Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1922, p. 10

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Full information from any Grand Efruak Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- hg, District Passenger Agt., Toron . . I I.` an: I `Iguassu --- I \`\Illl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ZUC TO 2013 (102911 New potatoes . . . . . . .. 25c to 30c peck Green pens, shelled . . . . .' . . . . . .. 30c quart Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3" lbs. for 250 Vegetable marrow . . . . .. 10c to 250 each Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5c bunch !ThiIiil)leberries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20c box |Yellow Harvest apples .. 40c large basket }Red Astr,achan'apples .. 50c large basket ]Ducheaa' apples . . . . . . .. 30c small basket lnuchess apples . . . . . . .. 400 large basket Sweet peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c bunch Market Clerk T_. Hickey reporls. It 1's_a I3l0w" nmrlmf Wkuo nnnxnn ... a- 13..--.- There is little demand for hay these days._ I IJUUIIS Beets . . Carrots .. Lettuce Onions Radishes. Turnips Cabbage Cucumbers 0...... V The prices; Butter . . . . . . . . .. Eggs . . . . . . . . . . .. Spring -chickens . . Year-old chickens Beans .15-; ll -Housewives who went a-marketing Sat- lurday found plenty of good-looking veg- itables for the Sunday dinner.- Fine. big scabbages were there in abundance. together `with new potatoes, beets, carrots, green speas and sweet corn. Cauliowers were rcarce. Some vendors displayed" vegetable marrow which exhibited good` cooking poss- ibilities, and there seemed to be plenty of lapples; both for eating and for cooking. lin baskets. Butter was slightly higher in [price. Egg were down a bit. Spring [chicken was dearer. A - I? I" '.-Ellltl!-vll l.'.I!l5iI.'.I!-E ! ' SATURDAY MARKET THE MARKETS 5 2 ' V KJUIII Ill CBC 1166!: ` is an acute attack_ of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds in the 2 head" will nd that the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated at- tacks or Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL S CATARRH MEDICINE is ,taken internally and acts through the I Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys- l tem. thus reducing the inammation and 5restoring normal conditions. I All Drugglsts. Circulars free. i F. J. Cheney &. Co., Toledo, Ohlo. Ellelilillllllg ' Hamilt;m Trains Lv.Ham. Arr.Allan. . 6.30 am. 10.15 am. 1 3.35 p.m. 7.23 pm. Lv.Ba.rrie Lv.Allan . 8.40 am. 8.56 -a.m. 5.05 p.m. 5.25 p.m. `|1....t..._.I ll`! - FOR THETBEST IN ' BAKERS BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD- and -3 full linE of ` PIES, CAKES and PASTRY .Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Sts. "c;dE:he Head" .. A \'......al (`:20 (To be Continued) Toronto Trains `Lv.To1-onl $7 at. said Paisley fer\'on.*l_v. I be no trouble. Jim. Old here today and I could see was worryin him. You talk---0nly to Gloss; so I vthin' nnf A6 him " - .41 :..l..'2U [JJTL 2 (except) . (Saturday) ( Lv,Barrie Arr. ,: o-7 .. .. -- ._.--v...u ::n|.lJd.l'l"lE 7.20 am. 10.25 a.m. 10.00 a m 10 10 _ _. '.To1-onto Arr.Barrie , ,,,, _ _( ... ..- h me quite a time," never said a war?! hep he saldz shoot,` no` kill big] `.. bafi ff)!` Rllahllvlscin v.uI. Lloi) [hm Hunstville.) 20c to 25c dozen . ._ . . . .5c I lI\Ihlo I\\l \II-'Jl\A `Phones:-A- Office'l63, Residence 353 . basket! 40;: lb. 30c to 321'. dozen . . . . . UV uuuuu _,5c bunch 10c to 20 each . . . . .. 3 for 5c V]. L. t , J, ,,, An-.Meaf'd `A an- u. :v.au 5.111. n. 12.18 p.m. . A1-r.Barrie . 10.25 am 7.50 p.m: . Arr.Ham. 12.48 pm. 9.08 p.m 2.08 a.m. (except) (Sunday) 1'. Toronto 7.40 a.m 3 little sick ' Big Mac's i HONE C. BROWN . - IJUU Illa 5c quart 5c bunch . 