Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1922, p. 5

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29,1922 I:a?{g"6rL}}e'$:3;1E's"Lisieang re- latives and friends in this vicinity.- |"___- -1 LL- __EII__-_, ,_ P _._--__--, .._.. .. -.- "Born, on Saturday, `June 24, a son to Mr, and Mrs. Archie Currie. Miss Edna Webster is visiting with her sister,.Mrs_. Moore of Brampton. I.1__ I_I,,_ fl,, , ,! I\ `II 0 _.---...._,_ j--- 7.... r--y..u.-. avv-I I 7." 1m;.;,";; t`l-1;a";*1l'*la'g9rsf-z`a.'rev;:'r;;_;3'r-;r-1g .. few weeks camping at Wasaga Beach. uunu uuucy A Mrs. John Him is visiting friends in .',l`oronto._ up no - - wDvl'rs.l:[T'.i:-Lwzpon is in Torontb visiting her brother, who is ill. *. I; `B-ishop, Representative )3 $ %%$$$&%$%%$$%%$ yupart AOST Miss Hegey of London is. visiting with III. Uh!-intin 4 THE j 3;; 1 Wlltll G 1_lCVV IVCI uuuau. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slack have returned from their honeymoon. MSM Tfnn ll..`|Tnu Ju. In... I`..- 3.. `DI.-... will be conducted. The `Collingwood kiltiiev band has been engaged for the occasion. This is the rst time a decoration service has been held in- Elmvale and it will give the citizens an opportunity of witnessing an impressive ceremony in honor of those who have -gone on before. A large number` of members of the different organizations from outside places are expected to be present. nrm. .......... ......s :.. LL- ..I..._-L cn-_r, _-_1 .IlVCllIlo With every seat in the church lled and chairs .in the aisle, a beautiful ceremony was conducted at Knox Church on Sunday, June. 25, when a memorial tablet to the memory of the -late John Anderson was unveiled. The tablet, which is of Italian marble` and engraved with the following: In memory of John Anderson, faithful in the Master's service, was presented by the Knox Sunday School, in which the late Mr. Anderson was an enthusiastic worker. Rev. R. M. `Hanna, pastor of the church, spoke a few words prior to the unveiling, which was done by James Strath, Sr., who was a co-worker with the deceased in the Sunday School. Among the relatives who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ander-A son and vifarnily of Midland and Will and Charles Anderson of Ono. `vi: vujy June 26.-Pra.yer meeting is to `be held at the home of J. N. Willing this week. MAr`nIr u....4I. 4.. :vv\r\-nI\.1v:v\(I his ..m.:A........ aw IAJC JJULJIU U1 I}. L`. VVIIJIIJS IILLIB WVCULQ Morley Beath is improving his residence with a new verandah. nu. -__: 1'x_, ~n-__ cu--I_ L,___ __.___..-_| |Ulll UIICII JIUUUJLIIUUIIO Miss Katie McKay, who has -been in Flor- Don t ' wood eather. B RE T 'l"`sL FEED STORE 37 Elizgbeth St. Phone 65 - 600`! III: A I5\v\lll A \d\.n\l New and Old Potatoes" Paris Green and Arsenafe` of Lead (Q2111 oi` phone the. sfore,' 65, for any of above Millet _LanJ PI:_:ster to-u-no-J navvia I` .__ck s31: _ Chic_l_< 6}}? Can be sown `_:is" late as July 9 with good results. `We have some good seed for sale.- Buckwheat :f;'f"o} PigeZ'.'