Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1922, p. 13

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Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bryson, Miss Muriel Bryson and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lennox motored -to St. Marys and Btratford over the 1 holiday. the former Avisiting at Mr. Ready s and the latter at J. Piggott s. ::_ ___.l.Il .__ In In I 1....1..... ..._.l :.....:l..| `D0116! IFIGXIUU 1!! Dub` VV $0. I Mrs. Shambrook and little son Jack of `Weston -and Miss Doris Thomoson of Tor- onto visited their mother, Mrs. E. H. Thompson, over the holiday. "as Au-nnaunnu `x (IA!-Ann ant` mac` UB~l'.l' an ureemure 121.50 Luurauuy. _Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sarjeant. Miss Olive and Gordon Sarjeant motored to Burford oh Dominion Day .to_ visit Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Sarjeant. returning on Monday. `I I It,,,, lIL__.L *n_____'__ 111.. '|l'..._`..I parents In Dnyumu Db. T Miss E. A. Ellis of The Examiner staff left on Tuesday night to spend two months fwith her brothers in Lockwood, Sask., and `other friends in the West. I u-__ m____o__--u- _...1 1:u.I.. _..._ 1....1. .: Lliluulpaun, uvvr uuc uuuuuy. Mrs. Armstrong, Miss Gordon and Miss Parkfattended the convention of the Bap- tist churches of -the Collingwood Associa- tion. held in Midland recently. `ELI ' A-o..-`-A-us an Quail-R an!` r Mot! 121011, 11810 In m1uw.I1u`recuuuy. ' Ed." Armstrong, Geo. Smith and Mr. May were the delegates appointed by the Bap- tist Church to attend the ordination of Mr. Car: at Creemore last Thursday. If.` .\..;I .`ll.... A T unuindnf IJIUUIX, IJIS DUV IUUIL. _` Miss Mary Banting, accompanied by her sister.-Miss Emily Bunting, has returned to `Toronto after" a fortnig13t's visit with her parents in Bayeld St. *' mac 1;`. A F`.;u AF Thu mvnminnr aka 3 I I an Jouette, Quebec. rs. I. B. Edwards. who has been ill `for several weeks. is now staying at the Waummcr home of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. W. Black, Big Bav Point. - mac Marty `llunnnr .unnnmnonnA I-xv 1-star Mrs. J. W. Snell qf Winnipeg, who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. White, returned to her home on Tues- day. -June 27. I nu..- 1/1-1 ...... .....:' 1ur:..... A'n....._,i ..i: run... uaieufcfn and Miss Allward of Tor- onto were with Miss Frankie Warren for the holiday. Mrs. Allward returning to the city with them. V 1 1xn.:...cn...: Ii` nmm .....: 15:5. ml nu! . uuruuu nnelly. Grant, Billie llan. 8....-- _-- - ... "IUI - IAIJU YVUUl\'Cl|U. . Mrs. John Gordon,` "accompanied by her daughter, Miss Carmen, left on Saturday via the St. Lawrence" for an extended visit in Joliette, Quebec. ue: T D w.f`il7nFAO Klik 1-and `noon U09 Miss` Margare.` Megrshlall. -R.N.. of the. Women s College Hospital` staff, Toronto, i: spendjnga month s vacation at her home` :n I-nvun -. . .-.-..-....., ._-..a .........u. --on `-L-I'ayjor an:i' Horace Lawson of King- ston. and their dgmghter Audrey, are the guests of Judge and Mrs. Wismer, 16 Blake ` ' I II':__ It _ _ _ _ _ _. `Il'_,_L,II 1111- n .1 . us uunulucuzc, was In wwu uuus WEEK. Mrs. Randall and ittle daughter Kath- leen have xjeturned to Toronto after a. three weeks vioit with Mr. `-and Mrs. J. M. Ness. II ... n 1 n..n_..1.__ l-h. .1_:_ ___--u_ -_.l ulna. n. u. uau'u:_y uuu ubuur xnenus. U F_ra.nk Cross of Amherst, N .S., formerly manager of the local branch of the Bank of Commerce, was in town this week. Mun `Dan.