W. O. THOMPSON "Ofco, 15 Owen 8t. Phone 283 Bar-r|o.. Estab. 10 Years. Advc-using is said to be the education of the public as to who you are, when you are, and what you have to offer, in the way of, skill, commodity, or galont. E37-3'5 's nd6k'wi:'m'u5 a.'...'a.`...' '. Pure Clover Honey, .5 lb. Fine comb I-lonoy .. .. .. .. Epps Reliable cocoa .. Roman Meal .. .. .. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR DATES OF SALE AND FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS VAIR Gli.OCERY CO.,'.ia'n;es Vair, THE McCALL COMPANY Obtainable only in McCall Patterns The Beautiful Stock of Watch the Special Piece-Goods Sales EASILY MADE AT HOME McCALL PATTERNS Se-v;.-u rociun brick house, John St, lots. Price $12.50; $100 down. The N ewest Flare Frocks SPRING` FABRICS NOW ON SALE This Latest Fashion With These New EARLY nir, M8 - McCall Patterns 6359 632x. Two of the 16 new and anractixo February designs. The Nova! Sly'|o El--- &I.2.A Page News room Bungalow with nice lot. fenced. and good water. Price $155.0. Buy genus. {'pu'-'1 IIIQQI $2250 each. v Three new brick houses, Blake St.. with heating, lighting and plumbing. All niccly_grnined, now vacant. Price District Managvor Cu}! Llfo suranoe 00. of Oanada. (One of thf best.) Also Agent for rst-class Fire and Accident Insurance Cornpan-. ion. Dwelling house and con-. tnnts Insurance 9. specialty. Rates 50 to 90 cents for 3 years pcr hundred according to local- ity and construction. __ ___l Pair of stones with residence oven , with 131 conveniences. Price $1850. Easy terms. Five room brick house, John price $700; $-`SC down. Oioo: 49 Mary CL Phone New house and lot. Dunlop Sh, heating, lighting and plumbing. Price .$l750. - Five room house and lot. Fredcripk St.. good water. Price` $625. Johnny. Umbrelylast :p1ao`ef for umbrellas: l Hair, Hat, Clothes, Nail, Bath, Complexion and Tooth- Brushes can be furnished in a variety of styles and qual- ities. If you are looking for useful gifts or if you want .1 good brush for your own personal use, don t overlook our stock. l ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE of FURS and WINTER GOODS V We alwairs increase our stock of bristle goods for the 7 holiday trade. Our stockin- eludes every kind of a brush i that druggists sell. 135 Every Purpose Robertson sDrugStore| High-grade Furs at exceptionally low prices. Ladies Cloth and Fur Lined. Coats, latest designs at actual cost prices. Men's Cloth Caps, Hats} and Gloves. Children's Woolen Caps, Gloves, Mitts and Toques at cost. SIMMONS & CO. A Better Brush Thursday, January 14, 1015 Prices are Reasonable "fir:-dangva;.ed female -- Five; minutes?" Then throw me back my knitting!" C t t O O C O L _ I . A Il-..-..-.. 2.... I ID- 1 door But of Barrie Hotel HATS AND FURS --u-o--3: no a air, I can, said little: Urpbr_e_}1asan. --.. tine; two St- 9 Tea for Field comforts. ; On Tuesday next. January l9thl Mrs. Plummer will give a tea "from four to seven at her re.ei.._ dence Penru_th, Peel street, in; aid of the Field Comforts Fund._ . During the afternoon an _inter-. _esting musical programme will .,be rendered by out-of-town and . local artists. Mrs. Plummer ex.g ` tends a cordial invitation to ev-; ' eryone interested in pntrinticl lwork. Admission fee of fifty cents will be charged. ! Very