Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Mar 1915, p. 6

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Be Good To Yourseli ---vvv -w--V--.--V _..---. We cash Che ues drawn on _any Bank -in Cans. a or the Umted States. Accounts collected. Sterling Exchange bought or sold. Uvnuo Secial attention will be given go t e accommodation of farmers 1n this locality. Money to Loan on Mortgages. Agency Sun Life Assuranc Company of Canada. Oice Hours 10 to 4. T. BEECROFT, Manager. THE BARBIE PLANING MILL THOS. ROGERS, PROP., Builder and Contractor. Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds. All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling and Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice. Wood turning a specialty. Tanks made to order. The latest improved . method for drying lumber. Fac- l lory and Ofllce, Cor. Sophia and ; Mary streets. Phone 163. P. O. l Box 685. `Your Reading Needs} cleaned, Altered and Repaired. Rough Cast House, 5 rooms. Solid Brick House, 7 rooms, with all conveniences and 1% acres. : .q a. A -mS'o-l'id Brick House,. suitable for boarding Solid Brick House, 8 all conveniences; ood garden. VI,__-, -3 3 f\..__.. 51-L uvnno House of 6 Rooms, with 5 acres of good land, quantity of small fruit. 4-: n: O\,_ sta_ble. v--anaun -- up-vu Rough Cast Cottage on Dun- lop St., 81300. Brick `Cottage Aon Sanford St. 57 acres near Minesing. Ge- ment house, barn 34x36, stone - .-- ._ . I.IlUl'l.I|l|'. (ill/\l"l`l<`.H V'I.-While visiting Canwron in his dressing room a Nell Gwynne mirror is mysteri- ously .~zhal,tered. (`.1{Al"l`[<`.R VlI.-Cameron be- cmnus .~'.(',l'inl1.s'|y ill as a result of Man aslmck. The third letter appt-.u`.~. my.~'.tm'i0usly on Camer- on's sick bud. It. makes direct threats against the life of Cam- emu. (ilydv tells Cameron the ezxvmmpa-. was empty. `He tfells Evelyn uvoryming and plans to take (`.amm-ml nn a yacht trip. , nu A l)'[`h`l) Ulll 'l`h.. unnhl i ' Dllulllu Farm of 107 urea, 17 01 :which is hardwood bush. A.!___|_-_ Il-_I- v VVIIIUII II) Douluvvvvu III.-up-u 30 acres good timber. Maple. Beech and Basswood. FIE, Llfo and Aooldont. Insurance cell and see the celebrated Wet- . or motor Waehlng Machlnee. D. c. HOWARD| Ur I-IU'|&I I X Plles, Eczema. Asthma. Cstarrh. Plmples. ` Dyspepsia, Epilepsy. Rheumatism. Bkln. Kid- ` ney. Blood. Nerve and Bladder Diseases. Call or send history for free sdvice. Medicine furnished in tablet form, Hours-10 am. to 1 p.m. And 2 to 6 pm. Sundays-10 am. to 1 pp. Cossultstios I-`res DRS. SOPER & WHITE`, Ilnardh Llnlmont cures Burns.` A. W. Whitby Practical Shoe. Repairer Elizabeth Street 5 doors West of Five Points Lu.K(' lA?ll||l':|'UII ll 11 )l1L7ll|; Olly. } (!HI\|"I`I`}H VlIl.---Thv yacht] picks up a ti.s}im'mau found drift- ing` Iue|pl(-.ssly in a hunt. He givvs. Um name of Johnson. Cam-_ en-on di:~'zt[9p+-u.I's from yacht while (`..lydc~`s bur-Ak is turned. nu A urnrnn l\' . A 4'....i4lngg ans. s`E5}5E'}i_Iin/HIT: an -r._._.. c; 'l`.......o.. (`Ln Now is the time to get your shoes repaired- before the spring rush. Headquarters for Rubber Heels Assisted by W. Tillett I-nor-':n1'|as ran SALE MISS M. McKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie. BANKERS 5c0tt s Established 1819. Are Well Supplied \Nlll|(' lnl_Y|U'.\ uurn I3 lulllru. | Cl!/\ll`lT*`.R lX.~-A fruitless, soamh is nmdv fur a motor boat: sm-.n hy the captain just beforel Camm-nu disappeared. nu/xnv|`n`u Y lnhnann in 1:` Do &&I :1` w- -v-u 15 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. SPECIALISTS _.._ A -LI._.- 3-Ln-n 14 Muloaster st. FURS! - 9 rooms, house. rooms, stable; PIANO TEACHER. Pupils pre. pared for examination. Studio: 10 Louisa St., Barrie. 