-July {FIX II"| 20th. A number of Valuabl Farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most reason able terms. BANK or TORONTO BUILDING ` BA RRIE } Fire & Life Insurance Agent For forty yeere this femons root and herb medicine has been pro-eminently successful in controlling the diseases of women. Merit alone could hsve stood this test of time. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkhanfs Vegeta- ble Colnpolmdwlll help you,write 1 `:u'I'_-"nn D`-nbkguum Iingllnl-.-tV.. ` XI`? \I`IKI.II'KI-III UV III I-Ily UVI III`? \ to LydlnE.Plnkhem M edlc.lneC e (condential) Lynn,Mue.,fored- viee. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by 3 women, -wan` Inglnl In at-Int an-ntlnangg -`I --CVVYIT I, I WV?`-I3 3T3`h'31amuur1otoonnaanoo. male troubles from the time I came into - - womanhood until I . had taken Lydia E. ;! Pinkham's Vegeta- _ \I ble Compound. I \ would have pains if f~, I` overworked or ; (1; lifted anything heavy, and I would i be so weak and ner- vous and in so much misery that I would be prostrated. A friend told me what ; your medicine had done for her and I i tried it. It made me strong and healthy and our home is now happy with a baby 3 boy. I am very glad that I took Lydia ` } E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and % do all I can to recommend it."-Mrs.A. l B. Boscmp, 604 E. Howard Street, 1 Creston, Iowa. I'V- BO Tons of Root: and Herbs 1 are used annually in the manufacturo of Lydia E. Pinkham. s Vegetable Com- pound, which in known from ocean to gcean 3:` the Itundsrd remedy for .-.-I- - female ills. uuuuu Ltouubu LU]. out: VVUIDU UGDU. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription sold un- der guarantee of money back if it fails to_remove freckles. Real Estate and M onoy to Log n ID Ill Illlllsa Simply get an ounce of othine `---double stI'ength-from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful com- plexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. DA outrun `I\ nn1r `Ian f'IluIt\nr\o:1\` 0,... Here's a chance, Miss Freckle- face to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles, while if it does give you la clear complexion the expense ; is trifling. QiYV\I`\`I1 run` n n n u 1 n run A nJl.u'-.u WOMAN WEAK AND NERVOUS 8un and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Freckle=Face `Fruit-a-tives is the greatest Kidney Remedy in the world and many people have testied to its value in severe cases of Rlzeumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Pain in the Back, Impure Blood, Headaches, Neuralgia, Pi mples, Blatdte: and ollier Skin Troubles. FRUIT-A-TIVES has been one of the great successes of the century and the sales are enormous, both in Canadn and the United States. 50c. 3 box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. F-`on . p_r_o Find: Health in Lydia l Pinkhun s Vegetable Compound. 7tz;`"1"ItIJ-111"-:'1: i"IJ\ ES is excellent for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Sour Stomach. `Fruit-a~tives is the only certain remedy that will correct chronic Constipation and Liver trouble. K1-1 -. -w - - cu: - out C$l\vCC VI Onngu, Figs and Prune: Combined . W'ath Tonia and Antiseptics. Fruit-a-tives means health. In years to come, people will look back to the discovery of `Fruit-a-tives and wonder how they ever managed to get along without these wonderful tablets, made from fruit juices. 1n1'rrv-rrn A rnvvvrwrun. . -- - - Made From T: Crecttin, Iowo..- I suffered with fo- --l- A_...I.I-- l_.