zealous Women. Orillja women must be very; zealous for charity, judging! from the following paragraph: Econtained in the Packet: | L Flold comforts. V p. A bale of socks, cholora bands, M scarves, mitts, eItc.. will be `sent .lto Saligbury Plain nu Sa1urday,! Han. 17. ,Any contributions"will' 1 {be received gladlyyby Mrs`. D. M. ystewart, Peel St... or Miss Spry, I-A vv5__I_ an ` LOOK AT THIS LIST OF NEW PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN BARRIE `Man and Miss Clara Rodgers. Mrs. R. Morley Black. former-! ly Miss M. Geraldine I.ower,: held her post-nuptial' reception on Friday afternoon last at her? pretty new home in Sophia5 street. Mrs. Lower. who received,; with her daughter, wore black satin, and the hostess was? |gowned in blue satin with ,_trim-! mings of lace. The tea..room [was decorated with carnations gand violets. A ba ket of these_ itlowers, prettily airanged, and `brass candle sticks shaded with pink, ornaled the table. The following ladies assisted: Mrsf. w. 11. Craig, Mrs. J. R Gutm-in}; Mrs. J. D. Rodgers, Miss Haw-l i 0 larid nf the dusky balsam. And the darling maple: tree, \Vhere the cedar buds and her- ries ' And the pine grows strong and_ free! ' ! My heart is weary and weary R For my own country. . . . . . . . - I Vulcan-tlor War Feature. , 31,000 Canadians preparing: for war at Valcartier. All Can.g adians from Coast to Coast. See; the men from the 35th Batt-a1i0n,! Barrie. Among them is, perhaps,` a father, a brother, a son, or a; sweetheart of yours. 2000 feutj .0! mm. Authorized by 'H.R.H.` the Duke _.of Connauszht and Headquarters Staff. Dreamland,{ Friday and Saturday, Jan. -5; and 16. Always a- Saturday matinee. 4 "In the Y.M.C.A. building me} other evening, a poor man who`; was peeling on` an extra woollen; `vest and considerable more sup-. .er-fluous clothing 'before gningi up-stairs to the meeting of the` `Canadian Club, explained that he: `was obliged every time he left` the house to put on all he had; to prevent his wife giving `themt to the Belgian Relief commute;-,! or one of the many other oharit-i [able or missionary organizations ;now, -working so actively; ' EN WQMANS REALM All communications should be addressed to Editor Woman's Realm Oh! take me back to the homc-` stead, I To the great rooms warm and low, I Where the frost creeps on the! casement, '[ When the year comes in with snow Give me, give me _the old folk Of the dear long ago`. I Vlvlhlvli .~'l1-1'I"!"y_ :9_(Ili`tl1.(`ieAZW ' ed 0|-ogg _Qooloty_ My 3'5he3 `weak `md whi-3" The omcers of the Red Cross perv , _ isociety gratefully acknowledge I have my ready blood; ` }receipt of -$50.30 from Mr. and I hm" mp lyx"b y""`3 Mrs. C. H. Beatty being the pro- 1 the g``'* and Shaggy d'.ceeds of the benet perform- ~ _ gances held at Dreamland on I hear the wolf-tongued rapid Manuary 4', and 5 and may Hm "T the "'kY'b""k3 `extend their thanks to Mr. Beatty Be-V"d the pm at the p"t4-" for helping so liberally with the ,1 he "1" trapper wake .adve11tising in connection with H 9 roman` ma Mule !this and other benets. From the clear gloom of ftheu They also wish to thank Mn `8` - ]Alfred Hamlin for the use of the irink on January 11th. when in M W b =``` ` W '""-`the neighborhood of $150.00 was lrealized from the Carnival held. andlon that dam `lghv -avv "52 .iiYt'{ s-C There is rain upon the window, There is wind upon th_ tree; The rain is slowly sobbing. The wind is blowing free; It bears my very heart To my own country. I hear the white-throat calling, Bid in the hazel ring; Deep in the misty hollows I hear the_sparrows sing; I I see the bloodroot starting All silvered with the spring. l have forms for sale in all parts 0: the County, also money to loan on farm lands. I skirt the buried reed-beds, In Hm` .