3-yrly. TEACHER 0'1?" VOCAL L iuusxc. Terms moderate. Address: 5] Mary St., Barrie. - TENOR. Tegcher of Voice Pro- duction, sin_g1ng and Piano. Pu it of Prof. Brldgwood, Hudderse , and Dr. Hall, R.A.M., London, Eng. Voices Tested Free. Studio Dunlop St., Barrie. mam. :15,uuu,ouo mssenvz rum. $13,500,000 Successor to Lonnox, Oowan 0: Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyahcer, etc. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan. L)[1l|.l.l1DJ.1.'u.l-U UV LuLLu1:u, 1.uJ.\.s. Dunlop St., Barrie, Money to loan at current rates on improvgl farm property W. A. Boys, D. _ . Murchison. McOAl"ITI-IY, BOYS & MUHOHISON BARRISTERS, S(_)},ICITORS, ETC-. hnnlnn Rf Rnrrm. Mnnpv tn lnan BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest. cur- rent. rates. Ofce 13 Owen St... Barrie, Ont H. D. Stewart, L.L.D. D. M. Stewart. `CHARLES W. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, E'I`G., 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Rich`- mond Sts., Toronto. DONALD R088, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETG., Ran]: nf Tnnrxnln tlnilrlinrr `lot-rvin .L.)'ll.I:I.I.1k)L.I.'J.I.l, k7\l1Jl.L1l.I.\JI.I:, 121%, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. GRESWIGKE 8: BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR the Supreme Court of Judlcature of Ontario, P1-octors, Notaries. Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Olces: In Ross Block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., W. A. J. Bell, K.C. DR.` H. T. ARNALL Otllce and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Successor to Dr. C. C. Alex- ander), oice and residence: Burton Ave., Allandale. Disaaoe of women and children and nerv- glg disorders especially. Phone LA'd.Hl("l'HlI llI.`bu|l[Pl`il.ll'u. Cll/w'l`I<`.H X.---Johnson is al- lowed In go aftvr heinp: closely quea(.m:m(I. Evvlyn takes the lts1.,m~.-s On an expvrt in Chinese lit.(n":1tuI'0 who_ pronounces them` of Chmose ongm. I 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Con- sultation hours 11 21.111. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326. L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon- don, Physucian, Surgeon, etc. Of- ce and Resxdence, Dunlop St., `Barrie. Telephone 165. on. H. A. ououv` OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, 58 Maple Ave., Barrie, Ont. Olce Hours--9 to 5; other hours by appointment. Phone 565. | (McGILL)-(-SI1-ec-egsor to Dr. R. s. Broad). Oice and Residence corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. DR. W. H. O0I'|8 (SUCCESSOR "T0 DR. PALLING). Physician, Su-rgeon, and Ac- coucheur. S ecial attention to `Eye, Ear, ose and Throat. Glasses adjusted. Office Owen St., Phone 95. W. A. LEWIS, M.D., G.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, especially. Phone 61. 56 Collier St.. Barrie. -._u -. ----- -:-- cacti L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & 5. Glasgow SUn.oi=:o1t-EYi=:. EAR. Nos: AND Tnaoar Having spent4years Post Graduate work iritiah Hospitals and having served as Clini uaistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat and Nose Hoefital, London: Royal London ophthal- aiic Hosp tal (Mooreelds): for a term as Real- lent Surgeon_ in Royal London Ophthal Hospital: Bristol Eye_ Hospital, Bristol; an Birmingham Eye Hospital. Birmingham : foes me: Member of British Oplithalniological So- :iety. P. 0. Box :6. -`)rricl-78 Dunlap street, Barrie `Phone 54. O. 8. BURTON NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANG- ER. Com any and private mono to loan. ire, Life, Accident ani Live Stock Insurance. Office op- posite the Queen s Hotel, Elm- vale. Thursday, March 25, 1915 LAIDMAN & SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENTS. We I _........A ..A...... I AI..