Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1922, p. 10

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UH uI:y:i?: E. Pinkhum's Vegetable com- i pound is a. medicine for `women's ail- ments and has it record of near -ly nfty yeqra behinql Iit. ' "van ayvun uuu can (10 an my WOPKV now. I` am recommending your `Vegetable Compound to all I know and- you can use my testimonial to help other women.? -Mns. `Cassy |LEME8Y, _'176 Abbott St., Brockville, Ontario. ` ...a:- `I1! vus-n_u., - vu- uauu: UOI!1p0lln(l* for. weakness and female disorders. I was so weak at times that I could not `stand u . had been this way for nearly three years and the dif- , 5 I r door one day and I thought I would give it a trial. I 1 am now on my fth bottle. and it ls ` wonderful the way it has helped me. I am -feeling much` better, `have no weak spells a-nd can do all work I ' am 1-Annmmnna-lug um... I V E.P So Writes Mrs. Lemery of Brockville, Ontario, Regard- ing Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound . -65.. ...,._. .-..vuuue\.u. i The prices {- {B_utter.....~.....' . . . . . . ..38c to~ Eggs . . . . . . . . . .;. ...4..28cto30c he? Spring chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 115} Year-old chickens .' . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Se` Spring ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E n. j Beans . ., . .- . . . . . . . . 50c large gd` Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go ;hlCarr0ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. c id Lettuce L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c ,d: Onions . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c ,d ' Radishes . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; . . . . . . 5c gr-TUl'nlpS' ..`......'.l..... .....-....` 5 .g`Cabbage . . . . . . 5c to 10 i Cucumbers. small . . . . . . 75c large _u' Cucumbers, large . . . . .. 40c small. Celery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c if; Cauliflkrwers . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c to 25 Tomatoes . . . . . . . 250 to 30c large Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10c to 15c d Puinpkins . . . .M . . . . . . . . .. 15c to 251 d Marrow . . . . . . . IOC to 15 W: grookefl-neck Squash . . . . . . . . . . _10( rv ,- . e -snnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ac ! Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c fl ' Green Peas Shelled - . . . . . . . . 250 ll: White Pickle Onions . . . . . . . . $1.00 l P; Yellow Transparent Apples 20c small 1 hi Fhecp.s' Nose Apples. .30c large I ~- ,~' Sheep's Nose Apples. . . .200 small I Yellmv Sweets . . . . . . .. 25c large l ~ uchess Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c ll Lombard Plums .. . . . . . . .. 50c l i'Burbunk Plums . . . . . . . . 50c I ll; Raspberry-strawberries . . . . . . 15c l 3 Bartlett Pears . . ._ . . . .. 60c large l ei glellllsll Beauties . . . . . . '/_'5c largg 1: ;: enpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Asters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c l I; Qweet Peas and Stocks . . . . . . . .5c l fl`inlcs . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . ..; 5c l l}Gladioli .. .. .. .. .. 8 spike Crab-Apples . . . . . . . . 25c to` 40 b &IIIIII I II 7 Catarrh is a local disease greatly inu- Ienced by constitutional conditions. -HALL s CATARRH MEDICINE is a. `Tonic and Blood Purier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System. f HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE restores ,normal conditions and allows Nature to `do its work. I All Drugglsts. Circulars tree. } F. _.f. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. I WUNBERFUL THE WAY n L eugtren um Brockv11le,'0ntario.-"I took Lydia 2. