`Q'?lAI1F[ED TEACHER (Second-Class pro- fuminnal) for'S.',_S.'No. 15,_Flos, Sa-lary `$113110. Duties commence Sept. 1, 1922. Appiy 'I`hm, Cooper. Secy.-Treas., Elm- " 1.l,5)I11.. .30-32p I4:- vuo vv .1 24tfc 31c UCCU Vulballlulllso . u.:.\. See Vickers windows for horticu1~ tural display of gladioli on Aug. 11 and 12. . 1 1 _, -,_.,, UIIIIJ. -LL! 0 If the surpius raspberry crop. is turned into raspberry vinegar there should be no shortage of this tasty beverage. `D A. cu......`I.........; ..........A 1... - l1"l\l11P .-.+' ! gllslill-El ualualsalslsg nun. H1 uua` UULHUIU, '2 UCLll' :'I5Iu:|5Issl5|5Imu5i'i::'E --McKee & McDonald for guaran- teed vulcanizing. 31c I C`-.- \7:,.I..\...J ...v.,lnuu.~ -PA 'Ianm4-{nu} UC V\'.'LG5C- R. A". Stephens moved his stock of clothing and furnishings this week to his new store, ve doors west of the Bank of_ Nova Scotia. V 3 7111. .A._,, , _,_ U. avvu Axnyulo l Orillia believes in encouraging mo- torists to spend money in that town.` If you don t believe it, ask Jack Han-3 mer. Recently he went into an hotel ' there for dinner, leaving his car standing at the curb. As soon as he had nished his dinner he proceeded on his way. A couple of days later he received a summons to appear in Orillia police court for leaving his car standing on the street for that brief period. "FL- ununaonqnumn tn... #1.... ....`I..L....J-1.... UIIU JJCILIKX U.L_ LVVVD vbvuauu Hunter Kennedy, H. Thompson, Alex. Habbick and Jos. Seagram are representing the Barrie Club in- the Owen Sound bowling tournament, this week. 1|l,'I'}' , D `If_`l`\___-`IJ 1,;,,. ,,,,'__ BnI_E`N- WE_ WANT REPRESENTATIVES _. __...| L....._ :.. n.......:.. 4.. ....1I uuaauy Klyll. DIQUD VJ. ulxvc All L3U\l\.4l\u u.l.\.r A bubb1er . fountain has replaced the unsanitary drinking cup at the Five Points fountain. Credit is due to the Parks Commission for this im-I provement. ' ` I `II ... 1|! f\!t`|.-.......... 1)......J-9.-.....l OJ- So far thisiihcnithi more rain fallen here than the average fall for August. On `Tuesday and Wednes-. day, the moisture descended to the` extent of 1.64 and 1.07 [inches re- spectively, a total of 2.71 inches, as compared with the -monthly average` for August of 2.53. 1ur..-_ rm....... r-..u:.... 6,40 D1..1.... G4- I i LU; nusuau \.u. Haullo Mrs. Thos. Collins, 242 Blake St., is showing friends two extra large7 size hen eggs which were laid re-E cently by one of her Plymouth? Rocks. They are regular whoppers} and the two of them together weigh: gall of eight and one-half ounces.i Either would make the best part of; Ia good meal. 4 (\..:`l'l.. L..`L'..".... 3... Annncuunn-inn vv|r\ Iulaa vv yuan I -McKee & McDonald have prac- tically all sizes of tires in stock. 31c A 4"Ir.uLL1.u.. IA`-n.-.4-aim Lam -nnulnnnd i yaw v \alIl\4lIU9 Mrs. M. O Connor, Bradford St.,: informs The Examiner that the auto- 1 mobile standing in front of her house at the time of the collision on July 22, had the lights on. A N Provincial Bailitf Ryan `was here; for a few hours on Tuesday, leaving; with six prisoners from the Simcoe; jail. They were transferred to the Burwash Prison Farmf l The nal game of the Innisl -League will be.played at Stroud on Friday, Aug. 4, at 4.30vp.m. Knock gained the right to enter the nals by defeating Holly on Tuesday last, and will meet Stroud, which drew a bye. 