1:15 l\JVV s We wer expecting you, an-1 swered Edith, giving her hand} to Thorne. Here`s Captain} Thorne, \mamma! Mun `7nnv\n-- ..L.,...1- I........I- _-:n_l Boefins And when it comes to pertitioning; use 1 Well Board tint has strength, durability, good appearance and resist- ance to moisture. Ask your local dealer about Don't ' ly get a roof for that new building. Get one t is guaranteed to las_t and will not be affected by gases, vapors, acids or smoke. sco un Houston \ xuannutl [ W, S. FINEO. "Wood':mds, Middleton, N.S. This is to certify that I have: used MINARD S LINIME.\"I' in my family for years, and con- sider it the best limmvnt on the market. I have found it excel- lent for _horse flesh. (sngned) `I? C` 1`lKT`l.`l\ LADIES WORK Battenburg, Mrs. J. Campbell, .Mrs. A. Gilchrist. Bed room furn- ishings, Mrs. W. R. Neilly, Mrs. ll. Butcher. Baby's bonnet, Mrs. N. MeEachern Miss M. H. Richardson. Baby s coat. Mrs. l\IcEaohern. .Boudoir cap-Mrs. McEachern, Miss Eva Strangway, Beeton. Child s dress-Mrs. McEachern. Crochet work, cotton-Miss M. H. Richardson, Miss Anah V . Bailey. Crochet `work. `wool-- Mrs. Butcher, Miss M. E. Camp- be-`ll. Crochet collar--Miss Richardson, Miss Jean Marshall. Couch cover, i'ancy-Miss S. Sharp,` Thornton, Mrs. B. Smith. Centre piece, colored-Miss Strangway, Miss B. Mccuaig. Calendar, fancy-Miss May Shaw. Darning on stocking- Miss Richardson, Miss M. IT. Campbell. Din.ag table centre, lace-Miss Richardson, Miss M. E. Campbell. Dining table con- tre, colored 0nlbP0l(l(`P) --MlSS Jean Marshall, Mrs. R. Bothwell. Dining table centre, white em- broidered-Miss M. H_~ Richard- son, Miss Jean Marshall. Drawn work on linen-Miss M. R. Campbell, Miss M. H. Richard- son. Embroidery on bolting (Continued on page 11.) LVLIWD J." I Klifl , AVLIBD VV auutu. Inanimate objects, water colors -Miss Cook, Miss Fraser. Fig- ure painting-Miss Fraser, Mrs O Keefe. Animals--Miss F. M. Bailey, Toronto; Miss Fraser. Drawings. pen and ink sketcl1- Miss M. Cook, Miss Fraser. Pen- cil drawing--Miss E. \Vauldo-ll, Mrs () I{eefe. Charcoal dra\\'ing,_ |--Miss E. Waddcll, Mrs. O Kecfo-. '\ Ink drawing on wood--Miss Mae Shaw. Painting on china-Mrs. R. Butcher, Miss Buchanan. Crayon-Miss E. \Vaddell, Mrs. ()'Keefe. Pencil drawing by childre-n-R. McQuarry, J. Chap- pel. Collection of photos by amateur---Mrs. 0 Kecfc, Fred Brooks. Collection of paintings by itself-Miss Elsie Ferris, Barrie. Figure painting in oil for Co, of Simcoc only-Miss Ida. Crcswicke, Miss Gertrude Wal- lacc. Landscape in oil-.\Iiss Strangway, Miss Mabel Stone-, Barrie. Marine in oil--Mis.- Ida Creswicke. Figure painting in water colors-R. McQuame. Landscape water colors-I\Iiss Strangrway. Marine water col- ors, Miss Mae Shaw. Collection lof paStt'lS--MlSS Elsie Ferris. |Hand painted satin sofa cushion |-Miss Strangway, Miss Buchan- 'an. Water color Mary Gostick, Anton Mills; Elmer Black. Stroud. Pencil or crayon draw- ing--Olivcr Wilson. Mary Gos- tick. A Sheaf of oats-Meta Hunt- er, Frank Garvin. onions-B. E. Challis. I~`ro:~d Parr. Potato onions--M. Moore, MI S. A. Gilchrist. Pickling on- lions--M, Moore, Mrs. A. (ill- chi-ist. Pickling onions-\\'al- glace Brown, C. W. Nash. Im- iperial tomatoes-M. Moore, D. 