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound A Ilnnlnnnunnnn. for Illnlllznnan om SATURDAY MARKET" ' ii The market was not as lively as that of the preceding week. due probably to the superior attractions, of the Exhbition gAbundance of tomatoes was the _feature, F and the low price to which these have fallen ' evidence that the crop is plentiful this year. and that many_ are being, supplied from their gardens. Apples were in evid- ' ence at a low price but the demand was , not great. Asters helped to brighten many fstalls. Pears made their first appearance\ iand plums were fairly plentiful. Butter l and eggs were unchanged.` 'I"L.. .._:-.._. - raw: I.3al:7rT}i'[:;1d*;1-leshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Elsalsinualsnlenuualsaiasl T EHEIEEIHEIEHIEE llllliulc ' THE MARKETS e.*9.rr!= . . . . . . . . . a. canal P|-|E|_ps`|'0N om; . . - . . -- 100 each. Oice hours-12 to 2 and 7 to 9 pay. .. basket --------------------- . 400 small .basket' W, A, LEWIS, M,D_, c,M, .. bwwh SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY . 25c each ` -and\. 950 basket C. S. DICKSON, B.A., M.B. to dozen Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrio. 15c` 25c each 15c each DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE 14h . .. 10c each Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. 50 bunch: Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave. 3 Peck Office hours:~ 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or` V - -q3'by appointment, ' Phone 213 s ...... -Wwwmmmmmmn wammmn basket _:-:__ .. 38c to 400 lb.` .4. . 28c to 30c dozen 35c lb. basket? .. 5c bunch` 5c bunch; .. bunch` . vju nun 5: uaoncl .....,... 2 for 5a bunch I ..5c bunch bunch spikes 25c { 40c basket-- . I |JEf\Uk 1 ba`ket basket 3 basket : baske' I basket basket basket` basket. basket 1'-.. Pl'ANOmAND VIOLIN `rumor: Special attention to younger children. ' BOYD SYLVESTER Bandmaster. Barrie Citizens Band 27yrly 120 Bayeld St. j - - uwruuru -`\r V-Q-al\ Phone::-- Office I63, Residence 353 iiif. lb. ` .... --_ _. vuruuuvlv, I.-'InlIulI- eacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservnto of Music examinations leading up to and including the A.T.C.M. degree. Studio-King Block. Phone 424. \ ..-...v.-u uurulvl, "ll-I5: DEC. l'.l.C.I. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory. Organisfand Choirmaatot of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church. Gold "medalist of Toronto Conservatory of Music and of the University of Toronto. [I3 Worsloy St. Phone 683 EDMUND HARDY, _, . uonveyanc Money to loan at lov Oice--13 Owen St. Building, Barrie. Br,` w A n..... rrn --' building, Briancb W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. __________________* {__.-:j----:-.:-_._ DOROTHY J. SARJEANT, A.T.C.I. TEACHER OF PIANO Telephone 151. Barrio ' D n D... co --- vunn: uuu IlSl(lenCe`-'UOl Bradford Sts., Barrie. Oice hours--9-10 a.m., 1- i DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, _Montronl. Ate Well Supplied a scorrs sooxsromz a VI VIII" VVII, "[19- \ ` PHY.SICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence---Collier .St., corner 0! Clapperton St., Bar-rie. Phone 275. UIIII Phone 710. i General I an. Ivlunlllvllz LYUN 122 Bloor St. West. Toronto, will be It 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. 1 Diseasesof Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1 Consultation hours-1l a.m. to 5 p.m. ~ Barrie phone 2. Toronto, North 3326. a DRS. W. AND W. R. RICHARDSON Graduates and members of Royal Dollop of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. ` 7 Office: Over Bank of Toronto, Barrio. ` Entrance on Owen St. f Phones: Oice 241, Res. 314. P.O.Box 138 3 W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. 