons, Barrio, Ont. Office and` Residence-437 'Maple Ave. ice hourss- 1` 80-31 p.m.,. 7 to 9 p.m., at by appoiimneatv. \ Phone 213 A. '1`. Littl9.M2D'. W. C. Little, MB. _________________________; { ' . nn~..na.rmuu=.a LYON 122 Btoor t: West. Tomato, will be at 1 91 Owen-; St'., Eiarrie, every Saturday. Disoam-.o ., Eat, msehnd Throat Consultation liuurs-lI am. to 5 pm. Barrie-phone-2'. Toronto. North 3326. ______________________j 6- t=.-J8!!1itI1-E __-`. ......-.uuuu1.1`4U A Over Hurlburt s Shoe ? 5 U. Q I Phone 611 ' DR... H . 1?. ARNALL 'atc Ooroner County of Simooo Oic band Residence--Corner .Toront3 and Elizabeth.':S1as.. opp-. Gemrnl Church. Telephone 167. ,71'A1_1'.o11'1s`:'ss ~ Suits, Topcoats. Dresses, Etc..bE 2 Adelaide Street, Allandale. . Thurda3r, November 23, .1922 : -_______._.__.__ DD OTHY J. SARJEANT. TWAPDDD nun nu . .. DAKall'l'1!l {.3`, SUh1l3l:'l`0R.S, ET Oicw; 707-S Kent Buildin] Toronto, Ont. C. W": Plbxton. P. Gordon Pla , , ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor foif. obtaining probato oi wis, guardianship and! administration, 3nd Generahsolicibon, Notary; (Bonveyancer, on Oice--Hind.s' Bloqk, No. 8 Dunlap St. Money to loan ' @- I H? I Y ID I3-UI'?IU.'v" Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, ' _ Conveyancors, Etc- _ Money to loan at- lowest rates of int}:-en. .0'ic&-l3 Owenu St., in Masonic Temph Building, Barrie. Branch "oice-EImvda. W: AL Boys, K>C.,M.B., D; C. Murchison lwruuuutca lulu` Luuunucna U! nuyzu UOUOQO ~ of Dental: Surgeons, Toronto. M Oicez Over Bank of Toronto, Barrio. -- Entrance on Owen St. Phones: Oice 26!, Res. 314. P.0.Box 13] W-. Richardson-,s-L..D.S`.,. D 5. 7c i W. Randali!;Riohu'ds0n. I).D.S.. D.D-K 250 FOR THE BEST IN nAI BREAD HOME-MADE B_!_!EAD BROWN BREAD .sA~ND.wIcH BREAD and a full line of PIES. cA| and PASTRY Ba.~kery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth_ and Small Sts. ons..w.,.A+:p. w. R; arcmuiusou Sxjaduates and- members of Royal Gallop nf Donna]: S11:-1zenn.s_ Tm-nnm _______._..___ LAWSON, WELCH C CAMPBELL Chnmru In-amnon-n V. VI: NC-I Funbral Director gand Embal 47 Elizabeth St. Barrie. Phone, day 0 night, 218. vs -u-'-wuu - --- .__ I8 Toronta; gt: T-6ront;: Ra Edwards: G-..R_. Edwards, B.A.Sc. : rrmura _|UII', . UHT. Oic hours--1'2 to 2 add no 4to9pm w.A..Ls3m=s, M-.13., C.M. _ , wnclmv AND }rM~:coLoGY . ---an O. 5:` DWKWN, B.A., _1_.B.__ `hnnn 61) ' 5 to run- __...-- 9 :33` 7. Owen St. Masonic Temple Building ' II! but: I RADENHURST &. HAMMOND BAR.-RISTERS-. SOLICFFORS. Masonic Tbmple.B`uiid&ng. Barrie ' Money to Loan V 51 puxxroiri & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, somcmms, {M-I`;...\.. ':n'7Q L --. n..:n.::; `p I\nlUl.III'1.l.I',`-.|4o.l.7sD.,- I171-D lc Ranaangaiohuasoa. n.b.s., D.D Phone: uidanco /sssx S;1ccess'm- to J. Arnold FIRE INSURANCE DONALD R0559, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrio Money to loan. IIll`VIVlIfI'u~ lvwuunul, Du. Successor to Greu;nw.i3ke 4: Bell BLARRISTER,` SOLIGITOR, ETC. - MONEY TO LOAN D.-.3- Dl..-I- !1,-__: _ u A ' ""l" I-Fllllulllf '9 3 . '=.