'C. Campbell. Stone t0matoo_-s- aH. Hook, C. W. Nash, Tomatovs, {any other vat-iety-B. E. Challis, iMrs, J. Campbell. Qollection of .tomatoes--D. C. Campbell. gsquash, Hubbarcl--J. Stapleton, E. A. Harris. Squash, Mammoth '-J. Stapleton. Vegetabln mar- 'row-E. A. Harris, B. E. Challis. Citrons-W. Scott. Collection of garden vegetables-F Schmidt, :E. A. Harris. Figure painting--Miss E. Waddell, Orono; Alfred Mick. 1landscape-Miss \Vaddell, Miss ?M, Cook, Woodstock. Marine, ioils-Miss Cook, Mrs. 0 Keefe, gGuelph. Animals--Miss Cook. ;Miss Waddell. lnanimate ub- ;jects-M1's. O'K-efe, Miss 43+-1'- .trude Wallace. Landscape wat- Ell h{\l1`\lIQ R/[;u_I l<`lInu(xlI `I'.'in \J\}llI..`l.,(L|4 _ Miss mg low. bbI`I7_ ,, v"\a\l Wa lace. ier c0l0rs---Miss l<`rase-1', King- ston, Miss Sl,1'a11g\\'ay. Marine --Miss I*`raso1-, Bliss Waddell. Inanimate I1!-o v\oinfnn- moo E`:-nan Rina Lu. xi .ll\\.l\,, Avsau:-o I,-V IDUIKIB booth Two great features about Certain-teed ..,... 'n__._) _._.. 3.- __....a ..a........aL n... Go: -.._...-o Ill IVIII London Thu-Irsday, September 30, 1915 E2-7:73" Fine Arts. L? Sydney JLII CL : Lots of other girls are doing `City, To: Fiona J Hal KAAIVI Ill dear U aids tr; toilq` `:1 fastxdu ALL '_r1h%*r?J BA KR] streets. STOR Five Poi 3854 _b'iiX13;17ER II-Edith Varney 3(`IH'ne fr-run Dnncirlnn} hnxyia n WEDD Issue ':tte--1&1 -l;AIi| c..al ca Page Ton A Name that Counts Secret Service CHAPTER III._ The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada SYNOPSIS. a. nun uu, Lulauullaz Mrs. Varney shook hands with him graciously ',while her daughter turned once more to the other man,. with the ac- knowledgement of the order, which she handed to him_._ I |11non l u y n n -. In...... -__ ---- -'1 that means proven quality - absolute purity - full weight - certain satisfaction - is A NEW ISSUE V V is wbeing reputed. 'dndditi d h f :53 Ihouldgn roportgxi to our `E)'c':!l1M`;r::::: a once. Han you n _tclcphonc7 Those who have will tell you thnt It in the most precious of modern conveniences. ume uke this, would he?" Captain Thorne s sarcasm seemed to perturb the youngster, but his good breeding got the better of his annoyance. I'd better not tell him that, captain," he said with a great effort at lightness; he would certainly insist upon having you mif. ---v \aUlAnA\.IJ unsv I d captain, cexitainly ou ." That would be too had," said the ,capt`1ain. `It might `inter- fere with his office hours and---" 11!/J uu. Dear, dear! continued Thorne urbanely; I didn t sup- pose there was anybody in the war office who wanted to fight! And u7hx7 nno g;..=w ....1....a '"5`\7sr`'11, if he wanted to ght, he d hardlv be in an office at a time like this, would he? I`.-.n4n;n "l1I...