71%: D` . -1 RW. Randall Richardson, L.D.S., D. runs nzmonzuzn AND nzmuu-:0 King Block . - Bu-1-lo , ! R. F. sauce, M.D., c.M., L._M.c.c, ' Office and Residence--60 Rom St. . Third door east of Royal Victoria Hospitnl. Telephone 256. 30th DR. H. T. ARNALL Associate Coroner County of Sim Oice and Reeidence-Comer Toronto and I Elizabeth St.s., opp. Central Church. 1 Telephone 167. I : , DR. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barri!` Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army. 4!: years. General Surgery and Obstetrics especially. Oicq-15 Owen St., Barrie. Phone` 710. A D n --- "" sun: I V G WIUl"|\o|"ll3U Barristers, Solicitors, N otarg Conveyancers, Etc. IODGV tn Innn of Inn...` ....L-- PHONE C. BROWN CAPT. J. F: YKOLLIT, L.D.S. DENTIST Office: No. '1 Dunlop St., Barrie (over J. F. Graig s store) Phones: Office 450, Res. 436. 1- ____-____.___-..-_-:- RADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Masonic Temnlp Rn:i.I:m- D---'- . _.-zunvlv II VLHAIUN BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Dices: 707-8 - Kent Building Toronto, Ont. W, Plaxtnn fl I`.._.l_ I\I THE BARRIE EXAMINER Published every Thursday afternoon at'_,th0 Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Price--Ca.nada and Great Britain $2.00.per V year in advance (inparrears $2.50); United Statw, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of addres is requested.. CANCEL- LAT|ONS-We nd that most of our sub- scribers prefer not to have their subscrip- tions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period, yet, unless we are notied to cancel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made by [registered letter, money order, or cheque i payable at par in Barrie. up v .-.n._ MAUD E`. CLAXTON, L.fl'.C.M. Tnnnknn `-8 Eli`... --1 " unun..IDl. Masonic Thursday, September 7, 1922 uunIALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrio Money to loan. - _DUNC};:F. McCUAlG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN `{ Rom Block, Barrie lo`. muss M. MeARTl-[UR lsnm T on. J. A. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PHELPSTON, ice hmn-g__1`) tn 9 nut` -7 o- n - { PLAXTON &. PLAXTON Dremmno any ..-........_ - 4 DONALD ROSS, DIQTDD nnv vn--.,.- BOYS &. MURCH ISON nun Q-l:, V DR. MORTIMER LYON nr Q} \II....+ '1` ~~~~ L~ " L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. VQIIVTA In A nu n.-......_ cpuuuc 101. D8] P. O. Box 88 nuxto, oumuuunb`, 1L"1`G. Temple Buiiding, Barrio Money to Loan 5] __ no UIUUK, KVO. 5 Money to loan :: AJUSIC YOUR : READING NEEDS MEDICAL DENTAL 7i rgtes. of interest. St., in Masonic Temple Branch oice~-ElmvIlo. __M_p_ n n u..-..L:_._ y auucrs, DEC. J. A;_."MacLaren, Editot. W. C. Walls, Manager. \llIlI G. Gordon Plnxton. ..u v unauq , LILUHIIUII. -Corner Elizabeth & rri`e. Phone 105. l., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.nI. __:._____._-,.-._._- Notary Public, I Rfn o., uurne. P. O. Box 1075. Now `is the ideal time to start V UIEII Conservn dim: run In ' o--.|.'auuVllI E. Murchison. lsyrll "Bur. 1-yrli l \ll '7 \V III\ II VI in addition I given cunlml Vsequenl urru drive the Ur ting their for ition by the As if to .4 at the })rn.~'p(' at Venice In the Turkish great 0ff('n.~I'- Minor. .-\.~ s!,rat('gi<- pa). milwuy in . had held fut by t.h-m. Iv great (10211 -> likely smlw u on the slum: towns aunlw of the Tm saying lha fold. In drive. the- tory which __ ,.I,I.' ASTHMV You don't Inent to p m=.Lu~:i "It restorel Itops mac and bx-one} long nighq 1.00 at you` a trial to` BUSINESS SCHOOL T hursda _1 Sold \ In Alland} Ia cu (in nv Re_ac % sellin Sellin between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT am? 9|-l_lCA_GO Egx;eI:lt. `us with 'v0ur `building :__4_- __ _A_ Full information from "any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. `E. Horn- lng. District Passenger 'Agt., To":-onto; J. E. BILLINGSLEY, Danni Angus X---- 1 l " `Every young man and woman should equip themselves with a knnwlcdyre of tyDew1'itin'r. short- = hand nnsl business met.