-tarry solitude: . blood: I `I yelling In wood._ The Onnadlnnh Home Song: In. Black : Ioooptlon. A merry time; a large crowd?` llsubstantial prizes, fair ice, good;l ._ music, hot coffee, sandwichesii -;and cake. were all on the bill of.` l fare for the Red Cross Carnival Lon Monday evening of this week,l` -{and $152.00 added to the funds-`1 -;ofthe Society was the result. ` '-I A fine, evening had broug`htl' wont a great crowd of skaters and C spectators and `was like a trip {to Fairyland to watch the pro- cession of the `fancy dress skat- rlers. Here we encountered a _gcouple of weird looking: ghosts: lfollowing` close a. pretty Fairy ` lQue.en, there a tiny Snowman ` Wand his seemingly impossihleu Lcompanion, a little Flower Girl;: Lgthen Night" following close in`_ zthe wake. The Allies were well i represented in |the_ National ,Classes and one very hideous gjnuttlt was a Zulu Chief, who \ ,'was most surely in a class by. ;himself. The clowns were very ; amusing as they disported them- i selves in many grotesque cuts : ,_and shapes. An Imperial Troupe {l of Pierots and Pierette also was.' splendid. The many l\ttle folk! . 2 3 ` ins and the splendid skating of ;.!some of the tiniest was a tea- |tur_e_' in fancy dress was very pic-as-l` !OhuI-ohlll Women : Instltutoi [ Notes. For Home and Country." For economical reasons only one Winter, meeting will be hneldi in South Simone this year, this was he-ld in Thornton yesterday, |Jan. Nth. - } On Christmas Eve the Prcsi- ?dent and Secretary-Treasurer of _.t}'s Society V pach received a beautiful Red Cross pin from Mr. N001 Marshall, Socrdtary of the. lcanadian Red Crosssociety. To-` irorltn. _ ' u - - . . .- ' Receipt of halo of clnthinzz sent to Montreal to Relief Work ifor victims of the war in Bel- ;gium has been acknnwledged by `:th'e Honorary Treasurer. I A bale of knittnd snx. cholmul belts, wristlats, aux. which was forwarded last month to the; [Canadian Red Cross Socieity has' been gratefully acknnwlvdged. `g 4_.__-____.I ._--2A I nl\-Ivan uuiavvls-0-i ...v.-..~ : A halo of preserved fruit} gchickens, eggs. and a quantity of infants` garments sent to the `Committee of the United Suffra- tgists Socity of Toronto has bm-.1 distributed among some needy gmothers in that city. AL. R,,-! av l The regular meeting of the; Churchill Women s Institute will` be held at Fonnells on Jan. 27. all the home of Mrs. Touse Bate- !man. The ladies are asked to ]bring their knitting. I -l__I-_., The Iullng Puolon. |: Voice from Below -- For! eavens sake, mum, get back. The fire escape will be `are in 1 1 (Ive mnutes." ' - n 11`! I ~ I Entertainment for the l.nyal_ Temperance Legion. l The ladies of the Womensf Christian Temperance Union are` entertaining the members of the Loyal Temperance Union and their friends on Thursday. Ian. 1/nth. Tea will be served at 5.30 