Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1922, p. 9

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V . 5 D. W. Clubine of Richmond Hill. judge of the standing eld crop competition in oats. held under. the auspices of the Barrie Agricultural Society, announces his awards as follows 1-- 1 L1 1 rt 1 ~---' OAT CROP coM_:'r1'r1oN J I woN BY MIDHURST MAN} vwiw uu unnu Aavc. g l The car was not so lucky, as the ton_ `and one front wheel and mud-guard were utterly smashed and one section of the windshield was cracked. | cauupcu Jrom we -wreckage via the wind-` shield. were providentially slight. Mrs. Spanis and the baby received no more than; _ a, shakmz-un and q nnrvnno .l.n..1. .. - I shaking-up and a nervous shock as 95 result of the crash. Mr. Spanis_ sustained} a slight cut on the face. I I Thu noun vivnn --L -- `- ` " I I upuum uuu we oany recenved Sam Spanis and his wife and t*.vo-months- old baby had a miraculous escape on Sun- day afternoon, Aug. 20, when the Fordl coupe in which they were driving to Big` Bay Point turned turtle at the bottom of Green s Hill. Mr. Spanis` was speeding up the car preparatory to climbing the steep grade on the other side, when he struck so_me loose sand and gravel which swerved the car to one side. and the speed at" which! it was travelling. was such that it turned over. The injuries to the occupants, who escaped from the -wreckage via the shield. were nrm-i:lm.+:ull.. ,.I:...L. IL. 'PATRTY SJ LUCKY ESCA_`PE] WHEN.` CAR OVERTURNS NOTICE TO OREDITORS YIVIH 2, I, 1 unvc uccu recewea. ALEXANDER COWAN; Executors Solicitof, Rarn nna NOTICE TO CREDITORS F1113 2- I, jjj NOTICE TO CREDITORS TIVTH 1-1., I ' - ~n\UI u-vu ul ullc Coolutown Branch Barrie Branch and Safety Dposit Boxes Thornton Branch I`- -I_ - . '\ ' . u .. n avc uceu ICCBIVCG. ' KLEXANDER COWAN. `Executors Solicitor, 11-zn-1-in (Inl- I Russell. Midhurst, Granary I oints. Sutherland, Stroud, Banner." 0.34 CIRCULATIE; nus wu-zx 3 4301101 Lox`, Barrie, Ontario. ' 34-36c I uuuun bur, i Barrie, Ontario. 34-36c A I with CLAIRE ADAMS and CARL cAN1'vooR'r ;t, 0.A.C. 72. NUFICE is hereby given that Robert Archibald Logan, of Angus, in the County ` of Simcoe, in the Province of Ontario, E- quire, will apply to the Parliament of Can ada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce -from his wife, Cecilia Maud Loo gan, formerly of Angus, but now of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Went- worth, on the grounds of adultery and de- Dateii at Sudbury, in the Province of On- tario, this twenty-third day of June, AD. 1922. . ' R. R. MKESSOCK & COMPANY, 26-38,c_ Solicitors for Applicnnl, [Ill-IIIUI had de E at 3 pm. ,under auspices Orange Order Address by Major J. 1. Hart f Everybody welcome ` S. N. Hursf.._.- jsunmur, jiucusr 27 Notice of Applioati;1: for Divorce A PUBLIC .MEE'l'lNG FRIDAY-SATURDAY B kjff` _ D BLOCK g>L.5NT (`C1 3 E 1 D. 3 E 3 P.0. Box 54.8" I Book! I "On ggflgr Vee`I,r`JIrc orfrequesz win be held in i QUEEN S PARK 215 Dunlop St; I) ADI)!!! - A. Leslie, Manager H. J. Thompson, Manager - T. McMillan, Manager OI'l Page Elev en Phone 687' 10315;`;-4 4-.. _- - yum`. unv- Producer .of Four Horsemen" ind Conquering Powgr" A. PROVES IT IN % SECTI our PAGES 9 TO 16 ALICE TERRY}, RE); INGRAM -lN- ` PRI;`.SEN'-1"ST Right" saw v...% 0RlLLl_A GOLFERS CHAMPIONS H The final game in the Simcoe County golf competition was played at Orillia last Friday when Orillia won ,the championship by defeating Barrie by 8 to 4. Barrie held the championship last year. Scores: Barrie . . Orillia D. M. stews}: ...p Dr. Gilchrist ...1- A. Galt . . . . . . . . ..I- Dr. Kennedy ...0 117 A n- - - -~' Creswicke and, Dr. Lite won from Mrs. Dickson and Mr. Little, '6-4, 6-1. -:.--.--:---- xvxmbl .L\ 6-3, 6-4. Mis K 6-3. 6-4. Il':-_ YT o'U, U"2. Rev.. A..R. Beverley lost to Mr. McTag- gart. 6-3. 6-4.` J. Wilson won` from Mr. Tingle; - 6-3, 7-5. Mix E. Creswicke won from Mrs. Dick- son, 6-4. 6-1; ' ' Miss D._ Boys won from Miss Hender- son. 6-1, 6-4. ' Miss` N. Angstrom lost to Miss Ellis, K. Palling lost to VMis.s Seward,- 6-3. 6.4 Iv . :1` 8-6, 6-4. 