{'F"ee'f' If\II'I'I . `- At Barrie Chautauqua JULY 8-14 ofher GET YOUR SEASON TICKETSANOW. - ADULTS, $2.50; CHILDREN, $1.25 What s the Matter With Russia? Who recently spent months in that country, will tell you the UNVARNISHED TRUTH. It will -be different from any other story about Russia that you have heard. (War Tax Extra)` HERDWN MONEY delivered `The Great Comedy Success PRESENTED BY PERCIV AL VIVIAN BROADWAY PLAYERS , DON'T MISS THE FIRST DAY HEARJOHN DUXBURY, ENGLAND S GREATEST RECITER A Protable Si.x_-ADay Programme full of Good Things to SEE and HEAR Poihts _CLOWI:_`5 LAUGH AND LEARN BARRIE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 8-14 'roM ASKEYHILL 'l'.'elephone,L College 7425 I f you do noffind a car to` suit ybur price in _al2ove list, write as your wants. We may have it. $5 05 Chevrolet Touring 634 A ' Delivery 5 36 " A Touring 676 ' Coupe 500 " Touring V 847 ' Coupe 609 " ` Touring 343 " Touring I463 ' Baby Grand Sedan H99 "' " Touring 873 " " Touring 633 " " Touring 436. Ford Ton Truck 633 McLaughlin Touring A280 Studebaker Six Cy]. HERE is a partial list of Used Cars, in first class condition, any one of which will be driven to your door by a courteous salesman, upon receipt of post card or phone call, Without any obligation to buy if not satised. FOVE FRANK ANDERSON Dominion Day Sale I? E L IA B LE USED CARS A.` F. A. Malcomson, Chairman Ticket Committee. - V .v---.-:-. V. noun `' i Passengers , .108 " 27 " 61 Above: Prices include Interest, Insurance and License. LIMITED ~ .. CHEVROLET DEALERS 84-4 BATHURST STREET SPECIAL 10% off for cash - 7426 TORONTO $200 Cash $25 mor. 250 212 268 200 33| 237 I35 575' 467 345 249 I 64 249 G6 CO I6 66 64 I6 32 ' 27 ' 34 ` 25 ` 43 ' 31 ' I 7 ' 74 % ' or ' 44 ' 32 ' 22.50 ' 32 * monthly wait Page Five ` 1-.11 I2 12 I2 I2 In AES CO. puvy lvuuluuna V ;;;; vat _ AND THAT the 20th day- of July AD. 1922, Fat 8 o'clock in the afternoon, at Thornton in the said municipality has been xed for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places, and at the giialk summing up of the votes by the er . . A__.! LL-L :1 u__ __.-_a. -1 LL- .I....4..... :..: ETK. And that if the assent of the electors is obtained to the said. proposed -`By-Law it will be taken intoconsideration by the Municipal Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, and that such first publication was made on the 15th day of June A. D. 1922. I_I__ _._LS-, I,,,,AI nl I ughly vuu -uy.. man; `In vuu-u n u av--u Take notice further that a tenant who desires to vote upon said` proposed By-Law must deliver to the Clerk not.lat'er than the tenth day before the day [appointed for taking the vote 9. declaration under THE CANADA EVIDENCE ACT, that he is a tenant whose lease extentb` for the time for which the debt or is to be puny. Itevurnlng Uuwcr. Shroud, No. 5-A. W. Green, Deputy Returning Oicer. ' Leonard s, No. 6-Robt. Black, Deputy Returning Officer. _ unnuv A 7__..`lWf|l'. QI'i9`HV_ Ihnlltv ltenurmng umcer. Holly, No. 7--Cla1ence Srjgley, Deputy Returning Oider. ~ Painswick, No. 8--David Peacock, De- puty Returning Officer. ' Big Bay Point, No. 9-Wm. Irwin, De- puty Returning Officer. Cookstown, No. 10--Geo. Parks, De- puty Returning Officer. ' A\`lI"\ "l |"A'l` LL- URL`; Ann! 1:` Tnlnv A `I1 pllty nufulllg uuluun Lefroy, No. 3-Thos. Sawyer, Deputy Returning Officer. . 'I"lu~.-n 4-nn Nn d:_Tna Rryw-rn an np. nevurnmg unmet. Thornton, No. 4-Jos. puty.Returning Oicer. Qt:-V1111` Nn 5--A, W_ $18,000.00. $12,124.60 $30,124.60 NOTICE ` TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed By-Law of the Corporation of the Township of Innisls,to_ be submitted to the votes of the electors of the Township of Innisl on the 22nd. of July AD. 1922, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and ve o'clock in the afternoon at the following pla'.ces:-- _- , Plintllnn, No. 1-Fran~k Hindle- Denutv pmces:-- _ ' _ Hindles, No. l-Fx'-ank Hnndle, Deputy Returning Oicer. A r`1\nwn`\: -NA nm