The men from the 35th in the 2nd Contingent are proving them- ' selves good stuff. Recently the company in which they are in- cluded and commanded by Major: Preece marched from Exhibition! Camp to Mimico and return, in 21 hours and 37 mins., with only 15; minutes rest at Mimico. Each` carried the full kit, weighing about 50 lbs. The distance cov- _ ered was nearly, 12 miles. That `Vt night they did 18 miles on a night march, and 12 miles the next day. which is fairly strenuous work. _ 52nd Year, 5 The I.O.F. are inviting the 2 soldiers to an open meeting to be held in the Lodge rooms on - Thursday, April 8, at 7.30. A 3 program of games and music is `being arranged, and refresh- r`ments will be served. It is hoped ` IJKUlllLl\J llll\J nltnloog \IQ v `y-- - _____ ! lbull, son of Robert Turnbull, Or- !illia Tp., killed in France, He. was employed by the Westingu! house Co., Hamilton, and enlisted} with the 91st Highlanders of that[ city. ' ' 1:9, 1-_-11!- _pL-__ -.._-_.I:.... -n days ago` and dislocated his right! shoulder. He is an ex-member! of the Toronto police force and ione of the huskiest men in the i corps. rl'!___-.I-__9- .....-....lIqo lion` lIf\1'I UV: `av! Tuesday s casualty list con-| _tai_ned the name of John Turn-` II l`\4 VJUJ 0 Wm. Little, after spending a few days with his father~and mother, Dr. and Mrs. Little, rel turned to Toronto n Tuesday` and goes from there to Kingston` to join the 7th Field Battery. This is composed of University of Toronto men and is not at- tached to any contingent. All the medical students from Barrie at Toronto University have now enlisted. Frank Smith and W. J. (Happy) Johnson are now in France with No. 2 Field Ambul- ance; N. N. Kirkup is training in Guelph with the Field Ambulance and Percy Sarjeant is with the Clearing Hospital, A.M.C. , D_,-___ AL"- |- ..... ..=, ..W,....., --.-.-.-. Four representatives from the local quota are taking ten days ;of special training at Exhibition lPark, Toronto. Capt. Macdon- `ell, in the duties of field otllcer; ;Lt. Mcclinton and Corp. Snules- `by, in musketny; Set-gt: Sullivan. in bayonet exercises and physical drill. ' ._ . . . u g The Presbyterians have been furnishing coffee and rolls nightly this month to the men. With the end of March these sup- pers are discontinued. J. A. Moclarou. Elite: W. C. Walls. Indnou Ianqot Exceedingly gratifying to om- cars and men and to thepeople as well was the splendid show- ing made by Simcoe County's q.uota to the Third Contingent when they paraded for official in- spection last Saturday afternoon. After a most rigid inspection, the men were highly commended by the visiting olcers. These were Col. Logie, commanding the 2nd Divisional Area;_ Lt.-Col. Lang, R.C.E., in charge of the` instruc- tion cadre; Major Butcher, in charge of musketry instruction; Lt. Howland, Divisional Intelli- gence Oicer. They arrived at Barrie from Parry Sound in the Government car Sir James at- tached to the noon train and be- gan inspection at two o clock. Afterjnspecting the guard and barracks they proceeded to the_ Market Square, where the men were drawn up in two platoons, their accoutrements shining and everything about them looking spic and span. The companies having been inspected, Major Butcher took them in hand and for an hour and a half gave them some pretty stiff drill. In the close formation their work could hardly have been excelled, but in the extended order they were not so proficient as they have not had much opportunity for this branch of the work. To the large crowd of spectators the various movements were very interesting, and had the men been kept on the drill with which they were famil- iar, the excellence of the per- formance would have been even more marked. that members and soldiers will be on_hand early. I" " " "" 'V A. B. Coutts this week receiv- ed a postcard `from Pte. J. A. Gray, N9. 3 Cox, Coldstream Guards, written in the trenches. thanking him for spliie cigarettes and tobacco. These were very much appreciated by the writer and his comrades. Iyl-on KIng'a Rink Took Gal-dent cup. f The cold snap at last week gave some unexpected pleasure to the curlers and also afforded an op-. portunity for playing off the nal in the Garden Cup. competition. This trophy is competed for an- nually by the various rinks of the Club and its possessionis an hon- or much coveted by skips. This `year every match on the schedule ORUSADEIIS I-IOGKEY CLUB. . champions of the 8. 