1).... A ul. W. U. 4-6. 6-3,'7-5. I2` `I Q....A.A. V"Xl`thl l-I,` 8-10, 6-3. D. Tl? -------:- Visiting players from the Rusholme Ten- nis Club of Toronto were entertained in town on Saturday afternoon and evening by members of the Barrie Tennis Club. A delightful [tea at the Teakettle Inn, fol- lowed lby,a dance at the Golf Club, n- ished the day's play. The visitors lost at tennis by nine events to four,` as follows :- Arfkunv \'I7..u...... I--L 4 " ' RUSHOJIE IS DEFEATED BY BARRIE; scom-:, 94 m agmuut-t: JBIIS. Constable Rayner and Chief King both` `declared that'Elizabeth street was congest- ed with traffic when the defendant whizzed along toward Mary street. I uv, pub in umer mug. Fines were then imposed by Magistrate Jeffs after His Worship had had his say about the jitney service in general. ' Another Speeder Fined Another speeding case was also heard. `John Hanmer. whom Constable Rayner charged with driving at a dangerous speed just past the Five Points. Sunday evening about 8.30, admitted that he was going faster than the legal limit. "I was in a hurry but didn't think I was, endangering thefpublic any, said Mr. anmer as he paid a line `of $5 and costs imposed by Magistrate Je's. . . v i {"n....c..LI.. n-_... V I no.. argument. azwnyb a'ulluWlCIl(l I0g9l H8T." _ Ed. Huxtable was defended by~his fa- ther, ex-Reeve T. R. Huxtable. The lat- ter. who cross-examined the` three police witnesses brisklyycontended to Magistrate AJePfs "that. under the Ontario Motor Ve- hicles Act a motor vehicle could run at twenty miles an hour at crossing inter- sections providing there was clear vision ahead. There has` been no definite evid- ence_ produced that the busses were trav- elling twenty miles anvhour. . No time watches were put on; no records were made. Then on the other hand our witness says that his car won t run over twenty-two miles. an hour." said Mr. Huxtable in his ' At` the speed thoseecars were travelling toward the street intersection. I think it constituted a serious danger to the pub- lic, put in Chief King. Fines warn than imm-.....l 1... 1:.__-_-_,., i I I ncpueu rraser, rrankly. _ We ve received a lot of complaints about the jitneys from citi_zens;" Chief King went on. I notice that they are always `sandwiched together." Ed. I-Tmttnhln ran A..:....,1...I 1.-. LL L DRESSING A "aim. LIKE A PLYMOUTH HEN WON'T s'm=u: HER PEACOCK ~lNSTlNCTS um wnole Janey system?" The whole trouble is the opposition; there s no accommodation for the public, replied Fraser, frankly. WA,\rn rnnniuml n In; ..t _-.....L A gvvclc guulg ul JCHSE Unlfty "U185 an hour. Hugh Fraser. who testified in favor of himself and Ed. Huxtable, said he wasn t going over twenty miles an hour at the time. His bus would only trav:l twenty- twn mil-7` an hour at the best am! he only had the throttle about three-quarters of the way down. Chief King. prosecuting, -asked him; What is the real trouble in the whole jitney system?" Thu ulhnln 4-Ankh. 2.. LL- -_._--fA` uuul H)!" u Jwuey Ill Auanaale. The two jitney- drivers, Ed. Huxtable nd Hugh -Fraser,` were racing down Brad- ford street at 10.25 p.m._. Constable Ray- ner, testifying, told the court. He said he felt sure they were both going over twenty ' miles an hour. Provincial Oicer` Wm. Rich wand Chas. Fullerton corroborated his evidence, The former thought the bu`ses_ `were going at least thirty miles hoxinl, I Hugh Frnsmr mlnn fnaf;Rnr` :. t....... .t were cuuvwteu OI speemng. There's something wrong with the jit- ney service in Barrie, commented Magis- trate Jes as he imposed sentence. I think it ought to be up to the town council to make the jitneys run on schedule, so that they would have regular hours for arriving and departing at certain polnts." His Worship referred to the fact that one morning recently he had to wait half an hour for a jitney in Allandale. Tho mm ::+....... ..I..:........ In.) u..--.,u- . u-u, P0. '. J. Scott won from_ 7-5, 7-5. p 12...... ...-.. rm Two jitney drivers, Ed.` Huxtable and Hugh F raser,- were each ned $10 and costs by Magistrate Compton -Jes, in police court Thursday afternoon, Aug. 24. They were convic'ted of speeding. `rh!'P,A .Qnn1oHn'na un-nnn nil-L 61... 