pm. in Collier Street Method'2=,t Church tea room. Boys aged 6 years to H are invited to liei present. The boy officers of thl-t [Legion and Mr.. F. Grandy, F." Sarjeant and H. Armstrong will have charge of the after tea pro-j `gram. Q O O C C I C C I The Band played fteen num- `_bers. mostly patriotic pieces. ' The judges were:-- ; For Ladies and Couples-Mrs. iNat. -Dyment, Mrs. Chas. Devlin, iMr. Hush Brunton. For Gentlemen, Clowns, Booby {and Smallesgt Boy-Mrs. D. M. ;Stewart. Mr. F. R. Rodditt and !Mr, F. D. Norr_nan. | "(}-i'1'Vl-s-;m F_aIicy (under 15)- {Miss Vera _.McBride, Fairy.. vs I I `'44 I.;1'ciiTe's F`ancA,v---Miss Gladys` Walls. Spanish Dancor." ' I-__|_---| \v-;_-_..-u an-___ :1 rr | `IT.-ai;.i`ies:r1;ft;1;i6i1t;l;:Mr;.V a. H. |>Beatty, R2113;-x_ian H1_1s%a r." 17- " The prizewirinners were as follows :- "Eii'es'""d3'iKi'_I1$&}s"' Vance, I "Witch._`_" "r17 ' Ym{{i3Ei""un3E' 1'5).- The 0'3:-nlval. TIII IIRIII EXAMINER IND SITIJIDIY IOIIIIO *3Now, boys, said the serum.` master, I want you {to bear in! mind th the word `stan at the end of a word means `the place of,` Thus we have Afghanistan --the place of Afghans; also, Hinrh1stan-the place of the: Hindus. Can anyone give an-| other example?" 3 cnr_- _x__ 9 ___. n _-:.| I.un-T l The Young Pooploie Guild or` St. Andrew s Church held an- otlwr of their interesting meet,- `ing-s on Monday, taking the form .or a musical evening. Mr. Mor- l `gran gavo a paper on \V9lshi 'Musir" and sang the \Velsh No-1 itional Anthem in W:-l..h and' English. Miss Mar Dougallfsl paper on "Hayden" was also] good. Several musical numbers were given. A male quartetle composedof J. H. Morgan, Stew- art. Douglas, Grant Longman and Mr. Franklin sang pleasing- ly. Rev. Dr. McLeod gave a short adtlrc-3:9: and the ievening was much enjoyed by all. Many in fancy dress did not compete for the prizes. Besides thra pt-i7.e-winners the following: were noticed: Indian Princess --Miss Lois Vance; English Hus- sar-Percy Vivian: Fairy-Miss Amy Mcauslandz Trey (V Hem-ts. Miss Vera Myer`!-.`: Sh3.l'Il-: rock. Miss Louie Arrnstrong; Half-and..half. E. Long: Nigh1.~ Miss Mary Hinds; Flags of All Nations. Miss Edna Lowe; Jan- anose, Miss Stotesbury: Canada. Miss Rose Murphy; Christmas `TN-P. Miss Bertha Wright; Chrysanthemum, Miss Edith :Smifh. i The voters of Ontario express- `ed themselves in favor of grant- ing the votes to qualied mar- ried women in every district` heard from at the polls last week. Towns which showed large ~ majorities in favor of the ex. pansion of. suffrage included! _St.ratl'iroy. Guelph. Thaniesvillei 301-aiigvville, Clinton. Brace-! ;bridge and North Bay. A1m-| igether the referendum was sub-i `mittcd in about thirty localif,ic_~s `throughout the Province at the `instigation of the Canadian Sui`-i frago Association. Consideri _r;- the total vote polled, Oro T_ow`:.- ,ship gave splendid evidence of {their approval of the vote for I married women._. Mac-Laren. . ' Best National Couple -- Mimf C. Gtjeenwood and Master Alistair V -v--, - -_.c._ _- __-- _v.-._`....,. ! GE-.ntleman s Fancy -- Louis, gvair, Jr., Charla-s Fit 1:." IV___AI,,_ .10 n- /n .-. TBest-, Fancy Cougle .-- Mi.