'l"l.\n Dru-".1 `D1.-anb IIr\:nuI]n+cn A4` 4-Inn VIIICKI DU QrU|4Cll\Lo ---McKee & McDonald for _tire` covers, chains, blow-out patches and all kinds of auto accessories. -31c UL av; Ru L l\l\Ao --The program for the celebration at Tottenham on A-ug. 7' is nearly completed_ and will include a cali-a thumpian parade; baseball tourna- ment, prizes for which are $75, $50 and $25`; lacrosse match between Bol- ton and Tottenham, also between Old Boys and` a local aggregation; bas- ketball for prize of $10; tug-of-war between Old Boys and locals; ad- dresses by prominent speakers. Tot- tenham band will furnish music.`31p C` v A I 1! Ir!!! -la E. J. Armson has favored The Ex- aminer with several views of Iro- quois Falls. These include one of the civic centre, "a nice open space with beautiful lawns, shrubs _and ower beds. ` Others show nicely .kept gores and boulevards and neat and comfortable looking homes. This paper mill town apparently has been made an attractive place of resid- ence and must be in striking contrast to what is generally seen in that northern part of Ontario. 1ur...a.'....:..;... ..... 4.1.... n.......4........ 13--.: :4; vv upon: I. gnuvnn 4. u; Ann I -An event of greatest import-`a an.ce to everyone in Barrie is the? appearance of Rudolph Valentino} and Alice Terry in Rex Ingram s The Conquering; Power at New! Dreamland, Monday and Tuesday. A 11 n...... .. . ..... .........._.-.._.. IU.II:'k A1?! UH HN -SIX ROADS'I`ER--In A1 .. '1'-..` _.'.l_I. . ..$._..Z,...l ......,lZAI.... IJJCQ The Royal Black Knights of the British Commonwealth will holdAdiv- ine service in Burton Ave. Methodist Church on Sunday evening, Aug. 6, at seven o clock, meeting previously at the `Orange Hall, Allandale, at six o clock. All Orange brethren are in- vited to attend. at T7 0 1|l'-1\_---1.l .2-" A_:_._` lllllu IIIICL LI ya; II III. \JllUIL l\Io Motorists on the Penetang Road south of Barrie who emerged from cover after the storm of Tuesday last were disconcerted to find that FROM ARABY ma 31.551" We have for `you Pure Spices of the best., , Excellent pickles must have excellent spices. Here they are, ground or`whole:- Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmegs, Cloves, Allspice, Paprika, Red, White and Black Pepper, Mace, Tumeric, Whole Mixed Spices and Pure Ground Mustard; also Bay Leaves. Just make out your `list fronr the above and let us ll it for you. __'I'HE HUB Our three blends of Tea at the . T old prices. A Our three blends of Coffee a 60c, 65c and 70c lb. - Ads. in this column, 4'cents word I IIEILE-lil - I.E-lE-LEILC-Lt: T1521-:N1-r'\3v-:':1:I;'1'oRI-: T- N; H0 Bi-EYE LOCAL NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER . ;`x" The Col. Currie Trophy won by Peter Clark s quartette at the C011- ingwood bowling tournament last week has been on exhibition in Milne & Sons window. Assisting Skip Clark were H. Thompson, A. G. Hab- bick and W. H. Kennedy. a large tree had fallen across the; road just north of St. Paul s church,l and had brought the telephone! `wires and two poles with it. Thei Eway was completely blocked, buti iwhen enough