......-u... umu. ncuaule [)5 I C iffvord Whittaker o lselected president and} iof Dalston, secretary-tre director's are as follows: itram, Dalston; M. Castor `Tyson Rowat, 2nd line Wylie, Vasey, and Cliff I er, Edgar. _ A `l I -_A.-L! ' Over one hundred farmers were present at the organization meeting] :of the Simcoe County Potato Grow-I ers Association, `held at Craighu-`st; ?on Friday, Sept. 8. The Association! `has as its object the grading of Ipotatoes in order to place them on ia better `marketable basis. . I (`.H~t~`+`)~....I `!rL}L.L-` - -- Union Bank --_.. .. v........\,;.. : um I )r's Howard Ber- Dalston; Caston, Craighurst:l line, Flos; Thos. Clifford Whittak- var ' The Minister of Finance offers. to holders of Canada s Victory Bonds issued in 1917 and maturing December 1, 1922, the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds, bearing 5% per cent. interest and maturing in 5 or 10 years. A bonus of a. full month s interest will be given to those who avail themselves of the conversion privilege not later than September 30. In which love, morals and blackmail make. a thrilling combination. ' SEE IT ` WEDNESDAY-TIIIIRSDM - .. vununuo lker of Edgar was? and. Morley Beath ary-treasurer. The I 11...... "W - - ` WE WILL ARRANGE T0 CONVERT YOUR BONDS WITHOUT CBARGB .30 456. A GAY comamr or EMBARRASSMENTS --..-.- .. ...,...nu;u.: ;uuuu cue go- - 3 ing easier and were 5 shots up at the _; end of the play. W. H. Kennedy : [rink included Geo. Hubbard, J. H. Seagram and J. D. Milne, and Skip iClark had with him C. -R. Kendall, 3A. G. Habbick and H. J. Thompson, el Hon. Mr.` Justice Mowat {villi be g [confrontediwith a small list of civil.` 1- I cases when he opens the F'al1Assizes itfof the Supreme Court at the court- n [house in Barrie, Tuesday, Sept. 19.. f`There are no criminal cases on tho nfdocket and John Mackay, Clerk of the court, said today that the entire- silist would comprise only two cases hiand an issue. One ofthe actions isf re that of Stott vs. Kenney for alleged-' *- slander. ' Both parties are residewrs _:lof Flos. The second case is that of ~.. Thompson vs. Gould, which is an ac: - tion on an agreement over a sale of land. The plaintiff hails from Allis'~ ton and the defendant from Essa`. The issue to be argued is that of Mcb -!Carthy vs. Willett, an action to de- .itermine the ownership "of household ,igoods seized by the sheriff. ` Tim` 'p\arties are residents of Tay. - 7 i dOLLlNGWOODERS FAIL TO LIFT ;lTUDHOPE TROPHY FROM BARRIE I Two crack Collingwood rinks wen? gbeatcn by 6 points in :1 lively batte` 'for the Tudhope Cup, held by Ba1'rie,~ ion the Barrie greens last Friday . I One of the visiting rinks was skipped: 'b_v Colin Currie; the other by Skip`-' Welch. In trimming Skip Currie .e.-' iquartet Hunter. Kennedy and him` gtrundlers had to extend themselxms to the limit and only just managed to pull out "a wink by a 20-19 scone. Peter Clark's stalwarts found the go- lino nnciar and ......... = -L-A ' .___.1 N__ FALL ASSIZES TFHAVE NOT A CRIMINAL CASE 25. ach 51.50 ate. IING . 75}: 1 Sox, - __ . ..._.vauv viola JCGI-I u Moonstone congregation presented a `petition asking to benssociated with the Hillsdale congregation. The matter was favorably, considered and a committee was appointed to look ` "into the whole situation and to re- ,__ .... -45.... u\.nn..1\. ' Rev. Dr. Wallace of Tdronto ad- dressed the court in' connection with the Forward Movement, emphasizing especially the spiritual aspects-`of the work. The Presbytery agreed to div- ide itself up_into ve groups, each to meet at a central point for inspire-V tion and information regarding the ` Forward Movement this year. lI.........4..._- A. -- I Rev. John McNab presented an unanimous call from Victoria Har- bor, Waubaushene and ,Coldwater in favor of Rev. D. H. Currie, a mem- ber of the Hamilton Presbytery. The` call was received and sustained. It was accompanied by a guarantee of a yearly stipend of $1800 together` with a