\......,.9.. ___-_--.A vvnnlull cut: uauucu LU 111111. | I wasn't very long writing it, was I, Lieutenant Maxwell? she asked. M19... ,, ,7 , ' ` ' vvux UJIIUU VVUU WGIILCU LU USULI And why not. sir? asked Lieutenant Maxwell haughtily, while Edith barely stifled a laugh, and her mother even smiled. 6L\I7_'lI :19 `L 1 u . A - - vvul LID: In fact, captain, there is a gentleman in one of our offices who seems mighty anxious to pick a ght with you. nQ]l\7' n17nln{rnnrI I`.-u.ntn... p1Un a. 11511:, wuu yuu. l Really! exclaimed Captain Thorne, smiling somewhat sar- castically; pick a fight with: me! To what olce do you refer, . sir-9 GIL 5 ` The war office, sir,. said: Lieutenant Maxwell, rather an- noyed. nnm ..I..-_n9 -- V--W ` Anna .u.1uvu.u1.y an but: UUIIUI. Let, me have the pleasure of making you acquainted, then. Captain Thorne -- Lieutenant Maxwell.` I'I'1I___.__ , I 1 LV&Il\VV Ulla Thorne slowly inclined his` head. Maxwell also bowed-. I 'I' In n \ y A vurs` L...~,.I 41.,` _.|---____- Uvbll IIUU U51 0 Yes'?" answered the other, who seemed to he a man of few words. 661.. 1|- -1 , A ' -- it," continued Edith half-seri.. ously. They have to live. Aren t there a good many where you are? \l7nIl run r'r\v\,` In A . . A . n n . . n --{ JOEL Ill (7 I Well, we -don t have so many as they do over at the treasury. I believe there are more ladies over there than men. A11d now '1 must go. A rvlrxnnn-n4 nn;n'I `Ina. `Tn-...-. I ve never seen a quicker piece of work, Miss Varney, re- turned that young man, putting the note in his belt and smiling as he did so. When you want a clerkship over at the govern- ment offices, you must surely let me know." L\7,___ ,,I,I I, an use 5U. A moment, said Mrs. Varn-` ey, coming forward with Thornep Do you gentlemen know- each` nl-I-:n~n`) `JI/IIUI. 6 Captain Thorne shook his head and stepped forward, look- ing intently at the other. T n4 vnn Lnuyn [kn I*\lr\1\ru-own:-s .-1.' lnnuuuu LVLGAVVUII anau UUWCU'. .I have not had the pleasure of meeting Captain Thorne be- fore, although I have heard of him a great many times, he said courteously. Vao9" nnm..,.....A 41.... ALLA- Telephone D%i_1fectory Ngvelized by Cyrus Townsend Brady By Wm. Gillette I. I.l.IIJIIo He rose to his feet and took up his hat from the table as if, the thing being settled, he had only to go. But the girl `ob- served with secret joy that he made no effort at departure. Oh, you think you must, do you, Captain Thorne? said Edith, looking up at him mis- chievously. You are a very wise person, but you don't know all that I know. an 0116 5111 ALIUW. But I don t really think you] will have to say that, Captain| Thorne, said Edith slowly. I know I will. Then, said Edith more soft- ly, it will be because you want to say it. Nun" m.:.a rm........,. ....._..:--;- AIAU AIIUVV You v:vould better not com- mit yourself, said Edith jest- inglg; I might take you at your wor . (`Y_1`L,',, -, III U any . No, said Thorne, resolute- ly and of his own motion re- leasing her hands, which she had allowed him to hold without remonstrance; it will be because I must. 11,. ____ L- L: 4- IIJ `Jo Very different words had trem- bled on his lips, as he knew and as the girl knew. ' nut `I Anni; ......n-- u.:...v- --..