--`I\--A I`1____- M|nard's Llnlmont cures Burns. l.AVL)\JlUIlL\\J.I..'J .r1\.Ju.'JA11.u. VVU IIUQI` resent some f the`Best Com an. ies doing business. SEE Ug or Annn Ian nal nan:-I `an ;-.-`A _- use uulua uuaulcaa. Cum UD ll. drop us a pos_t card before ro- newing your Flre Insurance and at our r_-at..s. Office 41 Dunlop t., Barrxe. BARBIE. G. W J. Eastman.` Prop., R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Deal- er in Granite and Marble Monu. ments_ and Tablets. Only best material used and r`st.-elasl workmen employed. Prices al- ways rnght. W. 0. ANDREW Manufacturer of Buggies, carriages, Wagons, Slolghs and cumin Strict personal atteption paid tn` Horseshoexnz. 3. HERBERT MORGAN STEWART 8: STEWART SIIOOE MARBLE WORKS C-unwi 1% cup 9 lss ELSIE NELSON .- 4-.-u. lV'r1`I'.II'\ 1\--.\:I.. _!18_8 A. L. JOUIIDAN vvrxrinv VLEAlIDElI cgwnu Page Slx DR. MORTIMER LYO|`Ii on. .1. ARTHUR noss n n. cl I-s.::_L..___|_ , -1 I3 DR. E. G. TURNBULL `IYY\ DR. W. A. ROSS :1`: {ix} rhel mZi`f"y" %v-%`; Shisai u 1 friend to yourself and a pleas- ure to others. Most sicknesses. begin in the ordinary and minor ailments of the di tive organs. and for these ts IEIIUIIUIGI MIC I uncut 1?; ma the , am. unit! cue? uvr?J.g`.?xL u." the ~29. .23 *,,.w~,...,...w.,= 2:: ' ' In 8 they prove that they Accounts maybeopenedateverybranchof'l`he CanadianBank ofCommercetobeoperatedbyma.il,andwillreceivethe same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn In this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 33` 't..:...:*;':a;:. 4.... LL. _L._.-.I. -L3... Are Worth A Guinea 3.3 -_.I_.-Jo ._.:I.._ L. F. OROSS, Manager IAIRII IIAIIOH. BANKING BY MAIL GPlrCIXCoCXO Q CHAPTER XI.--(Gontiuued.) i I My hand was on the newspap- .er in my pocket, but I did not : {show it to Mow Ghee. I would`: "reserve it for the encyclopaedicg: Yup Sing, whose address, asl,` written on the card which myj: classmate furnished me, was on` Mott street, a few doors from}? I\,.lI |_ Fell. New York s Chinatown is all much mo_re faniiliar locality tow the transient visitor than to thele` average citizens. In all the yearsl of my residence in the metropolis, S I01 of which I am a native, I had; 3 never before had either the oq-`l casion or the desire to dip into this most foreign of all the city s, , foreign sections. To me, China-l{l`; town was as a far country. Vag-if` uely 1 had an idea of its 1oca-! d` tion. It lay, I knew, east of! ` Broadway and west of the Bow-l .r ery; but its latitude was not, clearly defined. 3: _--.. 1.- I...:I .. ....l i3`'n"1T \ll\Jl.&l DJ uv I I n n V uu | My impulse was to hail a cab,` give the driver the number of the Mott street establishment, and so, without further individual ef- `fort, be whirled away to my des-` tination. But there are no cab, stands on lower Broadway; andi to walk to Broad street, where, the cabman lies all day in waitf for the prosperous stock broker; and his affluent customer, re-' quired more time than in my im-! patience I was willing to grant., Therefore I boarded a Broadway` car and was drawn haltingly northward, until, on reaching Canal street, I alighted in sheer desperation and turned eastward. _-___ .. -1` _-.I..._.~.. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE \.-\J-J!-r\4QIuuvn\.lo~ \~--~- _...-___,_. .,.._- Here a letter carrier, of whom` I inquired, sped me straight tot my goal-a couple of blocks as' I was going, a turn to the right, a few blocks more, and the bulk} windows of the Yup Sing Com- pany would come into view. I 1----___J AL,. -._L--l..I:..I_...,.__.L ._....: l-rnavnn. nun-ux. v.