~s Masie Kennedy and Gratt.on Clayton, Cow Girl" and Jack: Ganuck." - Boys National-L-Alistair Mac- `Lawn. Hiizl1lnndm'. Boys Comic (under 15)-Al- fred Chown. Old Woman." i Best Clown---(`.has. I.os._v9. _ Smallestt Boy---']_`+~ddy Scott. r Bonby--Gm-don Fez-xrusnn. ' Mrs. Calderwond is giving a `snow shoe party on the 28th ins~L., ,as a Red Cross Benet. ; I Pompous lady to Condur-tor-; I shall descend at Knights_i 'bridx.re." ; Two new brick houses. Sanford St., 11! conveniences. Price $1850. Miss, Gladys Morley. "B1-itannia. Girls Comic--Miss Marjorie Leigh, Flags of All Nations. `. 'ID`lQ Clo, \lIIll l\` I IIUIIO Gentleman's JNa!iomi`i --(`-or- idon Stevenson. Highlander." I`_,-lI,,.,A_! f }}e{1ie&{i{:{{' c6E{CF 112 "i{arn..-.. V iwarren, "Zulu Chief. B0y_sw_I:`Ta,rioy (under 15)-Jim jRoss,`Si}ver King. ` V;l:r:r;1'1ny (aside)---Takes ers(~,lf; {for a bloomin` Zeppelin!" .. l `lddltlonal . `Woman : % Realm Items on pain 9 Ind 11; " Rummage A sale of second-lland cloth_l ing at much reduced prices willi he held on Thursday afternoon: of next week. commencing at o'clock -_in Trinity Parish Haiti A `tea_i-oom will be open whore; toe. and cake will be sold for. 100. A box for contributions no the Poor Fund will alsotbe pm- vided. It `is hoped that those who do not care to buy will at least come and have their at. ternoon tea, or if un_ahl> to at- tend will send a contribution for the box. Further contributions of clothing are earnestly re- quested. ' ?'\7I'I'I"I O11 'I\`lI`II1tI ;ing to Mothers and the oltlu-r On Tuesday afternoon a most] interesting meeting was held at; the home of Mrs. Small, 58 John: St. W. Two very splendid ad-` dresses were given, one by Mrsnl Andrew Smith entitled A \Var1:-E `by Mrs. S. G. Smith on `-`The Education of the Child. Ml`.S.; Cameron sang two solos and; little Miss Carruthers also sang., Master Alvin Lnr.k`s recitation! |Papa Vote For Me" was good. Allter the meeting a social half; hour was spent when refresh-: ments were served by Mrs. John! Barr, Superintendent of the De-l 'pa1-tment. run, A _.__-A:_.. -_.:II L- l..,-I.Il `Jinn v o . . V . - v. The next meeting vvi41 be held; at Mrs. Clifton`s, in F bruary. EDITH 'C. BIGGS. MAY" CRESWJCKE. Five room house and large lot. Donsld St..-watet in house. Price $750. nzn New Flue I-`rock Mclfall Pattern 6331. One of the 44 new February 00- cunt. and make, at home yourself, the stylish but economical clothes which are accurately described and beautifully illustrated in the new McCall Fashion Publications. Get the New McCall Book of Fashions Today IF IT'S STYLISH IT'S McCAI.I.--II-' IT'S IIcCAI.l., IT'S STYLISH FOR SALE AT ALL McCAI..L DEALERS, OR DIRECT FROM .Wpr1d s Largest Manufacturers of A Paper Pattern McCall Building 236 to 246 West` 37 Street New York AUCTION SALE Advance Spring Styles The Leading Jeweler of Barrie will be sold by Public Auction. _-__._ _. v _ -__-- ls selling reliable New Laid Eggs . . . . . . . .36c per doz. Reliable cooking Eggs .. .. .. .. .. .. ..30: per doz. No-Eg, ~ ...................25cpeI-tln The contents of one tin of No-Eg is equal to 40 eggs. Whole- some, pure. economical. Full alumina. .. ....s. cl- Largosizo .. .. ... Extra in 0 size .. . Fancy La a rape Fruit. Tangerine ranges .. .. Fine spy Apples . . . . Fine Largo Snow Appioi `. crisp celery .. .. Table Turnips .. carrots .. .. . DQAA - Stre and residence, corufer Collier and Clnpperton Sis. This is an snap. Price `LL50.