Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1922, p. 7

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erna Aconley, Pearl Thomp- cis Bathgrsby, moms, Velma Ruth Lennox, , Ruth Craig, Dorothy Bum- anley Bryson, ct, Ernie Nye, `rasley, Billie- Kellow, Lorne eorge Bowles, James Harris, on. Roy Gray- Page Seven L vuj A (Continued from page 6) KING EDWARD SCHOOL SR. 111 TO JR. I\'-- Firs -Class Honors---A. Wisdom. Second-C-lass Honors--M. Lockhart. M. Moncrieff, J. Simpsgn, M. McQuade. Du :~n , ,(`. F'.'r`uyurr` Fim-Class Honors-`--Annie Garside.- Clar- JH. Ill 'l'U bit, 111-- ` ence Stacey, Roy Semmcns} George Wardle. J ack Henson, Roy Baldwin and Evelyn Kightley (equal\. Dc-ra Jay. _ Thursday, Ju1y 6, .1922 The little woolly garments` for Baby must be kept soft or they will irritate the tender skin. Washed `in Lux suds. Baby's woollens will keep beautifully soft and uy. The thin satin- lilxe akes of Lux' are made by our own exclusive pro- cess. and dissolve instantly into a lather as harmless as pure water itself. hw di Baby's clothes into I lb of the rich Lu: suds- rinse them, squeeze out the surplus water and lung to dry. There is nothinglilw Lax. Sold only in sealedpacket:-- ` J11 r9_Icr1-Ln" .' uavsk BROTHERS uMm':n Toronto { ` 215 For Baby's Woollens LUX This coupoh is "giveh to:..introduce to you ii/`icCormick s Biscuits. Y(A) u 11V 1ike'them, we re sure, and will aiwa_vs_insist on them afteryou havevonce tasted them. Their freshness.--their crispness-thei_r creamy richness are sure,towmake' them a faverite on your table. R. R. BOTHWELL ROWN & C0. J. BUCHANAN V H. BURNS A. R. CAMERON" C. CHANNEN ', AS. CHEESMAN B H H J. H J nlly Hevner; on Armstrong. drew Manson- adden. C ORM lacs .1 EREY CREAM urea: Get Your Bisctiitsftom One of These Grocers A Regular 15c. Package for Second-Class Honors--Doris Kezrrns, Ale` ice Lnvcry, Annie Moss, F-unny Koch-berg. Orville Kashner, Rachel Hagan and Lloyd Pugh"`and Gordon Wood and Jim Simpson (equal). Fljed` Bowen, Dorothy Riddell. Hugh F1iaser,*Eddie Ambrose, Vera Good- child, Clifford Melson. ~ I . 1 77's, .11. ~n___I Tf..-LL...... I ma unnuu Dull! \.Iuau.u u Passr--l-Ioward Kins John Magloughlen, 7 Eileen Ambrose, Marie Trask. Recoinmended-M. ella; Pearl Kochber, ; Clarence Hodgson, Patto_n . I./I-VI a. av V-vs --- | First-Class Honors---Mervin Binnie, Cam- eron Clute, Edgar Legear, Earle Stephen son, Parker ~McMillin, Alice Harrison, Inez Park, Everett'Sharpe, Audrey Kchtirdson, Altha. `Parker, Jim Terry. Marjorie Doher- .ty. Floence McQuade, Campbell Spearn, Irene Taylor. Q.-nu-m.l (`Juan 'LTnnnra_Qfan r`.Inf.n -Law. uene 13y1UI'_. " ' . Second-Class I-Ionors-VStella Clute, `Law- rence Ferguson. Jack Steele. George Hook, Wallace Hedger, Mabel Sanders, Norine Rowclif`fe,. Dorothy Springham, Donald Biogg. Pass--E r.nie M_umo. Hazel Cra.v;ford. T JR. II TO SR. il- First-Class Honors--Ronald St. Clair, Verona Simmons and Florence Miller (equal), Eddie -Hagan, Garrett Patterson, Er-nest Baldwin, Bertha; Hagan, Roy Kight- ley, Gordon Ellis. Q1.-nnnnt`_r.`n:a nnnnh.