Wninnafv womwa 1'ou.I:'r In hand glasses. combs, brulliea. manicure sets. perfumes. toilet waters, creams and lotions are here in all the exquisite elegance; and high grade. concoctions Io! dear to the feminine heart. As} aids to beauty our skin foods; are um-xcelled. Our array 0!; toilet articles will suit the most; fastidious. l Page Three Thursday, January 18, 1018. custard Plea .. .. ...1oo custard Rolls .. ..20o doz. Ilppo .. .. .. ..1oo doz. Ialud Doughnuts, 10 doz. OI-cam cakes .. ...3o ots. Ginger Snaps. 3 doz. 10c. FOUNTAIN cream Puff sundae, 10 on. Something New. Bakery Lunch at All Hours T R Y A Business Man's LUNCH AT VAIR S TEA ROOM All Hot Drinks & Oysters Served, as well as Ice Cream. Cut Flowers & Fem always in stock ALL Till IOOIOIORIII OF I Bryson s ' Prices are Reasonable 9. 32-38 El lzabeth St. HmEastofBarricHotel EB . .200 . .100 mats, 10o . . .30 EN WMANS REALM All communications should be .:ddressed to Editor Woman`s R93 I IIIJVIII. l\U|_|Ul` I-WCIIL) -IIVP IHUIBS` MN-IF! lull. fwere present with knitting need-? The Ball given by ``E" Co of`les and started knitting socks` the 35th liegiment in `the Town for the soldiers. This societyf Hall on Wednesday night. last. has contributed $50 in cash to} was a very enjoyable affair, well the Red Cross Fund and hope toi patronived and c.onducted,though'do a lot if sewing and knmjngf not a ilnancial success. The-fbefore. spring. At. the close off hall was elaborately decorated.jthe meeting a sociai cup of tea? Back of the platform were Uniongwas m'nVided by members. The? .lac.k.- and the colors of the Sim- :eollection amounted to $5.710-` gene lv`oresters_. presented to them 3 which went to pay for yarn used? isoum years ago by the County:Their contribution of $10 to` Conncil. A row of palms. andupurchase a cot in the Children s; ipotted plants was arranged;Sh:-lien in Barrie was handedt talong the front of the platform,over at this meeting. The In-! 1 where bridge wasplayed and a.stitute also have a heterogenous profusion of bunt-, ing, ags and pennants was strung to and fro around the- hall. The Stratbdee Orchestra of Toronto. consisting` of three pieces, was staged in the centre lent. music. gowns are the only color in a ballroom, but here the bright, uniforms of the oicers added much to the brilliancy. Dances of a military origin were enjoyed. the Lancers being down twice on the program. of the room, and provided excel.. Usually the ladies : ashes of i Everybody welcome. LMrs. (Iowan and Mrs. Sutherland public Ii-` brary in the store of Chantler .Bros.. that all the young people` of the neighborhood may enjo_v= good clean literature. The next.` meeting is at the home of Mrsj Hughes. In addition to the pro- gramme the building will be con- t.inued and a collection taken. Mrs. Black. frepresented the Stroud Institute at public meeting of Thornton, and heard two excellent address- es by Mrs. Parsons, getting some `idea of what women are doing All through the country, in the autumn stillness. '* A web of grey spreads strange-` ly. rim to rim; And youniay hear the sound of knitting -needles, incessant, gentle, dim. ' nned ; Llnlmont 0"". Dlpmhorlp ` ! I Suppusv .