*!r. . |'If'lIaa'nn LA urns. an H FUECHIIN3 mmom. my summon mznrsmn, our. [c hours--1'2 9.}. -2: ..`a.a -7 an n - ' Vj ouucmu/r.. McCUAlG, 8.A. gnnnnannn tn {.`ng.unn'nIp.. 1. DJ! uuuumwu 3 r] medalist (1 in; .....l -1` .L onssi l.'lTTlLE & !.lTT_L_E icilillk magnum B----- unrwnnl. A.` ':I:1::A5i1ER or PIANO ` Telephone 151. Barrio p n 1:..- on lvn, VIBLUH C CAMPI Chartered Accountants n 5274 an v-.._- a- n:(1|\|\IIu ullttlvlu V I.al\ cvety,jl`hundqy afternoon at in Polt Oioe Bqliue, Barrio. Subscription Pflu-Could: and Gust, Britain 82.00.1301 nut in Idvnnna (in nu-I-nun 2-2 mm . n.az... L.. J; SBIPSOII, M.B. MQIDIAM Ann nu.-...... nova. _ Mua.cmsof on. A. Kansans wunmm Anrn. asfnnn luvIIr.l_ III LVHN Ross Block, Barrie 18yrly cyuunc 101 . 113! P. 0. Box.88 znwamas 1. EDWARDS ._._A_ B4 MUSIC` G. ;l'URNBULL nni n - - .THE 3AR_131g3_ex_;_i1\'1N15_:g; -.I __-_ .'__ - Emhalmorj Q, n.,..:- on, M.B. 56 Gbier s:.. sum"... ....s. nuuua 100. n., 1-3 p.m_., 73 p.m_. UNI: E. Plaxtol. ( av-`A AAAAIIJ Stoxe. Barrie, T, A.T.C.I. LITA -`ii-EPAIRED uni HIE. V O. Box 10782` :----:-3 msma ISimcoe Marble Woiksl .. ,...,._...,...._\ a reasoxmhly >9 I/ib8l`3l.~' `Ah! T914 would pr(-.<\'.rn-f quith as chin! To the uniu-ui follow l.ln_wl (L _d0ubt. 21 nnm'm- sta_ved.b_v him. would not rr>n.~` to the gm'-mm 81.`! in uni.<-on wi t}A9l'E' \'(!|}]li M- - and by Lihovrzl . House l.( . Hlt'I`. `to regard lhi~` go'vermm-m- nu myt. so htrgv :u~ security. '!.:y!u has {HP `l:u*;:v.~ to the ;;:.-\.:-rx turmwm'.~ 1.: f iixg. not rmh I but also. by nr given. ' The- Georgela inux shed 'h0lm\' I `SU 8l'lgt}'I in `h recogniws .\1r. Chief. thmuzh . mm in Pai. deuce `de(-isiun. accepted mn- erals whn _did when hr` \\'u.~` h< up an- iIit(`rP.~` Following it m 'lc n ...,._... 112-. Break of that `NOW ('mm~ British (`I('(`? _ while bin:-r '1 and hard fun the excitcnu the pm! hm polled '.'hv \\': hers in m:m_\' fog and r_ui'n. Bnn-ar `Lam- EP_ 5d3 Suce ,THE Are Well Supplied at-L-L Capitax, pr"-ovegn Compan Whn inv Life man PHONE c. BROWN } Large and well assoftd stock to Choose from. We are nowgetting good. shipments" of imported granites at greatly rduce ed vpriges. . ' E YOUR READING NEEDS c. w. J. "EASTMAN, PAROP. Mbrgue and Chapel III IEIIIIIIEISTIHII (WEN DAY. AND NIGHT" _ Page Ten Ipuy. { C-`oncmlt us with vour building 20 Owen St., Barrie" MONTREAL O TORONTO DETROIT and CHICIAGO - I-.I I\l4!, _ _T"2r 9`i5B5 R. G. MANUEL, MGR. scorrs sooxsrom-: Emblishcil 17 ` Phone 721' Phone .` Fhono I2 Full information from any Grand !`runk.'l`icket Agent or C. E. Horn- lnc, District Passenger Agt., Toronto`. E: ilanucu. gun can` .a(`lll|V\J6 A tired, nervous feelingvmay be a sign of poisons in yoursystem -which prevent proper digestion. Food turns into more poison and gas. making you _nervous and. weak, Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine,{ etc., as mixed in Adlerika, expels poisoni and gas from BOTH upper and lower bowel. Removes old matter you `never thought; wasvin your system which poisone'd stomach -and marleyou tired and nervous. Adlerika -is EXCELLENT to guard against appendi- citis. Wm; Crossland. druggist. [Sold in v.Elm\'ale by