Come and see for yourself. a. .69 `.15 .29 Star Oilcloth, reg. yd. wide 30c, for Feather Pillows, each - - - - - - - . 39, 4 Ofiental Rugs, regular $3.50 for. '`.'F`?. .*.`%'%=%: I .'`?g.'. _ j*.`?:`?`?. ?T`." s?;.....9s One lot of Boys Overcoats, all Price $3.50. Fire Sale Price. l""'""'l5' ` ' `V17 '91 IUU. 6 room wood tt ' large lot, John St. c(i r?cg;ae81`:),{l5t()h In: R I-nun: hnnusnl.-.... ...:41. Z ' Boys Tweed Suits, sizes 3 to 7. Regular Price $3.50. Fire Sale Price - - - - - . - - -. I Boys Suits and Overcoats One lot of Men's Fine Overcoats, all sizes, this {all styles, all new goods. Regular 9 95 $25.00. Fire Sale Price - - - - - - - - - - -. ' Men's Raincoats. all sizes. Regular Price $12.50 and $15.00. -Fire Sale Prjcg . . . . .. . . . . .. One lot of Men's Raincoats, all sizes. Regular Price $9.50. Fire Sale Price . - . . . - . - 5 $7.50 Raincoats will go for - - - - - . . . .. 3 Boys: Buster Brown Suits with Sailor Collars, well made and nicely trimmed. Regular Price $5.00. Fire Sale Price. -_ - - - . - . . .. 2 T ()ne lot of Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, all sizes. Regular Price $15.00 and $12.00. Fire Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men's Fine Suits, all new and,' in Black and Blue Serge, all sizes. Regular Price $18.00 to $20.00. Fire Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 0 One lot of Men's Fine Suits, the best suits made in Canada, all new spring models. Well made, in fact this suit is worth $25.00. Fire Sale Price . . - . . . .. One lot of Men's Fine \lVorsted or Fancy Stripe. all new and up-to-the-minute Suits, all sizes, :%:`?.'. ._'.*f.. ;*?`:`f`?i_ . . ? _*f*% 5%`? 13.95 One lot of Fine Lace. Regular IOC to 15c a yard. Fire Sale price, 12 yards for - - - - - - . - - - One lot'of Men's Pants, all sizes. Reg- ular $350. Fire Sale price - . . . . - - - - 100 Pairs of Men's Fine Pants, all sizes. Regular $2.25. Fire Sale price- - . - \Vi1 Men's Caps. Reg. $1.00 and $1.25. Your choice during the Fire Sale for ~ - - - - - . - - . `I7 I` 200 Men's Fine Hats, in all the latest style shapes. Reg. $1.50 to $3.00. Your choice during the Fire Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Men's Hats. regular $1.50 and $2.00, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . auuu Iuunuluu. .l:'l IUU Q1 (DU. 6 room house with double lot. Town water and electric light Florence St. Price 81100. ' K I-nnvn hnnun nnnl `t\` n..._:.,, Overcoats andRaincoats Rugs, Oilcloths, Pillows . inter Caps, geguia} and $1.00, for. . . . Laces and Embroideries Men s Clothing Hats and C; Men's Pants styles and ` (1 nn \r..._ _L w - - sizes. Regular ' ,or per pair ` rmruuuu Db. rrwe $1100. 5 101 h d] , _ ick d 'i>ri33 a3. ` F``` ``` `' q 1-t\nrn knunn ...`..l I_A I'\ 2.25 i .95 2.19 .l.l9 Page Ilno %.79 .50 .39 `.25 18 75 Q I uuu. 7 room brick house with fur- not-., town_ water, and stable, in good location. Price 81750. R I-nnln hnnnn uul. .I....|..|- 1,. luuul UUUDCSHU. wun (3I0c'aP`0 !ig`l 1I. and tow t, -, ' st. Price 3853. W3 e1 s'"d 7 room brick house. Cha;~lou :1:.50Yvith good stable. Price nnn-vu K-IA`- I..,.--__ __9;u A MW 8 room brick hou. lot. wllh heating, lighting :33 Dlllmblnf on the south side of McDona J St. If you want a nice home this will suit you. Price 82250. Easy terms. | lI1\l\lI\ nnllnnnn ...:II. ..|. ,.A 2 I have for sale the pitoperty 0! Mr. W. C. Richardson. house No. 49, on the South side Wors- Iay St.. with large lot. and stable. House has all e conveniences. Sale price 82400. ~ 7 room brick house and lot. East side of Mulcaster Sh. Price 8213150. ' 0 _,`,__.. L-1_I I -i ____.