;uu auuuux unucuug UL 0110 0 p.111. HELL .l.U8l Barrie Motor Club will be held ists are invited. Is there a Vidtrola in your home? We are Barrie Distribu tors for Victor Victrolas and Victor Records. The peer of all Talking Instruments. Come and hear this Popular lnstru ment.` Demonstrations daily. Choose your Records from stock Merrill THE WISHING RING A Brilliant MILLINERY Display AT VICKERS FEATURING VIVIAN MARTIN 44 inches high 41 H H 48 H H 52 H U 52 H H Another Big iroluction From The World ; Film Corporation Monday and Tuesday Remember this coupon save: you 1 cent 1 rod Name of Paper. .......... .. Barrio Motor club. in the Police Court Ghambrs at The annual meeting of the 8 .m. next Tu sd Al .. `I`l'iR Mntnr nlllh will he ho`-lid in : are I'nv'Hnr? ay. lmotor 22 inch uprights @ 21 per rod 22 @ 24 per rod 22 @ 26 per rod 22 @ 33 per rod 16% at 35 per rod THIS COUPON MEANS MONEY TO YOU THE MASTER KEY Episode No. White and Black Lisle .. . . . . . . . 0 pairs for $3.00 Black Lisle. . . .0 pairs for $2.00 Child's Black Mercerized Cotton . .. .. ..3paII-s$1`.00{ This is` the Barrie House of Holeproof Hosiery. Our Spring Stock is complete. No advance in price and every pair is guar- anteed. Silk, 3 pairs and a guar- antee in Sky, Grey, Green, White, Tan and Black. HOSIERY WITH INSURANCE AIIUIIUILD Ill. .l.'lLl1Dl)Lll5- W. J. Patterson leaves on Monday for a month's trip to Ft. William and intermediate paints. `RAP wiirhnh nf `HA (`n~nnrIn~n IJIVUD Ill 1.1auuIbUu. I Mrs. John Armstrong, Sr., has returned after spending six months in Pittsburg`. W I Dnffnnnnn Inntrnn nun vv nnnnulu auu 11100]. IIIUUIGLC ylllllbbu Bert Firman of the Canadian Express Co. is confined to the house with an attack of the mumps. H 427 Fr. nnn nAcvnn`:n:.n:n J. R. HAMBLY III lllll Wisdom & Co. are advertising some specials this week. The ladies should read their advts.' carefully each week. Mr. Shea of Simcoe Hall, who has been one of the attendants slnce its inception, left last week: to accept a government position` at Kingston. l n "I"!-........l.-.-- -1 I_-L __-__L 1:, uv Jxxuaahuu. '5 On Thursday of last week Mr.: Henry Bogardis landed a large; dog fish near the wharf. Ite weighed 18 lbs. and was 2 feet 8` inches in length. Tho I A c at r<..,.........9... xuuuua 111 16115 bll. The TW. A. of St. George s Church, Allandale, will hold a so- cial on Tuesday evening, April, 6, at the residence of Mr. Geo.` Firman, Bradford St. Secretary Clarke of the Y.M.C. ' tuuuu. U A. was in Toronto Friday on bu1s`me_ss. LL- t`Vl'I'II\ L- `l`l|UDI Business on the G.T.R. has been rather slack the last cou- ple of weeks. "via `I 'l'\ \I7u'..A.-.-n .'.. n.-...n.......'I UL VVUUl\Du |'"'iurs. J. D. Wisdom is confined to the house with a bad attack of La Grippe. MI-Q n T Mnnnumnnll Ran nan.-. UL J-JG \JI. Ivy Mrs. D. J.McDougall has gone to spend a few weeks with rela- tives in Hamilton. `ll..- I`._I__ A_____A_._A_. D1,, I, , I uncuuxug U1 uuo` .|4.\J.1J. D Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Cannon are visiting relatives in Toronto. `Mug (`ns Dlinfnn annnl {kn VIDIDIIIE ICIGJIIVCD 11]. L01 l,Jll|l`Ju `Mrs. Chas. Burton spent the latter part of the week in To- iI'O1'ltO. Q.......,.t....._- t'II.._`I-- -1.` AL- 11 II` n Illllla Ill JJUllUV.lllUu Mrs. Geo. Gates and son are visiting in Hamilton. Thursday night is the regular |meeting of the L.O.L. Mn nnrl "ha Dnk F n n n A n n vln Don t fail to ll out the coupon and present it at our store at once, as we have only a limited quantity. All full gauge No. 9 wire. Prices :- _ Miss Florence Brunton is vis- lting in Belleville. Mun [Inn I-ln.nn first` and: n-nn News from the `l.'l_II IXAIIIIR no srrunmv Illonuma : Wednesday and Thursday Geo. viake:-E i The following is the result of .the examination in First, Aid to the In,iuI'ed," held on January, 22nd, 1915, in connection with! the G.T.R. Locomotive Depart-? ment of this place. Examiner,E vDI`_ w_ A` RGRQ `rt1llr\1|.