MRS. JOHN WALT " Following a lengthy illness, the death oc- curred at Knock on Monday, Aug. 28, of Mrs. Margaret Walt. wife of John Walt of the ninth concession, Innisl. Mrs. Walt had been ailing for thepast two or three years and had been ill since last fall. She was fty-nine years of age. Her maiden name was Margaret Fagan. She is surviv-l edyby her husband and a family of seven sons and daughters. They are: Arthur and William at Midhurst, Thomas at home and John. address unknown; Mrs. A. B. Coutts of Barrie and Misses Mary and Reta at home. ' ' . - . ienluilmleslui IEEIEEIEEIE`: ; HUNTER-WR|GHT A.pretty wedding was solemnized, Wed] nesday, Aug. 30, in the Methodist Church,: ,Tottenham, when Jessie Kathleen. daugh-` ter of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Wright, became the bride of Dr. W. Harold Hunter of Or- illia, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hun- | ter, Barrie`. ;Rev.e Austin P. Stanley per] formed the ceremony. The church was` effectively decorated with autumn owers.| Mm XXI TI ('1-H334-1m` II` -nnrr:n n-umiplnpl no U]. uucnmw. I _3--For paying "the sum of $825. the ainount charged against the said lands and roads forbenetit, and the sum of 33700. the amount charged against the said lands and roads for outlet liability, apart from .lands and roads belonging to or controlled `by the Municipality, and for covering in- terest thereon for twenty years at the rate of six per cent. per annum. the following total special `rates over and above -all other lrates shall be asessed, levied and collected V(@ the same manner and at the same time [as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots and roads, and the. amount -of the said total special rates and interest [against each lot or part of lot respectively `shall be divided into twenty equ-alparts; and one such part shall be axmsed, levied and collected as aforesaid in each year for twenty years -after the nal passing of this by-law during which the said debentures have to run. I UIICVULYCIJ UCUUIGUCLI WI!/ll auuuuun lIUWUl.D- Mrs. W. D. Griffiths` of Barrie presided at the organ and played the wedding n1arch.; The bride entered the church on the arm of her father and wore a gown of beaded ivory georgett-e crepe over satin, with veil and orange bloxoms, and carried a shower 1 I [bouquet of Ophelia and Sunburst roses. % i Thorn yarn in offnnunnn I-sun Inn:l'c-ri;, IUUUHUCU UI LIPIICIIE llllll KJLIIIUUIBL lU\`COo` There were in attendance two maids-of- honor, Miss Marion Wright, sister of the bride, wearing peach taffeta with black and silver picture hat and carrying an old- `fashioned bouquet of Ophelia. roses and mauve sweet -peas; and Miss Leila Hunter. sister of the groom, wearing nile green! taeta. with. black and silver "picture "hat and carrying an old-fashioned bouquet of ;Columbia roses `and mauve sweet peas. lMr. Stuart Mallett of Toronto supported the groom and Dr. Fred Wright, brother_ of the bride,` and Mr. Dougal P. McDougal `of Toronto acted as ushers. I (Fort '.I:i:Iid.9-..I;)u1`ina'l) St.` Paul's~ Anglican church was beauti- ifullyy _decorated with goldenglow and fol- ` iage plants for the wedding of Miss Queenie_ _ Isabel North, daughter of Mr_. and_Mr8.. E.` H. "North, 432 north Brodie street, and. Wuliam Ralph Parks, song qf M1-.'_ aiid` Mrs. ,Geo. Parks, Barrie, O_nt,,,which was cele-E in brate`d`at 7.30 on "the evening of Tuesday, August 22, before aglarge congregation` of During-the signing of the register, Miss` Alone." Following the ceremony a re-; ception was held at the home of the bride s[ parents. Only immediate relat'ves and) fijienda of both families were presgnt. Afterl the serving of a tbuet luncheon, Mrsi Franklin C. Legge of Toronto sang ~Be- : cause." Later in the afternoon Dr. and Mrs. Hunter left one a_motor trip, followed I {Lila Sloan of Tottenham sang For Mel "Ky tl'ie'.~good wishes of their many friends.` `attached to them coupons for the payment` of interest. 5 0 TV , _. W ' U aanccsuacuu uu tuc Inuun unu runua IIIGICIII; asexed and in the same relptxve propor- tions until such `proportion is varied under competent -authority. I have the `honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, (Sgd.) Geo. A. McCubbin_. O.L,S., M.E.I.C.'i The total- estimated cost of the work I: assess against lunch and roads liable for the same in the Townships of Flos and` Tiny, as shown in the annexed schedule.| An..