Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1922, p. 5

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III VVIULI I-KID PDlULllo _A1vin_ Cr-awford of Tomato moboreaaup for the holiday. KILLYLEAGH new/ac}: are mad! alkfml ; no man [ad ma % . %...:...a a/0 zzmgazmmzm/.,/m../WW}. .%a//I--6(e ama/ mod! ingwtlanl lo and `gym memo! `Man come wa Medal o?a3r you/r //W Page Fiv money` V60] cake . .l..___ July 3.-Mrs. John Brooks and family motored from Toronto to this village on Saturday last. . Both churches were. well attended Sun vday.. Rev. S. Martin of Hawkestone preached in the Methodist Church and will continue to do so according to presen_t ar- - rangements. ` Don P. Jnlwncknn nf n5knWn f.l{P. aunouy. Mr. and Mrs.` World of Toronto spent` `Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rose. . was `Du!-In nmnkall 41` Midland in hnme 101' N18 ROIIGEYS. . _ D/rs Caldwll of Toronto is spending her holidays withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. `G. W. Caldwll. `r! 7: 11.11. ._'..I't......':l..`L .... ....o...-n...-I on rangemenus. Rev. B. Johnston of Ottawa will take the service in the Anglican Church next `Sunday. tamer, Aureu rauc. The village is pretty well lled up with the regular summer residents and a num- "bar of cthersbesides. II. .....I `ll... Affom-I '|'.I'nHkA-0 bvvanf gun-- any m uanaale. Rev. Henry Berry called i n the Villhg~ tment $%%im%%*&%&$i&*$&* I SHANTY BAY H ['1 '4 `% LEFROY `J . W. UHIQWCI . ' E. R. Palk nd 'family have returned to Toronto after a couple of weeks with his father, Alfred Palk. NIL- __HI.._.. ... -uustbuo nun" `:`lnr` IIVI 111:4-`I last WCEK. Grand organ recifal and concert. open- ing new pipe organ, St. Andrew s Church. Barrie, Fridwy. July 7, at 8.15 p.m. &*&&%aw&&&w%%&**&$%a*&: ~53 NEWS mom NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS -3;` Dunuuy wwu Lul`. uuu Luxa. uuuu xumu. Miss Ruth Campbell of Midland is home `for tfhe holiday . ` 113.... f`n'IJc-nkll 1-{C ""1-unnnfn :5 anAntna `Def 0! CUIGTS DESIUCH. Mr. and Mrs. Affred Hubtbert `spent Sun- day in Allandale. _ ' D-.. `L'l'n-u-u Ilia:-I-u nqnnr` In {Jun Ilu* A large number of friends and neighbors gathered at thehome of Mr. and'Mrs. Thos. Wallwin last Wednesday evening to tender a farewell_ to Mr. `and Mrs. Wallwin. Sr., and a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. John Wall- win.ewho are remaining on the-homestead. Mr. and M13. W-allwin were presented with a handsome cut-glass fruit service and 8. suitable address, while to the young `people was given a miscellaneousishower. A very delightful evening was. spent with music and games and a short impromptu program. Refreshments consisting of cake and ice cream were served "by the ladies. The par. 4... L...'.1... ..... no (2 Ian; lmnr nvm-vnnn ox. cream were serveu uy uuc uuuca. um yuut ty brake up at a late hour, everyone ex- pressing the kindest of good wishes both `for Mr. and Mrs. Wzillwin who are moving to Barrie and for the young people/who are remaining on the farm. Subscribe to The Barrie Examiner and get all the news. 82.00 a year. . PARIRIDGE as G.-_R0Y! 'UlIlU|.l Ulll\V~ ran .a damp the cake will T We have a large list of town pro- perties, vacant lots, market Vggrdensg lake -shore ' property, and farms to offer at very `attractive prices. Houses from $800 up, easy temgs. Vacant lots from $300 up. , ` Ma_rket gardens from,$2000 up. Farms from\$25V00 up; any loca- tion you desire,` on very easy terms. We also have a` _xgumber' of lovely summer homes, nice locations. xv- ..._.u..... '..I....I. .....-. umn+ in I-Jun rear estate me, we nave u.. A ca1l_wilI be a pleasu're.to us and I prot to you. ,` - ' ` Office. 