5c bunch 5c- bunch 5c bunch 5c bunch. ,5c bunc ._' nn , ,1, is prepared for Music examinm ;__,__,. .. ..----cull TIHHUY, MllS.. 330., FIT! Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal, Musical Theory. Organist and Choii-in of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Coneervi of usic and of the niversity of Tom I orsley St __.._.._.,___ EDMUND HARDY, vr....-v.-- - -- ru-mu AND VIO Special attention to nA\1- -- -- ` Gengral Solicitor, Notary, ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probatg at wills, guardianship and administration, and Oonveyancer, etc. 01ce---Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. Money to loan M Uonveyancers, Etc.` Mopey to loan at lowest rates c 0'zce--l3 Owen St., in Mason Building, Barrie. Branch office W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. - vllu I -o II: `Graduate of McGill U:xiversit_v, Montrod. Office and Residence--Corner Elizabeth & Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. 0ic e hours--9-10 3.11)., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. --__.-- Are Well 5|.lPPlied C. W. Plaxton -. wu vunlu GUI`, NI-Du PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oice and Residence--Collier St., corner at . Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275. | UIIH Phone 710. General DRS. LITTLE &. LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. Office and Residence--47 Maple Ave. Office hours:- I to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., ot by appointment, Phone 213 A. T. Little, Mb. W. 0. Little, M.B. } 7 Ian. munHlVll:.H LYUN 122 Bloor St. West. Toronto, will be M 91 Owen St. Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation bours--11 am. to 5 p.m. Barrie phone 2. Toronto, North 3326. . ..n......nu.m a. HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Masonic Temple Buiiding, Bat-`rie Money to Loan 51 / _...anu.-_. C. S. DICKSON, B.A., M.B. Phone 61. 56 Cdllier St.. Barrio. ...___......__.._._.___._..______.___ iA;._______.__......_. BOYS 8; MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. loney loan at Inuit-at -ns-- -= ` - ISimcoe Marble Woiksl ,K,{.__;_..____..._._ R. F. BRUCE, M.D., C.M., L.M._C.C.[ Oice and Residence--60 Ross St. Third door east of Royal Victoria Hospital ' Telephone 256. 30:3 . un. rm-.U A. K055 (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barri!` Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army. 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics especially. 0ffice-l5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 710- . D " `- "" P-LAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, soucxrons, olces: 7073 15,... n..n_ue,f e-`---< DR. H. T. ARNALL [Associate Coroner County of Simcoo Oice and Residenc_e-~Corner Toront3 and Elizabeth St.s., opp. Central Church. Telephone 167. CAPT. J. F. ROLLIT, L.D.S. ' DENTIST . Oice: No. l Dunlop St., Barrie (over J. F. Craig's store) Phones: Office 450, Res. 436. 1. DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, E Masonic Temple Building. Ba Money to loan. e-----___ DRS. W. AND W. R.lR|`CHARDSON Graduates and members of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. ` Oicez Over Bank of Toronto, Ban-ig, Entrance on Owen St. Phones: Oice 241, Res. 314. P.O.Box 133 W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. . 79, W. Randall Richardson, L.D.S., D.D-.8, _ Janna -'--... _.