Iwr-uX`n1ng uuwur. ' Churchill, -No. 2--Wilfred Stewart, De- puty Returning Oicer. rnfmv Nn_ 3-Than. Sawver. Denutv` unuansuayunn-J vu vnnv uvvvn-vs--vu 6. That there shall he raised and levied in each year during the currency of the ,eaid debentures or any of them by special rate on all the rateable property of the said Municipality in same manner as other taxes are levied a sum sufficient to pay -and dis- charge the said yearly sums of principal and interest so accruing due as the same becomes respectively payable according to the terms of this By-Law, that is to say the total sum of $1506.23 in each of the said years. . '7 'l'In.c.+ Hula nu_I.hu ulna" talzn nnnt SCHEDULE FOREGOING BY-LAW! d farm- rm re Dlllllllifu DIIIIK U1 uuuuuu, DLlULlUo 5. That it shall be lawful for the Reeve -of the said Municipal Oorporation and he is hereby authorized to sign and issue the said debentures hereby authorized to be issued and the interest coupons (if any) attached thereto and to cause the same also to be signed by the Treasurer of the said Municipality and the Clerk of the said . Municipality is hereby authorized and in- structed to attach the seal of the said ` Municipality to the debentures. l'I'!L_L LL-_.- _L-Il `L- ....!__J .._.I I-..:...I 8310 yB8l'S. 7. That this By-Law shall take eect on the day of the final passing thereof. Year Principal 1. 3516.23 2. 544.62 574.58` 606.17 639.52 674.69 711.80 _ 750.95 792.25 .' 835.82 -881.79 930.29 981.46 1035.44 1092.38 1152.47 1215.85 1282.72 1353.27 1427.70 I-`nun ...._, -wn..-....... 4. That the said'debentures as to prin- cipal and interest. shall be payable at `Standard Bank of Canada, Stroud. K Tknb :6 akn" .kn `n1u`u` `An F`-In pnaun ..._, .-_, --u 3. That the said debentures so to be issued for the said sum of $18,000 shall bear interest at the rate of five and one- half per cent` per annum payable yearly and" debentures shall be payable in twentvl annual successive instalments, such] annual instalments of principal and interestto be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for principal and interestduring each of the -other years of said period and one of such instalments of principalshall be payable in one year from the nal passing of this By- Law and the remaining nineteen instal- ments of principal shall be payable on the same, day in each of the succeeding years, the said yearly instalments of interest shall be payable at the same time and each of the said debentures shall include the whole amount of interest payable for that year or coupons for interest shall be attached to each debenture as the Reeve .and Treas- ` "urer may determine. A 1 mL_. LL- __:_I _r-L__;..___ _'- L- .__:_ ..A By-Law of the Municipal corpofatinn of fche Township of I-nnisl to raise the sum of $|8,000 for acquiring land for and establishing a public park in the said Township of Innisfil. V T10. ' 11. 12. 13.` 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. rn-nan and v-.. nu-.. -~.u......-r -- .------ 2. That to raise the said sum of $18,000 it shall be lawful for the Corpora- . tion of the said Municipality of the- Town- .ship of Innis-l to issue debentures of the aaid'Municipality to paid amount in sums of not less than $100 each payable within 20 yeam from the date of the nal passing of this By-Law. n rl'!L-L AL. -_2_I .!