Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1915, p. 9

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'_TI' '1 W. O. THOMPSON, Ofoo, 15 Owen St... Barrio. Phone 2881. Established 10 Yrs. e from English \Vorstr=ds and . . . .$7.60, $10.00 and $15.00 Phon 67 and 93 The newest Easter fads in Neckwear have just come to hand. Prices 250, 35c, 50c and 150 each. ` Soc our Shot. silk crepe do chono Tlos at . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..50c each 3` ` Dr Easte Gloves and 'I"I'<)..~:.i.;-;r as Black mu 1"... um n:....-- __ _ ... ....... vut -.4-uun 'u1 ldwll $5.00, $1.50, $10.00, $12.00 V . --..-u u-uuuulu, 908` quality .. .. ..25o per doz. spluonborg Apples. 400 per doz. 2 lb. Santa Clara PI-unoa . . .250 Fine new Jamaica ooooanuta . .; lO0_8-Put up In-1 doz. cartons. .Qn------ 3` ::IIi)uE`FI:>'. 89 Worsley St... and o . conven' , stable. Price 323331.083 Gd Dnnlfnuy lnvun 04.- __|_ p.-. ' "wt `(vi Jul` isoctlon of clovl; Honor ., . .. .. .. .. aocppggcgn MP0 Fruit .. .. ..3 for 25 .00|don. Yellow Bananas, but ' I --`I6-A-I.-__ n,, . /_,_._. - --u up III I 001. 3'10" . from I-ollablo fannpn, zoo do: You can be sure of'go'tlng RIO` same class of 0998 every sic-` urday, and strictly new laid- ,:;__:.__, 1 al-`rash can Peas .. ..8o per tin Fresh can corn . . . .80 per tin Fresh can Tomatoes, 80 per tin -lllalaga Grapes .. . .200 per lb. Llmburger cheese . .300 per lb. Boquefort. cheese ..50c per lb. McLaren s cheese . .250 per Jar Flne Old cheese . . . .260 per lb. clover Honey, 6 lb. pall . . . .150 Clover Honey In quart Jars . . . . A. H. Brother, V. 8., Agent You cannot afford to take the risk I for the small premium charged. [ _ , Now is the time to by the month or by t General Animals Ins: Co. Farmers, Attentio1n*!# Mares That are iii Fai Db` BUIU no u. l'eu.5UIlBDle prlce. 15 acres of good land. New 7 room dwelling. Barn with stahl- es under. Hos house, chicken house and good water, Th;-9'6 miles from Barrie. Price $1750, Easy terms. ununan Mn 90 `I7.._..I-__ 1'14 """i' ' "" PC" on. 0' quartlan . .. .. .. ..5oo pop 13': I A. I----_ `in fawn 4 4---- all with . .$2.69 e insure (either the year) your or Canadian-assembled American car wasted in duty-on car or parts? . Figure it out and you'll see where Ford can give you $900.00 urorth of car for $590.00 and still make, prots enough to give you $40.00 to $60.00 back in August. Luuuzuaucr Du. .t'l'w8 'lZ3UU.' Hpuse and lot, South side of Collier St... owned by Mr. W. T. R. Black. Solid hrlck, all con- vemences, beautiful lot. win he sold at a reasonable price, 15 acres of 2-nnd land M--. H 8 room brick lac`) , N , Coll_ier St. Noxjth, vs"1i?.g al?c1):9 vemences. P_r1ce $3300. I '7 v-nnrn hvunlv Inn..- 11- Vculcuucuo IIIUU QOJUU. 7 room brick house, No, Mulcaster St. Price -$2300. I-Innan and In} Qnutl. ..:.|. I have on a wager put my Ford over roads and climbed hills that no other car ever attempts to go and am always ready to show the skeptical ones. I don't know what it is like to be stuck as I never have been. R. M. CASE, Sec y. Treas. W. J. Hayes C0,, Toronto. TALKS FORD IVIIY DAY. I talk Ford to someone nearly. every day. Have sold several machines for; you, and if I get the opportunity, will sell more for you yet." A. T. LANE, 37 Bellingham Road, Outremont, Que. ---v-wI u u I A Ford is 9. necessity on every farm. I would not be without. one as long as I have money enough to buy one. V '. DONALD MURRAY, Kennedy, Sask. McLean & Deart 5 room house and large lot. on Donald St. Prlce $750. 