motorists hadgatheredi ;the tree was rolled slightly to one 3 gside and branches were broken off? iso that traffic could get through. E The fth annual McConkey reun-| lion will be held at Niagara Falls, N.3 iY., Thursday, Aug. 10. While the ; members of the family are located `principally in Ontario and New York lstate, it is expected that many re- gpresentatives will be present from Qmore distant points. About twenty- ve from Barrie and vicinity will go, including Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mc- Conkey,'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Mc- Conkey, Mrs. W. D. McConkey, Mrs. S. J. Hunter, Miss Jessie Hunter and ` others. During `August, services will be held in Collier St; Church at 11 o - clock a.m. every Sunday, and in Cen- tral Church every Sunday at 7 o. - clock p.m. The choir of Collier St. [Church will have [charge of the music 5.. 1...4.1.. ..L......1..... .:.-..:... A.........4 Lvluvo .I..J- Jr. I-I\.l\.l\.lLJLLL.) IVIIA Anuvu charge of the servicesin both church- es during August. . _ ' A ....u. auo\I:nl\v|nl\-um`:-I` nt\InIr:A:\ .311 W1u:1lr;lil nn.;.`zfc`:a1u1'11ental service will be held in Collier St. Church next Sundev at 11 :;.m. ` \.JILul.blA W111 nluvc \.LLuv|.5G VA. 9111; Illuunv in both churches during August. Seats are free and a hearty welcome awaits every_ person who attends these union services. "1s}IEf T156iiGLAs will have ',. `I, .1`, ,I,,, , The%Lowest Prices on Little Socks and Hose They will poke through their wiggly little toes and it takes countless pairs of Stockings to keep small` folks even respectable. The August Sale is doing its best to assist, with its sharp reductions in Hosiery for Summer wear. Smart little Socks in pretty color combinations are a special feature. ~ - Ladies Art Silk Hose, colors: black, navy, Children s V blue, slate and white, sizes 8%, 9, 9%, 10. and Pink, ar Regular $1.25 and $1.99. - to 8; good Clearing price . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . I 98c T E80318 T0 _LE'I`--Fm-nished or unfurnish- central location: all conveniences. Appiy Examiner office. 31-32p Ladies Plain Black, Brown and White Cotton Hose, sizes 83/2 to 10, regular 5Qc. Special . ; . . . . ./ . 39 3 pairs for $1.00 i Mercury Make Fine Lisle Hose, fu11-fash- ioned, colors navy blue, taupe, canteloupe ; sizes 8V2`to 10; extra value 90c. ` Special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 pair ` Men s Fine'Khaki Pants, with belt loops and turnup cus, sizes 30 to 46. Special price . . . . . . . . .$2.00 and $2.25 Children s and `Misses \Kl1i{e Cotton 1/ 1 1 Ribbed Hose, sizes 6, 7%, 8, 8%, 9, 9%. Regular 50c for . . . . . . . . . . . . `. .35c pair Boys and Girls Black and Brown 1/1 Ribbed Cotton Hose, 4%; 5, 5%, 6, 7}/, 8%, 9, 9%. Special. . 7 .L . . . . . 25 pair Boys and `Girls Fine 1/1 Ribbed Black Hose, "sizes 8%, 9, 9%, .10; this hose is good value SOC. Special 39c, 3 prs. $1.00 Week-end Toilet-Requisivtes--Toeth Paste Perfume, Talcum Powder and Soap. Easy priced . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 35c box A METHODIST UNION SERVICES Tay10r s Talcum Powder, 6-oz. g1ass_bot- tles, .Blue Bird, Valley Violet, Infant s De.