W. J. McGuire. druggi `Do YOU FEEL TIRED * uuu. Smythe.',' he said. hblding the visitor! with his eyes. you and Watson are both dange`d -humbugs. Watson d':dn't. writel that letter: you wrote it. Watson may, be a villain, but there's not hypocrite! e nou};h about him to dictate a letter like! that I just read. I'm not sparing him. He was quite willing for you to work this game for him. So my money was taken from him, was it? Well. I suppose it's just as well to loseit. one way as another.` But I want you._to' confess. that you wrote that letter. -Did you?" I did." answered Smythe ifearfully. Iulll IU Iut' l He paused, and Vhis lipsinet in .a thin line. ` `.C.___J.H .. . .. . .. I ...- ".3.-u`..u vv vuu uguv, I:el\'F _vvu: l In my poor way. sir." nodded Sn1ythe,l I have." _ ~ ' .- T ' "Where does Watson want to be bur-l ed?" asked the -Colonel gravely. The other started. Buried!" -*he gasped. What o you mean, Colonel?" `K ` Why. judging from his letter, he ex- pects to die very soon. and sometimes; people are fanciful about where they\are` laid to rost-t---" V ` __ I 1j_ _,_, I 1 1- Yours, An erring one who has been led to the light, Thomas Watshn." The Colonel folrle up the letter. pitched it into the coals. and sat down. ~He re- filled his pipe. :1 half smile ori his face. 'I;hen he turned to Sinythe, whose features were working, and whoywas \' inly try-I ing"to force` a teardown his cheelc. - Hc1_ __-,, I I . ...,, ......\. .. .uu'uuvv-u um UHCUIK. '; So you managed to convert poor dy-E I V ' mg Watson? ' he observed. You've led an erriug,.one to the light, have you?" In _____ ______ ____ 3" vy '1 u n m . uuuluul xuuuuue, V ' ` I Respected Sir: I may never see you in life again. Mr. Smythe will explain. I am willing to die in fulfilling niyduty to! you. but, sir. I beg that you will not venture among the Bushwhackers. They I have sworn to shoot you on sight and "to burn your schooner if you sail her into the bay. The six hundred dollars you gave me toward leasing the timber was: taken from me as I lay helpless among thel ruffians who tried` to kill me. It prdved my salvation, for. as they fought among themselves for the money, I managed to crawl away. Good~by; sir, and if we `never meet again on earth~-but I cannot finish. VVLVQ VV ILVYQFWWG 3'94-IL V3.13 NGOKMINDID 5 low `I? nnuootsrs '~ DHICMNJ mun um nm in can was umun co.aucuo.Iu \ (Continued from Last Week) Colonel Hallibut, M nnunnntnrl Qhnu I i\:\I|Iv .........._ ..-.. -.-.. vv vvvyvvvvvvvVvvvvVYVVVV T-R;,'.5i emu`; Iharl omqdy for u easy-kc azdssaaeiuggpareea 4.}:---\-_ t 9 lane to "6a1"ltlueiunatIsi:1 o W _o 5 lost otlcr pain: _are easy. Sold by Wm. Grassland. 1 gnu Juu ; fearfully.` .'vu _uuI Ul Inc l'UUlll. I I As Sinythe viciously attacked the cold: fluent and `bread set before him. a long,l weird howl came floating and trembling? on the air. He dropped his fork and sati erect. fear writ-tep in his shifting e_ves.[ Once again came the cry, and Smythe arose` and went to the window. Through the; narrow oaken-slabs of the kennel-fence.