8 room house. Ber-cz St., with good garden. Prlce 8 50. I have farms for sale in all parts of the County, also money to loan on farm lands. Apply- - I WI-IY PAY IIIT WHEN YOU OAK -' OWN YOUR OWN HOME? uusu uu.(.` uuca wuu are uuusuug we SI.I'UIlgHSL. Belnw are some of the testimonials that nw11er.~z have sent us in the past few weeks. Practically all of them were sentinvoluntarily and they show how much past sales figure in the uev ones. `I7,. ..._.__I.,, 33 II Ir! I I uuu uon UUUE. We wonder if all Ford salesmen are as srenuinely enthusiastic as the Ford owners who have put the cars to anactual test. uvunulua. b Ford owI}ers-_-the ones who know more :1 out the unlversal car than anyone else-- are the ones who are boosting the strongest. R9!`-`7 PD anrnn hf f.nfiI111\I\;nlo Clan` According to a recent newspaper, the 'word Ford has been spoken around the world more times thanany other single word. Everywhere people are discussing Ford merits-if not now, at some other time. \\/n }'\ulI'nI1.. Ilsa` `Int... 2. `--11--- -----`-- -- us; um--u 1_uw 11", HI: SUIU8 ULHBP Llnle. We belleve that this is pretty nearly so, and best of all, those who are talking are boosting`. lTn....I A.-. -__ AL ~ - ~ ` Ford Owners - Our Best Salesmen Thursday, In-oh II, 1018 coma IN AND SEE THE CAR THAT MAKES THE opposmou WORRY What ear value do you get for the big commissions to agents? uugu nub, auu BB. EH06 51050. New 8 mo ungalow with ev- erything up-to..date. Price 34600. __ _ _ | E _-A_. I.____- The most co'mp1ete1yMAD;-IN-(}ANAI>A car on the market. {What car value do you get for the 42% per cent.. of the value of the imported NEVER BEEN A uzolsgnvg "STUQKII 121 _-\.--J I been engaged to sup ly for Dr.` Gilray, Toronto, ` or three months. Before leaving Deser- onto where he has been pastor for the last four years, he was presented with an outtted club bag by the congregation. The following feature photo- plays are booked at the Grand 0 era house from the Famous P ayers Paramount service, dates of which will be given each week: The Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch, with May Irwin; Ready Money; Cinderella," with Mary Pickford; Man From Mexico." with Willie Collier. These features are the best obtainable and are shown only in opera houses and leading picture theatres. u "G5 111 ltown over Sunday. His mother, : Mrs. John Jory, has been in rath- I erEpoor health for some weeks. rnest Bolton, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bolton, Owen St., underwent an o eration for ab-; cesses on Mon ay. He is still very low. Mrs. Wm. Crossland presided at the organ at,St. Mary's Church on March 17th in the absence of Miss Cameron, the organist, who was assisting at a St. Pat- rick`s Day concert in Orillia. i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arnold, Al- liston, announce the engagement lof their only daughter, Bella, l l Gladys, to David T. Dunn, son of, Thomas and Mrs. Dunn of the same place, the marriage to talge , place the second week in April. Rev. S. F. Dowling preach:-d two able sermons in St. Andrew s . Church last Sunday. He has Dr.l` _or 1' mnnthn norm... I ' uul. Db. Newton Jory of Ottawa town over `Mrs. Jphq Jo_rjy, has 1... A~ nu uu JTIIUU WUQU. 7 rdom house a d I t, D 81... with heatipg, nlighoting ""333, plumbmg. Prlfie $1750, l R I|f\t'\l`I'\' Iivnn ....LL-..