manse, and one month's holi- ` days. Provisional arrangements 1 were made for the induction in event 1 of the call being accepted, as fol- ' lows: Rev. John McNab of Midland ` to preside and 'induct,~Rev. F. W5` Gilmour of Penetang to preach, Rev. = M. C. Gandier of Port McNicoll to I address the minister", and Rev. _R. B. Ledingham of Jarratt to address the people; settlement to take place on the third Thursday of October at Vic- toria Harbor at eight o'clock. ~n___ qx vuv . ' "e - I The Home Mission "report of the] Presbytery was -submitted by Rev.I J. D. Byrnes, D.D., of Barrie. '1`his,l on the whole, was most encouraging! and the grants for the ensuing six` [months will be applied for to the` Assembly s committee, which meets in Toronto at the end of Septemberg. The report with its recommendations` . was received. e - COMING SOON --A GREAT CAST, INCLUDING}-V A PAULINE STARK; LURA ANSEN CHARLI-`.S1OGl.E JOSEPH DOWLING --AND-- W - Two new ministers, Rex. Alex. Rintoul of Angus and Rev. R. B. Led- ingham of Jarratt, were welcomed into Presbytery. I in one of the greatest-rovl;-}:e- `hes ever portrayed; % e On Tuesday, `Sept. 11, "the regular! quarterlymeeting of the Presbytery of Barrie was held in St; Andrew's] church, with a large attendance of ministers and elders. Rev. L."Mc- Lean of Bradford was appointed T moderator .for the ensuing "six months, and in his absence on Tues- day Rev. R. H. Somerville of` Thorn- ton was continued as mo`derator fo the meeting. ' Here s a talethat will `remain indelibly" impressed on one simemory for all time. It is not a morality play,-it preaches no ranting sermon-its-ch-aracters- are those met with -in ~everyday'life, people who cause you toe-c-huclcle--`-weep--sob-and then laugh. - . ` MOONSTONE mzsnuas! TO JOIN _11LLsnAu=; Request Favofbly Receivedyi by Presbytery;- Call to I ' Coldwater. i lFY0l JIN-l13ELlEVE IT W S09`: 9 PAGES AT` USUALA PRICES...15c-25. A PRE-RELEASE SE 11' BEFORE TORONTO O VFRIIIAY-SATIIIIDAY AVER Tuaonoiifxonskrs THOMAS MEIGHAN SHOWING BEFORE TORONTO C 319 PARAMOUNT . PICTURE s1=.<:'r1oN 2% PAGES 9 TO 16 ..-...uuua u.L DIIC UllL|l'C(l. ;. ' Presbytery authorized the General . Interests Committee to visit all con-Z3 -igregations whovhve not conie"up. to`. the new minimum stiped, Rev; `J. L. Wooley of ` Uttersonl is leaving the Presbytery with the deep regret of his brethren at the` end of the present month. He is to take charge of a congregation at ; Richards Landing in Algoma I_ ~re.<-!; bytery; run new all catty uube. ' i I The commissioners to the General > Assembly reported diligence and the . Presbytery` nominated Rev. John; Matheson, clerk of the Presbytery of! Orangeville, as Mode'rator of Synod,` which meets in 'Toronto,on Oct. 10.- lThe Presbytery also nominated Rev.,! E. G._.. D. Freeman, B.D., of wynntf peg,-. as associate editor for the pub-! lications of the church. D....-L..L----- - H A I port at an early dat. 'I`Ln ...........:,...: - _ V ....... ..5 ,......a w ou1'-n out Ior the Bard rie Fair and`for the Cookstown Fair. Their connection with the 35th Sim-I coe Fbresters gives them free use nf ' the armories for practice and drill. (Sash- --.. . I .Eight kettle Adrummers, eight,` M buglers and one base drummer have signed up so far. The band is compos-! led mostly of Collegiate boys and they . are going to appeal for. public support soon in order to secure funds for the 5 T I purchase of uniforms. Regular prac-I tices are to be held and the boysare` ` . 7 . 1.` making plans to tum out for the B8151! 1-in Fair gnA`4?m. n... r~--1-_L~ "~ ' ' At the reorganization of the band`? ]on Friday night last the boys were? s'[.addressed by Lt. Col. Alex. Cowan,:: lOfficer Commanding 35th Sim-| ;coe Foresters, Mayor Little and, Mr. Rees. Lt. Col. Cowan told them; gthat in joining up with tlzr regiment; they were not obligating the1n.aelve.=; in any way to military service. He?