-L__L_____ _-` L- L- WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the 'Township of Innisldeems it advisable to - acquire land to establish and lay out a. public park in the said Municipality and it 'w1ll be necessary to raise the sum of` 318,000 for such purpose. AIV`I\ nvvvnnrnna LL- __L-I- __;_-LI_ _'._- Inn. Avvvu-Jun : vn av-vvvau 1. rm tn. sI.7.I"o"{ I,'o"oo"be raised _by the issue and sale of debentures of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Inniel for the `purpose of` acquiring land for establishing and laying out _a public park in the said Township of Inniel. 'I'\L..L L- .......... LL- ...._'.l ...._. - vAu,vvv Ava uuvu yunyvuvu AND WHEREAS the whole ratesble pro- perty of the Township of _Innisl according to the last revised Assessment Roll for the "year 1921 in 82,615,340. AND WHEREAS the amount of the -existing debenture debt of the said Munic- ipality is 3702.70, of which no part, either for principal or interest is in arrears. nnrmnnnnnn u.- u.._:-:_-I n-.-__:I _Al "'1-rm-"""71zi?1-"c>1'zi:'"ti.' "n&u?.aa"pa'1"6.Ixcn or` the Township of Innisl enacts 5 follows: II'VL_A. LL- ...__._ -1 .10 l\l\ L- ._____ BY-LAW NO.. 555 iay, June 29,1922? Interest 3990.00 961.61 931 .65 900.06 866.71 831.54 - 794.43 755.28 713.98 670.41 624.44 575.94 524.77 470.79 413.85 353.76 290.38 223.51 152.96 78.53 Annual Amount $1506.23 1506.23 . 51506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 . 1506.23 1506._23 . 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 1506.23 created, or in which the money tobe raised by the pi-oposedeBy-Law is payable, or for at least twenty-one years, and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all munici- pal taxes in respect of the property of which he is tenant other than local improvement rata. . . R. H. Hc0ONKEY. IV].-I. 088% c Te'amsV:--Baracas---A. Cooper lb". C. Car- con e. W. `-Ballantyne 2b, 0. Tuck p, R. Wilson rf, Houghton 3b, 0. Partridge cf, Mcnonazh as , H. Partridge lf. . Y.M.C.A.--W. Penny p. A. Stevenson as. A. Walker c, C. Scott 3ib, Mcconkey rf, B. Thom-pson lb, H. Gal.-side 2b, Wardman cf, D. Hedger 1-f. ST. ANDREW S 9: TRINITY 5 Junior St. Andrew s obtained 3 sweet re- venge on Tuesday night. June 27, when they defeated Trinity (who put it over them last month 10-2) to the merry tune of 9-5. The game -was by no means a was uaggcu at we plums. Duun: 11-1.1. Baracas took the lead in the rst of the `aixth, scoring once, but dropped back when the Y.M'.C.A. drove in two in their turn at | but. The Methodists tied the score in the seventh when McDonagh scored on a wild nitch, ` Once more the Allandale nine failed to come across with the necessary run. Hedger went out at rst, Penny fanned and Walker drew a single and stole second but was cut off at third. Score 13-13. Score by innings :- Baracas-1.. .. .. 0 3 2 0 6 1 1-13 0 1 0 Q xru-nA 1non1 reds of um pmu: . `At the end of the fourth the score was 11-5 in favor of the Y and it looked as if the conventional ve innings would be suicient. But the Baracas proved that you never can tell and cashed in six runs from Penny's offerings. At that, the Y had aturn at bat coming to them. but the first two men whiffed and Walker, who had elected himself` as pinch-hitter, was tagged at the plate. Score ll-11. nnunnnu lvnnr I>`\n `nail :n ERA plff. nf f."h'I ---_-. .. -_ .__- _- . -_ r____ Baracas faiied `to score in the first frame but tallied three times in the second and twice in the third. The Y slammed in three in their first turn -at bat and one in` the second, but it was in the third th at they did all the damage _and caused `he removal of Tuck from the mound, he being replaced by McDonagh. When the hectic innings was over six Allandele men had crossed the plate. ' Li (Jun gnu!