LEFROY ' mum-:s1Nc uuuuguuub tue uuure games. On account of the football match h.av-, ing to be played at the northeast side of Field Day A Success . The Field Day held here on Wednesday of the past week was a decided success. The large number of people who gathered at the agricultural park from outside plac- es and the surrounding community to wit- ness the sports were not disappointed in any way, as some real good baseballwas played during the afternoon. ~ "Great in- terest was manifested by the spectators throughout the entire games. - nu nnnnunf II: 4`... C....6L..II __._L-1_ 1,- guxuuu 15 M16 UUlllal.'UlUI'. _ A very large number of the villagers, as well as the country folk, availed them- selves of the opportunity of -listening to the Salvation Army of Midland and their band on Wednesday evening in an open air meet- ing in `front of the Queen's-Hotel. The crowd stood from eight o'clock until near- ly ten o'clock listening attentively to the speaking, which was interspersed with sing- ing and selections from the -band. The of- fering which was so generously given amounted to $25.24. It is hoped that the Army withvtheir band will visit the village again at an early date. .g ' ' vuclc. The old wooden structure on the county road between the second and third of Tiny (commonly known as the Big Bridge) is being replaced by a new up-to-date ce- ' ment bridge. The road at this point will also be straightened`, which will make it imuch more safe for traffic. J. "J. Du- 1 mond is the contractor. A `II I......... ._.-_.L-._ -1 :1 `Innu- I uuu vu no uaucu uu uuuuuuu U1 UKFKIICSS. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest French. Mr. and! Mrs. Armour James and Miss Ariel Frnchl motored from Hamilton on Saturday `and spent the week-end at Mrs. M`. Vansickle s. I \1r:__ nL, 11- um -. u Miss Fhyllis White, who has been visit- inghwith her sister; Mrs. A. H. Byers, re- turned to her home'at Meaford. accom- pnied by Mrs. `Byers, who spent a few days there. [MUCH there. I URL- ,,.-__,, ...... .. ...... ......u-.5 u-_1. nun cwuls. . Mr: and Mrs. S. E. Campbell. and family)! motored to Walters Falls on Sunday and .-pent the day at the home of Mr. Camp- bell's brother. "FL- T3I____._I, P_,.I n . I t-um plnuc, I-UUK put`!/. The Quarterly Board will meet on Friday evening in the Methodist church here. Thu Indian l\` 41... \l..4L....|1..4 ..L...._L -.._ DC 5 UIUDIIUT. The El-mvale football team journeyed to" Penetang on Monday night and played the home team thfere to a 1-1 tie. The game had to be called on account of darkness.- 11_. _,,,I II 15-. . -- - -- I . V \.-...--`an, ggnauun LAUKIBIIUIIIII The garage which was operatdhy the. Train Auto Sales Co has been sold to _Thos.. Mills, who is now running at full swing. Mn. and M ..- Q In n..-__|__n __,u 2, -- 'avquauII/ulluc 111 um vmage. Misses Marjorie and Gladys Moriarty of Bradford returned home after spending a few days at R. P. Burton s. Mrs. R. O. Bunt and daughter. Miss Pearl, of Houghton, Mich.. spent "a few days thig week at W. Bunt s. Y............... Y ...-...__ Ln .1 - I - - uuJm (:54 III. I . IJLIL DUI] 9. Mrs. Bunf Langman Lawson left this week for :Thornloe, where he has been re-engaged to teach school for another year. RPV and Q (1 unvinkfnn II` TAI Lu xcuuu suuuul lUl' unomer year. ' Rev. and Mrs . S. G. Houghton of Wol- cott. N.Y., spent a few days with the for- mer's brother, Elgar Houghton. 1.2.], - "I"'L.. _-.... _. .4. `cu: DLUIIIIICI uuuuuys. Mr. and Mrs. E. G". Miller rturned home on Monday after spending the holidays at nM:u'kham and Toronto. I !..L._ 1:n:_.___. J I ..u.unuzuu uuu 1UfUlllU. - I John Lillicrap and daughter. Miss Mos- sic. of Toronto, spent a few days renewing acquaintance in the viliage. | Mime: Mnr;nrin and r;I..A... Ll.-.