- -- -.vnn;_\ Published every "l`hursday afternoon at th` ' Post Oice Square, Barrie. Subscription Price-Canada and Great Britain $2.00.peg year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United `States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both aid and new addresses should be given wh._,n change of address is requested. CANCEL. LATIONS--We find that most of our sub. scritbers prefer not to have their subscrjp. tions interrupted in case they fail to 1-emi, before expiration. While subscriptions win not be carried in `arrears over an extended period, yet, unless we are notied to cancel we axume the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made b registered letter, nioney order, or chequ: payable at par in_ Barrie. J. A. MacLaren, Edjt0,_ T I` h"p- II uuucessor to Urswicke & BARRISTER, TSOLIOITOR, MONEY T0 LOAN Ross Block, Barrie rnr.:.roIUII, UNI. _ Oice hours-12 to 2 and 7 to 9 p.131. j Morgue and C l'mel H m coma:cou__.__ mu.n.1oLI!:11.D', S( 707-8 'I'..-._A- THE BARRIE EXAMINER` -\__'|_|:_1.-.I -..-_.. rm........J.... ..u...___- , w. A. /LEWIS, u.o., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY _..an_1._. (E nu-ucnn an --- \ DR. 'PI*YSICI 7J.-A. KEARNS AN AND SURGEON PHELPSTON, ONT. lima. hmn-a_.`l`) fn 0 .....l -7 `An ,, THY J. SARJEANT, A.T.C.. F PIANO Telephone 151. Barrio P_ 0 R. 90 ' --anllvl` to1;('>;1`nger children. BOYD SYLVESTER ' taster. Rnnz- n:.:_-_, n 4 DR. E. G. TURNBULL A A: |[_(V:n >1 ! - ' DR. MOYRTIMER LYON nr Q} lnno VP .... L- " OPEN DAY AND Q NIGHT : L. J. smpsou, M.B. `VQTPYA M A run an...-... DR. FZRED A. ROSS v n` n". D... 9. n, o - - is Pre's`:y"t'e .a`i.""c1 .'.` c a."."`' [st Of Tnrnntn IV ____ ,, DAUCK, N0. 3 Money loan j .1.-u.uD, DULIUITURS, : Kent Building Toronto," Ont. n. " " * " " -n I to LITICIMI def Piano and Vocal 1- Tnnnnn. I`-------~ ` M11515 uqyaucers, me. 0: an Q4 3- 1'-~~ MEDICAL DENTAL Large and well` assorted_ ; stock =to choose -from. We are now getting good- shipments of imported -granites at greatly teduc-` ed prices. zany wnan unurch. To_ronto Conservator! ` Umversity Toronto. .4, A.4I/V0 ;'i3.v&c of interest. Masonic Templn otfice-ElmvaIo. __MfpV n (1 1_u_._-|_:_-_ & HAMMOND \l lnvrnn-ua ---- - Editor, W. C. Walls, Manager. T.---- VIII: G. Gordon Pluto: u., uurne. P. O. Box 1075. on LOIUDIO. Phone 683 I, I311}. Barrio bI.-`l:aIu1VlI1C. 3. Murchison 18yrl7 YOUR READING NEEDS sun 1-yr17 `K: HH- ihvi iul for \`(`IH . The .< =adi:m Juno I Hll_\ the haul the t'_\'ph ullunnl '41. - Jun ll Brit G. W, (I. EASTMAN,` PROP. Phone 277 3. c. MANUEL. Mdn. Phone 721` ..__... y. g-- to Q2 - Uuexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars `on Night Trains bud !.".asrlor'Cars on principal Day '1`-rains. lllll .u 'rh.. Jzunun :~'igxn)( -zlrriv an {-14 `tIII'l this (`lam u ru' -` tho will ::i:s_:n:mmnu: Tho MONTRFLAL TORONTO DETROIT and El-l_lC3A_GO ' 20 Owen St., Barrie SCO l'T S sooxsrons -:rH9: 599835 'u'sult us with Tvour_ building __-__ __ _,_-- V I` ' Haas Clean, H04 Elana `Kan: ` V Pliono__ I2 at- \4J\5 .au.aurpt-u unete my much was said of Jim Peeler that 11 been known to lose his tempex a. short rifle in a corner and s2 the .table. Mrs Declute arose a steaming teapot from the '7 - ___._---v- COBUC, L J. E. 3u.I.`mcsu:1r,- epot Agent Phone 6|: . v nappies. uuess he 11 be along soon. 5 i" He's comin' right now." called Declute from the door. I'll go ulong and give i him a l1and,vI guess; He's got some to- haccer for me---leastwuys I hope he ha=;` I sent for some." ' I Ain t that a man for you?" \vink=-.rl Mrs. Deciute. Ain't that a man. though? V Glossie. mv dear, don"-'t vou ever marry a. man; don't you ever do it.- You'll'he sorry all the days of your life if you do. Even I am almost sorrraometimes. an" Ander s an exception of '3 man.. There ain t no other -like him. And sakes alive. 7 he's had enough. dear knows.'