` A: IA `nun:-4v1\ (`Ln ant-n urn: features in the junior xture in Queen's Park on Friday nizht, June 23. when the Baracas and the Y tied in the fth and again in the seventh, with 13-13 as the final score. Whether the vision of `ap- nrdaching holidays gave the juniors the ex- tra -punch, or not, is hard to say. but ex- citement never before came within such close proximity to the fever point. 11 P'I I 1 AI, (`,1 P, _, -Pineh-hitters and extra innings were `the! I I J. UIIUHTIBL '1l)o ` Baracas-~J. Dobson lb. J. Bertramrf. E. Coles ss, D. Emms 2b, L. E`mms p, V-I. Coles cf, T. Burton c, Spencer If. F. Morren 3b. - Baracas . . . . . . . . . . . . .; 0 1' 0 0-3 Umnix-es-A. C. Bricker atVth plate, D. Cas`on on bases. -- ` The teams:- ` Y.M.G.A'.-J. Plant 3b, E. McMillin c, B. Newman rf. F." Plant p , LaRoque ss. J. Armstrong cf, Dr Blakeley 2b, Kivell If, J. Gilchrist vlb. _.-_ 1- 'l'\_L_-._ 1|. `I `D-..L.......,_C yuwv vnav nu-any-u -.--. -v-.-__ ..-v----.._- ` There was no score in the fifth. L. Emma fanned two nndthrew the third out at first. Baracas made no better use of their second onportunity to overcome the "Y"s lead than of their rst and went out one-two- three. Score 5-3. Score by innings:-- -. T v `M r! A 1 n n A n._.: ocore o-1. - I In the fourth the Y" went after their opponents_elil Ivy went after Barrie on the 21st in the corresponding innings. F. Plant hit safely and was sent around the sacks in a `hurry when LaRoque, next up, knocked the Spalding {or a row of Eskimo igloosand never s`opped until he crossed "the plate. Armstrong and Blakely reached first on ineld errors and were A pushed across the. platter by Gilchrist and F. Plant respectively. Baracas failed to get one past the ineld -and retired scoreless. mm... ....A _- -_-_- :.. .1... Ann. I 1:~......_-I L4. l.`41IlnlB uucnucu. Duurc 4-1.. There was no score 1n the second. Emma fanned two and Armstrong was tagged while J. Plant ied to Morren, .McMillin fanned and Newman was walked but cut off at second. Dobson drew a safe hit and, though the next. three men were elded out, managed [to score on the_second play. Score 3-1. ' , LL, r-.-_4.L LL. "-1!" .......a. ..h.... LL..Z.. frisking pl:-yfully around third. The Collier. St. men went out in order.. In the third, mmdn BARACAS AND V TIE IN seven-mmnes GAME: scone I3,-I3 corner" or his skull, was driven in by D. Emma, and E. Coles' crossed the plate on L. Emma sacrice. Score 2-1 . ml. 4.... _- ---_- :.. 1.1.. ........: 1:v......... u can IBERTRAM RECEIVES A SLIGHT TAP I `on THE EAR leg} [or `DC H115 WHICH lflllllliu V J. Plant led o for the tailroaders and reached -first on a poorly-handled single. The next two upwent out, but Plant was let in by his brother. He was the only Y" man to score. The Baracss tallied twice. Dobeon, running for Bertram. who [received a pitched ball on the south-east The Senior Y.M.C.A. team jumped to the top `of the Church `League on Thursday, `June 23, when` they defeated Bax-acas 5-3 in a snappy ve-innings game on the Ag- ricultural Park diamond. The Methodists `were weakened somewhat by the absence of Jimmie `Roberts, but they held the Allandale squad down nicely; with the ex- ception of the fourth innings, and had the lead for the first three frames. ` `I nu--. I_.I .4! t._ 4.1.. -..:l......l'..... -...l "u{p{es_c' .' imMa}m{, M-. Livaxfgstlmi. BASEBALL %gwi&&nm&$iw&&$& I g ' h&&%%w$&&imxmw&& SENIOR ``Y ' 5; BARACAS 