- 1ig'ht,[Jap Lily; Regular 35C. Special 25c W ithA Every {Dollar Purchase we give a 5c. Coupon. See the niee goods at small prices FUR RENT--'Small flat. newlv decorated. sxfrbable for couple, or businvss woman _crr girls. Enquire M. Shier. 37- Dunlop A st. % ; 31-36p Lindsay WON CURRIE CUP . T` C Mrs. M. Walton (widow of Edwin Wal-5 ton), wishes to thank sincerely the; G.W.V.A.. Mr. Knowles, Mr. Cowan, Dru Ross and Mr. Boys for their efforts which` resulted in securing her penior p CHRISTIE--In loving memory of David G. ! Christie of Elmvale, Ont., beloved hus- band of Lucy Matthews Christie. who passed away Aug. 5,1921. They never die who live in loving hearts. ' i Sadly missed by wife and family. 31c Helen. Jean and Graham McCracken-In loving memory of my dearl husband, Cooper Wesley McCrac_ken, who paxed away Aug. 2. 1920. When the shades of night are folling, And I am sitting all alone, There often comes a longing; If you only could come home. 31p Wife PRINCE-In -loving memory of Hazel Prince who passed away August 8, 1921. age 24 years. When we asunder part. , It gives us keenest pain; But we shall still be joined in -heart, And hope to meet again. ni n1 :1 31.31} W T Family Sadly mi$ed, Aunt Hazel Prince; 31-31c Jack Nettie, Mae, Buttler. Ted and Florence Kerrifige wish to thank; their neighbors and friends for kindnessa shown them in their recent sad bereave-* ment. 31p Mrs. Wm. Morren and Dr. and Mrs. Mor- 3 ren wish to thank their friends and j neighbors for their` sympathy and kindness.: also for oral tributes in their recent sad bereavement. _ 31p" GEN'I`S WAN'I`ED--Our private Christ- Iumr. card agents already making 83.00` :3: -inn: in spare and full time. Write `Canadian, 122 Richmond West, wnmmj - 31-32c| ; EIIIIIIII I IIIIIIII! I CUIIIS `F61 WUIU, uuxunuuux UV UUHIH - - ` IIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIII ` I A IN 4. ucuw pct wuru; uuuuuuul OU 081118 I lllllll I IIIIIIII | i!$iF u - vu\I Inn Ina ` 2 cnts per word;T minimum 50 cents I l:l---- - H--.------ 7--2----7 7- ----:uvu----- [ 2 cents "per word; minimum 50 cents I _I------ ---II-----n BARRIE - -Ladies SL:1;1rhr Vests; made by Oxford, Watson & Leonard, fine quality. V , Easy priced . . . . . . . 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c} Children's White, Whiteand Blue, White and other colored Tops, sizes 5 1 value 40c. Special price 25ci ;`'./.ET--l9`;'1 Ford Coupe. in A1 `con- y;au:., "for quick sale. Apply at C.P.R. `:-T~`*~.ar"mn, .Midhumt. phone 19913. 30-31p Inu- Ladies Extra Outside Sizes `Vests, with} -half sleeves and without sleeves. .. . ` Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75c Boys Blue Serge and ` Tweed Bloomers, with Gover- nor Fasteners, sizes 24 to 35; this bloomer is extra value Ht`) I`.f\ , 1 A1`! A *4 A` Men s Navy Blue Serge Pants-- sizes 30 to 42', with belt loops and turnup Cuffs; this pant is Special Value $4.50 Ladies Pink Bloomers. Special price 39? . v\.I .2;/, \.AA 9 \JL>\I\/All\/I l\J \.vJ\|.l u. .60-`and $3.40. `Special price . . . Men s Headlight.Khaki Pants, with belt loops and turnup cuffs, sizes 32 to 38; this is a pant that will give satisfaction. Easy priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . $2.75 ISBNXLI5 ii6, (:1-32c Mortgagee s Solicitor, Barrie,`Ont. I . ,, BASKERVILLE--In Barrie, at the R.V. Hospital, Wednesday, Aug. 2. 