` he caught sight of four heavy-chested yel-. `ow-white dogs. Theyiwere creeping slow- llv across the incloeure with heavy jaws {half open and saliva dripping from their. `red tongues. As the watching man gazed. fascinated. one of them lifted its head`and sent a heart~chilling\cry upward. Then. tohancing to catch sight of the fear-strick- en man at the window, the uge dog hurl- * ed itself against. the narrow opening andl drew in its breath with a whistling, sob-ll hing sound that sent a shiver to` the watch- I l _>...._---.,... .-`vs, >n -vnvuvvn .1. Ca. BILLINGS av. Depot Agent . Phon Olav Barrio `luc uuIuIg'4,l'UUlZ - . xi "Rachel.-M get this pale rider something; to eat, "11 you, while I have "Dick get` lout his horse's? 1!`- _I,.,,, .1 1 - r- uul um uuusc: 0 He slapped the drooping Smythe betweeni the shoulders and. laughing loudly. stamp-' ' ed _out of the room. 3 An Q.....L.. ..3--.._I__ ,AA I u .1 -- us me awake to go. - Have you any word" to said to M !Watson. sir_?"`he asked." I [3-`In 51...; T L--- ;_\ ,A v0 - uuu \:uuu.\. g Smythe reache(_i for {he bottle and pour`! I M some `brandy. Into hts~gIass'wit_h a hand! I that shqok. His face, always pinched and; R|'.\ ~wh1te, was grayer and more "sunkeul us he arose to go. E Y-rtnvn nnn nnuv ........-I. L- _.-1.! A, 11,, I :vvuwuu. am: He asked. ,~ I v"0nly that I hope to` see him again; `before he makes up_his mind't0 dim"; ! -xxniled the Colonel. * ` i Hallibut called to the housekeeper from? ifhe dining.rnnm- ' y l.l(Alll`Uul UUIICU ,he dining-room: Rm-.hn| am 1 trust.-vl :4.` us UUIUIIUI ILGIUUUU 5. l Perhaps some -day you lI[Icno-w that; `Mr. Watson and xnyselfave done ourl ; best for you...C_olonel," said Smythe yeproaeh-f Hully. I know we ve erred in some res~. Upects; but over-zealousness is perhaps the cause of failure. You will pal-don my! suggesting that you may have en unduly] `influenced against Mr. [Watson on account] convince the Bushwhackers of your good?` intentions. ' j M lof his not. as'_v_et.. having been able to: I .a-- . ~ ...u vuu-uuwo E "Perhaps you are right." ret-urned`Hal- libu" coolly. .q'I\I1"'in'Fl\nn`n1\:` 5'..- LL- L._4a.I_ _._,r ; H: ,1-.uu uuIue- xrom seeing that same; chooner start on her trip to Rond E`au:I Bay." he said, and heaven help the` Bushwhuocker that medd'les'witlt it or anvl other property of Colonel Hal'libut.'s." (5I'\_,,I_ , ' A uvcr, uuu Lu uo 1% . He frowned down on. Smythe` and nod'-- ded` his shaggy heatf. ' M I ve just c0me~ from seeing that same! . . 1 schooner szfnrr nn Rm our. .. D,......I 1:`...... that 3! I`Il_I Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on Nnght Trains and Parlor `Cars on principal Day Trnins. .grunted Hallibut. T "A`Welll. l . - uruuuu vuv val-uau let me tell you something. ,Wl'1en- the` B`-ush-- whackem bum my`schooner. I'll believe they're` ready to shoot me on` sight; not before. I sent. word,.t.o them that I w uld shin a cargo of lumber---my own lumb from Lee Creek before the Eau froze; over, and I711 do it." No fa-nun-.n.I .-I'..... -_ C\_,,_.I: u 'u- l W. ..-.v.u v-nu uuuu nu: vcaalila I mean`-that they intend to do it," asserted Smythe-.. lit you doubt: me.. sir, you may anchor off Lee Point and. con'\'ihce' yourself that I spetirk the otruth. , ' : .