A EN WQMS REALM All communications should be addressed to Editor Woman' Rea. Made in Canada Page Three A1 733 A1 008 COTTON OIIPI DIIOI GOODS in all coiors and designs, were 150, 18c and 200 yd. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1_2V2o yd. OHIOK AND STRIP! OINOHAMB, were 12%c yd. Juno Sula 9'/20 yd.; were 150 .. . . . . . . . .. .. ..Juno Bale 11'/2o RATINAS, in pa ular shades, sand and lavender, 40 in. wide. Regular valuv, 1.25. June sale, yd. .. .. .. .. .. ..66o WHI'|'E`QUlLT8-In all designs. Regular value, $1.25. June sale.. . . .. . ......$1.00 Regular 'vall1;3,.'$.1.'& :.().J1'1ne sale. .. .. ..$1.25 Regular value, $2.00. June sale .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$`I.50 Owing to the unseasonable weather of the pas_t- month. We nd stocks in all departments extre heavy, consequently are obliged to reduce pnces In all hnes so as to rush all Summer Coocls out tlus month FAIIOY VOILE DI!!! O00DO--Were 650 yd. June Sale 420;` . were 400 yd. for .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. o IlIIO|I8-Pure Silk Ribbons, all shades, 6 inches wide, were 250 yd... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Juo Sale 180 yd. 5 inches Wide were 150 \... . . . . . . . . . .June sale 12Vzo yd. KID GLOVES. Tans and Blacks, regular 850 per pair . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Juno9aIo49c LAOE-T'n-chon Lace, assorted widths, . . . .12 yds. for 150 I-lO8l-I.adies plain Black Cotton Hose. Regular 150 pt June Sale, 2 pairs .. .. . . . . . . .. .. CD250. I-l08l-J.adies` and Children's Ribbed Cashmere Hose. Reg- ular value 25c.pai1`. June_ sale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..19o FANCY DRESS OIIPIB, dark colors. Regular value, 400 yd. June sale, yd. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..29o nuov puss but-as, light shadings, 44 in. wide. Regul- ar Value, 750 yd. June sale, yd. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 490 OOTTOII FOULAIDI--All colors, were 250 and 300 yd. . . . . . . . . . . ..Juno8nIo15o Min & Murchisun s Semi-Annualsale Alexander--l-`ruse:-. Ro.I_!ton-1'odd. % P G|lbeH.son-0ampbolI. 1 On Wednesda , June 9th, Mrs ; Susana Campbel was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Gilbert-` son of Toronto. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Goulter of Innisl by the. Rev. D. A. McKenzie. The bride` was gowned in blue crepe de chene. Her travelling dress was a navy blue tailored suit. After the weddin breakfast the happy couple too traljrn for Toronto where they w I reside. We] wish them prosperity and hap-- pmess. l I I O I O I O O Iv vII-rEwg ugllla BIIGU4 . . This Sale will continue until Friday, June 25th I A charming. June wedding took! |place yesterday afternoon, June 'i6th, at 2.30 in St. Andrew's` Church,. when, in the presence of many friends, Miss Sarah Adelia, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Grnmths, and Mr. Arthur Frederick Blachford. of Toronto, were united in holy matrimony, Rev. Dr. McLeod of- ficiating. The church was pret- tily decorated with pink peon- ies and ferns for the happy gevent. IIVI..- I....:..l.. ..-.... ....l-...... :... .......... U lwlth feather fantasies of the .same color. There was no re- 'ception, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander leaving the church directly for the 4 o'clock train en route south. Upon their return from {San Francisco they will live at .875 Chilco street, which they lhave secured on lease for a year from Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Daly. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and wore a beautiful gown of ivor char- meuse trimmed with hantilly long and `II`ll\ I7!