- H.- uunnudl u John Fitzgerald of wyebridge? is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. A. llis, Owen street. I Miss Lillian Webb of Tor-on- to is visitin with her brother, Mr. Reuben . Webb. I ik Dun:-I 1\T..-.I.._ A! A 511.5 In . ' I Mrs. Huhbar and daughter, of Hamilton, were in town over Sunday; ' Inhn DM_...---IJ - "' ` " 1 oauuuuy m roronto. Mrs. S. G. Caldwell left last, week for her home in Edmonton. Mrs. ?W. A. Turner, Bayfleld _St., will not receive Friday, 26th mst. Ivvo, V` . Mrs. J. T. Sproule spent over Sunday in Toronto. MFR Q [1 [VA].-.I_--II I 3; I SOCIETY NEWS. ' on son 'I'I-IE FARMEII. I think the Ford is the car for the farm- er. The time saved alone would easily pay for it in four or ve seasons." J. J. STRONG, Bloomingdale, Ont, Ottawa was in' (`lav Ilia nu-.41..-- DOCTORS PIEFEI FORD. The Ford car is the one that fulfills my requirements. Such is the case with 60 per cent. of the doctors here." DR. ROBERT O'CALLAGHAN, 210 Lougheed Bldg.,. Calgary, Alta. llllllllao J. ILUQ-5 wllu, room" w d tt ' lot. J0'l'1).St.c(i>r?cg3e$1v(;%t()h. N13! R rnn nna-nln-u -mill. --. MAKES MORE MONEY. With the Ford 1 can cover my mail. route in the forenoon, and have time to do some delivery work afternoons and evenings, which means a big salary increase. W. E. HARROLD. R. M. C. No. 1, Corunna, Ontario. N0 REPAIRS AT ALL. Have gone over 7000 miles without spending one dime for repairs. My car is as good as the day I bought it." JAMES McLELLAN, Salesman for Campbell, Wilson & Horne, Calgary, Alta. _ Our flrst Ford car has covered 100,000 nnles. No other car manufactured would give us the mileage on such a small cost of upkeep. Both of nur Fords have more than paid for themselves." Walkerville, Ont. How's that? Equal to 4,000 miles per year for 25 years. Do they wear? Looks like it, doesn t it`? ` ,_ --_ ..--V-..~aun J. R. COATE, Manager Walkerville Hardware Company Company, RUN 100,000 MILES. ....A. TV... BOWLES-At theuil. V. Hospital, Barrie, on Sunday, March 21, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Bowles, Kempenfeldt St., a son. uuauu U1 LVl.l'S. Ul8.I'K. While some friends from Roache s Point who were attend- ing the funeral of Mr. Sheppard were waiting for the car a sup.- posedly mad dog attacked a Mrs. Shirman, Sr., wounding her In the face. C. Boyd, who went to her help, was also attacked. The dog tore his coat but did not bite him. After an exciting chase of four miles it was finally shot by J. Boyd. Two other dogs were hit in its mad career. Its head |will be sent to Toronto. uuvun Ivlurllh On Tuesday Geo. Cameron shipped one car of hogs, paymg $7.90 per cwt. . Yesterday J. Shepard sent to Toronto 105 hogs and 18 head of choice cattle. Prices paid `were $4.50 to $5.00 per cwt. for cows; $6.00 to $6.50 for cholce `steers; $7.90 for hogs. '1 `mII:1n:ivi:;i;mV'Committee -_, Miss - Lount, Miss Ord, Miss Palhng. Tea Re resentatives - Mrs. Ba :-wick, rs. Boys, Mr. Meek- r|lng., ' UJUUU 7 rom brick house with fur- qoce, town_ water, and stable, in good locatnon. Price 81750. R I-nnnn hnnnn nvl. .I....|.I- I-` At a meeting of the Ladies ! P Golf Club yesterday the follows}. ing ofcers were elected:- I: Pres,-Mrs. . A. Sims. I - Vice`Pres.- rs. D. M. Stewart 1 Captain--Miss Gladys Ardagh I Secy.