1922, Geo. Baskerville, in his 78th year. cu -us-n urn-:- The postponed sale of part of the east half of lot number twenty-two on the sixth concesion of the Township of Ves- pra, containing sixteen acres.more or less. more fully described in mortgage. Watson to Ru$ell, and registered as number 9776. will be held at the Barrie Hotel on Satur-' day, August 12th. 1922, at one o'clock. `For further particulars see posters. `l\I\\Y A `I l\ `l\l\('1('\ ICOTTRILL--In the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, Sunday, July 30, 1922, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Val Cottrill (nee Irene Drury) of Port Elgin. SMuITH-In the R. V. Hospital on Monday, July 31. 1922, a son to Mr. and Mrs. _ H. H. Smith. 18 Francis St. kn-as Iz`~URNIHI{ED ROOMS to let. Board or w-ithout. `Apply 77 McDonald St. 31-36p EPRATT-WORRALL-,At the residence of Stephen Pratt, Sophia St.. Barrie. Aug. 2. 1922." Mrs. Agnes Jane Worrall to James Franklin Pratt, both of Tees- water, Ont. ` DDDIITD I T311117 A . .u A vv;u:1, Ul . I ll; lR.EEVIFrLEIGH--At the manse. Om Station, July 26, 1922, by the Rev. N- Campbell. James R. Reevie of Shanty I Bay. to Anna Saphronia Leigh of Haw- kestone. Thursday, August 3, 1922 HIDES WOOL JOS. MARRIN N. M. MYERS MORTGAGE SALE Sucpeuor to BORN DIED _ & cent a word, cash, each. insertion charge, 25c); six insertions for I113 price of `font. 10 cents extra when Qtged; also 10 cents extra when replies as directed to Examiner office. _ ` Trenton VVOMAN PAS 30 FEET IN M -l\ Iag'istr21tc- .l( nay Cotter wv 'Th11I`..di1.V in 1'01 that arose out two 111()t()l'('_\'('|'. contly. Mrs. her hu:' -thirt_v fer-t whv driven by u 1 crashed in1u'1h 'I`m'ont0 l1i;:hw -_,._,, I ,, II, .5-,.v--yu u-P,--n was badly. .\'m:* ~seri(>us1y injun ing wilful (lam \ViHizuns us` HM- and he was thin. v Some gm Alland:1'lL-_ rinks of () after the \ Cup, now F most sun-(u b:u'k with one Shot, 1 wow . ` Li'{LiLZ}i \x- A. Hook \ A1'thm' Fm .-\_npl(*trm h fund the tr The cup `tion in 151 Orillia firm tuok it awn ALLANDALF. Rotul tho $- V- LI9`I1D[)~Experienced maid. Three in Ahnily- Hts. A. Morten, 70 Collier St. ' ` 31c GAR. "FUR, $`~ALFI--Chevrnlet touring. 1919. its "M61.-xelass running order. good looking. ' "22 `btmtziun; for quick sale $250. Apuly ak "'0" Exmniner. 29-35p ~-.-.-- -u--`- | Thursday, I: Lnda`lL-_ lm IS ()rill_i. 1' W-. I , now held it Suc('(*('(1m ;< 'th<-1 ht)\\' W'hirlwi| role timn The Va` Giants." Crczucd. C0. thu and "H ermzm in the 5 Spend : the CUT! A .story where th goes .d6 Ina IIEJL5 CH}; Also C bu-us. without r `5`-\?.A.N'l`l9l)~4}xperienced house canvasser for muae and stor sales, no collections '3-r dvliverxes. Must be capable of handl- ?'fug sub-nge*nm`. Permanent position. ~'!i.I1l\*s- `Box K" Examiner office. Give "your `phone nu-mer. 31-31c With Wa {m I'.. 'l`z1kc% 9243. St tin qp....-.. `?:`!..\"I'I`ED--J(3a{)ablc. energetic snleman by a - m.a'.mifuc(.Irr'iIig concern; must have or- 'g`.Lxs.'u.ntion ability; would prefer a man_ "-with previous experience in `selling to jmta Headquarters, Barrie.