`--I .` nv Mnrrinnn , Iey, uuruuu nma. _ I Second-Class Honors--Lloyd Morrison, Rae Looker, Bertha Garide, Hilde. Walker, Jean Shear. Elma Henson, Elsie Ellis; `lor- ine Firmzin, Harold Riddell, Ilene Fell and Archie Watt (equal), Eva Logan and Alice Taylor (equal). Marjorie Ambrose. John Lavery and George Trask (equal), Hazen DA nu. isxdg. uer mold muge. - v Pass-Victoria Barnard, Jack Clemmens and W. McKinney -and Jack Osborne (equal), Gordon Pratt and Florence Rainey (equal), Bernice Thompson, Helen Hedger and Margaret Rayner (equal), Jim Miller, Eva Barnard, Claude Sharpe, Alex. Terry, JERSEYCREAM j SODA ( 11" A full-size,fulI?weight,so1id bar gf go._()d,soap `_S`URPRI_SE." /Begtforbanylandall house 0 cause; A. 1:. ELEETHAM R.- J. GALLAGHER A. w. GOODFELLOW /HINDS BROS. `EDG. HUTCHINSON R. L. JAY % R . A. JOHNSTON ALL COUPONS MUST B1: muzsl-:N'r1-:D TO THE GRO cans ON OR Baron: JU LY 30TH NEXT III- _ A BigBar A R,ecommended-*Muriel Watt, Earl Mar- shall, Agnes Reynolds, Frank Doherty, Gr;-.nt.\Moncrieff, Verna Green, Annie Mit-T chell. ` T sn. I TOVJR. II-' IIUIULI J.V1Ul)l'll.|U, _ VV HUG . 11.05511. ` l F irst-Class Honors--Norma Poucher, Wil- ` e uBa.rnard, Hagel Thompson and Georginq 3 Spearn_ (equal), Mabel Williams, Eleqnor 3 Bf'ow,n, Linton Goodchild and Alfred Tomp- kins A(equz_al), John` Simpson; 1 mi 71', ____ r1._.___ 1'\__.._._ _...1 l Heien McBride, W iilie Hagan. DnnnnnwmnnAnr];]`nI-;nl Wu}? Seond-Class VHonors_-dGeor-ge _-Brown aild ` Ethel McQuade and Jimmy Webb (equal), Ruby Drake. Royce Little. * . Dnuu_ .unIann Dnnnknr '|'-Tm-nlrl "Ru-nni-nn I `....... \...1..-._-, ..V.... ..,....r..... IJIU-IVUIIUU LIUIIV/C15, IIIIIICIJLG L7UUlIII. R.ecommended-Dorothy Ferguson, Gor; don North. Winnie Looker, Kenneth Mc- Cabe: ' ' ' ` Efzwfi TO sn. 1- |n.u'U_y uuuxc. uuyuc uwuc. Pass--=~Helene P-oucher, Harold Brunton,` Clarence Danvers, Annetta Scott. `D--......-A...-IAA `Wu-`rd-Lu Wnnnuucnn rlnr. . vavo - `V mlnvu ` First-Class H<.)nors--Le'na Harris, Phyllis: Harvey, M-arion Wisdom, Maurice Park, Bob Semmens. Bertie Hooper, Walter Ter- ry,"`Ella' McCausland. _ _ ,qnnnnA_n`nc MRTV ly, Elll uuuuuuumuu. Second-Class Honors-Gilber-t Lee, Mary McCauslan_d, Tommy Taylor, Lavina Wat-` son, Ndrman Hooper! Laurence Green, Al- ice Barrand, Hazel Hunter. . -~ V I)nm-,,l`1un-an uroann nnnain Gil-nnn :Wal1ace) - we Durruuu, nwwn uuuwn. Pass-George Watson, Bessie Gibson, Clark Appleton, Edna. Greenside, Bertie Milson, Dorothy Webb, M. Gibson, Jack Hurt. -n _____ .....1....| D.............I n......'.....-I W:I_I fluff. . , Recommended-Raymond Barrand, Wil- lie Hogan. ` -.~r--..u\-v nun "fl ~r iaf '13Eii&A1>,y T0 JR. 1- ucw. Aaw-ugqgavo -V -.--- _ ` First-Glass Honors-Kenne1:h Mann, Grace , Walker, Nadine Dollery, -Rosebud Ardell, Bertie Hagan, Chester Lavery, Eric Kettle, Jean Wilson, Hazel Stunden, Lloyd Walker, : Tom Webb, Harold St. Clair, Bessie Mat-I; zhews. . a_,-.._I nu-.. r_r.'........ l1..,....... Dnug, Wu-` EIICWB . Second-Class Honors-George Potts, Ev- elyn Peck, [Marion Spearn, Jimmie Mc- Bride. Irene Sinclair, Stephen Ogden, Francis Bennion. V . . A{ Did You Get~ Your Coupon? % X % HaveIYou Usledlt? % `T. H. JGHNSTON PATRICK KEARNS V I `V H. LITSTER . A. RAYNER JOHN S.. VAIR DALTON WHITE ' J, D. WISDOM & CO. THE BARRIE EXAMINER` lf it hasnft been delivered` yet, it will beibefore this week is _out. Watch for it. It will be just like the one illustrated here, only printed in gree n`. It is worth 10c to you. As soon as you get your coupon (if you haven t it already), take it to your grocer and by paying 5c he will give you a regular 15 package of McCormick s- Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits. 1 | Pass}--Clitord Sinclair. - Recommended-Mary Miller, Earl Hun- ter, Lola Pitchford, Norman Munroe. bBil_l)- Blogg, Gxegg Coulson, Arthur Ferry. JR. PRIMARY T0 SR. PRIMARY-- 's ' "1~9ar;{.'6I;';{'1}oQJrs:.i;ci{ `E1354 `Marshall, Emeirson. Reynolds. i Second-Class. . Honors---Maurice Logan, 'Dinnick Brown, Bessie Baer, Stanley Law- rence, George Greensides. 1-` an up I. 1 u A K 1Ulll, lblllhll L lizllllvlxu Recommended--Lorraine Keitch, True~ {man Anderson. .... ...., T--- . _...___._.__ Pass-Clarence Munroe, Marshall Craw- iford, Edith Plantt. ,,, ,I._I Y __._,r_2.__ Tf-:L_L 7I"_...- ! sr. MARY S SCHOOL yro SENIOR IV-- - V V..---s.a-v First-Class l-I'onors-Wvill Hipkin, Clare Quinlan, Willie Lang. '. qnnrtnrl (`Slum "nnAr__ Tan WIQRAHV |\uuuuu, vv um: uuug. ' Second-Class Honors--- Leo Flaherty, Tony Saso. ; Pass---Lionel Daley. TO JUNIOR IV-- gv vv-u-v-~ .- ! First-CIass '1-Ionqrs-Conat'ance Hinds, Ernest Rivard, Charles Birchard and Jack |DonnelIy (equal). Q.........l,l"l.m ttnnnu-a__ I4`:-ants`: nnlov LIUIIUULIJ \m.]uzur. Second-Class Honors-- Francls Daley, Victor Rivard, Vincent Moran, Fanny Wal- ton, Catherine Byrne. " _ Dana ,.Inn`r r`rnm:lan(` nob T.nntr T(nHn.l U011, uamerme Dyrne. V Pass-Jack Crossland, Basil `Lang, Kth- leen Coady. - _ on:-\ !\I'\\7'ft'\f\ 11*! ;1_`(_)s'13V1~}`I'Z)'1z III-- A First-Class Honors-Walter Stebbings, ,Norman Osborne, Bernard Devlin, Rita i Moore . Q -____InI-_- 1'1'-__-__ l'1:I.L-_4. !V...........L.... Inuur Iqguuuuu. V P|ass-Josephine Cancilla, Leo Byrne, J. `V. Byrne, Marion Scaletta, George Cross- 'land. T LVIIIUIU - Second-Class Honors-Gil`bert Carpenter._ iArth'ur QuinIan_. Du-.. `lnoonlmnn r!.....:Ilo Tan `Run-nn I I-'l;_TIU1*I_I`0R _I_II-.- First-Class Honors-Rita. McVeigh-, Aloy- sius Lang, Agnes Cameron, Anme Clark, John Birchard. Agnes McVeigh, Charles Hinds, M-ary Haskett, Billie `Br-ay, Margar- ea Coady, Annie Sermon. Joseph McDon- ald, Joseph Saso. , _ q....,\..-,Ln1... trmm.-=_.Am-.uin T}~.H-`fault, am, Josepn oaso. .Secon'(_l-Class Honor-s--Alfreda Tliiffaulf, Louis Teresignia. Joseph Hipkin. ' saxinsu-.7 -._-~.-..- _ .. 2.... ,-- ___I____ I Pass---Ch2=1rlesmM:>ore'. George gpanis. TO SENIOR II-Charles Donnelly. TO JUNIOR II- First-Class Honors-- Dorothy Keenqn, Frank Devlin, Cyril Mossi-ngton, Marie De- sburdie, Francis Firth, Madeline Osborne. Clefus Hinds, David Stanley, Alice Lux, Jack Clark, `Rita Crossland, Tony Cancilla, Edgar Carpenter, Florence` Seadon, Cather- ine Rivard, Mary Lang. Dunn, IT.