Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1915, p. 8

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11' IJI'll`JDDlIl'.ll\IlV\I'-` LEIBD MIIVHMDVI 22 Worsley St.,- Phone 384. - 36-6mos. `GARAGE TO RENT. for the Winter. Apply 84 Worsley9St. 3 COOK-GENERAL VVANTED -4- Apply to` Mrs. S. .Dyment. 72 High street, Barrie. VERY COMFORTABLE. ROOMS for light housekeeping, with conveniences, to let. Apply Mrs. Heard, Ross St. 38 HOUSE '1`O LET-45-Worsley St., eight-roomed, with con-. veniences. Apply. to W. G. Luck, 11 Frances St. 39 FOR SALE, CHEAP-A house and lot on Penetang St., Bar-, rie, a nice cosy cottage. Ap- ply Box 364, Barrie. 38-40 WANTED -- Good, experienced, capable general servant. Small family. Highest wages. Ap- ply 181 Elizabeth St. or Box 327. 39 APPLES FOR SALE BY BASKET -Cooking and Eating Apples. From we to 20c basket at the Apple Factory. J. W. Goss- ling. 36tf. MAID WANTED-For general housework. References re- quired. Apply at Examiner and Saturday Morning oggce. FOR SALE CHEAP-A quiet young horse, also good top buggy and harness. Apply G. W. J. Eastman, Simcoe Mar- ble Works. 37-40 MAID WANTED-For general housework, preferably from the country. Apply up to De- cember 1st to Mrs. Lewis, 56 Collier St. . 39 TO LET Front oices upstairs in the King Block. Possession given October 1st, 1915. Ap- ply to the Misses J. and C. King, Box 586. 32-tf COCKERELS FOR SALE-Buff Orpingtons, high-class prize- winning stock; also some Re- gal strain White Wyandottes. Apply J. A, Mac,Laren,. Barrie. I*`OL'~Nl)--On Kempenfelt Hill,. ~ Barrie, Monday, Sept. 13, one * automobile tire with holder.' Apply Robt. Robertson, 7.Ex_ ' press Agent, Shanty Bay. ` `)0 Ln . Th \\'nIH dn-11' HH- /1 1a.!` luvllnl Cllilti be pl ill` sl HI`v`I'~' W 11'." purl.- day. All I At the Grand opera house ev- {cry Monday and Tuesday night, ;will be show11 photo-plays with the world_renowned comedian, ;Charlie Chaplin. Monday and i'l`uesday next he will be seen in .The Tramp, and in addition `four other pictures will be ?shown, supplied by the General lI<`ilm C0,, the largest picture [company in the world. `commencing Monday, Oct. 4, J. R. Cotter s_appeal against sewer assessment for lots 21 to 'l23, Owen St., has been refused ' by Judge Vance, who sustained the judgment of the Court of i Revision which allowed Mr. Cot- ter one-third off the regular as. ,'sessment owing to the` condi- jtions existing. I11! III! 11 xv 3 The plastering is nished and the floor and woodwork in the new Masonic lodge room is 211-; most. completed. This with the} ante-1'ooms occupies the whole` of the top floor of the Masonic. ,'I`emple and as the work advances one is able to get a good idea of the splendid accommodation :that will be at the disposal of ;lhe lraft in _Ba1"1*ie in a couple llof months. The Rev. W. H. \Vallacc, late` of Beverly St. Baptist Church, ;T0I'0nt0, will conduct thn Harv- est Home services in the Baptist Church on Sunday, Oct. 3. both morning and evening. The same, speaker will conduct the Rally I ..I)ay service at 3 o'clock. A cor- these services. dial invitation is extended to both old and young at each of ____ ,1 Canning and Preserving Fruits are almost done--says the Government Notice to Housewife. A few good Nia- gara Grown Peaches still left. Do as the Government says- Put down an extra supply this l year-Plums and- Grapes for jam and jelly. ] A block of seats have already been ordered for the matinee on 'l`hur'sday afternoon, Oct. 7, at the Grand Opera House, when the famous star, Elsie Janis, |will be shown in her great photo-` play, The Caprices of Kitty. - I I\ , I`? _ ,I I ` A I Owing to the fact that some of the collectors were unable to` aover their territory. the canvas for patriotic purposes in Essa Tp. was not completed last week. Tile dainty photo play )star,4 Marguerite Clarke; in her great- est success, The Goose GiI'1., at the Grand tonight (Thurs- day). Don t miss it. McCarthy, Boys & Murchison are now in the premises former- ly occupied by the Bank of To- route in the Masonic Temple building. -- _, ._--__'- Next Thursday and Friday. Oct. 7 and 8, Barrie will enter- tain about 400 teachers from Simcoe County. It (`I , n 11,, ,_L3- _- Ilnu-d's Llnlmont. for sale av- on-ywhol-0. THE LADIES SAY Our ice Cream is Best. They know. Flavors 7- Chocolate, Straw- berry, Vanilla, 20c a pint brick. Wholesale prices on application. `I_!