.' I t 1 Ander and a short. heavy-set man enter- 1 ' ed. and the latter laid a number of parcels I on the table. `He had. a jolly red face with 2 crow's-feet about the corners of brown 2 eyes. stanrped there by much smiling. "It Said Of JIYYI pnnltnv uni. L- L...! ...H V ...c.. ; muugm aoour. ner nav1n' that teach- lnr boarrlin there. and I didn't want to put her out any. Fine cook is the widder. but.| somehow I can t think .as anybody an; cook meats and sarve 'em up quite like: vou. Glossie. I 1yufixin' up some dried-? apple Dies. Sent over to Bridgetown this! 1noruin'_ by Jim Peeler for the dried-j apples. Guess he'll be along 4 I He's cnmin rich nnuv " ....n...I n--I..L | .l` hmirrlin fhnrn nnrl T A:.l..`L ....._L L UIUIVI i Just what I was wuntin to see you about." cried the beaming woman, sitting_ down and wiping her face with her apron.| Thought first as I'd rim across to Tother- ! side and ask widder Ross to come over. Then I thought `about her havin that teach . unuu u mean Just gettm' over th jaundicm" ` Ander telk me that you are thinkin" of havin' a loggin'." said Gloss. Is there I anythin' I could help you to do. Mrs. De-I clute? `I1 . u - . uulau wunteu tosee you." 7 _ I Mrs. Declute smiled again and a_bit of. powder fell from her face.` It was a big matronly face. with big-heartedness written clean across it. and real kindness gleamingl in its large black eyes. She was a big wo- man, nigh two hundred and thiry." as Ander put .it. I . Where are the babies" `asked Gloss. sitting down on a stool and glancing about! `be small room. - VI Sleepin" like angels. th troublesome! [little good-fernothin's." smiled the womani fondly. Moses is just that troublesome: I think sometimes I'll have to tie him up.? -Only this mornin" he upset the cradle and '1 spilt little Martha out on the floor ker-i bump. Give m_v life if I wasn't so pro- voked I could have beeched him if he`: hadn't been just gettin' th jaundice." tells me that vnn ...... u.:..1.:_v uu uuc guns rosy cheek. "You little dear. to come just now of all times, when I most wanted to'see you." A i Mrs. Dar-.lnh: um:l..,l ......:.. .....I -'Lu - -....v.-vu uuulcu HIUIII UUSU. nes,gre3t '33` Bible names, is Rachel--too danged great," he finished in a lower key. Glosse opened the_door and stepped in - side. Mrs. Declute turned slowly from the ltable and a smile spread across her flour- streaked face. ' Oh, you dear. she said. pounding for- ward and imtplanting a. resounding smack on the girl's cheek. You ,dear. come innit nnw no` 0" .:...,.n vault: yelpmg our to meat him. ' ' here's David and Goliath," said Ander. ,- Rachel named them dogs. She sTgreat on` I L... 1'Z..2..L_J Y ` ` `l vvvuvuluwu nun: uuab WEEK} They started out, -theehman keeping up a jrunniu fire of oonversation, his short !legs t_ ing two steps to the tall girl's one, and his little eyes, by force of habit. shooting here and -there through the, bush As, they approached Declute'_s home.` a .house of logs close to the shore of Road Eau, a couple of wire-haired mongrel curs came yelping out to him, ` There's David and Gnlim}. `" 20:!` Av-A-w Don t Do This! '1 an ill!` lJl'|l . Descriptive Circular and Testimoni- als sent` on request. Made in Canada L. H. BEDLINGTON C0 Sales Agents.-Toronto A.`O. LEONARD, inc. 70 Fifth Ave" New York. N. Y.- 7 l/RI/vE.l%?i'.E r ,... '-M I` *=' Itch. Smart (Continued from Last Week) II nL....L...1 A.-L A .- Jun; nwu Iauc Wlhll brown ' that he had new-r temper. He stood "and sat downhear 9 andbrought; m Hm Baum-I. ..I.~.