- LL- a.:__ _ I - , . IHousArTnwEIHIn soon Hggnu To It FRUIT-H|VES THE MARVEUUIJS FRUIT MEIJIIIINE Jas. Arnold _ `want u 57`?! T To`. ` -gtolnachr-Liver, Blood, Kidney and Skin Trouble Than Any Other Medicine JI;(OI of APPIOM --- ---- --vd TIRIII Permanently removed by elec-' trolysis._ Positively no return. Satisfaction assured. For 89-- pointments in Barrie and full particulars write, 21-3 mos- R. ERBKINE, Orangeville, 003-2 Flnonu . REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE City, Town and Farm Properties sold and Exchanged. uaocu mu: 1`ib[] uuy U1 dill) , 1915. 27-29 R. J. FLETCHER, Clerk of the County of` Sinnnm.-. - - ...--.. vvuun nnu vv alibi 1. Further par.ticulars on appll- cation to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents.` RE BY-LAW NO. 1181 OF THE COUNTY OF SIMOOE. Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Corp- oration of the County of Simone on the 19th day of June, 1915, providing for the issue of deben- tures to the amount of $20,- 000.00 for the purpose of paying for the cost of several bridges and repairs to County Roads caused by heavy rainfalls and storms. L...) AL,A I V` Illo And that such By_law was registered in the Registry oice of the County of Simcoe on the 13th day of July, 1915. Any motion to quash or set. aside the same or any part. thereof must be made within three months after the first pub- lication of this notice, and can- not be made thereafter. Dated the 14th day of July, 1915 ~ _ . u . uug, uunuu2uwu.5 WILH 11.1`. Co. s alatial steamships for Sault Ste. Marie, Port, Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, and at Fort William with G.T.I-`. Rail- way for Winnipeg and points in Western Canada. Coaches, Par- lor-LibraI'y-Cafe and Parlor- Libr-ary-Bu'et cars between To- ronto and Sarnia Wharf. STEAMSI-I IP EXPRESS Loaves Toronto .. . .11.16 a.m. Arr-lvos Sal-nia Wharf. .4.3o p.m. Each Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, connecting with N.N. Rn Q nuloliol o`nnrv1n`-\:u\a- I..- 4nav1lI4Uo J. E. BILLIIIOSLIV Agent, Barrio. Phor SUMMER SERVICE TO HIGH- LANDS OF ONTARIO FROM BARRIE 4.20 a.m. daily for Muskoka Lakes, daily except Sunday for Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganetawan River and Tima- gami Lake points. 12.30 p.m. daily except Sunday for Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays and Maganetawan River points. 2.20 p.m. daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lak_es, Lake of Bays and Algonquln Park. __-, |\v|lL! \,IIIlJn II? J. Eumher, Agent, Barrio Particulars from Canadian Pas- senger Agnts, or write M. G. MURPHY, District Passengo-1' Agent, Toronto, Ont. Canadian Pacic All the Way to WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER No change of cars or Depots French and Plckerel Rivers Severn River Kawartha Lakes ldeau Lakes, Etc. SUMMER T()URIS'I`S FARES NOW IN EFFECT Fast Time, convenient Train Service, Modern Equipment Botwoc-n Mnntrnal, Ottawa, To- I-onto, Dntroit. Chicago. 'GRl':'.AT LAKES SERVICE Five Sailings Weekly Steamers leave Port lllclllcoll Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- days, Thursdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. Steamship x}i-Qs.-- leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. daily, except Friday, making direct connection with steamers at Port McNicoll on sailing days. dfvtamgr Ii!-ani;.oba from Port McNicoll Wednesdays calls at Owen Sound 10.30 p.m. BARRIE. ONT. - - Phonc 82 w/"-- 14. Morgue and Chapel In connection 9- 9-.!!liIlL& 00. U N D"ia"ii'"T"AY< E R s REPRESENTING : CANADIAN EXPRESS C0. out-:m=LuousT Hun ...