Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1922, p. 12

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QXY-A0m'YLI-NE WELDING and Cutting -~Broken parts of plant or agricultural machinery efficiently repaired. Cracked rm broken water jackets or cylinders on- automobiles or stationary engines erpair- wed. Carbon removed from cylinders by ux'ygen- process. All kinds of welding or `brzizing. A. R. Parsons, Garvin's Gar- -age, Elizabeth St., phone 968.` 350. FUR1~{IsHED Rooms TQ RENT. all ____.-___- C..- _..1....a..... .....I`. 9...... ERGO: ERS WANTED--.-Xpply Box H" wvu `nun n#:nn Q-'~'.u EFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET-App|_v 20'; fnwnlnur Q} Dknnn 1 1'2 Q>.\f`n I .FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, with m- 3 without board. Apply 36 Mary St. 35p| I I T6 LET---L-arge front room. with board. , suitable for two "students. Apply at 30' 5 _ Maple Ave. . 35p: COMFORTABLE ROOM with board for} two students in student s home. Apply; at this office, '32-37p i | ' . HOUS TO _RENT--CentraI location, 9]! cnnvenincs. Apply 46 Clapperton St,.. Barrie. ` 35p FORD TRUCK FOR SALE-Owner leaving 1......` Daub Awll Annlv 111* nIInhnnnn,n LARGE BRIGHT ROOM TO RENT to ngo-V -L_._l___L, I`_II En fl. _ I ROOMS TO LET--Suitah1e for light house-g i keeping. 21 Collier St. . 35c! I ilI_EN--- -WE `WANT R.EPRESEN'I`ATIVES`g ._ ___.._.. I -. _...l A......_ 1.; l'I.......I.. A... -..II EFURNISHED ROOMS to let. }o-21: ori g without. _App1y77 McDonald St. 31-36-p] |T0 LE'l`-Large froht room for one or two students. 2 minutes waik from collegy iate. 76 Small St.. phone 707. 35p FOR SALE--Chevrolet ` almnst new. Owner . ply Box 593. Barrie. l"'""" """' """ " i Several hundreds of `people were disappointed on Sunday afternoon at the non-appearance at Queen's Park; of Major J. I. Hartt of Orillia, who was billed to speak under the auspices i `of the Orange Order. Albert Pad- dison, Wor. Preceptor of the Blaek '|Knight.s. and other Orangemen were `there to arrange for his receptio-n.., They were at a loss to account for it when he failed to appear but believed j that he might have had trouble with E his motor car enro_ute. - i {BOARD AND ROOMS for college students: . 139 Collier St. 35-36p. in-rR.NIsHm) ROOM TO LET at 71. Haahf ; St. Phone` 258M. 4 _ 3% ' FURNISHED` ROOMS with -board` or with- out. School minils twken at a reasonable rate. Apply Box M Examiner, 35c. _....--, v-.,_..-- ----v-_..._, vv v - V . u v u V v u. Ready for use again, the old wagon ' reel is back again in its accustomed spot at the re `hall, Iooking spick and span under the inuence of some, repairs and a new coat of paint which I `were applied by Chas. McGuire, Dun-I `lop street. It s' just as good as new, , _sa_vs Bob Lee, chauffeur of the motor; %`t`',`E``; ` E -1 _2--AI..- . __.L___-_A_, '1--- .u.,' it of sixteen entrants for ;`honors.`D. M. Stewart of Barrie won 3 Sq`.'e* , , ` t ithe 91,11` championship of the county; Duncan Curt1s_and famxly returned fof Simcoe, played over the Barrie to_ Hayleybury thls week after a visit f Golf Club's course last week. He w`6 1th hs`tPa1'et5 M1'- and M1'S- C11I`tiS,| | defeated Alex. Galt. of Parrie; in th 5 We? Enals. Crack -players from Orilliay M155. M` Gamble was in Toronto 5 Collingwood and Barrie took part in I :0" 3 fgw dggstand aCC:mPii-lnied the tournament. ` ' Ome. 5 -5 er e V` 0118 01' Monday -night's re alarm sent the that. tY-' _ . ` _ - iremen in a hurry to a lot back ofi V. 1yt1.`:S' 1%1'1S R0bCi:rts `oi Whltby is! . ., 9 ` ' - 1511 )- - - . . xfuysons Bake Shop whele a deadnMrS 3 $1 I%'(1):2I_t};31E2g5MfW1_- fdi I c::%g*-:`ed'2 *`;;:"* **`"';er;. It t `wag e _11_1g'u1s1e y_ _e_use 0_.c em-` - . Yhl". ,..__1 1ur,._, r\,, 1 I - 1 1 I ` IIIIC UULII IIGIIICIIIH I . K . the; back ;B'1'yson's Bake Shop dead `tree caught fire in some manner. It, was extinguished by the use of chem-t icals. The re truck left on the dot,i even before Fireman Ald. Lower; {who was nea1'b_V attending a council fmeeting, could catch 'it. v I I I n 1 f MOUSE Rl')PAIRING AND CIIIMNEYS' nrvrl In n,.:,. _ ,,_ ,,I L 1.1 II! 13L-.. I [FURNISHED ROOMS to let at 59 {V St. ` .3 FOR RENT--.-SmalI at. newly decorated,-- suitable -for couple. or business wofnah or girls.