- M-.mnl..4:.... oi... ...L..I.. ....._I. :. L- L- nun}, nu auuvvu u: but: uuuezscu scueuu1e.I Afte; completion the whole work is to be maintained by the Municipality of "I`iny` by -asesment on the lands and roads herein: naanaanA nut` :n OLA annual. -..I..LZ.... .....-.__.. ` 11V 11 n 11 IJ ..l I lI=!I!-EIEEIEEI Hi I!liI.'.I!I!_! ; Benet WEDDINGS nnunn APARKS-N0RTH $500 . 00, $825 .00 3100.00` 100.00 $82}: 00 $3700.00 $4525.06 $1100 $1100 'xU.VV 32.00 160.00 42.00 .`146.00 140.00 90.00 2. "19.00 16.00 10.00 Q 19.00 ' 59.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 70.00 35.00 35.00 70:00 69.00 69.00 69.00 .0 69.00 140.00 136.00 ' 136.00 68.00 68.00 40.00 97.00 '68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 135.00 135.00 36.00 . 45.00 . 75.00 28.00 . 50.00 61.00 .150.00 61.00 .100.00 122.00 .100.00 121.00 .300.00 120.00 . 50.00 119.00 1('II\ nn --~-,_-.--~-~-~, .---~ V...-sun . -an-so an anvil u`-.. -The reinaim; were tgken to Burk : Falls for burial on Wednesday. They were ac- con1pa'nieLdV by -Mr.` and V Mrs. Judd. II I, _ '1-,II I Benet Outlet Total . $11.00 $11.00 45.00 45.00 32.00 160.00 10 (IA 10 nn $600.00 $3700.00 Outlet $175.00 215.00 90.00 120.00 151255 12.00 "$1100 .00 $4535.00 3175.00 215.00 490.00 220.00 UU-UU 68.00 40.00 97.00. '68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 135.00 135.00 36.00 45.00 103.00 111.00 211.00 .222.00 221.00 420.00 169.00 120.00 12.00 llcUU 71.00 71.00 70.00 -35.00 35.00 70.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 140.00 136.00 136.00 no nn WHEREAS pursuant to `the provisions! of _Sections,77 and 78 `of the Drainage Act} the Council of the Towmhip of Tiny `pro-X cured an examination to be made by one,i George A. McCubbin, a person competent] for such purpose, of the area of land in.the- Township of Tiny known as the Tiny Marsh for the purpose of suggesting means` for. the draining of the said lands and of other` lands and roads liable to assessment under the Drainage Act, and also procured plans,` specications and estimates of the drainage work to be/made by the said George Mc- Cubbin -and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefited by such drainage wor`k,' and of other lands and roads liable for contribution thereto, A stating as nearly as he can the proposition -of benet, outlet liability and injuring ll-I ability which in his opinion will be derived or incurred in consequence of such drainage work by every `road and lot or portion of lot, the said assessment so made being the amessment hereinafter by this by-law en- acted to be ad and levied upon the ' loads and lots or parts of lots hereinafter 4 in that behalf specially set forth -and des- . cribed; -and the report of the said George A. McCubbin in respect thereof and of the * said drainage work being as follows :- '(`.Hnf,Hurv\V n! Anr 5 1099 XqUU 146.00 140.00 * 90.00 19.00 16.00 10.00 19.00 EA n U57-VU 71.00 -7` AR Total _ NOTICE V Notice is` hereby given that the forego- ing is a true copy of a by-law of the Town- I ship of Flos. which -by-law will be taken! into consideration and nally palcsed `by; ucuclllull: ocneuule iNo. Debenture Principal Interest Total . 1 . . ..$152.92 $337.50 $490.42 ' 2 . .. 162.10 '328.32 490.42 3 . . .. 171.82 318.60 490.42 4 . . .. 182 13 308.29 490.42, 5 : .. 193.06 297.36 490.42 6 . . . 204.64 285.78 490.42" ' 7 .. ...216.92 273.50 490.42 8 r. . .. 229.92 260.50 490.42 '9 . . . 243 .72 246.70 . 490.42 10 . . . 258.34 232.08 490.42. 11 . .. 273.84 216.58 490.42: 12 . . . 290.27 200.15 490.42 13 .. .. .. .. 307.68 182.74 490.42 14 .. .. .. .. 326.14 164.28 490.42 15 . . .. 345.71 144.71 490.42f 16.. . .. 366.46 123.96 490.42` 17 l. . 388.44 101.98 490.42: 18 . . .. 411.75 78.67 490.42, 19 . .. 436.45 53.94 490.42} 20.. . . 462.64 27.78 _49o.42i I I I I A i I I ( Q E I 1 t c 1` c c c E friends of the popular bride and bridegroom. In the absence of therector of St. Paul s,l lthe ceremony was performed by the Rev.. J. C. Popey, R. D., of St. Lukes church. The bridal music_was played by organist lN_ Dixon, who rendered several selections lduring the assembling of the guests, and ` afterwards the bridal music from Lohengrin and Mendelssohn s wedding march. As the !procession left the church ajoyous strain `peeled forth from the chime of bells. play- ed by the gifted chime-ringer, the father of the brid . I')..