_I.I_"__ A_. 7-- f`-A_-an 80 Dunlop St. Phone 303. Ian-lo uv -- u vi v---v-v --u -vr-_-v_- -fayner bread is selling at ten (10) cents per large loaf at the Vair Grocery C0. and at Jno.~ S. Vair s Grocery. 'I ,,,`j_ , " `I;"{1;; `1;}aI1};s';n'i.;'b'r'a;;;i| Gone. 5 cts. I OLYMPIA CANDY WORKS I The sale of the Queen s Hotel, Elmvale, from Alex. McLennan to Aug. Weinert is reported. 3.-.. _L Local News FRUIT BULLETIN vvn out] ounvluca ah L'Aul'l1V 1lU. James Shanacy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shanacy, was buried on Saturday at Barrie cemetery, having died at Penetang. They -have the sympathy of the neigh- bars in their bereavement. . Apple pxckmg and potato d1g- gmg Is the order of the day here. I solemnized on Sept. home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Coch_ irane when their third eldest .daughter, Miss Dora, was united [in marriage to Mr. J. T. Cam- leron. .Promptly at 12.30 p.m. the bride entered the parlor handsomely gowned blue suit with hat carrying a beautiful |The ceremony -)~) ~~ was solemnized byterian Church. After the cere- ,mony the bride and groom and Iguests retired to the dining |room where a choice wedding dinner was enjoyed. Afterwards the happy couple left amid showers of rice and confetti and motoring to Midhurst C.P.R. station took the 2.20 train for Toronto and Palmerston. The bride received many beautiful and useful presents showing the high esteem in which the newly [wedded are held. The young couple have a cosy home pro- vided at Alliston where they moved on Sept. 27th. Many con- gratulations are extended to them and best wishes for a long and happy life. . . .Elmo who has been engaged for some time at left for that place to assume his duties after visiting his old home friends at Midhurst. . . . The Presbyterian choir on Sun- day. Sept. 26, attended the anni- versary services at Edenvale.. . . . son have the their Apple picking dig- is OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN Fruit Branch .Dopt. of Agriculture Canning and preserving fruits are almost done, although some goodpeaches may even yet be obtained. Those who have not canned or preserved suicient to last for a year, should act promptly. Do not forget that grape jelly is del- ;n;r\I1.~ `P-A--I (I A pretty house wedding was at thel in a navy' to match` bouqueL' fby Rev. L. W. Thom of the Pres- l I Sutherland, Sask., hasl aeither SARJEANT OO. S SCALES PASSED INSPECTION (Continued from page 5.) was passed and Scale Inspector's certificate obtained showing the scales weigh on a three_ton Gov- ernment scale test to the pound. By submitting it to the most rig- (_m1,;id test by the three tons of (lov- ermnent weights in various ways, such as side of the scale, it did not go more than from three to six pounds to the ten out. This is considered as accurate as nine out of ten team scales would be found under such a severe test, and this was easily adjusted and scale left in per- fect order, whereas the Market scale by such tests went seven to twenty-one pounds out per ton and- not capable of adjust- ment. Moreover the planks of the Market scales were almost touching, being not more than 1-8 of an inch from the end timbers, and this alone is liable to cause great error in weigh- mg, and Inspector stated was alone sulcient cause for re- jection. The results being Market. scales were rejected and are unfit for use until repaired. `I4 .. ...