- Enquire M. Shier, 37 Dunlo'5 St. _ ~ 31-3!`-E ~ EOARDERS wANTEn--students prefer-j red. Write Box 532 or apply at this of-j ce. ` 34-35;.-j '-`-"?-'---j' I CAR FOR SAIJE-Chevrolet touring. 1919." in rst-c!ass running order. good looking. ` a bargain: for quick sale 8250. Apply Box_C" Examiner. 29-35p -n 7 _ _ ._. \ , . . I ` H I I\I` A I IIIFIITIS E: ------.- -u .r` V 1 County Court Clerk Mackay re-1 ported ontWednesday that one case; had been entered up to that time for: . the Fall Assizes of the Supreme Court; lwhich are to be held in Barrie on: f September `19 `before Hon, Mr. Jus/* ?tice Mowat. There will be no criminal. cases,` Crown Attorney Cotter states.- `fl, ,1 I` , , II auu 161451 lJlCCll3C IIISIJUCDUIH V -For the next few weeks, Edmund` Hardy, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M., will be? found at his-residence, 123 Worsley St., week-day afternoons to receive= pupils in piano and organ. playing,I singihg and musical theory. 35c; Preparations are just about com- plete for the Northern League's an-I nualt bowling tournament in Barrie: on Labor Day.` V Rinks are expected` 3 n . from Alliston, Newmarket, A1landa1e,t and Orillia .and a lot of keen com-i petition is expected. ~ i f`--___L__ I` _._L /1` ,,_1_ `II, ,`l,, ! (Ill 5 also LIIJIUUILII-C uU1xuvlUllB be gratefully received. 35x W. C. Killing; Inspector of Pro-j Avincial Police in this district, was in} Barrie on Monday. He was formerly; ;Chief of Police in Woodstock, 0nt.,.; and later License Inspector. , wnv (`Inn nnvf four -urnnlrc `lvA`Jnnu1nA '` - (IUD. In IILIIB UUICLLIII, '2 UULIIG WUIU - Elillll EEIIEIEEIEEIE iv ~----_-,, uurvrvv 11 V. -v u - A. -...c uvv: , A. e--A.R. Parsons wishes to announce ' that he is now located at Garvin s,. Garage, Elizabeth St., where he is at; ` lyour service for all kinds of weldinghi `and brazing work.~ 35c . The `Ifnrnnrc Anvlns-17 n-F 4-Inn D ' 'W'AN'I`ED-- Cmnpetent general servant, higheat. xvages. Apply Mrs. Lay..Bl ak~, `St... or.-Canadian Bank of Commerce. 35:: auu. uxaalug . wU.|.n.' 00!: 3 The Women s Auxillary of the RQ IvV. Hospital purpose having their , {annual Rummage .sa1e ateethe Barri/.e~` ;Fall Fair. Suitable donations will: I `gratefully (` `k'"1:nn-V IVIa1\In+nn l\` Dun ' V -See the big display of mattresses; Miss Birdie Wsrnica sis holidajrngt and springs at W. A; Isowe & Son's.'in Rochester, N. Y. 1 Mvc Ink nqolnnxvi-11 1r:n;1-AA lsnu (1:11 ` 4-F.`0r .1-"eal bargains \in watch for removal sale commencingi Saturday, Sept. 9. C.'W. Flynn. '35c: A T) `l'\_,,,,, l[\Ll\Il.`J `1)l.\'L\J'1L I. l|.\.I\ students. Call 529. UILLV1E|rlI!.Ll IIUULVXD 1|.) Luau}. nu veniences. five minutes walk from egiate. 211 Ehzabeth`St. \J`.vA.r - cv\ Lztown. E Garage. Exa |-LI\lJ$_:lll.\`tJ VV I'll` I. iner o'ice.A Ll ll LVJLYLLIJLI Al\l\l|ul.' AU Worsley St. Phone 113. Ads. in this column, 4 word In:-an-u:-u: - I.E-I.-I.E-I.l:I Low. NEWS PHONE 605 ring 31 for CIDER. 34~39c Rooms and Board Property To Let IVUUIXJ` UR DAum-U\vuc1' leaving Best oer, Apply at Buchanan's 2. 35!) Autbmobiles touring car. 1922, leaving town. Ap- `ln THE mums EXAMMINER` 59 Mm . 31-36p Anplyh West. u_v au 4 I 35f.fc collf .35p 'L(B'I'-d-'l6T-ft: rowboat lost from, motorboat on July ll. dark oak stain, 2-in. keel. VAlso,,pair' of oars. Finder rewarded. J. S. .-Mihe.`Big Cedar Point, Tent3Ci:g. - \ - . 4- c ll V35p't 30D |'IVU' 35c ) um uuunc Ill 1U1'UHLU last VVCBK. Miss Catharine Byrne has return-A Med to her home in Toronto after Hspending two weeks vacation with` -` her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Byme, James St.:' 1- Rm: I-T~ I. and Mr: Mnmuvanu /43.... ' , . ...r,.,.... a. \-\au\I0tJ Ivlvnl 4.1 Icuuo Ill .ua11.1c.| .l Mrs. J. W. Caldwell has. returned} ' home after spending a week with her . E daughter, Mrs. r`1-isby, Victoria- ; Square. I Tlnnnon I`nu4-in nun` J?n.;...H.. ..,.4..___.__ .1 ner aunt, Mrs. J. R. Byrne, James St.:' -_ Rev. H.