-Treas.--Miss Sneath. ' Executive Committee - Mrs. ..F. G. Morton, Miss Lount, Mrs. 7 Rex Ardagh, Mrs. J. A. MacLaren, {Miss Wismer. |.. `LI-..n..I:...._ f!---Ar- '1' "' `Saturday night, being found dead Alnterment took place in the Bar- Dlod Suddenly. ll Robert Nixon, father of Mrs. V.vA. Hart, died very unexpect- edly at his home in Toronto on in bed next morning. Death was due to heart failure. Deceased was well known in Barrie and] Painswick where most of his life was spent. For the last three! years he has lived in Toronto.' rie Union Cemetery on Tuesday. Tlll ` IIIIII IXIIIIII AID IITIIRDIY` _: 8Tl-I LINE, INNISFIL. ll... 00 Ladies Golf Club. Stock Market. ___I, BIRTHS COOP~ER---In Barrie, on Friday, March 19, 1915, Mrs. Fanny Cooper, Grove Street, aged 54 years. FOX-On Sunday, March 21, 1915, Ann, widow of the -late Joseph Fox, of Barrie, and mother of Captain Fox, now in France. lall 3 The patriotic concert held here last week under the auspi- ces of the Ladies Aid was a de- cided success. During the ev- ening choice solos were given by Miss Bruce of Egbert, Mrs. Brown of Kingston, Miss Marg- aret Henry, Messrs. Harry Mal..l ley and Roy Blackstock of this place. A few well chosen re- marks were given by Rev. F. J. Dunlop and W. C. Henry. A cornet solo was given by Louis Stewart which was much appre- ciated by all, also the splendid way which he gave the bugle call. A couple of piano duetts by Miss Kidd and Frank Dutchor were well given too. Last of all, at the close of the concert a Tab-.' leaux was given by a dozen of _young men and three young la- dies. This tableaux was en- titled We're Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground. Those who took part were Misses Georgie Boake, Margaret Henry, Minnie Ayerst, nurses; Dr. B. B. Horton; soldiers were Thos. Bar- low, Roy Blackstock, I-I. Malley, Ed. Ayerst, Lou Stewart, Jack Scott. Jim Small, 0. Mcouay, Chas. Gilpin, Milton Coulter, Frank Sinclair. Proceeds of the evening," 828.00. I . u as. Duane The Women s Institute of this place packed a box of butter and eggs for the poor people in To- ronto. This box will be sent this week and will serve as an Easter gift to some of the sis- ters whose husbands are at the front ghting to save our coun- try. Why should we not do -our share when these men have left tlheifr) homes to ght on our be- a 1 711]... ..._1._:_4:_ xnunuuuc Do. r1'lUU IIIIUU. ick5t0mPI!ligl3186ggd lot Fred C W nnnn-n Inn u u n A ......l I-1 u vv cuucaua U11 ya Mrs. B, J. Boake of Weston and Mrs. (Rev.) B. J. D. Simpson of Toronto are visiting for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boake. A "`In.-. \I7.\.\........7.. l ___1:A I A A uu .l.ll.l,l1IIUlu uuu51'a.buIi1uUl1$. A large crowd from around here attended the sale at the home of the late John Coxworth on Wednesday. Mr: D I Dan... ..4- ur--A-_ VV\4I\/VJIIIUC Born on Saturday, March 20, a little girl to Mr. and Mrs. Vern- on Fletcher. Congratulations. A In:-rrn nr-nun-I 4'--Ann -------' DJUC V` GI In Mrs. Priscilla Banting has moved to the house lately vacat- ed by Joseph Lyons. Thornton bids Mrs. Banting a very cordial |welc0me. T).-...__ ._ (1,; 1 up . -- Mar. 24th. Mrs._Allen has returned to her home In Aurora after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. J. Stewart. `I-s/s 'l`A...'_-1lI_ is Gaba.rdlnoa-.