__ nun nun us-r or Pl0;ll- -nu Iron can In IAIIIIII. I property Mr. 0. or} the South wnth lar a Sale v 7 nnnm |...:..1 1..-.-- -,.- - .| CARRIE. ONT. Morgue and Chapel la n:.--. _gl__. THE PARI`$ MODEL LADIES 'rAii.oR1Nc G- G-.!!1_i1|1._& 60- -auuuun vunlnl I DIIV UNDERTAKERS ' `$13131? , T ;-'.,o.:` __..I Open Day and Night Bttlbllled I809 \d'\n\p-c.-- In connactlon N1; I101 ula. cottage. with electric lnuln main`. Q....o.._'.n PHONE 454 pi a South Lr? IIf\'IIlQC| W. 0. ANDREW Manufacturer or Iugglu, 0|!-I-In 0, Wagons, Blolgha an cutters Strict personal attention paid to Horseshoein . Omce--78 Dunlo treet. Bar- rie. Phone 54. P. . Box 96.` Phone 82 Moved from 37 to 15 Elizabeth St., Barrie. THE PARIS MEJDEL LADIES TAILORING co. R. DWORSKY, Manager. . ` ,, _. v-_.'--u We wish, also to state that we make aispecialty for y( convenience of Altering, Cleaning and Pressing. We are also chief makers of Geutlemen s tailoring. Thanking you for past favors and hoping to be fav ed with your future patronage, we remain. ' ,; Yours very truly, I You have no need to buy foreign makes of Opera Cloaks_, Riding Habits, Dresses, etc., as we are fully experi- enced and prepared to make any of these, also your own material will be made up with greatest care into any style. Our conditions wi1I_be as ever: satisfaction, t, work and promptness guaranteed. No deposit required on orders. ' CI? We beg to inform you that our stock of the very latest materials and material samples, for Spring, I915, have been installed, goods of very pretty eects, in tweeds, worsteds. serges, etc , etc., a selection from which you will be able to satisfy your particular taste. A full and excellent line of l Fashion Plates. of the most up-to-date styles th'at are produc- ed, are now displayed for your selection. Business will be exceptionally early this year, there- fore we have made an extra eort to get our samples and styles ready, and hope that having done so, you will seize the opportunity of selecting and ordering at once. `I GET READY FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON OPENING DEAR MADAM:- VVUl'l\a On Tuesday of this week the Red Cross ladies shipped to headquarters the following:-- 307 shirts, 192 pairs sucks, 3 dressing gowns, 18 cholera bolgs. /:7 handkorchivfs, 4 hospital kits, 4 pairs bod socks. 40 pairs Pydamas, 48 bed `Jackets, 92 mspital shirts. 8 pairs wrist- `lets, 6 pairs half mittens. i_ balaclava cap, 1 scarf. , ' I The ladies of the Reformed Episcopal Church gave the soldiers a dinner on Sunday last. .which was much appreciated. The Collier St. Methodist Ia-i dies had charge of the night`! lunch for them during thn past: weok. ' Ten yam-6 experience in best To-` 1-onto Shops. ' All work receives our personal Ilpervisinn. ' Automclos Painted Like New. I Ilgn Writing a specialty. IOINT8 DOIMOOH OIIIIIOI O0. Thobest. buggies on the market. fa` the money. (mice. and Paint Rooms over" W._ 0. Andrew's Blacksmith Shop. MALOOIION I: IAIII Particular Painters. Geo. Maloomson. Guy Mann. I - I-ILII \. The engaxrmnent is announced of Marion Cecil, daughter of the late Hon. Charles Drury. and of Mrs. Drury, of Keuilworth |I.0dg9." Barrie, to Mr. John Hamilton McD0nal'd of \Vinni-! I es, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. cDonald. of. Listowel, Ont. The marriage will take place quietly during the third wee-k in March. Q Q A . A A A ._ The 0112091` I Jack HEPPIS received notice extend thoir Hast week to return to his form-;thn |nd7n_q of .'m' position on the Superior Di-;[vy and sha lvisinn of: tho C.P.R. for \Vhi('.hiSpl"IlfiitI ou_ ujnt [re Ilgeft _on ;9atu1-Iiay aftergand knitting. c-mg m arr-no s nee .unp, ow-x ing to the reduction of staff. ' I At the 57th annual convontiun- . . of the Grand Chapter. Rnya! Arch `\(`.,07NI`1%';`Q Masons, held in Londnn, V. E. .