uuy xx; gnnunu LIV All] l.l\IVVl.l. IALLLILL a tree and slept in the open. About 6 a.1n.' he woke up and was shaking with the cold when he met a man near the pool mom who took pity on him and gave him a drink of whiskey to warm him up. Shortly after- wards he went into the back part of the Hotel Classic and sat down "awaiting the opening of the bar. There he fell asleep and while in that condition someone rubbed oil of mustard on his coat the fumes from which almost blinded him. He went to the drug store for as- sistance and was told to go to Dr. Embree who fixed him up and sent him to the Y.M.C.A. It was stated" by McDonagh that the hotel porter had purchased oil of mustard Saturday morn- iiigi, at Pattersorfs drug store. nnln:-..-.. 3... 11.. `n-__~ nt-1\. ,