`~.or.ls. The ELF)-VEN Shaw Schools in TO- RONTO have trained over 25.000 -stud:-nus from all over the Pro- vince. . Individual instruction- atart; at. any time. Sand for hand- bank now. J`H9- .'3.<`:E!3s. Established I839 s uuvv. P. Mrlnlash, Chief Privwipal __ _ _ .__.._-.-_-_ --..-g. jihititsitibls TORONTO 3 ut- Sts. uauuuza uumuulr Kept In connnement. Even as he_ spoke upon his ear -fell sharp crack of 2'1-riflel-far eastward on ` trail. and >88 its who died there arose --_._.. w_.-- ya u& Unexcelled Dining Car Service . Sleeping cars on Night Train: and Parlor `Cars on principal Day Trains. UuaD'I"hey .ll kill them all, cried the "man. They ll kill my dogs. Ha. if Dick only knew and would loose the `big 'uns." The him `line, mm-n a non]; .4` .....It nucw uuu WUUIG IODSC VH8 Dig `U118... The `.`big- uns" were a pack of wolf- hounds which on account` of their vicious natures Hallibut kept in confinement. RLVDD nu I'M: cnnlzn tinny: LL. ...... -II LL- .. G.. J... ... valu vAllvl\ uquucl. Hallibut had placed another cap on the nipple of -his rifle; and as the. struggling mass surged `back into the charred` space he fired into it pointblank. A wild Howl told that a wolf had beenhit. V ` 'I`l...a ,. ..n I -.... .1- v " ' ed. Cl` `I-{is powder and `ball were in the saddle- bags. - ' "l"l..... ll 1.:n LL._. .1: H -- El1sy. Gabe." he shouted; Nell. girl. easy now. Lead `em into the open.` Don't let. `em get you in the -thick timber." I ? II`! ' _-,_, 5-. ......., vanvlldy up uancu CJ'\\)Il,cul_Vo `But the fighting blood was up `in the` `dogs. Ih numbers they were inferior to the foe, but" in fighting tactics theywere sup- erior. The master knew each dog by its voice. And- now it was Pinch gurgled a challenge,` and the whiinper of Nell bespoke her eagerness to back him. Gabe, the heav- iest of the hounds,had closed on the wolf which -had first sprung. Hallibut heard the snapping of bones--then a number of other wolves hurled theniselves forward. He could hear the dogs snarling as they fought, and he lent 'his.voice to their" encourage- ment. I615, (V I 1! u n . - I---- --' V .v.u \ln 3 nnnnnnn us UJDD IIICII Illllln Wolve!!` he shuddered, andthrowing forward the rifle he drew a bead on those shifting balls of re and pulled the trigger. The hammer fell dead. No explosion follow- ed. and the circlenarrowed toward man and dogs. Hallibut sprang for a nearby tree and drew himself up into its branches. As he swung aloft a dark shape hurled itself into the air. and he -heard the wolf ;-3 Ieelh snap -within a few inches of his pend- ' ant legs. ``They ll get my hounds." thought the l H1811. Back. Pinch; back, `Gabe; Nell. you l M fool. get back there." he cried excitedly. 1 Ann? I-kn ::..La.:.... 1.1-: _..4 2 -I uuuxu_u:. arose anu Iumolea tne namzner of his rifle. He had his hands full with the dogs. forithey crowded around him whining and growling and in every way] manifesting fear of the unseen enemy. He did not understand it. It was a pretty pre- dicament for `him to be in. surely. It meant` ten miles of a walk, and he was tired. He stepped out and. followed by the dogs. made to cross the Fire-Lick that stretched` like a black lake before him. At its border a circle of gleaming eyes met him. H`]7__[__.yH. L, I ll - u ways ' V The horse leaped forward so suddenly that an overhanging rbranch caught the rider's cap and swept` it from his head. With a promise that he would teach thei animal to act differently. the Colonehslidl down from his saddle and with the bridle- rein over his arn1_stooped to feel in the darkness for his cap. A `hound almost beneath the horse lifted its head and howl- ed. and the frightened beast with a snort reared and, jerking away from the man,, sprang down the trail in the direction frorni which he had -come 4 Ll'..llL..A. ....