}.h' `A'{,'n Comp. Col. Frvd Srgeath was up- MAm`{"I,'\,___At" pmnted_ Grand Sonmr Sogourner, uni` Tnrm J. F. Zimmerman of Colhngwood, [ (3 I was appoint:-d Grand Supt. for pl. ]'.',}. ['5' 2 this District. .1. W. Merrivk at-` "" " ` - , qunda Fe- terlftcrd from Barrlet . ;'_m, ,3:_'_, I y\:u`u. _l _1:ar1_e Davis, of the Richmond: ;H1l| I.1beral. came home last, `wvek sn_'m'1ng. with a 3.,`-(.I.e cpld, whlh dc-.vMnpNl into pnou- |ng0_nia. He was in a critical con-: ldltum ofor S(`VPl`8.] days, but is! ,now nut of danger. Y....I- rt- __ _ 9 - .`. I gu. uu. ,_ P.I'i\ 8.t1- Tom C1'esv\'i0}u-., whn is with U10 2nd Overs:-as Con- tingent at Toronto, was a mem- bvr of the winning team in the indoor lmso-ball competition hnld H-eoently. Twenty teams com- :petnd. `I7:-uni.-. T\-.-.:-. ,5 41,, I'\- I -' , Ray Simmons, who has been with the \\'lm|o.~;a|u. fur hnuse nf A. A. Allan Lt.d.. Tm-unto. for the past. year. is re-turning tn Btuwie .tu rt--NHGI` the firm of Simmons :8: Co. ' 'l\__'_,_n v-I1 1- - - Dbl (`Chg Miss Edith -'l`nuch0ltn nf cheater, N-.\'., is home for a weeks convaluscimz after an eratioy `for the removal adeno1d.~'. C12- II--- III tun`. uUWlHll.l'KCL SLUFBS. Mv. and Mrs. H. Hooper of Newmarket spent over Sunday with the l:1lt=r`s parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Motcalf, Victoria} strpgt. % v I11-Au Ii` - -- ~ - u-~. or. I. uuw. ` Miss I-`mssiv Metcalf left on! `Wednesday 1.0 takes a position in; the millinery departruent of one of the Newmarket stores. Mn nu:-I `ll... `[1 11----.. -0 . I i Feiiu l\ , ua cvtllllll. I _ ! (V. C. How of ()1-111121 spent. a. few days in town. and was ac-` cn`='ymnied home by his muthvr, Mrs. J, Y. How. ' Ili..- ' '1./A_,_ nu . In . -. ' CARRIAGE PAINTING anal TRIMMING I ua nllnllllal. I W. Bra. R. W. Stewart and`-' Mrs. Stewart entertained the of-- cers of Kerr Lodge -on Thurs-.i da evenin . {V 4:"... F . no t\..:n:.- ......n A` JJUIIGILI DU- Mrs. L. E. EI;IbI'ee of '[`n"0nt0! is visiting her son, Dr. Embree, of Allandale [I7 f).... I ; 111 nu , ; vuuuug Il lUllu llUl:. __ I Mrs. Thus. Sum-.la1r wnll not re-I ceive on the first Friday cu March . Minn Qnfhm-lam! in ui.=:4;.... 1...- yuan? uu out: ural. 1`1'.luuy_' (_u_ Maren . M188 Sutherland IS vlsxtmg her sister, Mrs. James Allan, Mc-| Donald 'st.'_ - ' _ ~ I II..- 71 u .. ... ` ,D0n8ld Fraser of Toronto is visiting friends here. Ilvon VFI-gun L':....l..:.. ...:n _.,,n __, OPEN EVENINGS R0-: few up- Malcomson & Mani! nf I. - umnmao { "'(.3UNNlN(x'IL\I\I --- PARR --- AU ' Thornton. Feb. 24. by Rev. R.f ll. Somerville, Miss G1-ace Parr. nf Bo-etnn tn Samuel CunnI'ng.1 hum of 'l`h(u-nton. g { .\CONI.EY---On Saturday. Fob.` 27, 1915. tn Mr. and Mrs.; ' Thus. Annnley, a daughtvr. ; ' MARRIN-At St. Michael's IIos-i il pita]. Toronto. Feb. 25, to Mr. ,I and Mrs. Lon A. Marrin. a son.: ,PlTT----In St. Catharines. on; ' Sunday, Feb. 28. 19l5, to M1'., and Mrs. Bernard Pitt. a song` ' SMITH-~01: Tuesday. Feb. 2,: 1915. tn Mr. and Mrs. Harry! Smith. arm. 2. Vnspra, a daugh- . tor. - uuuurn-nu-law 1. U. 1`lS8I', ' on We;-d.. Mar. 3, Lydia Ferris Clark. age-d 74 years. The ! body was taken to Alliston _vo.