6. Certain classes of contents liable to be in ham or house are covered if lost. in either. IN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE June 28, 1915 80o TI-aln -CORINE GAUDREAU. A. __ (Arrive) . .5.30 a.m. . .5.45 a.m. . .2.22 p.m. . .2.42 p.m. 9.07 1.51}- . 4.20 . 5.10 . 7.45 .10.35 T\`II 2.2.20 L 3.50 . 5.20 . 8.35 . 9.28 .i}.90 2.05 SUMMER SERVICE TO HIGH- LANDS OF ONTARIO FROM BARRIE 4.20 a.m. daily for Muskoka Lakes. daily except Sunday for Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganetawan River and Tima- gami Lake points. 12.30 p.m. daily except Sunday for Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays and Maganotawan River points. 2.20 p.m. daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lakps, Lake of Bays and Algonquin Park. Sydenham MUTUAL Fire Insurance Co. Further particulgr-s oln appli- cation to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. ,I / STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Loaves Toronto .. ..11.16 a.m. Arrives Sarnia Wharf. .4.3o p.m. Each Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday,` connecting with N.N. Co. s palatial stoamships for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, and at Fort William with G.T.F. Rail- way for Winnipeg and points in ;Western Canada. Coaches. Par- `lor-Library-Cafe and Parlor- Libr-ary_Bnf'fet cars between To- ronto and Sarnia Wharf. |HighestQuality0fW0rk [at Reasonable Prices `Barrie Steam Laundry H. E, BODEN, Prop. lI`Jll|IIjn J. E. BILLINOSLEV lgont, Barrio. Phor Hume: 255 & 59. Office, King Black Ha"! . .D.:_t _}`.i` City, Town and Farm Properties bought, sold and Exchanged. BARRIB. ONT. ` We Clean and Block Panama Hats Maxwell & Co. Phone 257 and give us a trial order Morgue and Chapel |n connection G. G.8miIh&. 00. E.` . L I A . L . A n An U N D"ii"T"K"|'< E. R s COAL $7.80 perwtbntw, Pea, - $6.50 per ton Good Hardwood always on hll J. G. SCOTT R. P(_)_W_ljZI_.l_. A. Butcher If Your banking business is transacted at the Bank of To- ronto you will find the Bank considerate and prompt in its dealings, progressive in its methods and in sympathy with the best interests of its customers. - The Bank's large resources ensure unquestioned safety and ability to handle your financial a`airs. There is safety for your valuables in l , our Safety Deposit Boxes. . Nut, Stove and ' Egg, (n-v an Phone 86 Phone :18 Dunlop St. Oice. Yard Oice. POWELL S ME:AfI` TMARKET CHOICE BREA1_ _ MEATS DYERS & CLEANERS OPPOSITE BARRIE HOTEL `Phone 229 REPRESENTING : CANADIAN EXPRESS C0. 36 MARY STREET For both Ladies and Gen- tlemen to Your Entire Satisfaction A Choice Selection of all kinds of FRESH MEATS. July Prices: 'Vl huI-May.` July 3, 1915 [South of Eaboth St.) ism. ESTATE and nusunmca Ev ; FE:-. com-Jr, BARRIE Open Day and Night Established moo 1:: 'A"s.}S'c}a1{ ' Page Seven _I-`him. on. Phone 02 BANK o1--TORONTO FARMERS ! Ie ae true a mark of quallty ae the Oterllng mark on ellvor. ' The making of a oolumbla leoord le an artIetIo triumph. Ivory ehade o! a vocal exproeelon and every varlatlon In tone Ie faithfully recorded and reproduced. The eemo holde true In reproduolng Inetrumental muelo. In the reoorde of euoh famoue eoleotlone ae 1'eohaIko- weky e Overture 1818. one can dletlnguleh the notee of every Inetrument at any moment, even In the moet tre- mendoue paeeaaee. Columbia Trademark 0118 Columbia Record In order that you` may become better aoqualnted wlth the quallt|ee of oolumhla Reoorde. we have laeued a Demonetratlon Record at boo. 