` ' Rarity to Box Z" Examiner office. State experience. other qualifications, -saiary required. etc. Give your "phone 'nunr_)er. All replies heldestrictly con- -'n':i4io.~,-xutinl. V 31-31c | ,__M______________ . W.-N'3Tf;I) -I?'urnis.hed rooms for two _u:~.~..~';Jt., seuimhle for light 'housekeeping;` av: r'h'r'.H|H furnished house. Must be warm. .`;y3:?\Igav "wt. Exmnixwr office. 31p 0Dnu-oo--.- `."fS=l' \i')Fl WANTED--By young man with iiwn ymms` experience in grocery and four jawrna in bank. Lat-e drum-major 0i= _"Ij.'?}`?.`h luminn Regh. England.` Apply. 3:. x .V"$v1xgur (law of Moosomin. S-.ask.). `Inn .-:m*(* of Roy Jwy.` Barrie. 3111 up u... u. 95..-an coon MAID WANTED AT_ ONCE-Ap- piy American Hotel. - A v29tfc WANTED-G0od cook _......_. -ll... f`......L 491:: `E4-TAN1`!ED T0 BUY---Will -pay cash for .21mnr3L~rn home, centrally located. .Write -izox 155, Barrie. _ 3l'p `th- `Ground-Lou-can-_-gag 3i:"U'R;?J1SHlCl) HOUSE WANTED to rent in -gmrxl crmdiun. by month or a year. 12m"in.n1il_v. Apply Box W"b Examiner m':'im . E 31p -mm--, | "'!l}':i'e`a` WANTE-[`l--First-cla.% farm of 100 ._.Z._:I VI`, ..__ -.. ..-._... `WE-.3j~7'1T[|)l)-~viBcaf hides and skins; also junk Hzr:'r.\`.-`pmtry. Phone 384 or write H. 7`':,`..'.'vl;!,, .33 {7t5lli('.r St. V 27-32p| `gnu. .-an.-.-..._._- -131:1!)-if; FOR. SALE---A valuable Bull dog mus. three months old. handsome and 'ws.=.".! nmrked. Address _W.G" Exam- ia-;:n' zoice. ' 31c I$.ou `WA,\.:`i??f`].F.{)---Ax| established grocery busi- `:4-mzv. Apply giviuglocation. and turn- '.ax;w` ,_mer month. ' Box R" Examiner ;-r}'}-1L. ' 3l~32 @--_ I !!L!L'zL\ -- WK`: vvtuwx nmrlbmomxvznsxvuw Tmmuuary city and town in Canada to sell zmmyuidbiie stop signals; positively`pre- `mum accitlenm; every car owner a pros- .'[ |`E*.`r.i'a.', uiasy to sell; big prots. iWritc for Erpaxrtioiilors and agents` proposition, Can- `unan Auto Shops, P. O. Box 154. `Ningnm Fails. Ont. ' A 25tfc SI-IIXKL '7 III` I I'_'ll" l' llt`!I`Ull'1` lal III `II IUU .av.:7w-.:< or nmre in Innisfil Tp.. on or near. - :; .w.- `Ii :-mct.ung mad. E. A. Black. Box '.'U.$'.1'I'5l` 3-zuric. ' 31p u-an-m--_--_-_.---.- }}"i"i.'- `FOR. SALE-A-SplendidA touring ca: 'onY.; run about 4000 mi1es0; will sell c"tr.v-199.. Mrs. Jas. Snroul, Utobia. 27-32p nau- Tl lli` I. LIIJ_'\l\lUu b\lUI\ wages. Gooch, nu x..'. |.\,-\: [I H111 `I u..1 1\;UI1l.'k`lL1:tl\`1ll I11 .;h:1nical condition. A ;~:nu'p f0r`q1'uck awe. `G. B. McLean. Phone 298. Bame. &ew&%a$*&&&w$$ Page Tweiv .ADLET COLUMN 3i'>n<>x<>x<>x< `59T1R 7SAI.4E-'0ue Aymhire vcow. giving gx-ma How of milk and due to freshen early` "m February. Apply E. M. Freek, `phone 652, Barrie. ' 31p _ ve Stock`For Sale `Property To Let Help Wanted Autonmo-E.>iles `Wanted V general. Highest- A1I..m:..I. nn 1 ECIICIGII ILIELIUQII Allandale RR. 1. 59 Mary 31 -36p BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE--Portable nu." ll n nnnn\`nlo :n Gvvaxnlunc nnv\_ 3i'EiH.'SAlE-Good work horse. 9 years old. Wtvtdd make good delivery horse or fm farm work; quiet for ladies to drive. .?(.'mily at 84 Penetang St. '_ 31-32p H14! FOR SALE-Piano, cheap, square grand, `Inf 1`: III! 19 Morn Rf ' R111 I-`OR SALE-Te;pestry rug, Brussells back, 149' by l2'9; in good condition. Ap- ' ply (38 Owen St. 30-31p PINE STUM-P FENCES for threshing wood ; . , ('2 no!