\:| nnnnnrvlxrl `rs lllUUU Ill. IIIIIIIULI VVIIJII \JlIGl.llalI| lace and tulle veil arranged in cap effect, caught up with a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses and lily-of..the-valley and wore the groom's gift, a diamond and emerald ring. Her sister, Mrs. O. L. Redfern, was matron-ot`7 honor, wearing white silk crepe and large leghorn hat trimmed Every week in the year something is needed for the home, something to eat or drink, some new furniture or new clothes. The list is endless and the worry of the housewifs is almost as endless, unless she.uses intelligance and system in her purchases, The advertising columns are intended for such har- assed housekeepers. They contain real news that will help to ease her burden and settle her uncertain- ties. Certainly the adver- tisers expect to make money. Are they not en- titled to it if they make life more comfortable for thousands? Read the advertisements, with discrimination and in- telligence. They will solve many a vexed question. Maple Terrace, Churchill, ~ the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Todd was the scene of a pretty ` wedding on Thursday, June 10, T when their daughter Myrt_ie Am- elia was united in marriage to Mr. Harvey Leighton `Ralston of Lefroy. The ceremony was per- formed on the lawn, the bride and groom standing under an arch of evergreens. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a dress of ivory duchess satin, embroidered tulle veil and coronet of orange b_los- soms and carried sheaf ofbr1de s roses. Miss Mildred Todd, sis- ter of the bride, played the wed- ding march. The Rev. Donald A. McKenzie, B.A., officiated. The dejeuner was served to over six- ty guests. The bride's Agoing away dress was cream serge with panama hat. Mr. and_ Mrs. Ral- stnn took evening train for To. ronto and `other places {of in.- terest and carry with them the hoist wishes of a large circle of ...'.\....I.. BIaohford-Grll'l'|th:. FOR THE HOME POSITIVELY NO COUPONS GIVEN DURING Realni sale price QKA Regular . .850 `I'll! IIIRII IXIIINII AND SATURDAY MORNING uuvvcx D. | The groom s favors were: A moss agate ring to the matron of honor, cameo rings to the organist and soloist and pearl tie pins to the ushers and best man. 11-. .....,.I 11.... 11I....l.1.'.__..I ._-:I|_ ruuvrvuuuuuuvu _ Vancouver Sun-The marri- age of Miss Mabel Fraser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Fraser, of Shaughnessy Heights, to Mr. Arthur_Alexan- der, (formerly of Barrie) yes- terday afternoon, (June 2), at- tracted a large and fashionable assemblage to St. John s church, where the ceremony was con- ducted by Rev. Leslie Pidgeon. The interior of the edifice was elaborately decked with quanti- ties of white owers, palms and other foliage. The bride,. given away by her father, had her 815-- ter, Miss Lorna Fraser, as her sole attendant, while the groom was supported by Mr. Albert Duchesnay. The bride were her 8oing-away toilette of bronze- hued crepe de soie, with chic hat repeating the same note of` color, while the bouquet she car- ried consisted of lily of the val- ley and white roses. Miss Lorna Fraser, in vieux rose, and hat to match with suivez-moi stream- ers, had a sheaf of ink sweat eas. Mrs. Fraser, mo her of the ride was smartly habited in corn ow blue silk poplin, complete by a large black hat vv -.--u- ---cv.|-I' vv v--- Following the ceremony, a_ re-! ception was held-at the bride s home in Maple Avenue, about fort guests being present. Mrs.. Grillths, the bride s mother,. re- ceived in a gown of ` gured mauve silk with touches of black and her bouquet was of Rich- mond roses. The` house decora- 'tions were pink and white roses land ferns. l LL EE\l\ ll. 'I__1_I- -..I L_.I_ I `""1'\7i-. and Mrs. Blachford wiu' {aside at 3 Linden street, T01-on- o. 7`I'1I__ I____I_ __,I__ IGIIILI SUI IICO At 5.20 the bride and bride groom received a hearty send- off when they left for a trip to New York, the bride travelling in a suit of apple green silk with touches of rose and hat of nat- ural leghorn faced with rose and trimmed with rose and green owers. PIVL- .._....