__L....lI_'. _r u,. ,- . I 1 UL IJIJU Ullucn i- Punctually at` the appointed hour the [bride enter the church with her father, -'E. H. Nor h, who gave his daughter in marriage. The bride wore her very becom- ing going-away suit of braided tricotine. iwith blouse of grey Canton crepe, hand- embroidered in navy blue silk, and hat of navy blue velvet with trimming of silver- grey. and veil to can pond caught at the {sides with ornaments 5: silver. She carried la bouquet of Richmond roses. l Mm Qurlnm. Qm:+L ..M....,I...l 1...... ..:..a.._ Total on Land; and Roads in LlULll.illCl Ul IEIUIIIIIUIIII l'lJs5C. Mrs. Sydney Smith attended her sister as matron of honor, and wore a costume of-navy iblue gabardine with panels of jade and girdle of oxidized silver, and hat en suite. Her bouquet was composed of Oph- elia roses. Mrs. E. E. North. mother of ;the bride; wore a gown of Canton crepe handin iridescent beads, and hat to match. She wore .a corsage bouquet of mauve sweet peas. The bride s brother, Gerald North, attended the groom as best man. After the ceremnnv' at the? nhnrnh Mr: in dark blue shade. richly embroidered by ` lJohn Houden NE qr lJno. Houden .. . .. NW qr Ilsaac Miller . . . . .. SE qr {Thea A-llen sw qr _Jno. Houden NE qr l Jno. Houden . . . ._ NW qr |Alex, McFadden S hf '1 Wm. Chapman . . . . N hf i Alex. McFadden .. . __E qr -4AI||\,IJ Lxnuucl. LIL? If T S pt N Jno. Whitton.'.W pt N !Jno. Whitton.....- . . . . .. Robert Row S |Elbridge spe`Kce .. N [ N I I ll `1 -L _1 -I Armour Thompson. .N Jno.'- Thompson . . . .-N Rich. Whiteacre E pt Thos. Alln .. Wpt, Jno. Downer_.... N Jas. Graham Ed. Ferguson SW qr Wm. Graham NE qr Wm. Graham. NW qr Ed Ferguson SE qr Isaac Ritchie SW qr Wm. Graham E hf NE qr Melvin Ritchie W hf NE qr Melvin Ritchie W hf NE qr lWm. Houden .. SE qr ;'Jas Kidd . . . . . ..~. SW qr jDavid Beardsall .. NE qr N `Mrs.Geo.Beardsall N W qr 5Jno. Tubman . . . . . . S hf iJas. Tubman . . . . .. N hf lJno. Tubman . . . . . . E hf [M-rs. A. Furlong .. SW qr }Jas. McFadden .. NW qr i` Isaac Miller .. W'pt S hf iMrs. A. Furlong E pt S hf `A By-Law to provide for drainage work in the Township of Tiny, in the County. of Simcoe, and for the borrowing onl the credit of the Township of Flo: the sum of Five` Thousand Six l-lundredand' Twenty-Five Dollars, the proportion to} be contributed by. the said Municipality! hr the completion of the same. ' I Pmvisiofially adopted the 26th day of August, 1922. E Total on lands . . . . . . . .. Township of Flos -Roads uuu. lllIullCll . 1` VV qr '... gWn1. ;Alex. SE Wm. Chapman .. NE qr }A1ben White .. . . . . . . .. L. Draper . . . . . . .. S hf Inn R l`nvV\v\lv\n KT Ll.` . .-A-uun . . 1 D1h*ap't;1'm:`: . . Jno. B. Campbell.. N hf Jm IRAHYQFAE. uuu. 1). UZIIH Jos. Edwards" A ll-.. 11-; - HUB. L`JLl.W ZIIVU5 Allen Hart `. .. Wm. Draper . Wm. Blow Robt. Parnell A `L.._L nn:_. . H V4--For paying the sum of 81100,. the! `amount assessed against -thersaid roads and; lands of the Municipality, and for covering' interast thereon for twenty years ' at the grate of six per cent. per annum, is special rate on the dollar sufficient" `to produce the required yearly amount therefor shall over and above all other rates be. levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property in the {said Township of Flos in each year for I `A V` Jae. Ritchie . . . . .. NW :} 8 .A~lfred Archer..NE i and I Q on` R1117 ! n Ul . 1 Zll'lM.'.ll Xlubert Elliott Debentu_re Schedule ........2....l 'l..L____ pp, M 111 1': NW pt . SE qr . . f U 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 10. 8 15 47 57 57 57 56 28 `28 50 55 55 - as 50 112 110 110 54 54 78 32 54 54 54 54 54 54 108 108 29 '36 99 $7 49 E .49 15 no qr - .q>~ X ~`_. , ` 4-.-`_- Pag e Sixtee 10 11 12 13 14 la ii 11` 11 11 11 ll 3 57 9 34 f\ 11'? $75. 50. 150. 98 100. ' 97 100. 96 300. 96 10 95 00. `table of Asseimni 115 72 15 13. 3700.00 5625.00 4183.40 9308.40 490.42 __j:.._.___._-_._._._._1_.__.._.______.____ 3825. 3700.00 4525.00 3366.00 7891.00 394.. 1100.00 817.40 1917.40 95.1 :3 wins IN ROW MAKE jSR.BARACAS CHAMPS BY-LAW NO. . . . . rnau ul uuc vuL.15c_ UI muuvuie. And further take notice that anyone in- ftending to a`pply'to4have the said by-law `or any `part thereof quashed must not later `than ten days after the final passing there- ;of serve a notice in writing on the Reeve ior other head officer and upon the Clerk of the Municipality of his intentipn to make application for that purpose to the Referee during the six weeks next after the fin passing of the by-law. ' halo!