__ ._ : u1I,.... I, IVO . | wluug. all`. I Of course not," agreed Hallibut d'ryfy.. What do you mean bysayixlg tho~'e gliushwhackem will burn my vessel?" *6! .....,._ LL_L .L,,, I A I -- -- --. cu- Watson's arm wus\ too sore: He- asked" me to write it. I d'1dn't'meun anything; wrong. sir." ` I ('36 ...n....... ....4. "' .._._-_.r n-_u:1:,,. 1- r I UIIIIJ IIHIUI8 ID "III II CR|lCl'l' .ment.hIany thousands of Can- adlans`have proved the eectlveuss of1`.R.C.`s. The best test you can. make is to get; dollar box from your drugglst. or tor tree sample wmu. G. Templeton & Co..'l`o|-onto. A postal card will bring It. I- AII__.l_I_ I , VTIIB simple Is this: than it nothing q'u'I'tc so good for pain; and ache: at TCmp(ion'; Rheumatic.` Copaulu. Thg medl- clnl ppwer tluy contain Is ibsorbed I7 theblood and scurried to the seat 0 `the pain. 1`. R. 6. : contain no habit-tomlng drugs. Their actlnn Is to rehove the cause ol the pain. SING `I`.l!.C. s is not an experi- .m_gnt."many thozusaqds _"THt:`_ BARME EXAMINER vvuu Juu. run. What's the matter with me? Why, here`s nothin' the matter with me. Can't } _me be a Christian woma and sing hymns zwithout you and Mary nn and the cat even taking objections? Where is that `at?" . ' . Mrs. Ros left.`he potatoes and seized hold-"of, the broom. The cat sprang on Tommy's neck. and. assistedby the claw--, ".0ld, it found there, bounded to the rafters at the ceiling. Widow Ross made a sweep . t it, but failed to reach it. .Tommy grin- , .`ei`h.`If_,,- ` `Z - uuumy. "I tell you I don't know._whispered the ' youngster shrilly. making` a kick at the cat. Get out. you moon-eyed old beggar The -won1an;g'ave the browning potatoes a stir with the knife and glared over her shoulder. She had just finished the verse l hr the fifrimh rimn mm .1... i......| r--.`t:-: -~you want to know all about everyIhin ." ' ]l"i%s " IRRIT TED BY suN.wgNI;nugac1Nnn _RI&KEHIII I-I LDIY I nmsrs OFII IAN` -c-uuunucl. DUI: uuu USE Hnlsned the | . J `or the Fftivth time, and she had sufficient. breath left to say: *`You ll get licl-ta yet before you get into Who are you talkin' to. Tom Ross?" -\ Cat, answered Tom shortly. What are you sayin-' to her? '3` She wants~ to know what : the matter with you, ma." 7lvm'.. cl... .....4.`__. -__:.L en` un- Ibed. What's the matter with you now? ,. m nu-15:5 uuw: ; _ CHAPTER XXI i ' Widow Ross Backslides } Just at that particular moment the wid`-A 5 ow was frying the potatoes for supper- She 5E was singing, and snapped the words out asf l though determined to do what was right! under any circumstances. The mangy cat; 'j'crouched beneath the s ove. its lanky body; sunk between its shoulder blades. its big; I] yellow inquiring eyes staring out at Tommy.` ' I who was moliling bullets over in a corner '!of the room. He looked back at the cat. and shook his head. ' \ `Cross the river of Jordan, ` Happy. happy. happy. happy. ' Oh, we'll `crow the river of Jordan, 4 l i lHappy in the Lord." L Widow Ro fiersisted in the task and the cat crept across and talked close range to Tommy. I ha] ...... 