` felt 1'-`at the band would become :15] _real'hr:lp to the town, and would also! be a benefit to the membersythem-if iselves. ` _ y , I ' iunvuvwu ullClCu .._, vuunwu I.GLC_ U1.- Mayor John Little, T. D. Rees, and! liCapt. -Bird followed the parade on! Tuesday night ineMr. Rees car, and gave the boys some practical encour- ll agement; Later on the lads were; taken into an ice cream parlor and? treated there. ` 1' A4. ad- i On Tuesday night the bugle bnhd-I `paraded the down streotgs of Barrie,` learning much favorable comment ifrom citizens who heard the buglesf iand the rat-tat of` the drums re-`3 `echoing along the street. The band; was reorganized last Friday night.-i JTh.ey appeared in mufti on Tuesday I but hope-to turn out in uniform"latei' I S on if sufficient public support isevin- , C ced in their welfare toemake the ques- tion of uniforms one that willibe ea;-fa ily taken ca._re. ._ [ I? lK____- `' 3,9zs;:.r;a';1Ec3:~:A-w AmmH'r r=9n? ._ RAl2 lr.` l(n'fnuuni'ml !BOYS , BUGLE BAND J01 `I'D IIIIFIVII nunnzun-u- - . j- THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR YOU MISSING THIS om; IF YOU DO, YOU RE THE LOSER ! . la and > 35`. .--SarJ'eant & Kirig s boys suits beat them all for downright value. (One look will convince you. 37c I Jules Brazil, of Toronto, as song-! }director, with `T Geo. Green, of To -- .]. .`9: =.._\i_.d,,e,P81`Pn.91's Kept. the, .P1 .:3- " `cedi`n g's` at a lively" pitch with `Harry F I Lorimer, District secretary, in charge `of the arrangements. Ifhu.-A--'-----` - :2. 5 . . . . . um. uuu-unuai. uceu assistance. John O Connor, president of the Down Town Club, Toronto, chairm'a'n `for the evening, replied in `appro-i ' priaite terms. He stressed particulacu I fly the privilege. of.be-coming a Kiwan- ian and of the responsibilities for} service the Kiwanis obligation` cap! ties. ` - T ` 5 -..,_, ....,.....c, u; on. .ueorgve's Unurcn.l `Welcoming the `visitors, Kiwaniani ,Arthur W. Smith, District Trustee, llaid special emphasis upon the motto "`We Build. What the world needs most of all today is men who will i throw aside all selfishness and mean- I I ness and, building upon the bed- rock of unselshness and charity, raise an edificetof lives devoted to] the service of the community `and to; all those whomost need assistance. V I O the! inn\H11 rpnurn (`Ink '1"-,~.---4- ` ' " X UL mwumans Irom Toronto, Hamil-f d iton, London and Lindsay gathered in ` (town to wish, the newest of over 800 `nKiwanis Clubs (in Canada and the ` [United States) the best of good luck, _ ;'_e long life and prosperity on the occa-5' Sgsion of its formal inception. The Barrie Club was -presented with as d-charter from headquarters of Inter-. _;national Kiwanis, a presentation that L_[was made in Trinity Parish Hall be-,` ""fore over 125 Kiwanians duringian i!evening of fun, a bit of frivolity 1 {and some addresses of a serious na- iture` that expressed the ideals andn] _aims of Kiwanis as typical Canadian g` zgbusiness men. found them I I('u......:..-- v\-:, ,- - -- V T,,.,.... 01. aL.\;C1Jba.llL'. } ! Over long` tales sprea* \'.`:'..a good" lthngs to eat, _1oc:;l Kiwrmians arid: ! guests sat down to a banquet prepar-I ed L`;-, the ladies of, Trinitz Chum-:. Thu` invocation was` mad" by Rev I ; Roy Melville, of St. George's Churclml V Kiwaniqni |Art}'nn~ W Q-.;4-1. n.-..4._:-L m.,--,: Continuous Performance Tuesday, 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. NO ADVANCE m PRICES H.,......u..o.a nucu .Luuuu LHPHI i , Kiwanian President Geo. D. Hub-1 "bard received the charter on behalf ;,of the Barrie Kiwanis Club in a neat I _s[ueP<'h of acceptance. I (`h..,-.- L-...... 