-snnolvk Mnnrn Jnrnnn Mnnrn l me I\.lV`}1l'(1, uuzuy uuug. Pms-Kenneth Moore, James Moore, Mary Desjardi-ne. lIIl`\ 1-at-snvvrx-In -r L v vausvovav A l First-Class Honors--Desmond Keenan, Alfred Crossland, Tom Birchard, George Osborne, Jack Haskett, Catherine Devlin, Frank Bray. Q........A r`,l..-_.a' tl'm-.m-a_Vm-no I `li`m-onnnn, I I.` l'8llK Dfy. Second-Class Honors-Verna TFe1-guson, l Pheobe Seadon. ~ I'\,__ 1.`! ____ -- `I _`I:....-L. l",`mA-an Dnt1IU\AIIA 6"sE'N'i61'ffI_' rneone aeaaon. Paas-Florence Hinds, Gladys Raymond, Frank Desjardine, Teresa Skelly. `The great seal _herd of theVNortb Pacic, under adequate protection, his increased to 600.000. ` Tl... Faun far anmklina in 1-cunn 1'11!-nllch- ounuermany. . . ' Ki1_1 g Ferdinand of R own car. . umania drives his 435:? 1` ouu.uuu. The fever for gambling is raging through- out. Germany. : . M `I I:.... !2`.-Ainnn;-I nf 'I|Imnn3n H1-ivnn his Billy IVIOIICHCII, J. Duu`pm\)u, H10 ;uv-quuuv. A Pa.=s--C. Eldwardf Recmnn1ended-A.`Stevenson. R . Tomp- kins. A. Thompson, H. Hill. .m._m T0 SR, 111-- ,_ ('11-..- T_l'....nun ` Anvn r1uI*::!`A . nlfu Why waste fruit? Sour cherries give finest avor. Stem, pit and thoroughly crush about 2 /2 lbs. fruit. Measure crushed cherries into large kettle and add water. Tie 2 table- _spoonfuls pits in cotton cloth and crush with hammer. Place in kettle with cher- ries. stir till boiling, cover kettle, simmer 15 minutes, then remove pits. Add sugar and mix well. Stir mixture hard and constantly. Bring to vigorous boil over hottest re. Boil hard 1 full minute, continually stirring. Take from re and add Certo, stirrin _it in well. From time jam is taken off re let stand 5 minutes only, by the clock, before pouring. In meantime skim, stir a little to cool slight- ly, then pour quickly. . Douglas Packing Co., Limited, Cobourg Selling Agent: W. G. Patrick 8: Co., Limited, Toronto and Montreal / OH, you only didn t have to boil, boil, boll that fruit to make jams and jellies. You don t- . -just boil the fruit and sugar one minute, not half an hour or more-and add Certo. With Certo you reach the jellying point at once. You save time, fuel, hard work, worry--and most important of aiI--you retain the avor and color that you used to boil away. Thus you -get jelly or jam of a full avor and color never attained the old way. _, __A_ L_A.-L -1 ..... -_ NOVEL Cilchunzxcu uuv vau uv.J. ` Try Certo for your next batch of jam or jelly--any fruit.` `7----- --_-u._ L-.. 3& ' A nnnnvdnfn "\nn`r`nf A, ;eu,y--uu_! 1.Luuu Your grocer has i1:-a complete booklet of recipes with ev_ery bottle. 6 nQ\yvv uc -----_._- v_v ___ Cherry Jgrir; 4 level cups (2 lbs.) Pitted and Crushed (`Sham-inc M r-nn Water. `i IBVCI Clalp [4 lllo) J. lbbcu anu \ Cherries. `A. cup Water. 8 leveled cups (3% lbs.) Sugar. 1 bottle (scant cup) Certo. T - How to make delicious McCormick s Jersey Cream Sodas with milk _ form a perfectly balanced food. LBARRIES DILIGENT SCH00_l:__HlLDREN

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