'I'hle reoord le typical of the thoueande of reoorde In our general.oata'|oguee and demonetraiee to what a degree of perfeotlon the oolumhlaoraphophone Oo. hae brought the art of re- produolng vocal and lnetrumental muelo. _ We wlll gladly play this and any other Oolumbla Record for you. 8. The SYDENHAM is the ludln Purely Mutual Oom any of six y-eight Companies oing business in Ontario, 46 years in busin_ess and is today in a strong position and oers you solid safe insurance. ; SOUND BANKING Garrett s Music Store 4 A Barrie Get this Demonstration Disc 30c. BRANCHES A1 IARHII AND ALLANDALI H. A. SIMS. Manager! The '1'3"{1uer, lb. .. .. ..24c.-25c. Eggs, doz. .. .. .. .. .. ..22c. Fowl, lb. .. .. .. .. ..16c.-17c. Honey, lb. .. .. .. .. .. ..15c. Clover Honey, 10 lb. pail..$1.40 Oats, bushel .. .. .. .. ..65c. Hay . .$19.00-$21.00 Young Pigs, pair, $4.50 to $7.00 Apfles, basket . . . . . . . . . .200. P0 atoes, bag .. .. ..35c.-40c. Potatoes, basket .. .. ..10c. c 0 0 0 o 0 0 03500 Green Onions. bunch . . . . . .5c. Lettuce, bunch .. .. .. .. .5c. Cabbagerlants, 100 .. .. ..25c. Tomato lants, 12 .. .. ...i0c. Green Sage, bunch .. .. ..5c. Rhubarb, 3 bunches .. .. .100. Radish. bunch .. .. .. .. ..5c. Horse Radish, bottle ..i5c.-18c.` Water Cress. 2 bunches . . . .50. Garden Cress, bunch . . . . . .5c. Mint, 2 bunches .. .. .. ..5c. Morels,c1uart .. .. .. .. ..10c. Buttermi k, qt. ,.. .. .. .. ..5o. Cream for whipping ...60c qt. Cream, qt. .. .. .. .. .. ..30c. Strawberries, 2 boxes . . . .250. Gooseberries, qt. . . , . . . .10c. MIMI-d : Llnlmom. OIIPOC Diph- that-la. It was really lovely shopping at the Market on Saturday morn- ing, with the many crates of beautiful strawberries, pails and baskets of gooseherries, and, of` course, the golden butter, cream` and new-laid-eggs. Notwith- standing the absence of the out- side buyer and local buyers were said not to be shipping this week. butter was 24 and 25c a lb.. and clung` tenaciously to the high- water mark. Eggs were 22c per! dozen. Spring chicken made their first how on the market at |l7:c a pair. Fowl was 14 to 16c T1.-Ll_-... IL t- GE- {calms snunnnv MARKET. i MARKET nms 3. Its Imikot. Polloy is a great advantage. 4. Hlghor Values on Live Stock. 5. The rates are less and may be paid annually instead of three years n advance. she! ..( $19.00-$21 '1gs, palr, $7 msket .. .. .. .. ..: ,bag ..35c.-A ,basket ..1 IO IO 00 O0: nions. .. .. .. ... lants, ..i lants,12 ...1 age, .4 .3 .1 bunch .. nrlinln Innlll.-. `In A 2 bunches .. .J .... ..z 168 ..E ( 2 000 001 fniiaiaih .6053 . C 0 I O O .3` bies ...2E qt... .. ..1( Till IARIII IXAIIIII AND SATURDAY IORHIIG vvwwvw-u -----v w - `on v,- CI` C It 1 I I C $I" known as the garden party oer- 1915- tainly seems to ourish this sea- Board of Works Department. SOIL .1318 erewds and 8 Senerellnepairing Collier St. .. ..$20.68 8005 me '8 the $08.1 revert re-:Repairing Mary St. .. 14.27 3751118 Such f`m0"3- Th3t3Repairing Ross St. .. .L . 10.00 eld On at honle Oflnepail-jug St _. . A113`! McLean Ed83-1'- Undelf theiftepairing Frances St. 211.20 39P`?5 .0 the C081`e83t10n31.Repairing Clapperton St. . 