1' Ann L " _wuuIIulIlu Irllfl V Miles away I I } steam whistle. . 6-u..n:L_..v I ,-_.-,u.u.a. uncrcuulll. Iur m me rear. I n It was quite agreeable to that gentleman; [to be left_to himself. When-he reachedl; .' the edge of the town _he reined up__2'md gazed 5 southward through the hazy twilight. } Miles awmr xnnnrlnrl Hm Ann.-. nntn .: ..' I as-Gaul wumue. . ' ` ; "Hallibut's mill on 'I`ot_herside.-"' mzusedi f Smythe. I wonder ithe widow is wuiitlng i I is doing now? ; ,' PUADTED vvu - and`"watching for me? I wonder what he,L uclcu, ' He s2ruck~his"horse with the quirr and! ;it bounded forward. leaving Bridgeaown's 3 general merchant far in the I If uyua 4\u:t.. .\.._......Ll_ L- -1. . I I I | I unalloc- } "Tell me about it." said Watson. ` Not now." Smy.he shook his head... | Later. perhaps, but not now. Let us ezichl iearnestly review our plans for Saturdgyl l night. my friend. and for our own personali `safety, as well as for business motives. I think out a line of action." A I Watson shuddered back into his saddle. I A I wish to God it was over." he- mut- i tn-pd ' Ctla Here you, c ,q_ nuauc. uuueu up 8l0llgSl(]8 Dlnl. ]_ Charting. was always an unsatisfactoryx: game with mic, he said, and in the-case nf widow Rossit has been no exception. I a find she is `a selfish woman. I found her } an heathen: and I showed her the light " And she showed you the door, eh? i, . Not so fast. my friend," smiied Smythe; !she did no]. It was that boy of hers U r ;whot spoiled my visits. That boy played :1 nasty [rick upon me the last time I visited the widow. ~I have. not been hack. since." i ,.,,._,, . _ . w .. --- i ' uc ,_ l_l was LU! DB, my Iflellu. I "You are a great man," flattered Wat- son. You deserve succws. Smythe. I -._ope you win widow Ross ahd her snug bit ofiand. And I hope after the Bush- whackers are convinced that I-Iullibut would k.idmip- their queen as a hostage, they will realize that they need you and me as cus- itodians of their deeds." . LL. I...'...L-_x -,,,, I- - --- . - - _,~---i,` ____ -- comor Sophinvand Mntwstrocu ' Ilnufuctunmu ul Sash. Donn. Fumes. ooring Ceiling. Moulding. Water Trough! Tanks, etc. W0 carry iu,,&tock 3 large assortment ol Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Prepurod Roofing. . Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done ymmptly. nnunnll nu nriblu Ivnnn LI|"A:n- Iuuuuaua UII uucu` uveus. i 1 He laughed over his shoulder, andl ` Smythe. digging his spurs into his old whi.e, . mare. trotted up alongside him. 3 l M`(`.'l-'|']1!I!l'.`l-IN! In-one alumnus ll-u ........A.2;L`.._;-..._ l If I read Amos ari ht---well. ya, I ldo. Although, let us ape n0t;'let us thope ll0l ...W _ s - _ ~ "Then, when will we kidnap the wood- nymph?" asked Watson. "She mI.`St- be` P got rid of, for Simpson threatens to undo {our little plans if we fail him, you know." `_ `Yes,. L. li:now,"" answered Smy_the;_- Well. well not d.suppoi_nt. Smipson. Three people thereare who must become Amer- licau citizens soon, and stay American cit- lizens: Old Noah, Simpson. and " ` He clicked; hisitongue and Wa`son looked" with some sort of admirationat hs friend. V "Smythe. youire a great man," he as- . |pserQt.erl... V ._._.;L. ._E, , I 1 5 I - I llIl7ll'l l Say `Sauurday night." directed Smythe quietly. Poor Jittle girl !