` L. and Mrs. Morrson (for-.' gmerly Miss I. K. Cowan of the B. C. II. staff) and son of Aylmer, Ont. are visiting Mrs. Owen Peters, Burton Ave._ U 5 . Mr. `and Mrs. W. R. -Devins, Brad- ford street, got back last week after. I spending six weeks visiting friends in; B1-itish Columbia and the Canadian ;West. `II... (`V 1' n A 1 - '--- uuauulua . ' .v ' Mr. and, Mrs. H. J. Twiss and soni Teddy were Exhibition visitors in! Toronto this week. While there` Mr. iTwiss was interested in the new Fall; ; styles _ for suitings. I i Nnllcnn nnliuydll nnnnvnvu-.n1n.I L.-' 1 cu_yu:o_J.U1. buxungs. j Nelson Caldwell, accompanied by; Mr. Johnson, motored over from Cin-I cinnati, Ohio, and are spending a week with the former~ s grandmother, ` Mrs.` John Forsyth, ` `n.. ......a mt..- n A n_".-My - .LV..l.l.Go UUIIH .l.`Ul.`b'_Vl.4H. Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Sarjeant motor-I ed from their home in Burford, and spent the week-end at the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sar- I jeant at Big Bay Point.` I Mr: J W Qnnonm nrio` nL:`Jun-n ---I--I MAID WA'NTED-Apply after Sept.` 3 to Mrs. H. A. Sims, 121 Owen St. 351:` Jcauo an pig Day rumb. ' Mrs. J. W. Speers and children, who' have been spending ' severh] - weeks with Mrs. Speers parents and friends in town, leave tomorrow for herhome! _at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. M. l'n..\ 117.-.n---:._ -...1 L, A an LJCILIIU one. .Lui1l`le, \IIlE. Mrs. (Dr.) Wallwin and her two` children, Annie and Henry, returned to Barrie Tuesday morning after an enjoyable trip to the West. They `were absent about two months. 1:. my -_--___..._.- ..---.- ./..vu vnn uunnuugo Mrs. Maude Plewes, Miss Jessie Plewes, Edgar Plewes, and Jas. T. Hutchins of Toronto-"motored to town Saturday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.` R.` H. Webb over Sunday. _. _._-... --. --. .. av... vvy. -uuuuuy. reo. Kennedy, who holds a.res- ponsible position in the Continental and Commercial National Bank in "Chicago, and Mrs. Kennedy were the quests of Miss Long at Ledgmere this week. ' Mun Q (" Qv\vu\I1]n -3.1...` L... L-,,, uqa WI: Mrs. C. Sproule, who has been the efficient `librarian of the Barrie H can. I ; Mrs. S. J. S. Anderson and3MisS' ;_ Elsie Ander_son of Toronto visited gthe fo1'mer s brother, S. E. Turner`,; fo);\a few days, leaving for home on; I Tuesday. - ` A`P+n1I cqnnn.-Nu... 1.-.... .._....1.`l.- .2. *n,,, I i L `spending two months in Bob` 1-`ie with her mother, Mrs. John | Rainey, Eccles St., Miss Mabel Rainey` 3 i l returning` to Saskatoon, Sask. on aturday. ' | Mr onnl 1\/I ..- II T 7l"...:..... _..J --A~- V V Miss"Ha;elvl1l;;llv of Hamilton, who is visiting at the home of :_A. E; Lennox, Maple Ave_.. `sang `delightful solos in Collier and Central Methodist Churches on Sunday. It... iAr...-_x_ n1-___- - Its, iuuxlb mm mm. DUHL. I g Miss Agnes Morley of Toronto and :Misses Verna and Ruby Wice of !_ Vine -are spendmg a few holidays? jwith Miss Reta Quantz. ` 1 Mrs. W. Gilkinson, after a visit to y . jher sister, Mrs. (Reva) W. T. Buntf jat the Baptist parsonage has return-i 1 ed to her home in Chicago. " I HWA1`' V ploxxroe on nlz-I Dn1.`.n cu nu ucl. uuuxc nu uulcagu. Q [ Howard V. Plewes, an old Barrie, boy, who has been visiting with his; =sister, Mrs.- R. H. Webb, returned to; !his home in Toronto last week. , : M:(va (..+L.....:..,. D......- L..- -.-L..,,., iiun VVA!NTED--~Apply to Mrs. T. D. Brown, phone 952J.. P.O. Box 9. 35p itreal are visiting Mrs. Play1e sfpar-- ;a H U]. mcy Db. Mr. and Mrs. W. Playle 0-f Mon-l ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cunning-i ham, Small St. ' 1m:..,. 1 1m..\r:__-__ L, - ` - I .uxuLI|a. uuu ruuerba. ' : Miss Florence Bunt and a motor! ;party from Owen Sound were recent, guests with her parents, Rev.- W. T, !Bunt and Mrs. Bunt. 1 R111... A......-.. 1m.._.1--_ -2 my '5uul5 an upcrauun 1.01` appenulcms. Mr". and Mrs. George Campbell of : "Rainy River, 0., are visiting relatives`- and frxends m Ba`rr1e` and Thornton.| M;'c Y-55-l4|Ynnn~ {I1'1bnn'\w| .._.I If}... ` Mr. and. Mrs. Ouderkirk have re- turned to Toronto after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. John Luck, } Shanty Bay.` . Ml` oh!` M111` `X7 I` Tvnrnmn-A --~`---- uua w cum. I uuaxxuy uay. V IV Mr. and Mrs. W. C..JeTssop motor- ` ed 1'r9n_1 Flint, Mich._, and are visiting. the latter s mother, Mrs. Wm. Storey, 3 12 Worsley St. I M1` 911!` If;-La 1:` `X7 Dln..I-. .. 1\l .