8. Hockey League for 1915. Top row-left to right--I. Harold -Hart, manager and trainer-;i Cecil Thomas, spare; Elliott (Jnles, left wing; H. D. Jamieson,; Hon. Fres.; A, Uaton Jourdan. PPPS. Second row--FredM Parr, left defpnce; Norman Livingston, goal; ` Albert Moffatt, right defence; Lloyd Thompson, captain and I-over nnffnni nnu /'Dohn" \ Ilnnrnnrlia nnnfr-n- Wlnn `Dar-fnirlon r-io-hf Alluuxu uxuuuuu, Lxpub UUIUUUF, IJIUJU Luulupauu, ocuu uuu Luvvx _Bottom Roy (Babe") Bo ardis, centre; Eldo1ai >artridge, right wmg. . BARRIE, CANADA. APRIL I, |9|5 '- The winning rink were A. G. - Habbick, Fred Loth, F. W. Otton, `Byron King and the runners up gwere J. G. Scott, J. J. Moore, A. ,jF. A. Malcomson, A. E. Stapleton. was played, the nal taking place on Friday night, on splendid ice`. Much clever work was seen in the match, Byron King s quar- tette nally landing the prize by five shots over A. E. Stapleton s four, the score being i3--8. IN g ` 'q`~1;;`;(;;.;a; ' "jug '{a;;;;a'};;`s- been one of the best in the his- tory of the Barrie Curling Club. Rev. Walter H.. White, M.A., a former vicar of Trinity Church, Barrie, was inducted to the rect- orship of St. Luke s Church, Pet-, erboro, on Monday. Mar. 22. At-" ter leaving Barrie Mr. White was Following the drill, the corps were given lectures in the Town Hall for an hour. As the local omcers had no intimation that the hall would be required, it was not heated and so was none too com- fortable for the soldiers after their sharp exercise. ll , A I Induction of Rev. w. H. White. lin the West for some` years, but` ;for the last year had been in Eng-` "land. The following report of. lthe induction is from the Peter- lboro Examine-r:- |"?r'm? '}}{{i{1}{n of Rev. w. H} White, M.A., to the rectorship of` {St L_uke s Church, East City, lastl evening, was marked by an elo-, lquent discourse by Ven. Arch-` {deacon Warren, who officiated in` `the absence of His Lordship the Bishop. The sermon was es-= lpecially appropriate, not only to` ;the occasion, but to the very trou- _ blesome times through which the! world is at present passing. He spoke from the words of the I `Psalmist, Create in Me a Clean Heart, 0 God and Renew a Right` Spirit \Vithin Me, and in the` course of his remarks he pointed out that in the foregoing prayer of the Psalmist lay the solution` of the present eonict between` nations, the "opposition between capital and labour and the enact- ment of right legislation. The cultivation of a right public spir- it. and right public opinion would accomplish much In the removal of present day evils. V- r--`v_ ._..... The service of induction was attended by a splendid congrega- tion, who joined heartily in the responses and the singing, also by a number of the clergy, name- ly, Rev. F. J. Sawers, M.A., of St. Peter s Church, Cobourg, Rev. Canon Davidson of St. John s church, Rev. R. B. Grobh of All Saints and Rev. Mr. Price of St. George's. Following the reading of the mandate of induction, the people's warden, Mr.George Curt- gis, presented Rev. Mr. White with the keys of the church, after which the Bible and Book ofl Common Prayer were given the newly appointed rector by the` A_-I_.I_--__. J5-.;'(':Vl_1:ieacon. Read the advertisements- It will pay you. TERMS-Ilo Conlu 3 cu. Parana: [In advance] 8I.oo GERMAN8 MADE PRIEST DIG HIS OWN GIAVI Mo. I-llgglns writes of German Atrocities--Gunner Lang of cl-aighurst Also Hoard From. Mr. Higgins of Craighurst re- cently received another letter from his son Pte. T.