-..L.._..-___ 1. putting three tons onl 3 noijsiljswiron slxI.E-\\7Jdic exchange in part for small` f_arm coiivenieut to town or for lol.s,. Sold together or separately at reasonable price. Apply for particulars to Box 10, Examiner and Saturday Morning ollice. 39-40 FOR SALE OR RENT--A neat brick clad house on Bayfield St. with plumbing, heating and lighting; all hardwood oors downstairs. Basement full size of house. This property will be sold right. For furth- er particulars apply to C. F.. Shaw, Barrie, 106 Bayficsald St. ` 3 -40 FARM FOR SALE--Situated in the township of Innisl. N hf. lot 6, S. east qr. lot 6, con. 5, 3% miles from Thornton, con- taining 150 acres. Farm con- tains large brick house, barn 36x10'0, hay barn with pig- gery and hennery beneath, drive-house 20x60 feet Soil a clay loam, orchard of three acres, two good wells and cistern. School house on op- posite corner. R.M.D. Apply on premises. 30-tf .llII\J ULIIIIIIIG Get. Smock Peaches, the lat- est and one of the best for canning, this week. If you can still get a few Elbertas, take them. _Some good prunes are still available. Do not forget our soldiers. Do` up a few jars for them and communicate with the Can- adian Club or Red Cross Branch in the nearest city. 1 j$ I 'L;:;l'1bI`t while re- 3 turning from Barrie last week was thrown out of her buggy when the horse be-came frighten- ed at a passing motor. She was picked up and Dr. Turnbull sum- moned. She is still confined to her bed and is in a very precari- ous condition, having received a hadsliaking up and some severe bruises. Dept. fruits yet that grape del- icious and ~a liberal supply should` be on the shelves for the coming winter. {In} Qnnrsnly `D.-..-..-.l..... ll... I..l. _--.--cw twi VIVVIII On Sunday, October 3, Gen- tral Methodist Church will cele- brate its fiftieth anniversary and great interest is being taken by the congregation in the event. Rev. C. W. Watch of Midland is to be the special preacher hoth morning and ev- ening and large congregations are expected. A Christmas box will he sent to the Field Comforts Commis- sioners on Saturday, Oct. 2nd. Contributions of socks, cigarettes or tobacco, pipes, handkerchiefs,l small books, note paper, playing cards, mouth organs, and other` luxurieswill be gladly received by Mrs. Stewart 01' Miss Spry. Miss Aldous is visiting Miss Ayers at Atwood, Out. Mr: I Qnnonl nf Dt\A`1\vu `v:t\ .n.un.uuuu uuu LUICUU, uluu. \ Mrs. Alex. Rainnie and son of Ashtahula, Ohio, are visiting the farmer's uncle, W. 0. Andrew. no 15` Tknrnnnnn at f'I'1.._....1- VLF PI. ay\J|IICc Mrs. Hugh McFarlane will re- ceive for the first time at her home, 66 Maple Ave., on Friday, Oct. 8th, from three till six p'.in. and afterward-s `on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. 5aJ\ILD III: IIUVVUUU, Lllulh. Mrs. J. Smart of Beeton vis- iibd over Sunda with her sister, Mrs. S. C. Wal er, \ Mun \II A `I ......'.. ....:n.. 1.-.. ` 1.11.15. U. U. VV dlllcl`, Mrs. W. A. Lewis, with her son, is visiting her parents in Brantford for a few weeks. 11.. n.~..l 11-... `n 11 nu-_ -__ .n.;1:n.u l'\IlI. nrxhlu lo.) i1Ul'!`a, IV.` hf. lut 19, con. 3, lnnisfil: (near lmfmy). Soil good clay; loam; franw house and splen-3 did barn, good stabling, spring! and well water. Apply to Box! 25, Lefroy. 38-40 ! SHEEP ASTRAY---Came to thel premises of undersigned, N. hf. lot 8, con. 5, lnnisl. Own- er may have same by provlng property and paying expenses. Andrew Crawford, R.M.D., N0. 1, 'l`h01'nt0n. 35-tf| tn 7v1\rr.~w-urn v-n,\.\ ....__ ___ .141 auluulu LU]. G ICW WCUAB. Mr.