-Inll and ninth. A......l.L..- `|`!..LI.. 'f `I'M:-Q. `RT JL'.';;;11;g;;;'1.;;`1i,i;` {51}":"J' a month's holiday with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr) 1 . A. Williams, Long Island. N.Y. 1t_:-_ _,,,1 in _,,, n 1-- uuaeua 1.` cu) , 111 upu: A VB . Judge Walsh of Calgary is 21; Simcoe Hall I visiting Mrs. Walsh, who has been a pa.-' tient there for some time. .1`) I n n n..L-_._-_ .1! mm, ucuu I/UUIC IUI amue bllll. D. G. Robertson. B.A., of Toronto. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson, 13 Worsley St. MIC` Duubk.-.l.-I..- A` KT...-~ T:..1-...\..J ..._J . no .auu, Lu vvutialcy Oh. I miirgl Burkholder of New` Liskeard and Mrs; Robt. Moore of Hamilton are visiting Mrs. A. B. Carley and other` friends. WI-only nu-nae: AC -.Av-nknu-at N! G `nvwv\AlI`1l M19. and Mrs. G. G. Harper of Toronto spent the weekend. with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutclie, Mary St. V M!-E II:Il n`:-cpl I... Y'|......LL-- 11--3+ -5 an .I.uuuwuu lust WEEK. ' AMI". and Mrs. H. J. Heath fad little son came up from Toronto on Thursday last| for the summer months. ! l`......I. A......u -1: n.1_____ ,.--,,. n, - - | uqgunca ruuulu, Uwell 06. Miss Lizzie Ferry of the K. & W. Hos- nital, -Kitchener, is visiting her sisters, the Misses Ferry, Maple Ave. JIIAHA Wain`: n` (`aim-n-up` :9. AL Q:....-.... 'l`_f-II xruvyuuc, uuuy Dlr. Mrs. Muir rind Miss` Dorothy Muir of Phelpston spent Thursday with Mrs. Ann`- strong, Elizabeth St. .\ Dnu h. `D....4.L _c n___L1, r.Ln nu uuc uuuuuer monms. ` Frank Arnold of Oshawa spent Dominion Day with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold, Owen St; 1.;-zrzin worry: :1` 61"` `IT 3- TIT ll ..- auuJgI5, uxlanuctll Db. A Rev. Dr. Booth of _Burk $ mils was among. his many friends in town for a. cou-, ple of daysthis week. 7 . I M: on}! Mr... `DA A......;.._ ._ -..J -L:u I pic u; L:ags.ouw ween. , I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Armstrong and child- ren visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Henry at Thornton last week. 4 II . .._..I ll... 71* 7 71-, .1 / 1 II..1 Braund s Drug Store <;A!3!>s We consider it a pleasure to show ..I OUR ASSORTMENT OF BATHING GAPS DELIGHTS ALI_. WHO SEE .THEM. ; THEY ARE or 3:51 QUALITY [RUBBER - IN ALL. COLORS - ALL FRESH STOCK - PRICES To sum ALL, ` RANGING FROM "2I" `cs 32, 00. $4.00 `BATHING CAPS 25 cents to 56 ELIZABETH s'r. - TI-IEBARRIE EXAMINER fo I ; ll. 'I)lTUWll, I1llI'l'y, LUHDUI. an Gladys motored to Erin last week and spent a. few days with Leslie Brown, who is in business there, and Mrs. Stanley Napier, Miss Jean Napier and Mines Gladys and Evelyn Co- Iann-'n -ll` Tntfnnhnm anon} lthn urnnlmnnrl af- \Jo IJIBIJUQJ Do V mllr. and LE-a. Allan Houden, John Honu-` den and Robert Ritchiemotored from Tor- onto and spent the weekend ronewing ac- quaintance here. T I W nniv inn`! 1: fnvnlr-Jnnr` AF Hanan- IllIll|IIl.IUU acne. -1:. H. Henry book a truk-load of house- hold eecte to Toronto on -Monday. "'.i'f"1"." i$`e'Z.Tf'nis.W a'i1"iIa"T1-`iii -I;`.,' Mm. -Harrington and Miss Lillian Lawson spent the week-end at Brantford and Port Dover. Dr. and Mrs. __Harold Scott of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. McLean and child- ren'of Toronto spent. the holiday ,at James um . . uuy U1 IIUIG WUUR. ~ Mr. Miller, former principal of the public school here, was in town renewing old ac- quaintance last week. `In: (`Log Q4-non";-I nut` burn :J\;lr`vnn- nf |sfIL uuu ULXB. V7. IX. 1\al|/1JL|lUo _ Mr. and -M1-s.