- Higgins, written At the Front, in France." The letter was as follows:- OIMOOI COUNTY'S QUOTA IICT IN 37th IATT. Dear Father :--Just a few lines, for our letters must be short, to inform you that every- thing is OK. with me. I think I would far rather be here than in the mud on Salisbury Plains. It is more interesting at any rate. The weather is fairly good and we are well looked after. To add a little variety to the spice of life we have the booming of the big guns. When not in the trenches we are comfortably billeted in farm buildings. Here we can avail ourselves of such luxuries as eggs and butter in addition to the army rations. Dear Father and Mot.her,-I , got your letter and was glad to _|hear from you, glad you are all 3_well at home. I am well, but lonesome here. this is not home or Midland. I have :1 lot of shoe- _ging to do. I have 150 horses to ;-lshoe. On active service is no -,'fun, in mud and water to your -Iknees, but I am going to help lick -"tho Germans if I have to die at Hit. I am within half mile of ,-!the war and the way things are looking now I do not think I will llever return to Canada. as the - bombs are dropping near us out 2401` the aeroplanes. We cannot. aileave our stables day or night ten `yards at a_ time and then they I tell us here the war has not start- ed and will not till spring. I i`wish some of the folks at the village would write to me, even if ['.I do not answer their letters. I I do not get much time for writ- 1'ing. Well :good-bye, from your 1 son on active service for God, for ' King and for Country and for 3 Canada my home. 3 1 t This is a splendid agricultur- al district. You would be more than pleased to see the fine big Percheron horses here. Yhl nev- er see anything but pure bred animals on the farms such as those brought to Canada by the importers. `I? u n n We are short of several things such as tobacco, matches, etc. These commodities can `scarcely be obtained at all. I am expect- ing a box from England any day and I hope it soon comes for I can t smokethis native tobacco when I do get it. _-__ - __ 9-- -- By what" I can and` out, the stories we heard of German bar- barities are `quite true. Only a short distance from here a_ priest was made to dig his own` grave and then was shot into it, just for fun. A drunken squadron rode into our headquarters vill- age on one occasion and killed a little girl of ten with their lancos as she ran along the street. These are two cases of the many dastardly acts of which we have learned since coming here. 17--- Another Craighurst man, John `C. Lang, vgxiting to his father James Lang of Vespra, says the war won't really start till Spring. His letter reads as follows:- _..- _-_`_. .,..--v \._r......: l-\(D\r You may expect a lettr-r from Berlin any day, now that the Little Black Devils are in ac- tion. ---Make things look like new by using our superior ready- mixed paints. Parson : Fair. H-3 At the annual meeting of the Barrie Motor Club held on Tues- day night, the following omcers were elected :-- " Hon. Pres.--W. A. Boys, 1.0. Pres.--Judge Vance. Vice Pres.-J. F. Craig. Secy.-Treas.-W. F. Ronald. Directors-A. E. Stapleton, F. W. Otton and A. D. G. Banner. Director on O.M.L.-J. 1'. Graig Sign Committee-R. A. Steph- ens (chairman), Howard Dyment land J. A. MacLaren. vv--- v w.-c Lao-4vVJI, D Section, Battery, R.C.H.A., Ii...-.4 lV.......2l:..._ r1__.L2_.___n -__.-`_ - - - . . - - . vs Col. Logie gave the first lec- ture-on general discipline. He complimented the men on their fine physique and soldierly hear. ing, and also on their discipline as shown by their smartness in saluting and their attention to dress. He had inspected all the quotas of the 37th Batt.` and the one from Simcoe County was the best. Fi:3.{ti}an_aiH'H6ii;:}:" War Oice, London, Engiand. Aeroplanes Dropping Bombs. Ban-Io Motor club. JOHN C. LANG, .A "\_lA_,,_ No. I3 Laooal corps llndo I. Fine Show- |ng-0omplImont.od by the In- opootlng Omoon. Lt.-Col. Lang gave a general lecture on the work. Major Butcher, who is one of the best shots in Canada, spoke onl musketry, and Lt. Howland gave an outline sketch on map read- ing. their return to Toronto they! expressed great satisfaction with. `the soldierly appearance and physical tness of the men ex- amined. The opinion was ex- pressed at the divisional head- quarters that the 37th Battalion will be one of the best infantry units of the next contingent, and Lie-ut.-Col. F. C. Bick, 0.C.. and Major Cameron, were compli- mented for the progress made by the various quotas. `----- w- own-vurvovu -`Ot1*Iy"tl'1-I:ee men are now in the hospital. One of these is the private who fainted at the inspec- tion parade. nu_, n , ,, on g... Notes of the Soldiers. The County of Simcoe has pre. sented each member of the local qunta with a pair of rubbers.