78.61 Ladies Aid certainly was no ex}-Repairing water_tab1es on 09D011- Those Who attend`? | Ross, Main and Caroline surely sot the worth of their: Sts. .. .. .. .. .. 18.43 money both in the refi'eshments;Repairing Bayek] st __ _153_05 and programme, and the ladiesznepajring cuwerts on I The` form of entertainment -"500 for t'.h'e"i'ont.'h' sf"-ill had the very great satisfaction park Sma and comer of seeing a tot-al of over $106 StS_ __ __ __ __ __ ._ 10,22 when the c_banse,was counted-_S0 Garbage removal .. .. .. 10.35 well established IS the reputation Highway repairs _ , _ _ 13.45 of the Edgar ladies that n0thing'Repairing Elizabeth ,_ 79_26 nee-d he said concerning the ex- Repairing post Office sg_ 9_21 cellence or abundance of those Repairing `sidewalks on `things that delight the epicureanl R033 St_ N H _, __ __ L50 'taste. The entertainment alsolgepairing Essa Road be- was ample -and varied. Craig-| tween 14th and 45th hulrst Bra`ss`13a_nd excelLled_th_eni:| Hcorr __ _ _ _ _ _ 6_75 uxu nu: uu guuu. "'3'ne bottle 0 MINARD'S LINI- MENT, warmed on flannels and applied on my breast,` cured me completely. 0 LI nnQQA1:)nnu I VUIIIVIUVUIJ u C. H. COSSABOOM. Rossway, Digby Co., N.S. uutav L11 1133 uauu UAUUIIUU LllUlu- selves and their numbers were well received. Vocal music there was in generous measure.and it was greatly appreciated. Those thus contributing were Edgar Ouartette (Mrs. W. Jamieson, Mrs. J. Hewitt, Morley Beath and Alex. McKay) Mr. and Miss Wice of Crown Hill, Mr. Orok and Miss Millen of Midhurst, Ray Slesser, Alex._ McKay and the Edgar Youngsters" (Gordon Lauder, M. Beath, A. McKay and R. Sles- ser). Pleasing recitatinns were given by Mr. Orok and Roy Slack. `and Rev. Mr. Carr gave a short address. The chair was fllled by Mr. Reid. Minard`s Liniment C0,, Limitnd.i Dear Sirs,-This fall I got `thrown on a fence and mm! my` chest very bad, so I cnuld not` work and it hurt me to breathe.` I tried all kinds of Linimeuts and they did me no good. nnn Innuln at nttmannvc rrmt For further information on an point call or dror us a card. In ormation cheerful y given. Office, Shanty Bay. 25.26 I Mrs. Garey, whose husband is. away at the war, has opened an we cream garlor, serving re- freshments, omemade lemon-! ade, small cakes and sand-` wiches of all kinds. Will take orders for large cakes and pies. Will cater for picnics, etc., at a reasonable price. Make and serve cold lunches and supper` dishes, salads, etc., next to Post l The 33rd Degree, In the 8h:-loklngw Funny Farce, Are You a Mason," at Grand Opera House, odnosday and Thurs- day. July 14 and 15, In Motion Pictures. _ Every week in the year something is needed for the home, something to eat or drink,. some new furniture or new clothes. The list is endless and the worry of the house-wife is almost as endless, unless she uses intelligence and system in her purchases Read the advertisements, `with discrimination and in- telligence. They will solve many a vexed question. The advertising columns are intended for such har- assed housekeepers. They contain real news that will help to ease her burden and settle her uncertain- ties. Certainly the adver- tisers expect to make money. Are they not en- titled to it if they make life more comfortable ., for thousands? Successful Garden Party. I'!I__ D-_____ -1` summer Refreshments. FOR THE HOME 2| PURSUANT to a judgment of the Supreme Court of Ontario [made IN THE MA `TER 019 THE ESTATE OF Peter McArth`ur, late of the Township of Medonte, in the County of Simcoe, Farm- er, deceased, the creditors of the , said Peter McArthur, who died _ on or about the fifth day of No.