(---V _--..v v-V. I found the establishment easi-l 'ly enough. But had it not been] `for the name printed in big Rom-g Ian lettering, 1 should never have` `imagined it a Chinese business :house. There was no display of goods in the big windows, which! were screened haif way up by` Night blue shades, giving the front] Ian-appearance similar to that of lthe average American wholesale lhouse. I'll. Oh, yes," he said, after study; ing it for a moment. Oh, yes. Miste.` Yup! He in." With which _he left me, and taking the card With him disappeared behind some dra eries at the back of the bigcrow ed store. nhunnn ll-no nfhnrc uyhn tin- Uallj -CIIIDII. CU JUUIIB lllall VVII1 full, round visage, came forward as I entered. Is Mr. Yu in?" I asked. He was inc ined, I saw, to hes- itat(i1o n and so I produced Mow`s car . urxl. _..._ H I... ....:A -06.... ..6..Au/ l"--c- ; Having passed inside, however, there was no such illusion. All ;about me were the characteristic products of the Chent, fronil brilliant silken emhroideries, and] exquisue gohd and sver and! bronze work, to cheap cotton and Hnen fabrms,1acquer furnnurm and straw slippers. And the at- mosphere was further enhanced by the half-dozen or more China- men who were lounging in the. `middle and far distance, each with shaven crown and coiled queue and each in the rnore or liess brilliantly colored native ress. U15 Uruwucu DI/U10. Between the others, who re- garded me for a moment only with idle interest. _ there. was, while I stood there, a rapid ex- chapge of ohserva_ti,ons in their native ton ue. mingled with a sort of ighgpitched cackling which Lassumed to be laughter. (Bf LAJ Cuuunnnp` I-vucv I-nan`: `fIIl1nI\l" u... \..--.a- One of these, a coinparativeli\1' darkly-attit-ed young man wit full unnnrl xannrn nnrnn fnnuvun wnwn louaauuusu bu U0 luuguocxu I had turned my back towards them, but presently a shuffling of feet along the floor informed me of the approach of what I im- agined was my returning emis- sary. On whirling about, how- ever, it was to face an elderly man in purple silk garments and a black skull oap--`a man of thin, almost cadaverous yellow visage, whose upper lip and chin were adorned with a sparse growth of 81!! EDMUND WALK3I.C.V.0..I.L.D.D..I..Pl$1IZ EANDIR JOHN AIID.AlI'tOcnulIIlInI$ pull.` U1 5U1u-1'Luuuuu Bpcuuaulcc. You would see me, sir? he asked, and I noted that there was scarcely the slightest indication of 'the foreigner _in either pro- nunciation or accent. si1ky.bl1`1e-black hair, and upon" the bri e of whose nose rested a pair 0 gold-rimmed spectacles. VAII II1l`|II'l` nan rnn ai1|9,' ho s5\lonvnI-noun. vo IiIIII1\rn.-III If you are Mr. Yup," I smiled, you can, I fancy, from what Mr. Mow tells me, give me the infor- lmation I 9.111 m search of. IIIIDUIBVII B Illl Ill Ll\JI.A\llI 950 He did not smile in return, but his thin face assumed an expres- sion of benignity that was as much of an Invitation to lay my problem before mm as were his words. An'yway I can sgrve a friend of Mr. Mow, he saxd, will be a pleasure." I_ ,__1,_ AL. I._._.'..._ But, _as he spoke, the benign expresslon passed. Once again that thin saffron-hued face, with its hollow cheeks, and small deep- set eyes, had become unfathoma- ble. . Designs 111 wuwr UUIUIB. . lgnoring the child, he indicated . a chair near the only window, I screened, like the windows in` front, with a blue shade. And; ;[when I_ had sat down, he drew up: Na chair for himself opposite me. 1: His manner, in spite of the be- iinignity of a moment before, was {not encouraging, and for a little. Ill was embarrassed as to justm ,-where to begin. At length, how- ,|ever, I said: 5; I fear, Mr. Yupp, that some gof your countrymen have recent- iily made a terrible mistake. _ A mistake." he echoed, grave- 115' 5 A mistake that I trust is not. :too late to repair. Briefly, they; _`have kidnapped a gentleman of] _|fortune and inuence, one of my-_ fgdearest friends, in a manner`, _ most mysterious, after first sub_; tvjecting him to the annoyance of ;a series of annoymous letters and la succession of singular, nerve- `vitorturing acts of trespass." H M- V.