3V 2 0-13 1 HUI II III Cookstown. `. If- _ -I_ com- foot r less WCHII uuu Ill U|'ClUl `Trinity tightened in the fourth and put . `he Presbyterians out. in order. Clark walked the rst three men, butonIy two of them tallied. In the fth each team scored one, the feature of the play being in double play by St. Andrew's. Anderton got a. scratch `hit with `bases full and was thrown out at rst after the runner from third had been forcedrat the plate. St. Andrew s .. .. ...o 4 4 o 1-9 Trinity . ' ...'oo221-51 Umpires--.i. .l.)ohson, J. Watson and E. Golea on bases. i . m_____ or A_.!..-_'I.. .1: Un...:..._ 1L 1'! do IIIIIICLIRJIJ ll, .I.1 s, F. Foster p. BLUE- 1 There was no score in the first innings. but the Saints hammered in four in the second and four in the third. The Angli- cans vwentout one-two-three in the second. but connected with better resulm in the third. G; Foster hit saferto right eld and his brother Frank stepped up and tried to win his ownszame by knocking Clark's of- tfering for a homer. The next three men went out in order. flL.2_.`3L__ 4:__I_L__-_! 3... LL. l---..AL _...I ....L "&3?i{icLii.' AI{. 1?,"1fiie1o-uinir, N. Kelcey 2b, N. Johnson c, J, Kennedy 3b, J. Anderton rf, K. Gallagher lb, G. Foster . an I` 115.344.- ll UUl% 011 Dfu Teams-St. Andrew's-A-=R. Twiss lb, K. Walls rf, K. McKenzie If, Buster" Clark _n. L. McDougall 3b, R. Rainey 39.. E. Mc- 1'(..:..l.L . TIT \k`n `)1-\ `II `mu A4 _u. u. xuuuuugau on, 1.. ,.|.uuuc_y no, 12. Knight c, W. Tribble 2b, H. Hill of. , II T 1\-L._,, _( IJHC UUIIICUUC. Mr". Frarcis of the Ontario Agricultural College,` who as Provincial Poultry Culler visits each noultryman who supnlies eggs- ] for the different schools throuo'hout the `province, called on `S. L. Anderson last week. Mr. Francis gave Mr. Anderson great praise for -his splendid record of fowl for laying purposes and also stated that the best hatching in the Barrie district was ob- tained from the eggs supplied. by him. The male bird that heads -Mr. Anderson s pen of laying rfowl is the second-best bird that the inspector -has handled throughout his travels. A large number of the school child- ren in this district received their eggs for hatching-from Mr. Anderson s ock. Y I (5 AL. ,1!,.,.__ -4.` uenun Luuguu nuu uuc U . ".V.n. Wlll uuuu as decoration service at` the Elmva=1e ceme- tery. The procession will form at the lodge rooms on Queen St." at 3.45 pm`. sharp and proceed to the cemetery. where the service twirlers' battle, as -both pitchers were er- ratic. Errors were frequent, as usual. but were so evenly divided between the teams that they did not form a feature of the game. "I"|usu-n u1oa.nn anlu-n :11` Hun G1-of nnino: VVIIIII U113: IIIIUUIBUII ll VV HD5511 |JUlIl}ll- Sixty-four candidates are writing on their Entrance examinations here this week, six-. teen being from the -Elmvale school and the rest from the surrounding district. Miss Brown `df Penetan-g and Miss McKnight. orincipal of the Elmvale school, are the pre- siding officers. A I. I D I .. I I .I bf other l A large number of people attended the Presbyterian garden party las` Friday ev- lening and were entertained in the usual excellent manner. The entertainment giv- en` by Mrs. Lenore Hurd Best, assisted by local talent, was of aehigh class. `Mrs. Best nroved herself a capable entertainer and her selections were heartily applauded by the audience; Il'._- T.V,_,.____ -1 LL- l'\_.L__:- A_._`-..