~Thos. Spx-ing,.Mrs. J. A. Spring and Elmer1Spring of Tomato spent the week-end at -A. E. Spring s. _ Al..- n...... ..c n......1.....: 1...: s.:., 1.... :.....1., IJUU WUUl\'UUU 3|! Tl: l'J. `DIJIIIJE H: Alex. Carr of Crossland had_ his leg brok- | en while playing football recently. He was talgen to the R. V. Hospital, Bavrie. `D 11...... `M ... 1173112.. "I"u-nu. `M ... K11 lllllllll . Mr. and `Mrs. Angus and Miss bve Wat- son of Toronto spent the holiday at Alfred |Frgnch's. . ' ' I\:_1_!_--_ _.LZI- .:.l2_... - 1.--..- . `(z:l:l;1l'gu; Dickinson, while ridilxg a horse,E fell o and broke his collar bone, Monday of last week. rm_- 1Ir___I:m- nL.._-L 5.--)--- n-i.--I `L.I.`I . U1 lllb VVCI.'l\u The Wyclie Church Sunday School heldi their picnic to Wasaga. Beach on Wednes- day of this week. ' ' I cu M:no `Av-vnnr nu-:nn:nn' A` {Jan v\n}\"'|n KIUHIUUULIUU 11150 WCUl\o Mrs. Chas. Stroud and two children` of Espanola are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ritchie. .~u__ __.I ll ... rm.-- a.___-_ .. u'__ 1' A V .... .- . -.....,.,_. -_..-_, ....-_- ....., , . --`, Missvi. 'Downey, who has been teaching. school at New Liskeard, is home_ for the holidays.` ~ In-.. '(\l:un .`M ..hm-m}-.H- -nkn kn: `soon "i,'1`:.i;d, Mrs. A. D. Archibald and baby are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Graham. nu. ___n an... A__.._ ....I u':__ `nu--- 117}; ouuuucl UULIIPC Ill LUIU|lllUu Miss Isabel Anderson of Rocansville. Sask.', returned home this week. `-l\I lI1'\fIfl A v\lq`|l\'I! :3 D ` l\I\I"\1l) t3l1l\u, IUIJLIIHCU. LIUILIU 01115 WUl\o Cleveland Andrew is spending acouple; of weeks with relatives in Toronto. I'\.__._ ._ Il ___.I_-_ Y_..__ (ID 1 J.-"K_A Sheldon ( hon- rs) Gordon EMU LTLIVB. IVUUCIU 1\4lI}ULllU, `G uauguun. T. Lorne Campbell, who has been work: I ing in Cornwall, returned home; Tuesday. James Coe of Calgary is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Coe, Sr., on the tenth line: 7 Miss A. Hillof Milton is spending `a. raw} days with Mrs. Anderson at Wasaga Beach. Miss Susie Dickinson of Toronto spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs. Farney. The Presbyterian Guild held their annual picnic to Wasaga Beach, Saturday, July I. __,L_ L." L.-_ 1.-__L2_4 1) rs, ,, uuuun_y_:. V Miss Olive McDermott, who has been teaching at Shanty Bay, is home for the holidays. Mr any-I Mr: A n A1-1-Hxnlri and hqhv [lug ll'.l|'_JllU lll l.llH.lLVl1lC Miss A. Train left this week to take all [summer course in Toronto. Il :,_ 1'__L_I A...I-__..__. -3 `I'I.._-__..2II_ l.'UlUl.lbUo I ] A Mix LillieyFrench 1s vlsitmg fnends ml |Toronto. . I1` I` Y __,_._ _t 11____2- -.___L LL- 1_-I:.I___ U1 WUCRS WEI/U IULHIJIV ILI LIJIULII/Uo Born, on Monday, June 26, 1922, to Mr; and Mrs. Robert Ritchie, `a daughter. '1'` T1-an l`nv~nn'kn as: `soon nlnu-Ii; Miss Helen Adams is visiting friends in Toronto. `IRZ_'._ Y2lIi_ Y'.L.___,L 2.. llU\`ll(lll.IlllI.lIC~U Ill lIUVVl.lo _ Miss Mildred Henry of Thornton is visit- ing friends in Elmvale. T M355 A "I".-hi.` lo!-'+ I-Lia umnlr 4-n J-nlrn 0 Crop l-lroslpeclte Good l l L The rain of Saturday, although it dis- appointed a good many people who had` planned to spend the holiday out of town. did 21 world of good to the crops and also the gardens. Hay is rather: light as a rule but -wheat never looked much better than it does this year and the spring crops`-arei coming along fast now. . ' I L U1 UL] MU o F. C. Lower of Barrie spentlthe holidayg at R. M. Black s. I n1:____V II_I`lY_LL____ _1- ~r\_L_ n___ :_ __:_:.:_,l uh .l\4. 