-... n-Ionnm-i nf Mnw {`.hm:\. Q. 0:-vu At least two of his partners or` salesmen were within e ar.-shot, and I turned a signicant glance towards them, as I said: I 5*""}-in AI1k:A` in 0 n:\f\nl`Y\f;O` LU\'\ tI.l'u8 buclu, an L acuu. I The subject is a condential one, Mr. Yupp. If I could speak to you-.- ' In nv-3vnn9" ha nishnd "`yI 1u-1;rivate?" 1_1e nighed. Certainly, sir. W111 you kllldly step this way?" T _ ; Lln Ind nnn fn {ho v-nan nf hie swp uua way; I He led me to the rear of his store, holding aside a curtain of heavy embroidery, through which I passed into a smaller_ room, furnished in carved teak wood and ornamented w_ith magnicent` specimens of Chlnese porcelain and pottery. A little Chinese girl, not over `eight years old, and wearing a blouse and wide. breeches of a pale cerulean silk, stood beside a table. Before her were several small sheets of rice paper on which she was making designs in water colors._ u.....m.;no~ Hm nhild ho Indir-.ated. Ui:I.l'U WIIIUII Ill`. bun uclu. ' Mr. Clyde, he said, with no more emotion than he might have exhibited had I told him I wished 'him to sell for "me a Chinese ghronze on commission, Mr. }Clydo, I do not see, exactly, why }you come to me. * I T nonun of MI` Ml\\\"R lIQ`2'(`-l I l.OI'Lul`lng uuts U1 l.l't:ap'a.aa. ' Mr. Yup glanced at Mow Chee s' card which he still held. ull... n1...:.. 9! 1.. onirl nvilh nn yuu UUIIH5 bu uns. I . | I came at Mr. Mow s suggos- ,l.iun, I explained. He telis me [you know the Chinese of New `York as no one else does." MIIVL- _....I..- `I nlunuulrl D1117 , LU Lll(` puuuca . , It was not easy to explam to rhim why I had not gone to the police, for I did not care to reveal all that we feared, and how we. dreaded that which police pur-. suit might precipitate. ] Dnnnu1an T Han-on nffi` Q I IUFK us llU Ulu: UIBU uuca. The police, I should say, ,he returned, know the class you |scek better than 1. Why not goi 4,. n. ....I:....)H HIJIJIX IJIFDIJUI ouuu to the police `?" `II 11100 V111` 1)` ."Ul|: lllllllz ]_Jl'UU-llJll:(`l.l:U. Because, I began, after 3.` moment s hesitation, I believe- |the whole thing is a mistake. I. ,believe that those involved in the! `plot must" sooner or later find out] it is a mistake. 1f the aid of the; police is enlisted, the fact that a" lmistake has been made will net` be any extenuation. My object IS to find the plotters, prove to; them that they are in e1'1'0r,= promise them immunity, and re.[ cover my friend. I \X7l\n4 cvnn he-sun fnit` YYI11 aniri lll 1l'lI'llUo ' l{ll\"l)at you have told me, said not enough. If you will tell me leyerything, I will let you know. what I think. You must give the`: `names and the places and the; idates." I I .I:.l ..:-... I.:.... 1|... ` . . n . . n "A. Yup Sing, speaking slowly, isi IIGLPB. l I_did give him the names and: the places and the dates. Mow` Ghee had told me I could rely up- on him, implicitly, and I told him all, without reservation. I gave lhim even the letter, the only one, of the three that remained to usi --the last letter in which the fin- al threat was made._ 1 |....1- 1....1_ ._ :1. ....-..-. `I VIIU IblaUU\Jl vocu CHAPTER lI.-Clyde has a theory that the portrait. was mutiialmj while the room was unoccupied and the head Igter removed by means of a st:-mg, unnoticerl by Cameron. anll1Il) III IS`...\ln-u flnnur I Fl (`III A G1 IJIIIUGU VVG3 uuauc. As I look back on it, now,_ 1| cannot understand why I did this.