-.:....L.. ..I Lulllllls uuuuu ` . Miss F. Manning-returned home on Mon- day from Wasaga Beach, where she spent the summer holidays. _ l Mr and Mrc I.` 11- um.... ..............I L-_.- run an: uauulg at ueu. mczxnxgnr S. Miss May Hickling of Ailenwood spemi a_ few days with Miss Helen Malcolm. .j Miss M. Corcoran of Toronto spent the] iweek with her brother, Dr. Gorcoran. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langman, on Friday, Aug. 26, 1922. a daughter. Mrs. Powel'l and Miss Mary Bishop` of: Ancaster visited at. Mrs. M. Vansickle'9. i Mix -Elliott and Stewart Giiroy of Tor-' `onto were week-`end visitors at W. A. Mal- `, colm's. 111,, A1, 1 7 a nu - - I I, UUIIII B I Ada and Jack Edwards returned to,i ! '1I;or `spending three weeks at W..' l . c 1 .. 13...... L. 11,, 1 up .-u _ . . JlICl|lUClBu A large number from this place attended. the Diamond Jubilee dinner of the Ivy Anglican church on Monday evening, and report a royal feast and an excellent pro- gram. Neville Jamieson and Miss Mamie Henry, as well as the resident ministers of this place, took part. Tho Onnrhn-lu Rrun-A rill n~.....t I\i\ t`..:.l..-. Ll. IVLDUHIC So Born, to Mf. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson; `Sixth Line, .on Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1922, , a daughter. I Mignon Fetknu an-I 9-"~ T-Y---m --- ~-*-` I llllll AUI UIII/Us Miss Doris t`urne'd home u. uryauuu: 5 . Mrpand Mrs. Geo. Howe and family motored to Beeton Saturday evening. re- turning Sunday.` Mine 14` .Mnnn:nn ....c..........J L..- -_ `IL, CI uuusutcl c | Misses Father and Edith Howe are spend-J ing a few weeks visiting friends in Maple `and Toronto. 112-- l\,,,! I :1 - -vuc vvccn wuu HIKE. 11,. M. DIHCK. i Miss Isa-bel and Edwin Campbell are? spending a week at Walters Falls- P. Shanahan, who has been working in! Windsor; is home for a few days. - I" Mrs. O Dell and daughter Vera of Thorn- ton are visiting at Geo. McKnight's. . i Miss Mav Hinhlina n4 .uI...,.......,u .........v vuvu Luisa xuuqune DCEIOSBII. Mr. and, Mrs. J. L. Brown and family; spent the week-end at Erin. 1 "Inn 117' `A 'I"......L .. V'I'\__._,.; - eycub Luc wccn-uuu ul: mun. _ Mrs. W. `A. Tough of Toronto spent a `few days at Mrs. E. Copeland's. I I Mike nvnlvn nnrknff AF Qt \ln.... .. ........_Ll 'lcvv uayo at Ayua. n. uupewnu S. Miss Evelyn Corbett of St. Mary s spent the week with Mrs. R. M. Black. I Mica nmknl ......I t:u...:_. n;.._,,u_,uu ' cw. t-uc xusuubu muumuon. ' Miss Leatherdale of Orillia is visiting; with Miss Marjorie Beardsall. { Mr and MI-c I I 11...... .._A I--zl--A S. Bateman has gone to Toronto Et- hibition. . Raymond Player is spending_a week with`? lfriends in Toronto. 1 V 1 i. . A. T, Cooper is in Toronto this week; on a business trip. . 1 Mrs. `T. Allen is attending the Toronto `Exhibition this week. I` Harold Lougheed is spending a week at `his home in Clarksburg. (`. W p:+..i.;.. ;.= .n.....a:.... .. 4'--. 4--.- I P uuL`ii'.m:;ii;(iw.L1rs. Norman Dickinson and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Dickinson. Mm. Long has rturnedhome after vis- iting friends in Vasey and Midland. ' The choir of the Methodist church .are practising for the Egbert anniversary, which is to be held on Sunday, Sept. 10. The choir has been augmented -by some new members. ` .______ , _.. . . . .i Ana uuuu: Au uuncsourg. l C. W. Ritchie is spending a few days` at. the Toronto Exhibition. I :55 Y....LL.....l..I_ -1` r\,,:u- - --A I : ELMVAlJ.-`. NEWS 3 >11 Frank C. Bishan. Renrn:nntntvn m &mm$m$&&&&w&$&$' & KI III. A . K unt`... @. rnuus u. nlsnop, nepresentauve 5&&mm&mwm&&&m&%a - If I I 3 w C. Bishop, Representative >14 kmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. and Homer Turner have re- after spending a week at W. C FOR SALE--A fty-acre farm in Flos; good buildings, convenient to school, 2% miles from Elmvale. Apply to Jas. Mc- - Dermott. 