-_ uuuyyuu UIUDCI. DU MCI. You don t know, she faltei-ed, as Thorne drew the ower from her and took her hand in his." They stood there quiet a mo- ment, and she did not draw her hand away. Well, it makes no difference how soon you are go- ing away; you can sit down in the meantinfe if you want to. If in honrllty rnnfh u11}\:ln I-nn auuu, nu; ouuc 1:: EU DIIUIL. You _would better, interrupt- ed_the glrl; I have a great many thmgs to say to you. I-`Olin I1n|I9 Inn nnlynzl n4l>u-`nu unnnnnao UU may UU JULI- Have you? he asked, sitting down on the little sofa by her side in compliance with her in- vitation. Yes. But I have only one thing to say to you-Miss Varney and- that is"-Thorne took her other hand in both of his-good- bye." 17:"... .a:a'.........s ....\...I.. 1.-.: 4--.. uncuuhuuc 11 yuu Wallb l-aU. _ t is haxjdly worth while, "he sand, my time is so short. val: Iivtxn-II;-I `unllnu. 3? I n A n n . ....l. ".11 IJIIIJJ I&ll\l Oh-not long? asked Ed-ith. No, I am sorry to say. Well, do you know, she looked at him archly, "I believe you will have more time than you really think you have. It would be odd if it came out that way, wouldn t it? she cout,in_ ued, as she played with the flow- er in her hand. 5`\}..r. L... _-.\A7l -A---~ ---` I M `3l(`e;,ub1l1ltali`t`-won't come out that way, said Thorne, as he stepped closer to her. H-\/`nu ('r\v\" 1....-..-. M ..|..- A-..u..-.-.| `GIL \4I4I\JJ 0 Yes, I suppose so, said Mrs. Varney. Well, it has been a great pleasure to have you call upon us. When you are away we shall greatly miss your vis- its." tlI'I\l.___L _,._ t a II A 9 HUI IJIII Captain Thorne apd Edith were left alone. The girl step- ped over to a small table on which stood a vase of roses, and, with somewhat nervous hands, she busied herself arranging them. The young olficer watched her in silence for a little while, the moments tense with emotion. Q|~.nIl I ....,. u-- n-..-...-- VV\JlLI Nothing would please me more," was the prompt answer. All you have got to do is just apply and refer to me,. of course. u1'...A.- _1- -41.-" __- I - - Ian (3 IA1UxlIGll.Ia DULIDC Wllall UIIIUI./lUU.u .Shall I see Mrs. Varney again? he began at last. {`l'I I L'I`Il'\f\1\u1\ .- \ I.-...l ..-.._l uauslla [AC UC5Gll. all luau. Oh, I suppose so, but not now. I heard her go upstairs to Howard. I T How is he? l)espe1'ately ill." I am sorry." Yes," said the girl. I have a very little time to stay and-- (Ila nns l,~...`...-)9 ...1-.-.I nJ:4L I Isn't it rather sudden`? Are} you quite` well? It seems to me they ought to give you a little more time to recover. I have no doubt that I am or feel, much better than 1 look, said the captain, and we have to be ready for anything, you know. 1 have hem idle too long already. `*Vn.~ I 1:: 1 1 n I \ : \ nn .\l'\ ,7 .-.nl.I `II..- ll! get what they have been to me. Lieutenant Maxwell is going, mamama, said Edith. Gr. .-..\n.-.