` It was the only piece of proof, the only clue left. And yet, when he-,asked to keep it for a little, I, consented without so much as a demur. I argued, I suppose, that he was a reputable merchant. with an established business, and that, therefore, treachery on his part was not to be considered. Au-\.I uvnuun I|:t\1\ll ,7 Ln an-`:1-` nu `Val It VVGD IILII: bl! IJU UUllDlUUlCUu And your friend, he said, as he folded the paper, was never in China? - Never. I airmed. How do you know?" He has told me so." It -was neither a smile nor a sneer which oated for just a moment across those sphinx-like features. It was a look of p1ty- ing tolerance, a patromzinf 9 gleam, merely, from the smal deep-set, almond eyes. One of` England's greatest actresses, `in s aking of the Ghmese, has sand: Inn... Inn}: an -If `I-gnu own olnvuwn D culuupg U1 hut: .|Jllll.lI'JDU, uuo ucuu. `Jifhe look as If they are always thinking, `I have lived before you; I shall live after you'. That was how Yup Sing looked then. But he merely said: `7nnI1 1-Ivnll I Innvln IIYHQ` IIU IIIUIC-I] DClUc- Very well. I will learn what I can." um- -_ an I n...........I 511.`...-. IJKIIJIJ soon ?" `If- -1. U 1! 1 ' T11; St0_0d up. an imposing g.` ure In hls purple silk. TI-ll unlit: IXAIIIII no srrunonv Inonuma U511. Soon?" I begged. Very! ...-. OH `HEM A DEEP SEMEIJ [I[ll|BH And Sore Lungs were Over A..... I... ll:_-I II- LIIII IYIIOPIII. CHAP l`El{ I.--Robert Cameron,` capitalist, consults Philip Cly.de,, newspaper publisher, regardmgg anonymous threatening letters he has received. The llrst prom- isms a sample of the writer's power on a certain day. On that day the head is mysteriously qut from a portrait of Cameron while the latter is in the room. ...-saw-n r1|,.I_ |___ Camden, N. J.-I had a deep seated cough, 3 run-down system and my lungs were ewfully week and sore. I am an electrician by oocupaon and my cough kept me awake nights so I thou ht at times I would have to give up. tried 1 everything everybody suggested and ` had taken so much medicme I was dis- } gusted. nu. nvnnina 1' FAQ!` n'hnnl- `Than! an.-I One evenin I read about Vino] and decided to give 1: 3 trial. Soon I noticed an improvement. I kept on taking it and toda I am 0. well man. The sore- 1 ness is 9.1 gone from my lungs, I do not ' have any cough and have gamed fteen nounds m weurht and I am fnllincr mv l LLlIJ.I.lLVl..L`, \JIlI\ICl.I, .I.`o Us It is the curative, tissue-building in- uence of cods livers aided by the blood- makmg, strength creating pro erties of tonic iron, contained in Vmol, at made it so successful in Mr. Hillman s _cq.se. U7- nab .......... ...-....-_ :.. LL.'- __-___:L__ IIGVC GI]: UUlIlI CIILI I-ICVU 53IllUU.II1UUc!I grounds In we: h_t and I am tellmg my riends that mol did it.-FRANK HILLMAN, Camden, N. J. If :3 fkn nrnlni-`urn O-Ina:-un I.-u3I.I_... 3.. In nu aucccaaxul In 111'. nuunan 5 C888. We ask every person in this vicinity suering from weak lungs, chronic coughs, or a run-down eondntion of the system to try a bottle of Vino] on our trrlnrnnfna 1-n 1-at-nu-n unrnl Innnnn HP 64> `i cl-IAPTEII XII. ,{Wo were In Peking Together." 5` At my evening cmifgrrenco with [Evelyn G1'ay.snn, I'e\'1my111g the 9 :_iay_'s events, I dwelt with some _ msistence upon the singularity ; of that episode at Yup S1ng s. I It 11141.` iunrn-n.-ei\`;.l\7 uiani, OI ' U1 Lllab Uljlhllulj (Lb Lu!) IJI-155 . It was iinpi-essivi-ly signi- .'cant, I maintained, even if _it , was only \a coincidence. Inci- y dentally it. nothing escaped Mr. Yup's obser. ' vation. I had no intention of re- 1 ferring to my discovery. I chose ,;rather to have him think I had giiot noticed the figure the child , was painting. But my choice was , not to he gratified. He knew that I I had seen and noticed it; and so, . to relieve the situation, he frank- Lfly directed my attention to the `symbol, explaining that what I , had regarded as mysterious was ,lmost Ct)nlll1OIlplaC(`. `It is one of [the first things -that Chinese. qbabies learn to draw, he went Lyon, `it is like the pothook and ,!hanger of the American primary pschools. First they draw houses,, L-then ships, then men; and the 5 houses, th_e ships and the men ,;are all alike, just as are your ;A s, your B's, and your C's. `And convinced me that i I flwhen signed to a letter, I quer-;, iied, -`what does your ship standv `for? He shrugged his leani 3-shoulders in a manner almost] 3 Gallic. Who shall say? he re-` V'tuIi`inAed' .1 1.. 