=tm'day fnr interment. NEVF.--At Dalston, Fe-b. 26,| Millicent Nave, in her 75th` year. R0". At lot 21, Con. 10, Oro. on We-d.. Mar. 2, Annie Maria Roe, ayrvd 71 years. - S'I`UNDP`.N--[n Allandaln, Feb. 26, Geo. Stungieni` son of Mr. and MI-cs a1.._..n- DIED I BERNAI{l)-~-In Toronto. March` 1, Frank Bernard. formerly of! Plu-lpslun, aged 80 years. CLARK--At the home of her hrnthc-r-in-law T`. C. Fishe_r., nn \\,',,,] Mo. 9 ..A:.. `D .... -4 u M! aulcuu. v"i`hc= omcers of the Rvd Cross! sincere thanks to- Ithn ladiosnf Dalston. Painswicl_(.` ;Ivy and Shanty Bay for then- isplvndicl oo`.n1_wrati0n in sewing [and kniinxr , A meeting of the Executive of `the Red Cross S0ciPt.y will be zheld in fhn Council Chambers on Monday. Marvh 15th.- at 3.30 p.m.~ All memhvvs and thosn wishing; `to enroll as such are cordially in-` i\'itUd (.0 `;a_Ll.end. WWI... .. ...--`- -3 AL u. n L. . . . . . .._v n, uauug ll.ll|I7-[H-JUII VVHS m'\'rd and at its conclusion Mr. Stmuthers pruposed the toast of the uvwly marriqd couple. Soon aft?!` lunch Mr. and Mrs. Chap-; pell left. followed by hearty good wishes, for their new home at Cundlas. ;:xug,v= bu nu . nlul-5|'L ID. DUW'll'Ul. ) ofIBurrhn The brhu- lunkod ycharming in a .suit of fawn !brLnulcloth anti vvorn a pretty "vhite satin hat. trimmed with 'Whit.(` wlu-at spray and Ilmvurs. -`Afuw the cenunouy. whh41 was perforxnmi by Rev. Dr. McLeod. *;the happy vouphxxvh sny Pn_. -.n1edin1.e relatives partouk of a . dainty regmst. I In on `Iluu D ..... .....`-. l-|'A A- llltf .l G]. 131] U] \'L"pI',. Tmlnvdiatt-l.y after the ct-re-: '""".V a dainty luncheon was I In-\'a-rl and no 34.. ..,...l....:,... n -- "vv. 0. `mom-sou, Omoo, 16 Owen St... Ian-lo. 4% Phones 233:. ambushed 10 Yrs. uuuuy I. U I Mr. an(wI\alLx3s. Bowman left on the 5.15 train for a trip south. : 0happoll--1'easdalo. } n \\ c=d1uasda1y. March 3, at `high noon, at retty wedding took plate at has residcllce of ;Mg'. and Mrs. Thus, '1`ea. :MInes-sing, whpn -their youngest dzu1ghteI' Ellen Elizabvtln was "Hum-d in the bonds of holy ma- Lrimony to Mr. Franklin Earn-` est Chupnell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Chapnell of Mivwsinnm 'I`hn nfnnn61'nn- n|nnn.-.......... _.. .' . ............_....... On Wednesday, March 3, the!` Jhomc of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kell,` Mlnnisl, was the scene of a quiet` ` wedding when their d:mg`hte1'L -[Alice Maud was united in mar- wiage to Mr. Alber`t_ Bqwvnztxx nf 1-!lIIlIa:4n "Pl... - -~`~--` null`. "HF. IJlli'l[I|H3Il U] 1\llIH`.SlnlI'.' The umt-iahng clnrgynmn was Rev. .\rLhm- Stmther. R(.-(et.m- 01" the Parish of Vcspra. hnnwnrnoulu urn". nu. ........ ~a\l, \I(:Iv. |)I.4lllllJl"lI. UL," 01 MI`. and Mrs. A. E. Stunden, aged 1 month and 7 days.` N`l`. Bowman-|(olI. > `Red Cross. BIRTHS favor- Y0ur 8 600. 5 room huusg and large lot on Donald St. Price $750. 8 room house, Bercz SL, with mud garden. Price $ 50. I have farms for sale in all parts of the County. also umngy. to loan on farm lands. ; 1--.) ~ In) uuupg U]!-LU-Ul1\l8. PPICGI REMEMBER THE PLACE AND NAME. LOOK FOR THE SIGN IN FRONT OF THE STORE Hundreds of other bargains too numerous to mention Men's All Wool Gray Sox. Regular price 5()(;_ Fire price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Men's Heavy VVork Shirts, all sizes. Reg. price 65c. Fire Sale price - . - . - - . . . . . . Men's Fine Shirts, all sizes. Regular 75c and $1 00. Fire Sale price- - - - . . - . - -. 