| l )l,......,. ,_--......,. -_-,_ D""1`hank you; I shall never for- ; Axnuurlua, ocuu Juulbllo So soon! Please excuse me a moment, captain. I am very sorry you have to hurry away, lieutenant; we shall hope for the pleasure of seeing you again, if your duties permit." I shall certainly avail my- self of your invitation,. if you will allow me. He saluted Cap- tain Thorne. Good evening, sir : I_ N" , , A I\I Lieutenant Maxwell," he said pleasantly, as Mrs. Varney fol. .lowed Lieutenant Maxwell [into the hall. 6t`\Y,\-__ _-_ , r--, I- -- VII`) lltlllo Now, remember, you are to come some time when duty doesn t call you away so soon, she said, as he bowed himself `Out. LU'I1-.__..1 ..- , __ I A , n . .a \I\olIlI ' Trust me not to forget that, Mrs. Varuey, said the lieulen-` ant, as he disappeared on the porch. 't*.....o..:.. rnI..,......,. .....I -r.w.I:n_ From your note, I suppose you are leaving us imlnediately, Captain Thorne. Your orders have come? TH RILLING WAR STORY A Yes, Varne_v. said the captain. I am afraid this must be the last of my pleasant calls. 6I'.,...9t _'A -,_AI, , ~~- *--`.1 -Yes, said Edith. "Let`s talk about something ` else. You know there is always the weath- er to fall back on-- I should say so," laughed the lieutenant, and meghtv bad weather for us, too. Yes, isn't it? They turned away, talking and laughing somewhat constrained- ly, whil-e Mrs. Varney picked up the.note that was still lying on the table. L7lL O Thorne, of course, returned the courteous salute of his jun- inr- ESE. `LI ! He doesn t believe it, Mn.-`es Varney, said Maxwell, turning to the younger woman, but it is certainly true. I dare say you know the gen`t1emap- ALLLIJ vv ullb aullulblllll I-`lease doI'1 t, lieutenant," in- terrupted Edith quickly. "I would rather not talk abrzut it, if you please." I 1 -In II ..- Of course, said Maxwell, "I didn t know there was any- thing-" , to -I -I-II-an IAC .- . q VIII IIRIII IXAIIIII AND SATURDAY IORIIIO (To Be; "C'onti.nued.) Half cental winter wheat-- Robt. Leadley, Barrie; Frank Chappel. Six rowed barley- Lloyd Livingston, Minesing. 12 ears yellow corn-Mrs. W. C. Hewitt, Wm. .Scott. White corn -C. M, Hickling, W. Scott. Red clover seed-A. D. Campbell. Silage corn-L. Kennedy, Jas. Coutts, Avening. School Fair Section. One gallon of oats---Ruth Liv- ingston, Meta Hunter, Nantyr. Six ears Golden Bantam corn-- Annie Chappel, Victoria Hewitt. Annie Chappel. One dozen po- tatoes, ordinary plot-Reta Liv- ingston, Oliver Wilson, Anten Mills. One dozen potatoes, war plot-John A. Campbell, Shanty . Bay; Ruth Livingston. Six turnips-Lena Graham, Norma Chappel. Six mangolds-F. Sutherland, Stroud; Ivan Chap- pel. Collection of woods-C. McLean, Thornton; Frank Gar- vin, Midhurst. Collection of weeds-K. Stephenson, Dalston; Margaret Sutherland, Stroud. Collection of weed seeds-K. Stephenson, Oliver Wilson. Col- lection of insects--M. Ronald, A One quart of field peasMss Minesing; Lena Graham. Handl towel-Lena Graham, Dorothy 1 Harper, Stroud. One half yard . Orders`-to captain Tho:-no. On the sleeves of Captain Thorne s coat the insignia of a captain of Confederate artillery were displayed; his uniform was worn, soiled, and ill_fitting, giving honorable evidence of hard service; his face was pale and thin and showed signs of recent illness, from which he had scarcely recovered. In ev- ery particular he was a marked contrast .to Lieutenant Maxwell. Varney, he said how. Int)` |1\\11 Boots. 