-2 null `uruugllf 3 hearth. also l If there isvone in your family circle or among your` friends who is having difficulty with theirhearing, or if they are suffering from head noises, you -can help them i with Leonard Ear Oil. `It does give reliefzi It has relieved`thousa`nds since it was first placed on sale in 1907. It is not put in the ears but In- serted in the nostrils and rubbed gentlyiin `back of the, ears. It's a hdusehold n ece'ssity. Don't put `off getting it. " ` 31 At An Druggists Descriptive Circular and 'I*ann--n-I- Your Men%Folkslike to PutThing `Off; That s Why This Is A ddressed * to You Women. pncnucu UIUSS. . Sheran across and gathered thhe babies u-0, all together. in her -arms. They twined their chubby arms about her neck and rubbed their sleepy eyes against her face. They were sweet. wholesome youngsters. and.the girl loved them. She kissed them all. threetimes around. then set them down. Guess 'we d better "be goin . Ander." she said, that is_.- if you have to come. But I m not the least timid about gain` lalone. ` ' 3 _ Course he'll go.T"declared Mrs. |and vou. fnn Jim D..,I.... *..-.._- _ LIUUYSCJ |and you, puul lallla Get backin thar, Moses and 2 commanded the mother; you half enough sleep yet," (N1 Inf run In... 4...... ll-- ...m~u uuu uuuulnfuzi. tiiewruglgther; ain't ha Ob. let me hug them, Mrs. Declute.' i pleaded Gloss, - Q1... -n_ H- - ylauc auuruy mrer sun-up." ' From the next room came a commotion. and three round-eyed youngsters. between the ages of three and six. protruded their{ heads from beneath the buckskin door- curtain. . ' 6$I`1_4 I 1 A` I -- vuvv name.` 'o.u1'." iuun-..~' uut. HI? IIIOSI." 1 Where has Watson been all day. I 5wonder?" cried Gloss, He was at our place shortly after sun-up." ' the mud mnm ...,..... .. ..-n.---L:- vv 2:31:11 mun alone. Jinn? } h Wen "0: he Wasn't. That teacher` c ap-was with him. He was ridin the bay Ibelongm to Hallibut's engineer. ' 53:23-:8 100:9 D, her eyes wide. . - _ _ er. I suppose the] erlwisagsetenlrnk. h,1nt1 tl]13rlo1I:gh giiart. of thcl . . . _a'In no` a e. t e saw_ver.' iyfrcgltoggle }`I"1l1ll_b8tWgIilehzgo(i gnd he tells I u I u as Ire mythe and ` W?;t;, t, help get our tin_1ber_land. em? 9:/klggutls) 0;) tthe trail dld you meet - - 4 - ec n e. - _. Why. they had only got nicely started. . I guess. It wasn't more than two or thrpe miles out at mos . `XTL...... I___ II! . 1 9 I I r I I I I ucru. ell. ~ ' He was here this mornin'," said Glo.-is. "`He was tryin' to--to buy our place. ' Oh. was he?" It PeeIer s face lost its smile `and his bushy `eyebrows met in a scowl. How much tahout you.-Ander? ` -Declute squirnmd. . . E Oh. I.ain"t thinkin much about it, Jim. I ain't wnrryin' none." ` His wife gazed at him contemptuously. [` You ain t got brains enough to worry `about. anythin',-" she exclaimed. Was! Watson ridin alone. Jim?" won ..,. L- . -.m nu ~..... ..,., ..uucu,\ uuaucu ms W118. "be you Christian or be you a heathen as be- lieve in witches?" T " There. there." laughed Peeler sooth- ingly. I guess Ander is a good Christian. But I was talking to a real Christian today: a real pious. rightdown man." 1' Smythe?"aqu`est.ioned Declute. the piece ,of -tobacco poised halfway to its expect- ant goal. c The same." answered Peeler. And. by `the way. I met that man Watson as I was comin home. He must have been overl here. eh? ' I uU_ ______ L .u - Ia `plate of bread and cold'meat. . Aft!!!` rsanncnnv ml n -----~-"-- ~- , gnuwmg grave. Dear me, how thinkless I am ! exclaim- ed Mts. Declute. I knowed there was somethin I wanted to ask you. Gl0S.~'.` .That's it. How's ch dear. Iittle'woman?"j E Ander was cutting off a. piece of black' chewing-tobacco from a big slab. .