` of IZ`lm....I.. ALL. onn_ .I-__ ,5 COUNTY ROAD DAMAGED BY THURSDAY S STORM I nuguac oxm. 1:144. That the Court of Revision of the Town- ship of Flos, for the consideration of com- plaints in reference to the assessment made by the said by-law and by George A. Mc- Cubbin, engineer of the Township of Tiny. and which assessment is fully set out in the said by-law, will be held on Saturday. September 23rd. 1922. beginning at the hour of two o clock p.m. in the Parish Hall in the Village, of Elmvale. Anti fnrflacuo u1.rn nah...` Clun` Sr. Baracas carried away Sr. S. S. League honors on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 30. by winning three games in a row, defeat- ing Y.M.C.A. twice and St. Andrew s once- The Methodists played steadily` during the three sessions and deserved to win. L-. Emms held down the mound all afternoon. fanning fourteen men, eleven of these in the first two games. He received good support. and the Baraca line-up was the same for each game. F`. Vnurnn I\;Iu:n`!u-' ,I....!..... LL- ..tA-._ pacuuzs UL l/LIC `U_y`l'dW. Dated at Elmvale this 30th day of 5 August, -1922. 35-380 I C. S. BURTON, Clerk of Flos, Elmvale- I unLavuB--u. UIHSUH 11, F1. U0l% 0. J. Dobson lb, D. Emms ss, H. Carson 31),. L. Emms p, D. Moulds cf, F._ Morren c, T. Burton xjf. ' - County road gangs have been busy ever since last Thursday's big storm, repairing stretches of County roads which were dam- aged by the heavy rainfall. French s hill, on the Tiny-Flos townline near Waverley, was gouged out in several places, and on the Penetang road near Waverley motor- ists had trouble going` through on Friday,- the day after the storm. One motorist was caught in the downpour on the long hill near Waverley and ran into a torrent of water up -to his car s radiator in height. He had to turn back. ~ the Council of the -said Township after the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of the said by-law, the date of which first publication was August 31st. 1922. 'lT1...+ A... 0-..... f\t 1)....:-:.___ _: `L- m-_,__ -`GIIIC IUL CGUII EUHIC. E. Kearns officiated during the after- noon, with Ambrose Hamlin on bases. Baracas-C. Carson If, E. Coles 21). J. lnnknnn H. n 13-.-`- -- If n... nave to run. -. This by-law shall be published once in every week for four consecutive weeks in The Examiner, a newspaper published in the Town of Barrie, and shall come into force upon and after the nal phasing thereof. and may be cited as The 'D'ny Marsh Drainage By-Law. - OBITUARY !twcntyh_ve_arsafter the final passing of this ib -law during which the said debentures ih ave to run. nmz- L__ 1---. -L...n L- ....Ll:-L...! ......... :._ PIP`! r! V.'o... ' to w 8 11.00 8 11.00 S 8.20 810120 8 .96 45.00 45.00- 32.00 32.00 160.00_ 160 00 42.00~ 42.00 146 00 146.00 140.00 140.00 90.00 90.00 19.00 19.00 16.00 16.00 10.00 10 00 19.00 19 00 59.00 59.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 `71.00 70.00 70 00 .35.00 35.00 35.00 35 00 70.00 70.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 140.00 140.00. 138.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 68.00 08 00 68.00` 68.00 97.00 97.00 40.00 40.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 ~ 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68 00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00_ 135.00 135.00 .135.00 135.00 36.00 36.00 45.00 45.00 28.00 103.00 61.00 111.00 61.00 211.00 122.00 '222.00 121.00 221.00 120.00 420.00 119.00 169.00 120.00 120 00 12.00 12.00 33. 24. 119. 31. 108. 104. 66. 14. 12. 7. 14. 43. 52. 52. 52. 52. '.80 .80 .00 25 25 _52 51 51 51 104 103 103 50. .60 .20 .80 .60 .60 50 72 29 50 50 50. .60 .60. 50 50 50. 100. .40 26. 33. 76. .20 .80 .00 .60 .40 .60 .20 .80 100 82 156 165 167 312 125 89 01. .20 .20 .20 .00 .00 .00 40 00 00 00 40 00 80 20 00 20 20 60 60 `60 60 00 20 60 60 60 40 60 40 60 T ursday Augst 31, 1022 45 .00 32 .00 160 .00 42.00" 146.00 90.00 -n An ul .u\I 68.00 68.00_ 011 nn U(I.u\l 140.00 1 no nn LUV olU 69. .60 .60 .60 .60 _ .60 .60 235. .40 .60 .40 .60 .20 .80 .00 .60 .40 .60 209. 20. 118 118 118 118 118 118 235 62 78 179 193 367 387 388 732 294 80 40 20 80 JAMES GLAR K 122. 120. 120. 12,0. 120. 244. 241. 241. 118. 118. 169. 20 20' 20 20 00 00 00 60 60 20 on 78.40 56.00 279.00 73.00 254.40 244.00 156.80 33.20 28.00 17.20 33.20 102.60 100 Oh 123.60 123.60 123.60 122.00 60.$0 60.80 inn an Reeve. 18 19. .40- 36. 14. 10. 19 .I: .77 .13 .9? .95 - .66 30 35 1` _6`2 73 46 AA .10 .01 .01 .01 .01 .20 .05 .05 .93 .93 .46 _ .49 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 Clrk . I34 Lot Owner The following is my estimate of ithe cost of the proposed work and expenses incid- -enbal thereto :- Main Drain-a V . 