~'.Hl1lf' soldier (lying, gayly dying. I`-ndvr the alien skies, in his last hnur. Shuuld lisu-xx. in d(-.ath`s presci- ence-, so vivid, And hear :1 fairy snund bloom like a nwoI'--- I likr- to think that snldiers. gay- Lv dying For tho whitc Christ on fields with shame sown deep, f May hear the fairy click `of wn-3 men's xlmedlvs. As they fall fast asleep. A tiny click of little wooden needles. Eln amid the gianthnod of war; ' Whispers of wnmen. tireless and: patient. I Who weave the web afar. \Nhispv-- at` women. tireless and; D8.Hc`l1t-- $ Foolish, inads-quat,e!" W1-1 ' hear you say; ` "Gray won! on elds of hell isi ulll. 0| fashion. ' 3 And yet wv weave the wvb from? day in day. ' . I I A very exceVl|-n[l buffet. supper; ,vvus sewed by L. I. Vail`. _ 1 K XCL II` , I Thu pat:-onesses we-rv: Mrs. %l). H. MacI.arm1. Mrs. C. K. S. Mtmdonell. Mrs. Sam Mt-.AdamV.; Jirs. Frank Mnbnrley, Mrs. H. A.~ isims, Mrs. H. Jory, Mrs. AIS` 7fred Wilkes and Mrs. J. F. PalI-; ing. ,3 AL, I,,)2,, __,._,-,l ' Some of the ladies present: were:-- T Miss Irene Allward. Miss Pearl; `AI-mitage, Miss Isabelle Allan. ' ; Mrs. Barwick, Miss Isabel} `Bird. Mrs. E. R. J. Biggs, Miss; Monica Bar-wick. Miss Gladys `Bee.-croft, Mrs. Bret-eton (Tow routn); Miss O. Bnnter (Tm.-011-: to), Miss Jean Bailey, Miss live-` i lyn Bung. r II l\,.'9 ,.2 , I, _ II! , , 1 ._,.. 1 Mrs. A. E. H. Crswioke. Miss? Elda Creswicke, Mrs. Calderwo0d. iMrs. Coon (Midland), Miss M.; ;E. Campbell, Mrs. Coleman. Mt-s.i J. F. Graig, Miss Clara Craw..i ford, Miss Clara Curtis. Miss Ina Curtis. - ! up up -s n -1: un George Monkman ".1.`I:;: H. M. Dyment. Miss Maui inn Drury, Miss K. Dennel|y,. Mrs. R. DoGeor, ' [III n,.l Wlwisg--"E3-t;r;1'ble, Miss Muriel: Greenwood. Mrs. A. H. G-oodall,; mE1`z"n;`i< e,son (Tox'onto),; Miss Embree, I Mrs. s. J .Higgs, Miss Gladys! gliorsflold. Miss Ethel Halbert.i {Miss violet Harkins. Miss Maude` lliiggs, Miss Gladys Hayward. /`I__,I- _I-__, Y-_-, If'I1A-..... vv iss Maisie Kenndy, Miss; [Kathleen Kennedy, ' ~~-----1---- `l:--| ' Mrs. Geo. Morton, Mrs. K. S} Macdonell. Mrs.Jns. Marvin, Mi-s.i J. McMartin, Miss M. E. Ma-` cnnchy, Mrs. D. H. MaoLaren. Miss Norine Marr, Miss Mabel B. Miller. Miss Mnheriy, Miss Lluelia Marl`, Mrs. Nnrome My. ers, Miss Winnie Monkman. Miss Villa "McCullough, M-iss I l Mabel Miller. ~ `I, A CC!__ 1---)- V-nu-u-V - --- `....5H..., -.-. .. ` 1 Miss G;vladys Jones'('V'I:t;v1:u`.n.. `tot . 1 \ __. . II lluvuca \4OOll\4\A" Miss C. Laurendeau. Miss! Esther Lawson, Mrs. J. F. Law-! son, Mrs. H. A. Lennox, Miss Lee, nu, 'n-_ \t-_A-_ :1... Ir a LVIKIIFWI Miss Ness. Miss Bessie` Nass, Mia; Marie Nugent, Grey Knitting 1A Better Brush` I ` V (fimltlvnlml from out of town: {present wore: Majnr Pre9ce,! -iand Major Earkesnn (T0r0ntn);| $1.109. Ganley, Cnllingwood; Frank! gankin. Cnokstown; Kenneth: 1Hill. Orillia: Thomas Lawrence, 'ConksLnwn: Frank Knight, T0- ;.mnt.n. V The Strand Branch of W0- man s ln.-titute met in the base-. `hum! of tiw Methodist Church! glast 'I`hm'sday (Jan. 21) after-` inonn. About t.wenty-vn ladies knitting need-; `les socks` society`; to} `do nf fbefnre. of; jthe teaf rwas The? icnllc-ctinn 7whioh u.ued. :Their : Stnoud Women's Institute. I ` I I Mrs. M. O'Connor, Miss Reta: ()'(`.0nnm'. Mrs. Pat-rishl Mrs. J. F. Pan-` ling`, Miss Mab1 Powell. Miss Constance Palling. Miss Gwladys Pulling. Miss Irene Parrish, Miss- Ina Patterson. ' miiiss Nm~a"naa-nhurst, Mrsf '1`. H. Rodditt. Miss Hattie Rob- inson, - T IIIBUI Mrs. D. M. Stewart. Miss Berta Scott. Miss I.` Sneath. Miss A.. .Spry, Miss Gladys Seward. Miss lcarrie Scott. Miss Ethel Touch:-tte. Miss Efirace Thomas, Miss Gladys `Thomas, l Miss Verna Vair, Mrs. S. J. lVair., l i Mrs. Geo. Walker,. Missi iFrankie Warren. Miss Pamilla; ;w'hile, Miss Gladys walls, Mrs. 1A. P. Wilkes.