`fWhy don't you tell old Betsy 'bbut her, Glossie?'T he anlml A (1011 her`, Glossie`? `5QL-4 _.,. ,a plan: on mean and colcrmeat. , After disposing of agoodly portion the victuals befre him, Jim turned Gloss with the question: How s the sick? No better," answered Gloss. her fa groyving grave. I ham. m- L...... .L:_v_u. -r -H .5 u gu, uecmrea Mrs. Ueclute too, Jim Peeler. `cause. I v . Zaccheus.' nfknrn Crash: o.3--`L ' - --vv--u-CT CIC--- I corner Sophia and Mary stmu ] isniifactusem of Sash, Doors, Frames, flooring Qeiling. Moulding, Water Trough! Tanks, to. . We carry itustock 8 large assortment of ?!lough and Dressed Lumber, B. C; Shingles Ind Prepared Roofing. . Wood Turning and `Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dre-wing done -csnompt . g u: g | wife. Be A__ L, fnge { 7:15: .0 my some runn_v work. do vou. Bill?" ' Jim." answered Paisley. it's mv onin-J ion that there's goin to be trouble here coon. Them. peonle have laid nlans to get our woods. and of course we'll nalturallv we that tlwv don"t. But what I m afraid of 3s fhwt `Bo_v MCT8\`lRh is 2oin"to kill eomebodv sure. You know what he s like. Jim. so I want to ask you to do` this: no `matter what you see or hear. don't tell Boy. I've just about raised him, vou might say. I.RI'N`l I know -his moods. There s enough trouble over there at Big Mac s now. If ' -nression the_v re all a pack of rascals. Hal- that mill if his, this afternoon. and he rays `levery day and lavs plan: with Smvthe and] uuu u uu a nearnv mock. , | Jim."_he said, I. don't l very well. but vou can bet on this-the man's a liar. Him and Watson are hand in hand with old Hallibut. and it s my im-' llbuf threatens to drive us into the bay if we refuse to be reasonable-as he calls it. I I was talkin' to one of the fellers who runs l Hallibut rides over to Brideetown most : Watson. He sald as tod-Iv Hallibut intend- 91 l - sunnose. I ` Y-lallibut has a -hand in anything Watson ed goin ,over there. Didn't see him. I Peeler shook his head, . No. but I met Watson to-night--him and Qimnson." , ` There you are," cried Paisley: there you are. Watson, intended to, come here mdav. and you can bet that old renrobate does. Then _vou think them fellers are gain to try some funny work. do Blll?" Jlrn " unallvnrnrl Dn3-I-.. `UL - _ l - ucl . - through the twilight at his friend. Paisley dropped his trap and stared By gum I" he exclaimed. what dn you, think of that?" He told .me nuite a lot of things about` v Colonel Hallibut," said Peeler. coming over! and seating himselfvclose beside Paisley.` `Bill. it looks as if Hallibut was boundi to scoop us off this place. Smythe says! as he is -a bad man to hinder. once he has made up his mind. He says as both him and VVatson is in sympat._h_v with us. and if we ll only let` on we re agreeable to leave. in that him and Watson ll see he don't getl: hold of the leases." `D..:,.l..-. --1_ L: : A - - - - u~v.nu Lu THU 1811385. Paisley took his pipe from his mouth and laid it on a nearbv Hock. 561:. `H L` ____;_) 557 :r_ M 1 --/" -- of um 1:11 anxious to meet mm.'.' I He was askinf me about widder Ross." said Peeler. Wanted to know how nmch property she owned, and all that. Said] that he liked her-what he had seen of` her. , . . u 'uuI. 1 can r raxe in mm. ' I _ Pshaw." grunted Paislev. I guess we're all too quick at takin' dislikes. I ll own I ifeel putty much the same as you. Did he! [tell you that he was hand in hand with Watsnn? I haven't ever seen Watson yet." but I m anxious to meet` him. .' I-Tn nyuu nalyln` ...... ..L.... ,.,:,I I -r. H Jhe Barrie Planing Mif - are: over at nrmgemwn. Jnnt?" l Just a few that Declute wants over tol "r his loggin'. answered Peeler. seating him-} self on a bench. :m" that man Smythe: [who keaps the store. _ ` What do you thank 0' flret feller?" M Well. I don't just think I311 takin' to him much," replied Peeler. I don't like the way he has of shiftin' hie eyes. and he alwa_v,`s- eeems to be expectin smn_ebod_v.M He sort of makes me m>.rvo1is. He tried? fn find murnll nlnnnf `my.-..... .... -.. u.,.L -2,, l ..c mu. Ill numes me nervous. He triedi itn find outall aboimevery person that li\'e:<. {here. but I'wasn't savin much. Somelmw I wish Tom Gray hadn't sold out his stqre to this fPller. Bill. I don t know why. `but I can t take to him." D:.l.n.