12 Tubers, roundish or ob- long, white, late---Jas. Coutts, Avening; W. M. Campbell, Shanty Bay. 12 Tubers, long, red, or pink, late-Geo. Lees, Barrie. 12 Tubers, roundish or oblong, red or pink, late-Jas. Coutts,. Av- ening; W. M. Campbell, Collec-l tion of potatoes, named-H.: Maybee, Barrie; \V. M. Camp..l bell. 3 Swede tux-nips--Jas.| Coutts, Avening; W. M. Camp- hell; 3 Aberdeen turnips--Jas.j Coutts, Wm. Scott, Hawkestone.! 3 White Globe tm-nips-wm.: DKIIIO I lScott, W. M. Campbell. 3 Grey Plowright, Min`esing. 8 White Field carrots---W. M. Campbell, Wm. Scott. 3 sugar beets-Geo. Coles, Barrie; Jas- Coutts, Av.- ening. 2 pumpkins-A. A. Car- vin, L. Kennedy & Son. 3 red eld carrots-W. M. Campbell, Wm, Scott. 3 long red man- golds-Wm. Campbell, Jos. Chappel. 3 yellow mangolds- Gelo. Coles,. Jno. Hunter, Craig- va e. Stone tuI'nips--Jas Coutts, Geo] .l.J(ll Ullilh IJCGI 5 VV 0 1'1: \Ja.lIlPUCII,\ C. W. Na. h. C1app s Favm-ite- C. T. Thompson. Flemish IBeau- 3 ty-C_ VV. Nash, C. T. Th0mp_ son. Collection of Autumn and` Winter pears-C. W. Nash. Col- lection of plums--C. T. Thump- son. I\_-l_ 10 lbs. butter in 1 lb. rolls, A.` D. Campbell Shanty Bay; Mrs. T.` McCulloch, Guthrie; Mrs. D. Mc- Cuaig, Shanty Bay. 20 lbs. butter in crock, Mrs. A. Gilchrist, Shanty Bay; Mrs. D. McCuaig; Mrs. T. McCulloch. 10 lbs. of butter in crock, A. D. Campbell, `Mrs. D. Mc-' Cuaig, Mrs. T. McCulloch. 10 lbs. of butter in 2 lb. rolls, Miss Bella McCuaig, Mrs. D. McCuaig, Mrs. T. McCulloch. Farmers cheese, Mrs. T. McCulloch, Mrs. D. McCuaig. Loaf of home-made bread, A. D. Campbell, Mrs. D. McCuaig, Miss B. McCuaig. Imperial qt. of maple molasses, Mrs. A. Gilchrist, Mrs. W. C. Hewitt. 10 lbs. honey in comb, Mrs. W. C. Hewitt. 10 lbs. honey, extracted clover, A. E. Bell, Mrs W. C. Hewitt. 10 lbs. basswood honey,/ A. E. Bell, Mrs. VV. C. Hewitt. 10 lbs. buckwheat honey, A. E. Bell, Mrs. VV. C. Hewitt. Named collection of honey, A. E. Mrs. Hewitt. Home made I pickles in bottles, D. C. Campbell.* Collection of canned fruit, Mrs. T.` McCulloch, Mrs. S. Thorne. Onel dozen eggs, Fred Nixon, A. B.l Wice. Assortment of cakes, Mrs.? T. McCulloch. Dressed Goose, Mrs: W. C. Hewitt. Pair dressed ducks, E. A. Harris, F. Chappel. Pair dressed fowl, -Mrs. Jos. Chappel, Mrs. T. McCulloch. Fruits. Duchess of Oldenburg-C. T. Thompson, J. T, Quinlan. St. Lawrence--C. T. Thompson, John Hunter. Alexanders-Geo. Coles, J. T. Quinlan. McIntosh s Red-Harry Wortley. Snows- Geo. Ottaway, J. T. Quinlan.