-A large range of the new dark tones of Navy, Green, Sand-Grey and Bel- gium Blue. Prices $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 yd. Men's English Finished Surges for Ladies Suits in Black and Navy only, prices . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 to $2.15 yd. Puro Wool Scenes in Navy and Black .. .. . . . .500, 150 and 85 yd- Br-oaldc|oths-A beautiful range of all the new shades in Sedan and Chiffon Broadcloths. Prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 per yd. guuu nuuubxuu. .L l.'lUU @1l0Uo 6 room house with double lot. Town water and. electric light, Florence St. Price $1100. 5 1-nnm hnnan nnA Ina `l:I......I-_ THORNTON ll - A nice range of these Swagger Suits for the young men, snug of shoulder with long lapels, waist tting, Trousers not as full in the hips as last season and Athletic Vests. These are to be had in all the new cloths for Spring and Summer, sizes 34 to 38, prices $13.50, $15.00 and $18.00 Easter is just around the corner and with it comes your SPRING CLOTHES 3. button Sack Style, made from Er Tweeds, sizes 36 to 44, prices .. ..$1.64 Good British Waterproofs for Men Made .from double texture Paramatta Cloth shades, all sizes up to 46. Prices $5.00,'$1.60, $10.0 Boys 2 piece Norfolk or Double Breasted Suits, Bloomer Pants, sizes 22 to 28, price .. Bloomer Pants, sizes 29 `to 32, price .. _- __ .- .. .. .. ..,.-.. .. lhvol Oranges are sweet and juicy. The boot cocoon of tho- yoar for Oallfornla Oranges Is` now on. Price: range from 200 to 400 por dozon. Flno In-no Lemons ..25c dozen Fort-loo No. 1 Garden Soods . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..5o'pkg. Potato Onions .. ..10o per lb. Largo Top Onions . .120 per lb. led. slzo Top onions, 15 per lb. Illlnla- 7.. 4.4-..- AA- ___ vuvu Jana; UUI. 1110. I 6 room cottage, with electric ight and town water, Sanford St. Price $850. 7 room brwk house. Charlotte t., with good stable. Price 81850. H nnnuun L...l_I_ I_.___, Inc A IVAIR GROCERY co. In bulk by the quart . . . .400 .8panlsh Onions .. ..5o per lb. cooking Onions . . . . 30 per lb. Iclonmoro Whipping cream Q 1` Eliow carrots .. .. ..1oc bunch. `New Boats .. .. . .10c bunchl `Fine Radlshes . . . . . .5c bunch `crisp Lettuce .. .. ..5c bunch- Fino celery . . . . . .2 heads 250 Fine Rhubarb . . 2 bunches 25 Pure Maple Syrup Id quart. Jams! The heartfelt sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. and Mrs; Robt. Thompson in the loss of their two children who died on Saturday about nine hours apart. from whooping cough fol- lowed by bronchitis. Howard Al- bert was in his third year, and baby Annie Isabell was eleven months. The funeral service- yesterday in the Methodist' Church was very largely attend- ed. The palls were borne by four little boys and four little girls respectively. Boys Double Breasted Suits MEN S SUITS 15 cts. per dozen. Best quality only. Order early from delivery salesmen or phone 26. STROUD auauuu. 1106 60UU. Poultry farm for sale, 2% acres of first class land. Nice orchard and bungalow. Cow sta- ble, horse stable end chicken house 18 x 70. Drive shed and wood-shed. This is a beautiful place. Can be bought for $1700. Easy terms. ` , New 8 room_ brick. house and lot with heating, lighting and lumbmg, on the south side of lcl)onal St._ If you want 9. nice home this Wlll suit you. Price $2950. Easy terms. Sanford] it, Prim: 8350

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