\-- uaul, oxuau DL. ' Miss J. McNiven has returned to` `her home on Elizabeth street after a! year s visit in California , British Col-` ;umbia and Alberta. ! 'n\IT.'..... `l3l..--_._.._ l"b__.,: 1 - LB '7 UllCy IUD: ; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Baughman and Miss` |Leota Baughman- are visiting in Wind-g sor and Detroit. i ' `III. ......I `ll ... A IN CIA.-_,1_A.__; _ , `cu u.1cuua' L.ut:1`t: 101' a Lew uays. l Mrs. Myron Silver of Sutton 1s~ ;spending a few weeks with her sis- zter, Mrs. Butcher, McDonald St. I Mr: T pan:-f and cnh rd-` l)n~..L.-L-.`ln. ucx, nun. nuucuer, uxcuollalu at. I Mrs. T. Peart and son of Parkdale spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. '\V1'ight. Blake street. _T R pI\]'\o`v-+5 nap rnnwnunl-A n`...-I `:f.'...._l .Lu1a. 11. H. H rlgut. plane street. I J. B. Roberts of Toronto and Miss Elsie McKee of Port Arthur are visit- . ing the former"s parents this week. M1'u Tnkktv R-ya `IQr\"IIIIr\l\4J L.\.._... "W'AN'l`ED AT 0NCE--Reliable woman or girl for gmxerul housework; one willing `to go `to North Bay. Phone 336,- Barrie. - 35c ; nus uu: ;u1. uu-:1` 5 pa'l`t:uLs uus weeK. Mrs. E. Tebby has returned home from the` R. V. Hospital after under- -going an operation for appendicitis. Mr", nn M1`: (Ihnv-on Fomnknii ml-` auu u'u:uu'.-5 ul Duffie` anu 1snornton.l Miss Kathleen Curran and Miss `Rea Mi1'l'er of" OrilTia came dowfntol spend Tuesday with friends in Barrie.| 1 Mr-.- 1 Hr n_:J, n 1 . `l }bUl.' auu JJULl'UlI.n ` 3 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stapleton re-A gturned on Tuesday from a [motor trip: ;to Niagara Falls, N.Y. A ; I` A rat`:-our n{nbn1v nu-`J `:l|D\II1"`v ' `nu Luagara raub, J.V..l.. . 3 Mrs. Andrew Dickey and family lof Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting_ at; ;John Dickey s, Bayeld Sti = Inca T.a|nrv-2 'l`l\I`\1];V1:vl\V\ nu ! 1\:I'2n.-. uuuu LJlLIlXC.)'b, Dayuclu Db. ` I , Miss Laura Tomhnson and MISS} [AIeta Paddlson motored to, Toronto and are spending a week there. I M;ceoc Max-1- Annual.-nun. 2..-`.1 E`..- auu aau: apcuuulg at ween tnere. I Misses Mary Armstrong` `and Eva 1 Brooks motored to Torontoahd visit- fed friends there for a few days. 3 Mvrnn Qvnr AF Qnl-nn 1';-.. `Ill l.\uUCl.1CIUl.', L`. 1. C : Mrs. John Flaherty. visited her sis- -ters in Toronto last week. 1:V._...__;_ 'rr._---|_-___ -12 n:1:-._g _A__.; 3ouuuay VVILII VVGILCI .|.lllJllI[JUl.l'. V E Mlss Gulda Burton 1s spending a 3 few days with friends in Aurora. ~ ; Mien alorixya T nsnnti nf I"n-an-.4-A turns` I. LCW Udyb Wllall LLIISIIUB Ill nuL'U1'a. ` ! MISS Gladys Leroy of Toronto was. {in Barrie last week visiting friends. N/nee Izhvlia Pkinalanrf Page 1-of-umnoA : ux uaxztc lah wccn vlazblug .ll.'1llub'.. , Miss Birdie Rhinehart has returned; -from a month s visit with friends ini g Toronto. ' ll... 1`! 1:` IA'._.-__;.___ -5 11-,n,A, ,1 .- LO'l`--0n_ Saturday afternoon last, be- tween Allandale station and Minesing, Mack chili bag, letter inside addressed to Mrs. Hodgetts. Reward. Notify Chief so! Police, Barrie, or write P. W.` Hod- getts, Puament Bldgs.,'l`oronto. 33-35p I Luzuuou. i . Mrs. C. F. Moreton of Midland is: visjting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Storey`, 9 12 Worsley St. 1 Mr oral` My-c not`:-ulunnnvu nun} Kin,-.' BULB All LULUIIDU IHBL WCU-IX. ` Ernest Kneeshaw of Gilford spent ; Sunday with Walter Thompson. 'Mcc aiiio `R1110!-nn in anon.-Jinn A gaaaamm&$&m&&&& &m&&&&m&m&m$&&3 * PERSONAL ' ucx. . g I J. A. MacLaren, A. W. Smith and Walter Patterson motored to Meadow- vale, six miles beyond Brampton,l `Saturday afternoon, to-see Miss M. "E. Black1ocl~: s garden. She has f- teen acres almost lled with peren- nials and- shrubs. I *n__ A1--- 1m'-..1---- -n__-___-__ _:_1 1,, l ---- ----- - vv- --'5'. ........v ..,.v. Mr. and Mrs. A_. Cunningham en-', tertained"for the `week-end a party of friends among whom were H. G41 McKnight and Mr. and Mrs. W. N.- White of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.