1' 1'1. ` I.`L'F.'ice" 2;: r2mm""'`J.`r YI3`e`iFa ails to help you. Herbert G. Robertson, Druggist, Barrie. Ont. LA\J'lIu (nu 11::-12 u x.` From my pockgt--`I drew out the copy of the afternoon paper, and pointed to thv article about 'the Celestial and the`mysteri0us ib3; .Come to me tomorrow even- iing. Not here, but at the Chin- ese restaurant on Doyers street. Come at nine o cIot;k. , -1 -4 `I 4..---. IKII` IJlllI\"Ill`lllIll ll \.aIQ|uI\.nIJuou GHA'P'l`ER lll.-Evelyn Gray- son, Came:-on`s niece. with whom Clyde is in love, finds the head of Gmm-ron's pm-trait -nailed to 8. Ln-.0. where it had been used as :1 I.;a.I'u,'et. Clyde pledges Eve- lyn Lu :-wt-.ru.(-,y. III fVI,_..I_ . |_,_,__`,_. IIJUAo Do you sunpuso that cnuld have any bearing on lhv matter`? ' I asked. He adjusted his spectacles and gread thn half_colu1m1 slowly, fronl first to last. Then he smiled. , ,II___ 9! IlIlIl4\JI I have that box in my cellar, he said. It contains woolen un.. den-wear shipped to me from Low- ell, Massachusetts. _A,, 1 1-3...- DA- But I scarcely heard him, for my attention was on the swiftly moving brush of the little Chin- lese maid, as, deftly handled, it .now blocked out with bold black `strokes a, silhouette upon the {piece of rice paper before her- `a familiar silhouette of a short, clumsy curved boat with broad `lug-sail. |llUGl|.I U]. G luahuzu I can t say that I am alto- gether convinced," I answered. non-committally. _ In spite of Mow s enthusiastic encomium, I was not very favorably impressed lby Yup Sing. His wall of reserve is too high and took thick. It is neither scalable nor enetrable. ,And yet he stands wel , I believe, `in the community. If"- bu: uuu. | I I , And do you believe the pot-; zhook and hanger explanation`?": {Evelyn asked, pointedly. It was`; _her way to probe at once to thei iheart of a matter. Ll`! .......9L .-...-- 41...]. 1 An. All. Ham '3_:,{*:~"*ie=n |l'honu 255 a so. Ofeo. Km. mock` REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Jity, Town and Farm Properties bought. sold _a.nd Exchanged. '3 $VI `come "by -"V!i"ol::M'r.'FI'|4 man's Statement of Facts _Fo|!ow: _ g`- 1 STORE-E. T. `Pyrex : old stand ai the 1 five Paints. -groan n_.__-_ uuc1_.-L-A|_ __.| n...-nI i Cl1AP'I`l.`H 1V.-Clyde' learns that, u. Ulnillese buy employed by Pllilvtus Murphy, an artist. living nearby, had borrowed a rie from Calm-.r(m`s lodgckeepel`. nu")- -.,...1-...-. BREA'?;C.A.KE$:! 5TRY `_ WEDDING CAKES of But Quality ' CONFECTIONERY ; Chocolates, Candies, Ban Bonn. av`. nug- [BAKE-1:;--Corner Elisabeth and small rfnnnln `MIJIQQ man REPRESENTING : CANADIAN EXPRESS -C0. C. BROWN ("i3'1}'E3xitinuea.) W;1oleaule and l'letnil T. ssscmm &. no.1 Trimsaal as General Bankins Business. - . nu a,,I ; 1L- J-JlJUlllUDDc Notes cashed or collected t the most favorable rates. muxuvmu V.--Clyde makes| an oxmm-, Lu call on Murphy and. is l'(`.pl_H.5'('d. HP. pmtends to be illV(!:s'1.n.','21l.iIII_.', alleg-ed infractions of H10 game. laws and speaks of ndiug` blue bowl of an 0 ium pipe undur the-. L1-99 where am- emu :-s purtmait was found. The Chimwa buy is found dead next n:0ruurg'. rIn.\nuu.1u In \Uhiln uiaifino

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