4-1 2 my ` vmanrmo IN ffBLO0D AND SANDff J nonomv DALTON IN ff'I`HE snuan cAujf L` Kiwanis--G ospel of good fellow- A ship-received ajgreat send off in Barrie Wednesday. night. It was ;charter' night for Barrie Kiwanians . . . \ sand to celebrate the occasnon scoreso ton l'.a-mdnn ......I r:....:_--- _,n, [of Kiwanians from Toronto, Hamil- I I 15c. .. can -. uyusculcllhu (Continued on page : HARRY CAREY `c , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1922. WITH -vvvn1 nan JIIIVEI , - lnew Association a splendid address 3 One of Huxtab1e s jitneys knocked; on Co-Operation. < ' [down and injured Russell Rainey, 58 Mr. Hutchinson who has devoterli ' 3Sanford street, late Saturday night, 3 much of his time toward the success-` 'ias he was standing` on Bradfordgful -launching of the Association ; 'lstreet near the curb talking togstates that alr eady fty cai-loads of 'potatoes a year have been contracted the youth after the accident, found ,for from the Association. {that there were no bones broken! The Association s start has meti I though ~tcver.`.l seve1'e c.i`s and bruis- with `the enthusiastic approval of G.,` les had been inflicted. The accidenti H."Murdoch, M. `L. A. for Centre! happened about. 10.45 `:A1`n .statedb`on. Tuesday .that ` `driver, whose name is Black, saw that he believed the movement" for the bet- ` R_aine_v was conveyed home in theiter handling and marketingof pota- i it! ldore proceedine, on his way. toes woulc eventually become pro-,1` ' lfriends. Dr. Simpson, who attended` _ Vespra Rural School Fair, which was to have been held on Monday, Sept. 11, was postponed on account of the rainy weather. ` A] ll H-E3`<.)l.m Caz-'n.1i,chae1` ` Cup--( lingwood Rifle Association; coe Foresters (3) Grey Regi worth .$1.00_ ;s\.nAual.l, wu.u ogt. 1-ceader,l v."1V[. Baker, Barrie, and Pte. Low- u : rey. The Collingwood. team took - o 9 third money. 11 I I- . govnnslcillo O !_ Lieut. Col. Cowan Cup--(1) Head-f quarters team captained by Majosl McLean, Collingwood, and including `Capt. Whitby,` MajorTBenolie1, Col-' fzingwood, and B. Q. M. s. Butler. (2) I A Company team captained by` Lieut. Kendall, with Sgt. Reader, C. S. M. Low-I 11-av. Tim r~..n;.........-.: L--- - 1 ._-m(-3 c)u`r 1:;IL `(clbun cil Match--- ( 5) `Whitby, (7) Sgt. Reader, (11) I `Kendall. _.__..-, `IoQL&l\ro I j Officers Match-(Open to all of-i ,fice1's of the Simcoe Foresters), (1) ; Capt. Whitby, Barrie; (2) Lieut. Ken-VI 'dall, Barrie, ; l-.....,......, , \;uu1 ul.} Overseas Match-(1) by, Barrie; `(2) Sgt. Rea: (3) Lieut-C. R. Kendall, !Major McLean, Collingwc EQ. M. S. Butler, Barrie. I A1-n - v--- yo-shwv-3 ACDB \.'XCi1l.'. T I ; In the `Overseas Match Barrie vet} , erans took. four out of the five prizes, T and in the Officers Match Barrie also took the lead with a first and? a second. There were some Bis-I! ley Shots in attendance. , I The competition `was the first to! !-be held since the war. It [wasistaged( under the auspices of the Simcoe For- ` testers, Lt. Col. iAlex. Cowan, Of-I ficer Commanding._ Ii ' Juniors Match--Pte. Lowrey, A company, (fourth.) A H nirnrennn RK..L..L /1 \ rt - ---` ` Barrie sharpshooters took the `lion's share of prizes at the Simcoe Foresters annual competition, held Ion the Collingwood military`rangs" gwednesday. Some excellent shoot-1 *ingwas witnessed in spite of a sharp] `wind that Slew up range at times;l {and the light was uncertain. too, fwhich made the targets less clear. | IEOQD SHARE or PRIZES i 1 OR BARRIE RIFLEMEN) :y Council Match--(5) Capt. Lieut. -, ---..--u , uanvuu`, at ade I `Overseas I]! *Fne1' and l\: LL- BEN ` 1.75 \-, uv;-` e Associefiilen; (2) Sim-u Regiment. I tch--(1) Capt. Whit- Reader, Barrie; Barrie; (4) Collingwood; (5) B. 1' Rnvrin -( 1) Col- . In\ no T : T There is never any use in trying to? [argue against a human wind-mill. 4 g --....v\.u so _yccu uavt: UEUH Contracted! igtor I t 'iH.' Murdoch, L. ..Simcoe,_who stated on. the lter pota-I pro- vince-wide as soon as its merits were, known. I ` -- , -4\48IA-L a I A. Hutchinson, Agricultural Repre? .sentative for North Simcoe, was in, jcharge of the meeting. He intro-} iduced an outside speaker to the gath-i ering in the person of F. C. Hart,l `head of the Co-Operative Markets Branch, Parliament 'Buildings, Tor-I onto, who. gave the members of the inew Association 5 l M`. 'l'_I'..L-`l-:.. , 1ber14, 1922