` Miss Margaret iwitten, Mrs. S. M. VVells. Mrs. i\\'oodhouse, Miss Alice VVhit9,: `Mrs. A. W. Wilkinson. Mrs. S.] .Wesley. Miss Eunice Webb. i (lentlemen from town} ;present. Preece,l land (Toronto);! Frankf :_Rankin. fcookstownz :1-onto. i O I I C I I i V Wm; met !ment Church last About socks `do fbefore. `St. .lohn s, Newfoundland. Ofiers, their quaintly pretty shape Out.orbrldgo-8t.rathy. E Bells pealing from St. James`; tower a little after 12 o'clock on Saturday and a squad 31' men} in khaki lining the pathway from; King street, Toronto, to the. church's door, drew many to thei pretty sight of a military wed- ding. Tlie two most closely con- corned in the service w`ere Doro- thy Winnifred, the youngest! daugliter of the late John AC Strathy of Barrie and of Mrs. Strathy, Bedford road, and Cap- tain Leonard Cecil Outerbridge of the Royal Grenadiers, son of Sir Joseph and Lady Outerbridge of The lovely young bride, a debutante of last year, was given away by her brother, Dr. George Strathy.i She wore a wedding robe of; white satin and old lace, the| long court train adding dignity! to youth, and the bridal veil or` tulle, caught wth orange bios... sums to her hair, falling over her; face. She moved up the aisle; behind the surpliced choir,` which had met the bridal pro-i cession at the door. Miss Isa- be] Burton and Miss Helen Gas- sets. the bridesmaids. were frocko,-cl in pale blue taffeta. the skirt formed of four frills. and pale pink sashes girdling the waist. Their bats were of back mohair. trimmed with little rose- huds and black velvet stream- i" m7"9 Waihar-riionizing with the short `was The f;-mi-d fr0ckS_ Mr_ Raymond $5. l0iHm-vpy of Npw York. a mugin .31` lpurchase s -Shelter lover In-! ystitule _brary people -of good next; Mrs.` Egramme con-i ;t.inued collection taken, iF.verybody Black.E_ .Mrs. Sutherland, Institutel Thorntomi land excellent address-5 ins Mrs. some'_ lidea . . I ,for women in Canada. I l '39 hM1d`*d The service was full choral. with the groom, was his groomsman. and Mr. Harry Le Mesurier and Mr. Harvey Lighthourne ushers. Dr. Ham at the organ and Canon Plumptre was the otllciating priest. After the signing of the] Stwart. Mia}; Berta Miss 3 5 61-ace 3 ` Mrs. 1 vain, Miss 1 Frankie Miss Pamillai` ',WhiLe. : A. Wilkes,` .Margaret : `Witten, White, i 1 i 1 Every Purpose I The fuluwing is copied from] gthe last letter from Miss Plum-: ;_mer. Fivld Comforts Commis-i zsioner at Salisbury Plain. Mi:-as: Plummer goes to the front. whoni `the Contingent. goes and herpes. ;for a Hberal and pronu. re-f =sponse to the appeal for socks? 3,and comforts from the women of; Canada. ! 'I`he'ordinanr.e. do not give! Isocks beyond the regular issue?` land under present conditions ex- ltra ones are constantly needed. I . .Many men have not cans yet.. Gloves have been asked, for for iwineks (they have been issued to: {a few battalions only this week.) 4 jMufi`lei-s, belts and wristlets are. ;not given out at all. For the` present we are giving out as 1it-g itle as possiblr-.--we want ii. great deal later. It is for the t`utui'e_ we want the bulk of our-'sup-'y 'plies. If they are not sent to us; `now. we will not be able to pro_; lperly supply our men when at the front. Yesterday we went to` `Sling Plantation--one of the; lmuddiest camps .yet. We saw} lthe mi Brigade. The Brigadier`; `asked for 3000 pairs of socks,i ;which I think we can give imme_` tdiately. They have had none? `since the issue of two pairs at` `Viilcarlier. Colonel Lipsett has} just sent in for 1164 cholera b(?l and six other big bales, I went out` to-di1y. A i l l One of the chauffeurs who justi `returned from the front. is tell-l ing his friends If. you can't; take a gun take a cholera helt." lA statement has been made that: lm_uIl"lers were not taken) to the, front. Thoy tell me an extra; mutl`lm- sells for any flgurt-. in: the tr0nche_s. and Lady French"; hopes. that thousands will be; sent from Canada. The High-1 landers m_u..