-.,- V P `I ' I in la. DI.LaloIlV\IIa Depot Agent Phone 6|: I ll) IJIIC IIUUIHID. What's the matter `with you way?" rm. L.,...,... u......-4 ::._......_._.1 U mu :1 won 1180 Dean mt. That s all I can do, poor chaps," he-call- d. * In v ` . l , He had been perhaps two' hours in the saddle, and was nearing what was known as the Fire-Lick, `a low, charred scar of territory that had been swept by fire years ago, when he was aroused from-his med- itations by- the growls of his hounds._ The dogs were acting in a most peculiar manner, running ahead for a few feet and then re- treating almost beneath the horse's heels. _. The horse, too, seemed to catch their spirit. for he reared once or twice. and would have thrown the rider had he been other than Hallibut himself. ' . ] \IIL..m,LL.. ,l.__.:II`7 __.:,,I .I ` Lllllll Lluuluub ulllltfll. Whatthe devil!" cried the` man, strik- ing the home with the'quirt and whistliimg !to the hounds. . ' Hun_..u_ .L_ ,, -.u -- 5 (Continued "from Last Week) l `I 1 As the horseman penetrated deeply into the forest gloom" and the heavy shadows set- itled more closely about him, making the trail hard to keep in its blackness, he be- gan to wish he had asked Dick to come out land meet him, as he sometimes did when forced to return at night. The woods had a way of playing pranks upon him. He was not "bred v-for-the bush, and therefore lthere were things about it that he could never hope to learn at his age. Still he knew the trail he was on well enough to have followed it -blindfolded. had it -been! necessary. He settled lower in the saddle, and with his mind on Smythe and Watson] and the Bushwhackers, he passed down the` trail. `LL. L...` L..__ ,,..4Lr I ` uuuu uc lulu 'UUlllU. Hullibut arose and fumbled the hammer 6` his .'-ma LL. 1...; I..:.. 1.......:. :..n -.:u, Said by Wm. Gmsslahd. I_n Allandale, I by A.`,E. Patterson. all, any- the the the cu. um 1 nu me mg .uns,l0ose. tmnkin . as you ud not mind my doin it under th' circumstances. sir." `*V.... 4:) :.._L ,,s ,1`. 1 un ..-- ....v u1n;uu1a'luIlces. SH`. V You did just right, lad," said Hallibut. But did you `bring their leashes. Dick?" ` Right ere\in my saddle-bag,` sir." ll} ' By George. Dick, I believe you're right," cried Hallivbut. He arose stiffly and looked about him. Well. my putting that mill there migh` have been the death of me all right," he said. But, lad, you haven _t told me whv you came` to meet me-with the bounds." YCS. SlI'I it was this wav_ A man `ram _yuu ucuuc LU ulcer lB"Wl| /D H18 TIOUDHS." sir; this way. A man from the village was chased by this 'ere pack last night. 'E was over at the stables to- night an 'e told me. I came out a ways and listened for a time. an when I 'eard em ow! I let the big . uns,loose. thinkin'. as: vnn `ml hnf m:m1 nniv .-I..:.. :; ..._.u-_ LL` . uca\_v umuer rs auve wltn mod. ' I " Yes, sir, I know that. But you see, sir. these wolves can't get into th' 'eavy tim- ber; at least they won't go, They won`t ` go through a peopled settlement, an they can- t pass back into the woods by the way ` they came, sir." And why can't they?" . Well, sir, I think it's cause you've put that mill on the creek. You-see they must ` `ave .come by way of the lower swal&- hit s the only.way they could come. An when you built th' mill the saws frightened- em back further so that they ve been all through the second growth and they've nat- urally been starvin slow. an it's come to such a pass as they've growed desperate, SH`. murvul ---uml. S wn_v. Nonsense. cr`ed -Hallibut. Why. the `heavy timber is alive with foqd." : ,V-. ..:.. 