1Vlo .lJ lCIUl \. Do I Oliver1McWatters of Echo Bay is visiting 1 [at J. H. Mc.Wa-tters . n_I___; 1r_L,,. -1` o.__1L..`___ :_ _____A-.:_._ _1_I t, Jack Stew- Ebert Banner- cannon I\. . _ _ _ _- GI! 11. Ll. LILUIVV '|A|/UIB Robert Usher of Sudbury is renewing old acquaintance in town. Illm CIA-"A `lJ'.-nu-u AC "I"knu-:34:-.n :5 Suit, Decoratioii Day Observed One of the largest crowds ever seen in L -the Elmvale cemetery. gathered there on Sunday afternoon to wi`ness for theirst time the ceremony of the decoration of glgraves by the local lodges of I.0.0.F. and e! Rebekahs and the Great War `Veterans of ._ the village. The members of the three so- cieties formed up in front of the lodge rooms at 3.4,5Vp.m. and marched to the cemetery. headed by the Kiltie Band of , Collingwood. composed of 23 pieces. The War Veterans followed the hand, then the visiting -brethren of the Odd Fellows, the local lodge and the Rebekahs, forming a procession with over one hundred and thirty members in `it. A short programmewas carried out at the cemetery, including hymns. led -by the band, which were ren-. dered beautifully. After the dierent graves had been decorated, short speeches were de- livered by Rev. R. M.` Hanna, chaplain of the local lodge; Grand Master T. A. Sharpe of Midland and Mayor Holden of Collimrwood. Reference was made by. the chaplain to thetwo Odd Fellow graves that could not be decorated on account of dis- tance. these being ,Bro. Walter Middleton who was `buried on the elds of. Flanders` and Bro. Kerr who died enroute to Eng-` land and was buried at sea. A large num- ; ber` of visiting Odd Fellows were present; from Midland. Penetang. Collingwood. Stayner and Allisfon. The music rendered. by the -band was, of a high order and was 4 greatly enjoyed by the large assembly. I . llllilllll-`I lklucuo _ The many beautiful owers which cover- ed the white casket indicated how much ~:=he was loved by all vwhoiknew her. Little Margaret will be greatly missed in the home as she was such a bright, healthy child and of. a very "kind disposition. 7 '1'}-in `llnnrnl nnwIy:nn ".3" L- l..\l.l -4 LL- nuu U1-a vc1_y xuuu umpuauuuu. _ The funeral service will be held at the house on Thursday,AJuly 6, at 2 p.m., con- ducted by Rev. R. M. Hanna, interment in Elmvale cemetery. The sincere sympathy of the. community is extended to the be- reaved "parents and friends. On Monday afternoon of this week a very sad accident occurred at the home of Mr, `I and Mrs. Richard Anderson. eighth line, when their only daughter, Margaret Isabel. was killed. The accident happened-in the eld in front of the house. As the hired man had the team and wagon rd was pick~ ing up stone, little Margaret, who was just five years and ten months old, by some un- known meansiell under thewagon. The wheel passed over her head, crushing it ter- ribly. She whs rushed -to the house and Drs. Corcoran and Tyrer of Elmvale and Dr. Lewis of Barrie were summoned and all `was done that was \possible, but `she was beyond human` aid and passed away at 11.15 'p.m. It is estimated that the wagon with its load of stone weighed over 1000 lbs. and it is marvellous thatth child was not I instantly killed. ' Th. .....e..... k......L::..I a.......... ...L:..L -..-..... J; L. 'Brown, Harry; Isabel and 1'11:-lira vrunl-Avon` `II I laaf tuna`: and satin` EDAUGHTER OF lCHARD ANHDERSON FATALLY CRUSHED UNDER WAGON -uuo--u nilailll * Frank C. Bishop, Representative &%mmmmmmmmmmmmm L Frank 0. Bishop, Representative PX? yui staph.