These beautiful lots are situ- ated north of the Bowling` Green and will be otfered for sale by Public Auction on .I-riday. July 30th, 1915. Sale at 8 pm . on the grating Terms: Part cash and al secured by mortgages. 29-3 - R. DRURY. Men's Light Grey Summer Pants, with belt loops and turn-up cuffs. good value at $2.00. Clearing price, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buy Sutcliffe s Laundry Soap, 8 bars for 25. Wardrobe. Ladies Handsome Lawn Blouse, lace inser- tion trimming. button front, crochet but- a 1 L50 33f`re fa. T ..`."..$ ...... .. 98 cts. wear with Smart. Daingz Blouses. esge Here are ever so man! just what `good colorig. extra value, l5c; ;.u.\JJ.\I||v uuu; vv IILVLJCJIJ l.Ul.' U116} month. Give best terms and; particulars.- N. Sommerville, Shanty Bay. 30-30 FOR SALE-A portable thresh- ing outt; also water tank. Apply to Exam1ner'and Satur- day Morning oice. 30-32 HOUSE 1`0 LET-8-roomed Pu-inl; .I.unnInnA LI. n......In-.--I zour best suits. You'll nd the! ...uus.;- CLCULUU I.ueI'e0I1. Both properties are within half a mile of school house and within 5 miles of the Village of New Lowell. Terms of Sale:-i0 per cent at the time of sale and the bal- ance within thirty days there- after. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and con; ditions of sale will be made known at time of sale and in the meantime may be learned from _'ln_2'l Q'I"DA7I1I!11 I I-n------- uuluhu nu UCCU numner Z5122. Parcel No. -1 is said to be chiefly clay loam and Parcel No. 2 is said to be partly clay loam and is said to have a small log house erected thereon. Rnfh v\nn~nnn33v~- A- ` ' AUOTIOH GALE of Valuable Farm Property. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the New Barrie Hotel, Barrie, on Saturday August 28th, 1915, at 1.30 o'clock the follow- ing valuable farm property in the Township of Sunnidale in the County of Simcoe and being com- posed of firstly: the east half of the North half of Lot -Number Seventeen on the east side of the Sunnidale Road in the Sixth Con- cession of the said Township containing 50 acres and Second- ly: Those parts of the west half of the west half of .Lot Number Fifteen in the Seventh Conces- lsion of the said. Township, icontaining twenty-s1x acres be the same more or less as de- scrbed in deed Number 3122 parpp] N .1 `Q (\l\:1J A- I. zou want to freshen ug w :unn1l:_11_ on l`J'1'EN,_ Vendor's Sol1c1tor`s, Barrle. Thursday. July 29, 1915 sizes. Extra L` I DU-OU AUTO FOR HIRE--BE mile or trip. W. E. Todd, p onge 34178. 2 _. BOARD AND ROOMS by the day or week. Apply Misses Bell, 59 Mary St.- 30-31. GIRL WANTED-To ass1st wntb housework. Ap ly -Mrs. Walter Dull`, 39 oro 0 St. TO LET--l.~`ux-nished room for two gentlemen, all conven- iences. Apply 92 Maglg 3A)ve. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE-- No children, home cookin . Prices reasonable. 3 Mu; caster St. 23-tf OFFICE GIRL WANTED for month of August. Apply at. Examiner and Saturday Morn- ing ollice. 30-30 [F.O,~UND---On Dunlop Street on Sunday, Prayer Beads. Apply Examiner and Saturday Morn- ing ollice, 30-30 MOTOR BOAT WANTED for one nnnnlh {Linn Inn.-`L t......~... ..--| I aecially Eretgx 2 desig suitable "$`i.5o 99 J9c 10 RASPBERRIES WANTED -4000 lbs . Apply to Bryson Bros. 30-30 Afhn nnn ntnn n__ __;|.. .._ GIIU, l.lallllll.,l_l Sore and Port. Dr. and .\h spe_nt a fun u Mrs. V\'o-st. they werv nm to Sturgcmn of weeks viu Peterboru. Mr. and Mnjs. nipeg and took 8. nmtnr Falls, Hamilm L.___ _A| n . .,..,...,,,. Mrs. l~ 13$ Sl('\'n' turn:-I h couple n1 ens` paw Obwn at Of Mi: .31-y 1'1: and wii again fir: `H115: I Dellmw 4: ing with MP5. A. ` Mr. am pcct to lo- cunliuc-ML Hie` Bishop. 