District I-I.-E. Inspector. 5 The Hyr.lro_Electric Gommis- sion has written the Town Coun- cil that it is impossible to estimate the town's share of a district inspector. owing to the uncertainty of the building trade. When trade conditional improved the cost should not be? very serious. According to the Act every municipality is c_om-; pelled to provide an inspector satisfactory to the commission and the expense has not been considered although the com- mission has devoted a great deal` of time to that feature. being anxious to make it" aseheap as possible. In some places the` inspection departments are earn-l ing a profit. They could not however hold out such induce.-. . ments for the northern district but an inspector over all the places from Stayner to Midland inclusive would be about 8200 to $300. from which the fees would; be deducted. They asked the` Council to appoint some one without. delay and give it at least a year's trial. They were pre-? eommlssloneli ates and as members of the Roy- .al Army Medical Corps. oillcers. as priv- . Possi- I` bly no class has furnished a I larger proportion of recruits, than the sons of the Scottish'p manses. The Ila Salo Oontlnuoo. Our Feb. Sale is in full swing and will continue until Feb. 20th. We tind on looking up our re- cords that Feby. is one of the.` biggest months of the year at" this store. Fehy. low prices ae..l counts for this. We are looking for a big rush Saturday next. be among the crowds. Low prices are the order of the day. Our stock must he reduced. HUNTER BROS.. Barrie. _ l ----Watch for programmes of the great Organ Recital and Con- cert at the opening of the new organ in Collier St. Methodist Church, on Friday evening, Feb. 19. Free-will offering. ments and receipts would he considered and assessments- pared to `appoint an` inspeqtor made to cover, the decit only. at an ear .da,te;_epa y..his 5aiary`j'1.`l*.*~_`g__~`.l:cd to have a man ap. and expen es,""pia'e -mm` under`gpoiii ttsd r1iudy `tor the work which their super-visionsnd at the eud~'im hound to come at the close of .0! the year the total disburse; ,the winteh. " I