`and Mrs. H. H. Otton are` spendi g a couple of weeks -in} Toronto and Toledo, Ohio. 1 Mrin AIQV Dnnnin nu-`A an... -1 sux IIIUL D uuulc, VV. L1. I1llUl'UW. Mrs. E. Thompson of Toronto was the guest of Mrs; B. W. Rhinehart for a few days thisi week. _ _ _ `I7 ['1 T1 __,_L ,_, JUL Illao Beecher Parkhouse, who has been in Rutherglen for some time, is attending Victoria Col. lege, Toronto. `I `D _ . _ _ ..... Mun `I'\___.I1I- , Au vvnuu Lula. dub. 14. Ui1l'Vlll. James G. Schiller, who has` been in charge of the law office` recently opened by D. J. Coife , has withdrawn from the busi- ness ang has gone to Toronto to practlse. M113 IJ...~..L 1uI ..I:1.....I....... -_.:n _- IV `JV-I130 W. C. Hunter accompanied by! his daughter and Miss Hickling| left yesterday for a trip to Cali- lfornia. `|1..-_L-__ `I'\ I\J\./ A UL Ull.|:U- Mrs. L. Brennan, Bradford St., left on Wednesday for Parry Sound, to see her sister, Mrs. Foley, who is very ill. MFQ D 'l` 7n`Innn av-4-I zuuzg, VVIIU 13 V51 111. y Mrs. R. T. Wallace and daughter Betty 01` Woodbridge have returned home after a. vis- it with Mrs. Jos. L. Garvin. Tnnunn fl aI|L\:"(\ug -_-I--- I--r TIII IIIIII IXIIIIIR AND SATURDAY IORIIIC j Xmas Gifts For Soldiers. Thrown From ;`Buggy. T.-..-.._,. r ,._.,L .. \r\a.-u Jo 38-40] block seats 100 ACRE FARM for sale in ON: for Township, good buildings, 3 at acres fruit orchard. For fl1I`- ther particulars write Frank Elsie` Turk, Shanty Bay, 11.11. 2, Ont. [will photo- 37'-.42 STRAYED---FI'Om 24, C011. 9, On evening an ,V51'av about Sept" 9' `.red Home was held by the Glee Club '~c1ow, dehorned, iiot_ milking. of St. Maryvs Church in their 1',"`d`3" 91935" ,, }fY .Jh {rooms in the Wells Block. There 1`6I`gUS0I1. BOX 093, B31?-v 01' iwas a large attendance. Cards Phone 283. 48-tf..! d " 0' 7_. - d d T0 l.l House--6 rooms,l?g1f(E.eS1?,%?.i?t: s`:,(I3.:,%d_enJUye an l1l_li l.IIlU`g`l`t1'tf3,_l:Ul:liaC_ _electr_ic Cottefsuappeal 15 'm "` "-( `S Ueorglavseewer trim, double stairs, decorated,`23 Owen` Qt refused I{l,I';(:_g,S sgf [.ge avgel" Mo'i'osu:\'ci_.E FUR SAl.E--Two- glogfeed `1{fI}'}30`t"' spti-ed Indian inotloi-cy1(];lc, with ter as: S1 e car, or sae c eap; in __ , . ' . . perfect ruiiiiing condition.`|bLsbmem' Owing to ., - . ~ ltions Apply IL.\allllllUl' and baturday , M.,,1.m,,3- 0,1399. \Vallace, late FOR sAi.i: Mrs. Burton is of- B`VeI`1Y, Church fering her property on lnnislil!T01'0m0- W1 30T1d1_1Ct H31`_V-] street at a bargain. See it and 391'V1993 "1 make an offer. It goes to Chu1"_3h Sunday, but liigliest blddcI'. 69 . lnnisfil m0I`mI18' and eV0n1ng- gt,.,.,.t_ - 37_39 _will conduct STR.\\'l<}D from lot 11 con. 5, 'D_ay S_eI"f1e_3t _010ck- T llniisl` abuut Aug. 23 W'hit(1 1nVltal,lOIl IS sow weighing about 300 lbs., . thin in hair and not with pigaithese S91'V19S- ' Addi'e's.<, 1-`. H. Moi-i-is, H. Rd 5] No. l. Tllnl'lltHll. 38-40 thel] FARM FUR SAl.E--'I`ownship of al- I] lnnislll, 200 acres, timbereil the. with tamrack, cedar, pine and whole` spruce. Eight miles from the Barrie. Apply, The Toronto I General Trusts Corporation, Toroiito. 39-40 1):, you Aneullv, KJIIIAJLVJ 1.! STRAYEI)--Fl'Ulll lot 1, con. 5,;tliat Vespra. dark red steer, 3 years old, dehoriied. mark on leftlof hip. Also red and white heif-| er calf about lo months old.!ery ADDIV l0 \V- 13- SCYUICS, FBI`-jcommencing 8"USUl1`Ville. ` 37 be FAkR'M`1`f H -*`AL1`A 75na0'< S._ 1:1`-l:_l_lc world~__ren_ownedA comedian, ll\ . _,, 1 4 I s I i V I 1' 1 V ( \ PERSONAL MENTION Jubilee Services. Mlouunsj It is customary in the City of Toronto.to test City Public Scales every month, and when our Town S -.les are made the standard for the coal dealer's scales,` the Town authorities should consider the advisability of having a Government Inspect- or's test monthly,. and thus avoid a. recurrence of casting so serious a reflection upon a local , merchant." You should see ` our Table of Chil- dren s Boots, Lad- ies . Pumps and C)xford Shoes. Prices were $3 . 