34-36 ...........u.. uuu naylcl auceus. of the other odds and ends taken up was thepassing of a short by-law to lay a small length of sewer on Ros street from Maple avenue weetwaid, a distance of 225 feet. This was given a third read- ing and passed. It was put in by Ald. Poucher, seconded by Ald. Marshall. ll IOIIUB IIUKC. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ayerst and -Mr. Vand Mrs. J. Ayerst of Walkerville have been spending a pleasant holiday with their mo- `ther. Mrs. Jennie Ayerst. Miss Rose Ayerst of Toronto completed the family re-union by spending the week-end` with _her mother. Il__ Y)_II ,1! I'I'I'_#, ,. - ._-_ "vv-4 -nun. G: Richardson, Peel street. was given permission to remove a dead `limb, and Frank Moberly to remove a tree near his property on St. Vincent street. Sanction was also given Harry Barron to remove a sign `from 3 Elizabeth street to 133 Dun- lop street, and also to the Bell Telephone to erect poles and wires on Cook street be- tween Codrington and Napier streets. ('1... ..c 4.1.... -41.-.. ,J,I I uccvc Layvclbull uwugun mat It was gomg to alot of red tape to havelittle matters like thee brought to the `attention of the Council. Why not let the Alderman head- ing each ward give the necessary. permis- sion? It would save time. ruin a u `nu n vu uusuu wlau lu l'lIl'p0SE. - Mr. Rogers letter was one of several communications received by the Town Fa-` thers at Monday night s special meeting,l called -b_veMay_or John Little .to discuss the Highways matter. The offer wasn t ac- cepted and it reached the waste basket on motion of Ald. Poucher. ._-_ -. .-.... -vn.-vnlvln I A couple of citizens wrote asking for per- mission tu cut down dead trees.. Deputy- Reeve Patterson thought that it going tape to have iifa m.++...... _____. _- nu`... guru vnuun _I This led-Ald. Poucher to remark, jok- ingly, that in these days of fuel scarcity a man might chop -down a perfectly good tree to ll his wood box. 1'II\ David Rogers of Hanover` saw in Bar- rie's town'hall an excellent spot to start -a roller skating rink. He wrote to the [Town Council about it,- offering to rent it [for a term of six months or a year, sub- ject to any reasonable conditions the Coun~ cil might wish to impose. Mr Rnanl-cl lnfhun Inna nnn -J ----- --` ununuusxuy urcucucu. The next morning the water in the pond was lowered a foot; and it was just possible to see part of the top on the surface of the water. The car was taken from the. water by the aid of a team and a crane with block and tackle. vvao UUVUICH uy a. IDOL Mr. Spring. who was just leaving the house, heard the splash -and also the call for help, so he grabbed a lantern and hurried to the edge of the pond. He soon secured a long plank and placing one end on the top of the car and the other on the bank Mr. Pearson crawled on his hands -and knees to the shore, practically `none the worse for his adventure, except being thoroughly drenched. Tim nnvf m .... .... L. .....i._ :_ u . o `No ROLLER SKATING IN BARRIE TOWN HALL .-! James Pearson : Trying Experience When! i the car started backwards down the hill. 5 Car Backed into Pond ' On Thursday night of the past week, ' James Pearson had a harrowing experience i with his automobile. While trying tol !climb the hill in frontvof Leslie Spring s {house on the fourth concession of 'I`iny, his car stalled and, the brakes refusing to `work, A heavy storm arising made it very dark `so Mr. Pearson was unable to see where ithe car was backing to and before he was able to get out of the car it had started down a steep embankment of about thirty feet. The vehicle was going back straight and it ,hit the water with such force that the back how on the top was broken. The top being up kept the car from going back into the `mill pond very fast. but be- fore Mr.' Pearson could get from behind the wheel the water was rising around-his shoulders. He made a grab for the top with one hand and swung his body clear of the car and swinging around on top of the engine climbed upon the top. The back end of the car was in about eleven feet of water and the `front of the top was covered by a foot. MP gnu-inn urlsn Iivnn 1....L l....