& Playle of Montreal, Mrs. J .W. Speers,3 < Mrs. A. Speers and Master Esteri1 Speers. Soo, Ont. ] TI I4` Q4-nrhvlovf rlnvov-nnr AF 4-Inn 1 BJUU \llI|n opccl. a. H. E. Sthddart, Governor of the. County Jail. left Wednesday on a trip to the West. He travelled by way of Port McNicoll and took the} boat from there to the head of the; Izikes. where he will take` the train for Winnipeg, Regina `an_d other Wes- Public Library since April 1911, ten-Q dered her resignation to the .Board 7 on Monday night. She purposes mov-| i ing to Toronto. M ....A M..- 11...... n....:.....I:..-| MAID WAN'1`ED-Apply to Mrs. Creswicke, 190 Bayeld St. i 35c coLLn-tn ST. LIVERY-_Next. door to the - Opera. House; good carriage. saddle and deliver_v horses for hire; car and careful 'driver at a ,reasonable rate; gasoline and oil for stile. ' 30e35c ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Young and daugh~! ter. Mrs. Bell, motored from Toronto; `and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.` C. T. Thompson, whoreturned with? `them and are visiting friends in H01-'1 gland Landing and Toronto. ` 1 Ann ta .1 . n 1v- ! Miss Esther Longman of Victoria` school is one of a party of Ontario! gteacherswho have been taking part ! in the third "Northern Ontario Trip ;held annually under the auspices of the Ontario Educational. Association._ 1- 1 -- ---. -.-- v.--......, ..............v..-.. -\4n;\r\tI~Ul\IAl Mr. and Mrs. David White, Toron-i to, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Dorothy Margaret, to Mr. Hubert Earlby Cunningham, C-ookstown, Ont., the marriage to take place theelatter part of Septem- `ber. ` " 7 A IA _,`| _,.;._ ' A 11 ? (1,, `L1 1| [116.13 auu BlllU|J- Dr. Alex. Mackay, Provincial In- spector of Prisons and Public Chari- ties for Ontario, and a son of John Mackay, Barrie, has been gazetted as a Lieutenant-Colonel on the re- tired list. He has been.connected with the 36th Peel Regt. since 1898.; III A r: Lug uu .I.u1'uuI..u. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Desjardinel `entertained `a number of friends oni Wednesday evening for his two sis-I iters, Misses Georgina and Augustine! ' Desjardine, who left on Thursday for` itheir home in Detroit. i a u `The tale of a couple` of hap-g py crooks, who were star- tled, one day, to nd them- selves honest men. While '_they were boosting Battles- burg--you ll see more fun to the foot" of lm than ever oozed from another screen comedy. I `I A story known the world a- round--andga1l_ of it just folks! Overowing with village kindness and rib- tickling kinks of dern-fool human nature. Every scene a gasp of surprising drama, bursting into roars of merri- ment. ALSO SPECIAL COMEDY. THE VAMP Opera Houge NO ADVANCE IN PRICES--l5 and 25 CENTS ' _ I Matinee Labor Day at 2.30 . of hap-1 star-T they were =-Behold My Wife GENERAL WAN'I`ED--A;pply 68 `Cumber- land SL. Allandule. 35-36p SPECIAL` A1;;rRAcT1oN FOR LABOR DAY, ' Sept. 4th, and Tuesday, Sept. 5!}: George Melford (who produced The Sheik) _ presents the great Canadian Northwest Story GET-RICH-QUICK WALLlNGFORD SOON-CHARLlE CHAPLIN in PAY DAY Coming Soon-LeComte & A F lesher s Comedy, LISTEN TO ME Guaranteed to be one of" the best pictures this season--A Paramount Picture Jfdbel Julienne Scott Ln. Gb1g`e~MeZford's Pz~odu<'tiarl `Behold my Wzfe ' A Pammorznt Pufture F tidajr and Saturday, Sept. 1st and '2n& with Doris Kenyon A RARAMOUNT PICTQRE From the playby George M. Cohan Matinee Saturday at 2.30 ~ .L:.a-xu- . ' , 1 2 It's good for forty years more, icommented A. W. Beardsley, care. 5 ta_ker of the Court House today, while` `referring to the improvements made , to the interior of the structure. When the oors of cork matting are laid. {upstairs and the new Iavatories are Eready, the repairs will about be com-. 'pleted. All the painting and paper-` ing was nished some time ago. WANTED---YouIxg girl for general house- wotk. Apply 81 `Worsley St. 35p I Rev. Bunt, pastor of the Baptist church, and Rev. Mr. `Coum- ans, of Collingwood, exchanged pul- lpits last Sunday. - A ..L:._-_.--- 1` ' "` " ` 7 ` :7`. __._.v ug-an`-up A chimney J.re at 231 Bayeld street gave Chief Shrubsole and his remen a run on Friday morning. It was of short duration but the fire; men stood by in case of emergency; ;and saw that the roof didn't catch- - from the sparks. "No water was used.