~.._.lI, __ M 255 & 59. Office. Kin; Bloch SUMMER TOURS To Pagific Coast Open Day and Night Eltlbllslled I809 I 01 Ear GI Phone BI. JSIC. '(\ uuua su uu out: | O1'illia-Wheat $1.10, barley 1 670, oats 73c, peas $1.10. buck-,l wheat 650 to 70c, butter 230 ml 250. eggs 20 to 220, putalues 30 G to 40, chickens He, hens 12c,| hay $16 to 820. " Liniqg chin Collingwood--Wheat 95 to $1.00, oats 45 to 480, barley 65 to 70c, barley 65 to 70c, peas $1.50 to $1.60.. buckwheat 70 to 750. butter 19 to 21c, es` s 18 to! 190. hay $19.00 to $20.0 . pota-' toes 20 to 300. f\...'ll:.. !l7l_,,-1 an an I/Ll`! Staynor-Butter 22 to 240, eggs 21 to 230. fowl 9 to'iOc, chicken dressed 13c, turkeys 15 :0 :30, ducks 8 to we, geese 10 o c. fV,.ll:-..._-_--.I IIVI ; n- Elmvale-Wheat $1.00 and up, rye 75 to 800, peas $1.25 to $1.50, oats 50 to 550, buckwheat 70 to 750,. barley 60 to 65c, but- ter 2! to 220, eggs 210, dressed chicken 15c, dressed duck 12 to 130, dressed turkey 17 to 180, dressed pork $12.00, potatoes 35 to 400. [ L`IL-____.._- I-\ 1; An - ~- .0mce-49 Dunlop Street: Barrie. Laidman&Sarjea1}t For further information on any point call or dro us a card. Information cheerful y given. 8. The SYDENHAM is the loading Purely Mutual Oom any of sixty-eight Companies oing business in Ontario, 46 years in business and is today in a strong position and offers you soli safe insurance. NllllllllllIllllIIIIIllIlllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllllIllIlllllllIllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm mw torn uuy umuo rulodoipua at. uni: Boston Clcvolml Pi but Dowel Innhnoiuo Cincinnati Mi monoli- xmu c'i'u'y `h sumo `Adm. Human London I-Iunbunrc syluy IlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllullllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~ i i i o ' ~ ~ ` Distributors of Certain-teed Roong tor Barrie arid vicinity 6. Certain classes of contents liable to be in ham or house are covered if lost in either. I PIZTG. 7. Lower rates on buildings rodded. ` 3. Its. IIu;kot I-ouoy. is a great advantage. 4. Higher Value: on Live Stock. 5. The rates are less and may be paid annually instead of three years in advance. I 1. Because it is owned and op-' erated by the farmers for their own mutual benefit. The profits are not paid to Stockholders but are held to reduce the rates. The farmer who insures gets the, whole benet of any money sav-i ed by the Company. He there.-` for;e gets his Insurance at cost] price. I :77- 2. Its policy is better ada tedf to Farm Insurance than 0!. er: in many respects. I .u usuuuccu u us 3, JV us 4: yuan ICCUTUIII to Wllculct tn: mlcxneu ll 1 1 0|` J pl) . ost roongs ook alike, and even trained c emists can judge roong quality onl by the raw materials that are put into the roofing and not from the mshed p uct. The responsibility of the b' st Roong Ind Building Paper Mills in the world stands behind our guarantee and II nukes it unnecessnry for y ou to take the risk of guessing. Certain-teed Roong has made good on the roof throughout the entire world. Kai your locel dealer for further information. He will quote you reasonable prices. New York City __ Pittubnnh QCTTDCC` IVQTTCTCZC DEC. TTCDWC World : knot Ilauulhdlnn QIBOQIIID and Building Paper: Noun Phlloddplla cDatroh San Fnnnlnnn Sydenham I MUTUAL Fire Insurance Co. 8 teed b us 5, 10 or 15 year: accord roong: _ qok__o.li_l:e, eyes: trgine 32% to whether the thickness is] 2 or 3 ply. emiau_can jugige rogng qugiigy only I-lore are olght reasons why It: will pay you to Insure your pro-I party against. ion by Fire OI`: Llghtnlng In tho Children dry run ru-:'rcHa's CASTORIA mes oney cur- us Certain - teed H. H.Otton GrSon General Roofing Manufacturing Company World`: lav-out Inmnmduun at Roolna and Buudlna Punc-u If Your ban1_ business is transacted at the Bank of To- ronto you will find the Bank considerate and prompt in its dealings, progressive _in its methods and in sympathy