46 `Bayeld St.,V Ba`!-tie , Phone office 861, Residence BMW? P.0. Box 1011_ summer 11011188, 11106 lucuuuua. No matter what you want in the % rear estate line, we have it. A ....'n ...:n 1... .. ..I.....-um in nu null sEvENi'HT,mE, VESPRA PREMISES, .FLO \y ER BEDS, wmnow Boxlgis Sec. 1.--Best Kept'.Premises._ For property with atuassessment of $1200 . or Lunder. In this class the whole premises is considered; lawns,.back yards,` gardenyetc. Neatness and general effect to count 60 per ceht. , ' * * . ` m, $3'.00;_2nd,' $2.00"; 3.-a,` s'1.oo~ ` 2.-Bect Kept Premises. `For property with and assesmnt of over. $120O and `up to $2400. Same conditions as in Section 1. _i 0 lat, $3.00; Zrud, $2.00; 3rd, $1.00 I 3.-Flower ..B' Single*o\'>ver bed exposed to public view, not exceeding 100 square feet. , M 0 1 . lit, $3.00; 2nd,` $2.00; 3rd, $1.00 ` . 4.--V-Window iBoxea. lat, $3.00; 2nd,`$2.00; 3 :-d, $1.00 Entries were to be in by June 12th, but as none are in; fiine is ex- tended to July 15th. " - N THE FISH-ER FLOUR A. W. TSMITH, President. Down to Pre-War Level G6ld'Meda1, sack $4.00/. V Star, per sack .... $3.90` White Flake, $3.70 In the AFL0_UR PR4lCES Thurday, July. 6,\:1922 Every bag of the very best quality. Our mill is running stronger than ever. Every month we are gaining ground in the face of the strongest opposition. Buy Fisher Flour `and keep your money circulat- ing in Barrie. ` Ask your grocer or phone our Retail Department. Wepay the highest price For wheat ' Horticultural Sociexty mfieal Es?a1!t-e`.Kg'eEs_' ldll, Ill/III_l 0 I 343313. ' 0N1`. CLASS H. ...___ ....-- July 4.--Mrs. Will Reid and son are in Fort Williamwith henhdsband for a while. The union Sunday School picnic will be held on July 13 at Killarney Beach. T ":55 unrn:ann A: 'r'n-Inn`-A :a`1v:a:l':v-In Healthy zulu KYLIE. D0500] 1VLUULUo Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Mc-Cullough of Barrie were at R. J. Stewart's over Sunday. .`* Iluu I` if I/fnn\Tnvnopn ant` A-luiunikfnr UUIKI (Ill July 10 5|. IXIILGIIICJ ucnuu. . Miss Harrison of Toronto is visiting her cousin, Mia Douse.- ' ` ~ Mrs`. Long is visiting at Minesing. Charles Moore of Sault Ste. Marie spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and `Mrs. Boatty Moore. V Mun. our! Mpg Wvn `|.I ,.r!..lI.-.m.l-. A` `R-urv-in IWUTC Z1-L n.. d_. AUDUVVBID B UVUI Duuuay. Mrs. F. W. MacNamara and daughter. and Miss Louise MacNamara, of Manistique. Mich.. are at Wm. Allan's. ~n-__ -n_`_u.__ 1...- L--- I..:J .... 2-.. .. .;.... -PIC UK WCCKH WII/ll 1`uuuu1u.uau1. "Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coultr arid their two sons are visiting at W. Chapin's. "n`Iv:n man A` Tnnnnfn tuna I-nnrnn AIIAF laV\'_U BUHE HIE Vlllallls ab VV. uuuuul Do -` Melvin King of Toronto was home over, the holiday. T |1:..... u-:.._...n Ln 1:..- 1.--, 1...... :. D.'....l one noun:-u,y . Miss Hipwell left for her` home in Bend Head last week and does not intend to re- ' sume teaching in the school here, having resigned. I mun Trlils Mnunllnvnak nltfnnpt` fkn l'XIUIIu. U-[CA HI; '7 III. IIIIUII G. V ' Roy Beatty has been laid up for a:cou- .p1 of weeks with rheumatism, 1 "Ila nnrl Mann Tnannk (`.nnN*nr DNA ~\n;I- LVICEIIOCIISU \JIlU'I'Ull@b 1]. (1.111. P. Kennedy, examiner -for the. C0114:-gel of Music.` Toronto, held an examination- of Mrs. -Adams pupils at her home on Tuesday. July 4.. M - . Vlum mm. m:n:a+m- `Mr 4hammnnn wvnc summer xscuuux Hvla Uuzuruu Duauu. Miss Al=ce Smith of Torontojs ppendmg two weeks with her meters here; nn_- n:-u__.I:-.. 117 Inc: ......a. .... 