- TThe alarm, which was the twelfth or Ethirteenth this year, was rung in at 311.42. LL1-.I I - - ' ` I C]. as w ccns. Barrie` loses two well liked resi- ldents in the departure of Dr. and Mrs. !Bruce, who are going to California `this Fall to reside. Dr. Bruce left } for Toronto on Tuesday, and- Mrs. ; Bruce, who is now visiting her sister, ' }1\1/irs.`g;harpe% tin Bu1k s Ealls wig] join xm ere a er re urnmg o arrie in about two weeks time._ r1....-1-1-- - 1 _-.... ....v uccna uuue._ 5 Geo. Lake and family of Timmins `motored from North Bay last week lto visit his sister, Mrs. J. A. Garvin. ,Their automobile was shipped from ;'I`immins to North Bay by train, a `good roads trail not being yet avail- I able. Mr. Lake was formerly a mem- ber of The Examiner staff. For some years he has. been publishing the Porcupine Advance and carrying on successfully a large job business "there. Mr. and Mrs. Lake will take a month s motor trip through the Eastern States before returning home. --_-. --... .. a. who a ycar. 1 stock of mattresses and springs on hand. Call and see them. 35tfc D--- 111 - rn --u . . i .--W.o;AV."I_4-owe & "Son have a big I I e' gternu centres. `He will be away I eral weeks. Dnm-.:-' 1--~r ` " "' Subscribe- for The Barrie Examin- ` ur A 1--- o '- `er and get all the news. $2 a year. e Thursday August 31, 1922 Musical IIIC IIUI l(7|| UK`! In the Urma erously of _it.- of Honor on :1 shows that fn gregation ob:-.' was killvd in nine were wu A .,')l'(-mlitl rm- Mr.- I Vt .-XINTEI)--Girl. for grocery stor'e: must Inn nvnn:-`annoy. Annlv in 12:! 'g" WV. `dalllr C 1189 $01 Gould 30 Rev. w. January of 19 gun the inc-ul Under his uhl the parish hll.` ing the lust t have been cu at `present ha. no very (-xte-n. made in recem has been well` ll V7411` I|lllIII'I rise. thy build the Nottzuvzts; real; windows beautiful _furm haze of tho church_v~.ml Ih Collingwoml h 31...... I\ll' '... \)\IIIIII5VVlIlI|l ll Many old 1:: among the 11` near by. Pin! are buried her. !_ .I.., II... gww Iv\/ aistunt KM; the work built tuni- being Rm . 'I'hnse in L` the pres:-m r Nugent. 1851 1855-1868; H: 1869; Re-\'. ' `If I! It . Jul : e11;=.1' L-ur L|l\ll\ u Essa. It is 4. and an inscri; :4 ..........|.. "WANTED-Girl or woman for general huusework. PJhx~a. Read, 50 Oakmouut. Rd., Tormato. ' ` 35-36;) 1.. DLAMON CHR Cll|'i.~1 churche-.~ strucu-cl i `the Anglh ther thun ' K` 5`;-TIWII C mnml I as 185:: A I` A5011! 15.3] Ivy unolc-r H1 Englantl um! rett Nugr-nt u 'I`I,,. l'l, ._| AUVII , nu v . W. W` . B u I -.~ -noon iouu , In 1'Esz3'.'1.;`" 1893; Rev. Rev. W. I . L nu LICV . vv I In miss pointed r'l(.V ...-.......l Irv !lUlllLl:\l Av \.v-u uruIn:4|'Ivy W 1511 knnwu ;s.~ lllclllclts 'l'h.'I'1 WA1};,u1 xx _\ the first (,-hu'r<< Rev. Mr. lm | I ` WANTED TO RENT--`Farm, 100 acrm or less, fair buildings, good water, prefer near Cookstown or Alliston, good farm-` -er, experienced. Reply Box D" Ex- 'aminer.office. T 4 33-380 _ThurSd:J '1-"hr ch 11 `(:}`x` slllu III ll. M (C. Brov Blufel V?l.4.NTED--By an elderly couple, a cap- nkln molinlmln mnmnn an linmanlnaannr. PROPERTY WANTED TO RENT or buy mu 'onnnno`nIn Irninvu: nnnuv `launch: ran APPLES WAN'I`ED--I will be buying a limited quantity of fall and winter ap- ples. Cau at factory, corner Sophia and Maple Ave. Phone 6llr6. JW. Goss- Iing. ' 35tfc bWAN'I`Ef)---Orders for knitting; full line xvii best yarns in `stock; supply of socks -and stockings on hand; we re-foot your .316 ones. Call and inspect. ' 22 Mul- ` `caster St., Barrie, 83-38p Imwiwwawxwmwwawx 1 . E GOOD FRESH" MILK DURHAM COW van chm 131...... mu 9:. - P1108 _UI IUllI'. 1U UULIII Ulrll IVLICH &lged; elso.l0 cents extra when replies are directed to Examiner office. `~._, ADLET cowmu U ,- M *1` Ono cent. a word, cash, each insertion ninimum charge, 25c); six insertionscfor n price _of four. 10 cents extra when Jnnuuulo Alan `H nnnf: nvh-n mnn I-Anlinn WANTED TO` R.ENT-Good brick house. Will pay good rental. Apply Metropol- ritan Life Insurance office. T 351) PEAS WAN'I'ED--Send samples. Brett's n`oarI Gin-n unit 071 nor!-:n nknno AK, 1[`JL""' '7 1'1 ,7 TIL` I. I\-lfll L\L'JC'l.`lLV Lflall V lll\3 in every city and town in Canada to sell automobile stop signals; posmvely pre- vents accidents: every car owner a pros-e `gjectj easy to sell; big `prots. .Write for `,r,articulu-rs and agents` proposition. Can- `mdian Auto Shops, P; O. Box 154. `Niagara Falls, Out... 25tfc| 1.1 L I I.'Jl\:I -t.Tl..'ll\2V L\Jl1l \JLl'II.1\lL"'_`1'JC.