with the best interests of its customers. - The Bank : large resources ensure unquestioned safety and ability to handle your nancial affairs ` rnumay, July 22, 19%: BANK OFTORONTO FARMERS ! NEAR'BY MARKETS. BRANCHES AT IARIII AND ALLANDALI H. A. SIMS, Manager. SOUND BANKING The General aaye:-No nun living can take three differ- ent kinds of Roofing and determine in advance by such test: as bending, twisting, tearing. or smelling, how long each will last on the roof. The beat you can do is to nuke e gueu. That is why Are W" a 899` 8!e.8er:.?f Roofing There is safety for llh Rnfnfu nnnnail `here our valuables in our Safety Deposit oxes. New vegetables and frui-ts in abundance were marketed on Saturday. New otatoe-s were 350. a peck. Rasp erries at 17c. perbox or 15c` by the crate were- Co splendid looking berries Straw-" 3 (berries were [about gone, bii)t a ion-'i5`i`Zci?;`.f .?iic.i`r`ra`ni"s' 359 i2"c' Rumble or Hiiisdair played with W931 for the former and 100. a box the Bad 0. S`t'rFi`.%'. "Wm:----N rotslfar the. latter. Geeeebe,;1.ieS,Capt. Jas. Hill is vi_si ing friends 3 showed the benet of the weekve at Moonstone. . . .M1ss J. Wilson iTh9 growth from last Saturday and of Eady 13 the guest "f Miss M- uniwere disposed of princi lly by'C"ai3 - . .u. -luau; U1 LJQILUVV auu 1.11.160 F. Darby of Toronto are visiting their sister, Mrs. G. C. Caston. . . . .Mr. Ball of Warininst.er and Miss Leatherdale of Coldwater were guests of Thos. Hill on Wednesday. . . .Mrs. Thos. Pratt spent a few d.ays last week visit- ing relatives at Stroud. . . .John Q-on 3aV'ithe pail. In the vegeta le line, `""'butter beans made their initial LEFIIOY 3"|appearance and sold at 10c. per _ Jul 20th. quiart. Some icicle radish, exact A meeting was hel Monday I. ted'opposites of their stuinpy little evening in the Methodist Church I i l red brothers, were 5c 9, largeto organiz_e a Branch of the Red bunch. Spring chicken were 250 Cross SOCIGW, 3130111: flirty ladles Heat 9, lb,, or $1.25 a pair. Eggs sold being present and have arranged at 22c a dozen, and butter wastO meet every Thursday after- 24 and 250 a lb. The reportergnoon for work. They have at`- was told on Saturday that To. ranged to hold a lawn party at ronto buyers are contemplating Noah GPOSGS 011 S8t_UI`d8Y.. A118-I hretlbringing butter in from outside 7. The proceeds will be used places to sell on this market, by the Club to provide comforts mltstciaimiag that they can buy it for our boys at the Front.... ; are.mueh cheaper at outside points. Mrs. J. Gri-g_g of Toronto spent a Prices paid on Saturday were as fPW days W1ih_MI'S. A. King. . . .e f0][0wg;__ .Mrs. B. \l\. Bailey and family of lines Butter, `lb. .. .. ..2lic.-25c. North Bay. Mrs. C. W. Power, Eggs, doz. .. . .. 22c.-23c.;Master Chas., Mrs. J. Dyinent FOWl,. lb. .. .. .. .. ..14c.-16c. and. son Jack of Toronto are any Spring Chicken. lb, ,_ ,, ,, ,25c spending the suinnier at Gros- took. New potatoes, peck . . ..35c ITieI'e._".. ..There will be no ser- ` .3 ca;-mtg, bunch ,, ,, ,, ,, ..5c. vice in the Presbyterian Church you Beets, bunch . . . . . . .50, next Sunday, Mr. Mclfenzie` being i ' 3?3?i"o .i os" 'm3;.ci..;s" i`.`.;i`-i.'y=sf'i53;tJ?ITi`id 3$. {` 322%.? ` Lettuce. bunch .. .. . .. .50. awabf " wrdm`-day at the age ` 0 Beans, qt. .. .. .. .. .. ..lOc. of eighty-foui. Much sympathy ; `3"d- Green Sage, bunch . . . . . .50. is extended to the family in their` v Rhubarb, 3 bunches .. .. .iOc. sad bereave-nient. . . .C. \V. Pow- 1 Horse Radish, bottle ..l5c.