-{rug-v; This is your last chance to secure fencing at `these extremely low prices. The manufacturers have been forced to advance their prices and we cannot buy fencing as cheaply as we are offering it to-day. -_.. -___., \l'\JlLC.C. A very successful entertain- ment, was given by the Lady Grey Foresters on Monday night. This Court has made good use of its surplus funds this winter inpro- viding for the poor. YIVI..- 1\-.`I, I I ,-V _-- --- . rvvoo (The Railwey store which has` been closed for two weeks is be- ing taken over at the beginning of next week by a firm in Brace- bridge who will carry on the business as formerly. G. H. Esten is going to erect a large cement boathouse on his property just east of the railway shops. This will add to the ap- pearance of the shore greatly when finished. The work will be icommenced this week. I The marriage of Mr. Jno.| `Brown of the local G.T.R. shops to Miss Tat-Bush of Angus took ;place on Saturday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. `;B. Humphreys, Barrie. Rev. M1`. Sheppa`rd officiated. After a lshort honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. {Brown will take up residence on Cumberland St. st. John's Ambulance class,` 0.1-._n. _ FIWI II I` _____ -. ...- .. nawalv vv\J\ll| Progressive euchre parties are much in vogue` now. Mrs. Victor Knight gave one on Friday night; ' Mrs. A. E. Patterson, last night; and Mrs. J05. Day is hostess for one this evening. -.--.__ 3 1 blur! IUIICIGI Idbb WCUIS. The Essa St. Presbyterian Church was crowded last night at the opening of the new 0rgan.! A full report is unavoidably held over till next week. James Morrow of Hamilton and Phil McDonald of Coiling- wood, both old railway employ- ees, attended the late Jno. Lit- tle s funeral last` week. "DI... `lJ`...~.. cv n..,.-LL-,~ ;ailway Ward. The Latest Styles in Women s Suits and Coats are Here In Muslin and Pique in the most becoming styles. Our Easter collection is all in ready for your choosing. New Pussy Willow Ties, in all`co'lors, 20 each Daily we receive many letter orders for` Pictorial Patterns and in many cases postage 5 wires Au. Oval] uab. New Management, New Goods, Everything New. We an- `ticipate the pleasure of a visit from the women of Barrie and vicinity. _The favor which these Suits have already met with speaks volumes for their beauty and becomingness. Suits of excellent make and splendid tting in styles ex- clusive to this Store's selling . . . * .. .. .. ..s1o.oo. $13.50, s1s.oo,'si-':.o'o', s'19'.o'&n&'s':z.isb Coats of the wanted weights, no two alike . .$10.00 to $18.00 There never has been a season s opening that promises so much in increased patronage as our Spring 1915 display. It is by far the most attractive we have ever shown, contain- ` g many original designs with that rare artistic qualification in that makes them exceedingly becoming to almost every wo- man. Illilll _ This resplendent showing once again emphasizes con- vlncingly that this Store stands supreme as Barrie s Best for Millinery. Simplicity, Style, and Beauty are conspicuous in every Hat. Many Mnnannnnnnt \Y..__ l`1_-_I- 1-,` .u - -- _-- PICTORIAL PATTERNS BY MAIL BEAUTIFUL NEW NECKWEA; Tuesday night by this young poo- plu`s society. A. really social evening was spent and a fine pro- gram given. ,_ V--. On Thursday evening of last week the members of the choir were right royally entertained by Mrs. Reynolds at the parson- age. Much ingenuity was shown in the designing of the Irish costumes worn by the ladies. All games and contests were of an Irish character and during the -evening Irish songs were con- .tributed by Miss Lenore Re-yn- folds. Mrs. W. Park, Messrs. gWice, McLaughlin and \Vhite- ibread. At the dainty luncheon iwhich followed the tables were `tastefully and originally decor- ated in honor of Ireland's patron saint, the color note being green land gold. `J. D. Wisdom & Co., Allandale Hubbard v-.. ~'vu..