11 .... -.LL_L n. ~ I at um: ume OI -rne year. ' Look at this one, isir," cried Dick. 56? ._ E's` so thin that e must ave nigh wrarvpd to death. All of 'em are thin. There's only one reason as I can think of that would make 'em vicious, sir: they re starvin -~:hat's why. ....:...J u..n:1...; Hun. AL ` ` Nnliannan 5 "F... ....u uuu uuvv ulassllls cl uuxu. Somewhere about ten, I should -judge," replied the Cnlonel. But I can't `under- stand why they shomd be on the rampage! at this time of -the year." Lani: at n.:. l\r\l\ ..... V ....:...J r\:-I_ 1 1.llUl\n I He had drawn two dead wolves into the open and wasnow dragging a third. I Q...........L..__ ..L___4 4, 1- - II - . T V-~ - -v - -'------a -'---- corner Sophia and Mary Street: i Innufactnrem of Sash, Doors, `Frames, ooring Ceiling, Moulding,- Water Trough! Tanks, etc. We carry inustock 3 large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. U. Shingles and Prepared Roofing`. . Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done |""'P`lY- . . , - . . I as lll.V|:llIlll\, all`. In half an hour the rest of the pack had! returned and were gamboling and leaping about 'Hallibut. Grea-t. ' deep`-chested, throav dogs those wolf-hounds were. Their one consuming desire being to tear down` and kill, they felt for the man before them I only the blind devotion of dog for master. Hallibut had given them more blows than puts. but he knew how to command re-' spect among dogs. ' Haw munv mime in Hm m.,.l. ..:..-7" ..-I....: ulauucu uug uvur ms Knee. ` Nell. old girl, he said chokingljnl stroking her long ears. you re a tarter, Null " ' 1 EDI \Il\llIE I Ner!`l`." 5m7"r't}e dog whined andlicked -his hand. 9 Pinch, sir. cried Dick, `e be Iimpin'. but he be none the worse beyond bein sore `us anythvink, sir." `I. L..Ir -_ t__,,, .v . n .1 - - H15. - ' No. See if t:_hoy ve kil1\ecl` Gabe and`! Pinch.'_Dick. Lord! but how those `little; hnunds did fight! ' ' f Dick returned in `a short time. 5 I foundtwo dead.wolves. and I canzti .find any of the dogs. sir." he said. List-`I ten!--they re givin' of em "ell, sir, an nm I mistake." I TI',II'\ . . 1 - - - Alunl ant. I . Hallibut sat down on a log and drew the maimed dog over his knee. V 1\T..n AM ...:..| *' t... ...:.I -L-r_:.._In 1"? Luau lcapuuutu urcuunwssly. ] Dick" found his master leaning weakly` against a tree. - Are you urt_. sir?" he asked, d_ismount-` inov ' I u"(.)h, Colonel!', cried Va 'oice. ' This way, `Dick, lad, and bevquick," the Iman responded breathlessly. ` ' fnnntl Ja n\n:uOnn I...\..l..... -...--LL-I deep musical bay of the wolf-hounds. Hal-5 , libut scrambled upright on a limb and prob-i . ed the darkness with his eyes. Those gal-i ; lant hounds beneath had `heard the baying,' . too. and they were fighting as they ne_\'er. ; had fought before. One -of the dogs re- _ treated baclcward.- fighting feebly with two 1 gaunt shapes that strove` to bear it to earth. ` - Hallibut. with a "cry that was half a sob, 4 forgot all caution-in the animal love he}? bore his best and dearest companions. I` - 'I`hey'd do it for me. he cried; and-I: clubbing his rifle he leaped to the ground.} He was barely in time to save the brave I Nell, who with tom sides and Iolling tongue} had fallen at last, fighting still and snapping with all'her remaining force. Just as one of the wolves sprang, Haflibut brought the t -heavy rifle-barrel down upon its head,! crushing the skull as though it had been: an egg-shell.. The dog scrambled up andul met the otherwolf as it sprang toward her` ` master. Then a cyclone of zpanting. 