-. " ......__;_,I n - I (Lu - -auawvreu reeler. 1 Know she will." . I Then don t empty out till vou get home. !Ill drop over to-morrow night.` I've go'tl |to get these traps" in shape if I m goin to do -any tramsin` this season. Who d you see over at Bridgetown. Jim?" J'lV.f 54 `our H-mu} I\....I..4.. .--...-L- ----- - I uuuc U1 uuua` Ulg men. ' ' Bill scarcely looked his part on this par- ticular evening. Peeler found him sitting just outside his home. hissleeves rolled up to his elbows. and his einewy arms shining` with hear-oil. Across his seamed face we-rel a number of greasy smears. left there by brushing away a troublesome `mosquito. Between his teeth he Vgripnerl a short luv! pine. Atfhis feet lay a pile of traps. tangl- I ed together and red with rust. ' .Got hack. eh?" he grinned as Peeler apnroached. Get them things. Jim? Sure. Bill." and Peeler commenced": leniptvinz his pockets. ` } J.iin," said Paisley, I guess I'd best have vour wife help me out on this coat.` I thought maybe she'd do the linin . Sun- pose she would ? ' .T\.. n vuv n puatf ."llt_'_ WUUIG . Do I sunpose`? Wall, I do bettef. lanswc-red Peeler. I know she will." rrhnn Ann ! 1..-nut" ,...t L: _ . . . . . W: ' uuu uaugueu .|.lKr' a DOV. I She don't know that Bill is gettin all; this costly finery for her. Blvss her." he] murmured. wiping his eyes. she don t- .-us- l pect a thing--not a thing. God bless her dear heart. Ah. but all the silyer-fox hides in all this big woods couldn't make` a (coat good enough for our girl. let alone six as Bill hare. But it s Bill s little wish.".l he added; it's Bill's little wish, And Bill':4~l one of God's big men. .1 cnnrnnlu lrulxlrpspl L2- _ ..AL V -` ' _._- ,..-...B-.u unuuua LIIC IJCUS, HIS I3-Ce] frowning and his eyes laughing. and when he had put one of the wide ridges between himself and Gloss he clapped his hands! and laughed liko bov. ] ugh Anna` '____`___ LL ` '1. . . . a -- c_vcn. IIUJIUUII. .Oh." she begged, won't you let me come too`? I want to see all those things. I ::urely do. I Tut. tut. scolded Peeler, screwing up lhis face. that wouldn't do at all." I'm lte-llin' too much. I'm a poor hand at keepin secrets. ' ' ' He plunged among the trees, his face eves when] llux Kn:-I nub ts-\-I Af LL- us a nappy "beggar," chuckled De- clute. He s a happy beggar, is Bill. `and the biggest-hearted. softest-hearted" baby of` a man as ever lived. I God built some big things." said Peeler: that, waving a hand toward the him; an' IBM. .Yes. He built Bill. and - mellow glory above; this." looking about`! I nobody ever spoiled His work. . And nobody can spoil His work. said Gloss gently, dearold Bill." Run along. children. laughed Peeler. - I ve got my pockets full of things that Paisley sent to town for. Silk thread. silk cloth--three dollars 2: yard: look here." He tapped one of his large. bulging pockets. -Bill s gone into dre;-sniakin' business, it seems." i IVI, 1 DCUII I3 n Gloss clasped her brown hands and hen eyes. danced. sLf\1_ H _1__ y 1 LL - . wv Eaahuaduoi U~NDER l`AKERS% uungleu -wxm `me symphony came Pais- Iey s voice. trilling happily: Massar s gone away. de darkey say. `Ho.- ho! Mus be now dat de kigdom's comin' _ I de year ob jubilee. Y-Tn : u `\nr\u`:.`4L_.__,,,77 r .-. . - 1....a. narx, cant you hear him?" ` Upon the tree-fringe of Rond Eau a redl disk of a sun was dripping gold and-ame-l thyst, glory and all the wild-wood was full of life and har-mony. From the thickets, the hardiest of the songbirds were iddingi goodbye to the wood. It was the? last night in the old nesting-place. Mingled with the symphony ' _ I v Irninn L_:IIZ__ -, I _ nuu we Lwxugnt 3 e I Guess I'll step through-the oak ridge here and look in on Bill Paisley for a min- ' me or so, said Jim Peeler, as the threel foymd the path leading to the creek. I "He's singin his old pet song. smiledi Gloss. Hark, can t hear him?" I Unon the n-max.