- ,ve-mher, 1907,. are on or before ,Ithe tenth day of July, 1915, to _isend by post, prepaid to Donald , Ross, Barrie, Ontario,_ Solicitor _ for the Administratrlx of the _said deceased, their Christian [and surnames, addresses and .,description, the full particulars ll of their claims, a statement of ,their securities, and the nature [of the securities, (if any) held :by them; or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily exclud- ed from the benet of the said `judgment. Every creditor hold- ing any security is to produce the same before me, at my Chambers at the Court House, Barrie, on the 2nd day of,Aug- 'ust, 1915, at eleven o clock in the forenoon, being the time ap- pointed for the adjudication on Ithe claims. I\_A...I ALI- 1:141. 4..-- -1` `I --..... | ll-UIJCIII Ills ;Dll.lCVV(lIlLU | .. .. Iepairing Road ] 14th and | con. .. .. .. .. Cleaning Dunlop St.` .. . . Repairing Burton Ave. . . . Repairing Essa Road . . Maintenance of sewers VII. .2 !.iaidman& Sarjeant Total. . WPlumvb`-infg` ngpa;t.r;a;i.' " Thirteen Plumbing Permits have been issued during the month for work to the value of $1,496.00. Fees to the Town, $21.50. ' Sewer Connection Department. `Four Sewer Connections have been made during the month. Fees to the Town $8.00. ' Building Department. Twenty-one Building _Permits jhavo been issued during the ginonth for work to the value of `$8,460.00. ' Report. From the Engineer : Of-1 an 'l\l| `HA -Alum A. _Inn-an II vru rlvlu bllv EIIUIIIUUVU Ill" co for the Month of June, uflepairing . . . .$20.68 ggepairing . . . . . nnn'3vv-inn Dnca Q4 V In {In Material used IIIIC UIGIIIID wlfgted tliis 18th day of June, ' J. R. COTTER, OK OH `Its:-u`Au\ at 1)..-union 25-27 nucs-Eb`~`.`du`%i`n"x6` ` Arr: snucuxon unnxcmn m: I 2.22 QUEEN S UNIVEF NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Omce-9 Dunlop Street; Barrio. QVIII B LIUTKICAL Iuoncnnma '0 `dItfII' sci-l3<)1'."oi-"MINING --nnicnua UNIVERSITY H34`: t\QI!lI A I-III` u. 1.21:, 1V`I`aisFe\1"`a`t Barrie. DONALD ROS Ql\l;l'l;`f\Il DnvIn:n -u::'ne" 4 MRI HONU3 STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMMER SCHOOL JULY All AIVGIIII` IJ lIr\Jk \7 nnu , Solicitor, Bar-me. [NU MECHANICAL RLRl`.`I`Dll`,A I, IIUHANICAL ELECTRICAL IIINI`. 1. Because it is owned and op- erated by the farmers for their own mutual benefit. The prots are not paid to Stockholders but are held to reduce the rates. The farmer who insures gets the whole benet of any money sav- ed by the Company. He there- fore gets his Insurance at cost prxce. '1, ..I1. 9, L I] I ,4 J 4071.45 92 or.67 .151.3s . 47.60 . 97.61 .28i.28 . 19.40 LU! UIIVU auu .IIl`loCl IIIUUIGIIU `ID515- tions-7 am. and 5.00 pm. Toronto Only-12 noon and 7 -111. P North Bay and Intermediate Points-i0.15 a.m. North Bay-10.i5 and 7 p.m. O1-illia-3.30 .m. Meaford and enetang-i0 am. (open mail) and 7 p.m. (closed mail). Sumn_1er~ trains carry incorr_1.. ins ma.1l but no outgomg mall. III XIIVVU WHIIC 5? I? No. 531'Tor0nto to North Bay . 