'bound-l ing bodies swept in and there was grandf ` play in the Fire-Lick for a brief space ofi 1 time. ' ' | H $`l\I A I nus . -' i . - 1 1 l ( Th2.!ez:ssIeei=m` pcuo muuug uuga How many was in the pack. sir?" asked Pink, ' ' THE BARRIE. ExAMhmfsR in buckskin. The Colonel saw an old with- ered man. his -thin face seamed wit wrinkles, hisblack eyes peering from deen hollows that age had sunk there. His hai1;was_crow-`black and long, falling about his narrow shoulders. He arose with a lithegmotion as the Colonel entered. ' ``How`? ' he said in good English. b How?" returned the `master of thei house, holding; out -hi_s_ hand. I uuc we lug ure was -oem a sugnt figure clad] ---c-\' n HIHKP me nrwnds a Wee ""`TY\ heill l for the winter, and I. guess they belong to} the bounds all right. Don t know but what '~ I owe those dogs something myself." I don't think. sir. as Bay Tom'll take like t carryin' raw furs. 'E do seem 1:` 'ate th scent of blood. E'll like raise the] mischief.V sir. "e will, and maybe kill me. -sir." ' `LII ? II -A I nuvucu uUUI'. , Oh; sir. she cried, raising her hands. "I m so glad you \'e returned. Hall night Hi've been scared most to death. sir. E s in there yet. sir. sittin by the fireplace.` E's~ha'wful to look hat, sir. Hallibut chuckled and laid his hand on the old lady s shoulder. Vm. um--- 4.L_ ,I I 1- I` -- - I c uc wuluu M) S_eRK With you." I \By' George! I had forgotten". Yes, I'll I go in and see him now. mu... n..n---v- L I 5u nu itllll see mm HOW. TheVColonel's -housekeeper met him at the kitchen door . ] uf_ ,3" ya u - - - - - mu. dryly, I won t ever ask you`~to` ride him again. Now. you unders`_and. Ahd. Dick, T wnnf Hnaf Lang n... u...M.._L LL - V . I Well. if he kills you, said Hallibut Tlie Double Track Route I vqant that horse put through his paces. Use quirt atn sour; and lather hihm till he weakens. I do it myself only I've got to get the schooner stocked for a cruise." Very well, sir. And sir, the old Injun, E 'e be waitin to speak with you. `Bv- (lgny-pup. T hurl CA:-nnH.-...' `T-~ 1 ..&...... uuw. _vuu um1ers`_an(]. And. U1ck,l I i } a_y1ur, 511'. i ' , Well. you best look out that Dobo don't get your head some time. And now when you ve eaten and rested a bit I want: you to put the saddle on Bay Tom and ride some of the kicks out of him. Go after, the mare that turned traitor last night? , "`hev ll make the hrwnrls `nine he'll I for the winmuar ml 1 .......... 4.1.--. a.-1-__ L and fetch the wolf-pelts back with you.l- H No; ,,,_ __--.. ......_,.,\. "mu ncucuuy, cu: ' Why. sir, that s so, laughed Dick. I It do seem, sir, as I can t keep anythink, whole any more, that stud Dobo is that [I p)ayful-, sir. ' Won nnn k;.,.L I-._I- ,,,. .1 . is u I The old hound laid his wrinkled-chin in 7` his master"s hand and gazed up_ at him with: age-weakened eyes. Some of the younger; -; dogs of the pack retreated snarling, with? [bristles erect. and lying down a short dis-E lg tnnce awav. licked the wounds_received in. 3.. the night s encounter. Hallibut walked across to a wide, low building and unlocked` the door. ` Ll L1,, .1 .11 . -- - i. vuc r,-mcu,; e uroxe IS auer.s1r." I That flame of Hades is always breakingl ' his halter. cried Hallibut. Well, of] course that wasn't any fault of yours.l Here s ten dollars- buy a halter he can'tl -break. and keep what s over to get yourself l a new jacket. I see this one you re wearing! has been played with recently, eh?" ll um... -:_ .x_-._ n - - - --- .5 lulu an empty stall. I ' Turned 'im hout_in the yard, sir," stam~_ `mered Dick.` ``'E was kicked in the night! `some'aw. sir. I m sorry. but hit. couldn t? be 'elped; 'e broke is alter, sir." 