1 Sarnia. Thu.-`~. day to .~ Arthur \\ Jutllnsuu. Mrs. baby an town wi Mr_s. U. |lo Pour AVA: o 1.! Ml`. 11111} Detroit, M1 funnel-`s .-i beg, 168 H EDD I\Jl} I H. U. H ston on \\ annuulun lows` Ho-ll T Lou. Br Beatty at weeks. '1` Mrs. guest t Mrs. guest t Iii- V VVLII ll t.urniu.~,' euiug. M1`. : fa.mi!y Sam Bub ing Uuuul. and utho-1' lls] "s'au'.u'. spent a Dunald . Q LA`./~)'|I U1 M155 \VUUdSl.1 }ie`1}1_'y. vxluvl ,Ml'S. Till IDLIT %L|lI. Thursday] Pal PERSOI Ill PL,)1f .l PQMPI BAH! THREI PL :M} I nuMl Illa 1111!.` uuu UIJSLS. The property of Mrs. R. E. - Fletcher, known as Rosela'wn," facing on Bradford, High and` F Toronto Sts.,. Barrie, has been --bought by W. C. Thompson, who V has already started to erect two 'new solid brick houses on Brad- flford and Toronto streets. .1 Tho 17.-um A.....I...:..---_ rv -I I 4` 2: Sfyiiel Stric 'I\i'i iii} LIJIU auu 1U1'UllLU ."ol,I'BeLS. The Ven. Archdeacon Cody, 1 vgRector of St. Paul's `Church, To-` ronto, will be the preacher (D. 'tV.) in St. Paul`s.Church, Innis- ` fll, on Sunday. August 1st, at H o'clock in the morning. S.S. at ' 10 o'clock. Service at St. Pet- er s at 3 o'clock. S.S. at 2 p.m. _ Chief Constable Grasett of To- ;ronto warns Ontario farmers -against answering advertise- zments inserted in daily papers by {strangers regarding the pur- chase of their produce, and can- tions them not to do business ,with men of whom they know `nothing. Jack Lee, trap drummer, is in town again after lling an en- Easement with the Ewing Zouave oncert Band in Michigan. This band is composed mostly of solo- ist musicians and is very popular in the States and Western Can- ada. Mr. Lee was the only Can- adian in the band. He will re- sume his position as drummer in the St. Catharines opera house this Fall. `I... `I1V-_L-_ I--n ,-___|' , . . . _ _ . - V`-none sulu Mrs. H. A. Jarvis of Winnipeg who is here visiting` her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paddison, has a German helmet picked up by her husband on the battle field. In the back of the helmet is a bul- let hole, so the German must have been on the run when shot. The finish is worn off the patent leather and the helmet has ev- ery evidence of hard usage. 1 ....I- I ..- 1.___ J IIIIIU cl` all Mr. Fdrbes last week received word of the death of his niece Mrs. Frances M. L. Andros, who AUCTION SALE OI`-`I CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. ,m.u mu nu uu: DuLul`U8.y EJVPDIHS` Post last year, will be interested in knowing that it has been p,ic- turized by the World Film Corp- oration and will be shown at Dreamland Monday evening next, in five parts, with Howard Estabrook and Barbara Tennant in the leading roles. `I'__,_ 1" V _ .__...G. V P901316 who have read The Butterfly," which appeared as a- serial in the Saturday Evening |Pns:t. lam vnnr will an ...a,.......4,.,a Quuu IIBI: U1 puastu5`BI'S. The Waubaushene young man who was trying to have a good time at the expense of the gov- erunu-nlh under the pm-tellce of enlisting`, did not have to spend the fourteen days In jail. Some friends put up the amount of his fine and costs. mhn I'\IIl\v\n\wn`-- D `l'-- " "" mums Luusxuxa w nan` at 5 am. _on Mondays 0nly,ar1'iving in Bar- rie at 6.30 and Turonto at 8.&0 a.m., proved very popular on its imtial trip this week and had a good list of passengers. I Tho \Unnlr\o--air-Ann ------~ ---- uUVV1l LU1 oauuruuy lllUI'lllUg. i Reeve Bennett not only has exquisite flowers in his garden, but small fruits that are win- ners as well. Yesterday a re- porter saw a sample of his guuseberries (White Smith var- iety) that were larger than a |p1ge0n s egg. I II-`Flu v\1u1v fl 7"` I ) I-.