225 1-0, 4-0. ` R. Boys won from 6-0. Imposes Fine of Ten Dollars` and Costs on Two Drivers; _ ~ Keen Competition U'Uu A._ Purkiss won from P. M. CAN T% SEE FUN IN Jl'l`Nl_-Zjg RACING Boys `w.on _-_-.- .......-an vu suun, ac IUHUWS 3-` Watters lost to Mr. Hewitson,4] 6-4. ' I`! run. - -- ~ I u--x. _ 0. Little won L: I VIJIIJ . . F. McPherson J. P. Downey; w_ (1 am... from Mr. Meen, 8-6, Mr. Ayris, (3-3, from Mr. Peterson, CANADA, THURSDAY. Auausr 24 _ Mr. Richardon v from Mr. Starr, l V Miss vruulul VI lTlHl"\3 Mr-L" and Mrs. Alfred Rayner and Mrs. Albert Rayner, 55 Eccles_St., wish to `ex- press thanks for the sincere sympathy ex- tended to- them by friends and neighbors during their recent bereavement. _ 34c .._____.__.__.__..__...__-- . . _ . . . . . .1... v V: rlvn U1 DRHHIF. H. A. Henry, who for the past few years has been principal and proprietor of the Barrie Business College, has leased the oice `in the Clarkson House block former- - ly occupied by M. D. Cubitt-Nichols. real estate dealer. During the past year Mr. Henry has been interested in several town and summer properties and now plans tol enlarge his operations. A general real es- tate business will be carriedgon as well as 3 insurance and bonds. For some years prior j to his coming to Barrie, Mr. Henry had V connections with large obond houses. ' I ` bed. At eight 0' . was uwugnl: to be recovering. I On Wednesday evening, Aug. 23. at] seven o clock,' the trained nurse who had i been in attendance left her patient. believ- ing her services no longer necessary. Mrs. Morgan chatted for a few moments with` her son -and-daughter `before retiring to ] clock she was found dead . in her mom. i ' ` ' I MRS. J. c. MORGAN onops DEAD `The many Barrie friends of "Mrs. J. ,C. Morgan of Oakville were shocked" to learn of her unexpected death, following so soon upon thatof her husband. Since the death of Mr. Morgan she had been very poorly but was thought to be recovering. Wednesd-av eveninov Am. 0-2 .| LICIII ah runners romt yesterday after- noon and evening. the annual picnic of the Loyal True Blues was voted one of then" most enjoyable outings the lodge has ever participated in. There was swimming. baseball, sports and games of all kinds. the arrangements being in the hands of Mrs. John Bowman, and her able assistants, Mrs. Jas. Case, D.W.M.. Mrs. = A. Lowe. Mrs. F. Parr and Mrs. Pearce. Even the shower that fell late in the af- ternoon failed to put a damper on the v event. as all were safely under cover at i the time. The journey to and from Min- 1 et s was made by bus. There were over ( sixty present. , `LOYAL TRUE BLUES ENJOY PICNIC HELD AT MlNET S POINT, IMMENSELY > Held at Minet s Point yesterday after- rnoon and av;-nno Hm nnnn ...l ..:-_:A I uucnu umcer wm. mch. ` Magistrate Jes gave them an alternative of three months in jail for Knicely and two months in jail for McLean if the nes rcrr not paid. -.j-:-- Wm. Knicely and John McLean" of Fern- dale were each convicted of theft in police: court. Barrie. Wednesday. Magistrate Jeffs imposed a fine in each case. Knicely was assessed $20 and costs and McLean $15. and costs. Fines and costsiamounted al- together to $110. They were convicted of taking away part of a line fence belonging to Wm. Lyons. . con. 10, Essa. Nine witnesses were heard and the case lasted three hours and a half. 1 Knicely and McLean were arrested by Pro-. vincial Officer Wm. Rich. ` 1 MDU;cfrufn 1-4:. ....._.