46iNorth Bay to Toronto l;2`Midland to Toronto .. /:1'ToI-onto to Huntsville. From N "W" Arrive Toronto .. .Midhurst 12.15 a.m. Soo . . . . . .Midhurst 5.30 a.m. 40' 55' 58' Midhurst . Utopia. . . .. Midhurst . . Utopia . . T vtflts policy is better adagted to Farm Insurance than ot era in many respects. I InAn.s 01.03:. Ian-lo Post Ofco. Barrie R.M.D. 1--(Grown Hill) etc.)-i2 o clock noon. Barrie R.M.D. 2-(Grenfel)-l2 o olock noon. Midhurst and Cundles-Between 11.30 and 12 noon (as soon as Toronto mail is sorted). Alland_ale-i0 a.m. and 4.50 p.m. Painswick-10 a.m. Toronto and Intermediate Sta- `;t'\I'|n W n In ant. K nn i\ run I57` Ul IULLDU DU 1'll5\lll\.4ll1l.I.l Park .. .. .. .. .. 43'Toronto to Gravenhurst lui"Huntsville to Toronto.. 45'Tor0nto to Midland .. . . - n8`}'NOI`th Bay to Toronto.. 47Toronto to North Bay. .1 CANADIAN Utopia . . . . Midhurst . . C1-aighurst . .. Midhurst . . Midhurst-- /lI__.-_-_.L Ivy 60'Meafo1'd and Penetang to Hamilton .. .. .. 7.50 397'Barrie to Penetang and Meaford .. .. .. ..10.i0 From Hamilton arrive at Barrie .. .. .. t..10.35 `VIII Going south (to Toronto from Goldwater.) I A nniu.-\\ HER DREAMS l}_A_ME TRUE MELLE. O. GAUDREAU Rochon P.Q., Jan. 14th, 1915. I suffered for many years with terrible Indigestion and Constipation. I became thin and miserable. I had frequent dizzy spells and became so run down that I never thought I would get well again. 10,! 11 Iva A neighbor advised me to try `Fruit- o.~tives . I did so and to the surprise of my doctor, I began to improve and /zeadvisedmetogo on with `F ruit-a-ti zves . I continued this medicine and all my Indigestion and Constipation was relieved. I consider that I owe my life to `Fruit-a-tives and I want to say to those who suffer from Indigestion, Constipation or Headaches, try `Fruit- a-tives ~. Give this lovely fruz't_ medicine a air clumce and you will get well the same as I did. l"II\`f\'I\Y`I".1 IV A TTT\`I'`.W I 7' 7. Lower rates on buildings rodded. fol. From Collingwood and Meaford .. .. .. ..12.30 From Penetang and Mid- land vla short line (Mondays only) .. .12.3O From Penetang and Mid- land (except Sundays and Mondays) .. .. 2.20 395`Barrie to Collingwood and Meaford .. .. . 1.55 1 For Penetang and Mid- land via short line, leave Allandale . . . . .12.30 .62'From Meaford & Pene_ tang for Hamilton .. 5.35 63 Fr.om Hamilton for Meaford and Pene4 tang .. .. .. .. .. 7.45 `V;-up-u-w '50c. a box, 6 }c}{.;33, t1:i_al ;:;;;1i5;Z At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a.-tives Limited, Ottawa. Life Unbearable from Indigestion Houlth Rogtored by Ffllit-I-6738" r_.:..._..._. Going north (to Goldwater.) (Arrive) topia .. .. .. .. ..12.29 p.m. Iidhurst .. .. .. ..12.45 p.m. rjaighurst .. .. .. .12.28 9.m. Ildhurst .. .. .. ..i2.15 a.m. '.1In..n.-.4 ""`KJ NOTE '-Daily except Sunday. r-Daily. 1-Daily except Monday. -Daily except Saturday. IIJIILII Cbj (through train) `North Bay to Toronto. .1 'To1'onto_to `North Bay. .1 `Algonquin Park to To- tur\nl*t\ 4:-cvnnqu-15 -I u.LLl IILI 1-onto .. .. .. .. .. "T01I;0I1lI;O to Algonquin In Effect. June 28, 1915.` TIME TABLE. Here are olgm. reasons why It will pay you to Insure your pro- perty agalnut Ion by I'll-o or Llghtnlng In the