{lll!I' ment `mud business. Good opportunity to! learn business will be given to party purchasing. Apply to Box 1004, Barrie. . T - 34-39p I IUUIJ I.` '.VL`D)J.1 1'1 1 IJIJ FOR SALE-_-Phone i\7IJLV\.' WU" TU b3l'|I.lI!J,. uuu Sept. 20. APP`? `Frank Green, Stroud. * ' . 35-38p T0 WHOM (2ONCER'NED--This is to cer- tify th I 1, W. F. Leece. will not be re- S.pn'.---'u9.`- for debts contracted in my nmue after this date. ' ` 35p `CIIC IV6\`Ial4\llIL1 EUVCIIIIIIS 1 LIIJIIU 'LlIl' I `rarues. R. J. Fletcher. Secretary Barriel Publtc Library. . 35-36:-.l I\IlJ['l.'l l\l.'lI (`lll\rllV\l IILVII \JLll|VlLV LA I. L I BUN/I`, Prices !'(_':l._~`0ll1\blE. F. W. Shan- non. 84 John St., nhone 955.}. 33-38;) I GIHIBC, Wllat ulmu la ncpl-. Luuau uc wuss, `to cook. Call or write stating .wa.ges ex- pected. Mrs. W. M. Hale, 93 Mary St., Orillia, Telephone 387. 35c W:uIl.l!lIJ-`l)y an Ulucny uuupnc, a on}:- able. relidole woman as housekeeper- znunse, where mand IS kept. Must be-able 4... nnnlr Hall nr nu-H-n nfnnn unurx av- VIULV .lX`JIlLIll`I - IUI` SIIIUUIJ BI-UIUV. Illula be exporir-.nced. Apply to Box S" Ex- zjuniner. 34-35c IO\Il JUIUL I. 7' I'll` LIJIIJ L\I lI;I'JL` I. III UK] on reasonable terms, near Barrie. Three to ten acres, small house and stabling for three cows. Fred Smith, No. 2, Shanty Bay. . 35p I'4'.`1D VV ltl.` ll.`lIJ"`UCllLl GDILIIJL [Girl 6 Feed Store, Box 971, Barrie, fiion 65W. 1 ' 34~'36;) Page Twelve Li'{$2:k F9r{5#l9_ Lo'st'and Found 'CHIOKENS-Light Brahmas for sale; also fie-w old birds. Ptices reasonable. I won prizes Ottawa, Barrie, etc. John H. Wilson, Sterling Bank. - 35p Miscellaneous Help Wanted Wanted` "ss4`. 35 I SBUSH FOR SALE_--75 acres or bush. with-I in one mile of "Barrie; will sell by acre}, Apply J. A. Johnston, Box 826. Barrie. . - ` 35-36p FOR SALE--7-room brick house. `situated J9 Worsley St., central location. Apply on premises or address Box 246, Barrie on 25.25:" OO'I'I`AGE at Minet's Pdint for` sale, fourg roams. large veranda. Apply to Berti Walker. 54 Tiffin St.. phone 149. 27f-fc FOR SALE--6-room dwelling; also shop `and 4-room dwelling combined; 138 and 140 Collier St.'. Barrie. Grocery stock and fittings. Apply at shop. A 35-36;) 0 `WIN-DOW vCLEANING~--.House. office ori -sfore windows cleaned, oors cleaned and -polished. new or old. Wm. Smith,` '84 "Mary S1,. Barrie, Box 310, phone 944.! 2R-40p I {FARM FOR SALE--East half lot 4. con. n n..- A'.._:'1-; 12...... n......:.. nc ....-.... IBARRIE BUILDING L_OTS--One hundreds - dollars each, cash or time. Lew IIowe,_ Lewiston. N.Y. 28tfc ; HOUSE FOR SALE-New '7-room huse in] village of Baxter. on C.P.R. Also /ve. building. lots will be sold either in the lot` or "seiiarat. Apply W. C. Bell.~.R.vR. FOR SALE}-Jtmt outside town .-limits," 3 acres good garden land. youn_g`5orchard. with ten-room brik hous. _Gbod,barn. Ideal spot: for T market. `gardgn. Phone 929W. ~ _ . M I -- 33-38c FOR SALE AT--M_1DHURS',I`--`FiVne` lot, one: acre good garden; 7-`room frame house; cement cistern,` with vsinl and pump in kitchen; summer kitchen and woodshed' good outside cellar well constructed: zood stable and chicken house. fenced yard; large workshop used as garage in good `condition; close to store, post office, church and school. Apply at Midhurst Post Oice. 35tfx GOOD WORK HORSE FOR SALE. choice of three. Also Chevrolet car. Will take` cattle in part payment on car. Herbert. Reid, Duckworth St., Barrie, phone 895M. 32e37p I - : 'FOR' SALE CHEAP--Horse hay rake. `cut-Z V ting box. light sleigh, single plow. har- row. 2 scufflers. fanning-mill, light dexul` ocrat, buggy, cutter. cream -separator.g church, Aladdin mantle hanging Iamp.i `Apply Angus Clark, between Dalston and: Craighuret. 35p I c I l l FARM" FOR SALE-100 acresnsouth half lot 4. con. '8. Innisl. 1-1. miles from Thornton; soil clay loam; 7-room brick: house. cistern. two wells and spring; 2! barns. 40x60 and 50x50. on foun(lation-;. cement pig-pen 20x40; also br?ck garage? and other outbuildings; bush and or-3 clmrrl; excellent location. Easy terms` for quick sale. Apply J. D. Smith, Thornton. . 