2 5 , 2.50, 2.00, 1.50, -L25. Clearing Price - - 99 Ladies and children's Black Wool Hose, Rib- bed, vxtra Vallw 50c. 45c, 40c, 30c. 25c. Penman s Ladies Black cashmere Hos, price-5 25c, 35c, 3 prs. for $1.00, 'Ghlldr-en's Wool and cot- zbon Vests and Drawers, special values, 20c, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c`, 55c, 60c, 13:. Misses Penman s Natural \'A_I>;>| _V_e;'_t._.,-"p'1-ic;-s";;)-1;: $1.00, $1.10. GhiIdrn s Black Knitted Drawers, special Value at 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 45c, Ladles Vest and Drawers, special values at 25c, 290, 35c, 60c, 15c, $1.00 Ladies Knitted corset Gov- ors, long sleeves, special price .. .. .. 25 each STORAGE TO-i.ET-App|y to R: Bldwell, 140 Collie_r St. 31-_tf DRESSMAKING-- Mxss Glenme. no \|r-.. nl4\-- Cu .`nl.....-.n QQI. I An electric railway to connect ithe G.'I`.R. with Lake of Bays is being seriously discussed, and engineers of the Hydro are now isurveying a proposed route from; l white Wool coating, 54 inchPs wide, special value $1.15 yard You should buy cord Volvts while you can get them; they are sc'a1-ce goods and will not last long at those prices; 27 inches wide .. .. . .600 yard They are very fine quality and r-st class sha'des.- Colors: Brown, Tan, Navy,._ Copen, Dark Red. Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 40, good value $1.25, special price L` gg Penman s.Natui-al Wool Shirts and Drawers. prices .. .. . . . . . .$1.15 to $1.15 eal; Ponn1an s Wool Fleecod shirts and Drawers, special price .. Penman s cotton Floecod shirts and Drawers, special pnce .. 2200 Basketsk of Grapes) Delivered to any part of the Town. Arrived THIS MORNING 50. Car of PEACHES THE IDLE? OOLUII By all Means See the Great Values in M0n s Plain Rod Underwear shirts and drawers, Pen- man s, sizes 34 to 44, big value $1.25 each, price .. .. ..$1.00 oach_ underwear Men's Heavy Ribbed or Plailn `Knit Underwear, shirt and drawers, spe- cial prices, $1.00, 750 each. JOHN SASO -H Car of 600 Baskets will be in on Saturday 550 Large Heaping Baskets No. 1 Stock COME AND SEE THE FRUIT MARKET '.'$1."6dWea:i or 2 Baskets for 90 1AV\J\.J.I..lIl.l.\ll.lkJ av ICB5 uuau uau priceif you buy now. Ham- ilton 120, $6.00; Cyphers 120, $6.00; Peerless Hot Water 200, $12.50; or will exchange for early pullets or yearling hens. Olaud Faux, Suncrest Poultry Yard, Barrie, Ont, 39tf FOR RENT OR SALE-50 acres, N. W. hf, lot 8, con. 6, Innis- l. Clay loam, 14 acres plow- ed, 6 pasture, 14 seeded down, well fenced. Orchard and small fruit. New frame barn, 56x36, stone foundation, ce- ment oors; comfortable house. R.M.D., 1 mile to school, 3 to Thornton. James Herrell, 104 Cumberland St., Allandale. 3_7-39 , PER BASKET bay are Gravenhurst to Baysville. 20c. BASKET With a $75 pur- chase we give you `a Ladies or Cents Gold Watch. You do not have to make your purchas- es all at once, you save your Coupons and get it Men's Heavy Lined Gaunt- l]. Gloves, spacial val- ues 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Linen Thread, 4 spools in box, special price 8c box Men's Leather Mitts, with one nger and without fi11:_:.'e1', special Value 250, 35c, 50c. Men's Home-made Wool Mitts, special for 50 pr. 5 Baskets for 95 INCUBA'I_pRS as: less than half on A--- Y3--- Men s Grey Waol Homo- mnde Socks. special . . 50c pair Thursday, September 30, 1916 AI-row collars .. Men's Heavy Grey Wool Socks, ~big value 350, special .. 250 pr. run of herring came up the this week and good catche-s reported. Will Be Sold at Styles: Devon, Belmnnt, Marley, Chadley, Fifth Avenue, Ra-dnor, Dover, Margate, Kempton. llars ..15c . .2 for 25 Phone 341 re` -Go to 22 Mulcaster street for Homemade Baking. 35-38 -Meals served at 22 Mulcast- Ier St. 35-38]

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