-.i_.. AL- V7 . ..r.........a ... vI\/urn` V \ vvlrol nu. Aluvvaavlu Mrs. Ball of`TOronto"i.s thevguuest of her -brother, Mr. McDonald. ` ma nnnxnknll A` Du:-`nu Di.-nu :n ..:..1L jun] acuuuu_z1o uie evening service. . ' On account of Rev. W. C. Stubbs being ion his vacation, there will be no service !in Wycliffe church this Sunday`. ' l T; Lilllllllls bu uu5 cnarge. In the Methodist church the pastor. Rev. ` i `R. E. Morton, will preach a special Labor; `Day sermon at the evening service. On am-.nnnf nf `Pnu W F Q4-..1..L... L...:.._= . ---- 1 l - Resume Regular Services 1 On Sunday the regular services will be! : heldain both the Methodist and Presbyter-' .ian churches; Sunday School and Bible lclasses at 10 a.m.. church services at 11 I a.m. and 7 p.m. Special services will. be, iheld in the Presbyterian church, it being, |t_he anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Hanna 'comin'g to this charge. . In flu: Miafhnrliaf nlauuunl. 41... ....mA-- D--- i ';unuAauu uclu an open an` meeung upstreet.' The treasury of the L.0.L. is enrichedl by about $200 after paying all expenses. This goes to prove that Elmvale can hold ;a eld day as well as the other towns and} 5 villages around. It is the sincere hope that I [the Orangemenl will be so pleased over ltheir experiment that they will make this {an annual affair, only a littleearlier ini ithe season. , m5 5 pwmsu wum Il'0!I1.l76 northern town.l The concert inithe agricultural hall in the evening, which was given chiefly by the Collingwood Kiltie Band (which was also. in attendance throughout the afternoonli `was not so well `attended. owing doubtless' to the warm evening and the fact that }the Salvation Army with their band froml 'Midland held an open air meeting upstreet.| treasurv at the 1.0!. ;= a....:..i....1 the park grounds, not many people wit- nessed the game, but the Elmvale boys deserve credit for being capable of defeat; ing a picked team fromtthe northern town.| Thu nnnom-9 :n`ol-... .......:....I..._..I L.-n 2" .L- |;AWSON, WELCH &. CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants `hone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto )1. J. Wolch, CA. G. D. Campbell, (LA. I T. E. Lawless, C.A.- W. S. Hulbig. Production Engineer. `lanager Cost and Eiciency Department l15-lb. Dry a1tm1;11ies,' whol or half` ---28c lb. Smoked Rolls, whole or half, 35: lb. Breakfast Bacon .................. .. 40 lb. Pure Lard, 1-Alb. bricks ............ .. 20c- |Peerless Shortening, 1-lb. ........ .. 19. lBest Canadian Coal Oil .... .. 25 gal. `Pennsylvania Water White Oil, 35: 10% off list on our stock of 30x33 tires ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGSV ,-.w uawzcllcc U1 neupuuls u1:anu- lated Sugar ...... .. 20 lbs. foi- $1.70 Rolled Oats .............. .. 6 lbs. for 25 Our Special Black Tea;...5 lbs. $2.00 60 to 70 Prunes .................. .. 15c lb. 15-oz. Seeded Raisins, 2 pkgs. for 45-.. IXXX Pure Spirit Vinegar.... 45 gal-. Mixed Pickling Spice .{ ........ .. 25 lb. `Bulk Mustard ...................... .. 35c lb. ! -. John Beattie of London and a native of Thornton is renewing old acquaintance here. ` I I`..- I) I\ TY_.