-18c. er of Toronto and R. w. Bailey nt Water Cress, 2 bunches .. ..5c. of _Noi'th Bay were week-endi` Garden Cress, bunch .. .. . .50. visitors here. ` rrie. Mint, 2 bunches .. .. .. ..5c. j Strawberries, box . . . . . . . .100. Jgcxvg |_A|( I Raspberries, box .. .l7c. Ju[y 19_h_ l G00S`berI`i8S. Qt- -- --100- Congratulations to Mr. ands, up Cherries. (IL -- -- -- -- --100- Mrs. Thoriitoii Bristow on the!` 5 Red Currants, box .. .. .. .10c. an-jva] Of a daughter on Tuaa_: mat lS3Il)a) he/-. da, oLl_lll()i l3.f.'.r.MI`si w. Cook`, [_ I i. .ai_i C1I'eIl_0 oronoarevis-` led Green Peas. in pod. qt. .. ..5c. mug at T. irisiiei-'s....Mi-. Mul- 3 H000) . 1b- -- -- .- -- --150- holland has sold his farm to Sam CIOVBI` H0118) . 10 113- D811--$1-40 Doner... .Miss Rose Bolwell of , Buttermilk. Qt. -- -- .-.- -- --50- Colliiigwood is spending a week Cream. Qt. -- -- -- -- --300- with friends here.....Death has. 24, gg:V8Ta;0r WhiDD|n$`16o665?7 itagiaiii e5itelredP_ tiEllS_ 00I;lnlllIiiit) :2 lOc " -- - - - a ing 0 n ic ering, `r. r.! , 0 0 *0 0 o 0 :0 -9 u 0 . '. 9 Ll ` 15 $gC:m1;8)I )igS, pair. $31.30 2033930 Pickeiings health has been fail- g , ing_for some time, until he grad- `Report of PI-omot|onT Examlna-I (Jon: 8. 8. No. 9. lnnlsfll. 1 Jr. IV to Sr. IV.-Genevieve Jamieson, 579 marks. Sr. 111 to Jr. IV.-Reggie Mc- 'Kenzie. 328 marks. . I an 111 4- 1.. 11: n..__ n_,,,-, axuuasu. uau utul na. 7 | Sr. III to Jr. III.--Roy Spencer 381, Wilma Thompson 371, Elsie, _Rainey 346. I Tn It `I\ an `I [In-..`IJ A--.` I IEGIIIU i Jr. 1It`6' Sr. II.--Harold Ayr- est. 389, Joel Thompson 320. l I `A Q?! I Dlunonn Dnnn-o uu UUU, UUCI LllUlllpBl_Ill OQUo | rlr. I to Sr. I.-RusselI Rainey, `Carl Burns, Elmer Ayn:-st. I .tT` DY` {D DUI `In pro- tudio : uunua uuulcl t|_yl I`Dla. u:I.I'. Pr. t6,Sr. Pr.-Clarice Mc-- Kenzie, Geo. Spencer. G. M. KIDD, Teacher. lnar-d s Llnlment cuios colds, Etc. . ;BARR|E` SATURDAY MARKET. I , -MARKET nms ] b. ..24cp25 z... .. .. 22cw2: .. .... ..14cw1 cken,lb... ... ttoes, .. .. .. bunch .... .... Ilctl .. .. .. .. unch .. .. .. .. . ions,2 hunches .... bunch .. ;;;e','b'u'nc'ri ' ' bunches A:..I.. I....1-1|- A2- ss, 2 bunches .. ess, .. Jnches . es, .. .. .. .. eS,b0X ies, qt. . nts, . rants, qt. .. .. een Peas, qt. . . s, in ney, pail..$ %,qt. .. I IO . ...I.:__:._._ DA- ;iafy"$..i "'1? pt` nvouxusby uu;yuu;- uculu auul. 1115. The Red \Cross garden party which is to be held at Arthur Bell s, con. 7, Oro, on Tuesday, July 27, is sure to attract a large crowd. There is to be a foot- ball match, a prize of a football to winners; lots of refreshments and a musical program. Tick- ets 25 and 15 cents. - July 20th. 'l`he farmers in this vicinity are busy haying. Fall wheat will 'be the next thing on the pro- grainme. The crops are also ioolung .splendid....The foot- ball match between Rugby and Oro Station, came out a tie, noithext team scoring. Tho Dad nrlnuo n-nnzlnv-I nnnlu --- l Mrs. McQuay of Sunnidalell called on friends here last week. ....Born, July 13, a son to M12. `and Mrs. Geo. Robertson (stillh born).. . . .Miss Irene Hatton isl visiting friends in Durham. . . . fr` One of our popular young men:( in the person of Dalton Banting] was united in marriage to Miss Pearl McCullough of Lefroy on!` July 14. Ivy wishes theyoung" people every success. . . .A 1ec-l` ture was given in the hall on 1 Monday evening by Pro. Tucker. Proceeds oi lecture for Red Cross `work. .. .Miss L. McLean is vis- iting friends at Thornton. . . ._ Ivy baseball team went to Cooks- town last Saturday for a game with Ciookstown, the game re. sulting in a tie. Cookstown will play lvy on Victoria Park,. Friday evening....R. J. Hanna of T0- ronto spentsunday with friends here. . . .A number from here at- tended anniversary service at - Grenfel on `Sunday. Congratulations and- the; Tues-E day, July l3....Mrs. Cook` and children of Toronto are vis- iting Fisher's. . . .Mr. Mul- Sam Doner. . . here.. . . .Death again entered this community. taking John Pickering, Sr. Mr. Pickering s ing for ,ually became weaker and passed .away on the evening of July 12th. !Mr. and Mrs. Pickering had only lmoved to their house here from v0sprey last fall. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. H. .Frey in the Ebenezer Church on Wednesday afternoon, July 14th. He leaves to mourn his widow and .one son... .Mrs. Ed. Harri- son of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Pickering. . . . Andrew (Int-dnn nmnm. nf lhn In I a:1._s`_wI', MPS. w. Plckerlng. Andrew Gordon, officer of the In- dustrial School, Mimico, spent over Sunday with friends here. July win. I The Orangemen of L.O.L. No.` 985 and Band went to Barrie on the 12th and spent a very enjoya- hIe_ time. A large number of the citizens also attended. . . . Miss M. Ingram of Toronto was the nest of her sister, Mrs. George cLean, a few days last week. . . . .Mr. and Mrs. Dobie of Brampton were visitors at Geo. Ostrander s during the week. . . . Mrs. Weymark of Peterboro is visiting her father, Ja_s. Mc- ;Cracken... . .The many friends of Lieut.-Col. Sneath were sorry to . hear of the sad accident that be- i fell him in Barrie which resulted . `in his death. Col. Sne-ath was a.` veteran of the North West Re- 4 bellion of 1885 and had many: -comrades from this place. . . . [1 Mrs. Richard Bolton an old resi- l dent of this place died in Winni- s ipeg o_n Friday, interment taking 1 `place in_,the Presbyterian ceme- l ltery beside her late husband. . .. , Mr. E. Darby of Harrow and Miss.l Toronto visiting": D sister, C. Warminster c Coldwater!s were I -Wednesday. t '1 gt played withlv on Saturday night. . .. la `Capt. is visi ing friends ] Moonstone. e 1_3ady is v iCI'alg'. s News from Neighboring Townships `ab Ashltlbyou OR0 STATIQIQ ORAlGHURT__ July 19th. Miss G. Carson of Midhurst visited Mrs. Louis Carsnn last 'jweek....Mr. and Mrs. McWat_ tei-s and children of Waverly i:m0t0red here on Sunday and _1were guests at Mrs. T. Cof`fee s. *] ....Mrs. wens and Miss Eva of gTm-onto spent over Sunday at M. ['C0ughlin s.. .. Miss Bertha :7Reynolds is visiting in uetrnit, |Mich....The Ladies` Institute [inlet at Mrs. Louis Carson's last Wednesday when a big crowd ' was present. The ladies intend ` having a garden party in August. l4&\JO loan v .2 29 _...... Inna`: uuuusn u.n.uu.nuuca Ul tuc ullo Scott : is prescribed by the best special- ists. You can get it at any drug store. Scott 8 Bone. Totonto. Ont. wv.--r-nAarbl\Ill wununl GU canny lUllUWDo Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratory tract.and improves the quality 01 the blood; the glyoerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Q...L;I-:-__-_-_:u__.1L -L I A . duly LULII. Quite a number from around `here attended the football match at Albert Burt's last Saturday evening between Rugby and Urn Station which resulted in a tie. ....The farmers are busy at their hay which proves a very good crop. . . .Miss Mary Me- Millan is visiting with relatives in this vicinity. . . .Berry picking is the order of the day amongst the fair sex. n_v_ nuwmuuuss? Do colds stttlve <;n your chest or in you: bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, `at are you subject to throat troubles? Gunlg 4-......LI__ _I_-_-1.I L, I` - _.- JV... .---qs\.|. av uuual. LIUUUICUI Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powen of Scott : Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. .QnnfI-'4: .....I.:..... ........:..- ...-._- ...1 1:--- 1323!? July 19th. Miss Edith Troyer and her niece Miss Eileen Lougheed of ;Toronto are visiting relatives in ;this place. . . .Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Baldwin and their two sons of St: Thomas called on their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baldwin,. on their way from Gravenhurst and other northern towns on their way home to St. Thomas, motoring all the way. - _ . . RKJV .1 I-`OIDII nf `kn `nu-uuo, unuuunulg all MIC way. ....Rev. J. Wilson Carr of the Congregational denomination has accepted a call to R-ugby. Ed- gar and Dalston and will com- mence duties on Sunday, August 1st. . . .Mrs. James Watson of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Walter Watson. \-now uu 511100 :.u.u1 IUI b3llal'pU U1]. - having passed her Entrance ex- am.....Mr. and Mrs. Charles Banting and daughter Marguer_ ite are at R. J. McKnight s.... visiting her sister, Mrs. George , Sharpe....Mr. and Mrs. George , Wilson. and son Reeford of Al- a listen were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharpe. . . . .A number of friends motor. t ed from Alliston and spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George M1sDonnelly of Allandale is Reid....Miss L. F. Sharpe has gone to spend a couple of weeks with friends in North Bay..... The return match between Knock and Killyleagh baseball teams was played on Tuesday evening and resulted in a score of 23---I6 in favor of Killyleagh. ` Little George Betteridge has returned home after spending the past month in Toronto hospital `suffering from a sore knee which ,was hurt at school. All the ifriends will be glad to know that ithis little fellow is very_bright and onnrnn 6,. I... __...II --~- ` tf1_i"tt.i'"flTo?n;uTs V:/e`;"3lrw1;r;la1w and seems to be well again. '3U1y 20th. Mrs. R. J. McKnight is holi- ldaying in Barrle. . . .C.ongratula- tions to Miss Muriel Sharpe on |h\"i'nQ' nnnqnd hon Wrilnnnnn nu TC mg ich- lulu axun uab. . . .M1'. and Mrs. J. T. Spence and son Lloyd have re- lturned home after spending the .weck-end with friends in Hobart land other places....'I'.he Bell Telephone men who have been engaged here for the last three weeks have removed to Phelp- ston. . . .A quilting bee in aid of the Women s Missionary Society will be held at the home of Mrs. L. W. Thom on Wednesday af- ternoon, July 28, followed by a talent-tea in aid of the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church. _ __-___- ....- ,,....,... . . . I Miss Scott is a guest at the L,Pines....Rev. E. J. Peck wih - conduct the service in the Angli- ' can Church,. July 25, at 3 p.m. as [the Rev. A. Strother is away on - his vacation....Mrs. H. Meggi_ son and two sons of the Soo spent ' the week-end with her sister, r Mrs. R. Wattie. ...James Coutts [of Avening spent. a few days 01 .last week here. `(From Another Correspondent.) Miss Rnhv I-Inhhnn-G ..4' 11:11.. \ U111 nuuun:1' LaUl'1't:spUIl(l8I1L.) Miss Ruby Hubbert of Hills- `dale has returned home after spending a month with Mrs. Buycc....Thos. Monteith is on the sick list....Mr. and Mrs. J. T Qnnnna and nrsru I l..--..I 1...-.- _- I T m "" '"'.'Iu1y 19th. |GOI\Ifi1~sl. Hubbert and Mrs. Me- 8 e and baby of Toronto are guests at James Coutts ..... Much Sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Colonel neVathHgts' Btarlr1eI vrhoi giedcat th - - D18, uy . oone. Sneath was well k 0 ' Lb`: coanniunity as his nb<;;:lll1oo:in day}.-. were spent here. . . .Sandy and Wa_lter.Coutts of Barrie are holidaying at the home of their grandfather, Alex. Coutts.... 1l:hg3II'tt.aM(:_Gowa11, Sr., of illam. _' , IS renewing o - quaintances in this place.fif:. itiiss Puma" Dow 12` I n,...1. ...;:i ANTEII MILLS `I ..I__ KILLYLEAQHL DALSTONY i 7mav|.a MIDI-lUR8'|"__ ru- 1...