33-38c i FOR SALE--7000 feet dry lumber, 40005 `on? v\:nn and fl)l'I\0:I1!lA'.|l` ocanl-int` Anni`! LUMBER. FOR SALE--2.-3.000 feet of one- V inch cull at $10 per M; one-inch com- mon hz=mIock.T8. 10, 12. 14 and 16 ft.; '2 by 4 hmlock. 8. 10312. 14 and'16 ft.; 2 by 6, 8 and 10-inch, 10. 12. 14 umli an :4 1x7 `Ll u...u.... `r....'m.......+.... 171Tx~;R\' SERVICE STATION~--Equip- vnnnf -unrl lmnu-Inna: anal` nnv\rnwh|n:Gu fn iFARM FOR SALE-50 acres. clay 1oam,{ 7-1joom frame house, new implement shed and grainehouse. small barn. half mile ` from school, church and G.T.R. station. Apply Mrs. Jos. McMaster, Utopia. 34-3>5p3 FOR SALE--Auto tire and rim 30x31/-'_:,; ' Nobby_ tread and two clips. Apply Chas; Robertson. phone 743.}, `R.R.1, Barrie.; FOR SALE-Gasoline sawing. outt. 5-h. -p., 28-in. saw. on trucks, belting anal! everything complete. Also 40-gal, gas-E oline tank; one blacksmith anvil; I25-Ib.| forge in rst-class shape. Apply A, Higgins. Craiglmurst. Ont. ~ 33-35pi 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Markham Tp.. close to station. school and general store; brick house. bank barn; Toronto i twenty miles, good road; might exchange ; for good farhn near Barrie. Box 8. Rural 1 Route 2, Gormley. Ont. 32-37p` \ ALL KINDS OF WOOD FOR SALE-- Soft slabs, mixed slabs. limb` wood and fur`nac e woocl; the best of 4-H. maple., Sold by the cord or cut and split to or; der. Prices on application. W. Graceyi '& Son, phone 4_04.'A1landu1e. Cheapest] woodyard in town. T 32-35c| FOR SALE--Motorocycle, twin Indian; al- so Chevrolet touring car and Overland "engine for bus or truck. A. J. Tuck. 35p BARGAIN 'FOR` QUICK SALE-"-Pogtable ` saw-mill, all complete, in rst-class con- dition. Apply to_Frank Robinson, Bor- ; deau, Ont. 30-35pj FOR 'SALE-20 acres of ` clover, secdndg crop. Apply Mrs. Jo's. McMaster, Utopia, .on "Ivy-Thornton-telephone. . 35p; GATES FOR SAL-E-Pa.ir of battened "am-- _ing yard gates. Apply 190 Bayel St.. Barrie. ' ' . 35c SEED WHEAT FOR SALE--0.A.C. No. A 194, pric_ 61:59 p_r bu__. _Long distance YOUNG BROOD SOW FOR SALE, due gun} AI\!'IlI7 vi`:-on`: nnnnn Q6:-pun-I PIANO. BARGAIN-Heintzman. -& co.` piano, as good as new, excellent tone and appearance. Call at 194 Bradford St, 356 FOR S!>&LE--Grain and clover threshing machine, in good repair. Apply Chas. McGinnis, Box 808, or..phone 958W. ` 91.0: BUGGY FOR _SAL re) , almost new. Mrs. Jos. McMaster,- topia, `_ 34-35p WHITE WIGKER BABY CARRIAGE for sale.-Apply 52 P rk St. . 34-35p TOR SALE--Rubber-tired buggy with wire wheels. See` it at 72 Owen St., Barrie. A bargain. . _ ` 34-35p I F01} SXLE--New uprighlt oak Heiutzman piano; a bargain. Apply to . 132 Bradford St. ' 34-39p I ! ply F. H.`iBall. Sh-anty Bay. 31-.tfc '[ll\'-Vl 1' \J1\ ' LUIXVLJLIJ-'_CIll\`l' IICIII (U1! '2. U\llIo ` T2. Oro, 4 miles from Barrie. 96 acres} -black clay: seven-roomed brick house.g steel shingled; barn 50x73, sfeel'roof and; fully equipped stables. silo. driveshed.j henhouse, other necessary buildings; also nine acres good hardwood bush. orchard and garden; good natural drainage. also; well underdrhined. For particulars ap- 0 I I uu p P.O. Telephone. Utonia P.0. 32-36;)` 6 U.V U, C} LIJILI IU'lllUlI 1|}. Lil. I"! Ull|| I 16 ft. W. H. I-Itatton, Ivy-Thorntonf `\Jl.L A)(lIJlH"`lUUU [CCU ll! IHIIIUUI, `SUUU feet pine and remainder assorted. Apply M on premises, Bert Fisher, south -half lot` 1, con..4_, Innisl. . . '- 35p TEAM OF COLTS `FOR SALE, 4 and 5 yeam old, well broken. Apply A. Elphick. `Utopia. . . - 35p LOOF, ROOF-New ones laid.-ol:l ones repaired. Wm. Smith. 84 Mary St. Phone 944. R0. Box 810. 26-37p '"'1'6Z', ,}a`'e"?1`.5o'L' 13T'7'13.'`Li a;tI:'5 `phone. Frank Loftus, Phelpston. 34-36p Property ' For Sale Farms Fo_r Sale For} IJZII IIC 35-36p U00 7' v 24tfc VBOARDERS WANTED--Gi~:l students pm; ferred. ~ Apply Box X" Examiner. 35-6p i iWANTI<`.T7--Boarr.k-ts or momers. Mrs. R. Malcolm, 99 Sophia St. , phone 597M. _ V APPLICATIONS will be received for the position of Librarizm of the Barrie Pub- lic Library from those who have the ne- ~cer~ary qualications in accordance with wthe regulations governing Public Lib- `:-urna D I Inn!-n`unr Qnnrnfurv `luv:-:n

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