~t have hose tops to- rbll up (ivr their bare knees at, night. I hear the casualty listsi are growing smaller because` TIII IIRIII EXAIIIII AID SITIJRDIV MORNING Field comforts. Realm !they are all learning how to pro-. :tect thein men better now, so l'I_-,_ -.-- `xv-& lJ\.IrU n.,vv, '1 hope our men won t suffer so ?much. The town is full of !drunken men to-night, but not gsoldiers or Canadians. We have been very busy buy-I [ing hundreds of Chris_tmas pres- ents for particular units. Many. towns sent us cheques to spend] and we are doing our best to get: ieverything, but the post is very; ;slow nowadays and'delivery of ;parcels uncertain. t We always increase our stock of bristle goods for the { holiday trade. Our. stock in- [ eludes every kind of a brush * ' that druggists sell. Watches, ' Clocks, Jewellery, Diamonds, in order to realize a large sum of money by NOTHING WHATEVER WILL BE RESERVED Sale begins on Thursday evening, January 28th, 1915, at 8 o clock D. M. HENDERSON, Therefore--"v REEVE, the Leading Jeweller of Barrie RARE BARGAINS and will continue every afternoon and evening at 3 and 8 o'clock. Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc., Etc. Hair, Hat. Clothes, Nail, Bath, Complexion and Tooth Brushes can be furnished in o a variety of styles and qual- E ities. If you are looking for Euseful gifts or if you want 'a good brush for your own` personal use, don t overlook our stock. Auctioneer This marvellous opportunity is offered to ` everybody to secure must sacrice his entire tock of register ten omcers of the Royal G1-enadiers stood at the chancel leteps and crossed their swords as the bride and groom passed down the aisle and the squad from the bridegroom's company presented arms as they walked lto their carriage. After the ser- BANK o1=TORONTO "ui( an 'a`n33;niir{g E60 7.51,,'an m'n.ba{ma Capital and Rest. DISTRIBUTION 1'0 STOCKHOLDERS-12 ?/c. amounting to $600,000. OTHER APPROPRIATIONS, $134.00(i_ which includes $5000 to Patriotic Fund (fi1's't instalment of a subscription of $25,000); $2,000 to Red Cross Society, $2,000 to Toronto General Hospital, and $25,000 to Oicm-s Pension Fund. REST IND UNDIVIDED PROFITS--$6,402,810, being 128% of the Pai(l-up Capital of $5.000._ 000 and 12.67% of the total liabilities ow- ing tho public. :1 strong` prnlc-(-liun fm` both sharelmldm-.< and dnpu.-ilnrs. OAS!-I, BANK BALANCES AIID OTHER QUICK ASSETS, $15,485,044-Equal to ow-r 30% of total amount owing the public. l.0A8--$42,866,127, representing a very considerable proportion of the Bank`s assets. and in- dicating that this Bank is directing its re- sourcps tn the assistance of the business people and farming community of the Dominion. BRANOHE8 AT BARIIIE AND ALLAIIDALE. PRO!- I'l'8-`-$829, 33, equal to 13.59% an N ta , and amounting to 4.510? [ Robertson sDrugStore| DEP08lT8--$M.92/L980, an increase of $1,618,385 for the year. as cnmpared with a decrease of $l,336.ll8 by the total banks in Canada for the same period. CASH ON IIIAIID--$8,162.62i. an inm-ease over previous year of $1,518,846. TOTAL ASSETS--$6I.929.363, an increase of $1,004,- 199 for the year. Notes an Annual Report November 30th, 1914. INCORPORATED 1855 vim the-re was a reception at the bride's home and later Cap-tai-n and Mrs. Outer-bridge left for Lake Placid, in the Adirondacks, the bride wearing a suit of mole- colored cloth, her smart but trimmed with mole and pink feathers. Proprietor H. A. SIMS, Manager. uh paid`-up capl- E"/r. on combined Feb. 15th "onunonsr luuor of A Marriage Lloonooo.