-'-- --~`- -' - ` :1;$5G.T.R. train which: leaves Muskoka Wharf at 5 (In Mndnxru nnlu n..n.'..2..`.._ :_ IN- down for Saturday morning. \JIQllIJ uauusu IJUJD an I/Ill: 1l.'UllI.n } Owing to the failure of a con- stable to serve the summons, the motor case against Robt. Short:-eed did not come up in police court yesterday. It is set. RIMJVH RQHIIDH nnl nnl-v kn- A patriotic concert and lawnl `fete will be held in Lefroy at Mr. i Noah U1'ose s, Saturday eve11iug,! Aug. 7th, the proceeds of which will he used for comforts for the |C.anadians boys at the front. flurinav in hhn `n:l....n no .. ....-. wunblvus uuu Ll`)-DU-UG|oUo CU-O` 1 wheat and 1-ye-cutting com; menced in Innisfll and Essa on Monday. some excellent elds of wheat. are now being cut, some estimating` the yield to be forty buhels to the acre. | f\l'\`I|;r\`:1\ A A _ . ..._A A J |- K}\DlI\I`l 0 ---Call on D. A. Tucker s new barber shop on Glapperton St..,- opposite Simcoe Hotel. Strictly: _sanitary and` up-to-dat.e. 30-32 I \A/hunf on. nuvn l'|II..I'r\r\n ILI\uv\ I I/LllIAIVfLI.4I"llo Possession to plow on Septem- her hat and full possession on Maroh,1st. 1916. Will be sold very reasonable. uAIIvnmA I` . \ A _ _.. I`, ` I van Luuolu BOULD- -Bamboo Verandah Mains, I all sizes, for sale at ougall` `Bros., House Furnishers. 22-1.1 I`ha nnmnlnn v'v\nnC:v\:\n -4` tI..,. \17 I uauzsuuj nu nug. ILIDIIUUU U1 ll1'a|lo` Rev. Hugh MaoFa1-lane gave an address to the Boy Scouts at: their camp, Big Bay Point, on. Sunday. ` (`nil run n A m....1.....9_ ....--. usuun, uuuuu x'u1'uIauUl'a. 16-LII The regular meeting of the W..; C.T.U. will be held on the last Monday in Aug. instead of rst. Dav I-Ina-h Mnnvnvnlnnn r...-nu. I .-Headquarters for Columbia,*` ;Vwtor and_ U. S. records-Gwr- lrettfs MUSIC Store. u....,.L..-... u-_-_.I-L n--1A- :- - .IY1 - -_-u- -nun: Ivan: "I)'a"'l"t"""""" "d "1';i`._` U` V" UWIII to uex Thursda beln ; 3 . 3 0" `"1 153 LEW- `Civic Hgliday, this paper );vill bgfgv _B3Xr and *0? b1'9'eI' `issued a day earlier than usual: ,1,`t lf - LaVl"5." B`a9bd89- -next week. Correspondents and ls t fa '-m"f"a_w` take 191303 011; advertisers will kindly bear this 9' I 3'3 3 t` 3" 1-30 H0111} as 9 ' ne- sing. Rev. P. A._ Jourdan will -Headquarters Columbia, 5 "d" the S`"3- early as possible. 80 Dunlop St. Phone 303. Ian-Io! ---: _.r-1-: tux: Our Ice Cream is Best. They know. Flavors - Chocolate, V Straw- berry, Vanilla, 200 a pint brick. Wholesale prices on application. 11---- AL- I__' - 11---... iiiyi `:;iaa};s'n'f' 3158;}; Cong. 5 cts. OLYMPIA CANDY WORKS A A DAY EARLY NEXT WELE_|__ ..._-L FI'VL.__.-.l-_, Local N eyva VIJIJ IUGGIIIICIUIC. Howard Cooper, Cookstown. 30-32 _ `I'll! LADIES SAY rnull Dual-EIIII RASPBERRIES, Niagara Dis- trict grown, are about done, and` Black Currants are also nearing an end. The ever popular and delicious Lawtonborry - large black Thlrnhlobon-y--and Toma- tooo are beginning to make their appearance. Dr. Gilchrist. has received a copy of an English newspaper containing the names of many` soldiers recommended by Gener- al French for distinguished serv- ice, and among them is that of his nephew, Lieut. A. J. Gilchrist, of the Royal Army Medical Corps. -Orillia Times. w --y wvvulluvlln A. H. West received from the Adjutant General, Tuesday morning, the following telegram: Sincerelv regret inform you 947 Pte. Clarence West,. Royal Can. Dragoons officially report- ed admitted No. 9, General Hosp. Rouen; July 20th, wou'nded. Gun shot upper arm, further partic- ulars" when received sent. Stroud Ladies Won. Knock and Stroud Ladies ball teams played at Stroud on Mon- day, the latter winning by 17- 1;. About 200 were present, and after the game both teams and oieials