'I"l~m+ Hm- ,.: u,.,:A.. :_ -1 , I - - ' vAurc LU HIC. 1] , He shrugged -his broad shoulders. andft with the old favori`e following, crossed theft yard and entered the stables. _Dick wasp` cleaning out the fetlocks of the horse thel Colonel had just ridden in. He looked up! as his master entered, then went on with_ I his work. L61[y[__,, 9 rs I out - - -- ---- ` I IIIB 'WUI'l\. Where s Fur$I.?" asked Hallibut. peer- ing into an empty stall. Tnrnnnl in. Ln-14 L. `L. -...._J ,2 H nu uuul. . . I- l In there; all of y-ou,"`he shouted; and; l the dogs sprang toward the door. ' i Old Jep came last, limping painfully, his I I c whole attlitudeone of protest. I I Not you. old fellow." said the man-;` you can stay out. and you d best bang: lclose to me." I 1" WL "77 ` 1 u I - - - - 7` 8-"8-@S1nit!1%&6E ana sun- mvery dog has his day. Jen, and every man`. too. Egad, boy. I thought for?" a while last night that mine was over!;' ,,-.._. .W.,,.....,, .. ...... ......u..5. | I 3 Oh. you 'beauties!~Black Dan`. you' {fire-eater. Down, Gabe, you branch of lthe devil. .Poor old Jep: come on, purp..,l and let me pat your old sides; poor old Jep. . noble old Jep. Weren't in the fight last ~. `lnight. were you? Too old, boy; too old I and stiff- Every dog has his day. Jen, everv man` tnn Find km, 7 +L.,.....1.. :....= uxcul 1!) Keep ll0WI1._ 1'18 led them IllI'0l.lgh' -the door info the great` kennel-yards, and gthere arose a 'bedlam of `glad yelps andi ` growls of rage, as some favorite was petted' or felt the fangs of jealousy of a stronwer; fellow. The master nlaved the whip among` . - . , them. laughing and shouting. | L Gbfxg` _____ vLA____._ , I 11! I v\ \ lnjun Noah _ The cold dawn was stealing across the? lakevwhen Colonel Hallibut rode into `his? gyard'and. dismmmting, turned the horse` i over to Dick. The hounds leaped and fawn-! `rd upon him and he sternly commanded, ; them to keep down._ He led them through` into the pram.` Imnnnlmnwle om! _. ' `r I They passed on down the black trail.! . and the spot that had witnessed the struggle '5 between the big uns and `the starving`, 5; things of the Wild grew silent again with, I a great and oppressive silence. Only the` u: ny bare -branches` of the trees. clicked lrunderlthe restless wind thht slunibered fit- `E5. fully when the night grew old. The clouds crept from the sky away down and below: the forest fringe; then the white stars came out and rested; looking down :on the Fire- l Lick. Their soft ligt-ht swept the open and lfell across the `crumpled forms of the dead|:uL' things that had` roamed the forest Wild. d They lay pitifully silent and hudd`ed. their f"` red tongues lolling; their starving days at: Is 6 an end. Further into the second-growth `fr ibushland there were others of them. lying -on 1 cold, beyond all life of the Wild. They had f` .5 been cut off from their own; they had star- Q not klved and foughtand died. But they were} Sta" lonly wolves after all. i ! T _' Well, .you'd_ better tie `51 up? before . they happen on an Indian. This country is getting.so s Indians are becoming more valuable every day. - `Dick chuckled. ~ They do "ate _Injuns an - uiggers, air; an air that reminds me, there's an old Injun from the Point by the name of Noah} ll urgeon Waitin up at th' `place to see you,[ isxr. - The Golonel knit his brows. _ Sturgeon," he repeated; "Noah Stur- geon.- `don t think I ever `heard of him---" i I - Your 'ors`e_. sir?" questioned Dick, look-I ing about him. ,' ; Never mind about my horse+-I'm going` `tofride yours. You follow up and keep a jtxght grip on` the hounds. I don t want; [that old Indian to get eaten up." - - i nu - ..-.. \l\-II una_ unuu. (To be on'tinue 3) CHAPTER XII FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-M-ADE V BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD and a full line of. PIES, CAKES and" PASTRY

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