` American Golden Russetts----A. A. Garvin, Geo. Ottaway. Redl Pound-A. A. Garvin, Geo. Ot- taway. Pewaukee-Geo. Otta- way, J. T. Quinlan. Northern Spy-G(-o. Ottaway, \V. M. Campbell. Baldwins-Geo. 0t- taway. Colvert-J. T, Quinlan, Geo. Ottaway. Wagners-Geo. Ottawav. Wallace Brown. Rib- stin Pippins-Geo. Ottaway, C. T. Thompson. Wealthies-A. A. Garvin, J. G. Guise-Bagley. Yel- low Bells Flowers-Geo. Otta- way, J, T. Quinlan. King of Tompkins ,County--Geo. Otta- way. Rhode Island Greenings- Geo. Ottaway. Man--Geo. Otta_ way, Jas. Coutts. Ben Davis-- J. T. Quinlan, J. G. Guise-Bag- ley. Ontario-J. T. Quinlan, C. T. Thompson \Volf River-J. Hunter, J. T. Quinlan. Seek-no- further-Chas. Robertson, J. Hunter, Craigvale. Grimes Golden--Geo. Ottawav. Five varieties for dessert--Geo. Ot- taway, C. T. Thompson. Five varieties for cooking--Geo. Ot- taway, C. T. Thompson Five varieties for export-Geo Otta- way,. C. T. Thompson. Box packed for dessert-Wm. Scott, Jas. Coutts. Half peck crab apples, Transcendent - J. T. Quinlan. Crab apples, Hys1op-- W. M. Campbell, VVm. Scott. Crab apples, a.o.v.-J. Hunter. Bartlett pears--W. M. Campbell, In I`, `\7 Noah plnnnla l7n1vnu-i PRIZE wmuzns A1 1 name sxmarrnoni (Continued from page 6) DAIRY PRODUCE Grain. Garden Produce. Henderson's early cabbage- .M. Moore, H, Hook. Winning- stadt cabbag`e--M. Moore, B. E. Challis. Savoy cabbage-J. Stapleton, M. Moore. Scotch Kale--D. C. Campbell. Red cab- bage--M. Moore, Mrs. A. Ca- vena. Red cabbage, any other variety-H. Hook, M. Moore. Caulifl0wers-D. C. Campbell, M. Moore. Early Horn carrots-W. M. Campbell, H. B. Tate. Chan- tenay carrots-E. A. Harris, C. W. Nash. Long red carrots-W. M. Campbell, Wm. Scott. Par- snips--B. E. Challis, Wm. Scott. Paris Golden celei-y-B.E.Challis E. A. Harris. Pink celery--D. C, Campbell. White Plume cel- ery-B. E. Challis, E. A. Harris. Winter cele1'y-D. C. Campbell. Capsicums--D. C. Campbell, Jno. Hines. Table corn--C. C. Hinds, Mrs. W. C. Hewitt. Table beans --B. E. Challis, Mrs. J. Camp- bell. Long Bed beets--W. M. Campbell, A. S._ St. John. Turn- ip beets-H. Maybee, W. M. Campbell. Salsify-W. M. Campbell, Wm. Scott. Long radishes-M. Moore, D. C. Camp- bell. Turnip radishes-D. C. Campbell, M. Moore. Table turnips-W. M. Campbell, D. C. Campbell, Jerusalem Artichokes -R. Bidwell, Mrs A. D. Camp. 1 bell. White seed onions-C. W. Nash. Yellow seed onions-Mrs. A. Cavena, M. Moore. Red seed Iulnulll-3. Vbl. uv.:ua.'--1'. LAUVIL`, C. Campbell. 'Ca_lliopsis-R. J.` Fletcher, Mrs. Cavena. Gaillar- dia---H. \Vortley, B. E. Challis.` |l.ilies-Mrs. Cavena. Holian-] :thus-H. B. Tate, Miss Cres..; lwicke. Candytuft-P. Love, A.` IS. St. John. Cockscomb-P.l Love, A. S. St. John. Magnon_ ,ette-Mrs. A. Cavena, A, S. St. ;John. Salvia, 6 spikes- aR. J. Fletcher. D. C. Camp- 'boll. Geraniums--Miss Cx'os.. wicko, R. Bidwell. Gerani- ums, 6 double--B. E. Challis, Miss Creswicko. Basket cut ow-- ers-Walter Patterson, H. Hook. I I Table oral ornament-H. Hook, P. Love. Table bouquet-II. Hook, P. Love. Hand bouquet- P. Love, H. Hook. Foral lawn ornament-D. C. Campbell, P. Love. Cut Flowers. Collection of Asters-P. Love D. C. Campbell, Mrs. Cavena. Collection of Gla(lioli-P. i Love, D. C. Campbell, Mrs. W.! H. Myers. Pansies, with foli-. age--P, Love, A. S. St. John.l Sweet peas-A. E. Bell, D. C.1 Campbell, P. Love. Gladioli, 105 spikes, 10 varieties-P. Love lwalter Patterson. Gladioli, 10: spikes, l variety-P. Love, \V.' Patterson. Asters, pink-W. Patterson, Harry Hook. Asters, white-P. Love, W. Patterson. Asters, purple--\V_ Patterson, P.