-...c 1 per an. `Bunch Lettuce,` per Green Onions, per bunch Rhubarb, per bunch .. Beets, per pk. . . . . . . Table Carrots, per pk. Celery, large and crisp . . `n. JG!/_ -__| 4 - W," I '--..-U., V-....1.:u .n. I uni; o 0" IVI Etlli Yellow Danvers Cooking Onions,:B`mS* {mm ' "25 : t' 60 per pk_ H __ __ __ __3ociBrushes, from .. ..10o to 25. Bunch Lettuce, per bunch ..5clO Cedar M995 "`75 ...5c 0 C"da" Om 991' home ' "25 .. ....13c Soaps-Gnld, the best laundry per .. .. .. .. ..15c soap. 5 bars equal to 7 of or- ..20c| dlI1aI`Y 50 S03DS- .. .. .. I Mops, Washboards and Clothes 10c, 12V2c and 15 per bunch Pins. All kinds of Wooden- E999 Baklng Powder, 10 to 25cj were on hand. __ -- -. .. .. ...-- ,.... .... !A large assortment of Ncilson s Chocolates (that are different) just arrived, from 25 to $1.00 per box. [We are_ headquarters for Or- anges, reg. 600 for 45, reg. 500 for 39, reg. 400 for 33, reg. 30c for 260, reg. 250 for, 190. A ? Large Grape Fruit ..4 for 25` Onions,; u\..._ _1_ ` l Candies for everybody--500 lbs. I A Quaker Kisses, Homemade Taes, Cocoanut, Peanut, Walnut, Nut Maple Cream, Chocolate Cream, Chocolates, any candy in our window for . .150 per lb.` ,n 11 ~ 1-....- ..____1_- -A1 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY- AT WISDOM'S -An all Feature Program With Good Comedy ,(:j_:--j-- FRIDAY ' The Million Dollar Mystery- No. 4 PATTERNS POSITIVELY NOT EXGI-IANGED. Your Last Chance! `for mailing is not enclosed. We keep no books "in our 'Mail Order Department, and these small balances amount in the aggregate to a considerable sum, besides entailing con- siderable oice work. Please Note-No order for Patterns or for other Merchandise will be acknowledge.-d unless Postage and Purchase Price in full is enclosed. ` SATURDAY -._-Vv--.-vJ, unuvvlullccl . On Wednesday, March 31st, Mrs. E. Gibson, at lot 11, con. 8, Vespx-a, will hold a credit sale of }farm stock and implements. Sale uat 1 p.m. W. A. Mconkey, auc- ! tioneer. On Tuesday, March 30th, Chas. Jermey at lot 17, con. 6, Oro, will hold a credit sale of farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. IW. A. McConkey, auctioneer. _ r\.. 117-4,- , _ , Thursday, Mar 29 - Geo. Adams, lot 2, con. 11, Innisfll (near Holly) will sell his farm stock and implements. Sale at. p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auc- lo I tlnnmx Fallwheat . . Peas . . . . . . . Oats (new) . . . . . . .. Barley . . . . . . . . . . . .. Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . Rye . Chickens, spring, Old Fowl. .... .. Turkeys . . . . . . . Ducks . .. . . . . . . . Butter, dairy . . . . . . . . Eggs, fresh laid.. .. . Potatoes, per bag. . . Hay . . . . . . . .. Red Clover Seed . . . Alsike . . . . . . . . . Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . A `fnn .. .. . . . . . . ..10o,3foI- 250. Sweeping Powder, why sweep in clouds of dust, when you can prevent it by using Dustbane, per tin .. .. .. .. .. ..35c Furniture polish; easy to use, makes old look like new, per bottle...... rSilver Polish, per bottle . . . .250 Bra ss Polish, per bottle .. .. l . .100, 150 and 250. Don't forget. we are headquarters for House cleaning Ammuni- tion. comfort Lye 10c, 3 for 250 Powdered Ammonia . . Thursday, March 25, 1915 Barrie Markets Th unday CREDIT SALES. The Corset Specialty Store Nemo and A La Grace Corsets PI-loco. $3 75 10 16 16 40 20.00 13.00 10.00 4.50 1.25 $1.30 `I III Successors to