` foot. Rec.- %&m&%&&&$a&&$mg VI auu '11]-Iii \IllHJ Gull IEJVCIJII \J\" . of "I..`otenham spent the week-end at "H32. `in... Stroud Athletic Association is p1an- 5 ning 'an eventful'eld day in connecpl `tion with the: official opening of Stroud Community Park, August 7th,! [1922. Full particulars" later. 26-27c I . That Rebecca Phillips, spinster, 65 years, came to her death from natural causes, was the verdict following Coroner Dr. Corcoran s inquest into her death held at Wyevale, June 28. ' Miss Phillips, who had lived alone on the sixth concession, Tiny, for years, doing her own milking and farm chores .was.found dead. in the barn- "yard, June 22, with two `upset pails beside her. There was a cut on her forehead and one hand was broken-.. It `developed at the inquest that a critter in the .yard had stepped on- Miss Phillips hand causing the break. EJ. R. Cotter, K.C., was present at the ginquest in the interest of the Crown. I E U--- __-_...., ..-u.unvnu-,.vuno WCCA. A big improvement has been made to the foot-bridge which spans the Wye River at the west end of the village. The walk has been levelled and the rgailing given a coat of paint. I! I ~' ' ` `-` r A l The regular meeting of the Elmvale Wo- ' men's Institute will be held on Thursday, July 13, at the home of Mrs. E. R. Mont- gomery. The Hygiene of Cheerfulness" will be discu$ed._ All the ladies of the community are invited to attend this meet- mg. - X Henry intendst moving to Toronto some timein the future. Langman Lawson, who has been teaching a Thornloe, and Miss Ella Lawson, teacher . a Cha-pleau, are spending the holidays un-] der the parental roof. / I `.57 r. I .1 a-. uuaa mmuuem 1110111801) and Miss Isabel Campbell are attending Epworth League summer school, which is being held at El-l gin House, Muskoka, this week. A L1- :___,,, - ` ' TINY WOMAN'S DEATH PROBED The Management aye hiding Five Children's Tickets in windows of Five Different Business places on Dunlap` Street on Friday morning, July 7th. The child who nds these tickets will receive one l?_REE._.j Only one ticket to each successful nder. Adults", $2.50 Children, $1.25 `War Tax ' T. T. Young," A`. F. A. Malcomson,`W. R. King, Frank H. Hurl- burt,.Ed. Shear, A. W.,,Goodfellow, A. `H. Goodall, C. M. Hickling, Miss M. McLennan, Harold Hunter, Wm. Freek, H. Evans, J. H. Knapp, Rev. W._ ' ,. -Watt, A. H. Wice, Jas. McMartin, Fred Sarjeant, Sam Maley, W. . How, Dr. Turnbull, Dr. W. Richardson, Dr. L. J. Simpson, Mrs. Edwin Longman, Walter Sarjeant, H. A. Sims, C. R. Brownlee, J. D. Wisdom, W. L. Russell (Midhurst), W. J. Walker, Ed:'Wilson (-Anten Millsf, T. D. Brown, Dr. J. Dunn, R. Robertson (Merchant at Shanty Bay), C. W. Flynn, Harry F. Thompson, A. S. Dobson, H. H. Otton, Fred` Mart, T. C. Fisher, D. J. Reburn, W. N. Duff, J. S. Brunton, Mrs. Charles Drury, Dr. W. A. Lewis, Andrew Carson,'Mrs. Andrew Carson, Mrs. Charles Smith, S. H. Brown, Fred W. Otton, J. A. MacLaren, Dr. J. F. Rollit, M. J. Brennan, A. V. ;No1an, Dr. Fred Ross, Dr. `V. A. Hart, J. E. Carson H. M. Lay, Geo. C. Brown, J. D. Rodgers, ,W. C. Hunter, Albert ryson, A. H. Wilson, A. McKenzie (Thornton), George Arnold (Painswick), Percy B. Hobley, Jean Malcomson, George D. Hubbard. - Saturday. July 8 SIX JOYOUS DAYS FILLED WITH SPLENDIDE MUSIC, CLEAN AND HUM- OKOUS ENTERTAINMENT, INSPIRING AND INSTRUCT IVE LECTURES. BARRIE Chautauqua Phone 441.! HERE WE ARE AT LAST during Juue, July, August and September. afternoon Wednesday hornton) merit. Corbett, Geo. evefi This Store will close BIG TICKET T HUNT FOR CHILDREN .'I"'1`1'(.3.znson and Miss Isabel sell are nttnnrna I`.