-But i_t lnusgg be;;i_t haait` to. my friend. I "Vnn urn n ........ :x,..._...,I In . nu u \.n nus. al\JU3`.. "Gogi knows," he sighed. God knows . best. my iriewd. I try to do` ngy little part `well. `Tis all that I can do. -.\ Hui- ....l'..... .... ur_...,__ LWI --' - wan. 1.1: nu HI! I can (19. A. little unther on Watson broke th'e hp` pressive silence again. When will we do it then-'?" HQ____ _C, ` . . . n hm: 1- uuu... .Suxyt.he raised his weak eyes toward the lmvering. skies-. _ -~r:.\.4 n...,....`." 1.- `:_L-4 em - - i -_.., .. nu an `Anni I\\.plI\-`J: he fl`aal`u:d.. What did he say?" Smythe` [leaned forwardxin the"saddl'e.. I hope to see him before he diesfd ' ' Watson did not reply. He sprang into the saddle and hetW0 rode for a mile or two. in silence. Then Smythe remarked}: "I-I::llxbut's schooner left for Rond blau -to-day, and I think A:noslBroadcrool<.will not allow me to lose the wager he believes I. made with. the`daar Colonel. He is wait-. .110. for the vessel to dro anchor ?_ . . . Tllenx vml rlnnb 0-11.. .,.I............ ..-II "I told you he wouldift believe. you," ` " `My friend. he answered. `tell Wafso ` ` uA5- Iul hut! VCSSCI I0 (lrop anchor. `- Thenr you - think the schooner I burn 1" urt Y . I A ' ' .--- . u-unnwu unu_yLuc Wlla ll lJU3Ky V0106`! l Smyhe," said Hallibut, I3ire"kept- `those dogs-well, because they_7~ve.- been.:` I good friends to 'me_. and I can'i" make up my mind to kill them. ' ,Smythe shuddered and reachedi for his `cup. He walked slowly from `the room and climbed in\to`*_ his saddle. The` Colu- "onel watched him `take the tneil. then. his duty us a host done, he tutnediinto `the house `ith an expression of disgust, ] Unce Smythe had rounded the clump~o5l' ` bushes. he slashe the sleepy over-fed.mare] limo a gallop, hich was not slackened luntil he was many n'1iles _down the t.rail.l {Then he dipped into a hollow. reinedlup, `and whistled softly. Watson came from. auiong the trees leading a bay horse by {the brid1e:rein. He glanced `at Sn1y_rhe' [face and his own darkened. " l u-r.Iu - I. wouldn't` give a penny.` for your chance if Trailer there caught y.ou.\in` the open, Smythe',.he said soberlyc ~ B t`~-I fter not watch him` if you, care to sleep 1`toA-night.` Guess I d better get. rid:.os;t1ia':;! .Trailer. He scares me, and I'm used`-. to ghim." _ V . What do you keep those awful: animals- for?" asked Smythe wnh a husky voice. Qmul-kn -..:..I tr_n:.L._. .1-n` w- * cu mares us requested. eGA`llIiEl.- I.I'l"08--We that of~our `sub Hint: prefer not to have their euheeripn ne interrupted in case they fail to remit hdore expiration. ` While subscription: will not be carried in arrears over an extender period, yet, unless we are notied to cancel. `we nuume the subscriber wishes the service eontinued. Remittances ehould be made by ngktered letter, money order, or cheqliv `weyehle at per in Barrie. _ J. A. acberen, Editor. " . W. C. alls, Ilenegee.