were entertained at sup- per on the lawn of Mr. F. W Mathers, the manager of the Stroud team. scure:- Vernun . . . `Westcott . . Allan . . . . '1`elfer .. . Stewart. . . Connolly . . U1'1'_iu . . . . Golf. Collingwood versus 1 Match played on Barrie July 24th. Hnnn... I The Morals of Marcus." Had William J. Locke express- , ly written his famous novel and` play, "'1'he Morals ol l\rlarcus', for Marie Doro, he could not have improved upon the theme or the role, with their vast trea- sure of opportunity charmingly congenial to the talents and mannerisms of the youthful star. The picturesque oddity and or- iginality of the charming play is further illumuated by the sweet wistfulness and captivating per- sonality of Miss Doro. Her deli- cate beauty and appealing tend- erness make her an ideal inter- ` preter of therole of Carlotta, the slender and fascin_ating little re- fugee from a Turkish harem, and the central character of the play. ' At the Grand opera house, in motion pictures, b`riday and Sat- urday of this week. ...u u] uupb. ueu. noagers and 1). ` `N. Morrison vlsxted hilmvale and ,0:-g`a1uzed a Home Guard for the vcapltal of Flos. Jus. Urysdale was appuinted chairman of the comnuuee. -., -.\..... xvue ~'ri1-uIU ` FARM FOR SAl.E-Situated in 4 the township of lnnisfll, N hf.| lot 6. S. east qr. lot 6, con. 5, E1 395 miles from Tllornton, con- ' taming 150 acres. Farm con- tains large brick house, barn` 36xlOO, hay barn with pig-f gery and hennery beneath. d1~ive_house 20x60 feet Soil a clay loam, orchard of three acres, two good wells and cistern. School house on op- posite corner. R.M.D. Apply on premises. 30-tf YOUNG IIIEII wAlITD-Hendle llotorcyclee, Automobiles, Ac- ceeeorloe, Etc. Local oeltlons; Machine furnlehed; bl-Inge the offer; also epoclal eaey payment terms. General Mot- ore Agencies, 103 0.P.R. Ildg., Toronto, Ontario. I In VJ9I\`c\nlg 1 She is survived by her hus-s hand, one daughter, Mrs. Nor: man Richardson, Barrie; her father, Thomas Lawson, Elm-_ vale; also two sisters Mrs. G. W. . I Hickling, Dalston, and Miss son, Barrie, -one brother, '!Robert. A. Lawson, i The funeral will mlm nlm... I\v\ `ied by Capt. Ureo. Rodgers and 1). ` ulu vmage,11ome _Unuard. The next. evenmg, the same two B*arr1e gentlemen accompan- N. M0l'PiSl|n \.'Ie|!Lu-I h`l.......|.. ..-..A valu uuuuuy . Last 1*`:-lday evening Vietoria: garbur showed that it IS prepar- ed` LU "do its blt," when after addresses by Capt. Moberley and Dr. Palllug, over 100 slgned the [roll and Iurl.her undertook to lprovlde funds for a machine gun. I1'l1e Waldie Lumber Uu. also agreed to give a similar gun and to supply uniforms and 1-1'1'l'es to `the v1llage,Home Guard. ` TIDV. axinnruirunn `L I Capt. Moberley assisted by -several other members of the Burns Home Guards are doing good work In organizing Liual-as at d1`'e1-ent poxuts throughout `the Uounty. - l.Duf I4`:-u.In-p 1------~'r- A 1v- - died suddenly from apoplexy while bathing at Vancouver on July 19. She was stricken in the water and died a few minutes after being taken ashore. About 25 years ago deceased was well known In Barrie, as Daisy Hew- itt, daughter of Mrs. (Capt.) Whish. Her husband Major Andros is now at Shornelitfe. lShe leaves three daughters and I OIIG `SO11. uucu. au iuvuuu since mat time. The late Mrs. Riehardson was born in Minesing, her maiden name belng Ermina Lawson. About twenty-live years ago she married Mr. Walter' Richardson. For about two years they lived in Tiny and then went to Hills- dale where they resided about twelve years. Later they farm- .ed on (Jon. 6, Vespra, and came from there to Barrie about nine years ago, where they have since `resided. uh... .'