-m.n..oL `I .... .- SECURE YOUR SEASON TICKETS TODAY A None sold after Saturday at 3 p.m. A COMMUNITY EVENT FOR ALL. s_E.AsoN ~11c; pow ON SALE ` --w-j-j nI$II `In! 355511 one of the following guarantors: AT 3 P. M; Barry, Jenny S, with xe; this ' and is Export Shoe Repair: OPENS .:i`~*_W- "A quiet wedding was solemnized in Cen- M mi Methodist Church, Calgary, Tuesday morning, May 30, at eleven o'clock, when , Miss `Alice M. New of Toronto and Rev. ~ Norman. Wesley Whitrnore, B.A., of St. Thomas. for the past two years pastor of Eyremore circuit, were united in marriage. Rev. Geo. Armstrong, B.A., B.D., of Mc- Leod, a former superintendent of the groom, oiciated. After the signing of the register, the wedding party left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn s weddingpmarch, played by Clarence Davis. At the home of Mr. -and Mrs. A. P. Horner : the dainty wedding luncheon was served, V covers being laid for twelve. Among the , guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Westgate of Eyremore and Mr..and Mrs. T. Vande- linder of Calgary. Rev. and Mrs. Whitmore left on the afternoon train for Edmonton. where the groom attended the Methodist Conference. The bride looked very dainty ;and sweet in a navy blue embroidered suit ]with black picture hat. A beautiful bouquet `of sweet `peas added a charming touch of `color. nu I-I ' - or -n.. I\C xuc UIIUC 13 '6: III` .1 Toronto vSt.. Barrie. I SHANK-POWELL ] A quiet wedding was solemnized in Trin- ity Church at 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 28, when Annie Maud Powell, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Richard Powell, 10 Sophia St., became the bride of Mr. Oscar E. Shank, of Barrie, formerly of Stratford. Rev. A. R. Beverley performed the cere- mony in, the presence of the i-mmediate relatives. The bride wore 8. suit of navy blue French broadeloth trimmed with mole- skin, and a hat to match. Al. -__-_., _.--.. .. -.u-v vv suuuvuo After the ceremony the happy couple left. by motor for Toronto, Hamilton and Strahford. On their return they will re- side at the corner of Mulcaster and Wor- sley Sts. UXUI , The bride is a. niece of Levi Pratt, `nrnnh Q} `luv-I-:13 WH |TMORE-N EW r"IL 4' Ruth ,AI1tin. -........__ _._ J- -I wznnmcs Elizabeth St., Barrio extra 91 Frame, Harvey nuuua uuuuer Pmer Dungey, PUL, Teacher. Tebo, Gladys nnelly, Dom FLL, Teacher`. "lLIUl.Il%lI Maia Coroner. nib Stephens, uenae Stew- Lrmett, Stanley 'irts in roidery large mnnn ` Barry, Roy 1 tum- , $4.00 6,1922 $4.50 I $8.00 Anavy, uh!-I An enton l prices ulu , tlllllo ommended Es}; Macdonald. e Jennett (H), Cochrane, Velc- e, Lizzie Preh- 3. A petition against the work will act avail to prevent its construction. . - 27 _ A. w. SMITH, Tow Cl.e1-lk. Dated at -Barrie, this 5th day of July, 1922. 1. The Council of the Town of Barrie in- tends to construct as a Local Improvement an 8-inch sanitary sewer on Ross St. `be- tween the existing`\manhole at the` inter- section of Maple Ave. and Ross St., a dis- tance of 225 feet westerly on Ross St.. to a. proposed manhole, and intends to spec- -ially assess a part of the cost upon the land`: abutting directly on the work. ` . ` ..-_--.