___. L,, ,,A,' I I an. uuu xura. Ilcru uuuuusuu. v I 5 Queen of Roses Flour $8.00 bbl. jSt. Lawrence or Redpath s Granu. `afar! ,Qnn-on on IL- _;, Q1 an R. J. Edwards Edwardj ARCHITECTS nu-nu vvc cut: gllllllg ground i the face of the strongest opposition. Buy Fisher Flour and keep your money circulat- ing in Barrie. Ask your grocer or phone our Retail Department. Down lo Pre-War Level Gold Medal, .. sack $4.00 Star, per sack White Flake, sack, $3.70 Every bag of the very best quality. Our mill is running ` stronger than ever. Every month we are gaining ground i tha fang AI 41... -4-_------L mun PRICES LHARVEST SPECIALS IICI U. Mrs. R. D. Henry has retufned home from the city. ' Mr un Mn-n Mnunnnn I'\:nl-: nnnn 4....` CHANTLER BR(TsT STROUD, ONT. 18 Toronto St., Toronto mutiuz. oirr. MEATS I6 PAR! WATCH rq 3!! UDLICI , "ll . xuuuuuulu. I Mrs. Campbell of Rainey River is visit- ing her brother, Harry Ayerst. , Mrs.` Day has returned to her home in Creemore after visiting at the home_ of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dickinson. I..L... !)....u... - 1--.}-.. __._I _ _._;S ,, ,p Did you noti four weeks .j ronto, for 211* Further Kl ` NOT ALL! NOT ALL -If you I one of the If you \h;1v of the mm `T01 COM] Adapted I CONFLI, Yel K \\ 4\Q\ F R` {' \ Ilullla Ill LUI U|l|rUc ' I Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart and Burrows motored to Malton on Sunday. ";:In Mn.kn` "III-1 knu I-nfnrnnrl `Inning o`6nr LCII us, an of the mu T113 A n tn. UL I./Ill H i HEAR F11; ope 'atiun. hm \l.IL'l tel] ` You most in n 'to1unull best. As and the I _nu-rits am tun-s on 1 v.\nulIuHl\'.\ ent. Thi.. ])l('tlU'0 so l\)(lif booking` 1L what it 111 In yo c-ompani-.~ uni 'l`Li HELE '0 IIVVU WCUAB VllIiG'|olUlJo Mr. and Mm. Maw and Miss McKenzie spent the week-exnd with friends in Bramp-i Inn > .V`.-.'~: _ , .. A THE BARR lE ExAMxNER % Our `min Bu} PA; "lifts. W. Boake and Jean and Helen have Ieturned to Tottenham after visiting with friends here. V I II- ___I `II_.._ 73.! A______A . J \l,. ,,, J IIIUOUIUU DU ULIIIMJII UH auuuuy. Miss Mabel Hurl has returned home after -a two weeks vacation. . ` _ -_.I II_. II..." .....I III-.. 'II-`h'_....!- I'D Doria Clark has been visiting in Barrie. III..- 'l..L'LL. I`lY.LL 3,. I......!....: 1.... LL- Davina-Qclsuvl vv--vwruuuu.-u -vn -Jvrvvooovvau Misses'Cora and Nellie McL an are vis- iting in Toronto. T OH]. "US q`lIIIYD. IIIII` nII-UAIIVI I33K'l'lUn ' Miss Lottie Webb is leaving `for the West. ll:_. 11.... Q..-_'--_ L..- L . . _ . _ _ ..:_A.-.I UV XII: Miss Mary Spencer has been appointed Examiner correspondent for September. Il:_..__ IV--- _._.I \Y_II:- Il-Y __`__ _._- __- I &w$$%$*$**&*i$&$%*%$%%*$&* E NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING Townsmps -E Read the advts.-It pays. THE UNITED FARMERS CO-OP. co., um. 139 DUNLOPT STREET, BARRIE I THE HOUSE OF QUALITY AND SERVICE _ oko STATION . ' _-.~-v yl l_II3%IIC T avt best prices .Peo.`Body $1.90 pa...` ue' Smgpj w1-'. H-AvE_2_>. s_Pc1AL ;>131c1o1iiucA._R FRUIT JARS . FRUIT JARS Pints $1.20 Quart: $1.30 1/2-Ga1s..$1.7o We have just received another large` ship-' ment of Men's Heavy Work Bootggat same good prices. We assure you that" for the qua1ity,`value for your money cannot be duplicated elsewhere. > I We have a supply of Smock: _anl Overalls _Ll__,n , vv uvu: ;u.uu.-:u 17101811115 Spice, per lb. . . . . 40 Whole Cloves, per oz. Sc Ground Cloves, per oz. 5 Celery Seed, per_ oz.. . 5 Chillus Seed, per 02.. . 5 Tumeric Powder, lb. 40 Mustard Seed,` per lb. 40 Ground Ginger, lb. 40 i bl; -()'l'-$.12`.-i.:I.V-\fl` $7.90 $7.90 earns; L I\l\II-I \IA` LJ\J\.Dfll\ ence) for Saturday only $7.90 Whole Mixed Pickling . An Quinn -nmn "1 THORNTON uuuaumg muuuule us neara again. ' i ' John Jory was struck by lightning` lasti Friday night and is suffering a. severe lshock. A ] `l__ ,-`_7 7 1,.` o u 1 I. o auu. Icpurlz u guuu time. | The carpenters are still busy on John iJor_v's new house. l U l\.......... _._....____l ;_ m,, . n ua_y . Morley Beath has improved the" look of his house by putting up a new veranda. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown. and son` Ewart motored `to the home `of D. M. Coutts, Thornton, last Sunday. Rev. G. H. Knighton will be'home to ltake charge of his circuit next Sunday. cur: uuuuuy I ga an mg m neaverwn. A large number from here attended th rden party at the home of _Th6s. E. Ross d report a good time. The nnrnnnfnw: IuuI_v 5 ucw HUUSU. H. Dawson motored to Toronto on Sun- day. ` ' M m.lm. D....cL L..- :....._..-.._.1 u._- I-_I- -1- cuuun. I Mrs. Geo. T. Baldwin and daughter Jean rare holidaying in Beavertonl ' A In!-on vnnnknu Cu-nun Ln..- ..LL.....l...l AL- Aug. 29.~--H'arvest is hbout nished in this neighborhood and the hum of the threshing machine is heard again. c Jnhn Jnny um: ahvnnlr lm; l:..k4..:.....- l....L| woun uiwr vnsiuug irienus In namuton. Geraldine. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyde, passed away Saturday, Aug. 26, after a few weeks'- illness. De- ceased was in her eighteenth year. The funeral, which was largely attended. was held on Monday, Aug. 28. from the family residence, lot 28, con. 4. Interment was made in Angus union cemetery. Rev. A. ,Rentoul conducted services at the house and grave. Sheileaves her parents; one brother, Wm. of Montana; and one sister. Mrs. Curtis of Toronto. The pall-bearers were Edna, Ethel and Vera Coulson and Cora Kirby, Miss Hyde, cousins of deceased, and Clara Worrod. a friend. The many oral tributes showed the esteem in which deceased was held. nu: unsung no nu. DCBGIOIE 8. Mrs. John Mason returned home last week after visiting friends in Hamilton. (In:-ah-`inn vnnnnaob Ann.-L4u. A` II. ._J end at David McMackon's. I. UlUIIDU- Alfred Clarke of Kieg spent the week- `ll..- `I17... 17 11.4,. , 1- H '0 - cuu av uuvlll AVLULHRIUISUII H. I Mrs. Wm. V. Muir and family of Tor- onto are visiting at Mrs." James Cleary s. Miss 0live'Blythe returned to her, home `in Toronto after visiting Misses Plfiscilla `and Thelma Wileon. ' 11.... `lJ -..L 7___L _...I L -I A - dllu I. UB1`!!! 21 W 1150. Mrs. Herb Lamb and family of Toronto are visiting at Ed. Beecroft's. Mn. Tn}... 11....-- ......-_-_| L__.- I_-L Seedless Raisins, bulk 20 Seeded Raisins, pkg. 23 Corn Starch, per pkg. 10 Choice Lard, bulk. 20: Dates, pkg. . . . . '2 for 25 Catsup, large bottle 25:: Salmon, 1's, pink. 18 Salmon, 1 s, red . . . . 303: Salmon, 1fs,' red . . . . 45 W l"l7l\'C| Miss `Enid Woods returned. homeViSatur- day after visiting in Collingwood. Rnlxmrl 'nn1.n1nnR in uiainnp (>'.~An.-I- -1.. luuov uu Luuuuny. Misses Priscilla Wilson and Elva David-v son went to Toronto on Tuesday. `II ... 13.5.... 'l\..... ._.J 1_,,,2|, . I .u;:| '4auuc1', auluca runner, H181? WEEK. Mr.` and Mrs. Frank Lowrie and family visited friends in Collingwood. ove~- the week-end. - 11:-.. n_:_i ny_,,u . u u :- ua_y Luuu vusnyxug m uuuulgwuuu. ' I Roland `Hammond IS vnsltmg fnenrls in Toronto. . A I AIt____I AI, ,1 1- 77- . .1 - I..." ......v .-u owuvnrvv uu ouuwvnn_y. Mrs. Peter Dowe and family returned lhome from Woodstock on Saturday. Mi 15113:! Wnafnr nf nnllinnurnnrl uiniluul uuuu: uunu vvuuusuucn uu ouuuruuy. Miss.L1zzie Fostenof Collmgwood wanted her 'father, James Foster, last week. My null 11... n......1. 1....-..:-. ....J r-_~=I-- '.--u --.---..... .. _-.......... Rev. antnl` Mis. Fran1:Bowes and family of Markham and Miss Whittier of Flasher- ton visited at` Dr. West's liast week. II I In vv 1 - __.. ....-.... --v can u-uuvu no-uv "gun Mr: and Mrs. I.Iex-b Mapes _went Tor- onto on Monday. I M:oanu DI|:nn:n `X73:-an n-"I `DI..- I'\....2..I uuua uczu ween. W i Quite a number of the young people are` arranging to attend the picnic of the Allis-I ton District Epworth ` League, to be held at Killarney Park on Friday, Sept. 1. ! Aug. 28.4-Miss Thelma Wilson retufned home on Monday after visiting friends at Belle Ewart. - Ill..