.. ....-._.:--- ii __.,_ ----_. ----cw: uuuvuurullllo Mrs. Wal_ter Richardson pass- ed away thls (Ehursday) morn- ing, July 29, i her 49th year. Two years ago she was seized with a paralytic stroke and had been an invatxd since that time. Tho Info ne Dinhn...-lr..\... -_._r Ola:-once What. Wo.undgd_ I 117, Late Mrs. Ikfaltor Richardson. `Inn \l7..lL,_-_ Honorable Mention. l`_'I I u . Farm For Sale.- North half. lot 2, con. 3. Innis- l. 100 acres. Excellent brick house; barns up-to-date; ple11t,y~ of good water and is in first class cultivatim}. T1,. . . A . . A ~ - - ' ` irnurr BULLETIN DDUDDIDQ 1u:.....--._ Doing cob}: Work. 1 1 . 1 . . J3 Calderwuod .. Wisxxlcr . . .0 Buthwell . .1 l'urkis . . . IXAIIIII AID SATURDAY Ba_1'rie. 2 Lmks, '11}: .154 All an/`I .154 `A oavuu-4 V1 41;! J. LJJJ '1' L` ul.'l.l.l5llUU or uni`-urnished-. Modern con- veniences-, fairly central, pos- session Sept. 15. Apply at this office. 28-tf FOR RENT---Five room summer` cottage at Cedarmont, near Big Bay Point. Partly furn- ished. Phone T. D. Soules, Stroud central. 28-30 AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN- Ford touring car, good running or- der,. tires in flrst-rate condi- tion. $225 for quick sale. Apply at this ofllce. 30-32 LOST-Between N. Cotter's store - and Five Points, on Saturday night, 24-th, left-foot slipper. Finder please leave at Cotter's Shoe Store, Mulcaster St. 30 AGENTS WANTED for Private! Christmas Cards. Ladies or Gents. Samples book free. Large profits. Chipcaso, . Cardex;" Darlington, lllng- , land. 29-8-1 1 FOUNl)--On Bayfleld Street, on Monday, a gent's bicy-'1 cle. Owner ma have same by l {y and paying 4 603113. 28-tf TEACHER WANTED-For S. S. 5 No. 8, Essa, duties to com- l mence after midsummer. Sal- 5 ary about $500 according to l qualifications. Write C. D. C McDonald, Sec.-Treas., Thorn. ton R. R. No. 3. 28-tf STEER AS'I`llAY-S'trayed from lot 28, con. 10,- Essa, a red yearling steer, tag in left ear. 13 Last seen at Colwcll on July .3 5th Information thankfully re- 1` ceivcd by James Hubbert,. R.R. |p No. 2, Al|a.ndale. 30 FARM FOR SALE-South halfg lot 10, con. ll. Innisfll, 100 -1. acres, well watered, fairly well a fenced, good barn on founda- i, tion, comfortable house. Will 8 be sold reasonably. Apply S. E. Turner, 70 Toronto St., Barrie. 30-32 - FARM FOR SALE-Tl1e property 9 of the late Isaac Hart. Situ- 9] ated on the 3rd con. of Oro, u 110 acres, good buildings. fl Must be sold by Sept.30. Can 1, give possession on A ril lst. For particulars appy Mrs. F Hart, 159 Mary St., Barrig. tf ff 7_ r ANNUAL JULY SALE OF C()ll.-;1 ENE CORSETS Connnem.-lug 1,: Saturday, July 10th. All sizo-`s..n, colors grey and white. Somali-C almost at your own 01-n;-3;` most of them less than lI(1lf;R. price. These corsets inust he;,.( sold during July, as the Com-;Vp pany want the money. Or-ierspm taken at any time. Mrs. Hoard, 0' 15 Ross St. 39.30 H 'l.1Anl: l1f\I\ n...-. A... Im `A v`--- _.- ---wv.-vv--tv uutuw 10 a.m.-Qua1-terly Love Feast. 11 a.m.-Communion Service. 7 p.m.-The Supreme Sacri- ce--or Woman s Part in War." Second in series of Recruiting sermons. KRAHLING -- GOODSON - At Niagara Falls, N.Y., on July 24th, 1915, by Rev. John E. Vassar, Lyla E. B. Goodson, formerly of Barrie, to Miltonl Krahling of Niagara Falls,: Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Kral1_! ling will reside at 22 St. Clair Avenue, Niagara Falls, Can- ada. g LEIGH-CRAWFORD --- At the` residence of the bride s par-` ents. Mitchell Square, on Wed- nesday, Jul 28th, by Rev. N. Campbell, Vyerna May, daugh- ter of Robt. Crawford, Esq., to James William Leigh of Hawkestone. . McNI{ EN-In Barrie on Friday, July 23, to ,-M1`. and Mrs. Chas. rcNiven, Brock St., a daugh- er. DEVLIN-In 13;`-r-i'e, on July 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Devlin, a daughter. HUBBERT-0n Thursday, July 22, 1915,. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hubbert, Oro, a son. LAMBERT-At the Toronto General Hospital, on Wednes- day, July 28, 1915, '0 Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Lambert, a son. central lothodlst church. Boys']erseys without sleeves, big value at 25c, Clearing price.. l5c Ladies Tan Lac; Pink, Sky. Lisle and Cotton Hose. Extra value at 25c 61 35c. Sale price we Children's white, black, lace and ne ribbed Hose. Extra value at Z5c., Clearing price- . - - - l5c Boys Jerseys, long and short sleeves, sizes 22 to 32. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juiy 30-3| . . .'. Children's Handsome Gingham Tub Dresses. t age 6 to I2, extra value I .50, clearing at 5 I .00 Children's Print and Gingham Dresses, t ages 2 to 6, special vglue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Children's Gingham Rompers, good quality, t ages 2, 3 4 Special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ladies' -white Embroicl cry, Ging- ham, Duck, Chambray Dresses, nicely trimmed. well made, prices $6.00, 3.50, 2.50. Clear- ing on Friday and Saturday,` July . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Avllll uag U1 uuny, IUIU. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pub- lication of this notice, and can- not be made thereafter. n`nJ cl... 11.4.. .1--- -1 7,` xuauc Lucrcal L61`. ""i)'CEa the nth day of July, 1915. 27-29 R. J. FLETCHER, Clerk of the County of Simcoe. \IV\lL Ill And that such By-law was registered in the Registry office of the County of Simcoe on the 13th day of July, 1915. or thereof '11-no rnnnll-no nth`-. 4|... a....1. _-_\_ 11: BY-LAW no. 1131 or Tl-IEI oouurv or SIIIOOE. Notice is hereby given that a By-1aw was passed by the Corp-! oration of the County of Simcoe- {on the 19th day of June, 1915, gDI'0VidiIl8` for the issue of deben- `tures to the amount of $20,- 000.00 for the purpose of paying for the cost of several bridges -and repairs to County Roads [caused by heavy rainfalls and `storms. A_.I AL I I - *J*Xi11::'s' Xiin. Old Bank of Toronto Bldg., Owen St., Box, 6,. Barrie. 30-32 Nibllllleg A number of excellent farms from 50 acres to 250 acres, in Vespra, Oro, Essa and {Inn ,\!\:nn l`nn.-..-. .. 17......__ vuop: a, uru, DBSH. uuu llllll-SIM. One choice farm in Vespra 150 acres, in first class condi- tion. Close to Barrie. 25c Very 8pooiaI-l00 acres, in Innisl Tp., all cleared, ne brick dwelling, large hank barn, good state of cultivation, well fenced. At a bargain. Good reasons for selling. A ntunaknn AR A...-...Il_._A !-._-- Buy Sutcliffe s Eldorado Toilet Soap. Special price,'50c doz.; 5c per cake. Crochet Bed Spreads. large (double bed value at $2.00. Sale price ~ - - - - - - - - Table Oilcloths, H yds. wide, Lzhoice patterns, white and dark colors. Extra value 25c. Sale price 2 1 C Men's White Duck Shirts. black anel white stripes, sizes Hi` to I 6%, reversible collars, extra value $ I .00. Sale 79 Linen Table Cloths, bleached. 21- yds. long, 58 inches wide," handsome patterns. Extra value at $1.25. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 American Galatea.| yard wide-colors, navy and white, black and white, brown and white. Extra value at Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` Handsome Crepes. 1 Sale price- - - -- Farms For sale. uuuuu AU 141111.-'-'O-FUUUIUU brick, detached, 44 Bradford St. Modern conveniences. Ap- ply to A. Cowan. Barrie. 29-3- ) HOUSE WAN'I`ED- Furnished nu nnfnnniuknpl. ll.-\A.\..... ...\..