-., v.. -..v v ';I"l:e estimated cost H-the lwork is 3481.75, of which $246.55 is to be paid by the Corporation, The special rate per foot frontage is Eighty Cents. The special _as- sessment is to be paid in fteen annual instalments. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 20 Mulcuter Street A. Paramount 'P'ic't`ure'.~- Always `Good SAVING: Siaa SUE Prices: 15c and 25c A PRINCESSOF NEW YORK Green 3; they Special . . 75 Mon.-Tues, .10-11 ` THOS. 'in SHQULDE Anus" `Thursday, July 6, 1922 Opera `House Fri.-Sat., my 7.3 COMING soon: %. CHARLIE CHAPLIN Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs at-In uuuurmm 4:1: mm A 1mm-A ,...;.A ..... .. --ALSO- A first-class comedy, i gntitled PUBLIC NOTICE DAVID POWE_LL. A. E. SMITH -with J.W. 'Nl'a:1ager `THE 3AR`Rll.-`. GASCO. Vllluu I-ICHI JJ'lI\lBlI 0 Mr. and Mrs. Giant Longman of Torontd spentfhe week-end at the home of M1`. and Mm.` E..Longman. M g cu Iv uwuy. Mr. and "Mrs; Wm. Bryaoxr and family of Lindsay were with -Barrie friends over the week-end.` '|:__ an A n-._- `I-L...I__ cu _Il ;_ III-IE WCUIVCHU o Mrs. S. C. Rowe, \DunIop.St., fell On l`he stairs last week and broke her left :shoulder blade. 11..- 1 I1` 'n_-___:-__n __J In.) n.___.:___i Iuuuuluur u|uue_. - _ L Mrs. J. F. Crawford and Miss Crawford of St. Louis, M0,, are guests of Mrs. For; syth. Berczy St. V MI-9 nu-nu`-A6-An Q1-. nrir` M:..= 11:-Anal-an ylalln IJUIVQJ Cl}: V ` vMr.. Brereton, Sn. and Muss Brereton left this week to spend two months. at Ferndale. Muskoka. ill... I Y1! I\!II!.. __I,-. -11.." 1,] - IIIJ "7iili"`3."Ivc.1`'ii7i'a'ngs1ey attended on on Bovs Reunhm -on Dominion Day at Janet- ville. near Lindsay. _ ` Mr on!` ya flu-uni Tnnnrnnn A` "Dun-nnl-A Wucllvg V ' Miss Lillian Banting and Miss Margaret Banting are visiting Mrs. R. W3 Payne, Owen St. Mrs. W. H. A. French, Miss Frenchvand Master John Willis ha've returned from New York. ' ,ll__ 1! II___!_ _II -_.I Il2__ 1--.. `lI_.__L-II for 25` of Bath d Mon`- Oc cake ce, 50 lung U115 IDTIHIXIS UTKVCII, DTHUXUTU Db. Mina Golding Thompson of Horning's Mills has returned home for the summer. Miss Olivn Newman, McDonald St., is spending the summer months in Muskoka. Miss M. B. Madden. 50 Grove St.. has gone-to Muskoka. for'~t_he summer months. Robt. Henderson of .Toronto is spending, a couple of` weeks zimong old ffriendsihere. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallie have` returned home after being in Toronto for a month. ` If__ I'\A \ f3,,,,,, _, I 'I I ,` Mrs. (Dr.) Emmerson and ve children of Indianapolis `are at Ovenden for the sum- mer. T A 1'! ,,,I II, `I, ,,,I, , I I'll Ill CI 0 I ev. A. R. and M-1'. Beverley and child-- ren have left for a month s vacation in Quebec. um. 1.:n:.... n....;:..... ....A .u:... u.......}..4 AVCW LUll\v Mrs. R. Marshall and Miss Jean Marshall have returned home after spending a week I at Whitby. Ilu Iliill 'IA'...- TH... 'D-....n..- nntl In-m'l.. VIBIIHI-Is U113, VV. IN. IXIIIS. LUIUHDU DU: Mrs. Jacobs and` Charlie are spendmg a .-few days in \Torox_1to- visiting relatives. at nut` `Ems I`. `I7 Dhavlrnn nf "'nIv\nl>n I IIFU Hllllllliflllg Illa OU ,lLUlIlPUulClul: Uh. Miss Gladys Jerry of New Lowell is vis- iting Mia Ermina Craven, Bradford St. Mina l`_nh-lino Tknmnann nf `Int-nino': . K Mrs. ldnderson spent._the/week,-end in . Toronto. _ Colin Pae of Hamilton" is home on his vacation. '- `l _- n-__.__. -1 Il'__t__.I _.___ :_ 1...... 1.... MI: 31! HITS. U. W. IIIILIAJU U1 {UH late summering at 86 Kempenfeldt St.