- Ll - NEW REALTY OFFICEJN BARRIE `H A Han-.. -..L - l'- -- [FENCE RAILS FOR FUEL ll`-`INE AND COSTS, $110 L115 cauy. ` Last week s events resulted as Singles. W. Liscumb, H. Millard; W. Liscumb and J. Newman. H. and Travers; crab race, H. Mill Monknian; gunwale, H; Millard. M hrnlt ' }IIII-1-u,nnn--.. '|l_..L,, ' BEBE DANIELS. ._...,......vu uuac ~u::u1_uu `wan 61. The usual good program will be staged in front of the dock on Tuwday, commenc- ing early. Loaf numb - ........;._ __, 1. u - -- l summex- s aquatic program to a close. the nresent tinm 11 mn....,: :- :--.u:__ Next Tuesday's events will bring |:uuuuI:1`5 aquatic to close. present time H. Millard is leading competitors with 36 points, with W. lLiscumb close ibehind.with 31. Thu none] nnn.l'-----~--- ` ' H. MILLARD IS- LEADING PADDLER;,._ SCORE `Is '36. a. ouuwu xarmer named Insurance carried was and 81500 on contents. upuusuy uwneu oy J. U. ubbert of Bare! rie. who disposed of it some time ago to a Scotch farmer named Robert Lister. $1200 on building contents. .......a..aa a tum 10$. mcluded in the contents was all the season's crop, except that of? ten acres for which there was not room; also buggy. harness and some im- plements. A large hogpen, 100 feet away, was saved." , The -barn was 40 by 70 and was situated on lot 8, con. `ll, lnnisl. This farm was formerly owned by J. G. Hubbert of Bar.- disnnserl M if. en!-nn 4:..- ....- L- A $3,000 barn and contents on the J. G. I-Iubbert farm, Holly, went up in smoke Wednesday afternoon. About ve o'clock it was struck by lightning and in a short time was a total 10$. Included in the was all thp ,mom..'. ..-..- ------A Fmm AND SEASON S CROP ' Lightning Damage near Hony; I Very Heavy Loss for Scotch Farmer l ` Probably your last _opportur1ity to see a picture of this magnitude at regular prices , 15 and 25. CA D OF THANKS 1 It..- Ann I -- auucu as IOIIOWSI doubles. Lltnun U ll2Il._..._I follows: -ml. -)._..LI-- uuuultz . Millard I In...l `I Dated August_ 24th, 1922. V vII|_IlllUr|\) I I NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the: , Trustee Act that all persons having claims , against the Estate of Charles Henry Bush,l ; late of the Township of Essa, in the Coun-'3 ` ty of Simcoe, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of August, 1922,l are requested to send particulars of their` claims to the undersigned on or before the |2Ist day of September, 1922, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said es ate whose claims shall not then have been received. A I WYAKTTXIDD l'Vf\1"l`rA 11" the A L Lllc the IT Dated August 23rd, 1922. uuc cacuutuls wm cnsmnute the assets of l the estate among those entitled thereto,i having regard only to the claims of whichl they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for lthe assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. A T `DV A xfnmn An? A I? "Turnu ..-...... av vugununo .` NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the 1 Trustee Act that all persons having elaims ,1} against the Estate of William Ross. late of H the Township of Sunnidale, in the County g: of Simcoe, farmer, deceased. who died on? or about the 16th day of July, 1922, are! requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September, 1922. after which datel 2' the executors will distribute the of !,. uthe estatn nmnna +1mm ....L:4l....I .L._.L4 -! _ ....- -v \aIvI--II Illa LIDEHIY The unfortunate marital troubles of John: : Mason and wife, lot 22, con. 1, Sunnidale. '* were aired in police court today, when theii .'-former was charged` with assaulting theii latter. They are 68 and 58 re Mason, in court, signed an agreement to stay way from the farm and not molest` his wife. He was then liberated uppn pay-vi ment-of costs. HUSBAND AGREES NOT-:l'0 MOLEST` WIFE _AND IS 'I`l.,. GIVEN HIS LIBERTY `ID-It/\i'~~ . A V e i 1 . uu !I\JlIII.4l I Those scoring 85 points and nver--Jas.;l Orok, Midhurst. Banner. S7 poirits; James; Spence, Midhurst, O.A.C. 72, 85 -points. A ___ `.1---vv. L. nusseu. Mldhutst, Granary Filler. 90 points. .6-Geo. D. Coutts, Midhurst, O.A.C. 72. 89 points. ' `I A A I-`"__ - 1:-.n . A - - u ryuul L0. " 7-A. A. Garvin, Midhurst, O.A.C. 72. 88 points. "l`k.m.. m.-s-3--- 03 7- ' ` ` ' . L 92 points. A D A T*`1\a- II. [9011 points. -1, T T no nunu '-VB ."" 1-vF. J. Frankcom, Midhurst, 94% points, 0 , .D......_- 1tr,,,,,,- u 4 3 yuull , ! 2-~Burton Warnica, Allandale R. R. 1 Banner. 93 points. 9 I 3~-R. D. Coutts, Mirdhust, O.A.C. 72,! points.` ` n A Red-Blooded Romance of Old Spain A GREAT PICTURE PLAY 01-` ADVENTURE -A-AND-A LARRY SEMON S LATEST, I'LL BE -"

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