'I'\.......l.... `House, Lake Simcoe. will take_ charge of July 0. Miss Sylvia Barry. nurse-in-training at Orillia Hospital. was home on Saturday. (From Another Co}-respondent) A I The Girl Guides of Erskine -Presbyterian Church, ~wh0 are eummering at Holiday] the musicgl -part of the service_in the. Methodist Churchqit _l1 a.m. Y ----L ' bun Hun nlunnnn up to Luesuuy. atuy -2., _ _ The new minister, Mr. Stevenson. was! in charge of the services in the Methodist` Church on` Sunday and made a very good` impression. . I ._ ` Mm .onA Mn: Wnrurnv Jnntis nf (`.hn.Hhnm . are VISIT-`UK "'lC!`(l 116111. -A Mus. N-lchol of Toronto visited her mo-_ ther, Mrs. Nmh Grose, for afw days. 11;- x1....L t'1........ :- .'.:a:+:n.;"l-.an Amm-I-ml-or alter spanning 11 uuupn: u: wanna In uuuu; . I Grand or~ganreci+a,1 and concert. open-! ling new pipe organ, St.3Andrew s Church, i `Barrie, iday, July 7, at 8.15.p.m. Eli we 1101118 U1 WITH. 11. Vvuyu-:. `On account of the rain on Saturdaythe U.F.O. picnic is postponed until Saturday, JuTy 8. 1115.. Q1r`Ir:n nnwrir nnnan_:n_l-,1-nininu at Impression. Mr. -and Mrs. Harvey Jones of Chatham` are visitimz frievds here. A ' `-. `|n,,_ \?2_L_I _ 'I!....'....a... ..l..:4...'l Inn... 'vnn- 5118! , MYS. NO-ll UHISQ, I01` u.u=w uuya. Mrs. Nqah Grose is visi+ing`her daughter, Mrs. Baldwin Bailey, North" Bay. III... -t1`..:.... .-.9 Tnwnnfn Boa 1-ntnrnnr` Hnmn UWU WEEKS Wlbll HUI VSIBIJCIE .Ul7lCo' ,- The Methodist W.M.S-. met `on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. H. Whyte. ' nnnnn u.-.5 A` OLA IIn:v\ An Qonl-Au`! I-Ho Mrs. naurwxn DI-uley, 1VDl`l:ll nay. Mrs.` Giier of Toronto has returnod home` after apending a couple of weeks in Lefroy. l flu-nn:`>ru-non I\KIl|;+` ant` nnnnnrt, ODE-`I July-`4.-Miss_ Edythe Robinson spout the` week-end with Mrs. Lorne Davidson. E M 'n.1:-L_I__ -1.` f!V..........L.. 2.. ..nn.ul3nn n Ttlgllllo Miss Edith McCullough attended the summer school at Orchard Beach. 112,. n:-- m.._:u_ '-1.- m........;... :. ......._..I:...... heihfor WCBK-BIN! wuu Mrs. uuruu uuvnunuu. I Roy Nicholas of Toronto is spending a. `few days at B. Greemides . i n......1... Q...-\++ nf I-Tilnifnvinn is visiting: 18W uuya an D. L1l'UCl.|\l|Jl'D - Douglas Scott of Huntsville is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Davdison. I\__SL_ _ __..._.L-.. 2..-... 1.-.... -..u.....A.A Hm. I Mr. and `Mrs. L. uuvumuu. ' Quite -a number from here `attended the. garden party at `the Townline Presbyterian; Church on Wednday evening. (From Another Correspondent) The people of S. S. No. 2, Innisl; at- itended a very interesting meeting at Beth- `esda church on Friday, June 30, when Mrs. L. L. Davidson gave 9. report of the, convention of the O. E. A. held at Toronto last April, to which she was sent, as a dele- | gate by the trustees. It was not conven-r ient to have the report earlier, but it was none the less interesting and instructive for the delay. Mrs. Davidson gave her report in -O`\u-an 4-li\riainna- wiht, vn general idea; `the delay. Mrs. uuviusun gave um August: In three divisions:. First, -a general idea i [of the convention, of the spirit of it and i. }the crowds of men and women there, en- , gthusiastic to discuss school problems. Se- ldresses, especially those touching on rural lproblems. Third, the resolutions `made and (discussed. There "were gforty-eight delegates itheree from Simcoe. the largest represent- ation. The key of the whole convention ,lay in a -few words ue of "the speakers: *There never was a time` in the history of education` when there was such revolution ~ and change in education, in- an effort to overcome problems regarding