` `And Burn Q n `K71-finn Int FOR SALE--Grain and clover threshing machine, in good. repair. Apply Chas. I McGinnis, Box 1808, or phone 958W. ' V 949:1! [FOR SA'LE-The retail business of the Sweet Cream Dairy.` Present owner will supply cream at reasonable wholesale - price. Apply E; M. Freek, phone 652, Barrie. ' T 31p` BARN FOR SALE at Big Bay Point, 40x an "H nnnnn marl Ghyxknr Anon 1nn uyfn-I"'\ PARLOR ORGAN for sale; first-class_ con~ dinion; Apply P.0. Box 162, Barrie. 31p FURNITURE-Quantity of gooa household furniture for sale. Apply between 2 and 7: uk :Q nrnnb Q0 `)Q-QQI\I dI}LTfVAToR FOR SALE-Nine-toot!'1, ,.3t:t .__.L Il.,_..-.. Y'I.__...:_ -..I4:....A..._ ........ FOP." SALFr-Oak sideboard, range (Gur-| ney), washing machine, wash stands, i bone cutter, incubator, carpenter's bench, poultry. 261. Bayfield St. Phone 864J. ` - 31-31p I%0R5.:a1.xs:-4y;(tge cur. 1913-. in A1 conch- rfxm-., also looks l7ke new; -5 good tires; '-`T.'=.:`{ :. C. E. R.obinson,.'phone l3r2l. S:rm113 . ' 31 -31c `Ii:-can-on ST-RAYED into lot 10. concesssion 3. of Oro, about the middle of July. -9. red `and white `heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and -paying expengtis. I P FOR SALE-A good first-cl-ass House of 8 rooms. Apply D. C. Howard, 24 Mul- caster St. V T 28-33p FOR SALE---Furniture: fumed oak lib- jrary table; Divanette, upholstered leather; small buffet; steel couch; linoleum rug; kitchen cupboard; table; chains; gas stove. 123 Worsley St. 31-31p |LOST---Smal1 diamond ring, on July 28.| Advise this office. Generous reward. - 31-33c LOST--Presumably on road between Cooks- town and Barrie, on J-uly 21. a bed com- forter. Reward. Box 7 562, Barrie. Phone 789. ` 31p LOST--Brown leather suit case containing wearing -apparel, etc., between Newman'- ket and Orillia, on July 30th. Return to >Baker, 184 Bay St., Toronto. 31p FOUND--On-Louisa St., on Thursday, J_uly 07 Ann `ninth ....onm.-J-.:l.. 4::-n on!` 1-In: .BARRIE BUILDING LOTS--.0ne hundred dollars each, cash or time. Lew Howe. Lewiston,_ N.Y. ` 28tfc SOLID BRI-CK HOUSE FOR SALE--Ten ..|l ' __-_.._ . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.m-I ...u.rl4-inn FARM FOR SALE--One and a half mils t.____. 1'1M_._.!- . 1l\I\ ..-..-.. ..I..-. I.-........ I\ jgno-nun 5K5l'&I.V2)D TCASHv-Su-ner-Six McLaughlin Trn'n`xng. Five cord tires. new 22-45 top; t`m$\r.:.- `am! runs like new. Balance in mxrmthh paymrgnts or to suit buyer. "P8:-om-. 133 (after 6 o'clock 159). 310' RFARM FOR SA~LE---East half lot 4, con. 2. Oro, -4 miles from Barrie, 96 acres ` black `clay; seven-roomed brick house. steel shingled; barn 50x73. steel roof and fully equipped stabla. silo. driveshed. henhouse. other necessary buildings; also nine ,,acres good hardwood bush. orchard D and garden; good natural drainage. alao well underdrained.' For particulars ap- ply F. H. Ball. Shanty Bay.` 31-tfc LOST--Bunch of keys. Reward. Apply P.0. Box 753, Barrie. 31c A NUMBER OF GOOD FARMS and town __,,,_ '1'-.. _-l_ A..._l_. ._ T\ 1'\ ll'._1 _.._ REAL ESTATE--F-arms. market gardens. lake shore and town property. Apply W. H. Sloane, Allandale, phone 536. 