- 'I')'..L_ Il'_Yf___-__ .1 rI'L,.,,,`, ,,, ; _ IJULIU l`JW (II II: Miss Kate McKever of Toronto spento few days with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Duck- worth. ` . ` - I QL-_I____ ___I A#,I,9, I\,,- I .1 ll wUS.to:e)hen aud'Archie Du`ckworth are vist~ ling friends at Brantford. L {tr In 1 Us . .. GROCERIES DALSTON ANGUS fare Baker farhily, now et their summer home at Belle Ewart. had charge of the service of praise in the Methodist Church on'Sunday morning. n` Mntnllnn A4 l"nl.-n... AIL- -.._-..L on Bunuay mormng. . Col. McLelland of Calgary, Alta., `spent the week-end with G. C. Allan. um] All uus vmage. I May. Beatty is visiting at the home of her son, Robert, near Gormley. Minn A`. 'rnI-nnfn nnnn` bl... Aug. 29.-Rev. Mr. Noyes took the ser- vice for Rev. N. Campbell Sunday evening. Miss Jean Mm-.T.nHnn:{ rntnrnnrl {ram uun auu, nuucn, I188!` uorxmey. Mhs Mabel Ardill of Toronto spent the past week with _her sister, Mrs." Ross Shei- don. OIIL- n'-1___ n_,, 2: Mgs. Murray and daughters of Toronto are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. A Miss Wild-a Culbert .of Bond Head is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grose. F 'l"..-null... Q- Q.` "`L..__A-_ ___.4 11.,` guuou vx Lur. uuu mrs. Lvan urose. . Mr. Coulter, Sr. of Thornton spent Fri- day in this village. MID Rnnffu :3 Iv-:a:I>:nn at `g L-_.- -1 guwu Ul Lura`. 14. xroyer. Mr. Dugrant has sold his property to Mrs. C. Bellwpod and` is building a house on Main street, having bought land from" Alex. Fisher for a building `site. MI`, nnrl Mr: Rah` 'Dn:n.LuI-It "Ina `I3 ` nlcn. naucr nor as uuuumg sue. ` ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben` Reinhart, Mrs. R. Evans and daughter Florence motored to] Box Grove -and spent over the week-end` with Mrs. Raeinhan-t's father, A. Raymenl A nnw aninnlnl whinh in Raina knilo :. wuu mm. nelnpuros Iamer, A. naymer. l The new school which is. being built is not going up very rapidly, and will not be nearly completed by the time school opens. muu nu: vaaumg um` amber, mrs. D. wneeler. ' Mrs. Tremer and son are returxng home! to` Toronto thxs week after spending sev- _ eral weeks with her brothr, Ch-as. Seeler. Mrs, P Mn(`.nnI.m A: n..n:..............x :. .n....| cuu wcums wlul ner oromer, U11-ES. b'eeler.| Mrs. P. Mt.-Gauley of Collingwood is the guest of Mrs. L. Troyer. Mr `nun-rant luau cnhl his .............L-. ;- ucvv wccm-5 wuu Lure. D6119. Mrs. S. Milsap returned home last `week after spending a week with heraunt, Mrs. Johnston, in Caledon. ' . Mrs. W. Magee is visiting her brother. M. Kaiser, at Acton.` ' "Mrs. Dum-mond and two children of Go- balt are visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Wheeler. MFR, Trnninr an!` ann (IIIA u-ah-33a.-'ls....... I I I UIV-C ululc. ` Lorenzo Robinson met with an accident one day last week. While assisting at a neighbofs threshing'he slipped and fell off the straw -stack and was rendered uncon- scious for a number of hours. Mr. Robim son is able to. be up but `is still sore and bruised from the fall.. ` Isvcuuls Ill vuc iucuxvulsb uuuruu uere. The ladies of the Methodist church are reminded of `the annual W.M.S. quilting which will be held on the second Wednes- day in September. Donations will be thankfully received by the committee in charge: Mrs. J. W. Henry, Miss Annie Wright and Mix Doane. Further partic- ulars next week. n..:._ .. _.._.l___ _: 41, ,,, , I I ua|AAcAu' zuc vnawulg xneuus In 10l'0nl$0. Mrs. Cole of Thornbury` is spending a Ifew weeks with Mrs. Selfc. MFA Q Milcnn rnhn-nnrl Ln:-.-u. Inns -.......I. I uux. The harvest is abot all gathered in and, the hum `of the threshing machine is heard once more. I Y .... __ h-L2_,, . --I` Aug. 28..