`IL......1 uvuu:--B u... .u... ....v.....,-. .. --.. H On Sun:iay nexl:,.:Iuly 2, the ol`l'l<':ers and members of the I.0.0.F. and Glen Re- bekah Lodges and the G.W.V.A. will hold n I`:-u|l\hn`:t\v| any-u:nn of` Calvin mluiyuln numb- Will L|l1VU_Ulld`lC U1 IIUC XIVIUC5. . The Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church held" their monthly meet: in; at Geo. L. Usher s `cottage at the Beach on Wednesday. III C UCUIJ'lllGl\lII5 BULI DPUI I50 I D. E. Thomson loaded his dredge this week and shipped it to Grand Valley, where he has accepted a contract for a ditch four miles long._ Mr. Thomson -built this dredge himself. and it is capable of spanning a ditch forty feet wide while dredging. I III`! J. Wilson, returned on Monday from a two weeks vacation and has resumed his duties as teller at the Bank of Toronto. Mr. Wilson's mother and sister accompanied him back and are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Anderson at Wasaga Beach. .Q:... In... .......l:.-1.... PIIIA -.....:o:.... .. 4L-:.. A laijgei vxiumber the farmers of this district, as well as a number of town peo-c ple, spent Tuesday at the U.F.O. picnic at Wasaga Beach. The afternoon was spent in speech-making and sports. 1'! W` `nnAn:' `:5 A-`IIAAAIQ `\:n EIVUII IJJ Ul-Illllc Ua-lClIUo'j`l'ILlVllu On Sa`urday,A July 1st, the business plac- es in the village will be closed. All the stores will be open on Friday night. MFG ninin D:l'n`\:n A: r`.n":r\(ruvnA:` run, `icy ux run. Services will be held in `the Presbyterimv and Methodist Churches on Sunday at 11 am. and 7 p.m. The pastor of the church will have charge of tlie services_. In... n7.'..........'.. `IA : ..... .... a.......... .: u...i Stephenson of Kerrdbert. Sask.. is visiting with her parents, Mr . and Mrs. C. S. Burton. `. . ' 1\___7L _____-L AL. `'_L`___`! A ,,,,,I, LYIIU. We Do IJUI laUIX- - Don t forget the Methodist garden party on Wednesday, July 5. Programme will be given by outside talent.-Advt. On n!-u...-lm. Yul 1.4- L. I...`-.:..,..... .-.1-.. Fanager DDUIUG Will UV, UVUII UII xlluny lllsllllo -Mrs. Blain Ritchie of Collimzwood re- turned home this week after visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Knox. II II , -run 1 I'v AI '17- 15 u 11 AC\Jh r..........,. -.-.. .-.... -.--... ..........-u ...-u... Mrs. Mary Hickling of "Niagara Falls, N. Y.. and Miss Agnes Ritchie of Toronto are visiting their sister. Mrs. Jas. E. Beardiall. `l\l\(u "$i;{?ie}i}";{Eaiid.;I'o}."iune 21. 53; , by Rev. E. W. McEwen, "Margaret Annie Nixon of Medonte to William Harvey Row- ley of Flos. ' I Qua}-inn- .311 L... Lnl,-X I... -4.1... I)......l.u.L....!n... WMis;:rMargaret Mclnnes of Edmonton and Miss Helen Drysdale of Toronto are visiting relatives here. SOUTH SIMGOE LEAGUE STANDING . V Wyn Lost P.C. I , ,__ II ' Qllfl __.... -_ _-- -- --..--. .- -.--. v.-..-B nan.-I-D Mr. and LE5. Smart` and Miss Hamilton `of Beeton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Smart here. ..--__. -_._-r_..u ..- ..-.._u_ -v-V.-u Mrs. Mercer and daughter Daphne of Toronto are visiting at M. W. Little s. ll- ,,, J In , II? A - M1: and Mas.-V-Wem.'A-1-r;1s1;r"c;ng of Tar-. onm spent a few days at Mark Beardsa1l s. The many friends of Max Murray are glad to see him back in the village again. II _. _._J ll..- s_,_4 ,,, 1 Il- hrs. John McAu1ey are spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Reid, at Cap,rjeol.. -1- .1:-7 A--nu y-`L-Iienms-SA."-l::"a;ix;- a few holidays tmdertha parental roof. T ll` 1-,: wry: . ... . I

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