27-32;) GOTTAGE at Minet's Point for sale, four rooms. large veranda. Apply to Bert 1 Walker. 54 Tiffin St.. phone 149. 2m.- FOR SALE-'Two and a half acres and solid brick house; large orchard, electric light and water. Apply at 92 Penetang St. P.0. Box 812. ` , 31-31p I |FOR SALE--~Two acres of choice land in I Corporation of Barrie overlooking Bay U on Govt. good roads; would make excel- lent market garden or summer resort. Apply 28 Victoria St., Barrie. Ont. . . 31-32 ! FARM FOR SALE--l00 acres timber-bush, emf half lot. 26, con. 8. Essa Tp. Apply i Mrs. Jas. Sproul, Utopia. Ont. '27-32p FYRM FOR SALE--$l0500.00 on easy. terms will purchase one of the best grain farms of 125 acres. more or less, in the Township of -Innisfil. in the County of Simcoe; barn 96x40 on stone work and _ one and a half storey eight-roamed dwell- ing. Possession first of March next. For'further particulars apply to A. E. Scanlon. Bradford. Ont. 31-32c A Rm, ii6o1T, T*n6bF_N`TL2; laid; 515 ones repaired. Wm._Smith.. 84 Mary St. Phone 944. P.O. Box 810. 26-37p HTS ' {SH ROGIS to let at 5 WIN-DOW CLEANING-Hou.se. office or store windows cleaned, oors cleaned and polished, new or old. Wm. Smith, 84 "Mary St., Barrie, Box 810, phone 944. ' - V . 28-40p CARS PARKED at 46 to so Bayfieldvst. nf I-nncnnnkln v-aha: 21 -211-\ )[11\4\J{ll.LV SULI QULULL Haunt"; UIVGUAD saw-mill, all complete, in rst-class con- dition. Apply to Frank Robinson, Bor- deau. Ont, r . A 30-35p. IUIIIILLIIC IUI ERIC. 5 at_58 Brock St. ` I\J1J1lVl'1aI.\Jl\a 1' \J1\4 L7l'lJ-lL'JjLVlL.|C'D\JUIl'.l, -stiff-tooth Massey-Harris cultivator, new. Apply con. 5, south half `lot 21, Innisl. ~ Robert King. 27-32p XXVI] IJIIJLVI-'1 L`L'JL`\JlJlJ IUL I/Lllilllluls WUUU $3 per load here. S. H. Whiting, lot, 22, concession 7, _Lefroy. 31~-32cl nuuv l'\Jl.\a 0:11.41: ab 1215 uny LUIIIL, `xv 60, all squared timber, over $1000 wort-av of timber in it; for quicksale will take 8400. Apply J. F. Craig, 3 Dunlop St., Barrie. . ' ' . 29-34p `['\I\4LVl I'\JI\ |3l1LlI'J`KIl|C HIIKI H nan IIIIICB from Barrie; 109 acres. clay loam. or- chard and bush; good b.-irn and roughcast- house. For terms apply to owner 92 Penetang St. Box 812 Barrie. 31-31:p . `\lLlLV.ll""`LIlI'LlUU-IBIS Uta, U11 Luulauay, duly 27. one large automobile tire and rim. Owner may have same by proving pro- perty and paying cost of advertisement. ` Brown &`Co. 4 A '31-31c \]I\n l3l'LI.ll`J"L IBJJU, ULICE at 16 or 18 Mary St. 315705 LIER ST. LIVERY--Next door to che (`morn House; good carri`%:ge,"aaddle and _ horses for him; car and careful at a reasonable rate; gasoline and 351 for sale. 30-35c I LVLJIVIIJHJIV LII` \J\J\IIl L'CII.IrLVLkJ GIILI LUIVII housesfor sale. Apply to D.D. McLean. Box 821. Barrie. . 29-3-L: `U.L4.lU Dnrun nuuou run. onuu--.u:u rooms. all conveniences, good condition. Apply 58 Brock St,, or phone 929W. ' `- 28-33p VF-|l.\v\7 I.l'II.\nl\.I.`JIJ ll TU at reasonable rates. Property F or Sale Lost and Found Farm For Sale Miscellgneous 11,, : "A25-; ICILI DJIIQ .31-3.lp `V-"it-NTF`.D-Lady demonstrators for [the Iuamm of "Barrie and vicinity. Pleasant, `easy, "light work; no collecting or ped- ~'dl}ng; good -remuneration. Apply Box Examiner office. Give your `phone numbor. - T A T 31-31c