~.......9_ D . _ . _ _ _ - _ - _ -- A A During the ceremony Missl Mae Dou all sang All Mine Alone" an Miss Anah Bailey`! acted as organist. The ushers were: Messrs. O. L. Redfern and Charles Blachford of Toron- to and Wm. Grimths, town. `I'.V-II,___1,- AL- -___A--;, _4 w'The bride, who is a very: popular girl, received a great many gifts. On Friday evening last the members of Collier St. Methodist Choir, of which church she was organist for a couple of years, presented her: with an engraved mahogany tray.: with pink roses and blackf streamers. She carried a show-- er of pink roses. Mr. Russell Boyce of Toronto was grooms- main. ' .. AL. ....._..,_,.A_..__ `ll... \ Married In china. Bowmanville News:--A cable- gram has been received by Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, north of Oshawa, stating that their daughter Janet Gertrude Clero,, had been married to Dr. W. H.' Birks, son of Rev. A. K. Birks,- Dundas, at Shanghai, China; Miss McGregor left Canada about a month ago in company with Miss Mary Smith, of Bar- rie, a missionary returning to China, and landed in the Gel- .estial Empire on May 12 after a pleasant voyage. Dr. Birks is ai lmissionary physician in_ China.` |The marriage license which was used _in tying the nuptial knot was obtained in Canada, and the marriage was a unique culmina- tion to a pleasant Canadian rom- ance._ 'I'I2_`I-_ 2- A .__..L---- -l' `U Birks is a nephew of Mr-s.| `Thornley, Mary St., and has fre- quently visited in Barrie. The regular meeting of the executive of the Red Cross So- ciety will be held in the Red `Cross rooms on Monday, June 21st, at 3.30 p.m. Anyone in- terested in the work is welcome at these meetings. Tho rnnnlh-an fn-n nnnnnnhnnn (llv IJIIUUC lllCClaIl.[.6A`lo ` | The meeting for preparing bandages and dressings will be `held as usual on Thursday ev-' ening at 7 p.m. This work is. `under the direction of several; Ijdlu VVI-` friends. RAINOOAT8--In Brown with Belt on back, worth $6.00 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..Juno sale price $4.45 'l'OWEL|NG-i7 inches wide Cotton Toweling .. ..5o'yd. Check Tea Toweling, good width . Juno Sale 3 yds. for 260 RAlNO0AT8--Ladies` Raincoats, English make, guaranteed, regular $8.50 to $9.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juno sale $7.50 lMNOAPE8-The very latest in Waterproofs, Fawn shade. trimmed with Black Satin Collar and Buttons, regular $10.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..Juno8a|o$8.50 lMIR0lDERll8-Extra wide skirting width nice fine quality. Regular values, 500 to 850. izeg'u'xai~'ss'c 6 s?{.2's', $41. I .' I I253 Regular $1.25 to $2.75, yd. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..B9o LADIES \NA|8'l'8-Odd Waists, lines that we have only one or two sizes in some. are buttoned down the back and some have short sleeves. Sizes 34 to 38 only,-regular value $1.00 to $2.00 each, June sale .. . . . ..50o LADIES BLACK SATEEII UIIDERSKIRTS. Regular value, $1.25. June sale price, each .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..89o LAoI:s' i-AIIAsoI.s--Black, with stylish handles. Regular value. $1.00, June sale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..19c Regular value, $1.25, June`sale . . .. . . . . . . . . .980 8|-IANTUNG SILK, Linen shade, was 500 yd. . .Juo Sale 290 Was 65c yd. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..