children's ed- ucation." `and the interest shown by all people is most encouraging. Some `of the `most. striking addresses dealt with were: Consolidated Schools," a type of which wasdescribed by Mr. Hutchinson, who had] visited one in Wisconsin; Rural Science," I by Professor Reynolds of "QJAICO; and: Child -Training.", by Miss Alma Benzel,' who aptly described how a child might be trained to` become a model of childhood,` but also how parents and teachers should] be trained to do this training. which is the I thing most needed. Since Mrs. Davidson} |hu been a teacher, she could -make very` u clear _the feeling that, inmany cases, exists '. between the teacherland the. parents , and` trustees. She said this could easily be re-_ mediedif parents and trustees would cease to expect. so much of a teacher. looking for her to do impossible things, at the same time admitting their own inability to do ycond, a synopsis of the most striking .ad- ` T. Ru 0! WOKSIDWH WEB PIWUIIII and gave a short address on` educational changes and problems to'be faced. At~-the `close of this, some discussion took place concerning some points of the report and _-..... .: Mm uuanlntinna mad, concerning SOIIII; puluta U1 vu T some of ne resolutions read. 'i'. T. YOLJNG, Secy.-Treiun-er Rand m `Examiner, Adlet Golumm BETHESDA IIIWIIUB UIUUHU 11515. ~ '~ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uncles and family. ofj Bradford spent Sunday with his brother,` Elmer Uncles. L. . ' l |l:__ n_:j.n_' -2 rr_#_I_,vA._,, _ 2, ,, s_e.- , , '1, _ u.I.uuu.u_y . Charles Bell}: the `S00 is home for the holidays. ` ta Tknvnnnnn -A` (`Hanna :5 ur:a:6:n:- `inu- ms. L."i.;i;h -3.1:-d-'-1'l;.1:g;t::l," 0live,of H-awkcstone and Miss E. T. Bagshaw of Westminster Hospital, London, spent a day wi. h Mrs{ A. Mc-Minn last week. `I __ll. `I'I:-_:_l- '_ II'I-_-...;_ 1- __'_:41,_ ___2AL III.-u Alllo I1: LVIULILIHII JED W655- Leslie Kissick [of Torqqto is visiting with frieiids around here. ` ; it. .....| 11-- n-- rr_-I._ .__1 :_._.:u__ -: of. Hawkestol is visitingixer sisfer, - rs. Royv Kirkpatrick. ning n nuvnhnil offnnanr` C-I-In n:nn;n [In ElllI_l, nus. nuyv xurnpuulun. Quite a number attended the picnic on Mondisy. - Lorin: A` hn Q4-um :5 `Inhnn `nun $1.4` Blll 9 ULIH. IlUJ.LIU ZUIUIII ULIUI n Quite a.__.numb'er of the summervisitors have arrived for their holidays. T ' uuuunya. - Mrs. Thompson of Orillia is visiting her simr, Mrs. James McArthur. ` n..:o.. .. .........L'.._ .: 41... ..............-...:...`4..... Exninor advts. 3 ne business tonic. -039 STATWPN. nager. fTHIfZ~.BARRlE `EXAMINER .- ~ V "Ju1`y'4..-Misse s Reba Mayes and Eileen `King wroteetheir Entrance exams. last week in Cookstown. Ill... LY:_- S____,.I. S, , ,, ',I'., 7- I V V ll \JUUl\lrUVVL|o Miss Nina Sample is spending. two Week: with her brother in New Ontario. -. H "S.`idney-Goddard of spent Sun-A~ `day with friends here. ills-a I . Ilnllnabn-:- ....L2.... L`..- ..:..'A;..- -uu vvluu Auouua ucxc. V ' ' Mrs. J. McMaste1-`is visiting her sister, Mrs. Scott Sharpe. ' II :._ (3, 1' 111 I D In . . -.- _ _.___r-. T -Liiso:"SVadie Woncb of Toronto was`sL.wit he`r pxirents over the holiday. ' I II 11- III _-_ ._.-_. -_- ----.-J u I M1`-V. am; H. Ness of `Toronto are holidnyingjt W. Wonch e. . -In! pin 33;; 'i{fu}I1 s1;a.:g..;`.;{ Toi~onto* is on an extendd visit with her" parents, Mr. an Mrs. W. Sharpe. ` Dim". 11..."... Al `D..n.ln-A .-.u...L Q....A...- All-AB: `V g Uucupc. Elmer Mayes of Bradford spent Sunday last with his parents. ` M ` A`11;\-| (`J-any`:-u-A A: rpnnnnfn vnn51unA:\'_nn nto

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