-:...... A` nan- mm - I got to get on with them Tell Libbyl the bee a next `Thursday. and I ll want her to help with the table. Much bliged for your kin'd1_1es, Jim. Good-night," Glo$ie."' IU J LIUHUU . ' t \ `happy "beggar," chuckled De-` 3.: q I-mnnu lm........... :. 'n:n _, CHAPTER IX And the Twilight "H ..A. ._ LL--- . " ununs-place. hnnnu - I .,, r.._. .....v gun. U.OU p.ln, ' Penetang Trains 5 Northb d Lv.-Barrie Lv.Allan. Arr.Penet'3 No. 53 9.45 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 1.40 pm. No. 99 .. 7.15 -p.m. 7.40 p.m. 9.30 p.m. J`Southb'd Lv.~Pen g Arr.Allan. An'.Barrie 1 No. 96 . . 7.00 am. 8.50 a.m. 9.05 am. (No. 54 ..12.45 p.m. 2.10 p.m. Midland Trains (via Ayandale) Lv.Barrie Lv.Allan. Arr.Midl'd . No.` 53 .. 9.45 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 1.50 p.m'. ; No. 99 . . 7.15 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 9.25 p.m. Midland Trains ( via. Orillia) Lv.Barrie Arr.Midland No. 41 . . . . . . . . . . ..l0.25 am. 1.30 p.m. _ No. 45 . . . . . . .. 7.50 pm. 10.45 p.m. - r._. us-cu Polllu j Meaford Trains 'North-b'd Lv.Barrie Lv.AIlan. No. 61 .. 9.45 a.m. 10.30 iz.m. No. 63 . .-7.15 p.m. 7.52 p.m. South-b'd Lv.Mea.f d Arr. Allan. A No. 60 .. 6.30 a.m. 8._38 am. No. 62 .. 2.40 p.m. 5.10 p.m. 4 D` H` . The Double Track Route pgtween II Southb d imfiii No. 63 .. No.60 .. No. 62 .. ! Ndrt1mb d uuxuu Day DO 10?. 5.27 8."). _ (Daily) Gravenhurst to Tor. 8.40 am. 11.35 am. lscotia Jct. to Tor. 2.30p.m. 4.45 p.m. (runs via Muskoka Whf.) -North Bay to Tor. 5.05 p.m. 7.55 p m South River to Tor. `9.12 p.m. 11.25 p.-m.` 1 (Daily, on Sundays from 1!]. _ur ouuvu 1`UVI' 11.40 p.m. (Daily) ' (except ) Southbound A North Bay to Tor. 5.27 (Dailv) .__-_ uv .1ULUHl0 `Tor. to Scotia Jot. Tor. 90 North Bay "l0.00 a.m. Tor. to Huntsville, 12.30 p.m. I V(Saf.urdz'=.y`only) ` Tor. to Gravenhurst 4.50 p.m. Tor. to North Bay 8.45 p.m. (Daily) !'I`or. _to South River 11.40 I (AYI-Anl>\ E Northbound Tor. Scoti Nort Hun IO ,4 I I fiddle again. ul uumnuuuu. "'I`m.wantin some to see the . woman." said Peeler, and hear M 19 . l`.. L. I` -' ` JV uu_y. unu: ' Sure. `answered Peeler. I think s:ame's you, Bill," It won't do to he too `hasty if things come to the worst. which `I hope they won t." "Amen to that." I trust there ll 4 r ,Tn;iun Noah was firhat snmethin' ' know he won't couldn t get anythin' out of him. "When old Noah worries there's some"- thin in the wind all right." said Peeler. , Good old Noah! . He stayed here with said Paisley, and he till he was leavin . Then said: : us _ Bushwhacker no_ big I , man. That meant bad. bad for Bushwhac- ker. Bushwhacker wait---wait and see. And before I could ask him anythin he lwas gone." ` . He comes mysterious and he goes gmysterious. said Peeler slowly. but I Ireckon he kn-ows even more than we do about old Hallibut and his gang." l Will `you come over to Big Macs. Bill?" he asked. _ Sure. I will." . I Paisley dived into the house. washed his He arose and walked "toward theipath. ' I hands and face, threw on a jacket and ( I l Jeanie forth a bright and smilingsix feet of'.manhood. .|f`___ __,, H ., . we just keep our eyes and em-.: anon. .:nd whatever we see-and hear `we ?! try to meet w`rhout Boy knowin anythin about it. What d'ye say. Jim?" _V7. - I_--runcl ulcnc 1.. rucxey reports. It IS a` "`slow market. What comes in to Bame iss-lls for about $13 a ton. 6. 9-.!i?l1.WC

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