100 Men's Fine Shirts. all sizes. Reg. $1.00 and $1.25. Fire Sale price - - - . - . . - - . . Men's Black or Blue Striped Overalls, all sizes. Regular $1.25. Fire Sale price .. . . .. . . . . M% %i?%4+%%r%? ?%%%i4r l?i%%?% '%i E :1:i:l$ii'.es ...-s-V qr-n-.1] nauawo l\\.a6I.ll3I Bulb (1 P Sale price 3paIrs for-H.-. - . . -A Children's Underwear, regular 25c, for. Men's All Wool Shirts or Drawers, all sizes. Reg. price $1.00.` Fire Sale price - - - . . . . . . . . 0 Shirts, One lot of Children's Wrapperette Dresses. | Regular price $1.00. Sale price . - - - - - " Nice White Embroidery Dresses, sizes 2 I to 6. Reg. 75c to $1. FireSale price...-' Chi)dren s Dresses, sizes 6 to 14. Regular price $1.25. Sale price V - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - ` Little Daisy Hose. Regular 25ca pair. I C..I.. ....:-- 9 ..__.__ re A ,_,-_..-.. w v... nun... -/-u-vvsu uy yon. slllasaual l\\/no V 50 a garment. Fire Sale price - - - . V - - - 0 Ladies all VVool Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. Regular $1.00 a garment. Fire Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 One lot of Ladies` Blouses, Linens and Lawns, nicely nished with Lace or Embroidery, all sizes. Regular price $1.00 and 1.25. Fire Sale, price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Sateen Uuderskirts. Regular $1.25. Fire Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corsets, long hips. Regular price 75c. Fire Saleprice . . . . . . _ . . . . . ..0 Ladies Kimonas. Regular price $5.00. 1 9 Fire Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I One lot of Ladies Hats. Regular price $4.00 to $5.00 Your choice for . - - - - - - - I Lgdifs grnishipg Goods} Ladies` Vests and Drawers. all sizes. Reg. CA4 _ ..._......__; I72-` (`-I,, ___3 100 Ladies Skirts, all new and up-to-the-minute in styles, all sizes, Black, Blue and Brown Serge 1 Regular price $4.50 and $5.50. Fire Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One lot of Ladies Raincoats. Reg. price $7.50. Fire Sale price - - - : ~ - . . - - . . Ladies Heavy 'W inter Coats, all new and up-to- date in styles, all sizes, silk lined. Regular price $12.50 and $15.00. Fire Sale price. . - . ............................... ..4.95 mu u nub, auuu Db. rnce `$1050. Pfew 8 room bungalow With ev- erything up-Lo-da\te. Price slnnn (')ne lot of VVomen s Dresses, Black, Blue and Brown Serge, in all shades. Regular price $8.50 ` and $10.50. Fire Sale price . . . . - . - - . - 3 ()ne lot of Ladies Suits, all new and up-to-the minute in style, made of ne Serge, neatly trim- med, well made. all sizes. Regular price $12.50 5 to $18.00. Fire Sale Price- - - -- ---- 7 o . - - o - - u o - - n o - - . . Q . - - - - - . g . . . . . . The Biggest Crowds ` of Bargain Hunters ever seen in merchandising 1n the history of Barrie. Come with the crowds and get your share of the Bargains in Clothing, Ladies Ready-to-wear Garments. Prices are lower than the cost of raw materials.` Come and help to carry the goods away. Come whlie the assortment is good. Bar- gains beyond any ever known in Barrie and vicinity. r: `I " CROWDED, PACKED AND JAMMED AT L WAlSBERG S NEW BLOCK Ladies Suits and Coats Also Dresses Men s F umishin s an - . vs Children s Dresses COR. MARY AND ELIZABETH STS. nun uu. I IIUU UUQU. 7 room house and l L, D St., w1],h heating. llighoting M333 plgnlblng. Price $1750, I Iu|l\II1 vnnnzl A.-.51-..-