32700 cubic yards excavation ..$ 8175.00 "Allowance under Section 9 935.00 `White Branph- . 8300 cubic yards excavation 2412.00| Allow-ance under Section 9 200.005 i% W. `".Arc'1{er.'.'. `2 . _ 5 00 18 A.E.Arche'r,` St., Jr. 25.00. 19 W. Edwards 25.00 20 Wm. Edwardsu . 15.00 20 Robt. Madill ..; 25.00 14 John Richardson 100.00 15 Thos. Jordan . .5 200.00 161 James Wilson 200.00 16 Mat. Parnell 150.00 17 L Dean, A. Madill 50.00 1 I 11- QUUSIJ 17 W. E. Ar<;l{er::~ ` Jr. on 11)`... 1:u__._._.L . / Ivwvh AIev:'c:'i-IcGraw_.. S 17 John Dickie ' 1'7 If fV.._..L I I HUIIII IJII_Jl\ 17 H. Guest 1'? TI7 `I11 In the R. V. Hospital, Saturday morn- ing, Aug. 26, there pmed, away a highly respected citizen, in the person of Mrs. El- izabeth Jane Gilroy. -Although Mrs. Gilroy was in failing health for the past few weeks, her death was unexpected. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nichol- son and was born in Essa Tp. in 1868. She was married to Wm. T. H. Gilroy in 1892, and resided in Fssa and.Sunni_dale until -moving to Barrie ne'arly "three years ago.` ' ` - ` v\ KAIUIIUI lJIl1lIUHj' ' v 16400 cubic yards excavation Allowanceunder Section 9 Draper Braiic-h- 8700 cubic yards excavation Allowance under "Section 9 Incidental `Expenses-- 4 [Sn-rveys, plans, proles, specica- tions, estimates, assessments .. Deceased was a member of *'St; Andrewls church, taking an active part in missions Iwork. and was of a very kindly "and thoughtful disposition. Rev. G. A. Brown conducted the funeral service on Monday at her late home, -30 Wellington street, and the remains were conveyed to Barrie Union Cemetery. ` Y'I,,!,I, I, I I I I I I. A 'l A/rcher Branch- `l!An(| _._Ll_ __-,, ,1 ---_-_v--_, - I Besides her husband and daughter Opal, lthere are surviving three sisters and one brother; Mrs. A. D6nne`lly of Anten Mills, Mrs. W. Millsap"of Hardy, Saak._.. Mrs.. Noble; Elliott of Isabella, .Man., and Wm. Nicholson of Hamilton, N.D; ' I Funeral services were conducted at her] late residence and at the grave in the An- glican cemetery, St. Paul's, by Rev. A. D. Cousins, the decea.sed s rector. The casket was carried by Arthur, William and Thom- as, three sons; A. B. Coutte, Mr. McIntosh of Toronto and Alex., Black of Stroud, Mrs._ Walt was a faithful member of St.` Paul's Anglican Church. . - . . . . .......-. Id --wu--nvvu, 4-10:4. ' Th manygbeziutiil `oral tribute tesf- ied to the place the deceased held in the hearts of her nanny friends and `acquaint; ancee. ` ' , ` MRS. J. 1'. wRicHT Mrs. Jane Thompson Wright, a former well-known resident of Barrie and Mines- ing. died at Lansdowne, Pa., Wednesday, Aug. 23, in her 78th year. She had been failing for the last couple of months with heart trouble and passed away at the home` of" her gra_nddaughter._ Mrs. (D13) Ivy. A daughter, Mrs.- Nellie F. W. Crossland, formerlyof Salt Lake City, Utah. was also at the bedside. A " V ...- ..... ..`.......y- On Saturday last Mrs. Wright` was buried in Barrie Union Cemetery. Her remains arrived in Barrie on -the 2.55 train,"ao- compimiedrby Mrs. Ivy -and Mrs. Crossland, and were given 9. tend`sr- burial` following a committal servioeoonducted by Rev'."A. R. Beverley of Trinity Church.- Previous- ly a house service` was held in Lansdorwne. The casket was carried by Thompson Crew, Barrie; Alfred Thompson, Toronto; Bever- ley Rorke, Hamilton, all nephews; Edward Rorke, Thornbury, 8 brother-in-law; Rhbt. Croulland, Thornbury, and Frank: J aelrson, A` nnrn -' UIQIIIHEC WUII\o I determine the. aniopnts to be paid to owners entitled thereto_under Section 9 of the Municipal Drainage Act for severance under Sub-Section .3A, private or award ditches incorporated with the work` under Sub-Section 4, and damvagestby disposal of material taken from the work under Sub- Section, as fo1lows:- Wright Qvas the last on_e___of nine children born to the late Ghfistopher . Thompson of'Barrie and his wife; She was uuu l1.U_VVlIllUU us uluuc Jul` `any-rsuuu uucues. ' In view of the very great dierence in the conditions -and requirements of the lands affected by the proposed work, I con-' sider it" expedient to make allowance for severance under Sub-Section 3A of Section 9 of the Municipal Drainage Act, instead of providing for the construction, enlarge- ment or other- improvement of access, bridges or farm bridges under Sub-Section 2 and 3 of the said`-Section 9." The