-Mrs. W. Johnston -and son Gareld` are visiting friends _in Toronto. MP9 nnln nf "I`knn|-ikuuu-u` n. ...........I:.... -. ul uxy ' Mis Alexandra Dobson of Hamilton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. J. Dunsmore. Mr am! 1:... n...:...:.. .....a `L... 4.21: nmuug ucr uunu, Mrs. D. J. uunsmore. Mr. and Mrs. Godwin and three child- lren of Toronto have returned home after la couple of weeks` visit with Mrs. and Miss . Riv Inna. uuuuuy un vvcuuuu were l.'I'.'UBIl( guests` of Mrs. Rix. . I Mrs. A. W. Partridge and little soniof St. Catharines have been visiting with Mrs. Drury. - man Al..w....l.... n..I........ -t 'rL.._:u_ 9-. Aug. 29.-Mrs. Chas. Partridge or Mil- ton has been th guest of [her son. W. T. Partridge. - ~ Mm. Muknl D....;..:.:.... L-.. L..-... `L- _._-_.` I. III III lust . Miss Mabel Partridge has been fh guest of `her sister. Mrs. E. C. Drury. Mm ant` (`nun-}\.4-on AC 'I"n-..-.d.. ..-..l un ucl mm_cr. mm. ID. U. urury. I Mrs. Rb: and daughter of Toronto and Mrs. Moody of Welland were recent guests `of Mrs. 11;- A I11 -n .-. Q..,.. , -! auc was uxuuguv uucls lU consciousness. 1 I Little Gracie Ronald was painfully burn ' ed about the hips.last Friday when a bot- tle of sulphuric acid (used in`chemical re extinguishers) leaked out on to the auto seat. on which she sat. Latest reports are that she is recovering `nicely. ` `nun-inn flu: nlnnh-incl ah-mm AP 1..-; I.`..: ucc Luz` xwv. u. uumpueu aunuay evemng. Miss Jean MacLelland returned from Longford' to spend the wek-end with -her. parents. ' mac TH" I`-.....f......l ....L.._.__J L- nL_,_,-7 ans uuuv mm is rccuverulg nicely. - During the electrical storm of last Fri-l day, the`-splendidly equipped barn of Chas.` The re made such headway that it was Wright was struck by lightning and red. all ablaze in a short time. The barn, which! was a fairly new one and built of first-` class material, with -all modern atahle nnI|i.nmnnl~ `Inna .`\III\nnr` in 61... ...........I. ;.l uuucn uuau:uu.|, wuu uu muuern Stable equipment. was -burned to the ground: 511- I so two oalvw, two wagons and `other; implements, as.wel:l as -the season s crop.| Mr. Wright's loss is very heavy, as I un-I derstand his insurance expired only recent- ly and had not been renewed. V u. uuuruicy uwl-ureu bu AIHBIUH on ounuay. I `The little two-year-old daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston narrowly escap- eddrowning last Tuesday afternoon. The mother missed the little one and went outi to .look for -her. She found her struggling in a cement tank (used for a watering trough) and became terried. She ran to the field to the father, who hastened to pull the child out. The little one was un- conscious when removed from the water. and` it was through the efforts of Frank Henry (who was working with Mr. John- ston at the time and gave first aid) {that she was brought back to consciousness. Iiffln (1.-n..:. 'D:~.nnlJ nun. ....l..L'..lI-. L..-._. LULIIIE UVUI um WUCl\`UlIU. Mr. and Mrs. J.. Johnston `and `family. `motored -to Mount Albert for over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B, Beelby and Mr. and Mrs. J. Courtney motored to Alliston on Sunday. ffln I>u1n.vnnv-_nI:I Annnkl-nu AC II- . Examiner advts. are a ne business tonic. caquycu I.-uc cuzuv. . Misses Winnifred and Brodie Smith of Camp Borden and Miss Maude McQuilkeni. of '~Barrie_.`were guests of `Miss Rose Collins last week. I $ `It... n-_, n9n_:__ ___| ,,-,, -.,1 2 ` 1. last week. A I - Mrs. Ben O Brien and son and daughter; of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Young over the week-end. - . I Mr onrl Mug 1 T.-Junnbnn n-"I .....:l.. Aug. 28.-_-M1s.'A. Gibson {and son of Hamilton visited. Mr. and Mrs. J. John- ston last week. _ Mrs. J. Russell is visiting in Toronto. _ The Sunday School` picnic, held last Wednesday afternoon in the school grounds, was quite a success. Everyone apparently `I enjoyed the event. manna w:nn:`roA nnrl D.-.-.A:.. Q.-..:n.. AI CROWN HILL STAYNER Pill Cl] UBO Miss Lily Crawford _returnedT to Toronto aftexjvisiting friends here. -