` Love. Asters, crin1son-P. Love, A. S. St. John. Asters, mauve- P. Love, A. S. St. John. Asters, two-shaded-W. Patterson, H. Hook. Collection of annuals, `12 varieties-P. Love, Mrs. A Ca- vena. Roses-J. ll. Bennett,l Bert E. Challis. Petuuias, single` --B. E. Challis, D. C. Campbell. Petunias,. double-H. Wortley, D. C. Campbell. Phlox Drum- m0ndi-B. E. Challis, P. Love. Perennial Phlox-Mrs. Cavena, A. S, St. John. Stocks--D. C. Campbell, A. S. St. John. Zin- nias--J. H. Bennett, R. J. Fletch- er. Marigolds-Mrs. Cavena, P.| Love. Dahlias-A. S. St. John, D. C, Campbell. Nasturtiums- A. S. St. John, P. Love. Dian- thus-R. J. Fletcher. Hydrangea! -R. J. Fletcher, R. Bidwell. Sal- peglossis-A.- S. St. John. Sea- bios~a-P. Love, A. S. St. John. Anemones-R. Bidwell,- B. E. Challis. \'erbena--P. Love. .....-...I....II {V_lI:._A_:_ I'\ CHAPTER I-M rs. Varney, wife of a Confederate general, has`l0st one son and has another dying from wounds. She reluct- antly gives her consent. for Wil- fred, the youngest, to join the army if his father consents. The federals are making their last assault in an effort to capture Richmond. lace or insertion-Irene Patte- son, Stmud; Olena Patterson, Stroud. ` I I Two hanging baskets--P.Love, Richard Bidwell. Fuchias-R.: Bidwell. Single (ieraniums--R.! Bidwell. Double Ge-raniums-o R. Bidwell. Coleus-R, Bidwell.} FeI'ns-R. Bidwell. Collectiorii `of green house plante-R. Bid- well. Plants grown In pots by! amatc-ur-I). C. Campbell. Col_E lection of Begonias, amatnur--! R. Bidwell. Rubber plant-R.; Bidwell, Mrs. \Vm. Moore. Kochia --H. B, Tate, D. C. C.ampbell.| In1paliens-R. Bidwell. l `peanut: can -`arson--53 av--no--v-- v---.- _-..._, . 4" World's lamest manufacturers of Roong and Buihl New York City Chicago Phiindelphin St. Louis Boston Detroit San Francisco Cincinnati Minneapolis Q-AMI; Ailnnln It-lnnninn Lnndnn It can be laid in gt;-{P3, Painted in gang. Certain-3_o.':_1 tive colors and will give the best service Board are its great strength an its restat- many clnmate. Used the world over. ancc to mc-Es:ure. Sold by dealer: everywhere at rc:.:;'_-.aL-Sc prices .1. f O __A_____A_`_A___ -made in three thicknesses, guaranteed 5 years for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-ply and 15 years for` 3-ply, backed by the respon- sibility of the largest roong and building paper industry in the world. ` Don t _use unknown mateyigls I U ml. ?VI VVII?I`F XE I &~-. J-4_-I.A .o-\. .ho General Roofing Manufacturing Cog:-pany n'nnn,4".n lnnnnol nmnnnafnnlug-are nf Dlutxvnn tnnl Th: NIH nn 7 `n.'r.z I"lants and Flowers. uetrou mm rn Seattle Atlanta \Jl.JL.I.l. J. .1410 nnjuuxuu V GI. 11C secures from President Davis a commission for Capt. Thorne, who is just recovering `from wounds, as chief of the telegraph at Richmond.