-June Sale Price 38:: Was 75c yd. . . . . . . .Juno Sale Price 410 CHILDREN'S MIDDIES--Ages 4 to 10 years. White Middy with Navy or Red trimming, regular 750 each, Juno Sale 500 CARPET 8QUARE8-Tapestry Carpet Squares, sizes 3x3 ; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Juno 8aIo$1.95 3x-4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..June8alo$8.96 BRUSSELS CARPET SQUARES, sizes 3x3 `A Qv/a 1IIZ?T113 TKIII 1I TWFFIKW DIDUD QJAU 7" u I 3x4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. II II I:'i"7I"5' 'l'OWEl.8-Huck Towels with red border, size 18x34 .. .. .. ...June8aIo25opalr 81.25. June sale price, each . . . . L1ADlES HOUSE DRESSES, light and dark shades. S - . .. .. .. .. yle. Regular $1.25. June sale .. .. . Rod GI-oss_. Dear Friend:--Having a few minutes to spare I am taking the opportunity of_ thanking you so much for the gift of socks you so kindly sent. They came to hand when they were most needed. We were sorelyein need of them, as we had marched about 25 miles and been in one action. Since then we have been in another at- tack, which has been successful but at a number of casualties. We are happy in the knowledge that we are doing our bit for Canada and have made a name for it. We are glad we are not forgotten bv the women of Can- ada who are doing their share Iin this terrible struggle by look- ing after our wants. If God spares mc-.to return to my dear wife and children, as I hope He will, I shall take great pleasure in writing you and telling you :just where your socks came to lhand. I again thank you for `your kindness and am sure that God will bless the women of Canada for the noble work they `lare doing. Thursday, June 11, 1015 {socks came when -Most Needed. In a pair of socks sent to the Front, Mrs. C. P. White enclos- ed her name and address. Last week she received from Sergt. Major Tomsett of the 10th Batt. lthe following letter: |6`I'\--_ IT1__',.___I. 1`l___!_. _ 1.|__.. IIILIIIUO Next Saturday the ladies of St. .Mary's Church have charge of ithe tea-room. A _ ftrained nurses. Beginning July` -5th. those meetings will be held on Monday evenings instead of Thursday. Donations of old lin- en are urgently requested. PITL- A___- ..-cv....-J -u\1un\.uvuuIo I The proceeds from the tea- lroom on Saturday, 12th, were |$i31.61. Special thanks are due to the people from the country who sent in such generous dona- tlons. 'lY..--L C|_A_-_.I_-- AL , I, J-,, A an The Crown Hill Branch of the Women s Institute met at the `home of Miss Bella Robinson on June 8th, eleven ladies being `present. An interesting paper was given by Miss Rix on Our |Flag and What It Stands For." On June 30th an open meet- ing will be held at Mrs. Samuel Dunsmore s, when Miss Yates will give an address on Dressed Poultry-The Preparation for Market." She will also give a demonstration on the killing of fowl. All farmers wives and daughters should be interested in this subject and a cordial i_r_1.. vitation is extended to all to be present. Meeting opens at 2.30 "IVY! l The Barrie Presbyterial Wo- .man s Missionary Society is `holding its first annual meeting "at Orillia yesterday and today l(June 16 and 17). pull]. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dunsmore, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Drury and Miss Alice Quinlan motored to Orillia on Friday afternoon last toattend an Institute Conven- tion. Mrs. Fielding was also present at this meeting and gave in report. from our Branch. Orown Hlll Women's Institute. A TABLE OF REMNANTS, CONTAINING ENDS OF DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, TOWELINGS, ETC. Devlin & Murchison Embroideries, June sale, yd. ORA .. 15.95 .. 17.95 Good THIS SALE ' Dallston Women : Institute. The annual open meeting of the Women s Institute will be held on Wednesday, June 23rd, Miss Mary Yates of Port Credit will address the meeting on The Preparation of Fowl for Market and will give a demonstration on the Killing of Chicken." The afternoon meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Wilson, commencing at 2 p.m. The ev- ening session will be held in the ` basement of the Methodist Church and a musical program will intersperse the addresses. Mids McDonald of Innisfll will address the meeting on Insti- tute work. wwuI:lw-*4L ollcl/It'll 11115 U1 Ullblfau [U115 `ip UUPSBLS, all worth 75c per panr .