` I II-33 (`Janina Yaw:-17 A` "nun T.nn1o `D ON EASY TERMS Be comfortable. Don t roast over a coal or wood stove in the -hot weather. Llllulfli LUU paffilllll ID01- Langford* Rowell of Toronto was with Mrs. T. H. Redditt over Sunday. "cu nul 11.... "13:-nu hmyknll A: (`G-fauna Spencer (H), rlow. ' , uhalagh (H). rriott. Fennel! hel Cochrane. hrane, Clara. Barlow, Joe U115. lo 11. IXCWJLIIIIL UVUK ouuuay. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dayboll of Ottawa ar spending the summer in town. M :-a D?n'kovu-I Vinncfnn nf (`.alnrlnn{n ; BIC UPUlI1|lllg IIHC EUUILIIUK Ill luUWIlo Mrs. Richard Kinzston of Caledonia is visiting Mrs. W. R. King. Toronto St. V lIUl1UlUL|a ' Leo Cooper of Meafo1j(_!.was in town for the 'holiday.. . .- Wm Tana -no ant` ny:`n `avian? F`-no `|nl:!`uI7 "'v7:;.m3'a bbs'md war; `isenc the holiday under the` parental roof. ` T.ontv`r\1-I" n-\nu;" A` Tnrnnfn nice with Em? A GAS STOVE &w&&&&&aam&$&m ` . \ . A large assortment to, choose from. These are Gold Seal and Maple Leaf Brands and.No. 1 quality,- `.in some very popular de- signs at reasonable prices. ALSO AN UP-TO-DATE as'rocK or a FURNITURE Office and Showrooniz Wells Block, Owen St. Telephone No._-78 II1IllW.I UW uuya lu\lUlUl.lUU Vlllallls IUIGII/lVUDo Mr. and yirs. C}. W. Plaxton of Toronto ..- ..--_._______ -4. on YI.._ ...-....IJJ. Q4.` th belt PERSONAL A?hne53V5 Limited Mr. St. John and Mrs. Love desire to express their since;-e thanks for expres- sions 'of sympathy and kindness to them in their recent bereavement. 27c J. W. Morrison, Paiuawick, desires to thank the many neighbors who turned out and assisted in saving his store during the at his premises on Tuesday; also to roof the Barrie Fire Brigade, who iunialrlu Innnnnnnol n I nu `nu Lalo. 07-. IMUUEDVUI I-ue uunc Inn: nugule, W110 I21-aaidjzly responded anal] for help. 27p LVIBTHIC .DlUVV Ul .Dul`l`ll`:. uCll`:ul-cu uni: oun- gregations in St, Andrew s Pnesbyterian and Collier St. Metho'dist churches on Sunday with exceptionally ne solos. This talented singer has a eontn-alto. of great purity and sweetness under perfect control. The ne qualities of her voice were heard to advan- tage in her beautiful solo,- O Divine Re- deemer." Mrs. Rickard is a. soloist in the Parkdale Presbyterian Church, where Mr. Hardy _was formerly organist and choir- .` unn- '-7 `"- """ """"` "" ."' "' "I=I=" -'| Mr. and`Mrs. F. T. Grafton and family of Toronto motored through town on Fri- day on their way to the Epworth League summer school at Elgin I-Ious. Muskoka. Mi Marion Partridge and Miss [Wanda Bowman are also attending the session at Elwin House.- '- In-_-__ 11.... 1'.1:_L-.. `L..- ...n...........l L.\..;... 111131 1101158.` - Miss Grace Fisher has returned home `from Toronto Conservatory of Music, hav- ing passed her examinations and obtained the degree of A.T.C.M. both in piano and vocal. After holidays she will- return to w Toronto, where she will'have a place on the Conservatory [teaching staff. ma D:n`rnnrl AC Tnnnnfn l\I'fI'|nl'l\!'M';H HIE vorlaervatury wnuuxllg noun. Mrs. Rickard of Toronto. formerly `Miss Mamie Blo_w of Barrie. delighted the con- GA. A_.l........ .. ])....J.'..6..-Inn nvnl UIUJ W I 1111 IJILCIII u J. Whilseford. E. Prot and Miss F. ' Clarke of Toronto. also 0. Prot of Holly. ,were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Prot `for.the week-end. II ... `l`-L_ l`1-_._I_._ ' _ . . _ _ _ _ _1__I I.-- `I__._l oc. % for 25

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