only highway `bridge affected by the work is on the road"-between Cons. I and 2 opposite lot 14. As this `bridge would require to be rebuilt in any `event by the Township of Tiny, and as the cost if provided for as part of the drainage work would be as- sessed against the Municipality of Tiny, it appears advisable to leave the matter under the control of your Council without mak1 ing special provision therefor as part of the drainage work. ` ` T rlnfnvnalnn I-bun nvu\o\IIn`-n `A `L... ....:..l L). LIIIIVII I5 ICUIW ' 4 It is not intended to make ment of the `original cost of` construction, any private or -any award drains incorpor- ated into the present proposed Municipal drainage scheme, and therefore only a nom- inal allowance is made for -any-such ditches. Tn uinur A` flan unrur an-an} I':ArnI-snn in outlet into the Wye River on the south side of the road.between,Cons. l and 2; The White Branch commences on the town- iline between Tiny end Floe, opposite the [northwest angle of lot 8 in con.-ll of F105, 1' and `thence extends westerly along the `south side of the townline 1060 feet ;'_thence lnortherly acmas the townline "and alongor 'near the centreof lot-l7, con. 1, and lot `I7, con: 2, of Tiny, to an outlet into the ;main` drain .above described. The 0 total length of this branch is 7240 feet -and the course follows that of an existing ditch : throughout its length. The Archer Branch gcommencwon thenorth limit of the "town- `line and on the east side of road between hots 18_and 19 of con. 1, Tiny. 1.: thence `runs north along the allowance for" side- iroad to the road allowance between Cons. i1` and 2; and thence east a.lon'g this con- `cession road allowance -to an outlet into S l general easterly direction 9600 feet to :11 the White Branch above described. The` whole length of the Archer Branch beingl 7900 feet. . ' , I Hvuu wet. _ ,_ The Draper Branch commences on the north limit of the townline between Tiny and Flos, where the Draper Ditch discharges opposite lot 20, con. l,'Tiny. It thence extends north -about\half ' ay across con. 1 and thence east on or ear the centre of con. 1 to an outlet into the Archer Branch above described on the 18th and 19th side- road. The total length 0? the Draper! Ditch is 5434 feet. ` Y; Z .. ....A. -_A-_.I-J L- _.__I__ -.'___ __ _.,__. I MRS. ELIZABETH JANE EILREY , 11 '7 1-7 While visiting at the home of his friend-.i Wm. Harker, 114 Mulcaster street, Tuesddy evening, James Clark of Burk s Falls and Holly succumbed suddenly to heart failure, at the age of. nearly 85 years. He collaps- ed while sitting in a chair and when Dr. Lewis responded to an urgent message life had expired. Mr; Clark arrived in Barrie Tuesday for an overnight visit at Mr; Har- l He had been in 13urk's Falls stay- ing at the home of his daughter, and stop- _ned here while on his way to visit another daughter, Mrs. Chas. W. Judd of Holly.;-..- '1']... ............... -..-..- `-1--- L- n..._1-9_'r.~_u- V Allowance for V Severance Ditches Damages . 8 . $1.00 3 inn Aliowance for Severance Ditches Damages . ~ 3 ' ' 3 5.09 1nn $815 .00` 8 25.00 35.00 $5 . 00 $360 . 00 {I55 1 AA 1.00 I ('.UI||[RIlllUu U] 1111'. Hill! LIIIB. auuu. Dcceasled was well known in Holly and in Barrie. He had visited back and forth in;-both pl-aces very often and had also spent rconsiderable-~portion of his time in Burk s"rFallB'.. Ofra` kindly, religious dis- position, the late Mr. Clark was the author of 5413;-ge nun'1bervof- religious.tracts and `ye,-555, :He was an old and warm friend of. Mr; Hariaem . no 2- u..:.... ........ n....:.... u...`1. ...1..:. 3 25.00 30.00 100.00 100.00` 25.00 2288 .00 75 .00 4177.00 25.00 40.00 50.00 25.00 1o'.oo 750.00 Con. Township of Tiny .` 1 West half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1 East 8 acres south half .. . . 17 M 1.Part .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'l7 1 Part .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . 1 Lot except [southeast 30 acres .. 18. 1 Lot .. V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19' 1 Part south marsh . . . . . . ' I Marsh part . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . I 2 South half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 South half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2 East part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 2. West part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 2 Marsh `part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' Half townline `opp. lots 16_ to 22 inclusive I married to Orsen Fayette Wright, a tini- ber merchant of Barrie, and later a farm- er at Minesing Station. They lived in Barrie on Mary street for a considerable length of time and then moved to Mines- ins. where Mr. Wright s death occurred later Mrs. Wright returned to Barrie and `conducted a fancy goods store, leaving in -1916 to live with her granddaughter, Mrs. Ivy, in Milwaukee, Wisc., and three years ago she went as far West as Salt Lake City to'be with her daughter, Mrs. Cross- land, who was for several years superin- l tendent of St. Mark s Hospital in that city. Recently Mrs. Crossland resigned this pos- ition and she and her mother then return- ed East again, taking up their residence with ' Mrs. Ivy, who had left Milwaukee with. her husband for Lansdowne, Pa., their present residence. 1 about `thirty-two years ago. Some time! I .II,_,- II I .I I I auup vcu. _ 2-_-The `Reeve of, the said Township ofi Flos may borrow on the credit of the Cor- ; poration of the said Township the sum of] $5625.00, being said, Municipality s` share of the funds necessary for the work, and may issue debenturm. of the Corporation- to that amount in sums of not less than $50 each and payable within twenty years from the date of the said debentures with interestvat the rate of six per centum per annum; that is to say, the said debentures to be payable annually ,at the Standard Bank of Canada at_Elmvale, and shall have I . ------ ,-...---- -............... , ' Mrs`. Crossland is the on_ly surviving `member. of a family of'four children born to Mrs. Wrig'ht. One died as an infant; and two others, deceased, were 0. O. F. Wright, a member of the Alberta Legislat- ure, and Mrs. John 11, Todd, whose hus- band was assistant "iaostmaster in" Barrie several years ago. _ Mr. Wright died sud- denly in Edmonton during the closing days I : of 9. session of the Legislature, after being V l ill for only three 'days, _lllGI\U 5% IGBII lull Luuuuny. 375}-"ls '2- Midland and Penetang Trains--`No." -which `leaves Barrie at 9:45` am`: inid"*'Al' -landale at 12.15 willemake its last 1-.un'6n "Monday,-Sept. 4; No. 54 which leaves Midland Sat 12.35 p.m. and arrives in 'A1-' landale gtA2.l0 p._m. will make its last -trip Tue`aday,- Sept. 5. _Mixed train No. 39:7, how operated ;as.a freight train only, start: in; _Tuesday, Sept_. 5, will leave Allandale A .at~l0.42'a.m.', arriving in Penefang at 12.45 p.-m. Mixed train `No.,_398, now opereteii M: ii fl-nialvlt in-diin` `ixnlv eta`:-Iii-Kn 'l`nu.a4l'h}i_3" LUDUI5 VII IUUUB Totals on lands AND WHEREAS the said Coun cil of htl'1e._| Township of Flos are of the opinion that `the drainage of the area described is de- sirable: ' . 1! l'I'IL___,___ LL- _-E,I II'.,._.fA',, I A.,, ,5` -n ! nunulc. . ' .1` I Therefore. the said -Municipal Councilsf the said. Township of Flos, puwuant -Fto prpvisions of -the Municipal Drainage Act, enacts as follows: ' 1 mL_ __2_I ;__ ,... |,,,, ,,,,:c, .3 I CIIUUIIB `_ IUlIUWB- . . ` l-'-The said report, plans, specications,` assessments and estimates, so far as they, relate to the` Township of Flos are hereby adopted. ' o_.'N.`..`n.-..'.. ..c .1... mm rr~.,..,m.1.:.. ..c. `"" '"" ' I Northbound--- Toronto-Huntsville Satur-I day train which ~arriv. in Barrie at_2.55l p.m. will make its last trip Saturday, Sept. -2; Toronto-South River daily which arrives in Barrie at 2._08 am. will make its'last trip`Suhday, Sept. 3. - _,,4I,L ,, A` 11' - rn -_-l.. ..._.._-.,, Iurirrrvv `fl $'outhbound--South Riv'ei--Toronto train which `arrives in Barrie at 9.12 p.m. .will make its last run Monday. Sept.'4;. ' |l:.u__._: -._4 -n___L-_., u ' an Con. Township of Flo . Lot Owner 1lVLot . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A.White .. 8, South half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. V 9 L. Draper .. .. North_half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Jno. B. Campbell 25.00 Lot .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .." . . . . . . . .. 10 Jos.` Edwards V Half townline opp. lots 8 _to 14 inclusive Totals on roads . 7lV..1...l.. ._ I..__.l_ Total on lands and rdads Chatham, Apr. 5, 1922. puuov :n.u_u_7u I/A_(3g_u ja,_VU. _uUo, l..Iyw opera, as a freight train `only, starting Tueadj Sept. 5, will leave Penetang at 2.50 pl ! arriving at- Allandale at 4.55 p.m. ' Total on lands in.Flos Total roads inTFl 9 and 10, road opp. lots 8 to 14 inclusive. 