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Juno8a Worth $1.50 per pair . . . . . . . . . .. ..Juno 8a WHITE 001"|'0lI8-36 inch White Cotton, regular 10c OORSETS--A special line of extra long hip corsets, all sizes, AP hair _Innn\A `AI; `.15 MEN'S UMBRELLA8, regular value, $1.25. June sale . .950 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS---(_)dd lines, Mirth 750 to $1.00 each. Junesale.....~... .. ...59c BOYS HEAVY NIBBED GOTTON HOSE. Size 6 to 10. June sale, pair .. .. . .. .. . . ..15c MEN'S BLUE STRIPE OVERALLS, size 36 to 44 waist. Reg- ular value, $1.25. June sale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..75c MEN 8.PLAIN BLACK AND PLAIN BLUE OVEBALL8. Some with bibs and some without. All sizes. Regular value, 850. Junesale.......................... ...50c ;rea`v;e;q;;am'y,',;a;; i1'eg'u'1a r'1'a'c Regular 12350 .. Regular 150 .. .. ulanrs BAlNO0A'I'&-Best English make, i1Eagu'1a'r' v'a1u'e' $'-1o.bb .'. " " Regular value $7.50 .. .. .. .. BOYS 2-PIECE TWEED SUITS, $3.00 .. .. . . 29 to 33, regd1a'r' $'3.7% .. .. Regular $5.00 . . . . . . Regular $7.00 .. .. .. Regular $10.00 .. 3-PIECE SUITS, 29 to RR nn Innn onln 42, reg. value $7.50. June sale .. . . 34, regular value $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00,Junesale...... . .......$2.90oach MEN'S SUITS--Tweed and Worsted Suits, in all latest spring styles, suits `that were $10.00 .. .. .. ..Juno Sale 8.50 $12.50....................June8a|o .15 $l5.00............ .. ....JuneSalo 12.50 $18.00................ ..Juno8ale 15.00 $20.00 . . . . . . . . .Juno Sale $11.50 MEN'S 2-PIECE LIGHT GREY SUMMER SUITS, size gg Made in Canada A Magnificent New List of Columbia Patriotic Records come and hear them.. They are simply magnicent. Every one recorded in England. Three cheers for Little Belgium .. .. .. I come On, You Boys of London Town ...j Ourmpire. Part1.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..i -i i J i I Our Empire. Part2 .. .. .. British Army Bugle calls. Part 1 . . . . . . . . British Army Bugle calls. Part 2 . . . . . . . . England : Battle I-lymn . . . . . . There : Only one England .. Popular Patriotic Songs. Part 1 . . . . Popular Patriotic Songs. Part 2 .. Here We Are, Here We Are, Here We Are I Are We Downhearted? llol .. .. .. .. Mal-seillaise . . . . -;L ,,__ . '4 I I I 1 . gain 1 O O ` e 1 Lord God, Protect tile (izar. .. .. . . ` Old comrado s Ila:-ch . . . . { { " { It's a Long Way to Tipperary . . . ..l GARRE" PALE BLUE and PALE PINK QUILTS, with fringe. value, $1.25. June sale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. MUSIC STORE, BARRIE Hoar Violet Loraine sing the musing song Three cheers for Little Belgium JUST OUT Only 85. Each They will play on your machine. Two Selections on each Redord unvxu l|Jlla `lily DUI BCLO, an DIIAUD, . ..Juno8alo49o .. .. .. .. ..Juno8a|o98o child!-en's Day. You are cordially invited to attend the services to be held in the Baptist Church next Sunday, June 20th, when Children's Day in connection with the Sunday School will be held. The church will be prettily decorated with` owers. There will be a chil- dren s choir. Rev. G. R. Turk `will preach at 11 a.m. Special services will also be held at 3 and 7. Everybody welcome! Keep llnal-II : Llnlmont In the House. ite yd. . . .. .. .. . ..Juno 8a|o1V2o . . . . Juno Sale 90 . . June Sale 110 . . Juno Sale 130 ;h regular value $12.50 5 . . . . . . .June sale $10.50 . . . . .June Sale $8.50 . . . . .Juno Sale $6.50 22 to 28, regular $2.50 and . .. .. .. ..June Sale 1.90 . . . . . . . June sale 2.15 . .. .. ..Juno Sale .90 . . . . .-Juno sale $5.15 . .-Juno sale $8.50 PILLOW 0A9E8-Plain Cotton Pillow Cases. June