10 -and 1-1, road opp. lots 6 to 15 inclusive. H-alf town=line opp. lots 8 to 14 inclusive... 10 and 11- sideroiad in cons. 9, 10 and 11. suumu-:An TRAINS cur orr . The travelling-public is requested to note the following changes in the Grand'Trunk time table :- 4 ' . ~ I i I I Concesgsion and Lot _ `Assistance and expenses on surveys By-Law, Tiny . ._ . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . C`lerk_'s fees, Tiny . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . `By-Law, Flos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk's fees, Floe ..' . . . . . . . . . Letting and superintending work 3` UL I/IICCDU la] ll--Lot 8 .. . South half North half `Lot .. .. ~ The cost of` excavation of that poftionl .of-_.the work Oil the towniine opposite lot 9, con. 11, of, the Township of F103, is 8217.; with this exception all the excava- tion is in the Township of Tiny. nu`. uaunm. - v ` ._ AV son'is !iving__near Regina, Sash, (whim! another resxdes In Burks Falls. `Total ggiimated cost .... ..s2o,4oo.oo .v tn, LV u up . Lot . . . . . . . . . . . .. South half` . . . Northe half . . . . .. North half .; -North'ha1f . . . . 10 ll 11 12 13 East pt north half 14 Wat pt north half l0--Northwest part ' Southeast `quarter Southwest quarter_ "Northeast quarter Northwest quarter Southeast quarter Southwest quarter -E hf northeast qr. . Wehf northeast qr Northwest quarter [Southeast quarter l0--Southwest quarter Northeast quarter Northwest ` quarter South half North half .. East half .. .. 1 Southwest quarter Northwest quarter East pt south half `West pt,sout.h half . "Northeast quarter Northwest quarter Southeast quarter Southwest quarter Northeast quarter Northwest quarter. South. half . . . . . . North half . . . . . .. Southeast quarter -Northeast quartet` 1I__..I.nI> Q 14 10 10 . .11 ll 11 12` 12 '12 12 13 13 13 13 14 F4 15 15 Q Con, Lot or Part Lot 9-N Wqr NEqr andSpt .. N pt N Wqr Lot... . . .. Northhalf .. \Y.__LL .L-Il ` Lot Lot Lot IJUL Lot , -Lot WW0 H'.8l.I} in tram `oz K `auxin D Schedule of As;essipent, Township of Flo: Acres ' - _ Aected g Owner Ben 8 9 .135; Ritchie - . . . . .. t 9 36 ' Alfred.Archer .. .. '. 9 26 4 . Jno. Whitton .. .. . 128 Jno. Whittor-1 .. `II 91 11.1.4 `l1-_, 10 ll 12 13 1'4. _15 THE BA`! 33 112 "110 110 54` 54 32 78v .54 54 54 54 54 108 108 29 36 99- 49 49 98 97 96 95 96 b4` 10% HUI unsruugc WUIXL UUHI5 GB lUllUWD."" ChathamV, 0nt., Apr. 5, _1922. To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Tiny:-- . V Gentlemen :--I beg to `report that in `ac- -cordance with your instructions under By- Law No. 637, passed Jan._9, 1922, I have examined the Tiny Marsh Drain and other drains complained of by Alfred Edgar Ar- cher,- Sr., and Alfred `Edgar Archer, Jr. I have prepared plants, profiles and spec- ications, all of which are herewith sub- mitted, for the. improvement of the Tiny Marsh Drain and for the providing of pro- per and sufficient outlets for the ditches between the Kidd Award. Drain and the White Award Drain on the townline be- tween the Townships of Tiny" and Flos, the ditch between lots 18 and 19 in Con. 1 of the Township of Tiny, -and the Draper Ditch discharging on the townline between the Townships of Tiny and Flos, opposite `lot 20 in Con. 1, Tiny. .34 11.7 112 72 15 13 lo 47 57 57 57 56 28 28 50 up on 55 188.00 100.00 150.00 75.00 100.00 750.00 IHIEU LLIIULUC o . u n gWm. Graham .. . . Melvin Ritchie Melvin Ritchie Wm. Houden James Kidd .. .. . David Beardsall .. Mrs. Geo. Beardsall John Tubman James Tubman John Tubman ' Mrs. A. Furlong .. Jas. McFadden Mrs. A. Furlong Isaac Miller .. John Houden . . John Houden Isaac Miller 4 Thomas Allen. .. . John Houden . John Houden Alex. McFadden .. Wm. Chapman Alex. McFadden . F Wm. Chapman A lkff imhifn 11 Ill . Ullhplllll . Albert White `Lorne Draper . " Jno. B. Campbe: Inc lurluyu-ulo IVLIIJIJ. -llU$' '. - Elbridge Spence. .3: Armour Thompson. John Thompson .. Richard Whiteacre. Thomas Allen John Downer James Graham , Edward Ferguson. . Wm. `Graham . . . . Wm. Graham . Edward Ferguson: Isaac Ritchie .. .. 'I'lT_. l`1....L__.- IIIIU. J). \JGlll.|Pll Jos_ Edwards. Allen Hart .. Wm. II:";>e:' . Wm. Blow Robt. Parnell A `L_._L YFIIE ,A; LUJLIL . 1 LII [ICU . Albert Elliott ."..T . . . . . . . . ..$l325.00 $4300.00 $5625.00 (Sgd.) G_eo. A. McCubbin, O..S., M.E.I.C. {UV EU Ill LIUII. 1, Lilly. I The whole work may be known as the Tiny Marsh Drain and Branches. The. main drain commences on lot 18 in con. -2 of the Township of Tiny and extends in a